Thom: The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Hircinely Ugly!.
David Pakman: One year of legal weed in Washington and everything is fine.
Eric Schwartz: Hattie and Mattie, 2015 edition:
Jackbooted U.N. Thugs Arrive:
- Thom with Jim Hightower: Obama invades Texas!
- The best Jade Helm conspiracy video ever.
Liberal Viewer: Megyn Kelly yells “The law is the law!” while misstating law on immigration detainers
Slate: How stressful is the presidency?
Cop caught on camera.
Persian Partisan Politics:
- Obama announces diplomatic deal with Iran
- WaPo: Politics behind the Iran deal
- Young Turks: Right wingers are furious over Iran agreement
- WaPo: The Iran Nuclear deal in 90 seconds
- Young Turks: The REAL reason critics hate the Iran deal.
- Thom: The fear-mongering begins
- Maddow: Historic nuclear deal puts US, Iran on path to peace
- Young Turks: Obama scolds reporter for stupid question.
- Maddow: Obama eager to engage conservative critics on Iran deal
What the Gardena police didn’t want you to see.
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
White House: West Wing Week.
Beware of the Blob! California’s Drought and Climate Change:
Fetal Attraction:
- Thom: The real Planned Parenthood sting revealed.
- Young Turks: Planned Parenthood under fire in Congress
- Ann Telnaes: Republicans are milking the Planned Parenthood video saga
Young Turks: Video of LAPD shooting unarmed men is released.
Mental Floss: 27 facts about maps.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Limicolously Ugly!
The 2016 Comedy Show:
- Young Turks: Christie, “Nobody in the real world cares about Trump.”
- Texas shop sells out of Donald Trump piñatas
- David Pakman: Donald Trump is leading in the Republican primary polls
- Ed and Friends: Angry old White guys could not be more upset about Latinos
- Young Turks: Trump, “John McCain is a dummy”, and “Rick Perry needs an IQ test.”
- The Donald’s speechwriter.
- David Pakman: The Donald refuses to apologize, but claims he will win the Latino vote
- Ann Telnaes: Trump continues to mouth off…gets rewarded at polls
- Sharpton: Is trump a Democratic plant?
- Young Turks: Is Donald Trump a Democratic plant???
- What’s trending: #TrumpYourCat.
- Young Turks: Trump’s “uber” fail of the week
- Melania Trump speaks
- Maddow: Scott Walker enters 2016 race amid Trump cacophony
- Thom: We have proof of how Walker would run America
- Ann Telnaes: What does Scott Walker stand for, exactly?
- Young Turks: How many lies can Scott Walker cram into one ad?
- Thom: Back to the future with Scott Walker
- Scott Walker: Puppet for president.
- David Pakman: Worst Republican? Scott Walker joins the race….
- Young Turks: Jeb Bush on Donald Trump’s fear mongering
- Ann Telnaes: Jeb has difficulty preparing for the debates….
- Farron Cousins: Is this Marco Rubio’s dumbest idea yet?
- The Fiorina workout (because we need some kind of video of her).
Minute Physics: The counterintuitive physics of turning a bike.
Young Turks: “Classy” Oklahomans greet Obama with Confederate flag.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News likes anti-atheist discrimination?
Thom: The climate eeception dossiers.
Plutonic Love:
- Slate: Pluto comes into view.
- Stephen Colbert with Neil deGrasse Tyson on the 9th rock from the sun: - Mountains on Pluto: The long zoom-in
- Flyover of Pluto
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about STIs.
Richard Fowler: Federal court upholds cancellation of “Redskins” trademark.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Will be interesting to see if the deal with Iran stands. It faces skeptics in both Washington DC and Tehran.
@ 1 ERF
All such agreements do. It is the nature of international relations that politics be a major consideration. I think what we may probably count our blessings that the GOP wasn’t actively working behind the scenes with the Iranian opposition to sabotage the talks, they way they did in Vietnam in 1967 Egypt in 1977, and Iran in 1979 with the Embassy Hostage crisis. They may have tried, but our domestic opposition to this agreement puts the GOP in alliance with the Mullahs, which is something they really do not want to be caught doing. At least not in a way that it could become public. The experts like it, and the nations that were part of it are more or less satisfied with it. That’s all that matters.
This agreement so far has caused the Western States’ water crisis, the legalization of Gay marriage, and the resultant collapse of modern human civilization, so there’s that.
@1 The only thing Republicans will ever agree to is war and killing, so unless you’re a war lover, you have to ignore them or go around them.
Whelp, with no visible daylight between the Grand Old Tea Party, the Ku Klux Klan and the old Silver Brigades, the Conservatives have chosen to embrace the new paradigm that has been so carefully developed over the last 60 years.
The modern version of the American Conservative is looking exactly the same as they did in the 1850s, which, unsurprisingly, looks the same as it did in the 1750s when they actively used weapons, mass incarceration and deportation of the terrorist rebels who were demanding a place and a voice in Parliament.
They’re called “conservatives” because they are incapable of learning new things, and still don’t care one whit about the family they just threw out of their home after committing perjury to foreclose on their house.
After all, Nathan Bedford Forrest was the first true Civil rights leader.
