Seth Meyers: Political things that actually happened.
Jimmy Dore: FAUX News media critic doesn’t understand they are GOP propaganda outlet.
Mental Floss: 26 facts about magic tricks.
Stephen: Obama’s weekend of insults.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
How to talk to a woman who suffers from headphones in ears.
The 2016 Alt-Right Clown Show:
- Mark Fiore: Turning a corner
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the candidate’s scandals
- Sam Seder: Pam Bondi denies she was bought by Drumpf
- Maddow: Donald Drumpf campaign elevates the absurd
- Roy Zimmerman: T-Rump:
- Roy Zimmerman is looking for more verses.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf and body language.
- MSNBC: Drumpf’s Iraq War lie and Esquire Editor clarifies interview
- Drumpf openly bragging about Pay-to-Play.
- Daily Show: Donald Drumpf courts the Black vote.
- Clinton on Drumpf appearing on RT
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the Candidates (mostly Drumpf) on national security.
- Stephen: Does This Drumpf-shaped cloud predict a Republican win in November?
- Maddow: An echo of history Drumpf won’t want to hear
- Ann Telnaes: Drumpf pays to play.
- Maddow: Drumpf brings chaos to usually staid briefings
- Kimmel: Drunk Drumpf.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf’s secret plan to stabalize the Middle East
- Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Drumpf’s minority outreach.
- Maddow: No, Vladimir Putin did not call Drumpf ‘brilliant’
- Roy Zimmerman is looking for new verses (of his T-RUMP song)
- Young Turks: Trump loves Putin:
- Stephen: The Drumpf campaign goes off script.
- Maddow: Scrutinizing Drumpf’s plans for new Generals
Stephen with Captain Sully.
Mental Floss: Why do traffic jams occur?
Bill Maher: Future headlines.
Young Turks: Kaepernick National Anthem protest continues to grow.
Jim Earl: Obituary for conservative legend Phyllis Schlafly.
James Corden: Where is Dr. Ben Carson’s luggage?
What are think tanks?
Colbert’s one year anniversary remembered roasts.
Sam Seder plays Tim Heidecker’s “I Am a Cuck”
Hillary Makes History:
- Andrea Mitchell: Life-long Republican former George W. Bush adviser endorses Clinton
- MSNBC: WaPo editorial says too much is being made of Clinton’s emails.
- Young Turks: Rince Priebus thinks Hillary doesn’t smile enough.
- Sam Seder: Newt Gingrich has a coughing fit while talking about Clinton’s coughing fit.
- Clinton on “not smiling enough”.
Slate: Everything you need to know about espresso.
PsychoSuperMom: Then You’re A Feminist.
Stephen on the forum and Matt Lauer.
Young Turks: Worst ad of 2016.
Seth Meyers and Michelle Obama give college freshman advice.
Trevor: Zika!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
It’s interesting that as for the Trump position on invading Iraq, we have to look back to a Howard Stern interview? Then again, that’s where he said he supported it at the time.
Clinton said, in a “gross generalization” that half of his supporters are a “basket of deplorables”. She should have included ” a crib full of crybabies”.
As I said before, the only good thing about Hillary Clinton is that she’s not Donald Trump, and the only good thing about Donald Trump is that he’s not Hillary Clinton.
Write-in Jill Stein.
Does she know what “Aleppo” is?
For that matter, does she know what “AMT” is?
Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for a basket of deplorables?
I mean, they’re charging a lot of money for this stuff.
Yeah, not wise, #CrookedHillary.
Clinton expresses regret for saying ‘half’ of Trump supporters are ‘deplorables’
She doesn’t like the people.
@ 6
So what’s to like about them? Conservatives lie constantly and without any sense of irony. The majority of them seem to be certifiably mentally ill, and the greed factor is absolutely astonishing. Most of them would whore out their babies to anyone with the cash to flash. Their abject worship of all things Military and Violent is proof of that.
Fuck the Conservatives. They’re just people who want to see the whole world burn just so they can rule over the ashes, smug and satisfied with their little joke.
@ 7
Fuck the Conservatives. They’re just people who want to see the whole world burn just so they can rule over the ashes, smug and satisfied with their little joke.
