Bernie and Hillary supporters kiss and make up.
Mental Floss: 37 ways you might be weird.
Stephen: Cory Booker talks what it means to be united.
What happens if the presidential election was a tie?
The 2016 Konservative Klown Kavalcade:
- Stephen with Hungry for Power Games
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: The GOP has destroyed itself with the worst candidates of all time
- GOP harmony.
- Young Turks: Jeb! tweets photo of gun…the Intertubes respond.
- Ann Telnaes: Jeb continues to shoot blanks.
- Young Turks: He’s back! George campaigns for Jeb.
- Jimmy Dore: Google users search for a troubling truth about Jeb!
- Trump’s Gamble: A failed bet in Atlantic City
- Stephen on Trump v. Pope:
- The Pope trashes Trump.
- Daily Show: Trump supporters speak out.
- Thom and Pap: Watch out for the fake populist.
- Susie Sampson: Donald, his people & the REAL issues.
- Jimmy Dore: Donald Trump bursts the GOP bubble.
- Jimmy Dore: Jeb defends George against Donald.
- Jimmy Dore: Donald Trump’s 9/11 comments rock the conservative world
- Young Turks: Trump continues to call out George Bush on 9/11.
- Thom: This guy could be President…Trump edition.
- Michael Brooks: Trump calls Cruz a liar.
- Young Turks: On Howard Stern’s show, Trump supported Iraq invasion.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump and the Iraq War.
- Stephen: Donald calling.
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz’s Photoshopped “dirty trick.”
- David Pakman: Ted Cruz hires a pornography actress
- David Pakman: Marco Rubio’s “America” in ad is really Canada.
- Liberal Viewer: Another Rubot slip-up?
Stephen: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog is now an Incisive-Political-Humor Dog.
Buy food ethically unless it is too hard.
Why are so many Mexican journalists being murdered?
WaPo: Journalism in peril.
Obstructing Justice:
- Obama on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
- How is a Supreme Court Justice selected?
- Jeb sez he probably would nominate a new Justice.
- Matthew Filipowicz with David Dayen: How to solve the Scalia Supreme Court Constitutional crisis
- Obama: “The Constitution is clear” on Supreme Court nomination
- David Pakman: Republican hypocrisy on Scalia appointment exposed
- Farron Cousins: Republican obstruction will hurt them in November
- How long is a Presidential term, anyway???
- Stephen’s tribute to Antonin Scalia.
- Mark Fiore: Constitution alert.
- Michael Brooks: Alex Jones thinks Scalia was murdered!!!
- Congress…DO YOUR JOB!
- Conservative commentators rip the G.O.P. over obstruction.
- Reagan on nominating a Justice in the 4th year.
- Maddow: Justice Scalia was a racist, judicial activist and hypocrite
- Young Turks: Will the G.O.P. take Reagan’s advice on Supreme Court nomination?
- Farron Cousins and Pap: Can Obama outsmart Republicans on SCOTUS appointments?
- Mitch McConnell: Secret Senate Rules
- David Pakman: Implications surface that Scalia was murdered.
- Matthew Filipowicz: Republicans reveal their ultimate Supreme Court plan after Scalia.
- Jimmy Dore: Justice Scalia was as much a person as the corporations he represented.
NASA: Celebrating African American History Month.
Bill Maher: For the love of bud.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about sports.
Young Turks: Democratic town halls versus Republican town halls.
Jimmy Dore: Apple, Trump, Cruz and other bad apples.
FBI versus Apple:
- Seth Meyers: Apple versus the FBI…a closer look.
- David Pakman: Judge orders Apple to crack phone.
- Thom: Apple vs the FBI.
- Young Turks: Apple says iPhone “backdoor” risks all user’s security
White House: West Wing Week.
Does the President really need Air Force One?
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: What is Regular Order?:
David Pakman: January was the warmest January on record.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting how they get on the President over constitutional issues, and now he’s being told by the right not to follow it.
The President needs Air Force One though it would be refreshing if he could fly coach on occasion and get out of the bubble like some European PMs.
Sorry Navy the President flies with Air Force eagles!! Go Air Force!
This type of important information is never covered in the Friday Night Comix; hence why it’s the laughable comix page each week.
PuddyCommentariat: Even the Hanging Human Teabag Licker can understand this change without consulting R senile! Yet HA DUMMOCRETINS would rather read useless commentary from the US Constitution moron Rachel MadCow than understand the implications of the TPP on your life.
Sad and so typical!
Wait now, the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS will be searching the crazed databaze to view what Puddy wrote earlier on TPP.
Go ahead and make Puddy’s day monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Remember Heilary, as secretary of state actively advocated for the TPP. In fact, Heilary did so 45 times between 2010 and 2013.
“We need to keep upping our game both bilaterally and with partners across the region through agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP. This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40% of the world’s total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment.”
Then last October she was against it because she was feeling The Bern! Another Clinton flip flop like she was against gay marriage before she was for it. At least The Bern was for it!
Where have the weekly posts from National Progressive Radio gone Comix man?
Meanwhile a column R senile can appreciate…
Gail is a well-known NY Slimes libtard!
Trump Shows His Inner Rabbit
Seems The Bern was a college activist before Heilary…
At the University of Chicago, he was a leader of the Congress of Racial Equality, a major civil rights group. News accounts from the time had Sanders leading protests over racial inequality
Justice Scalia’s death means South Carolina has to re-gerrymander its congressional districts and figure out some other way to discriminate against black voters.
The big question is, will today’s South Carolina primary deal Jeb!’s campaign a mortal blow?
@1 What do you expect from the Hypocrisy Party?
@3 “Ignore” button pressed.
@4 Ditto*
* I don’t ditto much — it’s overused by the wrong people — but I’m trying to avoid a sports analogy — also overused — such as saying “Puddy is 0 for 2 now,” or “Puddy whiffs two pitches in a row.”
@5 Yay Bern! You go, man! Hoorah!
Yawn. I’m going back to sleep in my hole. Nothing interesting going on here.
Grassley Barometer Timeline
Saturday, 3pm:
“I think we ought to wait to make some more decisions, you know?
