Jimmy Dore: Republican liar claims Republicans aren’t anti-science knuckle-draggers.
The 2016 G.O.P. Clown Show:
- Farron Cousins: The GOP’s immigration hoax.
- Young Turks: Debate recap.
- Sephen: Just 19 days away.
- Farron Cousins: Another GOP debate devoid of issues
- Young Turks: Best line of the debate….
- David Pakman: First GOP debate of 2016 is an abortive freak show.
- Trevor Noah: Singles night with Rand Paul.
- Jimmy Dore:Jeb Bush on being a little bitch and releasing the W:
- Jimmy Dore: Jeb Bush’s ‘mission accomplished’ joke and why he loves W
- Young Turks: Jeb! drums up the courage to call Trump a jerk.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump’s White nationalist supporters
- Comedians find Donald Trump boring.
- Young Turks: Creepy Donald Trump rally.
- Ann Telnaes: Trump is hard to swallow for the G.O.P.
- Stephen: Trump didn’t fare well in the latest warlock poll
- Young Turks: Trump refuses to return protester’s coat.
- Young Turk: Cruz hits Trump over NY values…Trump hits back.
- Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz fall victim to GOP Birfer hysteria
- Seth Meyers: A Couple Things, Ted, about New York values.
- David Pakman: Ted Cruz’s immigration ad is crazier than Trump’s
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz says Clinton needs a spanking.
- Ted Cruz hits “New York values” at debate
- PsychoSuperMom: Everybody hates Ted Cruz:
- Ben Carson pitches a new movie.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about beverages.
Stephen: A town called Whitesboro.
Jimmy Dore: Why Republicans never compromise and Democrats do.
Seth Meyers: El Chapo visits Late Night.
Malicious Militias:
- Young Turks: Oregon Militia doesn’t want your bag of dicks…or do they?
- Stephen: Oregon militia needs more stuff.
- Young Turks: Man shot dead in drunken militia dispute
- David Pakman: OR domestic terrorists make hilarious list of demands
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Seth Meyers does Trevor Noah.
When guys go off their birth control.
John Oliver comes back for Season 3.
Baby got PACs:
Jimmy Dore: Ron Paul solves Oregon standoff with classic Ron Paul reasoning.
State O’ The Union Be Good:
- The whole SOTU Enchilada.
- Jimmy Dore: Paul Ryan dead-eyed during SOTU.
- Stephen: The great of the Union.
- Test Tube News: What has Obama accomplished as President?
- SOTU in three minutes.
- SOTU response in two minutes
- Republican base turns on Nikki Haley.
- Thom’s State of the Union
- Obama mic drop: 1999
- Thom: The Socialist response to the SOTU.
- Obama’s final SOTU.
- Stephen: Obama’s final SOTU.
- Ann Telnaes: The tragic state of our union.
- Jimmy Dore: Obama’s Sputnik line results in bullshit from right wing water boy.
Trevor Noah: The legend of Bernie Sanders.
Obama: Will Michelle run for President?
Matthew Filipowicz: Snyder administration defends water crisis handling.
Jimmy Dore: Political news (and jokes) of the week.
FAUX Business News asks most offensive question asked at a GOP debate, so far.
Obama’s biggest regret as President.
- Sam Seder and Zach Silk: Obama’s plan to reduce gun violence.
- Farron Cousins: Right Wing hate fuels surge in gun sales
- American gun laws depend on a comma.
- Jimmy Dore: Rick Perry celebrates open carry by naming his gun something purty:
https://youtu.be/12ZxvbPh6dY - Mark Fiore: Obama Control.
- David Pakman: Man ranting about Obama’s gun actions opens fire, gets shot dead
Mental Floss: 32 facts about body language.
Follow the Money: Big Money fighting legal pot.
Stephen with some Powerball Tips.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Great to see the birther debate coming back at the GOP.
