Mark Fiore: Smokey the Climate Scientist.
Mental Floss: Does ginger ale really help with stomach aches?
The 2016 Clown Show:
- This is The Republican Party
- Young Turks: Trump is in denial about his standing with Latinos.
- Ann Telnaes: President Trump…Twitter troll-in-chief.
- Jonathan Mann: Trump mocks Asian negotiators (remix):
- Sam Seder: Trump is now openly mocking Asians
- Donald Trump says “China” (234 times).
- David Pakman: White Supremacists flock to Donald Trump
- Farron Cousins: Donald Trump may put the final nail in the G.O.P. coffin
- David Pakman: Former KKK Grand Wizard and G.O.P. Congressman David Duke supports Trump
- Young Turks: Trump kicks Jorge Ramos out of press conference
- David Pakman: Donald Trump kicks Jorge Ramos out of press conference
- Donald Trump:“Positive influence?!?”
- Maddow: Trump’s racial comments causing GOP approval ratings to crash
- Young Turks: After Trump expels Jorge Ramos, Trump supporter tells Ramos to “Get out of my country!”
- David Pakman: Trump supporter tells Hispanic-American reporter to “get out of MY country”
- Kimmel: Trump’s newest ad
- Sam: Trump vs. Luntz…the battle of the right-wing pinheads
- Trump live-tweets The Kelly File
- Trump’s big movie role.
- Thom: A corporatist peek behind Trump
- Is Donald Trump an evil wizard?
- David Pakman: Does Donald Trump put an end to Republican ‘family values’ nonsense?
- Sam Seder: Why Donald Trump is so dangerous
- Maddow: Trump vs. FAUX News! Godzilla vs. Mothra!
- Megyn Kelly Kicks the shit out of Donald Trump. Makes him bleed from…wherever
- Young Turks: Trump v. FAUX News, Round 2
- Chris Hayes: Trump stumped by Bible question
- David Pakman: Trump’s brilliant answer to Bible verse question
- PsychoSuperMom: Trump’s the monster the G.O.P. created.
- Can Trump win without Latinos?
- Young Turks: Sarah Palin will interview The Donald
- Maddow: The Paul family scandal you don’t know about:
- Farron Cousins: Jeb gets desperate, and turns to his brother for fundraising.
- Jeb! and The Donald scuffle over “anchor babies”
- Sam Seder: Jeb Bush…When I say anchor babies, I mean Asians!
- Farron Cousins: Jeb Bush apparently hates Hispanics AND Asians
- Sam Seder: To stop “evildoers,” Jeb Bush wants to spy on more Americans
- Farron Cousins: Jeb Bush made millions by bankrupting Florida’s pension funds
- White House on Sen. Cruz’s & Trump’s pro-war rally
- Ann Telnaes: Ted Cruz courts evangelicals.
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz wants to deport millions, just please don’t talk about it
- Young Turks: Lil’ Bobby Jindal new 2016 strategy…copy Trump
- Sam Seder: Lindsey Graham, in a desperate attempt for relevancy, threatens to “Beat Trump’s brains out.”
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about cancer.
Young Turks: Terrorist attempts to bomb abortion clinic.
- Young Turks: Emotional plea for gun control from father of VA shooting victim
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Father of VA shooting victim calls for gun laws
- Thom: Time to start treating guns like abortions.
- American gun violence versus the World
- Young Turks: Science says…more guns, more gun deaths
- David Pakman: So far….U.S. averaging one mass shooting per day in 2015.
- Farron Cousins: Gun violence in America is out of control. Is the 2nd Amendment outdated?
- Young Turks: Mark Hamill’s gun tweet enrages conservatives
Mental Floss: 31 amazing facts about household items.
Bill Maher with some New Rules.
White House: West Wing Week.
New Orleans, Ten Years after Katrina:
- 10 years later: Has New Orleans been rebult…or just gentrified?
- Hurricane Katrina relived through media clips
- Maddow: The 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina (with a cameo by Heck-of-a-job-Brownie):
- George W. Bush back in New Orleans after 10 years.
Sam Seder: FAUX News, “It’s hard out there for white people”.
Congressional hits and misses: Best of Ted Cruz.
Eric Schwartz: Fuck You:
Nuclear Football:
- A real nuclear physicist explains the Iran deal.
- Is Sen. Wyden (D-OR) on the path to war?
Slate: What is sex like in space?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I guess the right wing will probably be going after the father for speaking out against gun violence.