I wouldn’t make any prognostication on anything about the future because there’s so many balls in the air when those things are considered”
Saturday, 5pm:
“… it only makes sense that we defer to the American people who will elect a new president to select the next Supreme Court Justice.”
“I would wait until the nominee is made before I would make any decisions. In other words, take it a step at a time.”
“I will take it a step at a time. The president hasn’t nominated anybody yet.”
“Is it kind of common sense that if I said this whole thing ought to wait until the next election and let the people decide, doesn’t that preempt anything else?”
Later on Thursday:
“The president is going to nominate somebody, or if he doesn’t nominate somebody, that’s his choice. Then it comes to the Senate. And then at that point, we are going to act. We’re going to act in one of two ways. We are either going to give our consent or we’re not going to give our consent. Either way, the Constitution is going to be fulfilled.”
It’s called tailoring your message.
Or lying. Sometimes it’s called lying.
In Ireland, Election 2016 is underway, and what a great way to honor the 100th Anniversary of Easter Rising, electing a government to represent the people of the Republic of Ireland. One issue that is popping up, some candidates are talking about further weakening of Ireland’s abortion laws, and the Catholic Church has weighed in. The current government, within the language of the Irish Constitution, made an exception for the life of the mother.
As for another familiar election issue, gerrymandering, not much of a factor. The electoral districts are drawn by an independent commission. There was one attempt at rigging the election when one party’s support was mainly concentrated in Dublin, it backfired. Ireland uses multi-seat districts with Single Transferable Vote proportional representation. 3-5 seat districts, so gerrymandering is tricky, as the electoral threshold goes down as district magnitude goes up.
“No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith,” Mr. Trump said
Don’t do like he did questioning the President’s faith, or like he did questioning Cruz’s evangelical cred.
But being a liar and hypocrite is working for him so far so why stop now
R senile @9,
FACTS too confusing for that senile mind eh?
A little update on the battle between New Jersey Transit(Governor Christie), and the Rail Labor Coalition. Healthcare is the big sticking point, and how much more the employees contribute.
What the unions and the PEB recommended, is in line with the Metro North and Long Island Rail Road. One interesting part of that, is unlike them, NJT does not have a dedicated funding source. NJT did do a better job of integrating their operations, unlike the NYMTA, but MNRR and LIRR are legacies of the New York Central and Pennsylvania Railroad rivalry.
@5 only a LIV like you wouldn’t know that till today.
Headline du jour:
At least 1,730 Clinton emails contain classified material
None of Clinton’s emails was marked as classified during her tenure, State Department officials say, but intelligence officials say some material was clearly classified at the time. Her aides also sent and received classified information.
Read more here:
When she’s finally arrested, do you think she’ll go quietly, or more like this:
@7 I think Trump is in worse condition than Jeb! I hope Yrimp does better. Not a supporter, just fear Crud or Rubio, or the others more.
@19 ohhhh My! (Covering my hand over my mouth).
@19 about as telling as you being outraged about labeling an article with racism.
@19 i might care about the retro actively classified emails if every republican with a chance of the nominate did not want to get rid of marriage equality, voting rights, social security, immigrants, Muslims and the middle class. It’s fault of your party for supporting such destructive candidates that we support Hillary as much as we do.
Serves the dirty Hippie right. I hope they gave him a good beating. If and when black people are allowed to vote, it won’t be up to pinkos, queers, and radicals like that guy. It’ll be up to the mature intelligent white men who run things.
–We now return you to the 21st century already in progress… Except for Republicans. They’re stuck in the 1950s searching for the exit. –
@ 23
Better 2 this Fall:
“I know that every statement that comes out of her mouth is a lie, but I support Hillary because she repeatedly says she will protect her husband and me.
Hey, wait a minute….”
He’s a Jew, you know. And you know who killed Jesus, don’t you?
On caucus eve, Clinton’s allies warn Nevada Latinos to beware of Bernie Sanders
Hey, anyone seen Bill Shaheen around lately? He hasn’t had much to do since New Hampshire.
@26 When I was five years old my father told me the Jews killed Jesus and I thought “That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard”. I still think so.
Heh. Four times the babbling jackass troll put HA FIRST before the skydaddy on holier than thou day.
The troll’s gonna have some ‘splainin to do at the pearly gates!
Shall we all start a pool on the troll’s re-appearance after “let’s all play vegetarian” is over and it’s time to prime the pump for the weekly labor in the salt mines? Heh. Again, putting HA first.
The moronic klown is just toooooo funny!
@25 bob, you are wrong. You see Hillary as always lying, i see her as always calculated careful with her words and actions because of people like you.
I will vote for moderate evolutionarily democrat before one of your radical republicans.
By the way, what’s the republican replacement fot the ACA again?
Hillary Clinton has been investigated almost non-stop for the last 20 years. The invented scandals go on and on. And what have these numerous investigations found? Nothing. This e-mail “scandal” is nothing but more Republican mud. What she did was not substantively different from what her Republican predecessors did.
Heh our trolls will have NOTHING to say about the information in the link @ 30…
The babbling jackass troll calls Colin Powell “a man of integrity”…
Heh. Received 2 messages marked “Secret” or “Confidential” to a personal e-mail account. Colin lied!
And Condi… Fiddling while her aides burnt down Rome. Shame on Condi!
Remember the Nevada assemblywoman who went to Oregon to provide moral support to the domestic terrorists who took over a federal wildlife refuge there? She has problems of her own with the federal government, to wit, the IRS.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But owing the IRS hundreds of thousands of dollars didn’t stop her from lending money to her own political campaigns. What kind of stupid voters elect people like her? Republican voters, that’s who.
@13 What goes around, comes around. We should treat their Supreme Court nominees exactly the same way they treat ours. It’s called “karma.”
@16 How can facts be confusing when there are none?
@19 Back then, the cops were the rioters, and not much has changed.
@26 “He’s a Jew, you know.”
Let’s see, who else said that … ?
@32 Or to be more specific – Boob. The let’s make up shit but ignore reality guy.
Goooooooooo Donald!
@29, 30,
You guys don’t understand!