Update on a battle between New Jersey Transit and the Rail Labor Coalition. The second Presidential Emergency Board convened, has released it’s recommendations. One sticking point to negotiations, is management wanting to treat the Rail employees the same as other state employees. If no agreement is reached, a strike or lockout can occur after March 13.
The Commuter Rail employees are covered under the Federal Railway Labor Act, as the commuter rail network dates back to the days of the New York Central, Pennsylvania Railroad, Jersey Central, and the Erie Lackawanna. Also, most of these services cross state lines, and secondary boycotts of related facilities are allowed under the Railway Labor Act. That means SEPTA in Philadelphia and and the New York MTA can be affected. Also two MTA Metro-North lines operate out of Hoboken Terminal as part of a joint operation.
When is the New York and Pennsylvania Primaries?
Funny how Ben Carson, John Bush, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, et al are polling at par with Vermin Supreme.
The GOP doesn’t have a single candidate that would survive a Willy Wonka factory tour.
Today is day 299 since the foreign-born, Wall Street creature Rafael Cruz declared his ambition to occupy the White House, and still the documents establishing his US citizenship status are being withheld.
BREAKING NEWS — Two Term President Obama has secured the release of FOUR Americans held by Iran, including Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, who was convicted of espionage in a secret Iranian court.
Two Term President Obama traded seven Iranians for them, and no doubt will be sharply criticized by Republicans for releasing these dangerous sanctions violators.
All but one of the men involved in the prisoner swap hold dual U.S.-Iranian citizenship. The pending implementation of the nuclear deal negotiated with Iran by Two Term President Obama played a direct role in the release of the prisoners, as well as the prompt release earlier this week of 10 U.S. Navy sailors who violated Iranian territorial waters due to a navigational error.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like President-In-Waiting Trump has just been denied a Reagan moment. I’m sure he’s disappointed.
In other news, Miss Washington USA has resigned following disclosure last week that she has a drunk driving conviction she failed to report to pageant officials. She also is a witness to the unsolved stabbing of a soccer player with whom she allegedly shared a motel room. She allegedly was alone with the man when he sustained the unexplained injury to his abdomen that required hospitalization.
BREAKING NEWS — CNN reports that a FIFTH American, not involved in the prisoner swap, has just been released by Iran. That makes FIVE MORE Americans, on top of the 10 U.S. Navy sailors who violated Iranian territory, that Two Term President Obama has freed while Donald Trump picks his nose. Now if only the president could rescue the birds and wildlife being held hostage by terrorists in Oregon.
@5 & 7
But but but, Obama is weak. He didn’t even get a single hostage for giving Iran the nuclear bomb. Harumph!
Word is the critters at the wildlife refuge are organizing themselves to run off the crybaby humans. They say some wise old rabbit is behind it.
@9 Yeah, I’m arming the squirrels, but shhhhh, we don’t want the terrorists to know.
Predictably, the Republicans are whining that Two Term President Obama should have left those Americans rotting in Iranian jails.
I just got off the CBS and CNN message boards. Man the righties are bitter over this prisoner release. Why do they hate Americans so much?
@12- It’s Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS). The President could issue a Mother’s Day proclamation and the right would furiously object.
Meanwhile, the President cleans up after republican criminal negligence.
Curious that R senile didn’t copy this?
Who were these peeps and why did America want them arrested? That’s what the GOP was complaining about and the fact Iran illegally arrested American citizens on trumped up charges.
Somehow these facts just skip right on by R senile and his merry fool checkmate!
I hate to say his name, but you-know-who has ripped Ted Cruz a new asshole and I have to say-again- how much pleasure it gives me to watch Republicans crawling around, like the rabid dogs they are, chewing each others legs off. Hopefully none will be left standing.
@15 I don’t waste my time on birds in the bush, but you apparently have plenty of time on your hands. However, since you’re the one who brought it up, let’s discuss exactly what Republicans are complaining about: Trading Iranians who aren’t even in our custody for Americans languishing in Iranian jails. If that’s a trade your friends are unwilling to make, all I’ll say is you hang out with a bunch of low-class assholes.
