Jimmy Dore: WA-7-CD progressive candidate Pramila Jayapal gets Bernie’s blessing.
Thom: Most disturbing climate change events we have seen yet.
The Devil and Stephen Colbert:
Jimmy Dore: The story (and meta-story) behind the Iran cash drop story.
The Drumpf Implosion:
- Jonathan Mann: Drumpf Remix
- Stephen with the F WERD
- Drumpf, Putin, and Russia
- Our Country
- Jimmy Dore: Fareed Zakaria calls Drumpf a ‘bullshit artist’ on CNN
- Young Turks: “I’m afraid the election’s going to be rigged.”
- Sam Seder: Drumpf inexplicably lists his worst campaign gaffes during a rally
- David Pakman: Drumpf suggests US-Russia alliance to fight ISIS (like the one that has existed for a year).
- Young Turks: Drumpf makes up makes up Iran story after watching FAUX News
- James Corden: Donald Drumpf’s ‘I’m about to eat’ face
- Stephen: Obama has a scandal, but Drumpf spoke today.
- Drumpf Ghostwriter Blasts Art of the Deal in hilarious Tweet
- David Pakman: Dangerous or stupid? Drumpf brags about watching “top secret” “Iran” video
- Stephen: Forget what you heard…there’s good news from the Drumpf campaign.
- Young Turks: Is Melania Drumpf an illegal immigrant?
- Liberal Viewer: Scariest Donald Drumpf fact yet?
- Young Turks: Draft dodger Drumpf gets purple heart.
- Sam Seder: Draft dodger Drumpf accepts some poor guy’s Purple Heart
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Melania’s immigration problem.
- Stephen: The returns of the Drumpf bully kid
- Kimmel: Drunk Drumpf on Harrisburg, PA
- Stephen: Cartoon Drumpf might skip debates.
- Sam Seder: Obama states that Drumpf is unfit.
- James Corden and Denis Leary: Drumpf’s an asshole:
- Seth Meyers: Stay out of it, Democrats
- Young Turks: Drumpf plummets in new polls following series of disasters.
- Stephen: How Drumpf eats KFC
- Farron Cousins: GOP racism and oppression didn’t start with Drumpf.
- David Pakman: Lunatic Drumpf spox forced to backtrack…
- Captured
- Sam Seder: Drumpf asked a foreign policy advisor 3 times why we don’t use nuclear weapons
- Maddow: Whatever his faults, the GOP is letting down Mr. Drumpf
- Young Turks: Drumpf asks about using Nukes.
- Jimmy Dore: Prominent GOPer wonders why there aren’t more defectors.
- Thom: Obama says, “Dump Drumpf”
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf is already making excuses for his defeat..
- Sam Seder: Drumpf boots a baby.
- Watch Drumpf supporters make other decisions
- Stephen: For Donald Drumpf, every day is opposite day.
- Young Turks: Crying baby.
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Drumpf’s very bad week
- Red State Update: Drumpf Kicks Baby Out! Drumpf Won’t Endorse Paul Ryan! Drumpf Wants Nukes!
- David Pakman: “GOP Nominates Dangerous Insane Person, Now Panic Because He’s Dangerously Insane”
- Drumpf Danger
- Jimmy Kimmel: Donald Drumpf’s remarks are well prepared.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf thinks Rick Scott has zika under control.
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf wants to know why we can’t use nukes.
- Paul Manafort was in a meeting that hasn’t happened yet So he knows Drumpf didn’t ask about nukes
- Mark Fiore: Drumpf’s ultimate sacrifice
- Maddow: Donald Drumpf’s behavior sends GOP into panic
- Stephen: Is there ANYONE Drumpf won’t attack?
- David Pakman: Why won’t Drumpf release his tax returns?
Hillary gets psyched for the Olympics.
Jimmy Dore: Bill-O-the-Clown on the silver lining in slavery.
Stephen: Cartoon Hillary on her disappearance.
Thom: The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Seriously Ugly!
MinutePhysics: How long is a sun day?
Jimmy Dore: Political jokes of the week.
Roy Zimmerman: “Burn, Goody Clinton”:
Young Turks: Kansas proves Republican policies don’t work.
G.O.P. Voter Suppression Laws Get Stuck Down:
- Sam Seder: NC & WI courts strike racist voting laws.
- Farron Cousins: Repressive Republican woting laws are getting decimated in court
Thom: Is Congress stalking Greenpeace with Subpoenas?
Can a third-party candidate ever become President?
Jimmy Kimmel interviews Morgan Freeman narrating a Hillary Clinton campaign video.
