ONN: News of the week.
Thom: The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Ugly.
Ohio Gov. Kasich is Worst Person in the World.
Fiscal Apocalypse:
- Maddow: Obama hating GOP denialists push U.S. economy to brink of disaster, part 1
- Maddow: Obama hating GOP denialists push U.S. economy to brink of disaster, part 2
- Jon with Armadebtdon 2011: The national bullshit ceiling
- Thom: The biggest balanced budget hypocrisy.
- Pitches for National Debt: The Movie.
- Thom: Are the Republicans committing treason?
- White House: Obama’s PISSED.
Mark Fiore: We are the whirled.
White House: West Wing Week.
The G.O.P. Presidential Lunatic Asylum:
- Young Turks: The Young Barbarians.
- Bill Maher on Palin and Bachmann.
- Maddow: Rick Perry’s sick, intolerant ‘Pastor’ friends
- Gay barbarian hordes invade Bachmann’s “pray away the gay” clinic (via Slog):
- Bachmann’s end of the world speech (via ThinkProgress).
- Newsy: Are Bachmann’s headaches a roadblock to the White House?
- Jon: Natural Selection of the GOP primary candidates.
- Stephen: God’s pick for President? Rick Perry
- Olbermann: Right wing blog causing headaches for Bachmann.
- Young Turks: Michele Bachmann’s “headaches”
- Ann Telnaes: Herman Cain on banning mosques.
- Stephen: The biggest fantasy adventures of the summer….
- Maddow: Santorum tries to raise money off his “Google problem”.
Obama calls the International Space Station.
Thom talks to a deprogrammed teabagger.
Allen West’s Letter:
- Young Turks: Allen West (R-FL) loses it!
- Stephen: West’s pithy takedown of Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
- West’s email: The animated version.
- Ed: West is a thug.
- Young Turks: Allen West loses it!
- Wolf and DNC Chair discuss debt deal, Allen West, Romney
Young Turks: Abstinence-only education problem in Texas.
Sen. Smith and Bill-O-the-Clown lose to James Murdoch as Worst Person in the World.
Obama ends DADT.
The ALEC Caper:
- Pap: The truth about ALEC.
- Thom: The secrets of ALEC exposed
ONN: Tensions mount after North Korea destroys all of Asia.
Sam Seder: The Teabaggers don’t pay their debt.
West and Palin lose out to Casino boss Steve Wynn as Worst Person in the World.
News Corpse:
- Ed: Robert Greenwald on Murdoch.
- Pap: Murdoch’s attorney exodus.
- Ann Telnaes: Rupert Murdoch’s humble pie
- Young Turks: Should FAUX News be investigated?
- Ed and Pap: Murdoch’s willful blindness is no defense for criminal conduct.
- Jon: Parliament vs. Rupert Murdoch and David Cameron.
- Thom: Murdochgate is proof that media monopoly doesn’t work
- Liberal Viewer: FOX News crimes?
- Olbermann: PI jailed for phone hacking for NOTW, remains on the News Corpse payroll
- Ed and Pap: The Murdoch criminal defense.
- Jon on how the Murdoch scandal makes FAUX News sad.
- Newsy: Former News Corpse execs. say James Murdoch lied
- Thom: The cancer of infotainment & Murdoch pseudo-news
- Sam Seder: James Murdoch lied?
- Robert Greenwald Analyzes the Murdoch Parliament Appearance.
Thom: Can Republicans get elected without fraud and treason?
Stephen: CA gay history bill.
Sam Seder: Rush claims “It’s not hot—Government trying to fool you”.
Young Turks: FAUX News asks whether there are any poor families in America.
Faggot joke amuses FAMiLY LEADER’s (14-point marriage fidelity pledge) Bob Vander (via ThinkProgress).
Cenk Leaves MSNBC:
- Young Turks: Cenk is out at MSNBC, Part I.
- Young Turks: Cenk is out at MSNBC, Part II.
- Sam Seder: Cenk on leaving MSNBC.
- Olbermann and Cenk on Cenk leaving MSNBC.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Yet, in each of those videos MadCow didn’t identify the DUMMOCRAPTIC Budget proposals.
Here’s one….
I suppose Puddy is enamored with the Ryan Budget (AKA, the Republican budget). You know, that deficit reducing masterwork that will INCREASE the deficit by $6 Trillion over 10 years.
Keep listening to talk radio. Baaaaaaa-Baaaaa “The Dems have no budget.”
It may take another decade for all of this to play out, but I think that Nuremburg will ultimately be mankinds template for dealing with the right wing of humanity.