In Australia, while a standard gauge railway does connect the country from coast to coast to coast, many intrastate lines are of different gauges. In Victoria, land of the Irish Broad Gauge down under, the state government is funding the conversion to standard gauge.
In neighboring South Australia, there is an American company that runs intrastate services, on lines of all three gauges.
I was trying to think of snappy comebacks Hillary could fire at Trump.
“Trump thinks bankruptcy is the answer for America, too.”
“Trump thinks he can run government on insults.”
“Trump will use tariffs to finance his failed ethnic cleansing.”
But then I settled, after hearing that excellent song, she should just say “Fuck you!”
Personal religious beliefs do not override the law of the land. If obeying the law conflicts with your conscience, your options are to obey the law or become a prisoner of conscience.
@4 That woman has to be one of the ugliest people alive, and I mean in spirit and physical appearance. I’d rather have sex with a horse before having sex with her.
Completely understandable why she hates gay people – a woman that ugly isn’t going to get fucked by anyone, she is obviously bitter and upset.
Republicans are racists, bigots, and haters. They’re against workers and consumers. They were careless before 9/11, wrong about Iraq, couldn’t catch Osama bin Laden, crashed the economy, screwed up Katrina, and history will record they’re wrong about Iran and global warming, too. They’re unfit to govern. God help us all if they win.
I think this proves that self-righteous Republicans need to be waterboarded and pass a polygraph test before they are allowed their right to free speech – it should be a law to be illegal to be a hypocrite – that would certainly be a jobs creator for Prisons workers.
Joe Biden is a better choice for the Democrats than Hillary.
Here we go again…
Wait for the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch to magically appear now!
O’Malley speaks the truth… Anyone see this above? Bueller?
Why don’t DUMMOCRETINS want a primary battle? Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie wants a coronation. Seems Heilary has all of the snotty snooty attitude or a royal with little else! Witness her comments on the email server and her attacks on Republicans which if said by a Republican against DUMMOCRETIN would be immediately condemned!
The truth is always missing on the Friday Night Comix!
So HA DUMMOCRETINS… Is Schultzie a crazy too?
Wait for it…
If Effin Kerry and Obummer negotiated the Iran nuclear deal correctly, Kerry wouldn’t be doing this now…
This truth missing above!
If Effin Kerry and Obummer negotiated the Iran nuclear deal correctly, Kerry wouldn’t be doing this now…
This truth missing above!
Wow… The NY Times isn’t too happy Awlaki was assassinated even after all these years.
Wow… The NY Times isn’t too happy Awlaki was assassinated even after all these years.
What DUMMOCRETIN progressive political correctness has given us…
Hmmm…? So if a woman screams rape and the person claims transgender did the rape occur? Gotta love how DUMMOCRETINS think!
Wait for it…
Sometimes Puddy reads Maureen. Some of us thought she was a classmate a few years ago. So how did Maureen get that conversation? Is this a signal Joe is going to run?
Run Joe Run.
Explain how East Indians own 7-11 Stores. Explain how blacks will be put into chains again. Ask that wheelchair bound person to stand up.
Wait for it…
More real news missing from above…
Amazing… Nuthin else to say…
Wait for it…
The state of Indiana has been funding the Hoosier State train between Indianapolis and Chicago, and a major enhancement is underway. The equipment on the four day a week operation may actually be older than what Amtrak used, but have gone through an upgrade, both inside and out. While Amtrak is providing engineers and conductors, the equipment and on board services crew are from Iowa Pacific. I hope that this public private partnership works out.
@18 one gay makes a comment and it is turned into gay activists. Puffy I’m in NYC, living amongst the gay community, no gays are protesting, no gay activists marching in the street for rentboy. Way to take what the liberal media, or media, that you and you I’ll hate, and run with it, when it is meaningless.
Remember – all lives matter. Unless you only think that after a cop gets shot.
You dumb fuckwad.
And I heard that Ashley Madison had 31 million male accounts and only 12,000 female accounts – I don’t know how true that is, but if it is, do the math. If you take 10% of that 31 million and divide by the 12,000 you get like 260. That mean those 12,000 woman had to have sex 260 time to service 10% of those men, sounds like there is only one way that could have happened and that is that it is/was a prostituion ring, not a dating site for married people.
Oh the sanctity of marriage. Where are the religious ACTIVISTS? They should be up in arm with their bibles.
City bus driver doesn’t want to drive the pride bus, objects over religious reasons. Yeah, I’ve seen false claims on disability insurance. What next you don’t want to sell a condom at the seven eleven because against your religion?