This letter to the editor in Barrons magazine offers an interesting perspective on the 2016 campaign:
“The Jan. 4 Editorial Commentary (‘King of Whoppers’) about Donald Trump missed the forest because of the trees. This election will not be about truth. It will be pure political blood sport. On one side are the forces of socialism, represented by Hillary Clinton, with her commitment to fiscal profligacy and unrestrained deficit spending, seeking to increase the welfare state in the face of a global recession and $19 trillion of national debt. On the other side is Donald Trump, who personifies self-interest, capitalism, and the 19th century virtues of mercantilism, practiced with Machiavellian flair. Socialism vs. capitalism; Marx vs. Adam Smith; Vladimir Lenin vs. James Madison; the entitled arrogant political and media class of New York, Washington, and Hollywood vs. the gray hollowed-out core of America gutted by taxation and globalism. Truth, facts, details don’t matter now. This conflict is more elemental than that.” Lance August, Hamilton, Ohio
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you can get past the overheated diatribe against Democrats (comparing Sanders or Hillary to Lenin? really?), and I’m holding my nose here (rabbits are very sensitive to bad odors), I think he’s onto something. We can expect to see all the pent up hatreds of the rabid right acted out in this election. There will be NO reasoned discussion of issues coming from their side. We’re already seeing this in the vitriolic lie-filled GOP debates. These people HATE that “n*****” in the White House, and they’re going to act out in a big way right up to November. In other words, this election is all about a runaway boiler blowing off steam or blowing up. We can only hope that a majority of cooler heads prevail, because while I think this guy is right about what’s happening, I feel leadpipe certain that voting for the mob he describes is not a solution to our problems.
I think the nicest thing about this time of year is that every Saturday sunset happens ten minutes later.
The editors of Barrons, a weekly investing magazine with a strongly conservative, free-market, Republican-leaning editorial slant, do NOT LIKE Donald Trump. They have been bashing him in editorials, articles, and cover stories for months. It appears they’re trying to dissuade their readers from supporting him.
Hard to say how influential Barrons is. According to Wikipedia, their readership is a little over 300k, or slightly less than 1% of the U.S. population. Their readers are 90% male, 94% in top management, with an average net worth of about $3 million and average income of $292,000. We know Trump’s fans tend to be uneducated “Reagan Democrats” and blue-collar casualties of globalization and the Great Recession, so there’s probably not much overlap; I would guess very few Barrons readers would be inclined to vote for Trump anyway, and nowadays people’s minds are intractably made up, so they’re probably not changing any votes. But Barrons, whose journalists can pick up a phone and talk to any CEO in America, is a pretty good barometer of how Wall Street and the GOP establishment feel about Trump. Shorter version: They HATE him and are starting to ever so slightly make subtle comparisons to Hitler.
Btw, most of the finance kingpins quoted by Barrons think Trump will win the GOP nomination and lose to Hillary. They say this even though they dislike Hillary. Remember, these people are Wall Streeters, they’re who the populist mob is coming for. So shit yeah they’re scared of Trumpster’s foaming-at-the-mouth supporters. Rabies is bad for business.
Charter schools have been around for years, have experienced tremendous growth, and we can now report this experiment is a failure. Their track record is “poor academic performance, unequal discipline, financial fraud, and the exclusion of high-cost students, such as those with disabilities.” And now respected researchers are calling them “a bubble.” Read the story here:
Why We Used To Have A Middle Class And Don’t Anymore
“When it comes to explaining American economic trends, it is important to remember how critical a role manufacturing and unions have played in the building—and now dismantling—of a strong middle class. For generations, factories provided good jobs to people who never went to college, allowing families—first white ethnic immigrants, and then others—to be upwardly mobile. Bringing together large numbers of people under a single roof, factory jobs were also relatively easy to organize. As the sociologists Bruce Western and Jake Rosenfeld have argued, unions at their prime helped create a “moral economy” in which wages rose both in firms with unions and those without them, and in which the average worker had a notable voice—however compromised back then by nativism and other exclusionary tendencies—lobbying on their behalf in Washington.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It wasn’t the Democrats who destroyed unions and sent factory jobs to China, and that’s all anyone needs to know in a voting booth.