What does one have to do with the other? The current “debate” in Washington involves the debt ceiling, which is paying for things that have already been approved in the budget. This is not new spending. The budget debate is a separate thing.
Oh go teabag your buddies puttybutt.
@5 It has to do with taking past bills hostage in order to make future budgets suck his you know what.
Debt Talks: No Progress After Saturday Meeting
News media report that debt negotiations convened by President Obama this morning broke up after about an hour of discussion without any signs of progress.
Here’s where things stand. The president has offered to raise the Medicare age from 65 to 67, cut future Social Security COLAs, and trim about 3% from Socal Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Based on previous reports, the president has agreed to reduce deficits with 85% spending cuts and 15% revenue increases.
Republicans have agreed in principle to letting revenue rise, but only by cutting tax rates and relying on economic growth to produce higher revenues under lower rates. And dozens of GOP House members have promised to vote against the debt ceiling even if the GOP gets everything it wants.
Speaker Boehner criticized the president for not getting involved and leading the country out of its debt impasse. But when Obama did that, negotiations went nowhere, because Boehner can’t deliver Republican votes for his own proposals much less a compromise. Obama has offered politically difficult concession; the Party of No’s only offer is “no.”
So where does it go from here? To a Treasury default and partial government shutdown, of course. Then, voters will have to decide in 2012 which direction they want the country to go — keep at least a partial social safety net in place (Democrats) or take America back to the 19th century (Republicans), when robber barons had all the money and the rest of us were virtual slaves.
Congratulations. You are officially, notoriously and irrevocably the “Stupidest Mother Fucker in the Universe”!!!!
Your award is in the mail. Thanks for playing.
Perfect logic from loofah man.
Imagine trying to strike a deal with a Republican over buying a car:
Customer: How much for this car?
Dealer: $20,000
Customer: How about I give you $10,000?
Dealer: The price is $22,500
Customer: How about I give you $12,500?
Dealer: The price is $25,000, plus you give me $5,000 to take your car as a trade-in.
Customer: How about $15,000?
Dealer: Did I mention that wheels and seats are extra?
So checksez,
That’s the official ObummeR and Senate DUMMOCRAPTS budget proposal? Well why are they not officially promoting it?
Why didn’T MadCow discuss it?
Ummm don don don,
Apparently you are a kook-aid drinka. Who is discussing Fiscal 2011 except you?
Moody said we need to trim 4 Trillion in debt by budget proposal or we get downgraded. So, where is the Obummer proposal to do this starting in FY2012?
Oh rujax HA’s duMbest black man ever… Where are thEir proposals? Where is the single piece of paper?
This is why I LOL at your antics… Reservatipn boy.
Allen West,
Great American.
Americans are seeing through Obummer’s teleprompter as a figurehead who can’t lead on any issue.
Oh Puddy, master of the Google. Try youtube+maddow+people’s budget.
Get back to me when you figure out why it hasn’t been discussed.
Puddy claims Dem budget proposals don’t exist. Confronted with an existing Democratic budget proposal, goes with why isn’t it being discussed? Well Maddow has done segments. Various news sources have talked about it. So it’s been discussed.
I’d like to see whats behind door number three, Monte.
putz sez @18: “a figurehead who can’t lead on any issue”
You mean like saving America from another Great Depression? And winding down Bush’s disastrous recreational war in Iraq? And passing health care reform, which eluded a half dozen previous presidents? And killing 9/11 mastermind, Osama bin Laden, who eluded your boy Chump for eight long years?
The stock market seems to like him … the Dow was at 8218.22 when Bush left office; yesterday, it stood at 12,681.16 — a gain of 54.3% since Obama took office. By contrast, the Dow lost 23.1% under Bush.
Poor puddy is having a meltdown on the previous thread because he can’t deal with the fact Norway’s mass murderer is a rightwing christo-fascist anti-immigrant Muslim-hating whackjob — just like a lot of Republicans in our own country.
Oh, and did I mention that Norway’s rightwing christo-fascist anti-immigrant Muslim-hating whackjob mass murdered did NOT serve in the military, even though military service is mandatory in that country?