Long live Ireland – home of the Free and the Brave!
no gay activists marching in the street for rentboy.
Where did the article claim they were marching in the street teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Another of those train wreck straw men!
Sux to be you!
I think I will contact this nice gentleman for a sign…
Voters deemed Heilary a liar earlier last week. Sadly the Friday Night Comix didn’t report on the poll…
Moron @21 I didn’t say that the article said that, I said it. You and article claimed activists. One gay guy isn’t an activist. Funny activists are always lubers. But you religious activists don’t like being labeled or considered yourselves as activists. You think of yourselves as self righteous freedom fighters. You are nothing more than terrorists.
Apparently Heilary is really scared of Joe BiteME joining the race…
PuddyCommentary: Above we see Maureen Dowd printing that poignant personal conversation between his son and himself about running. Joe should run because Heilary is not trustworthy, dishonest and a liar!
She is rolling out has been DUMMOCRETINS to demonstrate her dishonest power. So much for the DUMMOCRETIN Party being the hip party! All old fogies!
@21 what the article actually said is that Puffy the Fuckwad needs a lobotomy.
You and article claimed activists.
-Well, you need to try again dude – Direct from the article… Gay activists are furious over the raid and arrests for prostitution…
Here it is from a libtard e-rag…
PuddyCommentary: Seems these libtards are upset they are being picked on so we need to change the law. They be upset that Obummer is pushing to reduce sentences for non-violent drug crimes so more young black and Latino men are free. Well gotta keep those prison mills operating so these whiteys are next up!
See how that works teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? See how the progressiveness though process screws y’all over?
BTW where was your Obummer economy cheer leading when the market tanked Friday teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Meanwhile when you are George Bush hating libtards, water restrictions aren’t meant for them…
Puddy PWNS the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Hmmm… So the HA DUMMOCRETINS keep claiming the IRS scandal is some trumped up Republican activity…
This FACT was not covered in the Friday Night Comix! Real Truth never seems to make in on this blog on Friday Nights!
Seems Fox News leads the way and the 2016 coronation news services begrudgingly follow as always…
PuddyCommentary: Amazingly this Heilary probe isn’t being stonewalled like Benghazi and IRS probes! See above again for the IRS debacle! Very eye opening because Obummer purposely obfuscates all other Congressional probes. Must be state secrets are even above Obummer. Gotta keep those TriLateral Commission and Bilderberg secrets secret!
@28 some guy makes a statement. In what context? Was he asked toke comment by someone or was he yelling around in the town square? And you label him an activist? You are the activist bigot,
Own that mother fucker.
This is for checkmate because checkmate thinks Vester Flanagan wasn’t a racist…
Don Lemon – Black Gay Man on CNN…
Don Lemon – The discussion about Flanagan has mainly centered on mental health, and whether Flanagan was mentally ill. The other, lesser discussion has been whether he was racist. If one objectively looks at Flanagan’s actions and history, one can’t help but come to the conclusion that both are probably true. Flanagan killed the two young people because they were white. He has admitted as much. And yes, anyone who does what he did is also out of their mind.
Don Lemon – Psychologists say Flanagan used racism as a cover for his own shortcomings; and in doing so, his downfall became a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Maybe psychologists need to look at rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears too. rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears used racism as a cover for his own shortcomings on this blog any time someone questioned Obummer’s actions and used racism as a cover when rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears had nothing cogent to respond back!
No wonder Bill O’Reilly likes Don Lemon… – A real Raw Story article Triple S!
Apparently you haven’t been paying attention teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Do you ever pay attention? You gotta know your opponent to have a discourse. Apparently you don’t even know those activists on your side. Puddy does!
Is this the Mexican that Trump is talking about, or not talking about?
Teen accused of raping girl, 9, at Maryland State Fair
Asshole at 39. What do you call preachers. I call them activists.
More efforts to prevent blacks from voting. Why isn’t Puddy outraged by this?
Asshole at 39 per the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, Fulton County has been a bastion of DUMMOCRETIN control>
PuddyCommentary: Puddy been to Etlanna and Fulton County many times over the years. For DUMMOCRETINS run by DUMMOCRETINS. Seems another of those Daily Kooks low information voter (this includes you early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) articles where they identify a straw man and morons like you eat up the warm man juice!
In Dekalb County seems the same thing. For DUMMOCRETINS run by DUMMOCRETINS. Seems another of those Daily Kooks low information voter (this includes you early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) articles where they identify a straw man and morons like you eat up the warm man juice! Seems there is only one Republican on the Dekalb board. Even two of the two three whiteys are DUMMOCRETINS!
