White House: West Wing Week.
If cell phone ads were honest.
Things you learn when you sleep next to someone.
Samantha Bee: Gary Johnson is also running.
Five times the NRA and friends were accidentally hilarious.
How America’s Democrats will finally come together this election.
The Republican National Clown show:
- Stephen catches up on the news.
- Drumpf business disasters.
- David Pakman: Drumpf “University” scandal looking more like corruption.
- Young Turks: Drumpf uses racial slurs in attaching Sen. Warren.
- Sam Seder: The Bachmann principle (and how it applies to Drumpf).
- Obama shuts down haters with ultimate Donald Drumpf burn.
- Sam Seder: Trump adviser, “A woman judge may be too biased for Drumpf case
- A racist statement:
- David Pakman; Drumpf fails to get 80% while UNOPPOSED!
- Besides getting rid of minorities, how would you Make America Great Again?
- Stephen: Turns out Donald Drumpf has used a Teleprompter all along.
- Grace and Drumpf.
- Jimmy Dore: Paul Ryan’s endorsement battle…does he approve of daughter-banging?
- Farron Cousins: Republicans “hate” Drumpf but will still vote for him because they are idiots
- Young Turks: Drumpf supporters really need their own dating site.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf is going to “take care of our African American people”
- Things Drumpf has said in 60 seconds.
- David Pakman: Multiple Republicans announce they WON’T support Donald Drumpf
- Sen. Franken rips Drumpf without mentioning his name.
- Biden: Drumpf’s attacks on Judge are racist.
- Sam Seder: Paul Ryan, “Trump is racist…but I’m with racist.”
Liberal Viewer: GOP Senate Foreign Relations Chair forgets Mexico is foreign nation?.
Why are U.S. Presidential elections so long?
Mental Floss: What is brain freeze?
Samantha Bee: Gary Johnson’s poll dilemma.
Sen. Franken makes case for Obama’s Supreme Court nominee (with history lesson).
Why teacher diversity matters:
Mark Fiore: Grrl Power.
Clinton Makes History by Winning the Nomination:
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Clinton clinching the nomination.
- Stephen: Hillary Clinton’s achievement is historic; Bernie soldiers on.
- Seth Meyers: Hillary supporters go public.
- Sam Seder: Obama endorses Hillary Clinton for President.
- The choice is clear.
- David Pakman: Hillary captures it.
- Stephen with Hungry For Power Games: Tribute Bernie Sanders has finally…wait.
- Sam Seder: Hillary clinches it!
- Seth Meyers: The “leave him alone” guy sticks up for Bernie Sanders.
- The choice is ours.
Samantha Bee: The bed we’ve made.
Owning a gun is like owning a chimpanzee:
Jimmy Fallon and Barack Obama slow jam the news.
Mental Floss: 22 Ridiculous dxercise trends.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So now it’s ok for a candidate to use a teleprompter?
@ 1 ER
Only if he’s White. Black people aren’t even supposed to know how to read, so the use of one by the President is deeply offensive. It wasn’t all that long ago that just knowing how to read was something that could get a Black Man hanged or burned alive by good, honest Christian White People who were just doing what they could to preserve our nation’s heritage and culture.
Speakin’ of White Folks.
They can’t wait until they have a Real (White) American back in the White Peoples House. Even SchizoPoodle says it outright.
A tale of urban renewal or gentrification?
I was in this rust belt city almost exactly ten years ago. On my morning walk away from the large state funded University I quickly found areas of hightened alert. Empty apartments and plywood, probable junkies and little commerce. It’s not that I felt unsafe but not at ease.
Today the same area is vibrant with millennial renters, bars and restaurants and I might go buy that shirt in the window of that swanky store when they open. Had a really excellent meal and them watched Stephen Curry surrounded by fans of the other team in a brewery that is about to celebrate their second anniversary
Did this neighborhood displace low income folks? Probably. Are these millennials lazy and out of work? Doesn’t seem like it.
What a difference ten years makes. Make America great again.
@3 great. Should I be able to figure out which city? Which city are you speaking of?
No one is safe from America’s crazy gun violence.
Another Republican thief is going to jail:
“A jury convicted one of Alabama’s most powerful politicians on corruption charges, bringing closure to one of three political scandals rocking the state. House Speaker Mike Hubbard, 54, was convicted Friday on 12 of 23 felony ethic charges, which according to acting Attorney General W. Van Davis were ‘all about greed.’ …
“Hubbard was convicted of using his position as speaker of the House to solicit money or business from various people or companies, including a total of $600,000 from four individuals, as well as voting on a bill where he knew he had a conflict of interest, according to CNN-affiliate WSFA . Hubbard’s defense argued that his actions were allowed under the state ethics law.”