Yes sir Mr Ailes. . I’ll be angry about whatever you say.
I’m a good boy. Yesiam. Beggin’strip. Me love the beggin’strip.
Blowhard takes credit for the Americans released by Iran. Who would’ve guessed?
“This is the Florida senator’s new strategy. He doesn’t reject Trump’s bigotry; he piggybacks on it.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Whatever principles Rubio might have had once, and it’s questionable whether he ever did, he doesn’t have them anymore:
@ 23
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It wasn’t the Democrats who destroyed unions and sent factory jobs to China, and that’s all anyone needs to know in a voting booth.
Ah, yes. Democrats should be comforted knowing they were only responsible for sending factory jobs to Mexico.
Bust a deal and face the wheel?
Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2), head of the council’s finance committee, sat in on the meeting Friday morning with Walmart officials and Brian Kenner, Bowser’s deputy mayor for planning and economic development.
Evans said that, behind closed doors, Walmart officials were more frank about the reasons the company was downsizing. He said the company cited the District’s rising minimum wage, now at $11.50 an hour and possibly going to $15 an hour if a proposed ballot measure is successful in November. He also said a proposal for legislation requiring D.C. employers to pay into a fund for family and medical leave for employees, and another effort to require a minimum amount of hours for hourly workers were compounding costs and concerns for the retailer.
From the company who brought you
I love this last line:
So if raising wages well above the current federal minimum of $7.25 can work for Walmart, it’s hard to argue it couldn’t work for the rest of the economy as well.
Hey, Goldy, what if it can’t work for Walmart?
25) Wouldn’t put it past him. Anything to discount the power of diplomacy.
This election will not be about truth. It will be pure political blood sport.
Yes, we already know Heilary is a liar!
Butt butt butt they were on the run. Their leadership decimated!
Another blatant feckless foreign policy failure!
Farron Cousins: Another GOP debate devoid of issues
A full member of the 4th tier toilet crowd missed these important issues…
Obummer and the Iran deal
Where the GOP stood on legal vs. illegal immigration
The Obummercare failures
Obummer and how he hates legal gun ownership
Iran making our sailors kneel like dogs
Terrorism and the ISIS growing in strength
Al Qaeda rebuilding
Ted Cruz birthright
Can Bernie Sander win
Bernie Sander’s Socialism
Heilary agreeing with Bernie
The lack of a real economic recovery under Obummer
Heilary being a bold face liar with Benghazi
Heilary and her email lies
Heilary’s dropping poll numbers
Did R senile discuss this yesterday with you slobbering morons? Puddy wonders why?
As Puddy reads these comments from the 3rd and 4th tier toilet dwellers; just remember Duct tape can’t fix stooooooooooopid butt it can muffle the sound of useless DUMMOCRETINS!
@ 30-34
Is there a point to anything here? Or are you just blowing Bubbles in the mud, again.
Bob, what is your spin that the bulk of the walmat us closings are in the red south?
As I’ve always seen it, the failure in NAFTA lay not in the job losses. Those were going to happen regardless. The failure lay in not coupling robust taxes and reemployment programs into the trade deal. Clinton owns that one.
@ 36
Good question. I thought I had something to bash libbies with, then read again.
What are being closed are smaller stores. It is the size concept that isn’t working. I don’t think I can tie it to minimum wage increases (and I don’t think you can tie it to geography).
So I decided not to mention store closings at all.
Either get on board the train or lead a miserable hateful life (in other words – a conservative Republican).
Cho Cho!
Well, we all know that China’s economy today is booming largely because of $15.00 wages.
Yes! There is nothing like Justice (for all).
vomit man,
Truth really bothers you!
