Matthew Filipowicz: My NSFW Phone-Banking Call With An Angry Conservative.
Farron Cousins: How bad will Republican hate get in Obama’s final year?
135 years of warmin in 30 seconds.
The 2016 G.O.P. BaffoonFest:
- Jimmy Dore: GOP insanity on Iran embodied by war-hungry Chris Christie
- Ann Telnaes: The likability problem for Ted Cruz.
- Bill Maher: Ted Cruz’s High School diploma.
- Sam Seder: Anti-Cruz Ad says he doesn’t tithe, also a huge liar and a phony.
- Jimmy Dore: Right wing kook fears ‘hypocrite’ Ted Cruz will ruin it all
- PsychoSuperMom: Trumpenfreude!
- Jimmy Kimmel finds the stupidest people on earth.
- Young Turks: Trump retweets ANOTHER neo-Nazi.
- When Kay Burley tracked down Donald Trump.
- Sam Seder: Will Trump select Scott Brown for VP?
- Farron Cousins: Trump speaks at a 4th grade level…but he is still smarter than his supporters.
- Will the UK ban Donald Trump?
- David Pakman: The ONE trait that predicts who will support Trump.
- Young Turks: Dead man’s obit. asks people to not vote for Trump.
- What Trump’s “Freedom Girls” were actually thinking:
- Stephen: Trump courts the Bible and ghost vote.
- Things Donald Trump was called in the UK Parliament.
- Palin’ around with Terrorists:
- Young Turks: Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump.
- Sam Seder: “Right-wingin’, something clingin”
- David Pakman: Palin endorses Trump by trying to use words and things.
- Sam Seder: Palin’s politically correct suicide vests.
- Farron Cousins: Sarah Palin makes a total fool of herself on stage again.
- Sarah Palin-isms.
- Sarah Palin the Poet at a Trump rally.
- Stephen: The original “material girl” is back
- Young Turks: Track Palin arrested for brutal domestic assault.
- David Pakman: Sarah blames Obama for Track’s arrest.
- Liberal Viewer: Sarah Palin blames Obama for her son’s domestic violence.
- Young Turks: Sara Palin blames Obama for Track punching his girlfriend.
- Jonathan Mann: Sarah Palin and Donald Trump.
- Sam Seder and Farron Cousins: Palin, Trump, Cruz is all the same in this crazy GOP.
- Sam Seder: Jeb!’s mom decides to endorse him afterall.
- Michael Brooks: Finally, Trump tells what he things of Cruz.
- Young Turks: Trump and Cruz trade blows on amenity.
- Sam Seder: Trump wishes Jeb well.
- Young Turks: Carly Fiorina nabs random kids for anti-abortion speech.
- Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie fights the scourge of healthy children.
- Young Turks: Chris Christie is tired of diet Dictator Michelle Obama
- Jimmy Dore: Chris Mathews goes full batshit bonkers on Chris Christie
- Marco Rubio’s most ridiculous lie.
- Maddow: GOP candidates deluded on Reagan Iran record.
President Obama asked about tampon tax by YouTuber Ingrid Nilsen.
Bill Maher wants Barack Obama for his 60th birthday.
Red State Update: Benghazi movie flop.
Why #Blacklivesmatter protests are happening all over America:
How to become a millionaire in one easy step.
White House: West Wing Week.
David Pakman: Conservatives are loosing it over “gender-inclusive” bathrooms.
Malicious Militia Men:
- Reformed Whores: Questions for the Oregon militiamen:
- Oregon’s armed Yokel Haram could face 10+ years in prison.
- David Pakman: Militant convicted of killing his father claims he can carry a gun.
- Farron Cousins and Howard Nations: The Oregon militiamen are the real welfare queens.
Thom: Finding America’s missing voters.
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: Congressional factions.
How the Tea Party is splitting the G.O.P.
This billionaire thinks you should be paid more.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about memory.
Making a Killing: Guns, Greed & The NRA.
World of Water Woes:
- Mark Fiore: Austerity Man!
- Sam Seder: Governor Rick Snyder (R-MI) completely failed the people of Flint
- Farron Cousins: Republican Governor knowingly poisoned the city of Flint, Michigan
- Hillary Clinton calls out the poisoning of Flint, MI.
- Chris Hayes and Michael Moore: Flint’s water crisis.
- The city poisoned by its tap water.
- Young Turks: Flint residents are getting past due notices for water bills.
- Sam Seder: FAUX suggests Flint residents sort of did it to themselves
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Flint’s water crisis.
Follow the money: The truth about Citizens United.