@4 I’ll bet that describes lots of cities. Over 14 million jobs added since the Republican Depression 2.0 bottomed and they’re not all in one place. Many cities have benefited from the Obama Recovery.
I was gonna say every rightwing warmonger should read this article
but it wouldn’t do any good because people with no compassion or empathy, by definition, can’t put themselves in another person’s shoes.
Remarkably, Mitt Romney, the 2012 RepubliKKKlan nominee, has said he may vote Libertarian. It’s like he never knew that his party was racist ! But he always was much more left than his party. That he suddenly awoke because of the current nominee is no compliment of his intellect.
Would someone please ask that worthless racist Fuckwad troll which locker room these superb examples of “Christianity” are allowed to use?
@ 8
…people with no compassion or empathy, by definition, can’t put themselves in another person’s shoes.
I’ve tried envisioning myself as a underfunded, pathetic retiree who spends most of his waking hours on a liberal blog site making inane commentary such as trying to convince the rest of us
that up is down and that we best not believe our own lyin’ eyes.
It was a truly scary experience.
@11 The world is eagerly awaiting your (a) forensic and (b) legal analyses, doc. At least I make the effort. All you make is worthless noise.
“Would someone please ask that worthless racist Fuckwad troll which locker room these superb examples of “Christianity” are allowed to use?”
They’d want restroom signs to read “White Only” and “Colored Only”. I reckon that leaves LGTB having to use the bushes.
Our black loon somehow got it in his head that, when right-wing Christo-fascist extremists take over, he’ll get to use the “Whites Only” toilet. That’s why he’s the loon.
@ 12
I got your forensic analysis right here, Dumbfuck:
Those bullet holes in the dead guy? They’re in the FRONT of his body.
((((((Goldy)))))) Retweeted
Hanna Brooks Olsen @mshannabrooks
Omg @JayInslee is gathering signatures for @Raise_Up_WA right now and he’s so great. https://www.facebook.com/RaiseUpWA/videos/vb.1538867239758094/1603169573327860/?type=2&theater¬if_t=live_video_explicit¬if_id=1465504365772143 …
Omg he’s campaigning and you’re such a predictable tool.
@11 For about 1 1/2 years now, you’ve attempted to attack me by mocking the “fleeing felon” rule. The problem for you is, there is such a rule. Here’s the simplified layperson’s edition:
@14 The answer to your snide diatribe @14 is that it completely fails to address this question (quoted from my “Ave” article that you helpfully linked to):
” If, on the other hand, the grand jury concludes that Brown had stopped running, had turned to face Wilson with his hands up, and was trying to surrender, it would be much more likely to return an indictment. ”
In other words, dumbfuck (borrowing your phrase), if Brown had stopped running, and had turned to face Wilson with his hands up as an act of surrender, OF COURSE all the bullet holes would be in the front of his body — including the four bullets that hit his right arm and hand. Other theories are possible, but multiple eyewitnesses supported this version of events, which is what my article discusses.
At least I made an effort to analyze what happened, and what the potential legal consequences might be — and SHOULD be. For 1.5 years now, all HA readers have gotten from you is …
“fleeing felon, fleeing felon, fleeing felon, fleeing felon, fleeing felon, fleeing felon, fleeing felon, fleeing felon, fleeing felon …” like a fucking broken record player. That’s all you can say, because you have nothing intelligent to say.
The bowel movement that the babbling jackass troll, poodebutt, is a part claims a victim from the barrios of Houston, an act of “ethnic cleansing”:
Gee if one had to guess, the black perp was an “illegal” from the northern, fair skinned border that little low life Scotty Walker would “secure” with a wall.
*rolls eyes*
Poodebutt, why are you black white identity supremacists (“legal” or not) killing young grade-school age latinos who want to be doctors when they grow up?
@17 “why are you black white identity supremacists (“legal” or not) killing young grade-school age latinos who want to be doctors when they grow up?”
Because they enjoy it. Republicans send other people’s children to die in useless wars for the same reason.
Fuckin’ sad beyond description.
Yet another negative connotation for that worthless racist Fuckwad troll to hide from.
Norm Stamper on overhauling the way Policing is done in this country.
“I submit, to ask how long we, as a nation, will continue to permit policing to be the “near-exclusive province of state and local government under the U.S. Constitution,” when so many of those same agencies as a matter of course violate the letter and spirit of that very document.”