Republican = draft dodger
George W. Bush – went AWOL from National Guard
Dick Cheney – 5 deferments, never served
Phil Gramm – 4 deferments, never served
John Ashcroft – 7 deferments, never served
Jeb Bush – never served
Karl Rove – never served
Dennis Hastert – never served
Bill Frist – never served
Dick Armey – never served
Tom DeLay – never served
Newt Gingrich – never served
Trent Lott – never served
Saxby Chambliss – claimed “bad knee,” never served
Mitch McConnell – never served
Rick Santorum – never served
Roy Blunt – never served
Richard Shelby – never served
Dana Rohrabacher – never served
John M. McHugh – never served
JC Watts – never served
Jack Kemp – never served becaue of “knee problem” that didn’t keep him from playing in NFL for 8 years
Arnold Schwarzenegger – went AWOL from Austrian army
George Pataki – never served
Spencer Abraham – never served
John Engler – never served
Elliott Abrams – never served
Paul Wolfowitz – never served
Vin Weber – never served
Richard Perle – never served
Douglas Feith – never served
Rudy Guiliani – never served
Kenneth Starr – never served
Antonin Scalia – never served
Clarence Thomas – never served
Ralph Reed – never served
Michael Medved – never served
Charlie Daniels – never served
Ted Nugent – never served
Jon Kyl – never served
Tim Hutchison – never served
Christopher Cox – never served
George Will – never served
Chris Matthews – never served
Bill O’Reilly – never served
Sean Hannity – never served
Rush Limbaugh – never served
Michael Savage – never served
Paul Gigot – never served
Bill Bennett – never served
Pat Buchanan – never served
Pat Robertson – never served
Bill Kristol – never served
Ann Coulter – never served
Oh, and before I forget, G. W. Bush started two wars he couldn’t finish; Obama had to finish them for him.
It’s a complete mystery why anyone would vote Republican. Some people just don’t think.
“Stupidest Mother Fucker in the Universe”
While I agree that the loon comes off as grossly stupid, I think the stupidity is more a side effect of his being filled with a raging hatred for everything that’s good and decent in this world. It’s this all-consuming hatred that causes him to abandon all reason and even reality. Truly, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to hear that he has erupted in a murderous rage and killed his family and a few neighbors and co-workers. It’s really too bad that there’s no way to get him locked up in a padded cell before it’s too late for the innocent. I suppose we could blame Reagan for that. How ironic, huh?
The righties are all over the web trying to explain away the right wing political violence in Norway. Granted the bomber/shooter is a nutcase, normal people don’t go on shooting rampages. But, this one’s clearly right wing political violence.
You just aren’t paying attention. Weeks ago, Obama told Boehner he would agree to $4 trillion in spending cuts, it was called the “Grand Bargain”, remember? Boehner walked away when Obama called his bluff.
@28 “You just aren’t paying attention.”
You’re giving him too much credit. Puddy is a liar. Just like the rest of the Repugnicans.
@27 “The righties are all over the web trying to explain away the right wing political violence in Norway.”
They won’t have to. Their darling is going to do it for them. He can’t wait to appear in court Monday to “explain himself,” according to his lawyer. Apparently his view of his actions is that they were barbaric but “necessary,” and when you’re committing political murder, it’s better to “kill too many than too few.”
Norway not only doesn’t have a death penalty, it doesn’t even have life imprisonment. The most this monster can get is 21 years. I’m waiting for our rightwing friends to start posting about how lenient that country’s “bleeding heart” penal laws are.
Well, righties?
Somehow I have a feeling this guy can’t do 21 years anywhere in the world, even in Norway.
A broken broomstick up his anal orifice should do the trick. See, e.g., Jeffrey Dahmner.
Republicans claim we can afford tax subsidies for oil companies, but can’t afford college aid for poor students. They want to cut funding for Pell grants by 45%.
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns stock in oil companies, but doesn’t own stock in poor students, so if Republicans want to rob poor students to enrich oil companies, I’m perfectly willing to profit from their meanness. I mean, if they’re gonna do it anyway, why should they get all the money?
Anybody who takes a tax subsidy is a Marxist, therefore arguendo our troll friends are entitled to call me a “commie” because I own oil stocks. Of course, if they go that route, then everyone else who owns oil stock is a commie, too.
Clint Didier is a Marxist. So is Michelle Bachmann.
@ 30 RR
Actually, the maximum sentence that can be handed down is 21 years. But they also have a review process if the crime is heinous enough that allows for indefinite 5 year extensions in “protective custody”.
He’ll spend the rest of his life in one of the most comfortable prison systems in the world. He’s a psychopath, and still deems his actions to be necessary. Over at Free Republic, they’re insisting he’s a Muslim plant or Mossad agent or even CIA, but it isn’t possible that he’s a right wing nutcase. It’s just not possible. In any case, they’re going on about how this gives Obama the excuse to round up all the teabaggers and put them into concentration camps.
Of course, he’s been a regular poster on Stormfront, and several other neonazi websites, rabidly anti-immigrant and anti-muslim, and his target on the island camp was the teenage kids of the labor party bigshots. Apparently, their equivalent of their Secretary of the Interior was going to speak at a rally of some sort, but was diverted after the bombing.