Try again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit or as the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla calls you… Asshole at 39!
Damage control…
I know I shouldn’t be texting and driving but I’m stuck right now in some traffic. But traveled to Connecticut today from NYC for a family get together, and as I drove here this morning u was able to check in and post some comments. And now I’m on my return trip, and doing the same.
I find it funny, and it doesn’t seem like a coincidence, that Puffy posts immediately following Roger, almost like he’s had nothing better to do all day but sit in front of his computer, waiting for anyone to spar with. Get a life Puffy.
More efforts to kill innocent police.
He was assassinated by a #blacklivesmatter creep! Why isn’t the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit outraged by this?
Where is Puffy’s outrage when some right wing nut does the same? Or when some thug beats dead a gay person, for being gay?
Puffy look in mirror you hypocrite.
What connections are there between Miles and BLM? I know you are always up to date and ready with lots of FACTS.
Where is Puffy’s outrage when some right wing nut does the same?
It seems the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla doesn’t like it when his peoples’ actions are questioned. All we read every week is this hetero did this or this hetero did that. Now that foo shits on the other foot, it’s cry Puddy a river time!
I find it funny, and it doesn’t seem like a coincidence, that Puffy posts immediately following Roger, almost like he’s had nothing better to do all day but sit in front of his computer, waiting for anyone to spar with. Get a life Puffy.
Puddy finds it funny that the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla does a time check on every Puddy post. Good for it. BTW Puddy was out looking at the sites here with all the down trees and a friend who had a tree hit their house and blow a hole through their roof. Butt you keep thinking that teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
What ever keeps your knee pads soft!
BLM – The Bureau of Land Management?
Hell if Puddy knows!
Puffy is a regular deranged comedian.
Don’t worry Puffy – no crying going on here. But I’m sure that’s how you feel when Josh Duggar molested and committed adtery with prostitutes. How cool he betray his kids? What a great father figure.
One doesn’t have to keep tabs on a fucking hypocritical moron.
The usurping socialist Muslim Kenyan dictator strikes again!
“Obama to rename North America’s highest peak as Denali on Alaska trip”
Next, Tahoma instead of Mt. Rainier.
“Does ginger ale really help with stomach aches?”
Ben Hogan and Arnie both claimed it helped their hands to have more feel when playing golf.
Arnie, “Next came a tip I’d heard from Ben Hogan: Drink ginger ale every day. That one actually seemed to work”
Triple S – Drink Ginger Ale on airplane trips. Settles your stomach!
So checkmate… is AIPAC making Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie a marionette?
Ted Cruz delivers another smackdown!
Hey illegal alien lovers… Remember this rape by illegal aliens on a foreign student at SMU. Well watch what she did afterward.
Last week two heterosexual white people engaged to their opposite sex partners were assassinated by a mentally ill loveless black homosexual Obummer jock strapper with hollow point bullets who claimed to view Mike Rowe Agreshions everywhere in every job he held going to the HR and EEOC in every instance and acted like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears by playing the race card whenever he could. His manifesto is still under wraps at ABC News. We all know why!
Jesse HiJackson and Al NotSoSharpton are in consultations at this time.
@43 you declare that Miles is a “#blacklivesmatter creep”. Now you dodge? What connections have you discovered between Miles and the Black Lives Matter movement? Any? Other than he’s black?
Josh Duggar cheats on his heterosexual wife and cheats on his kids from a loving one man / one woman sanctified marriage after molesting his sisters (plays doctor). Like the rest of the 31 million married men with Ashely Madison accounts he longed for having sex outside his sanctified holy marriage. Meanwhile Pat Robertson says womenz need to be more like sluts to their husbands otherwise the whole sanctity of marriage thingy will fall apart.
The poor Duggars, all they want their TV show back, and Josh ruined for them. Mommy and Daddy are very disappointed. But Boob told them not to worry.
Arizona mother kills her two year old daughters. But police say they don’t think she was an Ashley Madidon hooker nor did they find any sex toys yet.
Arizona Mother drowned twin toddlers in bathtub
Pat Robertson was right this sanctified married woman wasn’t slutty enough to keep her husband so death did them part.