Yeah, he tried some of this during his tenure as Seattle’s Chief, and the rank and file pretty much told him to go fuck himself. The only real way to reform Policing, is to fire every single cop in the country and build the entire thing from scratch. Cops are people who were attracted to the job, simply because it allows them to continue the behaviors they established for themselves in Middle School. They tend to come from the same behavioral demographic as the people they arrest on a regular basis. Petty thugs, type “A” personalities and pathological liars who go into the job because they’ve already got the necessary experience.
Theres no need to grow up when you have spent 8-10 years beating people up to get your way.
@11 the only shoes your feet belong in are the guys with the coat hanger up his ass.
@ 16
The autopsy report was released in October, 2014. It was known, then, that Brown was not fleeing at the time he was shot.
Melinek also said the autopsy did not support witnesses who have claimed Brown was shot while running away from Wilson, or with his hands up.
She said Brown was facing Wilson when Brown took a shot to the forehead, two shots to the chest and a shot to the upper right arm. The wound to the top of Brown’s head would indicate he was falling forward or in a lunging position toward the shooter; the shot was instantly fatal.
Your moronic fleeing felon screed was posted November 15, 2014.
Nearly a month after we all knew differently, you attempted to insert a defense that would only be relevant if Brown were running away at the time he was shot.
He wasn’t.
I know you wish you hadn’t posted it. Alas the internet, she is forever. Make you a deal. Never, ever again spew on HA how much you made in the stock market on any particular day, and I’ll stop with this. The rest of HA will look at it as a twofer.
So I guess we’re left with former SoS Halfbright’s argument that ‘no one died’. Everything else Team Hillary has attempted to claim has been exposed as a lie.
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified
It’s a lovely screen shot.
HAHAHAHA! Boob is as boob does. Keep on being boob, boob. We pay it little mind.
Yours truly is happy to see RR’s daily progress in the stock market. Making money the easy way by flipping paper chits is the way the elite of this country maintains their privilege. It’s great to see the little guy follow suit.
Keep up the good work RR.
@22 “I know you wish you hadn’t posted it.”
Well, then, you know something I don’t know. When you’ve given something your best shot, there’s no cause for regret just because some second-guessing schlep with nothing better to do comes along.
“Make you a deal. Never, ever again spew on HA how much you made in the stock market on any particular day, and I’ll stop with this.”
Tell ya what, ripping off Wall Street is way more respectable than ripping off Medicare.
At this moment the loon is getting ready for his cult’s weekly Saturday night ritual of goatfucking. After that, he’ll be arriving here in a state of peak hate again.
@27 We can hardly wait. No doubt he’ll be preceded by a blast from Jericho’s trumpets. Meanwhile, Boob can keep ranting about fleeing felons until hell freezes over if it makes him happy, see if I care. I collected my dividends from Exxon, Chevron, and Walgreens yesterday, which sure beats working at some shitty job for $7.25 an hour.
I’m trying to subvert America’s work ethic because it’s a fraud. They dupe you into working hard to make us capitalists successful. The thing to do is be a capitalist and leave the work for the birds.
So Trump has made money from taking property via imminent domain for his casinos, he has made money from foreclosing on middle class home owners, he has made money from his fraudulent Trump “University” and he has made money from Quadhafi (http://www.politico.com/story/.....afi-224203) and his is going to attack Clinton fundraising?
A broken heart is a bad thing, Mitt, but try to take heart in the fact that it’s not as bad as our loon’s exploding head.
“Romney: Future of GOP is ‘breaking my heart'”
It’seems going to be a tough campaign, but interesting candidate for the at-large Congressional seat in Montana. Superintendent of Public Instruction Denise Juneau, a Native American from the Mandan and Hidatse tribes. She has an uphill struggle, especially with the open secret about her sexual orientation.
@ 31
Aw, it breaks my heart to see Rmoney’s heart being broken.
He helped create this situation, and in the end, he’ll vote for Trumph just like the rest of his cohort. Party before Country is the GOP motto. Mammon rules and they obey.
Trump is just a run-of-the-mill FlimFlam man. Just because he’s been pretty successful at it doesn’t change the basic fact that his entire game, for his entire life, has been to swindle people and defraud his bankers. Then he passes some of the cash around to a few Prosecutors and local Politicians and it all goes away.
But we knew this already.
I wonder how much money he’s actually paid out in bribes over the years. I’ll bet it’s in the tens of Millions.
LGB club Massacre in Florida.
Hooray for Liberal firearms laws and hooray for the NRA. Without them, especially those in Florida, we’d never have such wonderful Television Entertainment.
42 casualties transported to Hospital, at least 20 dead inside the club.
I’m sure the Donald will be insinuating himself into this very shortly to sing the praises of the Second Amendment and what wonderful freedoms it brings to our nation.
