How does money influence U.S. elections?
Nightly Show: Planning a plantation wedding.
Obama debunks GOP “alternate reality” on economy.
The 2016 Clown Slugfest:
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump, Rubio, Christie and the KKK.
- Maddow: Campaigns head to states damaged by Republican policies.
- Ann Telnaes: Super Drumpf Tuesday!
- Friday #hottakes
- Red State Update: Dear the South, Re: Drumpf.
- Why Donald Drumpf’s torture plan won’t work.
- Hey…not all KKK members support Donald Drumpf.
- Roy Zimmerman: “I Think About Donald Drumpf”:
- Stephen: Trump fails the easiest test.
- Michael Brooks: Drumpf responds to challenge over wall, Mexicans paying.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie stands (weirdly) behind Trump.
- Young Turks: Mitt throws everything he has at Donald Drumpf.
- Trevor Noah: Donald Drumpf’s fascist week.
- Why do people like Donald Drumpf?
- Donald Drumpf talks about the size of his penis during the debate.
- Pelosi hammers House GOP on Drumpf KKK issue.
- Sam Seder: Trump forces Americans to think about his penis during debate.
- Can Donald Drumpf be stopped?
- Thom: The Trump University scam exposed.
- Young Turks: Biggest loser of the FAUX News debate.
- Matthew Flipowicz: Yosemite Sam endorses Donald Drumpf
- Trevor Noah: Who’s to blame for the Ku Klux Klan?
- Young Turks: What does Christie get out of endorsing Drumpf?
- Sam Seder: Mitt Romney’s statement–a dramatic interpretation.
- Susie Sampson: Donald Trumps his penis size.
- Farron Cousins: Corporate media doesn’t mind Trump’s KKK supporters
- Stephen: Here comes Mitt to save the day.
- Young Turks: Donald Drumpf assures America his penis is yuuuge
- Can the Republican Party stop Donald Drumpf?
- Mark Fiore: 20/20 foresight for Republicans.
- Trevor Noah “inside outs his thoughts about Donald Drumpf
- Trumped: Starring Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane:
- Sam Seder: Drumpf’s dog whistle KKK strategy.
- Ann Telnaes: Republican heads spin over Donald Drumpf
- Liberal Viewer: Did Ted Cruz link Drumpf to a mobster from The Simpsons?
- Ted Cruz’s Take Back America ad
- Sam Seder: What was that on Ted Cruz’s lip?
- Truthsquading Ted Cruz on climate change (Pt II)
- Ted Cruz: Bad lip reading.
- Young Turks: Republicans program Marco-bot with Drumpf jokes.
- Marco Rubio: simulated politician.
- Maddow: History offers lesson to GOP on defying will of party voters.
Hillary Clinton’s Lena Dunham strategy.
Jon Connor and Keke Palmer: “Fresh Water for Flint”.
Mental Floss: 26 facts about the science of friendship.
White House: West Wing Week.
Seth Meyers: A close look at a Texas abortion case.
Thom and Farron Cousins: How can an entire party reject the reality of climate change?
Sam Seder: MI officials call for Gov. Rick Snyder to resign over Flint water disaster.
Super Tuesday!
- Stephen: Did Hillary Clinton have a terrorist cat on Super Tuesday?
- Seth Meyers moderates a Super Tuesday debate.
- Jimmy Dore: Super Tuesday jokes.
- Super Tuesday trail mix.
- Stephen: The morning after Super Tuesday.
- Trevor Noah: Hillary Clinton feels the bern.
- Seth Meyers: Trump dominates Super Tuesday
- The Super Tuesday hostage crisis?
Thom: The Good, the Bad & the Very, Very Coadunately Ugly!
Nightly Show: Keep it 100%–Black History Month edition.
David Pakman: Clanence Thomas speaks for first time in a decade.
Farron Cousins: Court agrees…Bill-O-The-Clown is a horrible person.
Does giving up privacy keep us safe from terrorism?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I have noticed that the GOP are trying to bring up Senator Byrd’s history to counter the David Duke endorsement. Senator Byrd late in life said joining it was the greatest mistake he ever made. Although even he admitted it will always follow him.
Another Mexican raping the Womenzz.
Latest news on the potential New Jersey Transit strike. Negotiations between the parties by the National Mediation Board, and did not get far. The March 13th deadline is getting closer.