You act like that shit is easy. But it’s really, really, incredibly haaaard! Clintons aren’t like ordinary nemeses. They’re super duper diabolical eeeeeviiil geeeeniuses! They’ve got evil super powers. And they control a vaaaaaast glooobal network of fellow Hippie conspirators! Just when patriotic Real American white men are poised to close the net… they slip away!
It’s no fair! No fair! No fair! No fair!
You liiiiiiibruls are just too naive. You think that just because after twenty years of sustained, continuous, unrelenting investigation into every detail of their lives, and hundreds of millions of taxpayer’s dollars furiously shoveled into the fire with nothing to show for it, Hillary Clinton must be innocent. Well, Ha! Ha! I say. Ha! Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence! A stitch in time saves nine. All that glitters is not gold! I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts! Ayeeeeeeeeee!
This e-mail “scandal” is nothing but more Republican mud. What she did was not substantively different from what her Republican predecessors did.
Her Republican predecessors had homegrown private email servers monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch and k2?
The Obummer FBI is part of the vast right wing conspiracy?
A stooooooooooooooopid duet here!
Puddy PWNS the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch every day!
Puddy PWNS the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch every day and 1000X on Saturday!
Last week, the State Department inspector general said he had discovered that former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former Secretary Condoleezza Rice’s aides had classified in their personal emails. Powell rejected those allegations.
Jeb! has dropped out of the GOP turd race.
He’s been broke since last week. He couldn’t make payroll past today. And the family wouldn’t come to his rescue.
Tough love.
@45 So ends the Bush dynasty. Good riddance. Younger brother wasn’t off-the-charts crazy enough for today’s GOP.
@45 did he snort it all like W?
Heh. Four times Puddy put HA FIRST before the skydaddy on holier than thou day.
And how do you know Puddy put HA before God salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS? Do you live here salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Or are you farting out of the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS arschloch again?
@48 The evidence is your putrid presence.
With Jeb! out, will Rubio pull ahead of Cruz and challenge Trump? Kasich probably will leave soon, if not immediately, and if Rubio gets the lion’s share of his and Jeb’s votes, he could overtake Trump.
It looks like Rubio slightly beat Cruz in SC. Bush, Kasich, and Carson are bunched together and roughly equal. This suggests Rubio has more opportunity to expand his support than Cruz, because he can draw from Bush’s and Kasich’s supporter base, which is twice as large as Carson’s, based on how SC voted.
The numbers are Trump 33%, Rubio 22%, Cruz 22%, Bush 8%, Kasich 8%, and Carson 7%.
If Trump remains stuck at a third of the GOP electorate, Rubio could vault ahead of him with Bush’s and Kasich’s voters in his fold. If Cruz picked up most of Carson’s voters, he would take 2nd and knock Trump back to 3rd.
With Jeb gone and the field clearing, I think Rubio now has a good shot at winning the nomination, if he avoids tripping over his dick again.
On the Democratic side, Bernie didn’t win Nevada, but he got close, and that strengthens rather than weakens his hand going forward. Looks like Hillary still has her work cut out for her.
I can’t see Jeb’s voters going to Trump or Cruz. Kasich could get them, but if he also drops out, they’ll go to Rubio. along with his own.
Y’all Bernie Bros shure are some racist mofos.
First disrespectin’ the #BLM types in Seattle, now this:
America FerreraVerified account
Harrah’s casino site- Bernie supporters chant “English-only” to stop civil rights leader @DoloresHuerta from providing Spanish translation.
Funny that all the shit that you keep sayin’ happens at GOP events but have trouble provin’ short of some asshole in the back of the room shouting something out, all y’all seem to do as a group during your own events.
@ 30
Hillary Clinton has been investigated almost non-stop for the last 20 years. The invented scandals go on and on. And what have these numerous investigations found? Nothing.
Not only that, but between Iowa and Nevada she’s 7-0 in games of chance.
That be one teflon pantsuit.
DUMMOCRETINS are too entrenched with the establishment while Republicans are free thinkers!
Yeah about that racist DUMMOCRETIN element known all over the country…
@54 That pantsuit is going to kick your GOP asses come November …
@55 “Republicans are free thinkers!”
They sure are! They want to blow everything up and start over. It’ll be like living in the 1600s.
Sundown to Sundown JACKASS! Everyone knows your priorities fool.
What does the buddy put first fool? She puts on earrings maybe?
Heh. Fool if you’re on east coast time – you’ve reached peak hate and the pump is primed for the salt mine..
So predictable.
Heh. I hear the Trumphole SCORED in SC.. Too damn funny..
What happened to the Karson Kook-a-nut?
The “white privilege” of billionaire sycophancy?
Puddy PWNS the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS! It is always tracking what Puddy does.
Fixated on Puddy’s visits to HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Puddy PWNS the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
The Karson Kook-a-nut sacrificed a tooth in a HOUSE OF HAM in…
The skydaddy must a been sending a message and the fool was too addled with delusions of grandeur to get it.
How “schizophrenic” of the Kook-a-nut tool.
Dead! Bush is out of it. But the Kook-a-nut? Any more books of fatuous idiocy to grift?
Notice that the troll needs MORE HATE to carry into the salt mine.
It really NEEDS this website!
Puddy would have thought the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS’s peeps voting for Bernie Sanders in Las Vegas. Butt as we can all see the fool is just as crazy as evah above!
Wait for it… TPPS will arrive soon!
Anytime we identify DUMMOCRETIN craziness it’s called hate.
Par for the course!
Wait for it… TPPS will arrive soon!
Join all three together!
Amazing how DUMMOCRETINS operate!
Interesting article on Apple…
PuddyCommentary: Apple wants to keep making money in China while telling the FBI up yours!
The “killa” paragraph.. But Apple’s alleged behaviour in China has demonstrated that the company may be capable of granting a government – even one known for Internet censorship – access to users’ personal information if it’s within the company’s best commercial interests.
To DUMMOCRETINS and their jock straps (Tim Cook loves DUMMOCRETINS) it’s always about the greenbacks!
So let’s game it out. How the fuck do the Cruz and Rubio campaigns broker Trump off the podium in Cleveland without Trump launching an independent and taking the base with him?