Anyone else hungry for a huge, steaming plate of Keith Ellison this morning?
@ 30
That’s eminent domain.
It’s only imminent if it’s a Democrat who wants to steal your shit.
@ 29
I’m trying to subvert America’s work ethic because it’s a fraud.
That’s a change. You spent your career trying to subvert America’s work ethic because you found it convenient.
Well, Robert L. Dear, Jr., was originally reported as having been registered to vote as a woman, so YMMV on early data reports.
Florida’s 18th Congressional district is represented by Patrick Murphy, who wants the Senate seat currently held by Marco Rubio.
So now it’s ok for a candidate to use a teleprompter?
Your side claimed the whitey houe occupant was the smartest president evah. So if he be that why can’t Obummer talk extemporaneously? Obummer invented TOTUS. Ever watch an Obummer off the cuff speech? How many times did the handlers come within the next half day to clean up the mess left from the extemporaneous Obummer commentary?
So this is way over the vomit producer’s head @2, where has the Republican candidate claimed he was the smartest guy? Keep looking HA DUMMMOCRETIN morons!
Just remember this HA DUMMOCRETINS… http://www.counterpunch.org/20.....l-sanders/
PuddyCommentariat: Seems there are a few DUMMOCRETINS who possess morals and their moral compass is still intact. Can’t say that for the fools on the left side of the aisle here!
Rubio, now, being interviewed by Tapper on CNN.
If he’s reconsidering his decision to leave the Senate, this is a pretty good opportunity for him to raise his profile in no small measure.
So very telling… Buy it yourself… http://store.counterpunch.org/.....e-23-no-3/
You’ll learn that wall street was DUMMOCRETIN way before your time HA DUMMOCRETINS and all Crooked Heilary did was funnel and channel wall street bucks her way.
Kind of blows up that insipid HA DUMMOCRETIN swill of wall street being for the Republicans. How do you fools think Bernie Madoff or Raj Rajaratnam made it big in DUMMOCRETIN circles? How come DUMMOCRETINS choose Goldman Sucks peeps as their Treasury Chairpeople you idiots? This came over night? This demonstrates two things:
1) HA DUMMOCRETINS are as always out of touch with reality
2) HA DUMMOCRETINS read anything from leftist e-rags and are led by the rings in their noses into thinking that is truth!
Really dumb suckas! Sux to be y’all!
This self realization isn’t even worth a kablammo!
Meanwhile, this weekend in deep-blue Chicago:
5 killed, 28 wounded in weekend shootings across Chicago
And we’re barely into Sunday.
Ohhh k2 fool @30,
Remember when Puddy said the Kelo Decision would come back to bite people in the ASS? Puddy wrote about this many times! Read and weep who voted how! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelo_v._City_of_New_London
Now who entered dissenting opinions? If you recheck the crazed databaze, (well we know you never had a set of balls anyway to check) Associate Justice Clarence Thomas correctly called this decision as wrong headed for many reasons.
Now you are trying to scream bloody murder against Trump for a decision cheered and codified by the SCOTUS libtard DUMMOCRETIN wing?
EPIC FAYLE fool! Sux to be k2. More like ky jelly as the plastic slides on it!
To the douche bag @35 and 35… vomit producer the killer’s name is Omar Mateen http://abcnews.go.com/US/omar-.....d=39790797
Yeah blame this on the NRA and Republicans. Instead it looks like a terrorist attack, something DUMMOCRETINS still can’t fathom!
The senior law enforcement source reports that Mateen became a person of interest in 2013 and again in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Investigation at one point opened an investigation on Mateen but subsequently closed the case when it produced nothing that appeared to warrant further investigation.
Say, how’s that FBI investigation into presumptive nominee Crooked Hillary Clinton going? Anything that might warrant further investigation?
Um, indicative of what?
Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., whose district includes the area of the massacre, suggested to reporters that “more likely than not” the shooting spree at the nightclub was ideologically motivated.
“Let me put it this way,” he said, “the nationality of family members is indicative.”
The family’s background was not immediately clear, but Grayson said Mateen was a U.S. citizen.
Trump/Grayson 2016
Im sure right wing Christians will characterize this as persecution of gay people. Just like the Charleston shooting was characterized as the persecution of Christians. I’m sure it’s right on the tip of Puffy’s tongue.
‘Terror’ Attack At Orlando Gay Nightclub Leaves 50 Dead, 53 Wounded http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....9a28add1b4
Nice to see that the only ducking thing Boob has to say about 50 dead is that the FBI can’t do thier job and therefor let’s talk about Cooked Hillary.
Nice job Boob – you deserve an investigation into your death.