Another casualty of high tax states GE leaves Connecticut… http://www.msn.com/en-us/money.....ar-BBogk3i
@43 Interesting to hear a company that pays no taxes complain about “punitive” taxation. What do they want now, an income subsidy like poor people get? An earned income credit for wealthy freeloading corporations? If they can pull that off for their shareholders, I’ll take it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The thing to do, of course, is buy their stock to get in on the gravy this company scoops up from the ordinary taxpayers (i.e., wage earners) victimized by this corporate tax racket. GE is one of my largest positions! I love to invest in these predator companies because they make loads of tax-free money and give some of it to their shareholders, although I must admit it sometimes bothers my conscience to get rich this way.
@27 That’s what happens when Democrats suck up to the GOP’s corporate agenda. Hopefully the next President Clinton learned something from that experience. It seems so; she has revised her thinking about TPP.
@28 Nobody weeps when WalMart leaves town. There can be no comeback for mom and pop businesses until they do.
But you know what, Bickle? If WalMart has to pay workers $15, so does everyone else. If they have to raise prices, so do their competitors. So where is the competitive disadvantage?
There isn’t one, unless you have a two-tier minimum wage system that allows small business to pay their workers less simply because they’re small. That’s not something I favor and you shouldn’t either.
There should be one minimum wage for all, and it should be high enough for adults working full-time to live on, without need for taxpayer-funded welfare support.
I assume everyone knows by now the Seahawks’ season is over.
@30 I like our liars better than your liars, one reason being they don’t lie nearly as much. The GOP debates are an endless string of whoppers devoid of substance.
@31 These things take time. Eisenhower failed for 4 years to subdue Hitler’s Wehrmacht, but the last 24 hours of his war against Germany made up for it. Kinda like when Two Term President Obama put a bullet between Osama bin Laden’s eyes.
@33 Did you read yesterday’s comments? Don’t ask the other people here. They’re not your research assistants.
@34 If your approach to self-education is duct-taping other people’s mouths closed, you might as well put some over your own ears too.
@43 that might be one reason why GE Left CT but there were other reasons too…..so they moved to Massachusetts which calls itself Taxachusetts. In part I believe they move to Boston because there is a better colleges.
Not trying to say that it wasn’t the taxes that drove them out of CT but that’s not the whole story and only reason. Aside from Fairfield County (suburb of NYC), where taxes are high in general, there isn’t much left in the State of CT.
Why didn’t GE move to Texas or Georgia?
“Several states, including Georgia, Rhode Island and Texas, worked to attract GE. New York pressed hard to bring the headquarters to Manhattan or Westchester County. Connecticut tried to avoid losing one of its most iconic corporate citizens, though far from its largest employer.”
“People familiar with the company’s thinking also said GE had outgrown its dated office campus in suburban Fairfield—a relic of a corporate era that no longer reflects the sort of environment in which the most promising talent want to work.”
I know the feeling – now working in NYC a much better environment, at least for me….and many others in the company I work for are making the same decisions, all migrating to better places than CT….don’t get me wrong it is a beautiful State, but no major city to attract people….New Haven isn’t that bad but many poor neighborhoods….Hartford is starting to change but not sure it will ever become a Boston or NYC.
“This person said GE had long intended to leave the state, pointing to Wednesday’s announcement from the company that it had been considering the relocation for three years.”
“But the nature of GE’s Fairfield headquarters — along with details about its preferred landing spots — raise the possibility that costs may only play one role, and that the company leaning toward the kind of centralized, walkable communities that are in fashion now and away from an isolated, suburban office park like its current space.”
So Puffy you can believe Kudcrow – but Texas must suck too. Kind of like Boob wanting to think that Walmart’s closures were due to higher wages.
Yeah, your stock commentary weren’t worth their weight in the screen pixels used! So you going to short some of your stocks R senile?
