Seth Meyers: Bernie on why young people love him.
Thom: Exposing the diploma mills.
- Obama looks to Congress on Panama Papers.
- Sam Seder: An insider explains the Panama Papers
- Mark Fiore: Hiding Secret and Shell.
- Young Turks: Panama papers expose massive global corruption scandal
- Thom: What the Panama papers tells us about global capitalism
- What are the Panama papers?
- Trevor: South African President Jacob Zuma & The Panama Papers
Mental Floss: 38 facts about the internet.
Robert Yasumura: Republicans are a sausage party and you’re not invited:
Thom: Should the FBI be able to hack you?
Colbert: Political week in review.
Seth Meyers: A closer look at paid family leave.
The 2016 Clown Show:
- Young Turks: Koch brothers pause presidential funding amid GOP chaos
- We won’t go back!
- Ann Telnaes: Republicans celebrate Ted Cruz’s Wisconsin victory
- David Pakman: You’d have to be mentally ill, incompetent, or a bad person to vote for Ted Cruz
- Stephen: The road to the White House has gotten lumpy.
- Samantha Bee: Team Cruz
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz taking advantage of Drumpf’s sexism…is still freaking creepy
- Young Turks: Drumpf accuses Cruz of breaking the law.
- Maddow: Cruz & Drumpf support pro-life killers and criminalization of women
- Cheeseheads don’t like Donald, Donald likes boobs
- SNL: Drumpf ‘n Women
- Can a brokered convention stop Drumpf?
- Young Turks: Drumpf will eliminate the DEP…which doesn’t exist.
- Stephen: Cartoon Donald Drumpf has the biggest numbers
- Ann Telnaes: Donald Drumpf has always been about Donald Drumpf.
- Stephen: The Department of Environmental…you’re fired.
- Pap and Howard Nations: Hey Republicans, stop pretending Paul Ryan is going to save you
- Young Turks: Paul Ryan releases campaign video, swears he’s not running
Pap and Farron Cousins: GOP policies always lead to death and destruction
Young Turks: Feds raid anti-Planned Parenthood activist’s home.
Seth Meyers: Bernie on his cable access show and Hillary:
Republican’s Voter Suppression is Voting Fraud:
- Thom: The GOP is now bragging about their voter suppression success.
- Sam Seder: Republican admits voter ID laws are about winning elections
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at long lines in the WI primary.
Jimmy Dore: Hero woman shouts Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) out of a Starbucks.
Obama: The U.S. economy.
What the Zika virus probably looks like.
Seth Meyers: “Ya Bernt” with Bernie Sanders.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
State Sanctioned Discrimination:
- Young Turks: States ban travel to Mississippi
- David Pakman: You can now deny service to Gays in Mississippi
- Matthew Filipowicz: Mississippi Celebrates Its Horrible LGBTQ Discrimination Bill
- Young Turks: How police will enforce transgender bathroom ban.
- Daily Show: The trans-panic epidemic
- Young Turks: Bruce Springsteen takes stand against bigotry by canceling North Carolina show.
- David Pakman: Civil war developing over states passing anti-gay bills.
- Young Turks: Interracial couple evicted for being interracial in Mississippi
Mental Floss: Where did emojis come from?
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen: The do-nothing Congress is about to do something magical:
McConnell is not taking calls.
Jimmy Dore: Political jokes of the week.
Palin’ Around with Terrorists:
- Young Turks: Why Sarah Palin makes no sense.
- David Pakman: Visibly disoriented Sarah Palin gives unhinged speech at Trump rally.
- Michael Brooks: Sarah’s back on the beat poetry circuit?
Getting a grip on the Space Station.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Eliminating a department that does not exist, interesting. Then again, don’t some states have Departments of the Environment, or some variations of the name?
I know of one Party that should be eliminated, and that is the Party of the GOP.
HA DUMMOCRETINS heroine Rachel Dolezal is back in the news. FACTS missing from the Friday Night Comix!
Remember, Rachel is a DUMMOCRETIN who claimed to be black born of whitey parents!
Being a DUMMOCRETIN is a nasty disease!
Sure is wonderful how HA DUMMOCRETINS are A-OK with (ages are examples) 29 year old Joe claiming to be transgender walking into the ladies bathroom to watch little 9 year old Suzie tinkle.