Look at the BULLSHITTIUM of HHTL @50. ISIS throws gays off buildings HHTL not Christians! ISIS shoots gays on sight you moron!
What an idiot HHTL is! Go back and get on your knee pads you morons.
CAIR-Florida Communications Director, Wilfredo A. Ruiz points out that it is also unclear if the shooter is a person who practices any faith.
Just a guy in my neighborhood…
@52 you are one dumb mother fucker of an ape. Mu comment is to soeak of nothing more than the hypocracy of conservative GOP to complain about the persecution of a group (namely themselves as Christians) and could care less if anyone else (that they feel doesn’t include them) is target or persecuted as a group. But of course your squid ink comes into play and rather address that as an issue you like to imply that I’m saying that Christians are at fault here. Which I am not, this pretty much has nothing to do with faith other than conservative Christians and conservatives Muslims have in common of hating people.
You are the biggest dumbfucks on the earth and universe. Go fuck your self.
Metaphors and irony are really lost on HHTL!
Sad, so sad!
Perfectly explains Goldman’s 500k to Ted Kruzz and all those hedge fund billionaires (like Singer) wasting their money on other klownservatic dwarves (like Mittens R-Money) not to mention Hank Paulson being an empty-suit Bush “Pioneer”.
Yawn. Next..
Damian PalettaVerified account
Rep. Schiff, who is always cautious, says Dept. of Homeland Security told him Orlando shooter made pledge of allegiance to Islamic State.
It might just have become a wee bit more difficult for the FBI to close an investigation without action.
@ 56
Perfectly explains Goldman’s 500k to Ted Kruzz and all those hedge fund billionaires (like Singer) wasting their money on other klownservatic dwarves (like Mittens R-Money) not to mention Hank Paulson being an empty-suit Bush “Pioneer”.
One of these days, YLB, you’re going to wake up wiser.
Top 2 hedge fund managers bankroll Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel, after making $1.7 billion each in 2015
ames Simons and Kenneth Griffin were the world’s top two hedge fund managers in 2015. Each made $1.7 billion last year alone, and have used their massive wealth to bankroll the campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel, the Guardian reported.
Simons is the 50th richest person in the world, according to Forbes. The mathematician has made an estimated $15.5 billion as CEO of the Renaissance Technologies hedge fund, and is individually richer than many countries.
It’s just not possible for your streak of abject stupidity to continue forever, YLB.
@58 So is it the hedge fund managers who bankrolled Kruzz and other dwarves that came up with unskewed polls?
Wow dig that “math”. It’s possible to be abjectly stupid and make it on Wall Street to waste money on Republicans.
Boob chose the wrong business.
Yawn. next..
Arguing with the girly goatse one @59 is a lost cause. The two biggest swindlers after Charles Ponzi are DUMMOCRETIN lovers. Puddy identified them above.
From a previous Puddy link on Raj Rajaratnam
The New York hedge fund billionaire indicted today in an alleged $20 million insider trading scheme, Raj Rajaratnam, was a major contributor to the campaigns of Hillary Clinton and also the single largest known U.S. contributor to a charity linked to the Tamil Tiger terror group in Sri Lanka, according to records obtained by ABCNews.com.
Can you say Tamils for Crooked Heilary?
If the crazed databaze arschloch was playing with a full deck instead of the single Two Of Clubs, we’d have a worthy opponent. Instead the gutter dweller seems to love the gutter wearing those pink lace panties and skirts around HA DUMMOCRETINS!
The crazed databaze deala wake up wisely? One needs a brain for that and it’s demonstrably positive there isn’t a live brain cell anywhere in that arschloch!
The only person here who is a kindred spirit to the Orlando shooter is the hate-filled loon. Both hate LGBT. The shooter used a gun. The loon wants to stone them to death at the gates of the city.
The loon and Mateen – both cut from the same cloth.
Wow QPPS @62,
[something unintelligent from QPPS]… wants to stone them to death at the gates of the city.
That’s the best your rat infested single celled mind could come up with? Seems from what we are now learning Mateen has much more in common with you than previously determined. Mateen was an Israel hater just like you! Probably will be determined Mateen hated Donald Trump. When that happens it will solidify Mateen/QPPS as kindred spirits!
Where has Puddy ever advocated stoning for the likes of HTTL KneePad? Naaah, we need knee pad occupiers for the likes of you QPPS.
You might want to take a closer look at that ‘scoop’ you got there. I’ll give you a hint. It’s in the box where the classification is highlighted. It has to do with the date it was classified.
You sir are a fool willing to believe anything aren’t you.
There are no classified or marked classified documents checkmate in the intelligence community. The words would be confidential, secret or top secret!