That looks like a tough nut to crack to me.
Looks to me like Boob and that troll better get used to Trump’s new brand of “conservative”. Meaner, older, whiter, and needier.
I didn’t find myself feeling any kind of sympathy watching the Bush failure speech. These people have just so much to apologize for. He hoovered up a huge chunk of his party’s fund raising capacity only to piss most of it away on organizing and team building in states where his name will not even appear on the primary ballot. It was appallingly arrogant. His party and his family have been stoking this nativist anger at their base for decades. They’ve got only themselves to blame. Good riddance.
And the question is….
“What is the last year Republicans employed winner-take-all primaries?”
Anybody out there see Cruz releasing his delegates before Cleveland? If so, under what circumstances?
I’m very skeptical. There’s almost nothing in Cruz’ history to suggest that he can be reached out to in that way. He’s not a “good of the party” kind of guy. And he’s already ramping up the anti-party rhetoric. If Rubes doesn’t see a big surge on Super Tuesday there’s gonna be trouble.
When the Oregon Moron attacks Republican candidates on money, all one needs to do is find out if a DUMMOCRETIN has money issues!
Sho nuff…
PuddyCommentariat: As Puddy posted last week with the DNC coronation process and how Clinton is using the 2014 Supreme Court decision to pad her cash wad while publicly railing against it, The Bern is getting lots of internet money and not using the 2014 Supreme Court decision at all.
Hence why hasn’t the Oregon moron asked where are those Goldman Sucks speeches she was paid multiple $250 LARGE for?
Meanwhile a hateful DUMMOCRETIN in action!
Whaddya ‘spose happend in that closet?
You’d think Cruz would have the goddam common courtesy to give him a reach around. Oh well. Carson certainly seems to know his place.
Another DUMMOCRETIN in action…
Puddy never liked Curtis Jackson’s music!
Seems Robert Reich fears Ted Cruz…
Nuff said suckas!
U DUMMOCRETINS are a funny bunch…
So this moronic twit DUMMOCRETIN “scholar” is claiming Bush created ISIS when it’s well known ISIS came in 2011.
Amazing how DUMMOCRETINS believe in the zombie apocalypse!
Now this is a guy every HA DUMMOCRETIN could love!
As I read it the closet summit was about trying to get Carson out. Carson, of course, wanted it to be about some sort of acknowledgment and some kind of atonement from the Canadian. But Rafael wants Carson out. He needs to consolidate the thumpers. Only Carson’s got books to sell and speaking gigs to line up. Cruz probably just doesn’t have anything to offer Carson that Carson would really want. The back channel life support for the Carson campaign is working out just the way they planned. Too fuckin’ funny.
Hmmm about time for some US or world event to shake things up. Or a reminder that someone is President. Hmmm Supreme Court nomination about Wednesday.
Syria becoming more of a crises. Putin decides its time to achieve the Russian dream of control of Istanbul.
North Korea shoots off some artillery.
Super snowstorm for Super Tuesday.
The bloody queen kicks off, and everyone gets upset when the President goes or doesn’t go the funeral. Though it seems we Americans gave the finger to the English monarchy.
Horses Ass becomes the biggest blog of the 2016 election cycle due to the pages inner rabbit.
Bob is not only a moron but a racist and bigot an delussional. The best thing for the general public is for him to retire, and quickly.
Of course he can’t see any police brutality going on because of racism but he sees purple unicorns.
@74 that’s nothing. I’m sure Bob and Pudfy meet in the closet quite a bit too. That kind of looked like them.
@75 I’m sure Curtis Jackson wouldn’t like you either. He doesn’t need you.
@76 seems like some Reoublucans fear Crud too!
@78 God created ISIS in 7 days.
@80 yeah even Crud know the Cursed one would be a sucky vp a make for a losing ticket. That was the whole sticking point, I coule picture them now arguing and pulling on each other’s hair.
@75 wow very telling. Puffy must feel the same about Trump that he does Curtis Jackson. Just like Boob.
Seems like they do t like Trump and fear him. I wonder what they think about Trump supporters.
I wonder what they think about Trump supporters.
Better people than those whom jock strap Heilary. Most DUMMOCRETINS think she’s a liar and yet they would gladly vote for her because it’s all about power to DUMMOCRETINS!
The ends always justifies the means! Tell a few lies no problem.
Still waiting for the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS and K2 to provide Colin or Condoleezza’s homebrew personal email server since they love to compare Colin and Condi to Heilary!
Still waiting for the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS and K2 to provide where on Colin’s and Condi’s email they had 22 or more super duper secret emails that only the top echelon of an administration can read and see!
Butt we all know the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS and K2 will never produce those FACTS. Why?
Because they are morons and idiots!
When you are a young black man, even a moderate DUMMOCRETIN but you choose to be yourself and not march to the libtard wing of the libtard DUMMOCRETIN party, you are viciously attacked for no good reason other than your thoughts are not group thoughts!
PuddyCommantariat: Free thought, free speech, and intellectual inquiry are not promoted here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Witness the left wrong Donk comments above from those who think they are erudite, not countingthe vile sewer bile from the likes of the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS or other moronic twits like it.
We are forced to endure uncomfortable DUMMOCRETIN ideas in the media all the time. Witness the WHITE PRIVILEGE DUMMOCRETIN candidates being touted as the saviours after Obummer. We view them on HA DUMMOCRETINS each Friday Night on the Comix page from 3rd and 4th tier toilets who are non-CARS. This is real DUMMOCRETIN racism, straight upfront and personal.
Wait for the stoooooooooooopid commentary to appear!
The University of Wisconsin system… Now who do we know went there?
PuddyCommentariat: Nuff said suckas. The woman doesn’t even understand cosmetic products! And they made her chancellor? Think about the psyche of those two young wimens who were attacked because of their WHITE PRIVILEGE! Made to feel shame for no reason whatsoever. Butt, that’s the DUMMOCRETIN way! Those DAYUM Mike Rowe Agreshuns!
Where is TPPS on this dirty DUMMOCRETIN trick being pulled by Heilary Clinton’s campaign? It’s found in Raw Story the lede of HA DUMOCRETINS thought!