Maybe 14 yer old Jezebel?
O course this would never happen in America…
Naaaah they never saw this happening! No wonder there is a push for Sha’ria law in Canada by certain elements of Canadian society! Just can’t trust boys to be civil eh?
Coming to America sooner than you think HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Another case of DUMMOCRETIN FASCISM happening again and again! Yet no coverage on the Friday Night Comix…
Libtard FASCIST tactics always want to suppress free speech because in the ideas arena, DUMMOCRETINS lose big time!
Coming soon the America with those Middle East immigrants per Obummer…
Approximately three weeks ago in Sweden, a film crew from 60 Minutes Australia decided to commingle with Muslim refugees in hopes of narrating a sympathetic story about their plight. However, things didn’t go quite as planned. After chatting a bit with a few Muslim migrants, reality finally stepped in. “The crew was filming in the predominantly immigrant district of Rinkeby in the capital city of Stockholm,” reports Mediaite. “Immediately upon arriving they were confronted by a group of men in a car, who deliberately drove into the cameraman.”
Then things got much worse. After a short period of relative calm, the six policeman assigned to the crew abruptly left. Minutes later, the crew was viciously attacked by a group of masked Muslim men in broad daylight. “One of the men begins by throwing a large rock at the cameraman. The same man then kicks and throws a punch at the boom operator,” details Mediaite. “A second man tries to rip a still photographer’s camera out of his hands.”
This is A-OK to HA DUMMOCRETINS because the ends always justify the means!
Coming soo to American Millenials?
Sounds like HA’s very own HHTL @2!
It looks like the hate-filled loon is gonna lay some hate on us today.
Much quicker reading the comments when you jump over the puddles
I love the blocking script that was posted. I only have to read the puddles when I chose to.
@2 I respectfully disagree. Every household needs a trash barrel. What would we do with Republicans without a container to toss them into? They would pile up on the curb.
This guy can’t even run a campaign, and people think he can run a Country?
The family was huddled together – I wonder if the Vampire son was leading a prayer session?
I think it is official this guy isn’t winning the nomination. Nor do I think Crud will get but probably a better chance than Drumpf. I’m betting on Paul Ryan.
I’d be willing to put my money where my mouth is…anyone?
Crud – 1 to 1 odds
Drumpf – 2 to 1 odds
Ryan – 3 to 1 odds
Anyone else – the money is yours.
My money will be sent to the Tuesday Meeting place in advance, if they should accept to hold onto it.
@4 maybe you would prefer to send your kids on a wrestling trip with Coach.
A good friend of mine and I were talking the other day. This friend is supportive of LGBT people – he and his wife both have gay friends. And he supports gay marriage, doesn’t believe being gay is a choice, nor does he care if it is. He believes in true freedom. But sometime he still doesn’t get it all the time either. He and I were talking the other day about North Carolina’s anti-gay bill (just a label of the bill without knowing its real “name”, but let’s all be honest its only meant to be one thing and that is being anti-gay because spoiled brats can’t accept same sex marriage). He brought up the subject, I didn’t. He didn’t think it was a good thing, but he was upset about how the Governor of New York responded by saying that the State would no longer fund travel to North Carolina, with the exception of what is “essential”. He said, he’d rather that the Governor hold a press conference and tell the American public that he and his family would no longer travel to North Carolina himself, for business or pleasure. He felt that that would be more meaningful and less government action kind of response.
The discussion lead to more about the bill. He said he didn’t even know what it really meant and that there was some reasoning behind the whole transgender bathroom issue. He said to me why don’t they put on a transgender persons ID what sex he or she would like to associate with. He brought up the same our troll brings up here – as an example he said that maybe some straight college would use it as an excuse to enter the bathroom of the opposite sex and claim to be transgender, just too look at little 9 year old suzzie tinkle.
So I said to him – why does the transgender person have to be the victim here in that case. I said, how about if that happens, if a straight guy chooses to wrongly use it as an excuse that they bring that idiot to the DMV and immediately change the sex on his Drivers license then send him home. My friend says – “you got a point, for once you might be right”.
@12 I saw this last night when it aired – was truly funny (and truly true).
Notice that the babbling jackass troll has put HA first this morning..
Oh well, for the troll, a little hate makes those boorring Sat morning premium payments go easier.