Crooked Heilary up at it again! Seems you like the liar eh checkmate. You like Crooked Heilary so much you love using that Liar name!
Kinda makes all that anti-Muslim hate rhetoric at Muhammad Ali’s funeral toward a certain candidate sad and useless now! Will the trumped up candidate at Ali’s funeral call it radical islamic terrorism now? Will Loretta Lynch claim we shouldn’t be islamophobics again? What will Obummer say?
It wasn’t a Christian that went in there and killed all those HTTL types. Although you’d think the first comments from HTTL were calculated and uninformed. Butt then again anything from HTTL is misguided and feckless at best.
The hate-filled loon is the only hater of Jews and Israel in these threads. According to the loon’s cult and their false prophet’s doomsday Armageddon fantasies, Jews are mere pawns, all destined to die horribly and they will never be allowed to go to Heaven. Heaven is only for the loon and his cult. The hate-filled loon has told us many times that his destiny is to float off to Heaven on a silver cloud accompanied by Baby Jesus as he mercilessly taunts those left behind to die.
Hating is easier, eh, “Mr Hershey Highway“? The hands stay cleaner!
Here’s a classic from that old lovable loser MWS (the loon’s losing sockpuppet):
Yet you support gay marriage by voting donk.
Yet you support We here, we queer, I’ll bend over you pack it here
What a klown(servatic)!
The loon has again attained a state of peak hate as he revels in the senseless murders of LGBT citizens of Orlando, Florida..
@70 the demand for salt from the mine must be high these days. For that the loon must become
with hate.
I noticed that as well. But it’s pretty obvious that Boob will hungrily slurp up any Clinton Criminal Conspiracy jizz his Teapublican puppet masters spew. It’s become sad and creepy. Like a mentally ill street person jerking it on the subway. Nothing you can do about it. Best to just look the other way.
Wherein a confirmed liar pretends to know about intelligence practices.
Look closely at the document that is the ‘Scoop’. It gives away the lie.
“Hating is easier, eh, “Mr Hershey Highway“? The hands stay cleaner!”
The vile hate-filled loon who has posted countless comments spewing hatred towards LGBT in these threads now has their blood on his hands.
It’s weird looking at those old MWS comments. MWS was the fulfillment of a strange desire of the batshit fuckwad loon:
to forge an old, angry white male identity,
with hate.
Latino LGBT senselessly murdered. For the hate-filled loon who hates both Latinos and LGBT with a passion, this tragedy was a two-fer. As he had already attained his weekly state of peak hate, the loon can’t help but revel in seeing the blood of Latino LGBT on his hands.
I repeat, I’m for reasonable gun regulation to keep guns out of the people who want to do harm to my family or me. I don’t see any reason for assault rifles. They have no secondary purpose like hunting. They are only for killing people as fast as possible.
However, when the NRA blocked reasonable regulation after a gunman killed 28 children, society gave a collective shrug and decided murder is the cost of the unfettered second amendment freedom.
It’s scary reading the comments on this story out there on the internet.
So many conservatives are gleeful that a muslin killed gay people, that liberals got what they deserved, to be murdered for being tolerant and inclusive.
Conservatives also kept posting that since gays keep thrusting their deviant sexuality on to normal people, and pretending they were equal to straight people, by doing things like kissing in public, it’s obvious why they get murdered.
I read a subtext in the conserative’s comments. If the man had not seen two men kissing and the gay nightclub had not existed, this would have not happened.
Reminds me of the rape justification argument.
If women didn’t dress like sluts, men wouldn’t rape them.
If gay people just stayed invisible, straight people wouldn’t have reason to murder them.
Another interesting perspective.
Another common subtext in the conservatives comments is that all muslims are human time bombs and liberals are fools for not getting rid of all them before more violence happens.
Yet, conservatives never say that guns are the problem, and all gus are time bombs and people are fools for not getting rid of all them before more violence happens.
If one is true, why not the other?
@ 80
Better, dear?
What if neither is true?
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (sends then) deletes “reap what you sow” tweet after mass shooting at LGBT club
I repeat: So many conservatives are gleeful that a muslin killed gay people, that liberals got what they deserved, to be murdered for being tolerant and inclusive.
“What if neither is true?”
Which part of America’s political spectrum is associated with love of guns and hatred of Islam? Better uses a broad brush but there is truth in what he says.
@38 In other words, Republicans take their time? As in the multiyear S&L frauds in the 1980s (under a GOP president whose own son was involved in the larceny) and the subprime frauds of the 2000s (under another GOP president related to the above)? And I’ll bet you can hardly wait for the next one; are you hoping to get in on it?