A Puff ball maybe there is a reason why taxes are higher in CT. The schools in CT are some of the best Schools in this Country. The State of CT reimburses each town 85% of the cost of new schools and renovations of schools. Most or a lot of the money or revenue for the school program comes from the profits of the two largest Casinos in the World that are in CT, which are no longer as lucrative as they were when the first opened up 10-15 years ago, now that there are much more Casinos built and being built in the region as we speak (3 proposed and under construction in Massachuestts)
Anyways, because of the State reimbursement for school construction, virtually every town in Connecticut has build new schools over the last 15 to 25 years. I’ve been involved in over 30 such schools myself.
And who says Government doesn’t create jobs.
Goldy twitted… Hey, there’s another presidential debate tonight at 6pm PT!
(But it’s a Democratic debate, so it won’t be equal parts vile & hilarious.)
No it will be three equal parts: vile, boring, and vacuous! Absolutely nothing new will be learned.
Meanwhile Heilary was interviewed by Jake Tapper about the FBI email investigation. Since the FBI hasn’t talked to her how can she make comments on what the FBI has or has not found to date?
Damage control!!!
“No it will be three equal parts: vile, boring, and vacuous! Absolutely nothing will be learned.”
@56 you are as right about that statement as you were GE Leaving CT because of high taxes.
You got to stop eating your fucking shit pies. And you were probably thinking that the Seahawks were going to comeback and win it.
“so they moved to Massachusetts”
Something the loon conveniently left out or his head would explode.
Here Puffy -maybe you can learn something (I know that is really not possible but heck I’ll try to be extremely optimistic).
I wonder if Kudcrow has any kids and where does he send them.
Heh. Trump calls Glenn Beck an idiot.
I think Puffy now ran to the comfort of his bed, i envision that he is laying on his fat stomach, whit his face flat on the mattress and the pillow on top of his head with his hands holding the pillow down on the back of his had. He’s not actually crying just yet, but he contemplates whether there is any hope in life and whether he’ll ever have a brain or any thought that doesn’t involve hate and bigotry.
Steve, I think Puffy will come around one day – do you think?
Sure is amazing what Sucking Human Teabags @62 farts about hisself here.
Hey TPPS @59,
That’s why Puddy supplied the link. Must be Taxachussets taxes are lower than CT eh ya moron?
@54 Of course not, shorting stocks is a fool’s game. But you’re a fool, so feel free to do it. You don’t have to own stocks to short them, so a shorting strategy isn’t inconsistent with your mattress strategy. And why should a fool use only one strategy when he has the opportunity to lose twice as much money and lose it twice as fast?
@56 Thanks, I wondered what time it started. I want to watch it, in order to hear an intelligent discussion for a change.
@66 Hey Roger – you mean you don’t like watching the alternative of the Dem debate, which is the Jerry Springer show of a GOP Debate? Those can be fun too, so long as you watch on an empty stomach.
Seems like one of Jerry’s guest (Puff Balls) is upset with Goldy’s “Twits”. Is he now following Goldy to be like BooB?
@64 yeah, and they also have shittier schools that turn out pretty dumb people compared to CT. Most of the people that go to Boston Colleges and Universities are out of State.
I went to one – and I couldn’t believe some of the idiots that were my classmates that were from Mass.
@67 Sure, I watch the GOP gladiator contests, and my innards can tolerate plain popcorn with no butter or salt but otherwise your advice is well taken.
Per Puffy’s confused logic….then Texas must have higher taxes than Massachusets.
Puffy, try not to block your facial air passages with that pillow on your head. Or can you breath out of your ass?
Oh by the way the Jerry Springer show films in Stamford, CT, after moving from Chicago…..I guess they like the higher taxes, but I’m sure they’ll move soon too. I’m sure Puff Balls has been to Stamford.
Hey here is something interesting that may have compelled GE to move to Boston
Total Jobs: 554,510
Total STEM Workforce Share: 23.9%
STEM Ranking: 6 (out of 100)
Super STEM Workforce Share: 10.8%
Super STEM Ranking: 9 (out of 100)
Percentages refer to share of total workforce
ranks 6 out of 100 (not Bad).