The poor troll truly “needs” this website more than it “needs” to put the skydaddy first.
Puffy – you and Louie Goober have a lot in common, I’m sure, but getting into a girls bathroom? I never knew.
You know – I wonder if as a 16 years old he had thoughts of raping woman too. What a fucking moron. These people have to just shut their mouths or get on a rocket to Uranus.
My God. How does anyone, at age 17, even be accountable for any crime with a comment like that. I guess, as a 17 year old sneaking into a girls bathroom is acceptable unlike raping or murdering someone. What is he trying to fucking say? That it is a minor offense and something to be laughed at if a heterosexual did it (as fun), and only bad because a transgender person, who wants to be comfortable peeing or shitting where they want without any malice. What the fuck is the logic behind this.
Yes, my buddy who like I said is ok with gay people even had this conclusion. People wake the fuck up, stop being fucking babies that the GOP has turned you all into! Dumb down America. Don’t act like adults anymore.
Louie Goober is an old man but acts less than a 17 year old. These fucking people are complete fucking morons!
They should send Boob and Puffy to go clean it up.
Creepy Mexicans – way to get some respect around here. Fuck You!
@17 Putting things into proper perspective, the self-admiring babbling jackass troll put himself first this morning. He’s his biggest fan.
It’s hard to tell which GOP governor is worse, Medicare fraudster Rick Scott or the always-execrable Paul LePage. Scott’s latest antic: His administration wants to make a doctor pay rent to provide charity care to poor kids in a state facility. The doctor happens to be a critic of Scott’s health policies.
France makes it illegal to pay a prostitute and then stupidly claims it’s not a law against prostitutes. Assholes. That’s exactly what it is.
Foolish salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, Puddy put God first. Butt you’d never know that.
QPPS, FACTS always bother someone with 4x the shit pressure of a normal HA DUMMOCRETIN.
R senile, senile as ever.
worser, it’s “better” that you stay a LIV!
Great to see more HA DUMMOCRETINS PWND by Puddy!
Tried one recently, eh?
@24 “Puddy put God first.”
Won’t do you any good if there’s a literacy test to get into Heaven.
Yeah right..
And the buddy??? Is HA the little blue pill or the cigarette?
“Puddy put God first.”
God puts hate-filled loons last. Sucks to be the hate-filled loon.
“Won’t do you any good if there’s a literacy test to get into Heaven.”
Even an all knowing omniscient God will need a decoder ring in order to understand WTF the loon is even talking about.
All those crazed people leaving Western State these past few days. Certain well known DUMMOCRETINS have been missing on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Ahh yes #26-29…
All PWND by Puddy! These three fools getting the SMACK DOWN each day on HA DUMMOCRETINS.
R senile… getting worse each day!
QPPS, the quadruple pressure is now getting worse. Soon reaching quintuple pressure. Even the neanderthal granite encased cranial orifice will crack. Then we all know the next thing heard on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
And last butt not least the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch is a total financial failure to its family! Notice how it’s really trying hard not to mention Dr Ben Carson for the first time in many months!
Wait for it…
Notice how addicted the babbling jackass troll is to hate on Saturday evenings.
Without hate, how else can the babbling jackass “perform” the sat evening duty in the salt mines?
Viagra doesn’t provide the same kind of “kick”.. HAHAHAHA!
The monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch is still trying to get readership to its sucky blog.
Viagra? Puddy is black. God gave us natural viagra in our bodies. Sux to be you and your needs!
Two more failures of the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Failed at:
-The crazed databaze attacks – 1 for 299
-Being a father -Admitted its male spawn has different politics
-Being a financial genius
– -Sat on couch all those years creating the crazed databaze stealing from another person’s ideas
– -Sat on the couch unemployed while Mrs arschloch slaved to support the family 24×7 for years
-Bragged its spawn in a low income Seattle city summer program for low IQ assistance
Successful at:
-Being PWND by Puddy
– -John Deadwards
– -The Bern
– -Heilary Clinton
– -Alan Grayson
– -Robert Byrd
– -Nancy Pelosi
– -The Darcy
-Hating 24x7x365
-Hating successful black men and women like:
– -Puddy
– -Dr Ben Carson
– -Dineen Borelli
– -Star Parker
-Hating successful Filipino women like:
– -Michelle Malkin
The beat down goes on and on!
