What are basic human rights?
How is this a thing? Whitewashing.
Jimmy Dore: Bizarre Don Quixote lie & why Richard Dreyfus was stunned
Thom: Why are Republicans so vexed over Gitmo?
The 2016 Clown Show:
- The 2016 campaign is a nightmare for Marge Simpson.
- Lindsey Graham: My party has gone batshit crazy”
- Stephen: We may have to get used to a President Trump!
- Sam Seder: Someone finally brings up Trump’s University fraud.
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Trump monster stronger and more frightening than ever (p.s. you deserve this, GOP)
- Matthew Filipowicz: Network executive’s Trump confession:
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie’s heartfelt endorsement of Trump
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump’s South Carolina win.
- The Pope weighs in on Trump’s wall.
- David Pakman: Trump’s fraud case.
- Sam Seder: Trump loses it when Rubio calls out his privilege
- Stephen: Pope shot first.
- Sam Seder: Glenn Beck fasts on behalf of Ted Cruz….
- Ted Cruz 30 second spot
- Seth Meyers with a closer look at Ted Cruz’s dirty tricks.
- Ted Cruz, the ZODIAC KILLER
- Sam Seder: Jeb Suspends…the crowd response is awkward.
- Stephen: It’s time to grow up with Marco Rubio.
- Young Turks: Marco Rubio thinks he can win via a brokered convention
- Stephen: Marco’s “Morning again in Canada.”
- Trevor Noah: Ben Carson’s blackness
Minute Physics: How do we know what air is like on other planets?
What is a rigged economy?
Obama is still trying to close Gitmo.
Seth Meyers: A closer look at Bernie Sander’s “Democratic Socalism”.
The Church for people who are “Spiritual, but not religious”.
Obstruction of Justice:
- David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: Election-year Supreme Court nominations
- Daily Show: Congress, the game.
- Young Turks: If Cenk was Obama’s nominee
- PsychoSuperMom: Block that nominee!
- Pap with Howard Nations: SCOTUS Limbo Is A Huge Gift For Liberals.
- Constitution or Chaos?
- What happens if a Supreme Court decision ends in a tie?
- Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) blasts Republicans for refusing to consider a SCOTUS nominee.
- LGBT Americans and SCOTUS
Seattle police release video of Che Taylor shooting.
Nikki & Dan Savage do politics.
Stephen’s wish list for Hillary.
John Oliver: Abortion laws.
For those who need help getting to the polls….
A moment with Triumph The Insult Comic Dog.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting quote from Senator Graham. Will be interesting to see if he says the same in November.
Counting is underway in Ireland for their parliamentary elections. Polls closed at 10pm Dublin time. They use a form of proportional representation that makes it best to have all ballots in before the first count. Surplus votes from those who make the quota, and the votes of the candidate that gets the fewest are then redistributed according to voter’s preferences. Takes a day or two..
The exit polls show support for the Fine Gael+Labor Coalition has dropped, Sinn Fein, Finna Fail, Independent candidates, and smaller parties are making gains.
Gerrymandering has been tried in Ireland in the past, and backfired. It was mainly done in the past, by varying the number of MP’s per district. It was a longshot at best, A sudden surge of support, overcomes it.
@1 of course he won’t, then he will be sniffing Donald’s ass. But hopefully people like put their money where their mouth is and either vote D or stay home and protest.
@4 long live Ireland – Home of the real Free and real Brave!
Fick’em. Ding dong the witch is dead!
Antonin Scalia’s Death Just Cost Dow Chemical $835 Million http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....32968.html
He was a man on the take. Scum bag!
Bees Are Dying And That Could Be Devastating For Food Security http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....30494.html
And soon so will everyone else.
There will be no more fetus to worry about.
4) Their election electoral system may have them in uncharted territory, the two major parties may have to share power.
Didn’t Le Puke just endorse the guy? Is he and others trying to sabotage Trump’s nomination?