Dallas security guard called 911 to admit he killed his wife
In New Jersey, New Jersey Transit commuter trains have been suffering delays as capacity constraints are occurring in the tunnel under the Hudson. Of course the blame is partially on Amtrak, and some in Trenton are blaming Governor Christie. There was a flaw in the tunnel that he cancelled, as it would have ended in a stub tunnel annex to Penn Station, and not have run through ability, which is also needed.
See Puffy – I love the Bible. Don’t ask me to prove it, it’s a personal thing and none of your business.
I love the Bible. Not just for the stories but for the pictures of the slutty woman toro.
I heard rumor that Jim Bob and his slut are thinking about telling the truth (for once in thier life) and tell the public that Josh was adopted and not their biological son. They claim they saved him from a gay couple that was initially raising him.
@61 last I heard was that They still haven’t dislodged Christies body from blocking the tunnel of traffic. He somehow thought he was headed to the Local Subway for two footling sandwiches to satisfy a late night craving when he got wedged in the tunnel.
The commute is going to be a pretty shitty one today.
Douche bag closet foreplay @57…
Puddy wrote a comment like early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit does. Don’t need proof! Don’t like it. Go pound salt in the salt mine!
Douche bag closet foreplay @57…
Puddy heard it… Just like teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla “heard” @63!
Douche bag closet foreplay @57…
Enjoy this #blacklivesmatter moment too!
So teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, was Mireya Alejandra Lopez an illegal alien or just an American latina who went nutzo?
Puddy guesses this #hislifenomatter either…
Claims self defense…
Puddy guesses this #hislifenomatter either…
Claims self defense…
Fine. At least you admit you are a Fuckwad liar with no conscience, abandoned by your invisible sky buddy, and eager to exploit the innocent.
Hey, here’s a thought: you’re black too. Does that make you a cop killer? Seems so. What is the eternal fate of cop killers like you? Idi Amin was a cannibal. And he was black, just like you. So that makes you a cannibal. It’s awesome how this works. No wonder racist Fuckwads like you can’t think straight.
Fine. At least you admit you are the Great Puddy with a conscience for black people!
Thanks douche bag closet foreplay. Now string that sentence @71 the next time the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit makes an outlandish reference! Butt don’t worry… Puddy understands… All you do is sit in front of your screen and throw out racial epithets and other hogwash!
you’re black too. Does that make you a cop killer?
– No. Puddy will leave those thoughts to your people, what ever color you claim to be!
So that makes you a cannibal. It’s awesome how this works.
– No. Puddy will leave those thoughts to your people, what ever color you claim to be! Puddy believes in PETA – People Eating Tasty Animals… Humans are not tasty per progressives like yourself. Never tried it and hope to never have to!
Sux to be you! To you #nolivesmatter except special proegressives like yourself douche bag closet foreplay!
Here are more friends of the douche bag closet foreplay. Read their chant… “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”
Now string that sentence @71 the next time…
Pound sand, coward, and go fight your own battles. And what somebody else does gives you no excuse for your own misdeeds. You have admitted to lying yet again. A habit, no doubt. I can’t say how that will turn out for you in an imaginary afterlife. But you won’t be forgiven here. So quit the whinging.
Lying yet again… How? Don’t like the use of circumstantial evidence douche bag closet foreplay? Don’t like being identified with your progressive peeps saying “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.” Can’t find it in yourself to stand up to the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Now why is that douche bag closet foreplay? So you go apoplectic above. Waytogo libtardo!
The #blacklivesmatter crowd has said this and you 100% agree with them…
You were listening right? Seems Shannon Miles acted upon it.
Everyone knows Miles attended Prairie View University where Sandra Bland was arrested. Waller County (Prairie View) borders Harris County (sheriff killed allegedly by Miles).
Oh poor douche bag closet foreplay. Puddy will act just like DUMMOCRETIN on HA DUMMOCRETINS! When you side decides to clean up their act so will Puddy. Guilt by ASSociation and you ASSociate with the #blacklivesmatter crowd. Puddy associates with the #alllivesmatter crowd including those products of conception unborn human beings in the womb!
Until then go pound salt in the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch salt mine! Silly assumptions have been the M.O. of your side for years!
Circumstantial evidence! Sux to be you!
More excuses? More crying like guilty toddler?
Waste of time. You are not excused. You need a nap.
@69. I don’t know and I don’t care. If you care then go find out. I’m more curious if Jim Bob Duggar molested any of his children. Do you know if Jim Bob was a child molester?
That’s the best you can do @76? How is that bacon this morning?
FACTS! Those are your peeps you jock strap 24×7!
Obsessed with an arcane and frequently sweaty item of male undergarment?