You should put that on your resume, right under your name. At this point, it really couldn’t hurt.
So this guy thinks I should do something. He’s deplorable and disgusting:
Terrible! Just TERRIBLE!
Who in the history of @murkin politics has ever said such a terrible, mean thing about someone? I ask you? Who? WHO?
Republicans, you built this.
@2 What Clinton said was outrageous! OUTRAGEOUS!!! Why did she let the other half off the hook?
@3 Another mindless false equivalency from an unthinking rightwing moron. Saying Trump and Clinton are equally bad is like comparing John Gotti to a kid who shoplifts a candy bar. They both have criminal tendencies, but one clearly is more sociopathic than the other.
@5 You’re a doctor. You can afford it.
There’s the deplorable, and then there’s the loon. Our resident basket-case deserves a special basket.
@9 Isn’t that just like a white supremacist mouthpiece, trying to get someone else to do his dirty work.
How dare she tell the ugly truth about what Trump has done to Bob’s party! Damn her!
Damn her all to hell!
Hillary’s problem is she tells the truth too much to be a politician. There WAS a vast rightwing conspiracy against the Clintons. Trump’s supporters ARE a basket of deplorables. But you can’t say those things when you’re running for public office.
The best answer to rightwing deplorables that I can think of is 16 years of Clinton presidencies.
The world’s greatest negotiator.
“Trump Camp Claims It Was Tricked By Larry King Into Russian TV Interview”
Okay. You’re a lawyer. That word should have a specific meaning for you. Can you give some concrete examples of Hillary Clinton’s criminal tendencies? I’m not saying there aren’t any. I just don’t see how hers rise above the rest of us. In most respects she’s probably more straight and narrow than most people. Bet she’s over paid her taxes the last 25 years and left lots of deductions and credits on the table (damn few Republicans can say that – I’ll bet Boob and Fuckwad cheat).
20) I thought it was big news when Larry King retired from CNN.
This Drumpf farce of a campaign is such a sickening national disgrace and embarrassment – yours truly just wants it to be over.
When that ballot arrives I swear – it’s going to be filled out and handed right back to the mail carrier!
Today Metro’s fall service change took effect. One part I opposed during the survey, was re-routing Rt 106 along MLK Jr way and Ranier Ave. Especially since it now enters downtown via Jackson Street, which between the 7. 14, 36, and First Hill Streetcar, has plenty of service already. I know Metro has to get one route out of the tunnel, but there was one establishment along MLK jr way that was persistent in preserving the old 42, and when Metro cut it, had a big banner asking people to get the service restored. One thing this could do, is drop ridership on the 106, and boist ridership on Link.
Just heard Kellyanne Conway called “Baghdad Kelly” on TV..
Fitting. Gotta get laughs where you can. Trolls are scarce these days.
KC hopefully asked for at least half her money up front.
The smart ones (I doubt there are any left) will get a retainer. The rest are
true believerssuckers.TLC has to change the name to The Loser Channel.
Family values Channel at it’s best. Rape me Daddy Duggar!
‘”The Christian family does not believe in premarital sex and none of them drink alcohol. However, in June 2015, the family told PEOPLE about the “open mind” parenting Toby and Brenda show their children.
“We didn’t have a lot of restrictions,” oldest daughter Jessica said. “It wasn’t like ‘Don’t do this!’ It was more like, ‘Try this or that.’ We’re always encouraged to do more things, but our parents are right there to catch us if it is a bridge too far.” ‘
How could this child rape happen in a klownservatic state – a state of klownservatic kristian family values?
Oh and look at that quote – apparently these klownservatic kristian parents let their kids “run wild”..
Take that to the salt mine babbling jackass!
# 8
These are your political kinfolk, not mine. That’s who you are allied with.
Cuckservative Fuckwad loves him some Duggars.
It’s all just ignorant tribal bullshit. Might as well be talking about Star Bellied Sneetches.
I wonder if Boob rapes his wife…..what can you expect when you put he and she together? You know, it becomes like Mexicana, and bamm, rape, rape, rape.
You know what the locals in Atlantic City called it? The Trash M’Hole.