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02.....hone-share NYTimes: Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump
@7 I don’t know what you know, but sounds like our current system of two parties sucks worse.
Oh my, check this out! Mercedes-Benz is replacing robots with humans! What a slap in the face to Boob.
@5 That’s kinda my assessment of the man, too. I remember when he went on a hunting trip with Cheney while Cheney was a defendant in a case pending before the court, which Scalia helped decide in Cheney’s. That seemed unethical to me, the sort of thing for which less powerful judges and lawyers get disciplined.
This is interesting:
“The United States’ economy is in better shape than the presidential candidates make it seem, investor Warren Buffett said Saturday, even though businesses like his still face challenges. In his annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, Buffett didn’t name specific candidates or issues, but noted that the negative drumbeat about the economy, health care reform and income inequality may get voters down about the future.
“‘It’s an election year, and candidates can’t stop speaking about our country’s problems (which, of course, only they can solve),’ he said, adding later, ‘that view is dead wrong: The babies being born in America today are the luckiest crop in history.’ Buffett noted that there will still be economic troubles as business evolves, but that the country needs to make sure it has a solid safety net to help people who lose jobs.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wow. The Republican demagogues stirring up the rubes are “dead wrong” about the economy, says Buffett, who’s at least six times richer than Trump if you believe Trump’s net worth claims. (More likely 15 times richer, according to Forbes.) A lot of these people follow Trump because they’re awed by his wealth and success. Well, if Buffett is many times wealthier and more successful than Trump, then they should listen to Buffett, don’t you think?
he seemed to dismiss the opinion of regular people with great ease. Even when doing so lessened public support for our judicial system and imperiled Democracy.
11)The problem is, the Supreme Court has different standards on recusal. Although it affected the outcome, the Fisher case saw Justice Kagen recuse herself due to being involved in it. Justice Thurgood Marshall recused himself in Clay vs. United States because of his previous duties as Solicitor General.
9) Back in 2003, when Seattle was considering District elections for the city council, I saw three old-eds on the PI. One was from the backers, one from a council member supporting the status quo at the time, and a third pushing a solution based on what Ireland uses, and is in use for City Council and school board elections in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I got curious, and looked more resources. It was interesting to learn that we had cities giving proportional representation a try, and it was working too well, to the point that racial politics and the red scare were used to repeal it in all but one city in the US that adopted it.
Illinois, it was cost savings(reducing the size of the state house) that abolished the cumulative voting system. The three seat districts gave the voters three votes, and they could use them anyway they wanted. It benefited Downstate Democrats, and yes, Chicago Republicans!
Interesting who pushed the repeal, Pat Quinn. There was at least one State Senator pushing revival as late as 2001, but he moved on from Springfield in 2005.
Cumulative voting is more of a semi-proportional system, maybe a little better than winner take all.
Maine’s Two-Faced Governor
“Another attempt [to derail Trump] took place at a Republican governors meeting last week, where Maine Gov. Paul LePage called for his fellow state heads to pen an open letter ‘to the people’ against Trump. LePage’s colleagues, according to the newspaper, never took up the suggestion. Six days later, LePage gave his endorsement to Trump, on the heels of Christie’s own nod to the New York businessman.”
If you count his two chins he actually has four faces. Him and Crustie.
I think they are looking for jobs as of November. Trump hires degenerates.
The single seat version of the Irish Electoral system, if used for elections in Maine, 2010 and 2014 would have been different, depending how votes for the Democratic candidate in 2010 and Independent Candidate in 2014 transferred. LePage would have been elected with a majority of votes, or he would not be Governor.
@18 not sure if I follow you….I guess I should do more looking into what the single seat version is or means.
“LePage would have been elected with a majority of votes, or he would not be Governor”. Didn’t he get elected with the greater count of three candidates and was elected…..so when you say “majority” do yo u mean he would have had to received more than 50% of the vote?
Anyways, long live Ireland, the real home of the free and the brave!