Sux to be the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS every day!
Now the Kochs and their lobbyists are going after public libraries.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who the hell is against libraries? Rightwing scum, that’s who! The kind of lowlifes Piddles votes for.
@33 HEAD EXPLOOOOODES! Mission accomplished!
Labor in the salt mines was tough for the troll last evening.
“Needed” LOTS O’ HATE this a.m.
Sad,sad excuse for a life – “needing” HA in the early a.m. like a DOPE FIEND needs a morning pick-it-up.
That’s a new one (eh not really) from the babbling jackass..
Hating on Jews! A minority that was blatantly discriminated against throughout the history of this country.
The babbling jackass troll will take HATE wherever it can get it. It “needs” HATE!
A total self-loathing fiend!
what’s the longest it’s ever been away?
Five days? Eight? It’s probably been away from it’s Salt Mining Buddy for longer.
Well, at least I’ll never have to look at it again.
Thanks again to Dr. Orpheus.
HAHAHAHA! Btw.. The son and I proudly caucused for Bernie Sanders. Our precinct send 5 delegates for Bernie to the Legislative District meeting.
We participated. We were part of the solution not the problem of the reactionary white identity politics of the babbling jackass troll.
We can only imagine the politics of the bookoo bucks legal beagle in NYC after too many years of brainwashing from its braindead daddy – Drumpfhole all the way right?
Too predictable.
Couple weeks after Obama was re-elected, it stayed away until the following Spring.
Not a Hillary supporter myself but a Hillary win in Nov will cause a head IMPLOSION of that miserable hate-driven troll from which it will be almost impossible to recover. The pathological hatred of Hillary Clinton from trolls I’ve seen over the years is truly gut-wrenching.
And yeah I’ll have to give that greasemonkey script a try too! Nice way to filter out the nuts.
Thanks Dr. O!
Wow Such a diarrhea eruption from the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
PWNED again!
Oregon moron farts how long Puddy been away. Don’t know and don’t care! Remember the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS could not stay away from Daily Kooks for over 90 days! Puddy chronicled it.
Why not ax the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
It knows! It chronicled every PuddyMissive!
Wait for it…
Hating on Jews! Puddy? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Where? The Bern wasn’t even first; so why did you skip your man-love of John Deadwards salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
That’s you salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS! You hate Israel!
Shall Puddy post some of your most vile Israel (Jew hating) posts from this blog.
Please say yes salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Then Goldy, Lee and others will see just how much you really HATE Jews! Well, they can search HA DUMMOCRETINS and relive those “glorious” moments!
Hating on Jews! Puddy? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Where? The Bern wasn’t even first; so why did you skip your man-love of John Deadwards salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
That’s you salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS! You hate Israel!
Shall Puddy post some of your most vile Israel (Jew hating) posts from this blog.
Please say yes salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Then Goldy, Lee and others will see just how much you really HATE Jews! Well, they can search HA DUMMOCRETINS and relive those “glorious” moments!
White identity politics alert @ 40-41..
Here’s a pic to go with that:
@43 Oh YEAH
Now let’s see this troll dance!
Keyboard diarrhea alert @ 42-43..
Gots to run an errand. Will be back to laugh at a feckless FOOL fantasizing anti-semitism from a full throated supporter of Goldy’s work and the next President of these United States:
Bernie Sanders.
Now why does the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS hate wonderful Hispanics like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio? Why does it have self-loathing hatred?
Well it does love how La Raza type have been ethnically cleansing parts of the LA Barrio killing wonderful black children. Don’t you all remember this?
Well Jamiel’s father met with Donald Trump! Did Obummer meet with Jamiel’s father salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
La Raza, killers approved by the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Troll Dance?
You making Jr salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS take dance lessons now?
Puddy will post when Puddy is ready. When you LEAST expect it salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Wait for the chicken dance from the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Coming real soon!
LMAO@47 HINOS with the worst politics – white identity politics.
Rubio – shit what’s so special about an always wrong wing cuban? Yeah Castro is an SOB – get over it.
Cruz – ditto but mix in TexASS redneck with it.
Yawwwwn.. It babbles endlessly about gangs defending turf. Broken record. Most African-Americans live in the ‘burbs now. Too braindead to accept that fact. Most Hispanics live in the burbs too. But the troll babbles about inner cities. It’s stuck in the past like an idiot.
