Russ Feingold hits Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on student loans.
Conan and Sen. Franken: Humor in politics.
Obama to Congress: Louisiana may need more funding.
Thom: Tribal rights & the Dakota access pipeline.
What the polls do to us.
Clinton Makes History:
- Stephen: Is Hillary healthy enough to serve?
- Kimmel: Clinton prepares to debate Drumpf.
- Conan: Al Franken on Hillary:
- Clinton calls out Drumpf’s racism
- Stephen: Sen. Kaine remembers that call from Clinton.
- Kimmel: Clinton tries to read Drumpf quotes with a straight face.
- Conan: Proof that Hillary is healthy.
- Kimmel: Hillary on the State Dept. release of her emails.
- Stephen: Hillary’s emails…are they a thing?
- Kimmel: #picklegate part 1
- Kimmel: #picklegate part 2. The Alex Jones investigation
- Farron Cousins: Senate Republicans are secretly supporting Hillary Clinton
Farron Cousins: Alt Right—Just another name for mainstream Republican.
The Other Washington episode 6.5: Paid sick leave.
Thom: The secret list of those who have voted twice.
Colbert: Real Tim Kaine reacts to fake Tim Kaine.
Run The Jewels: “Nobody Speak”.
White House: West Wing Week.
The 2016 White Nationalist- Drumpf-Fest:
- Young Turks: “Undercover voters” are skewing polls against Drumpf.
- David Pakman: Drumpf’s epic flip-flop
- Liberal Viewer: FAUX News credits ACLU for Drumpf flip-flop
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf calls Hillary a bigot.
- Stephen: Drumpf’s Town Hall–The Softening
- Young Turks: Eric “dumber than Donald” Drumpf blames stagnant wages on refugees
- Rachel Maddow: Donald Drumpf loses public pushing fringe priorities
- Priorities USA: Watching
- David Pakman: Former IRS Chief says no reason Drumpf cannot release taxes.
- Young Turks: What happened to Drumpf financial and Drumpf mortgage?
- Jimmy Dore: Drumpf & other super rich white douchebags wish they were minorities
- PsychoSuperMom: The Very Model Of A Modern Alt Right Hate Filled Site:
- Drumpf: The music video
- The Moscowian Candidate
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Drumpf’s flip-flop on immigration
- Young Turks: crowd boos Drumpf’s flip flop
- Stephen: Rents at Drumpf Tower have skyrocketed
- Sen. Al Franken with Conan: Most terrifying election of our lifetime.
- Jimmy Dore: 12-YO Drumpf campaign office head shares why he’s making America great again
- Rachel Maddow: Racist-right finds new prominence via Donald Drumpf.
- Young Turks: CNN panel laughs at Katrina Pierson’s Trump Defense
- Thom and Pap: The Drumpfster fire is out of control.
- James Corden: Drumpf’s Dr. lied about some of his credentials.
- Young Turks: How Drumpf funnels campaign donations into his pocket
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Drumpf in Austin
- Drumpf’s health blowback.
- Drumpf’s violence
- Priorities USA: Pledge.
- Farron Cousins: Michele Bachmann (!!!) is advising Drumpf on foreign policy issues
- David Pakman: Unhinged Republican blames Obama for creating Donald Drumpf
- Michael Brooks: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on trans bathroom commercials
- Young Turks: Donald Drumpf ruins Ann Coulter’s book launch party.
- Stephen: Google “Donald Drumpf Rudy Giuliani Drag Queen Motorboat”
- That was one extremely moving apology Mr. Drumpf
- Young Turks: The crazy Alex Jones that Drumpf loves
- Farron Cousins: Heartbroken Ann Coulter lashes out at Donald Drumpf.
- Jimmy Dore:Drumpf tweets shredded by TYT’s John Iadarola
- The Breitbart Candidate:
- Young Turks: Trump to black voters, “what the hell do you have to lose?”
Bassem Youssef: The ISIS Hunter.