Is there any issue more important than running out of water? Maybe other than freedom itself and civil rights and basic food and shelter?
ISIS? North Korea getting Nuclear weapons? Abortion? Gun violence? Crime? High or low taxes?
Do we have are priorities straight?
Don’t blame politicians. Blame yourself. We are all part of the problem. Be accountable for once.
Republicans live to talk about State rights. At the same time they like to say that Democrats are dividing this Country.
But isn’t claiming for State rights dividing this Country into 50 divisions?
Wake up people.
Not just the current field of Republucans running for President but a lot of Republican politicians who are denouncing Trump are saying that they will vote for him in the General Election. So even with all his faults they are going to vote party line. So why do they criticize Democrats for voting party line?
The trolls here spew shit to tarnish Hillary, trying to persuade your opinion. Now I’m more of a Bernie fan but Hillary has my vote regardless. Regardless if she is a thief, liar, or dumb (which she isn’t). If they’ll vote for Trump even after denouncing him and making the comments that they have then how can they even argue against Hillary’s Charaxter?
They need to accept Trump and then let’s go Mano a mano on policy issues. Not the bullshit shit that Republicans want to talk about or disparage people so you vote against them. Let’s have a fair fight. The people deserve a fair fight. But Republicams are Cowards, they fear that their own shitty policies will lose them an election.
Their nomination is their problem and our nomination is our problem not theirs. Why do they make it theirs? They fear Hillary.
Then let’s move forward and talk about real priorities not the small bullshit. Like doing something so we all have fucking water to drink.
@5 It’s called “Balkanizing.”
@6 Listen, son, Republicans have been playing the same game for as long as I can remember, and I remember the 1952 election. The reason they do is because they can’t win on issues. And they can’t win on the character of their candidates, either (even Ike was an adulterer). So they trash-talk their opponents, promise deficit-exploding tax cuts, exploit their wedge issues, and suppress the Democratic vote because that’s all they’ve got.
The karson kook-a-nut’s grift finally ran out. Only so far the fool could take it in that party of “white privilege”..
Carson will cast his vote for Drumpf in November like an obedient dog.
As will all the other obedient “conservatives”.
Trumpenis: Make America erect again!
The financial press says a lot of Wall Street types will hold their noses and vote for Hillary because they’re afraid Trump will blow up the global economy.
After tonight – not sure Trump will be the nominee or Crud. Hopefully they’ll hold thier nose and vote for Hillary over Crud too.
Crud. Rubio. Trump. 3 peas in a pod. Only thing is that Trump is out of the pod and on the plate.
Super Saturday scorecard: Trump, Cruz, and Sanders win 2 states apiece; Clinton wins 1 state; Rubio, 0.
I wonder how Boob feels of no longer part of the face of the Republican Party, but he not black so that’s something to feel good about.
Republicans so classy.
I have a better idea – how about they all just be exterminated with Raid.
For me, unfortunately, the government or whoever is going to have to give me a few examples of what the classified information is. I’m not buying into Hillary saying that the government is over classifying information, as the article suggests, in just not a sheepish person, I need literate quotes of the classified information, so I myself can determine if it was anything damaging.
Analysis: Clinton part of widespread use of non-secure email for sensitive information
Those that are always blaming and crying about the liberal media are in a 180 twist lapping up what is supposedly “classified”. Sorry, put it out there – you know it already must be out there anyways, right? Or is this a case of accusing someone of murder of without knowing if maybe ther missing person just ran away from home?
Sorry, voting for Hillary sure beats voting for any Nazis.
And I care about more about if all the water is going to dry up over some so called classified bullshit.
17 comments of pure BULLSHITTIUM above.
I will vote for Heilary no matter what is the sentiment above. So if she’s indicted you all will jack boot goose step forward to the Heilary line eh?
#neverhillary is gaining traction…
Meanwhile a blog of left wrong DOPES…
Just like the posts on HA DUMMOCRETINS full of left wrong DOPES!
Now this could have made the Friday Night Comix butt we know TRUTH and FACTS are never presented in a cogent manner! So Puddy has to do it!
Remember how HA DUMMOCRETINS gushed over Tulsi Gabbard? Google “tulsi gabbard”
Threats and intimidation is the DUMMOCRETIN way. Just witness the attacks by QPPS on Puddy these last few weeks.