PuddyCommentariat: So Heilary won Nevada using dirty tricks? Where is the call for a special investigation from the HA DUMMOCRETIN crowd? When you are a low life sleaze DUMMOCRETIN, it’s A-OK because you are loved here in the northwest! Just overlook that behavior and move along!
Six innocent people are dead in Kalamazoo, Michigan, last night because it’s too easy for people with mental problems to get guns.
@94 I guess you really can’t blame the mental ones. The blame lies with the sane people, to allow a mt person to own a gun. Mental people are only the victims.
Schumer: Ignore My 2007 Speech on Judges
Schumer is a very talented politician; not many people could keep a straight face saying these things.
Remember Chucky Schumer was for blocking all Booosch nominees before Chucky Schumer was against blocking any Obummer nominees!
Butt then libtard DUMMOCRETIN hypocrisy abounds from the tennis shoes senator…
And @ 63, 64 and 90…
Boom! Love the loon head explosions.
Ubber just got more famous. Free advertisement here.
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
6 dead in ‘random’ Mich. shootings; suspect held
They have good reason to fear Cruz.
As it stands it is an extreme long shot that Cruz can ever expand his appeal beyond a very narrow mix of Republican voters. In winner-take-all, and populous blue states he may not get a single delegate. But he will continue to carve away a substantial portion of support from the “establishment” Republican candidate (presumably now Rubes), reducing that candidate’s delegate take and contributing to Trump’s growing lead. Cruz’ oversized ego and his long history as a party disrupter makes it very likely that he will continue his campaign unbowed by his defeats all the way into the convention. That will not only weaken party unity well into summer, it may hand the nomination to Trump. And Trump will lose in November.
But Cruz and his swarm of Sovereign-Citizen/Literal-Word zealots are probably unable to see any of this. They believe that if they can shoulder Carson aside and pick up his evangelical stragglers they’ll move ahead of Rubes and by doing so be embraced as the “solution” over Rubes. They won’t give up. Even if it costs Republicans everything.
@ 68
How the fuck do the Cruz and Rubio campaigns broker Trump off the podium in Cleveland without Trump launching an independent and taking the base with him?
It’s about the brand.
Think John Anderson. Ross Perot. Ralph Nader.
They each lost. Two of them might have altered outcomes by their presence, while losing.
Loser is not a discriptive term Trump wants attached to his brand.
We wuz robbed works much better. Trump could carry that semi-truth forever.
HuffPo is reporting today that Romney is about to endorse Rubio, which was follow by tons of denials.
Romney/Rubio is certainly a possible outcome if one were to game Cleveland. Whether Trump/Cruz supporters would vote in November might be a good question were that to occur.
It is understandable that Puffy will go all out bullshit to make fun of Democrats because what else can you do when you can’t defend anything your own party has to offer. And you look at your own party as a bunch of misfits – only one thing to do and that’s go all out delusional (aka Boob), try to lower the bar beyond the point your own people have lowered it.
Republicans – dumbing down America.
“It is kind of (a) crash-and-burn strategy,” she added about the Sanders organizers. “It is like if we can’t have it our way, we shouldn’t have it all and they weren’t respecting the rights of those workers.”
That’s an observation not just from anyone. She co-founded the National Farmworkers Association with Cesar Chavez.
Don’t miss the dismissive response from the Sanders spokesperson.
Maybe next time someone from #BLM wants four-plus minutes of silence, y’all oughta shut the fuck up.
@103 if we had a wall we could have kept her out.
hang on to that. Seems pretty risky to me.
Remember a year ago when all the “smart” people said Trump had no chance? That he wouldn’t get a single delegate? Some pretty smart people. Professionals with decades of experience in running Republican national campaigns. Trump shocked them at the time by insisting that he’d sweep up massive numbers of supporters and he wouldn’t have to spend much money at all to do it. It all seemed so absurd at the time. Remember that?
And that sets aside completely the fairly knotty question of how Rubes and the Canadian broker this thing out. Assuming we go with your guy, what exactly does Rubes have to offer Cruz to make him go away? As it stands right now, he needs to make Cruz go away today, not in July. Otherwise Cruz will just continue to hold down Rube’s take and put Trump further ahead. What makes a guy like Cruz give up?
If they go into Cleveland with Trump ahead in the delegate count but below the threshold, Rubes and the Canadian carrying the balance, and they come out with Rubes holding the nomination, my guess is Trump will run an independent just to teach them all a lesson. He’ll be remembered as a hero by his supporters who took on the dirty party bosses and beat them at their own game. And that’s how he’ll sell it.
Since your party is so fond of Scotish heroes think about this:
William Wallace got betrayed by the Scots nobles, got his ass kicked, and was tortured to death in the end. But who came away the hero?
Remember a year ago when all the “smart” people said Trump had no chance?
You must be discussing Republicans because smart and people are not two words any person in the RIGHT mind would use to describe DUMMOCRETINS! Maybe dumb and dumber!
In fact dumb and dumber are the single description of Hanging Human Teabag Licker!
@ 105
Since your party is so fond of Scotish heroes think about this:
William Wallace got betrayed by the Scots nobles, got his ass kicked, and was tortured to death in the end. But who came away the hero?
Explain to me why this would not apply equally well to, say, your party.
Bernie Sanders is taking on the DUMMOCRETIN party bosses and the DUMMOCRETIN party bosses continue to stack the deck against Bernie. That’s A-OK to the Oregon moron! DUMMOCRETINS have stupid delegates and they flock to Heilary and her lying ways!
DUMMOCRETIN racial politics are a hoot! We see the screaming over which candidate won the his panic vote. We saw some really dumb Negroes vote for Heilary in Nevada! My people are really sheeple! Going to the slaughter with a smile on their faces LIV to the fact that Heilary’s husband was a prime mover of the prison incarceration military complex. PuddyLink last week.
Racial identity politics. A staple of DUMMOCRETIN election cycles!
Ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for the links to the number of blacks incarcerated under Clinton’s sadministration! Just maybe HA’s fool will remove the 24 hour moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady y’all possess!
what else can you do when you can’t defend anything your own party has to offer.