Tonight’s Democratic debate, which is about to begin, is being held in Charleston, SC, one block away from the church where 9 African-Americans were murdered by a racist gun nut.
Watching chuck Todd on nbc, I never noticed it but he had s lisp tonight, like as if he had some dental procedure.
With the posting of GE leaving Fairfield, Coonecticut to Boston, I think people of Topeka, Kansas or Omaha, Nebraska, or Des Moines, Iowa should ask or be worried why GE selected Boston and not “Rural” parts of this Country.
What say you Puffballs?
I think Martin O’Malley eluded to it tonight in the Dem debate.
Poor guy doesn’t stand a chance but I like Martin O’Malley the best.
Sorry, I don’t like how Bernie is trying to monopolize the debate, but I guess he has to do what he’s got to do.
Are they ever going to let Martin O’Malley talk?
DUMMOCRETIN debate… three elderly white peeps want to be president!
Nuff SAID sucka!
Alan Grayson said he gonna sue Ted Cruz if he wins the nomination. Puddy called it last week.
So it will be DUMMOCRETINS going after Ted Cruz!
Nuff SAID Suckas!
“his face flat on the mattress and the pillow on top of his head with his hands holding the pillow down”
“Steve, I think Puffy will come around one day – do you think?”
I think that if the loon’s head explodes while he has his hands holding a pillow over it there’ll be fingers, feathers and goatshit everywhere!
The batshit crazy loon acts as though he might be a little bit sedated tonight. Is it possible that he’s back on his meds?
Being Teabagged Again,
You just witnessed Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie in action. Rigged debate and O’Malley is not a player!
“O’Malley is not a player!”
The batshit insane loon’s head must be constantly exploding with thoughts of Republican candidates polling at 2% like O’Malley who can’t even appear on the GOP debate stage, much less be a player.
Ahhh the brothers TPPS and Being Teabagged Again finally meet. Mastered looonacy 401 now!
Stooooooopid and more stoooooooooopid!
It’s like the failed Carson campaign and the loon having to watch all his donations swirl down the drain has broken his spirit. He’s now only a shell of the batshit crazy loon he used to be.
@79 Yes, we need a mature president because there’s so many Republican adolescents who need supervision.
@83 Why do you care? It’s none of your business. You have your own pigpen to tend to, and it needs a lot of tending.
@86 Puffy’s money didn’t go down the drain. Gifted Hands used it to expand the altar to himself he built in his mansion.
Broken spirit TPPS? You really are stooooooooopid. As long as Heilary doesn’t win that’s all that matters!
Gotta give the Rethugs credit for having enough sense not to nominate Carson, although the jury’s still out on the other counts against them until we see their final selection.
Even the national libtards of Heilary’s free super pac saw through Heilary’s act… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....obama.html
Andrea Mitchell really kisses Heilary’s ASS! Nose is where the sun don’t sign!
Bernie Sanders to Hillary: Goldman Sachs Gave You Over $600,000 In Speaking Fees In One Year.
In the pocket of wall street, a simple truth!
Oh no Bill Maher sound like Donald Trump! http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....error.html
Wow, looks like HA DUMMOCRETINS will not be using Bill Maher ever again now!
What? Tennis Fixing Now? http://www.buzzfeed.com/heidib......iaMwqkB86
O’Reilly threatens to move to Ireland if Sanders gets elected. I wonder if the Irish would like him?
The above article was asking if he knew of Ireland’s gutn laws. I was wenondering, if he would like the electoral system. The Dail Eirraenn is elected in multi-seat districts, drawn by an independent redistricting commission. That’s not to say Gerrymandering has not been tried before There was the Tullymander, done for the 1977 Election that backfired on Center right Fine Gael, which saw center right Fine Fail elected in a landslide. In that election, Dublin was divided into 13 Districts with three seats each, drawn in a way to leave opposition party Fine Fail with one seat each, even with the Single Transferable Vote system.