GOP = party of Grifters, Oilmen, and Politicians
@ 83
There always seems to be a more complicated aspect to what liberals wish they could make a cut-and-dried case.
In San Bernardino the shooters came by their guns illegally. In Orlando the shooter seems to have done quite a bit by the book – all those requirements met – to come by his.
Oh. In each case there were explosives, which fortunately didn’t go off.
As I said, complicated.
Conservatives froth that muslims are intolerant toward gays and that’s why they should be removed.
Do you think they see the hypocrisy in this story from last year?
California lawyer seeks to put ‘shoot the gays’ proposal on 2016 ballot
“Matt McLaughlin wants homosexuality punished ‘by bullets to the head’”
@39 I’ve become more principled in my old age. There’s still no sign you ever will.
@41 If they gave YOU a teleprompter and team of handlers your comments would still be indecipherable gibberish. Some things can’t be cleaned up. For example, background microwave radiation. Your head explosions rank right up there with the Big Bang.
@42 “Seems there are a few DUMMOCRETINS who possess morals and their moral compass is still intact.”
Which is more than your side has.
@44 Why did you leave out Roger Rabbit? I’m part of that capitalist swill bucket, too. Sure beats working, though. The problem with honest work is a shortage of honest employers to work for.
@45 Guess you haven’t heard about Orlando yet.
@47 “Yeah blame this on the NRA and Republicans.”
Why shouldn’t we? You’re the morons who put AR-15s in the hands of the Omar Mateens of the world, and the bigots who promote religious hatred against gay people.
@48 “Say, how’s that FBI investigation into presumptive nominee Crooked Hillary Clinton going? Anything that might warrant further investigation?”
Hold your breath. Go ahead, I dare you. See how long you can hold it.
@52 My understanding is they throw gays off buildings and save the Christians for their mass decapitations.
Wherein checkmate is a dumbASS as always. The comment was from the former director of the CIA.
Crooked Heilary says classified for a reason. The documents don’t contain the word C L A S S I F I E D checkmate.
Stay stooooooooooooopid. It comes naturally to you!
R senile claims to have an understanding. Yeah right! Puddy’s understanding is that you’d be identified as an infidel and see ya dumb ASS wabbit!
Puddy is soooooooooooooooooo glad the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS has reviewed MWS commentary.
It was clear and concise!
Wait for it… It can’t be controlled except by Puddy. Puddy PWNS the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Seems those standard useless gun control arguments are worthless in this Orlando massacre. The shooter was a security agent and trained in multiple weapon types.
Sux to be the dumb ASS wabbit!
dumb ASS wabbit @88,
Puddy not the POTUS hence Puddy don’t need TOTUS! Butt we were lied to about the Obummer superior intelligence. Watch him talk without TOTUS!
Special event!
You’re the morons who put AR-15s in the hands of the Omar Mateens of the world.
Wrong again idiot ASS wabbit. Mateen worked for a security company. DAYUM idiot ASS wabbit, you need to talk something for that failing memory!
Worser loves to paint with a broad brush. So we who are always right should do the same.
@80 “all muslims are human time bombs”
Like this guy?
@85 There’s nothing complicated about the fact AR-15s — a weapon designed for war — are used in nearly all of these mass slaughters. Because it’s so efficient a killing instrument, you see. It’s useless for anything else.
@96 How can a rabbit be an infidel? Only humans are infidels. I’m a naturist. And you’re dumber than moss on a rock.
@98 See #103.
Some guy with arms and explosives was busted on his way to harm people at the LA Pride parade.
“Police identified the man as James Howell, of Indiana. He told an officer that he intended to harm people at the Gay Pride event during his arrest, Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks said.”
“James Howell”
Odd. Doesn’t sound like a name that a Muslim ticking time bomb might have. Sounds more like the name of one of those right-wing extremist ticking time bombs like our loon.
And hateful!
And so.very.WHITE….
Welcome to your
newold identity troll! Same old, same old.HAHAHAHAHAHA! What a joke you are!
“Welcome to your newold identity troll! Same old, same old.”
I can’t imagine the space someone would have to be in to create a sock puppet and then have conversations with it about his dick. Throw in the “WHITE” thing and all the hate the loon spews and he’s taking the word “strange” to a place it’s never been before.
MWS was the white identity the fiend craved for most if not all of its miserable life.
Just as Drumpf dropped the “dog” in “dog whistle” and gave the Republican voter just the “whistle” it always craved.
The loon should just be MWS. MWS “completes” the fool.
As a gay person, it is more offensive to me that American Conservatives would make such comments about gay people, as are being indicated here by others (I haven’t been able to do much on the internet lately, nor would I care to go to a site that had vile people making such comments regardless if it were a conservative or liberal site) than the one individual that killed 50 of my brother-en.