Seth Meyers: Bernie and Hillary.
Comedy Central: Wrestling with History in Whitesboro, NY.
Thom with The Good, the Bad and The Very, Very Cleocentricly Ugly!
How to build a car.
Trevor Noah: Breaking down the Republican and Democratic debates.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So the National Review has come out against Trump? FOR How long?
No Heilary email coverage? Typical of the 3rd and 4th tier buffoons used by Da Perfessa!
Been Teabagged Again… Mainstream web sites, not DUmmies
Poof again…
When you can’t tell the truth or think you are above the rules… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....-1131.html
Discussion items 3rd and 4th tier DUMMOCRETINS will not touch:
“One of your colleagues, Mike Morell, said on this program, or actually agreed with my assertion that almost certainly, Russians, Chinese and Iranians had compromised the home brew server of the former Secretary of State. He agreed with that. Do you agree with his assessment of my assessment?” – Hugh Hewett
“Well, given the fact that the Pentagon acknowledges that they get attacked about 100,000 times a day, I think the odds are pretty high.” – Robert Gates
PuddyCommentariat: So HA DUMMOCRETINS True False Quiz time…
Do you think Heilary Clinton’s personal email server was hacked?
Yes No
Now that there are over 1300 emails with classified materials and counting found by the intrepid FBI investigators on her personal email server do you agree that Heilary wiped her server with a cloth as she responded to a question about the server?
Yes No
Do you HA DUMMOCRETINS still buy the lie that no classified materials were sent or received on Heilary’s personal email server?
Yes No
Are you curious what the James Clapper and the NSA knows about this?
Yes No
Should James Clapper testify about what the NSA knows regarding Heilary’s personal email server?
Yes No
If indicted will you continue to jock strap Heilary’s campaign?
Yes No
Knowing that Heilary accepted $600 Large (that’s $600,000 Being Teabagged Already) from Goldman Sucks will Heilary be a wall street attack dog as Bernie Socialist Sanders claims to be?
Yes No
Now do you see why Heilary wiped her personal email server with a cloth?
Yes No
Now do you see why Heilary turned over those “personal emails” by paper and not electronically like most people would in the 21st century?
Yes No
With the waste of 55,000 sheets of paper, is Heilary Clinton an environmentalist?
Yes No
Now that we know many officials in the State Department knew Heilary Clinton was using her homebrewed personal email server against the law should they be called to testify what they knew and when did they know it?
Yes No
Do you care that Heilary told one of her subordinates to remove the classified headings from one document, turn it into “nonpaper” and transmit it to her by fax?
Yes No
Is Heilary getting better treatment than General David Petraeus as Heilary called him General Be-Tray-Us back on September 10, 2007?
Yes No
Just some simple questions none of the 3rd or 4th tier toilet dwellers failed to cover! Another round of PuddyThought FACTS HA DUMMOCRETINS can’t deal with!
Wait for it… TPPS head will go…
@ The Schizo @ 3
You do realize that the Democratic candidates for President, and several Congressional seats in the House and Senate were in fact elected to those offices, and the Democrats actually retained their majority in both Houses that they had gained in 2006.
We may have a few weirdos in the Democratic Party, but they all pale in comparison with your weirdos.
Maybe Bloomberg should take Puddy’s @ 3 quiz. He might not wait until after convention time.
Bloomberg, Sensing an Opening, Revisits a Potential White House Run
The batshit crazy loon likes to start his Saturday Sabbath by spewing hate towards America and Americans…
…accompanied by a 5:00AM head explosion.
Boom! A head explosion! That’s gotta be one hell of a way to start each day.
Saturday, 1/23/16 at 5:35 am
Puddy called the TPPS head explosion.
At 8AM the real eruption occurred with TPPS!
Prescient as evah!
Democrats actually retained their majority in both Houses that they had gained in 2006.
In 2010, 2012, and 2014 vomit producer?
The questions too hard for you vomit producer?
Where is the post from John Effin Kerry admitting some of the frozen Iran assets under sanction relief will go to terrorism?
It’ll be true gut check time for “blame-the-poor” mainstream cons when Trump sews it up. A growing number of these frauds are claiming they’ll decline to support a Trump nomination. But just consider the Carson victims. As many as half of them are now with Trump. Perhaps a bit less vocally, no doubt owing to embarrassment. I won’t be at all surprised a few months from now to see George F. Will on some Fox propaganda vehicle whitesplaining Trump’ genius to the mouth breathers. Unfortunately for them, this is one war they can’t get someone else’s kid to fight for them.