Slate: Corey Lewandowski is a complete disaster on CNN.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I was surprised by the showing of my State Senator in CD 7, she’s still looking in her first term. Hope she does well in November. Could use some diversity in our congressional delegation.
Once you start, you can’t stop.
Wait until someone follows the rabbit hole down to where that money actually went.
Kansas isn’t the only state losing money because of RepubliKKKlan refusal to face reality. Their policies have never worked for the good of working people. Take George W. Bush for example. His rich pals made off like bandits while everybody else faced disaster. Or have we already forgotten? Sigh.
Meanwhile, in Minnesota.
@1 The Stranger gave her a nice writeup. That helped. Plus the non-Jayapal vote was split between two candidates.
@2 I don’t have it. Must be some other rabbit.
To quote Marsha Warfield, “If you think Trump is the solution, you’re part of the problem.”
Rubio: “Obviously, microcephaly is a terrible prenatal condition that kids are born with. And when they are, it’s a lifetime of difficulties,” he said. “So I get it. I’m not pretending to you that that’s an easy question you asked me. But I’m prolife. And I’m strongly prolife. I believe all human life should be protected by our law, irrespective of the circumstances or condition of that life.”
Florida has a Safe Haven Law, so I wonder if the voters, Or at least Governor Scott who don’t want to fund public schools or public assistance, will step up to pay for the care of the microcephaly children that Rubio demands be born?
@7 Almost to Bumper Sticker simplicity.
“I’m not crazy for Hillary….But I’m not crazy.”
Though insulting trump voters will not change hearts and minds so…
Democrats need to find ways to help all voters let go the racism and bigotry . What’s it for them, if they do?
Democrats need to show all voters that their voices matter and have influence, not the the rich and powerful.
Democrats need to deal with income inequality issues to help all voters, even if diminishes the rich and powerful by a fraction.
Democrats need to find ways to help all voters want a quality education for everyone, not just their own kids.
It’s a tall order, and I’m sure how to do it, but it’s what needs to be done.
I feel you. But I’m still not convinced America can ever hope to address broader issues of social justice without first confronting racism head on.
We’ve never faced a better time since the Civil War. We’re about to go into a national election where about 50 million Americans and the overwhelming majority of “conservative” political leaders will vote for a racist demagogue who openly courts white supremacists. That obvious fact must not be overlooked, no matter how uncomfortable we are with it. This is a very big part of who and what America is. Has been from the beginning. Confronting that starts by being brutally honest about it. Even if it insults Megyn Kelly.
Trump’s Marital Evolution
Trump’s first wife was classy. His second wife was brassy. His third wife is, well … Trump has progressed from class to brass to ass.
After nearly a quarter century the right-wing has given us…
Hillary murdered Vince Foster. Whitewater! Kittycide! She was gay until inauguration. She was bisexual after inauguration. Webb Hubbell was really Chelsea’s father. Chelsea was conceived when Bill raped Hillary. Troopergate! Bill’s black love child! She decorated the White House Christmas tree with condoms and cock rings. She’s a sexual pagan! She covered up a multimillion-dollar cocaine smuggling ring. Two seventeen-year-olds were murdered after witnessing a Clinton-assisted drug drop. White House Travel Office! Linked to a Marxist terrorist plot to take over the country. Filegate! She forced former donor to spend two years in a Brazilian prison. She set up Rush Limbaugh’s 2006 drug bust. She’s in cahoots with the ladies’ auxiliary of the Muslim Brotherhood. She was bribed by Iran to become an Islamofascist sympathizer. She worked with Islamists to shut down Christian houses of worship in the United States. She is really a blood-drinking extraterrestrial lizard in disguise. She helped funnel weapons to the Contras. She consented to the harvesting and selling of HIV- and hepatitis C-positive blood from prison inmates to China. She pushed a secret United Nations takeover of the Internet. She hired a mentally ill woman to throw a sneaker at her while giving a speech. She is a tool of the Lucifer sent to oppose Jesus Christ in the Last Days. Emails! Benghazi! Trump is Hillary’s plant!
And so what has two decades of this vast right-wing bullshit gotten them?
RCP national average, Clinton +7. Clinton +4 in Georgia. Nevada +2. Virginia +12. Michigan +9. Florida +4. Pennsylvania +11. New Hampshire +17. Within MOE in Arizona.
@ 12:
“I’ve always had a great temperament. And you know, I win. I have a winning temperament. We’re going to win, we’re going to start winning again,” he said. “But I’ve won. My whole life has been about winning. I win. She can’t win. She’s not a winner. She can’t win.”