@48 Awwwwwww. It makes threats then it runs away… Typical troll.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! What a dumbass. Anyone here always expects the WORST from an idiot troll..
Too funny. Stay stupid.
Will the GOP go the way of the Whigs and Know Nothings? We shall see. It’s sure trying to.
@50 I don’t think the Whigs and Know Nothings had nearly as much money at their disposal as the GOP in its bagger phase has now.
The Kochs and their allies have bought the GOP and all its minions lock, stock and barrel. They’ve pushed their legislation, voter suppression being the most egregious, at the local level through ALEC and through gerrymandering and the rural state advantage will block any progress at the U.S. Senate and House levels for a long time to come.
This withering attack is designed to make people give up on politics – at the national level anyway. A progressive can see some hope at the local level in places like New York, California and Oregon.
And Washington State? Oh my.. The progressiveness of this State is highly overrated with its retrograde taxation and polarized legislature.
What’s it going to take to make people wake up? If it can’t happen in KansASS and Lousy-ana (thanks Art) where things have gotten so bad after obvious klownservatic failures, it’s never going to happen. All the people who could have made a difference have probably just moved out of those places leaving it to the inmates of those asylums.
You can do Better than that, Bernie.
…Mr. Sanders is starting to sound like his worst followers. Bernie is becoming a Bernie Bro.
@ 51
They’ve pushed their legislation, voter suppression being the most egregious, at the local level through ALEC and through gerrymandering and the rural state advantage will block any progress at the U.S. Senate and House levels for a long time to come.
YLB, please explain how gerrymandering affects US Senate election results. Similarly, please explain how the Kochs were present during the creation of the US Constitution to ensure that no matter how sparsely populated, each state would have two Senators.
Republicans are in favor of torturing “potential terrorists” (i.e., people who haven’t been convicted of any crime) even if it breaks the law. But Democrats oppose torture in any and all circumstances. What could be more clear? Torture is not only illegal, but also immoral. This means if you vote Republican, you are immoral. If you vote for Democrats, you are a moral voter. The choice is yours.
@52 Bernie’s chances of winning the nomination make your comment as irrelevant as an aging doctor fading away into the sunset never to be heard from again. I’m speaking of Ben Carson, of course, although he’s not necessarily the only irrelevant doctor around here.
@53 “YLB, please explain how gerrymandering affects US Senate election results.”
Suppose California splits into 7 states, 1 liberal and 6 conservative, and instead of having 2 liberal senators, that geographical area has 2 liberal senators and 12 conservative senators.
Or suppose Washington and Oregon split into 2 states each, dividing along urban-rural lines. Conservatives gain 4 more senators, liberals none.
Who’s pushing this idea of carving more states out of existing states?
Does this answer your question?
@53 And yes, the Framers gerrymandered the Senate in favor of small, rural, agricultural states. Wanna guess why? Maybe it had something to do with slavery.
Given that slavery was abolished 150 years ago, maybe it’s time to talk about amending the Senate apportionment that was designed to preserve it? I mean, we don’t really need it anymore, do we?
Is it really fair for Republicans to control the Senate 54-46, even though they received the smaller popular vote? Is that how democracy should work?
I propose amending the Constitution to base Senate representation on population, not artificial boundaries drawn on maps two centuries ago.
@ 56
Suppose California splits into 7 states…
Really? That’s your answer?
Does Superman keep the new state on the left from falling into the sea after the California Split?
Note to yours truly: use semicolons to help out obtuse trolls who struggle with parsing the word “House”.
For now, ignore a-hole jerk.
@ 59
You haven’t yet mastered the correct use of exclamation points and placement of caps in a sentence, and you think you’re ready for semicolons?
Does a missing semicolon explain how the Kochs influenced the drafting of the US Constitution, YLB?
(Off-topic joke from the 80s
Q: What does a typewriter have in common with Ronald Reagan?
A: They each have a semicolon.)
RR any comments on the Magic bill and the fact we can use magic to make Rabbits appear with the name of protein?
@1 Well it looks good on some political resumes depending on party. And it’s easier than eliminating a real department. Unless of course you eliminate the department into the black budget and world.
@62 I have eliminated 4 government departments! So do I have Puddy’s love and gratitude?