Oh contraire Hanging Human Teabag Licker! Puddy been giving the true view of DUMMOCRETINS since 2005! Puddy been refuting HA DUMMOCRETIN comments since 2005 with links to many FACTS!
Sux to be the Hanging Human Teabag Licker!
“HuffPo is reporting today that Romney is about to endorse Rubio, which was follow by tons of denials.
Romney/Rubio is certainly a possible outcome if one were to game Cleveland.”
Most of the detailed polling data I’ve seen indicates that Romney is considered just barely less evil than Clinton by most Trump supporters (it probably helps that he has a penis, or so we’re told). So Romney may help Rubes in Nevada but not much in the March proportionals in the South where Romney is not beloved. And a Romney endorsement if it happens in time could boost Rubes’ take but might not push him past Trump with Cruz taking some. And that still leaves March looming. After that it’s winner-take-all time.
So Rubes needs Cruz out now. How’s that gonna happen?
Among the 25 percent of Nevada Democratic voters who cited “honest and trustworthy” as the top quality they were seeking in a president, they favored Sen. Bernie Sanders 82-12 percent, according to the CNN entrance poll.
Lying liars whom populate the WHITE PRIVILEGE led DUMMOCRETIN party! So for Heilary to win means most of those DUMMOCRETIN peeps are A-OK with lying for power. Butt Butt Butt I’l try Heilary says!
@ 111
So Rubes needs Cruz out now. How’s that gonna happen?
Quid pro quo.
Rubio wins. Rubio nominates Cruz for just about anything. Senate overwhelmingly approves the nomination just to get Cruz the hell out of the Senate.
Here’s what can happen when ‘social justice warrior’ becomes as commonplace as ‘community organizer’. Anyone can be one.
Top Khmer Rouge leader tells court he fought for ´social justice´
“What I want to say today and what I want my countrymen to hear is that as an intellectual I have never wanted anything other than social justice for my country,” Khieu Samphan told the court’s seven judges on the final day of the appeal hearing.
Noted HA SJW YLB has never wanted anything other than free shit for everybody who isn’t a conservative. And for people to stop assuming he’s a woman.
delegate math.
Virtually none of the structural quirks intended to steer delegate awards into an early consensus (who knew the Republican consensus would be anti-establishment?) in spite of factionalism. And it’s a two-horse race, so no multi-variable math, etc. Just simple counting.
The worst you can say right now about the Democrats is that it’s a toss up between establishment and anti-establishment. I doubt that will last into the SEC. But it might. If Sanders were to pull ahead and win it all, Clinton’s not going to run an independent campaign. That’s absurd. If Clinton pulls away to win it will start in March and build steadily going into the convention. We’ll know the outcome before they even start hanging the bunting. There may be Sanders supporters who piss and moan and call for a spoiler campaign. But he won’t do it. Not with you guys running for Hitler. He won’t. If you think he might, if you think he wouldn’t face withering condemnation for it, you need to get out more. There’s one thing all liberals agree on. It may be just the one thing. But it’s very solid.
Meanwhile “the establishment approved vote” loses all your contests. You’ve gotta move past the optics of guys proclaiming victory for losing “a close third”. The lunatic “fire the bums” wing of your party has all the momentum and taken together has the majority. It’s not a toss up. And the trendlines are getting worse.
nobody with any political sense puts a back-stabbing, narcissistic climber like Cruz into the guest room. If it happens, it only shows how totally unprepared Rubes is for the job.
@ 115
And the trendlines are getting worse.
What if Romney’s endorsement of Rubio is finalized by Monday night and, say, Rubio also secures the endorsement of, say, noticeably silent NV Gov. Brian Sandoval, who reportedly is desirous of a judgeship when he’s finished being governor?
If Rubio surges and takes Nevada, that causes at least a few adjustments.
1. Rubio wins his first state.
2. Romney begins campaigning for Rubio.
3. People like you have to stop calling Rubio King of Third Place Finishes or whatever it was you wrote.
Of course there are pieces like this
which back DR.
explain to me again why evangelical gentile caucus goers in Nevada are going to dump Cruz for Rubes? Because of Romney?
And while LDS may make up 25% of caucus goers, there’s no love lost between establishment Nevada LDS and the Bundy supporters. And word is the Bundy supporting LDS are pretty fired up right now. I really doubt Cruz is going away before Tuesday. Is that really what you think?
I doubt Cruz is going away. Full stop.
Think Santorum last time around.
Gotta a link to your Bundy proclamation?
Noted HA SJW YLB has never wanted anything other than free shit for everybody who isn’t a conservative. And for people to stop assuming he’s a woman.
Puddy always thought it sat on the couch wearing the skirt and the pink lace panties! Mrs it went to work for the SEIU union that continues to steal money from the it household!
IT = salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS
Travis @120,
Some Bundy LDS types from January 2016.
Another ISIS type who would fit right on this blog as a HA DUMMOCRETIN!
@117 “Gov. Brian Sandoval, who reportedly is desirous of a judgeship when he’s finished being governor?”
Nothing’s stopping him from running for municipal judge.
Where is the hue and cry from HA DUMMOCRETINS to have Heilary release her Goldman Sucks speech transcripts?
Lying liars and those whom jock strap them!
People like the Bundys have been at odds with the mainstream church for decades. The majority of LDS are frankly appalled by the Bundys and their ilk. And the feeling is mutual. I have no idea who the Bundys are supporting right now. But in the past they supported Ron and Rand. The Canadian seems to be the natural inheritor of that libertarian, anti-government faction. He’s earned it.
It just seems to me that almost every blue-sky analysis of the establishment GOP chances has depended upon ignoring the other competing factions and focusing exclusively on Trump. And the big problem right now is that Trump anti-establishment plus Cruz anti-establishment adds up to more than 50%. Even moving Cruz aside leaves no good assurance of stopping Trump. And I seriously doubt Cruz will step aside. He just got through running a round of inside-baseball publicity focusing on his data team. That’s usually the sort of thing you do as part of a big money drive. We won’t know until after the next round of reports. But it tends to indicate a successful drive under way. Which makes sense. The timing is right with the recent round of suspensions. Behind the scenes Rubes and the Canadian are fighting like mad over the money dance-card. You don’t do that if you’re getting ready to suspend. Not if you want a future in politics.