Didn’t Puffy post something regarding MHP? I really wasn’t interested before and didn’t read any of the articles, but today I found myself wanting to know what happen.
I use to watch her show, but not really a Saturday morning television viewer, so I didn’t watch her regularly. But I think she is a smart woman and always interested in hearing what she had to say.
Now that I think of it, from what I remember she did spend a lot of time or most of her time on topics of racial matters or equality (I think many times she spoke up for the Gay community). It didn’t bother me that her focus was race.
But I’m not sure if it is in the best interest of MSNBC, especially at time of low ratings, to have programming that focuses only on one issue all the time. Maybe I am making an accusation that isn’t true, but from the article linked it leads you to believe that that is all she talked about.
I sympathize with her but I also think that she is being somewhat ungrateful for the opportunity given her and trying to strong arm a position to be the determiner of what MSNBC programs.
I can sympathize with a comment like the following – “As one longtime friend of Harris-Perry’s put it: “Is there room for a militant black professor on the new MSNBC?” Sure questions are always good to ask. And maybe we need to know the answers. But is it MSNBC’s duty to give her that platform, or are they in the News business?
But then to hear this – “I show up on TV and say words because, at the moment, I have the cover of a powerful white man,” her boss at MSNBC, she said. “The moment that that powerful white man no longer wants me to sit on TV and say words, I will not be allowed to sit on TV and say words anymore.” I think is being a little ungrateful for the opportunity given.
Maybe she should ask Fox News if there is any room over there for her. Maybe the white man there will love her better.
I wonder how Puffy would feel if this was Thomas Roberts in this situation. And his show focused on Gay issues for the most part, every week. I watch him and I don’t think I’ve ever have heard him devote hours toward the plight of the Gay community. And then imagine if he stormed off. I’m sure Puffy would come to his defense. How the Log Cabin Republicans doing?
This may be why Bob connot understand the $15 wage issue
Facts run counter to his idolatry.
” our political passions can even undermine our very basic reasoning skills”.
This clearly describes all Republicans. I have a “Republican” friend who supports Trump and is crazy about him……I think he has lost all ability to reason.
I also have another Republican (this time purposely without quotations) friend whom I’ve mentioned here before. He is a Carson supporter (even though he has said bad remarks about Black people – how is that for reasoning). I haven’t talked to him in about 5 months now, but I think he may be leaning towards Trump now. But not sure if he cares about Rubio’s comment of the Donald hiring non documented Polish people to build Trump Towers, because he himself uses non documented Jamaicans to harvest his annual 7 acres of Tobacco, but he DOESN’T like
Illegals, hows that for reasoning.
….not a big farmer but kind of a side job for him, he also has a 40 hour job as a construction general superintendent. Tobacco has to be tended to but you just pretty much watch it grow and hope a hail storm doesn’t wipe out your crop, until the day you have to pick it.
Trying to figure out the reasoning of a Republican is like trying to understand that the Egyptian pyramids were used for grain silos.
Have a good night Better. Time to go have a drink and spend some of the night in the big city.
“Here’s How Much Chris Christie Hates Marco Rubio”
Chris Christie on Marco Rubio’s attacks on Trump, “flailing punches in the last days of a losing campaign.” Ouch!
@21 It’s clear Bob harbors irrational disdain for his socioeconomic lessers. Maybe it comes from being despised by his working-class patients, which is who you mostly get when you’re sucking from the Medicare and Medicaid tits.
“Maybe it comes from being despised by his working-class patients”
I don’t know about that. When was the last time anybody actually met with their radiologist? The only people I’ve ever encountered at a radiology clinic are the administrative staff and radiology technicians.
R senile @12 on the booming economy,
So which Republican said this:
So which Republican said this:
So which Republican said this:
So which Republican said this:
Now this one is a tough one… So which Republican said this:
Please answer which Republican on each one!
Did the Janging Human Teabag Licker fart @20?