@3 Does this mean you will be consulting with Rachel about your hair needs? I’m sure she can help you out. Dreads? Tight or loose rolls? Proper dew rag use with your current or future hair style. It’s not likely she will add a special something in the oils or shampoo that will broaden your horizons, and cause to visit a haberdasher shop in Missouri.
@5 If only America had gotten the clue at Woodstock and the Sexual Revolution had not died a still death. Then these sophomoric antics would just be laughable, but we are a society with issues about nudity and sex. If only these young adults had grown up in the Amazon jungle they would not have these hang ups and would have known more at 6 than they do now about sex, women’s nudity, showering, ect. even if they aren’t virgins and they be far better potential partners.
@23 I’m not sure I agree with the logic behind the adoption og the Stockholm rules. I’m not sure it will get past the French Supreme court review. Of course we can’t adopt this model as under the Supreme Court ruling in citizens united money is just speech and is not at all coercive. So the Republican party should just fine with prostitution. After all lobbyists are not sluts they do it for the money.
People selling drugs, or stolen goods or anything illegal should love the laws logic as they are being coerced by the buyers money. Get a tattoo, haircut, nails done, appendix removed you are just coercing the person with money to do these nasty services.
I also find the logic behind it similar to the Republican comments of punishing Doctors and nurses for providing abortion services and the women are just victims.
Of course the best way to assist sex workers is to legalize their profession. Which means they will have customers. Women and men could do their sluttiest best to eliminate the profession, of course that would involve changing societies concept of marriage. Yep bring on the society of free love! The age of Aquarius!
@25 Have you and did he or she give you good service?
I’m disappointed that the Super delegates in Washington aren’t taking the caucuses into account. Thus far all seem to be in Hilliaries pocket.
They also get to point out how non democratic the Democratic process is particularly if Sanders get a majority of pledged delegates or continues to surge and it becomes much more of a horse race.
The democrats have managed to lose 49 states with the current process and the democratic process that lost 49 states.
If nothing else the Republicans are having more fun, and might actually be the more democratic party though the party elites are seeking to regain control.
Could be party elites of both parties are not going to be happy with New York, New Jersey and California.
@50 No they are going to the inner city.
@53 The Koch’s were there! You can see in that 3/5ths of a person rule, and no direct election of citizens, They also hoped to create huge Indian Nations they would exploit when they could create a fossil fuel industry. That last one fizzled, but the Mantuks were going to even bigger and more civilized than the civilized tribe.
Look at the fifty dollar bill they are on it sneaking into the Capital.
Update on the derailment in Philadelphia last week. The investigation is now focusing on why the track gang and their backhoe were on the track the Palmetto was on.
Interesting proposal in San Francisco for a 25 cent fare increase on MUNI, for those paying with cash. Up here, the King County Ferry District provides a discount for ORCA users. The San Francisco proposal is partly to get more commuters to get the Clipper Card.
R senile is so senile now it answers to ylb”! HA’s monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch now has an older sibling answering to the same name!
I see the hate-filled loon woke up spewing unintelligible hate again.
Quintuple the manure pressure getting to QPPS!
So sad that DUMMOCRETIN used to be somebody! Now just worthless biomASS!
So we now know QPPS’s little brother who escaped from Western State was recaptured!
@ 74:
Have you ever really had occasion to rely on a privy? I lived in the hills nearish to Willits, CA for two years. We got our water pumped up to a big tank up on the hill, that was a daily chore to start the pump and run it for an hour or two, then hike up the damn hill to check on the level in the tank. We had irrigation, and running water in the outdoor kitchen sink but it wasn’t potable without boiling it. But we also had a privy. A real, honest-to-Pasta latrine about 50 feet down the trail. We varnished it up real pretty, decorated it with stupid shit like those cheap plastic pinwheel things sticking out of the roof and those blister stickers that glow in the dark. But it was our only shitter for almost two damn years.
With all that being said, there was in fact, a family of those little mountain brush rats living under the floorboards. We didn’t fuck with them and they didn’t fuck with us. But they became sort of a standing joke between myself and my Uncle for obvious reasons.
It occurres to me, that they were more rational and intelligent by several orders of magnitude than the oft similarly-compared individual as demonstrated at #’s 73, 75 and 76.