David Pakman: The FAUX sex scandal explodes.
Young Turks: Gov. Paul LePage leaves homophobic meltdown voicemail.
America’s worst idea.
Pres. Obama celebrates 100 years of National Parks.
Thom: Voter suppression and the mathematical proof.
Young Turks: Andrea Tantaros, “Faux News a sex-fueled, Playboy mansion-like cult
Tim Kaine jams with Jon Batiste and Stay Human.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
With the allegations of Harrassment at Fox, I was wondering, did any of the accusers ever savage those who complained about others who were facing sexual harassment?
I was looking at the Times article on the conflict between Cattle and wolves in Eastern Washington. Of course one of the County Commissioners was making the suggestion about how the do-gooders would like them in Seattle. I was thinking, they would probably cause a conflict our Coyotes.
A few years ago, I thought I saw one in Southeast Seattle, but it could have been just a dog that gotout of it’s yard. I was too scared for a second look.
That pesky media is acting up again. More reports that Boob is a Nazi. But I’m not sure Boob is a Nazi. Boob, after all, likes the blacks, Jews, Mexicans and gay people, that doesn’t sound like a Nazi. But yeah, the media is reporting that Boob is a Nazi. Can you believe that? Boob a Nazi? Who would have though that!?
Puffballs is acting up again. Can you believe these fucking Activists. The religious ones in particular are real nutty.
Merry Christmas!
There is nothing more that screams out “marriage is sacred” than fucking your mistress while wearing your gold marriage band that is on your left index finger. Now that sanctimonious hot!
What is the statistic of how many married men fuck behind their ugly wife’s back? Hahahaha hahahaha! The sanctity of marriage! It’s in the Bible! It’s Sharia law or the Religious Freedom Act.
We are Family, you got all your Brithers and Sisters in you!
I miss Melissa Harris-Perry.
Perhaps he’ll get what he deserves in the Cell Block D shower.
“Pastor who said Pulse victims got ‘what they deserved’ accused of molesting boy at church”
The husband of Crooked Hillary Clinton has been accused of raping a woman. What does he deserve, Steve?
But the greatest threat are pervy cross-dressers in the bathroom with little girls.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Christopher Hayes ✔ @chrislhayes
If HRC had never used private email, does anyone doubt the Clinton Foundation stories would’ve just expanded to occupy the vacuum?
“If Nixon’s secretary hadn’t erased those 18 minutes, does anyone doubt the Watergate stories would’ve…”
If Crooked Hillary Clinton had not used private email, then all of the corrupt dealings involving the Clinton Foundation would be readily observable in her FOIA-subject communications in the State Department. Absent corrupt State Department behavior in providing those communications upon request, of course.
So, yes, absolutely, those stories involving the Foundation would be much larger than they are now.
Which is why she dealt privately and went to lengths to destroy the record.
What is it about the intimate connection between the Foundation and communications about Foundation business you don’t understand, MSNBC journalist?
Hmmm. A hanging sentence and execution from the court of Breitbart?
Nothing’s ever happened in any “establishment” court.
Oh and one more reason Jews don’t vote for Republicans:
Not that this would ever penetrate the skull of a sheep who swallows everything they read on Breitbart.
As I said before, the only good thing about Hillary Clinton is that she’s not Donald Trump, and the only good thing about Donald Trump is that he’s not Hillary Clinton.
If ever there was an election where we should write-in Bernie Sanders or vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, this is it. Any of these folks would be better than Hillary or Donald.
@9 he deserves you, Boob.
“The husband of Crooked Hillary Clinton has been accused of raping a woman.”
And so has the Republican nominee – several victims on more than one occasion.
The difference being that at least one of the Republican nominee’s victims was a child, and he says it’s okay because it was “legal” rape.
Once again, the predictable reversion to victimhood.
@2 I’ve seen coyotes here in NE Seattle twice. One time walking in our neighborhood one was out in broad daylight in the middle of street behind us wanting to proceed in our direction. When it saw us looking back it didn’t want anything to do with us thankfully and clearly looked like it didn’t want to be there.