– Donald Trump
Yeah, thats some real profound statesmanlike shit right there.
Y’know what? When this all shakes out and the election is over, I would love to see Donald Trump end up living in a cardboard box under some sewer grate in Brooklyn. I would love to see him so broke he’s panhandling in Prospect Park with his bottle of Night Train in one hand and his Bible in the other, holding a little sign that says: “Will Deel For Food”.
He’s already babbling to himself, he’s already at near apoplexy and there are three months to the election. Whats he going to be like a month from now?
@11 that’s pretty good.
Where did all the Trolls go? Something tells me that if Mott were the present GOP nominee that they would still be around boosting of the great polls that he would be leading in.
I wonder if Drumpf turns things around if they will return?
Or will they return if the GOP dumps Drumpf and then go with Paul Ryan?
Hmmm, just so many possibilities, we will just have to wait to see.
@12 and @13 those are good ones too.
@9 Robert Reich agrees with me.
“Did the white working class give up on the Democratic Party or did the Democratic Party give up on the white working class? Working-class and poor whites have been on a downward economic escalator for years, but Democrats have done little or nothing to reverse the decline. Relatedly, working-class and poor whites have succumbed to opiate addiction and rising rates of mortality, but here too Democrats have done little or nothing in response. Donald Trump is not giving them hope. He’s validating their anger – and directing it against Mexican immigrants, Latinos, Muslims, blacks, political elites, and Hillary Clinton.
The long-term goal must be a multi-racial, multi-ethnic coalition of poor, working class, and middle class Americans intent on reclaiming our economy and democracy from an elite that is running away with both.
What do you think?”
I agree there is a racist element, but it’s the outgrowth of fear about jobs and prosperity. If one is not sure they can make it, they get angry and often find someone they can blame.
For poor whites, the most painful comparison is not with supposedly ascendant minorities but with the fortunes of their own parents.
@16 What could Democrats have done for people who freely traded away their jobs, paychecks, health insurance, and pensions in exchange for small symbolic victories in the culture wars? I’m sorry, but if you’re against unions, don’t complain about your shitty paycheck.
@12 Yeah, and that’s what the numbers look like after they suppress about 5 or 6 million votes. Imagine how much worse it would be for Republicans if American citizens were allowed to vote.
@13 Trump is what mental illness looks like when it has housing.
I think Robert Reich has long held that the DLC move away from labor and embracing free trade has abandoned traditional party values and constituencies. And I think hes very happy to use Cheeto Jesus to influence that.
But that doesn’t mean he’s right about Trump’s support. They aren’t opiate addicted struggling displaced mill workers living in Appalachia. They are comfortably middle class home owners at or nearing retirement living in suburbia. They’ve probably seen their retirements postponed and diminished. They have salaried jobs in retail or in the building and trades industry. They have a project car in the garage. They owe too much money on their house. They vacation in Orlando, Corpus, or Baja. They golf regularly at public courses.
About ten years ago just as they were hitting their career stride in their early fifties they really bought into a credit fueled fantasy that it was all within their grasp. They bought the matching Harleys with all the trim, a boat, and an RV. They took the “dream” vacation to wherever. They splurged and treated the grandkids to a week at Disney. They remodeled the kitchen, built a sun deck and bought a spa. They signed up for a time share. Etc.
Then within about three years they watched it all slip away. They still have the house, but it might be a little under water. The Harleys, the boat, and the time share are gone. The RV is their retirement. The grand kids moved away with their parents for jobs on the coast. They took a pay cut at work. Somebody keeps moving the goal posts, it’s fourth down, and they’re tired of it. Next year they’re taking their first vacation in six years… to the coast to visit their grandkids. They’ll be sleeping in the family room on a fold out.
@12 The two really nice things about stocks is (a) money comes in instead of going out and (b) you don’t need boxes when it’s time to move. I’d much rather have a big stock portfolio than a big Harley. Sure, Harleys are fun, but capital gains and dividends are more fun.
Dang, maybe racism is more important than I thought.
The late, legendarily brutal campaign consultant Lee Atwater explains how Republicans can win the vote of racists without sounding racist themselves:
“You start out in 1954 by saying, “ni**er, ni**er, ni**er.”
By 1968 you can’t say “ni**er”—that hurts you, backfires.
So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract.
Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.
“We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “ni**er, ni**er.”
I found this clip amazing. Every time I’m going to hear the term, cut taxes, I’m going hear Lee Atwater saying “support this, and blacks get hurt worse than whites”.
Another Republican dumps Trump.
Sen. Susan Collins, “Mr. Trump lacks the temperament, self-discipline and judgment required to be president.”