Apparently it was a mess from day one. Water on the gaming floor, hotel rooms that were left unpainted with bathroom fixtures that weren’t even attached to the plumbing. Raw sewage leaks in the halls etc. The employees were getting rubber checks that bounced on a regular basis.
It’s alright though, The Don made $20 million or so on the deal and kept all the the right palms well greased until he could milk it out, declare bankruptcy and bail out on the debts.
Great to see Puddy commands respect in the mindless vacuum of QPPS @15. Puddy PWNS this moron 24×7. Always thinking about Puddy!
Apparently this black life didn’t matter anymore when you rail against #blacklivesmatter…
Looks like we get to talk about #CrookedHillary’s health for awhile again.
Anyone find her shoe yet?
@ 21
I’ve had lots of deductions disallowed – that Pease Amendment is a real bitch.
Annie Karni @anniekarni
HRC flack: “During the ceremony, she felt overheated so departed to go to her daughter’s apartment, and is feeling much better.”
Kinda hot under those debate stage lights.
Clinton overheated at the 9/11 memorial. Hmmm…?
Gotta get rid of Fox News! They will ask uncomfortable questions like Matt Lauer did. Matt actually rew a pair and the Careless Crooked Heilary camp is pizzed!
“You’re overheated enough, Hillary.”
“Great to see Puddy commands respect”
The deplorable, fascist loon hates America’s president but loves Putin and his iron fist.
The biggest difference between Bob and the deplorable loon? Bob wants a tax cut and to see all Muslims rounded up and tortured, all Latinos deported, citizens or not, and all black males killed, even children. The deplorable loon wants all that as well as feeling Putin’s iron fist up his ass.
This is sad for the daughter…
For the deplorable loon and his Putin-loving candidate the fall of the towers was nothing but an ego stroke.
“Hours after Twin Towers fell, Trump bragged his building was now the ‘tallest’ in lower Manhattan”
When did I say I wanted a tax cut?
I merely would like to see YLB’s tax rate increase, too, to pay for all of his wishes.
Is that so wrong?
Praise Allah.
Someone got it on video.
“Bob wants a tax cut and to see all Muslims rounded up and tortured, all Latinos deported, citizens or not, and all black males killed, even children.”
“When did I say I wanted a tax cut?”
Thanks for clarifying.
The anniversary of a shocking terrorist attack in which thousands of innocents died and heroes gave their all. And all our trolls can think to do is peddle yet more of their ignorance, fear, and hate.
For the fallen.
@ 47
Was it an anniversary of less significance to the Secretary of State in 2012, DR?
Kaine/Warren 2016.
Maybe I should be less happy about the faint thing.
@ 46
Steve, the rest of it was so far beneath you I just let it pass.
In @ 31 I (might) rape my wife.
Last week comments like this were censored.
I have lost count of the uncensored comments accusing me of being a Nazi.
This week I let it pass. It was beneath you.
But you already know that.
And I am still here.
Steve AKA QPPS is the latest gutter dwelling HA DUMMOCRETIN. Another atheist mind in da gutter!
@ 51
It was Steve’s version of Kennedy’s “Robert Bork’s America” speech.
It is a bit flattering that he cares so much, in a twisted sort of way.
Daily Mail has slowed down and magnified the video.
(Note to Darryl, who so rarely reads what I write: Only five more days until the next multimedia extravaganza. If you’re hurting for material, that is.)
You can see she drops something. Might have been that town hall earpiece, I couldn’t quite tell.
Her right foot drags on the ground as she’s loaded face-first into the fan. Bill might comment that he hasn’t seen her on her knees in more than 30 years.
It’s her left shoe that comes off. Fortunately it was retrieved but those shoes might not be so useful to her in the future. $1800 slip-ons really should be treated better.
(Same link as in @53)
Merrill said in a statement: ‘Secretary Clinton attended the September 11th Commemoration Ceremony for just an hour and thirty minutes this morning to pay her respects and greet some of the families of the fallen.
‘During the ceremony, she felt overheated so departed to go to her daughter’s apartment, and is feeling much better.’
Clinton’s press team later updated the statement to remove the word ‘just’, stating it was a ‘typo’.