I can understand why someone like this individual chose to make the statement he did…but for Americans (conservatives) to buy right into it shows who the stupid ones really are.
It truly shows the stem of the ignorance doesn’t just lie with Terrorists but with our own mental mother fuckers. Bunch of pathetic people.
It would be like me thinking that those that died on 9/11 deserved to die (by just saying that I can’t blame the terrorists doing what they did because there was some justification). Truly pathetic bunch of American conservative radicals.
Steve, thanks for putting up a good fight, but bigots like the Puffy and Boob will never concede their stupidity. Keep up the fight, hopefully there are two of you for everyone of them asshole mother fuckers.
If not, in time they will reap what they sow.
I guess I was spot on when I posted the comment (sarcasm) regarding that those (conservative Americans) would call this persecution (of the gay) like Charleston was persecution of Christians. It is not hard to figure out the dumb fucks.
Now you’re just lying. The document, screen captured in boobs link and originally disseminated by Fox News reads
You are a liar. Again.
Splutter, splutter, insult, where did I say, Fayle, kablammmo.
That was made up shit you typed there. you are caught lying yet again.
@ 113
When that email was originally sent, at the bottom, the classification mark was part of the email.
It’s the (C) notation. It was there in 2012 when the email was sent.
Bottom of the page, document here:
In 2012, the document was clearly “marked classified”.
Interesting facts about QPPS’ friend Omar Mateen https://twitter.com/NathanDWilsonFL/status/741992040414773248/photo/1
Especially the one he registered DUMMOCRETIN.
checkmate has a deeply ingrained belief that libtard news sites are the only source for info.
B U L L S H I T T I U M!
Former CIA Director Ambassador James Woolsey explains
PuddyCommentariat: Sux to be you checkmate! It really is the latest dipshit to post DIPSHITTIUM on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
the (C) stands for Confidential!
checkmate @113 is a lying dipshit.
LIAR.., LIAR, LIAR! checkmate is a dipshitting LIAR!
FBI interviewed this moron twice. Seems political correctness didn’t cause Omar Mateen to be further scrutinized even after he contacted bad jihadist people in 2013 and 2014.
Remember this is a law enforcement issue!
Where was this on the Friday Night Comix? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....06592.html
Seems Omar didn’t like black people and wimens per a coworker. Just like many HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Remember the commentary of the vomit producer when Muhammad Ali died?
Hey lying dipshit checkmate… Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 01/29/2016 — Class: CONFIDENTIAL
This is the retroactive “classified”. Now how come checkmate couldn’t figger that out? Maybe checkmate is chronologically stoooooooooooopid like the crazed databaze deala dancing on Mike Webb’s grave!
Per James Woolsey above there are only three classes! This class is CONFIDENTIAL.
Sux to be the lying dipshit checkmate! LIAR.., LIAR, LIAR! checkmate is a dipshitting LIAR!
Is that worthless racist Fuckwad troll twelve?
Starts to make a bit more sense. Sexually confused, self loathing, self obsessed enough to manufacture a sock puppet alter ego to talk about its own genitals.
Somewhere there’s a pile of wingless flies and a blinded cat missing it’s tail.
@ 106
“James Howell”
Odd. Doesn’t sound like a name that a Muslim ticking time bomb might have.
You know, Steve, you are absolutely correct. That name sounds more like, say….
Richard Reid.
Or John Walker Lindh.
Let’s get started rounding up and interning all the Quakers.
Because… Nixon.
“Sexually confused, self loathing, self obsessed enough to manufacture a sock puppet alter ego to talk about its own genitals.”
Bob deserves a better sidekick.
Oh my the Oregonian moron drops personal attacks Puddy because the FACTS stand on their own and the Oregonian moron has no real retort. We all know why!
So ad hominem attack Puddy! The crazed databaze was created because the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS has a perpetual hard on for Puddy. Can’t attack Puddy on FACTS either. This is lost on the Oregonian moron.
Go for it fool!
Then QPPS, the personal lap dog appears. Very telling about these two KLOWNS!
Meanwhile another free riding illegal alien comes forth. She may be smart butt still in America illegally. http://www.breitbart.com/texas.....wipe-trump
She’s not undocumented! There are documents all over to proving she doesn’t belong in America because she’s illegal!
Let’s be clear about something. The increasingly unhinged loon hated those LGBT killed in the attack. The increasingly unhinged loon hates the LGBT victims who survived. This is irrefutable as we have all seen him spew nothing but hatred of LGBT in these threads for many years.
Project much QPPS @128?