He shot all those beautiful kids and is proud of the fact. Proud of what he’s done.
Thanks rightists! you just keep showing yourselves for what you really are. Child murdering psychopaths, thieves and bombers.
@36 “In any case, they’re going on about how this gives Obama the excuse to round up all the teabaggers and put them into concentration camps.”
That might not be such a bad idea, given they want to do it to us.
@36 (continued) “Thanks rightists! you just keep showing yourselves for what you really are. Child murdering psychopaths, thieves and bombers.”
For a long time now, I’ve figured them for closet commies. See, e.g., #35 and also Leo Strauss, the ideological godfather of neo-conservatives who draws his inspiration from Trotsky.
I don’t see a damn thing on Sound Politics about the rightwing fanatic who slaughtered dozens of children yesterday.
Sound Politic’s lede is a webcam shot of pretty scenery from Camp Muir on Mount Rainier.
Must be a slow news day for the rightwing folks over at Sound Politics.
In other news, Michelle Bachmann blames her migraines on high heels.
Well, I’ve got a suggestion for her:
Ok, I’m a little creeped out. I just saw my first pic of the gunman in Norway and he kinda looks like me. Not close enough that you could mistake me for him, but it’s a fairly close match.
And, of course, the weekend wouldn’t be complete without news of a mass shooting in America.
As a Norwegian-American, I’ve followed this horrible story out of Norway. The first media stories were all about why would Islamists target Norway. Presumably thoughtful talking heads speculated about Norway’s support of allied efforts in Afghanistan and of the Libyan no-fly zone. Oh, and a Norwegian newspaper reprinted those cartoons about Mohammed.
Talk about a rush to judgment. A native Norwegian did this because of those on the Right who fuel nutcases concerning the threat of immigrants. We are one world, people.
You mean like saving America from another Great Depression? – Hmmm…? We were told TARP was going to do this. So Bush was right eh DUMB Bunny?
And winding down Bush’s disastrous recreational war in Iraq? Yeah he promised that in 2008 now it’s 2011 and it’s “winding” down?
And passing health care reform, which eluded a half dozen previous presidents? Yeah, and job creation drop from 64,000 a month to 6,500 a month the first month it passed. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Oh and since it was passed where has unemployment lingered DUMB Bunny?
And killing 9/11 mastermind, Osama bin Laden, who eluded your boy Chump for eight long years? Yeah, Leon Panetta admits and the WikiLeaks documents proved the foundation left by GWBush enabled Obummer to be successful. Thanks Leon and Julian Assange!
Another useless comment from Roger DUMB Rabbit easily deconstructed and destroyed by little ol’ Puddy!
Hmmm… I guess I’ll be creeped out when I see you eh Michael?
Hey Roger DUMB Rabbit,
What real Tea Party Member has advocated mass murder or done something heinous like this?
I’ll wait.
Heh. Easy. How about this stupid?
There are many more nutjobs like this in the stupid reactionary tea party bowel movement.
@46 Having met you in person, putz, I can definitely say you’re not creepy — just laughably obtuse.
Apparently attended… Affiliated…
Real Tea Party Member…? Reading comprehension? Head and arschloch are the same body part!
Yes arschloch you really stepped up to the plate.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t, Local Edition
Eleven people were shot at a car show in Kent, Washington, yesterday.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t, National Edition
Ten people were shot at a roller rink in Grand Prairie, Texas, yesterday.
And Roger Dumb Rabbit,
You are one strange individual. But I do care about your health.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t, International Edition
“A right-wing zealot who admitted to bomb and gun attacks in Norway that killed 93 people on Friday claims he acted alone, Norway’s police said on Sunday.”
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t, Idiot Edition
Wisconsin’s GOP legislators think anyone should be able to buy a gun without a background check, and everyone should be allowed to carry guns anywhere without a permit including daycares, kindergartens, courthouses, roller rinks, summer camps, etc.
@52 If you think I’m strange, try looking in a mirror.
@52 (continued) Rabbits are born with small brains so we’re not expected to be smart. What’s your excuse?
Heh. Can’t forget this guy:
A dumbass motivated by the violent rhetoric of Beck and a tea bag party sympathizer.
i.e. a Puddydope hero!
Wisconsin’s DUMMOCRAPTIC Governor who sat in office for 8 years before 2011 didn’t think anyone needed a background check to buy a gun, and everyone should be allowed to carry guns anywhere without a permit including daycares, kindergartens, courthouses, roller rinks, summer camps, etc.
Now the real truth is known.
Oh and Roger I look good in the mirror every day! LMBBAO!
Real Tea Party Member? Still Google scrapping?