“Ex-DNC official says she was warned against breaking from Clinton”
Saul Alinsky is strong among DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRETIN his panics eat each other!
Will Trump go on to win the nomination without ever being called out by “conservatives” for racism?
Will 2016 be the year in which it officially becomes okay among “conservatives” to be openly racist?
Remember that time during the 2008 Dem primary when Clinton got together with David Duke?
Right. Neither does anybody else.
Looks like San Franfreako is more worried about 18-20 year olds smoking than stopping illegal aliens being a sanctuary city.
The freak show continues…
Meanwhile another left wrong professor is displaying her Bibi Derangement Syndrome…
PuddyCommentariat: Another 9/11 Truther like many HA DUMMOCRETINS here. Just ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for a crazed databaze replay!
Equally important, and something overlooked by the Heilary super pac libtard media, Joy Karega is a big supporter of the Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement; the other Israeli BDS. These freakshow left wrong libtard professors reside all over the US; from the northwest to the southeast and all parts in-between!
R.I.P., Nancy Reagan.
Maybe astrology isn’t such a bad way to run a country, after all, when compared to the anarchy and nihilism the Republican Party has descended into since then.
“R.I.P., Nancy Reagan”
Yes, rest in peace.
“Maybe astrology isn’t such a bad way to run a country”
When it comes to batshit insane wingnuts running the country, Nancy was ahead of her time.
When it comes to batshit insane wingnuts running the country, Eleanor Roosevelt was way ahead of her time!
When it comes to batshit insane wingnuts running the country, Jackie Kennedy preferred the more exotic I Ching and rune stones, way ahead of her time!.
Seems the Oregon moron @22 and 23 is reading Salon BULLSHITTIUM again.
Tsk tsk tsk!
Puddy wonders if these parents are your standard DUMMOCRETINS?
Didn’t the cadaver AKA HHTL@5 scream states rights above?
@17 Your comments get to the heart of the conundrum. How can you know whether there is a real issue here if you can’t see any of the damned e-mails in question. Which is most likely already out there in public perhaps from Wiki leaks. But the governments reply is their classified trust us.
When it comes to people being tried for these types of crimes the government likes to keep the issue to just what the perpetrator did. While it should be a defense that the information itself should never have been classified the government will fight tooth and nail that is not relavant. Just the person took the oath, did the training, and did this behavior that violates the law and they should be punished under the espionage act…and it’s a very large fine and a long prison sentence. Of course politicians and political appointees seem to get away with a lot more than that fellow sitting in a cell at Fort Leavenworth. And leaks of classified information happen all the time on Capital Hill often intentionally by one pol of whatever party and sometimes with the White House’s willing participation, as long as there is deniability. Of course the President, the head of the NSA, CIA, most Cabinet officials are themselves the original classification authorties. Who are supposed to use the classification guides to determin if something should or should not be classified. It’s the lower level officials and worker bees who do this. With good old CYA being the operative motive here, and not wanting to upset the boss or the powers that be things get classified that should not be. When a three star general says a CNN report is classified and a roomful of Staff Sergeants tell him he’s nuts the CNN report gets classified and will likely remain classified until the date in future it’s supposed to be become unclsssified and then it might get a new date. This could be to made sure the three star isn’t embarrassed or shown to be stupid in this instance, but that can’t be the official reason, so something of public knowledge will remain classified and if some underling talks about it to the press or their mom, Senator, ect they can get hit with criminal prosecution for passing states secrets and go to prison.
I’m reading the Pentagon’s Brain about DARPA. In the chapter about Vietnam a couple of anthropoligists go to some villages and talk to the villagers about a program that has moved them from their home to set up these new villages with walls ect. These guys get the villagers to open up and they find out the program is not working. They return to Washington and write the report up and it’s unclassified. They speak to the boss at ARPA and he turns his chair on them and then their unclassified report becomes classified Secret. Clearly because the report didn’t toe the line, and questioned how we were going to succeed in Vietnam winning the hearts and minds. This was in 1961 under Kennedy and of course us being in Vietnam at the time was kinda a open secret. The first sprayings of Agent orange happened under ARPA in 1961. Of course this was secret as well no matter how you look at the use of Agent Orange it’s chemical warfare and against the Geneva accords. And the North Vietnamese did notice and it hit the radio back in 1963 but for some reason it didn’t become big news, and it remained secret and the spraying continued.