What was it saying? Complete gibberish! Maybe TPPS has the decoder ring again!
Republican voters are upset and want to give Donald Trump a chance. The establishment doesn’t realize that not voting as you campaigned has consequences.
Some DUMMOCRETIN voters are also upset butt the big DUMMOCRETIN DNC establishment is either stacking the super delegate deck against them or have no problem with the dog whistle candidate fooling the ignorant mASSes of dumb black ASSes with a lying liar!
Republican voters are upset and want to give Donald Trump a chance. The establishment doesn’t realize that not voting as you campaigned has consequences.
Some DUMMOCRETIN voters are also upset butt the big DUMMOCRETIN DNC establishment is either stacking the super delegate deck against them or have no problem with the dog whistle candidate fooling the ignorant mASSes of dumb black ASSes with a lying liar!
19)In 2010, he won with 37% of the vote in a race with one Democratic candidate and 3 Independents.
The Single-Winner method is Ranked Choice Voting. Pierce County tried it, but it needs to be done with all ballots in by Election Day. It’s biggest success in the US so far is San Francisco, and parts of Minnesota. It was gaining steam in Minnesota, but failed in Duluth last year, but the re-election of Governor Mark Dayton with more than 50% of the vote, helped slow the momentum. The election of Jesse Ventura, plus several other elections with similar less than majority outcomes, led Minneapolis, and then St. Paul to adopt it. The Independence Party had influenced the Senate election in 2008(Al Franken ‘s narrow victory), and Gubernatorial race in 2010.
A little background on Single Transferable Vote. I would not try it here the way the Australians do it. The major parties have found a way to game it, working with minor parties. The problem with that is that Australia requires the voters to rank every candidate, and it makes for horse trading by the parties.
A little update on the Contract talks between the Rail Labor Coalition and New Jersey Transit.
Meanwhile, Metro North is getting ready for extra traffic on their Hudson Line, although their West of Hudson lines will be affected, since they operate out of Hoboken.
First they went after conservatives
Now they feel The Bern http://www.theamericanmirror.c.....y-critics/
Heilary needs help and Twitter is providing it.
@32 Paranoid much?
Another reason why Obama is right and Republicans are wrong:
“Partial results released Sunday indicate that Iranian reformists will win all 30 parliamentary seats in Tehran, handing hard-liners an embarrassing defeat in the first elections held since last year’s nuclear deal. The deal is expected to bolster moderate allies of President Hassan Rouhani, who championed it in the face of hard-line opposition.”
Here’s a man whose promises are worthless:
“Donald Trump said Sunday that the Republican Party isn’t treating him well, suggesting he could go back on his pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee in the 2016 White House race if the party establishment keeps trying to take him down. … ‘I signed a pledge and I will, you know, abide by the pledge unless they default, but as far as I’m concerned they’re defaulting,’ he said.”
He’s a childish whiner, too:
“They have this lightweight Senator Marco Rubio saying terrible things, just personal, terrible things.”
yez masta I goes home now.
Ohhhhh that liberal media
Apparently the KKK doesn’t like Cubans either. Oh poor Crud, thinks Cubans shouldn’t be the mark of the KKK.
When wingnuts hate each other…
“Mailbag of Hate: Make America Great Edition”
Watching NBC Nighyly news tonight, after enjoying a beautiful 60 degree weather on this late Febraury day (hasn’t been much of a winter this year). But as I watch the reporting on the news from Texass, it appeared like it was summer day there. It is February, right? I think it is suppose to be warm in Texass this time of year but it looked like July.
Good thing there is still some ice left at the poles.
Rubio saying that there is no room for bigotry in this Country*
*Unless your religion calls for hating the gays.
Long live Ireland – real home of the Free and the Brave.
I had to research. – the normal high for Austin Texass this time of year is supposed to be in th high 50’s or low 60’s. Today it was mid 70’s and forecast in the next couple of days is supposed to be low 80’s.