Next time I was about to walk across a foot bridge over one of the urban creeks here and saw one making its way up the ravine. He saw me first and had stopped. I stopped right before the bridge and waited. He then trotted up the ravine and past the foot bridge and up a little hill. The purposeful and economical gait of the animal was clearly wild – this was no way a dog.
I started making my way across the foot bridge my eye on him the whole time. He had stopped at the top of the little hill to watch his back. I nodded at him and he went on his way.
You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
“And so has the Republican nominee – several victims on more than one occasion.”
Trump is accused of raping a 13 year-old girl.
@20 Boob loves the Gays, Blacks, Jews, Mexicans and thinks Drumpf’s 13 year old is hot!
Plus, also, I’m very concerned about Boob’s health. He misspelled a word twice in one day.
He’s obviously suffered an aneurysm.
Just Google “Boob health problems”.
Careless Crooked Heilary secret bathroom server butt wiper…
BleachBit! Very interesting butt wiping!
@ 23
Yeah, you keep fuckin’ that chicken.
LOL! The babbling jackass arrives for hatred of HA HEROES – the only “cure” for the “softening” before its weekly duty with the buddy in the salt mines.
After enough hate – it’s BACK TO THE SALT MINES…
The Obummer State Department was unable yesterday to identify any historical precedent for $400 million hostage cash payment to Iran! Remember, this past week the Oregon moron claimed this was bidness as usual!
It’s hard to believe anything from the Obummer sadministration on this subject. Each day the State Department spokesmouth digs a deeper hole. This was a ransom payment! So under the same vein, why do you HA DUMMOCRETINS read the BULLSHITTIUM from the moron south of the border? Well… y’all as DF’s too!
Ahhhhhhh the jerk appears @25. Each day it posts on HA DUMMOCRETINS is a mental assault on everyone else!
The only occupant at the salt mine is the…
monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
When you attack the DUMMOCRETIN ASS George Soros, he calls his chips and your site is taken down.
In the tank for Careless Crooked Heilary…
So predictable… The babbling jackass troll is in a world of hurt when it CAN’T put HATE of HA HEROES before the weekly duty with the buddy in the salt mine.
So pathetic.. It so “needs” to carry HATE into the salt mine.
It so “needs” to treat “the softening”.
The choir of voices in the vacuum between your ears don’t count for you know what babbling jackass. So sorry the choir in your empty skull is so sensitive – NOT!
Hey jackass, how’s the “whitening” going with the “softening”?
Breitbart, that white nationalist hate site can update you on your “progress”..
Just put in a comment:
How white I am?
How white I am?
Nobody knows (‘cept Bannon)
How white I am.
LOL! Donyld Drumpf, the dear leader of the babbling jackass troll – the only always wrong wing idiot who can save the silly troll from what it hates and loathes and fears the most.
The dear leader is softening!
What will the babbling jackass dooooooooooooooooo?
Sounds like the whole Republucan mess has created traumatic stress disorder on Boob
Boob Happy Pride!
Why Colin Kaepernick Refused To Stand For The National Anthem Before A Game
So now the people want Political Correctness? Fuck off!
Once again, the wrath of the insane Republicans has a negative affect and impact. I’m not bothered by this guys actions of refusing to stand….his 1st ammendment right to express his dissatisfaction (right Abby), but it looks to me that actions of asshole Republucans can result in the birth of America’s own disgruntled group that could lead to terrorism. Aside from the Bundy like Teabgging terrorists that already exist
Enjoy Zika!
She is a Cuntlicker. She really did deserve it.
At Rob Lowe’s roast, Ann Coulter gets burned hardest
Looks like Amtrak is going with Alstom for new tra insets for the Adelaide Express service. The Avelia Liberty, which Alstom is calling it, will be built at their plant in Hornell, NY. Looks like it will be an improvement over existing rolling stock.