Of course there is Castle Bravo that the crew of the Lucky Dragon inadvertently exposed them and the Pacific Islanders who had to be moved. Yep we lit off the first hydrogen bomb there and got a bigger explosion than expected from a deliverable bomb. It was expected to be 6 megatons and we got 15. A bomb that if dropped on Washington DC today would kill 20 million people and take out most the east coast. Of course we had plans for a 10,000 megaton bomb able to take out a continent.
So does our government keep secrets to protect us. Or does it and other governments keep secrets because we might be very upset if we knew? Could be some of both, and I do believe the government must keep some things secret if only for a period of time, but the latter makes it appearance far more often than it should.
So yes there is a lot of over classification and a lot of misclassification. Or classification for reasons that have to do with protecting the guilty than what our laws provide for. There is a gray area in all of this that persons who like things black and white are going to have a problem with, or try to manipulate. I believe government should be open and transparent and secrets kept to a minimum. Information on what has been done in the past and needed to be kept secret at the time should come out in time. That would include police investigations that went no where, and the bell has tolled. That one will get a lot of police chiefs and shriffs all huffy. I do think local government has a reason to keep the probable location of a say a bridge project secret for a time to prvent speculation and so the public purse isn’t stolen from, still by the time the bridge is built all this must come out in the wash so the publica can know if there was an unacceptable level of corruption in the process. (A small amount of corruption is probably good as it shows at least there was something worth stealing involved).
@18 Well she could be arrested after the Democratic Convention and be the Democratic and have to run her campaign from jail like Debs did And if she beats the Republican candidate from prison that would be a little embarrassing for your side. I think some on here believe Hilliary could beat any of the Republican candidates even from prison. They may be right.
@24 Well it’s San Francisco. Some flowers in your hair Puddy? A bit more public nudity? Of course no issues on men and women bathrooms as you can go to either, it’s cool dude. Listen to some Jefferson Starship. Get in the grove. I doubt any tobacco ban would be effective. Still doesn’t your church support a full ban on tobacco use? Not like you use tobacco so if you were to visit San Fran the band doesn’t affect you or would you be slumming it with some beautiful young San Franciscan woman while enjoying all the city has to offer?
Interesting article and editorial commentary from Railway Age on the impending strike and lockout at New Jersey Transit’s commuter rail division. New Jersey Transit has released a contingency plan, redirecting passengers to charter buses, the PATH, and ferries. Towards the end of the article, some scathing criticism of Governor Christie.
There was one rumor managers were going to drive some trains. Either just a rumor, or none of them had engineer’s licenses in general, or rated on the ALP-45DP and ALP-46 locomotives that are needed for trains using the Hudson tunnels into Penn Station.
@32 Didn’t think your religion was known for sparing the rod. Perhaps your church has put these folks up for parents of the year.
@37 While I’m sure Christie is putting pressure on board members the board is independent and the only thing Governor Christie has is a veto. Nothing in the article states says the board came to a decision to accept the contract proposal and it was vetoed by Christie. Christie maybe fine with railroad workers having a union just those nasty teachers having a union.
Guess you have a lot of Trump support building in some newspaper offices across New Jersey and in the state so Christie will disappear from state politics quietly. They look forward to sharing their gift of Governor Christie to the nation.
Looks like a lot of Democrats are turning out in Maine. Some excitement and folks turning out. No matter who you support this is a good thing for Democrats. Hopefully from here on out it will translate into great turnout across the remaining primaries.
Democrats need enthusiasm and they need to have it for their folks running at the state level and for Congress.
I wonder if the Duggars ever thought about using a taser on Josh. Maybe they should have.
Marco Rubio won Puerto Rico. I wonder if he supports statehood for Puerto Rico like I do. Don’t know if this subject has come up in any of the debates or in Presidential politics.
Meanwhile libtards in action… More screams of Mike Rowe Agreshuns…
PuddyCommentariat: AMAZING!
The guy didn’t know how to manage his own money. Not surprising that he wouldn’t know how to become President. Demonstrates his ability to only fail. He wouldn’t have made even a half decent President. He just in it for himself and one big fucking snake. Didn’t even know how to show up and vote for any legislation.
Inside The Rubio Implosion
And Trump is just the opposite. He knows what it takes to become President. He knows he just has to be a racist.