Wonderfully warm! Bees and butterflies dying and wonderfully beautiful weather. Did someone say something about Trump?
I read an analysis today that should concern Democrats as it affects the upcoming election. In no state that has had a democratic caucus or primary has the turnout even approached the 2008 or 2012 turnout. In fact it’s been down by about a third.
This is a significant problem, and it would be worse if there would be no Bernie Sanders running. It means the Republicans who have their folks showing up at the polls en masse have generated a lot more excitement and have a significant advantage. The Democrats only prayer maybe a Republican party split.
If Clinton should do awfully well during super Tuesday it could doom the Democratic race to mediocrity and while she and the establishment may get her as their chosen one. there seems to be a big yawn from Democratic voters. And another four years of a Democratic President and a Republican congress does not bode well. Do you suppose the Republicans can not confirm a Supreme Court justice for ummm 5 years until a Republican is in office as the people will have spoken properly?
Bart Simpson for President!
This is the first Presidental election the fictional character is elgible since appearing on the Tracy Ullman show April 19, 1987. No birther issues eat your heart out Senator Cruz this 10 year old will kick your ass as the Democratic Bad Boy candidate. You Republicans can’t steal Bart from us you did Ike.
One big fat liar.
In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in N.Y. http://cour.at/1SaKWfb
Trump doesn’t want to call himself a politician, but he sure lies like one. Or do most people, politician or not, just lie a lot. If that be the case, then why shouldn’t politicians be able to lie.
Latest update out of Ireland, looks like Sinn Fein, a party once called the political wing of the IRA is the third largest party in the Dail, with the 4th largest, a group of Independents. One of the smaller parties, is the Anti Austerity Alliance-People Before Profits, with 5 seats.
I read an analysis today that should concern Democrats as it affects the upcoming election. In no state that has had a democratic caucus or primary has the turnout even approached the 2008 or 2012 turnout. In fact it’s been down by about a third.
The inevitable establishment dog whistle DUMMOCRETIN candidate eh?
If there is no deal at New Jersey Transit, the commuter rail employees could go on strike on March 13. Management says they will operate some of the trains themselves. Problem is, ever since the Gunpow, Maryland train disaster, locomotive engineers have to be licensed. Probably will end up with a Congressionally imposed settlement, as the Railway Labor Act allows for. The RLA is not intended as a manual for war between labor and management, but to keep the nation moving. Then again, the Coolidge Administration could not have foreseen commuter rail operations under state control, like in the case of New Jersey Transit.
Where did R senile go for #26? It appears R senile is afraid to tell everyone which 2016 economic campaign statement was said by whom in #26!
It is so typical of R senile to run away from FACTS when confronted on the daily BULLSHITTIUM it posts on this blog!
FACTS are called paranoia because that’s whats happening when you get more and more senile! Paranoia thoughts abound where lucid thought once abounded 35 years ago.
Seems the DUMMOCRETIN dog whistling candidate will do well on stoooooooooooopid Tuesday! People would rather listen to dog whistling than feel The Bern!
@49 I don’t think the problem for Bernie Sanders is about dog whistling or the Bern. He’s doing very well and he’s accomplished what he set out to do. Which is give the progressive/liberal part of the party more presence.
Frankly he’s played as large a part or more of a part than Hillary Clinton in supporting African Americans. He’s marched. He’s been arrested. He’s protested with African American’s. Yet he’s not married to the wife of the first black President. Bernie is in the race, but I’m not at all sure he can do well in the south except maybe Florida. It’s about race, and he just hasn’t had the time and he hasn’t found a way to connect with southern blacks. He may not be able to and he may not be able to make a good connection with southern whites. We are a nation of regions and the south still remains pretty tightly knit and don’t cotton to outsiders, but them folk from Arkansas are one of us even if them Arkansas folk have a lot of hillbillies.
PS the south also has the best and worst race relations of any region of the United States.