“Asked to recall a similar payment of the U.S. using cash or hard money to settle an international dispute…”
So an intrepid lying AP intern got on the phone a dug up a low level bureaucrat and asked them an erroneous and misleading question and got the answer they wanted.
Dear alt-Right racist Republican traitors: please try to make the lying more artful.
The “hard” money had nothing to do with settling any “international dispute” as we all know by now. For the last time the money
B E L O N G E D to Iran, a fact which was repeatedly determined by domestic and international courts. The U.S. was holding onto it illegally. We were obligated by law and by binding international treaties with dozens of signatory nations to return the money to its rightful owners who earned it fair and square in the first place.
The shocking transformation of lying racist alt-Right Republicans continues: now they repudiate the rule of law and the legal premise of property. Sad.
THANK YOU for that. I’m sure I would have missed it otherwise.
Truly delightful!
@14 “the only good thing about Hillary Clinton is that she’s not Donald Trump”
For better or worse, that’s good enough. What does that say about the Republican voters who nominated Trump?
@28 Prerogative of wealth. The whole point of being filthy rich is being able to push around “little people.” Just ask the contractors, vendors, and small business owners who deal with Drumpf.
Don’t bother. The lunatic fringe has their narrative and they will stick to it no matter how much actual fact is put in front of them. (fingers in ears…”LaLa LA I can’t HEEEEEAAAAR You!)
They be bleating about it still in 2024 when Gavin Newsome and John Hickenlooper are running in the primary to replace a term limited President Clinton.
I don’t bother in order to persuade that raving lunatic troll standing outside the Safeway shrieking at passersby with his beard full of KFC dumpster scraps and pants full of shit.
I just marvel at how willing these modern alt-Right Cheeto Jesus knob gobblers are to abandon any scrap of political principle in the name of tribalism. Bear hugging White Nationalist racism, the government benefits entitlement culture of aging uneducated whites, illegal alien amnesty, child rape, pornography, abandoning global security, trade, and union busting, they are now throwing “law and order” and “private property” aside as well?
By the time they are done pandering the only thing the Republican Party will stand for will be the right of every angry White man to yell “NIGGER” while firing an assault rifle at transgender students in an elementary school gym.
Wow a four entry
from the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
The office of the State Department historian is some low-level bureaucrat per the Oregon moron @42. Seems the leetle world of the Oregon moron blew up again. This was a ransom payment. Even hard core leftists have admitted this. Butt not the Oregon moron! Nope. Gotta keep on that side of the line in the sand!
Then the ass’t state department spokesmouth Mark Toner was asked followup questions to this acknowledgement! He didn’t fare much better under the sunlight. They are all cockroaches in the Obummer sadministration!
And you DF’s continue to drink from the Oregon moron toilet! Blech!
Stooooooooooooopid is as stooooooooooooopid does!
See @ 45
It was quite a moment in history when an 18 year old Barry Obama seized Iranian assets knowing full well that sometime nearly forty years later he could dupe the Iranians into taking their own cash as a ransom payment for some U.S. Citizens who would be arrested by Iran 35 years after he seized the assets.
I remember it. I was alive. I actually helped a black teenager tie a yellow ribbon around a tree and I now think that was the future president. After we got the ribbon up we smoked a joint and talked about how the Universe we perceive is really just molecules under the fingernail of some master of a Universe we would never comprehend. Then the black teen said to the grade-school me, “If you want more, it’ll cost you.” and disappeared into the ether before my very eyes.
He’s actually a Time Lord.
dere’s yur next Breitbart headline:
kneeling and servicing Putin isn’t enough for you.
Now you’ve taken up servicing MODAFL.
Doesn’t that violate one of your cult dietary restrictions?
How do you know checkmate is crazy? Read #46 again, for the first time! No matter what you DFs claim here, it doesn’t change the national narrative! Keep reading Media Morons!