I dunno, looks like he spelled it correctly to me.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
David Plouffe ✔ @davidplouffe
Trump’s path to 270 electoral votes remains a basketful of improbabilities – if not impossibilities. Until that changes it’s all noise.
Change, museth Cilizza:
Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential campaign
@50. No never accused you of raping or being a Nazi. I was just wondering if you get the urge to do like those in the military, per Trump.
And I read things in The enquirer about you but I don’t necessairly believe them.
Boob remember when you attacked me by saying that my father can’t be proud of me and that my parents have dis owned me. We’re your comments censored? And if you can’t stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. You wouldn’t do so well under the debate stage lighting either.
And if I look early in this thread or in one of the previous threads you made a derogatory remark. I let slide. I didn’t go whining and crying to Daryll.
Nice how Boob cries about my words(1st ammendment) right after cutting on YLB about two posts above his whining.
Daryll if you are going to delete any comments start with Boob’s!
Hacksaw Ridge comes out November 4th. Puddy doubts many HA DUMMOCRETINS will rush to see the movie.
A/C was out in the #CrookedHillary cabulance this morning, apparently.
A senior law enforcement official told The Daily Beast that Clinton looked pale when she arrived at the ceremony.
Phyllis Schafly looked pale when she arrived at the morgue earlier this week, too.
Just thinking:
Perhaps every four years we can expect #CrookedHillary to go wobbly on 9/11.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Bruce Bartlett @BruceBartlett
To reporters, their job consists of accurately reporting lies, not exposing them as lies. That’s the factchecker’s job.
Except when they’re not allowed to report anything, right?
toddstarnesVerified account
From NBC Pool Report: “We are told by the campaign that we are no longer allowed to shoot anything from the ceremony.”
In solidarity with the #SeattleSeahawks, #CrookedHillary linked arms with her aides and security detail on this, the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
@50. No never accused you of raping or being a Nazi. Really Helpless Hanging Human Teabag Licker?
Try this on for size… Google “Boob is a nazi teabagger”
@ 63
Yup. As provably false as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s claims that he didn’t disparage LEO as a group.
daveweigelVerified account
Oh cool the people who shared fake seizure stories and forged medical records say they were vindicated.
Once a Journolister…
Weigel is a very well known Careless Crooked Heilary ASSkisser!
@63 are you referring to this one?
I’m not sure I called him one there. I was just saying what I heard and questioning whether it was true. See all the question marks? Do they have question marks in th Ebonics language?
@64. See @67. You having trouble with the English language too?
Again, a question mark.
You and Puffballs should know better, it is exactly how Drumpf talks, and you love it.
Be careful not to faint this afternoon, Seattleites.
Although MSNBC will be there to explain it away if you do.
Thats getting closer to the mark. But don’t shade it like that. Just say she’s a corpse being dragged around by handlers and operated by “liberal” Disney animatronic tech as part of the Jew/Bilderberg global conspiracy.
@ 70
i think you said it well enough for the both of us, DR.
I’d be up for watching an interview with Dr. Drew right about now.
“Last week comments like this were censored.”
Last week you were complaining mightily about a comment of yours which merely had the amount of copied text reduced. This week it’s become censorship. I can’t wait until next week.
“the rest of it was so far beneath you I just let it pass”
And here I thought you were cleverly setting up a joke for me.
Travis @64,
Remember when the fool claimed it never mentioned anything about AirBnB on HA DUMMOCRETINS? Puddy proved H3TL wrong then too! It can’t remember what it posts due to 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
H3TL @67,
Double Post!
H3TL @67,
#CrookedHillary, only three days ago:
Hillary ClintonVerified account
The most important quality in a president and Commander-in-Chief is steadiness—an absolute, rock solid steadiness.
While Travis’ post WAS reduced by HA DUMMOCRETIN moderators, checkmate copied five paragraphs and it wasn’t touched.
RULES don’t mean shit here except if you are conservative.
Hey Puffy how are the Duggars and Willis’ doing?
Good thing Boob doesn’t have 12 kids, not that I reall know that. But if he did I’d be worried for them.
AirBnB Nazi Moron @79,
Don’t care. Seems you really care though!