Other aspects, although absentee ballots are not allowed, the polls close at 10pm.Sometimes there are issues that get the Diaspora to come home to vote, like last years Marriage Equality Referendum.
Over at Huffpost, they distilled the latest Dem debate down to the headline of “Hillary: It’s either me or the GOP.”
I’m voting for Bernie in the Primary and voting for the democrat in the election because it’s about the Supreme Court.
Alexis Simendinger @ASimendinger – “Guns onto Amtrak” (@hillaryClinton may criticize, but Obama signed that into law).
Heilary hopes those DUMMOCRETINS listening are the LIV type like most HA DUMMOCRETINS! R senile is a perfect example.
Alexis Simendinger @ASimendinger – “Very disingenuous” is @SenSanders description of @HillaryClinton critiques of his gun control positions on manuf. liability, bkgrnd checks.
That’s why morons like HA DUMMOCRETINS will jack boot goose step to the polls and in their brown shirts pull the lever or tap the screen for Heilary! Disingenuous DUMMOCRETINS are the ones they hold dear to their heart!
DUMMOCRETIN voters are worried! Jeb’s whitehouse to the courthouse comment rang home!
How come no one asked the DUMMOCRETIN candidates about their white privilege? Why didn’t Lester Holt and Andrea Mitchell discuss and ask questions on how white left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN policies perpetuate racial inequality in America to the three old whitey peeps last night?
Heilary and Bernie are discussing how they will abuse their white power if, God forbid, they get into the whitey house! Poor Martin O’Malley didn’t get a word in edgewise. Lester and Andrea perfectly did Debbie’s bidding! Heilary and Bernie are using money, guns and health care as their white guilt mechanisms for their DUMMOCRETIN base! If you disagree with them you are haters or guns and bible bitter clingers. You are too rich and you need to have your wallets emptied for the good of America.
DUMMOCRETINS measure everyone by their skin color and not their character content. This is why DUMMOCRETINS pander on MLK Jr day and mistreat blacks 364 other days. They also call for reeducation camps of white political leaders, police, teachers, and students who exhibit independent thought!
Great movie critique… DUMMOCRETINS like TPPS will have head explosions due to the additional pressure of truth and FACTS! http://ace.mu.nu/archives/361071.php
Great movie critique… DUMMOCRETINS like TPPS will have head explosions due to the additional pressure of truth and FACTS! http://ace.mu.nu/archives/361071.php
Yea, about that free community college idea… http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2493555
@ The Schizo @ 103
Except for one little detail. That is, that Micheal Bay has openly described the movie as a work of pure fiction based on the GOP fairytale and is certainly not intended to be a historical record.
The fact that Trey Gowdy has admitted that he manufactured the evidence he was using in the Senate hearings, with the specific intent of discrediting Hillary Clinton as a candidate being the sole purpose of said hearings.
You stupid, ignorant lying fuck.
Micheal Bay has openly described the movie as a work of pure fiction…
Well provide the link vomit producer! 13 Hours is based on the 2014 book 13 Hours by Mitchell Zuckoff. Just because the CIA operative wants to lie to the committee while three people there said otherwise is a he said-he said event. 1:3 it seems. This is the same DUMMOCRETIN scream used when the 6 Bergdahl platoon members came out and said Bowe deserted. Then when the Army said he deserted, did those same fools apologize to the 6 platoon members? NOPE! DUMMOCRETINS never apologize for their lies and slander!
The fact that Trey Gowdy has admitted that he manufactured the evidence – Commentary made up direct from Occupy DUMMOCRETINS based on Kevin McCarthy’s comments to a reporter. Yet here is the letter they referenced at Occupy DUMMOCRETINS! Where is the flaming fire vomit man? http://benghazi.house.gov/site......18.15.pdf
So if you want to provide accusations provide the links so you can prove it; because Puddy has proven you to be the “stupid, ignorant lying fuck” many times here.
What a batshit crazy loon. Benghazi!