Meanwhile thank Obummer again and again… The US Debt has been increasing an average of $2,390,000,000 per day since the start of FY 2014! Thanks Obummer!
FACTS sux!
Well well well, it seems two more Obummer suckups struck again. This time killing Dwayne Wade’s cousin!
Well when DUMMOCRETINS rule, leniency is the first order of bidness. And now we see what happens when you are lenient. Death and destruction of innocent peeps. Now four children no longer have their mother!
Last week Puddy met two people from Chicago. Two white guys. Their comment was, South side… no problem. North side big time problem!
Butt as we know #blacklivessometimesmatter!
Here’s how you know Russia has Crooked Hillary Clinton’s emails. All of them.
NYT is busy softening the beach:
A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories
@51- because we know Russia really has our best interests at heart. Really, the Republican Party’s nominee is Russia’s pick
Who ya gonna believe? Putin, or your lyin’ eyes?
I know who racist Republicans are gonna believe!
Both Donyld Drumpf and Ivanka gave money to the Clinton Foundation.
What was the quid pro quo?
(rolls eyes)
Wherein we learn that in Piddleworld “the National Narrative” equals whatever damn fool thing all the Fox News Primetime shows are talking about.
Charlie Mackenzie: Hey Mom, I find it interesting that you refer to the Weekly World News as, “The paper.” The paper contains facts.
May Mackenzie: This paper contains facts. And this paper has the eighth highest circulation in the whole wide world. Right? Plenty of facts. “Pregnant man gives birth.” That’s a fact. “
checkmate has gone crazy @55. Sad day for HA DUMMOCRETINS!
checkmate has gone crazy @55. Sad day for HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Oh wait… BleachBit now Signal.
And Careless Crooked Heilary claims computer ignorance! No wonder that Trump has closed 7 points in 4 days!
This had to be the crazed databaze deala. It’s the only KLOWN here. Well… there are more KLOWNS butt, the crazed one takes the cake…
Watched 60 Minutes and saw that story on those shady lawyers trying to assist that fake person again. Now we know why lawyers jock strap DUMMOCRETINS!
Shady leans to shady!
Libtards eating libtards…
CNN once again proves they really are the Clinton News Network all the time.
Seems those strange bathrooms drove Target traffic away. Oh no…
Fuckwad pimping more Alex Jones? Keepin’ us all up to date on the Sandy Hook hoax!
Child actors pretending to be slaughtered!
Yup. That’s a for realsies thing now for Trumpublicans.
Oh, and 9/11 and OK City were inside jobs!
This is actually what they believe!
@58 Closing isn’t good enough. Trump has to win, or else! How will he explain to his followers losing to the worst person in the history of the world? Someone who deserves to be locked up, hanged, or shot? I would leave the country if I were him, before the mobs he’s stirred up decide to blame him.
wouldn’t they have a point?
He’s fucking this up worse than JEB!
Seems to spend most of his time in the air or campaigning to all-white crowds in solid Red states that he better hope aren’t in play.
He installed a Putin mole in the top spot on his campaign staff. Still hasn’t bothered to build a state level staff. Has a 12-year-old running an office in Denver. Spends about 65% of his fund raising take on his son-in-law’s firm. Charges the campaign triple for any Trump company services. Waited until the end of August to begin trying to reserve air time for battleground ads (he’ll wind up getting air on Sunday mornings at 7). And he continues to feed the opposition a never ending stream of offensive sound bites to build attack ads around.
He’s trying to lose this thing. He’s doing it in a way calculated to make his family richer. He’s doing it with other people’s money. And he’s taking down other Republicans in the process.
Oregon moron @63,
This is why the moron is useless now. The article references Vanity Fair… well known libtard rag.
Stoooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Oh R senile…
Polls today has Trump closing even more. And he’s barely advertising anything yet. Careless Crooked Heilary is being hidden because she could wipe herself up with that cloth!
Whether Republicans lose by 150 votes or by 130, it still comes down to a yuuuuuge rejection by the Real American people.