Twitter with the left wrong GamerGate thug Anita Sarkeesian is now the new “Minister of Truth”
That’s the way libtards roll. If they don’t like the FACT you have free speech then they BAN you! Proves once again libtards CAN NOT win in the arena of ideas!
it’s like arranging chess pieces on a football field.
If everything you read about Presidential campaign history is rooted in the 60s and 70s it would make sense. But that’s half a century ago. A few things have changed.
Parties aren’t what they used to be. Unions aren’t what they used to be. Voter communications are not what they used to be. Voter affiliations are just absolutely nothing like they used to be. JFK couldn’t win a seat in Congress these days.
Lining up key endorsements doesn’t hurt. And it can really help with money. But it’s no substitute for voter support. And to get that you have to grab each and every one of them in their gut. This is why Jeb! has gone tarpon fishing.
JFK couldn’t win a seat in Congress these days.
First truths from the Oregon moron in years! DUMMOCRETINS are way whackjob now!
@94 There isn’t much to explain the senselessness of the actions in the article. I can’t conclude anything other than the guy is an Uber driver who went over the edge. This is clearly a case where gun control would not have stopped the carnage. He was after all behind the wheel of a weapon. Maybe he didn’t want to damage the paint job, although careening through yards could not have helped the old paint job. One too many viewing of the Blues Brothers? The crash of the auto industry in the Detroit area could have connections too.
Perhaps he was responding to his rabbit overlords who wished to take out would be rabbit hunters.
@105 Your suggesting that the Republicans are in trouble because they made a jocular dollar bet with Mr. Trump on the gold course. Oh my aren’t they in a dither now since the man was at 17 delegates and got more for South Carolina. This isn’t new in American politics as there was that little bit of sport between Jackson and Burr (?). Had things worked differently Burr would have been President.
The Republicans made a silly bet with Trump, and now Jed is out and so far the Trump is doing very well.
@72 “Clinton is using the 2014 Supreme Court decision to pad her cash wad while publicly railing against it”
You expect her to unilaterally disarm?
@86 Which God? Theirs or ours? The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit sure as hell isn’t to blame; she told me so. (She whispers to me through the tree branches and grass, and in the sound of raindrops and waterfalls.)
@89 “Most DUMMOCRETINS think she’s a liar and yet they would gladly vote for her because” ANYTHING is better than Republicans.
@91 “PuddyCommantariat: Free thought, free speech, and intellectual inquiry are not promoted here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Witness the left wrong Donk comments above from those who think they are erudite, not countingthe vile sewer bile from the likes of the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS or other moronic twits like it.”
I assume I’m being left out of this insult because of my intellectual contributions to this blog. And also because we rabbits, generally speaking, are more high-minded than you stupid humans. We don’t build weapons to destroy our own species and the entire world with it.
@115 Well for Democrats there is the Bloomberg effect. Yes it’s a two horse race and super Tuesday may build momentum for Hilliary if not it will be a long race. If the two go into the convention in a virtual tie then go backstage flip a coin for who is on top of the ticket and come out all smiles. With a Clinton-Sanders ticket. If it’s close then the other should be on the ticket. I’m sure Sanders will offer the VP to Clinton, but I don’t know if Clinton would do the same without arm twisting from those umm super delegates particularly if it’s their votes putting her over the top. If this is the situation that things are in at the end of the Primaries then just maybe there is a party split.
Then there is Bloomberg. No news yet from the Daily Planet.
@101 “Romney/Rubio is certainly a possible outcome if one were to game Cleveland.”
Oh please, yes, do us that favor! We never tire of listening to RMoney’s “47 percent” speech!
I wonder if he paid any taxes between 2009 and 2015? We’ll probably never know if he deducted the car elevators as a business expense.
@103 Hey Bickle, how d’ya suppose McDonald’s stock is doing since they raised wages? (Hint, Rabbit owns it, and Rabbit’s doing just fine.)
@105 Brings to mind another politician who garnered huge support by exploiting the fears and prejudices of the disaffected masses, and he didn’t have a Super Pac.
@110 “Oh contraire Hanging Human Teabag Licker! Puddy been giving the true view of DUMMOCRETINS since 2005! Puddy been refuting HA DUMMOCRETIN comments since 2005 with links to many FACTS!”
Can you show me that chart again about how the stock market does under Republican vs. Democratic presidents? Even if I had no other reason not to vote for Republicans (and the reasons are countless), this one would be enough.
@ 138
Dumbfuck, only about 10% of McDonald’s locations are company-owned. The company’s recent improved fortunes are attributed to menu changes.
You might as well point out how much faster the newer Teslas are with the new paint scheme.
Speaking of that Seattle minimum wage raise… – Seattle: Worst Job Losses Since Recession After $15 Wage Law Goes Into Effect
PuddyCommentariat: Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS will cry fowl because they are using BLS gummint FACTS for this ANALysis!
Oh noes! Heilary losing more vaginas?
@114 That’s some equivalency, Boob. Comparing Obama to Pol Pot’s henchman is almost as valid as comparing the average Republican voter (i.e., you) to Adolf Hitler. After all, you’re one of the enablers who make possible wars based on lies that kill a million innocent people …
@116 If there’s a Rube-e-o administration, Cruz will be the new on-site manager of a wildlife refuge in Oregon. Because Rube-e-o hates birds.
@117 Oh please, yes, nominate Robot Man and make him debate Hillary.
@121 “Noted HA SJW YLB has never wanted anything other than free shit for everybody who isn’t a conservative.”
Why should conservatives get all the free shit?
@125 I’ll trade you Hillary’s transcripts for RMoney’s tax returns. I still want to see the never-released one from 2009 where he got amnesty from criminal prosecution after his Swiss bank gave names to the IRS.
@127 Going to your link, it looks like he was banned for “harassment” (his own words), which is a clear violation of the TOS of practically all websites. It’s his own damn fault.