About kristian klownservatics?
Babbling jackass. Say it’s not so!
The troll don’t even wanna pray for them? Pray for them to attend church on the right day and eliminate bacon from the diet?
Hey jackass,
Here’s a picture of your hero in November.
Pray for him. Enjoy!
I haven’t seen any football games on tv today. But I read an article on how the NFL was paying tribute to 9/11 at the games today with speeches by President Barak Obama and former President GW Bush. Like I said I didn’t see it but does anyone know if the great patriotic ones did any booing of Obama? It wouldn’t surprise me if it happened. The Nesnderthals get pretty rumbunctious at the masculinity games.
@80 I don’t care. I thought maybe you would. But I guess you and Milo don’t care, I guess I was wrong. You haven’t talked about Milos anymore though, I wonder did you guys get a divorce?
The deplorable loon is incapable of understanding that the copied text Darryl deleted from Bob’s comment was unrelated to what Bob had actually commented on. That part, and the link, were left untouched, as was Bob’s commentary. It wasn’t censorship. It was a minor violation of copyright law on Bob’s part which Darryl deftly addressed by deleting the irrelevant copied text while still allowing Bob to make his point.
Pretty much how Putin or his lackey Trump would handle it, I’m sure.
HAHAHAHAHA! The fiend don’t care if the fool it’s throwing the lever for in November pollutes its body and “mind” with pork – in contradiktion to the diktates of its kult.
And it kares not for kristian klownservatics held up to “the world” as shining examples of Republikan family values. Damn, the fiend is fukked up in the head!
Erailfan. Taking the Ethan Allen up the Hudson River as we speak. Great scenic ride.
Meanwhile there is a woman candidate for President who is able to go to an Indian reservation. In the hot month of September. Enter a construction site and spray paint a large piece of construction equipment. Jill Stein did this at risk of arrest and is charged with trespass. Now this woman ought to get a lot more support on this site especially with stunts like that, and actual bravery. No Secret Service guys loading her into a black van after the spray painting.
Also she spray painted an ironic: “I approve this message.” Must be some kind of dig at the major candidates supporting big oil, big business, ect.
This woman could be a really great President. Could be the leader we the people need in the White House. Would we have to rename the White House to the Green House?
the victim pose is standard among the new breed of alt-Right, 4chan, β♂, faux “conservative” ®epublicans. Rest assured we are also trying to rob him of his glorious European culture, his White identity, and his “masculine voice”.
Puddy notices the little boi @90 is on his WHITE PRIVILEGE kick again being a white boi!
Still missing the point, as always! Five paragraphs are five paragraphs. QPPS can’t count!
Still a fool!
Well whadya know! The kraptastik Republikkans musta grown a pair and dumped the Drumpf.
Who’d they replace it with?
A black kook-a-nut spouting the latest in fever swamp garbage from the babbling jackass favorite websites?
a white greedhead woman spouting more or less the same garbage?
one of two L/HINO’s spewing the same old klownservatic lunacy?
Bzzzzzzt… Naaaah.. False alarm.. Still the same old party of angry white male privilege that the troll is proud to call its own.
Wow, the libtard WA Post is covering it finally. checkmate must be pizzed.
The tweets in the article are speshul from the DUMMOCRETIN leftists!
Puddy pulls the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS chain on command with
Works every time!
Too funny!
More delegates from the Republikan base than any klown in HISTORY!
Silly fool! White identity politics are YOUR politics.
The silly troll is stuck with being best of buds with the likes of David Duke.
More truths about the libtard media…
Well gosh! That’s unexpected!
Another post. Another conspiracy.
(The inferior troll just gratefully uses the “colored only” section.)
Still PWN’D by Puddy @98!
The despicable, deplorable loon, suffering from both unintelligence and unintelligibility, seems to have what’s left of his exploded head believing that copyright law is about paragraph count.
What a loon!
“The inferior troll just gratefully uses the “colored only” section.”
Only until his new white nationalist friends lynch him. For kicks. If the cops don’t shoot him first.
And now you know why it lives in dirty Hippie land.
Copyright law QPPS?
DAYUM you be weally weally stooooooooooooooooooooopid!