When you are taught to see only the differences in people, you never really understand what it means to be human. That’s the Republicans in a nutshell. Is that right for leading a diverse nation such as ours?
As for Trump, the most effective ads against him will be that he’s a gamble. Untested, unproven, bad bet. Then show him standing in front of his casino and stamp the words “Bankrupt” over it. You show that enough times and it will sink in.
As for the Bundy gang, I’ve said it before; Blast them with loud speakers playing Jay Z and Beyoncé and they’ll be gone in two days.
@5 What is Bloomberg’s objective in running? To win? Or swing the election to one party or the other? His view seems to be that if the GOP and Democrats nominate “extreme” candidates (Trump or Cruz, and Sanders), he could plug a gap in the middle. But I don’t see a lot of Democrats voting for a billionaire fiscal conservative who basically represents Wall Street, so he’d probably hurt the GOP candidate more.
This will definitely make conservatives befriend Putin more. One time biggest non American ally and friend of US Conservatives in the political spectrum saying bad things about the Republican front runner. Hang the man!
Sounds like Trump’s supporters would still support him even if he had the idea to send many to their deaths in gas chambers.
I didn’t have to wait to hear from people like this guy. I quickly realized and came to the conclusion that Ted Cruz was scum. Ted Cruz created gridlock in government and the biggest fucking Nazi out there.
I wonder if he’ll be having green eggs and ham?
Ted Crud gave risen to the Bundy Crew.
@2 “No Heilary email coverage?”
The world now relies on you for that coverage, as you’re the only living being still interested in that topic.
NJ got major flooding. Fat fuck Chrustie is playing it like he never for a minute wasn’t going to come back from New Hampshire.
@ The Schizo
Seattle Times says GOP legislator inflated his military records, claiming medals he didn’t earn, and saying he was a “wounded combat veteran” when he wasn’t.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy was a weekend warrior in the Air National Guard who spent most of his service in Arizona. He deployed to Saudi Arabia for a few months in 2002-2003 where he worked security — searching vehicles, etc. — on a base. Fine, thank you for your service. But don’t claim to be something you’re not. And don’t use photoshopped pictures of other soldiers your website and claim to be them. P.S., it would be nice if you stopped being an ultra-rightwing conservative asshole, too.
@21 the scum don’t see anything wrong with that.
Hope he spends every day of his life in jail. Ignorant mother fuckers.
If he was black I’m sure he would be dead.
Beck endorses Crud. I know a Trump Supporter that was a big supporter of Glenn Beck….I’m sure he’ll want to hang him now. They are filled with hate and anger.
I wonder who Boob and the Ape support – they’ve never really said yet.
Practicing Second Amendment Rights
“As the judge read off [the] laundry list of charges, including five attempted murder charges, Mejia took offense to the fact that his charges were non-bondable offenses ….
“Mejia’s attorney urged him not to talk about the case. ‘I practice my second amendment rights. My life was in danger by crooked cops,’ Mejia shot back.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why did Republicans and the NRA assume the gun nuts they encouraged would respect the law, or wouldn’t shoot at cops? After all, they preach to these people that government is “tyranny” and should be resisted if not overthrown.
Another demonstration of Republican personal responsibility:
“New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says his campaign for the presidency — not his job performance — is to blame for his low approval ratings in his home state.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We have to wait a couple more years, as he isn’t up for re-election until 2018, but I sure look forward to this guy being out of work.
By 2050, the world’s oceans will contain more plastic than fish by weight, scientists report.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No problem, it’ll all disappear 4.5 billion years from now when the sun explodes and vaporizes the solar system.
Maybe there is some hope?
But who would pay to do this at the private level?
@28 The basic principle behind all our environmental laws is, “The polluter pays.” In other words, you hit up the companies that made the plastic, handled it, transported it, and sold it.
“Alex Castellanos Blasts Conservative Leaders: ‘We Appeal Only To Cranky Old White Guys Like Me'”
I get his point, but it’s not entirely a true statement. The GOP also appeals to at least one black batshit crazy loon.
TPPS’ heroine and her buds in action…
Something not covered on DUMMOCRETIN sites… http://www.sunshinestatenews.c.....iet-tubman
Puddy Commentariat: Say what? Didn’t know that about Heilary? Wall Street and the Private Prison Industry are big financiers!!!!! Butt you have to keep the mASSes as dumb ASSes!!!!!
BTW, Leslie Wimes is president and founder of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus/strong>,
Wow… Thanks to Obummer’s negotiating prowess Airbus gets Iranian $$$
@33 that is called Capitalism.
Iran loves capitalism as much as HA DUMMOCRETINS do!