@44 “You mean like saving America from another Great Depression? – Hmmm…? We were told TARP was going to do this. So Bush was right eh DUMB Bunny?”
This will come as news to you, putz, but not to anyone who can read, as I’ve posted this comment on HA numerous times.
Bush was right about bailing out the banks. It was the only thing he did right, but even he realized the bailout was necessary. The bailout did save America (and the world) from another Great Depression. It’s sort of amazing that you get even this wrong — I’ve never seen anyone with his head so far up his ass as you.
Finally an admission to his abject lunacy!
How about his nutjob PuddySilly?
I’ll wager that anyone who has posted over 30,000 hate-filled comments in the third person has a few more issues going for them than just being “laughably obtuse”. If we must distill the guy down to a couple of words, how about something like “batshit krazy”. Only one word? I’d suggest “psycho”.
And who said this???
Wow he sounds like a Pajamas Media reader like you Puddydope.
Yeah he’s Jared Loughner. He’d fit right in with all the other goldbugs and goldline customers at a tea bagger rally.
@61 The rest of that quote is, “What’s your excuse?” The world is waiting for your answer, putz.
@58 “I look good in the mirror every day!”
We can now add “irrational narcissism” to your long list of mental defects.
According to folks on FB we don’t look that alike, so maybe not.
LMAO! This Norwegian nutcase wrote a 1100 page manifesto. Should make for grisly reading. Here’s an excerpt PuddyDope will love!
You can find the “manifesto” around the web.
@68 I’m sure the loon will soon explain to us how this guy is actually connected to Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, Planned Parenthood, Code Pink and George Soros. And maybe, just maybe, there’ll be another link to nowhere offered as proof.
69 – Heh. Yep, just a barrel o’ laughs a minute our comment threads loon..
Are You Better Off Than You Were In 1970?
Republican policies have held sway for 40 years now. Back then, a single earner could support a household with a stay-at-home mom and several kids, people had affordable health insurance and pensions, could look forward to comfortable retirements, etc. After 40 years of Republican policies, where is all of that now? Who has all the money? And where are the jobs? Why would anyone continue to vote for more of the same?
What The Debt Fight Is Really About
Corporate profits and private yachts are both record sizes, but Republicans tell us we need to cut Medicare and Social Security because corporate profits and private yachts are too small.
Heh. Looking at the quote in 62 again.. I bet PuddySilly considers the tea bagger who wrote that a “Real American”..
I consider that tea bagger just plain stupid..
Here’s what the debt impasse is really about. Republicans want a down payment on repealing the New Deal, with no deduction from their militarist agenda (Dubya increased defense spending 80% in 8 years). They think they’re entitled to this, even though they’re the minority party, don’t hold the Senate or White House, and polls show 2/3rds of the American people believe the rich should pay more taxes. And they’ve taken hostages; if they don’t get their way, they’ll force the government into default, and financial markets and the economy into the toilet. In any venue except Congress, this would be considered extortion and would get you a felony conviction, prison sentence, and loss of your voting rights.
Legislating A Depression
“The disappearance of unemployment from elite policy discourse and its replacement by deficit panic has been truly remarkable. It’s not a response to public opinion. In a recent CBS News/New York Times poll, 53 percent of the public named the economy and jobs as the most important problem we face, while only 7 percent named the deficit. Nor is it a response to market pressure. Interest rates on U.S. debt remain near historic lows. …
“For those who know their 1930s history, this is all too familiar. If either of the current debt negotiations fails, we could be about to replay 1931, the global banking collapse that made the Great Depression great. …
“There’s an old quotation …: ‘You do not know, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed.’ Now that lack of wisdom is on full display, as policy elites on both sides of the Atlantic bungle the response to economic trauma, ignoring all the lessons of history.”
— Paul Krugman, NY Times Op-Ed Column
@20. Roger Rabbit spews:
The stock market seems to like him … the Dow was at 8218.22 when Bush left office; yesterday, it stood at 12,681.16 — a gain of 54.3% since Obama took office. By contrast, the Dow lost 23.1% under Bush.
As well it should, Obama and Bernanke have presided over the greatest transfer of wealth from taxpayers to Wall Street in history. But it was worth it, unemployment never went above 8% just like Obama promised.
@23. Roger Rabbit spews:
Great detective work, it is surprising to find out that all the dem leadership served, Obama, Reid and Pelosi probably all went to boot camp together and talked politics.
Didn’t Wasserman – Schultz tell the world this is Obummer’s economy
So if the DUMMOCRAPTIC mouthpiece of Obummer tells us this …
it must be true. You dopes own the economy… she said so!