TWO paragraphs FOOL! Not Puddy’s rules, not QPPS’ rules. HA DUMMOCRETIN rules. Except if you are a DUMMOCRETIN they don’t apply!
What a useless fool tool!
Guys I just watched the videos of Hillary. This isn’t good. Looks to me like there is something more wrong than just pneumonia. That is complete bullshit. She needs to come clean. Let Bernie step in or Tim Kaine.
I dunno. With Brazile running things the DNC isn’t much more than a Clinton rubber-stamp.
David ShusterVerified account
Clarification from dem operatives @HillaryClinton pneumonia: Expect emergency DNC meeting to CONSIDER replacement. #HillarysHealth
As I was saying @ 107
David Shuster @DavidShuster 46m46 minutes ago
Top dem: “we can make contingencies, argue, plead with @HillaryClinton, but DNC bylaws are clear her nominee status now totally up to her.”
What kind of wheelchair goes with tweed?
Ok Bob. Say you had to replace Hillary with a Democrat to run against Trump, and somebody you would vote for, who would that be? Or are you a Drumpf man all the way?
DNC Bylaws, Article Two, Sec. 7:
(c) Special meetings of the National Committee may be held upon the call of the Chairperson
with the approval of the Executive Committee with reasonable notice to the members, and no action may
be taken at such a special meeting unless such proposed action was included in the notice of the special
meeting. The foregoing notwithstanding, a special meeting to fill a vacancy on the National ticket shall be
held on the call of the Chairperson, who shall set the date for such meeting in accordance with the
procedural rules provided for in Article Two, Section 8(d) of these Bylaws.
What we saw today was a demonstration of strength, I just learned.
Peter Daou @peterdaou 2h2 hours ago
Hillary Clinton’s feat of strength obliterates months of health conspiracies … #HillarysHealth
I don’t know if I’m ever going to be fluent in Libspeak.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
I’ll take an ailing Donald over a healthy Donald. …
Well, I’d take a stroke-afflicted #CrookedHillary over a dead one. Healthy isn’t an option, from all appearances.
apparently Boob is perfectly fine with his choice of Drumpf after all. Sounds like it’s even his preference.
@111 a special meeting to fill a vacancy….the space isn’t vacant yet, give it some time.
And with approval of the executive committee…
I actually had walking phneumonia myself back many years ago when I was about 25. It can be like is said in this video.
But what I think looks bad here is the fact that she tried to maintain appearance as if nothing was wrong here…speaks volumes about her other dealings….making it seem trying to be deceptive. I think AG would have been better off if she just asked for a eheelchair Snd assisted from the beginning, then to wobble right in front of the van or end of the video. Appearance is everything…and it’s not always telling you the correct thing. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
But Drumpf is no different.
You go Girl!
apparently Boob is perfectly fine with his choice of Drumpf after all.
And if he is H3TL we know you love Careless Crooked Heilary. Careless Crooked Heilary who told Jake Sullivan to strip off the heading and send it insecure. Look it up. Circa 2011. Who, under any other circumstances, would be under indictment for carelessly handling state secrets as the brave lieutenant said last week during his question to her at the NBC forum.
Sux to be you H3TL!
Looks like I caused what’s left of the unintelligible loon’s head to explode again.
Censorship! Chrome! Emailghazi!
What a stupid fucking loon!
Shes not the one making those decisions. And at least in my opinion it was a good one. A few seconds of video showing her stumbling is better than 10 or 15 min of video with her sagging in a wheel chair and being lifted into a van.
I don’t want to shock you. But particularly where “visuals” are concerned, politics is often very deceptive. Do we question Cheeto Jesus pulling every single Latino and African American out of line and ushering them to seats behind the podium? Do we question House and Senate camera angles that avoid empty galleries?
Yes those evil sports fans are so deplorable!
If only there were a special olympics for twinks….then you could feel at home with your peeps.
Here is what Carl or Darryl deleted in #84.
So why was this deleted? Just explaining how Puddy PWNS the arschloch!
So good to see the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch admitting to Puddy PWNERSHIP!
This moron isn’t inventive. It proves that Puddy lives freely in its mind 24×7!