AC: S&P–GOP largely responsible for downgrade.
Colorado Congressman Doug Lamborn is Worst Person in the World.
Young Turks: Romney SuperPac Scandal?
Andrew Breitbart penile gratitude:
Glenn Beck is back in the saddle as Worst Person in the World.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News anti-Muslim, pro-Christian on Norway shooting?
Thom: The Teaparty takeover you don’t know about.
Pap: Karl Rove’s plan to win back the Whitehouse.
King 5 News: Republicans accuse Jay Inslee of illegally trying to move funds from congressional campaign.
Senator Joe Lieberman is Worst Person in the World.
Raising the Ceiling:
- Olbermann Special Comment: The four great hypocrisies of the debt deal:
- Thom with Robert Reich: Ransom paid!
- Ann Telnaes: The debt ceiling clock.
- David Feldman interviews John Boehner.
- ONN: Obama debt ceiling deal a prime example of Democrats and Democrats sacrificing for the greater good.
- Ann Telnaes: Debt deal passes.
- Mark Fiore: Bipartisanship.
- Ann Telnaes: Debt limit sausage making.
- The letter:
White House: West Wing Week.
Handy Handl emerges victorious as Worst Person in the World.
Sam Seder and Al Franken: Republican obstructionism.
Pap: The Republican assault on labor reaches new lows.
Hannity beats out Cantor, Boehner, and Gingrich for Worst Person in the World.
On Wisconsin:
- Thom: Update on the Wisconsin recall.
- Stephen: On Wisconsin’s recall election.
Young Turks: Rent is Too Damn High eviction.
How would Congress screw in a light bulb?
Twelve ways to tell Michele Bachmann from Sarah Palin.
Pap: The religious right gear up for 2012.
Vote Connor Ratliff for President: He’s 35 years old:
Maddow: The suspicious birth of Barack Hussein Obama.
Thom: The good, the bad, and the very very ugly.
The Torture Chronicles:
- Olbermann: Donald Vance on torture and his suit against Rumsfeld, Part I
- Olbermann: Donald Vance on torture and his suit against Rumsfeld, Part II
Newsy: Congress ends FAA stalemate…for now.
Jon: Biracial Spiderman et al..
Young Turks: Renton police department try to criminalize cartoon.
For 2012: Boehner—Weiner
Pap: How Obama let Rove off the hook
Thom: Why the stock market plunged.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The tea baggers are traitors:
Read more:
You or WordPress must have forgot to close a bracket somewhere…
Just sayin’..
Yeah, this page is screwed up.
I’ll Bet She’s A Republican Dep’t
“Myrtle Rose was just taking a short flight over suburban Chicago when the 75-year-old aviation enthusiast looked out her cockpit window to see two F-16 fighter jets. …
“It wasn’t until she got on the ground that friends and the police told her the attention was … for straying into restricted airspace during a visit by President Barack Obama.
Rose, who tries to fly every day when weather permits, said she had been itching to get back in the air Wednesday after a number of days on the ground.
“She normally uses her computer to check for any airspace restrictions, but it wasn’t working properly. … To make matters worse, ‘I didn’t have my radio on. I was just flying around,’ she said.
“‘There’s really no excuse for not knowing,’ said Lt. Col. Mike Humphreys, a spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command, which scrambled the two warplanes, a proposition that costs $9,000 an hour for each jet. ‘Anyone who flies an aircraft should know the restrictions.’
“Rose, a Republican who said she did not vote for Obama, joked … ‘I should send him a belated birthday card and say, “You should have stayed home and Michelle baked you a birthday cake.”‘”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now here’s a typical Republican for you! She thinks rules don’t apply to her, taxpayers should foot the bill for her stupidity, and she blames Obama.
If I were flying in a Piper Cub and got intercepted by a pair of F-16s, I’d be sweating bullets and shitting bricks.
The way to get the F-16s to go away is to slow down. An F-16 can’t fly slow enough to keep in formation with a Piper Cub cruising along at 55 knots!
@6 If an F-16 pilot doing 250 knots came up on the radio and told me to follow him I’d respond, “I’m pedaling as fast as I can!”
Michelle Bachmann says Tim Geithner should be fired because of the Treasury downgrade. But I would note that Geithner didn’t vote “no” on raising the debt ceiling, whereas Bachmann did, so it seems to me Bachmann is the one who should be fired.
Hey rich guys! Obama wanted to raise your taxes by $900 billion over 10 years. Thursday’s stock market selloff cost you $800 billion in one day.
“Thursday’s rout sliced another $800 billion off the value of U.S. equities, according to Wilshire Associates. In the past nine trading sessions, the Wilshire 5000 is down 11.3%, equal to $1.9 trillion — or nearly as much as the vaunted spending cuts set as the quid pro quo for raising the debt ceiling.”
So, I gotta question for ya — was it worth it?
YLB and Steve,
Thanks. Sorry it took so long, I was travelling on Saturday.
@ 9:
Suggesting a wholesale policy change on the basis of a one-day move in the stock market is about as stupid as basing one’s opinion on climate change on a cold front or a warm front.
Any time you want to talk tax increases across the board, rather than just on the rich, you’ll begin to sound more serious. When everyone has skin in the game, we’re all a little closer to reality.
11 – And people who are not rich don’t have “skin in the game”?
Not a lot of kids from wealth gave their lives on the fields of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Only in the bizarro world of Bob..
When 40+ percent of the population doesn’t pay net Federal income taxes, yes, there are people who don’t have skin in the game when it comes to tax increases. A lot of them. Bringing up military service has nothing to do with revenues. It’s an effort to change the subject. You know that.
Hey, any time you want to introduce the draft, feel free. Last time someone tried I think it failed in the House, 400-6 or thereabouts.
13 – What percentage pays FICA, Medicare/Medicaid, local sales, utility, whatever???
It’s an INCOME TAX Bob – who the hell has all the INCOME? Whose INCOME hasn’t seen any appreciable gain in the last 30 years? Whose INCOME HAS gained very, very well?
What’s fair about capital gains, estate??
It’s all income in my book. Tax it all on the same schedule.
We’re all in this together Bob. Where’s your sense of national pride?
The income tax canard is getting so tiresome..
Another mind numbingly, bone chillingly ignorant asshole. We sure do need better trolls.
Answered the question about the dreaded B&O Tax yet Brain-Surgeon “Bob” ?
Didn’t think so.
Typical response from Rujaxoff – you know, one the 40% who pays no federal income tax – hell I bet rujaxoff even gets money back for a net plus.
yet another one of society’s users who sucks the life blood out of the producers.
@13 Nothing keeps them from volunteering, does it? I did.
Workers who don’t earn enough to pay income taxes still have to pay FICA taxes, which is a pretty significant bite from the income of someone living barely above the poverty line.
None right wing dare call it fraud:
They call it “the free market at work”.
@21 Yeah and GOPers think government regulation is “interfering with markets.”
If Republicans get their way, we’ll end up with a gangster economy like Russia’s.
Er … they did, and we did.
Has anyone noticed a pattern of Republicans throwing non-Republicans with video cameras out of their meetings?