@129 Considering that JFK and his brother were the only thing that stood between us and nuclear armageddon in October 1962, we’re all lucky as hell that he — not some Republican hothead — was in charge when the shit hit the fan. But maybe you weren’t born yet and don’t remember that.
The harassment ban is only arbitrary for conservatives R senile. DUMMOCRETINS are free to harass any one at any time!
Sheesh R senile… U really R slipping more and more these days!
@131 I believe it was Hamilton and Burr, and Burr was the survivor.
@141 “The company’s recent improved fortunes are attributed to menu changes.”
So this guy is wrong?
“The turnaround is largely credited to the hiring of Steve Easterbrook as the company’s CEO at the beginning of the year. He is credited with making some key changes such as serving breakfast all day instead of just in the morning, adding a new Premium Buttermilk Crispy Chicken Deluxe sandwich to the menu, and swapping butter for margarine on its Egg McMuffins. All of these things show McDonald’s new commitment to listening to their customers and employees, which has led to wooing new and existing customers. Additionally, McDonald’s raised wages and improved benefits for their employees, which led to a more positive customer experience at their stores.”;uprof=46
Roger Rabbit Commentary: With labor, as with all things, you get what you pay for. Low pay = lousy service. All I know is my MCD stock is up 20% since they raised wages and my dividend checks are fatter, too.
@151 The anti-harassment rules only apply to sentient beings, not brick walls or fenceposts.
Amazing this Seattle company…
PuddCommentariat: These scumbags are a real piece of work! Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign (SeaMAC), put up the flaming sign; screaming, “Boycott Israel Until Palestinians Have Equal Rights.” Right on I-294 as you head to O’Hare Airport! Puddy best some HA DUMMOCRETINS are SeaMAC members!
Of course being morons in Seattle they prolly didn’t know Muslims members of the Knesset have more rights than most Muslims in their own countries. This is why morons like these tools are useless biomASSes! Seems to Puddy that this is the war on truth.
Didn’t Selwyn Duke say: “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” Well, we see that every day on HA. Morons like TPPS call it hate.
@151 The anti-harassment rules only apply to sentient beings, not brick walls or fenceposts.
Who knew DUMMOCRETINS were brick walls or fenceposts?
@151 The anti-harassment rules only apply to sentient beings, not brick walls or fenceposts.
Who knew DUMMOCRETINS were brick walls or fenceposts?
Interesting polling out of Ireland, with the governing parties holding steady in the case of Fine Gael or slightly down in the case of Labor. Finna Fail up slightly, with Sinn Fein down to 15%. It will be interesting to see how the votes of the Independent and minor party candidates transfer. Ireland uses a kind of proportional representation system that allows for Independents to get elected. In a hung parliament, they could be the most important members.
@155 How does someone living in Seattle boycott Israel? Not go there for Christmas break?
@156 & 157 – As expected, the brick wall doesn’t realize it’s a brick wall, and the fencepost, as well, is oblivious to its nature. How can an automaton troll understand it’s an inanimate object incapable of understanding anything? It can’t. It just keeps making the same parrot-like noises until its wind-up spring breaks.
I see that the batshit crazy loon has been excreting his hatred for America all over this thread.
Stocks are up another 198 Dow points this morning. I wonder if Puffybutt got back in yet? Awfully hard to time these things. That’s why I never got out. But the buy-high, sell-low crowd is getting battered again, as usual.
Lessee, RR claims @153 that after McDonald’s raised minimum wages affecting 90,000 of its employees, the stock price rose 20%.
Using those parameters and applying to Wal-Mart, the increase that took effect for WMT’s 100,000 employees on April 1 of last year resulted in a tanking of WMT stock price from adjusted close 4/1/15 of $79.00 to today’s price of $65.73. Or today’s price is 83.2% of what it was before a company with a market cap nearly twice that of McDonald’s raised its minimum wage.
When R senile makes idiotic comments, R senile expects no one to identify the idiotic commentary as idiotic. Hence R senile must return to the scene of the idiotic comment to make another idiotic comment!
Sux to be R senile, the leader of idiotic R senile comments for all these many years.
Maybe RR should claim that all CEO salaries and bennies should be increased 69% or more. No less moronic than what he suggested above.
MCD stock price 3/1/15 $97.51
MCD stock price today $117.63
McDonald’s New CEO Gets 69% Pay Raise
Mr. Easterbrook’s base salary has been increased to $1.1 million and his target annual incentive opportunity under the Target Incentive Plan is rising to 160% of base salary from 100% of base salary.
Didn’t Selwyn Duke say: “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” Well, we see that every day on HA. Morons like TPPS call it hate.
And right on cue TPPS appears. Pavlov called it again!
Now remember when the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS thought Puddy’s last name was Pavlov? Wanna see that entry from the crazed databaze?
@163 Or maybe Wally is tanking because people don’t want the cheap crap from China they sell anymore, like can openers that break the first time you use them. In any case, Wally’s stock woes don’t explain why Mickey D’s stock went up after they raised wages. The non-correlation with MCD’s recent stock performance suggests that Wally has some additional issues in their business that raising wages alone didn’t fix. I’ve just suggested what one of those issues might be.
This demonstrates the difficulty of trying to explain anything to simpletons with 1-track minds.
@165 He saved the world’s biggest restaurant company and now he makes almost as much as the UW football coach.
I sure wouldn’t want to work for a company with Boob on its board. He doesn’t believe in compensating work. Neither did Stalin. I wonder if that’s where Boob got his labor ideology from?
@ 168
He saved the world’s biggest restaurant company…
That can’t be correct. I clearly remember reading @ 138 that it was the minimum wage increase that did it.
New CEO: MCD stock price $97.51 (1Mar2015)
Wages raised: MCD stock price $98.01 (1Oct2015)
Today: MCD stock price $117.65
So it HAD to be the minimum wage increase. You said so yourself, RR. Can’t possibly be any other reason, nor contributing factor.
I’m surprised Goldy didn’t tweet it, it’s such a clear indication of cause-and-effect.
Unless, RR, you’re reduced to admitting that you @ 138 are full of shit. Might as well. Rest of us have known it all along.