Wow. This kid has a really incredible story to tell her grandchildren.
Trump’s attacks on McCain are called a new low in politics. Maybe people are unfamiliar with the Republican attacks on John Kerry’s war record called “Swift boating”. What goes around comes around. Republican’s low is not new.
@7 Yeah, I wonder if they’ll do to Trump what they did to Kerry, now that Trump is attacking a former POW? Of course, Republicans don’t like all veterans, only those who are xenophobic war lovers like themselves.
Speaking of war lovers, Barrons magazine’s editorial writer probably spoke for many conservatives this week when he wrote:
“We think there should be an honest debate about the U.S. using explosive force against the Iranian nuclear establishment. We would like to hear the president explain why he has ruled it out. … Israel set precedents with air attacks on nuclear reactors in Iraq and Syria. Both facilities were destroyed, and neither country posed a serious nuclear threat thereafter.”
Sure, I’ll debate this issue. This will be short. People who have never been in a war and don’t know much history tend to forget that war (a) involves killing and maiming human beings, (b) really, if ever, achieves to goals for which it is fought, and (c) has a way of getting out of control — you could lose, you know. Just ask the Kaiser. Or Hitler. Or all those southern legislators who voted for secession and ended up losing everything.
Do these people seriously believe we can simply fly into Iran, blow up their nuclear facilities, and then fly back home? What if Iran fights back? What if they already have a bomb, and decide to use it? What if they close the Strait of Hormuz? What if they retaliate with terrorist attacks against Americans on U.S. soil? What if we get bogged down in another quagmire, as the last GOP military adventurer did in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why do these morons always assume we’re the good guys, and therefore we’re certain to win, because God is on our side? What if it turns out that we, not the Iranians, are the ones praying to the wrong God?
It wasn’t just Kerry. He was among several military veteran Democratic Candidates for the Senate and House who were:
Directly accused of getting their medals by self-inflicted wounds, directly accused of manipulating the medal awards process through corruption, and directly denounced for their service in combat.
The Republicans have absolutely no sense of shame. The whole goddamn Party is packed with a bunch of little fucking McCarthy wannabees. They’re so busy trying to outdo each other in the bullshit department, it has become impossible to distinguish between the bullshit and the shit they actually believe. The problem is, that their apparent “beliefs” are all demonstrably bullshit.
Makes you wonder what the fuck they’re drinking when they aren’t on camera.
@10 Yeah, their disrespect for Max Cleland was shameful. Far worse than spitting on the American flag. The flag is an inanimate object without feelings.
@11 And then there’s this one …
Take 1: Michelle Manhart objects to protesters trampling on American flag.
Take 2: Michelle Manhart poses for Playboy with half the American flag wrapped around her nekkid body and the other half dragging on the ground.
You’re right, these people have no shame. They’re the world’s biggest and most shameless hypocrites.
Another conservative “hero.” They sure have low standards.
Really, when people like McCain, Kerry, and Cleland get attacked by these people, they should consider it a badge of honor.
Florida Capitalists once again show the world exactly why that State is considered the limp, wrinkly old dick of North America.
Stay classy, Florida Capitalists.
“they way they did in Vietnam in 1967 Egypt in 1977, and Iran in 1979 with the Embassy Hostage crisis.”
Yeah, and like the time they tried sabotage Reagan’s arms reduction treaty with the Ruskies and those damned Republican senators wrote that letter to Gorba…, oh, wait a second. My bad. That didn’t happen. They made him a saint. Excuse me.
Here’s a something for you. Can you guess which of the two groups the batshit crazy loon hates with a passion?
This one?
“We’re just trying to save our heritage,” he told KKK potentials, almost all middle-aged white men, handing them two business cards with the group’s hotline number. “Racial Purity is America’s Security!” one said.
Pemberton barked at one man who wanted nothing to do with him: “They take our flag, soon they’ll take your wife.”
Or this one?
The New Black Panther Party showed up earlier in the day to protest, on the north side of the statehouse. Members encouraged the hundreds who came to keep things peaceful, while also encouraging African Americans to take ownership of their problems and fight back when necessary.
@ 16
Yep. Pride and heritage.
A cop standing 6′-3″, 210 pounds, picks up a small woman with her hands in handcuffs behind her back who was sitting still in a chair, slams her face down on a hard hospital hallway floor, knocking out several teeth.
The reason why the batshit crazy loon supports such police brutality is because he sees that such violence is only inflicted on his “fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum” and never on a white Republican.
“Pride and heritage.”
Threats to hang blacks and gorilla taunts. No wonder the batshit crazy loon likes those guys.
“The president is de facto collaborating with an avowed enemy of the United States to leverage the undemocratic cesspool that is the United Nations against America’s lawmakers and the people who elected them.”
Section II, paragraph II of the United States Constitution:
He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
I have heard the argument for “advise and consent” really only applies to the actual permission side of it.
Of course, the GOP would do anything to get control of the Executive Branch. Their treasonous sabotage of the Paris Peace Accords in 1967, and their backroom dealing with Bani Sadr during the late 1970s to sabotage the Iran Hostage talks proves that.
The case of a young black woman who died while in the custody of racist Texas cops is heating up. The police story that she committed suicide in her jail cell doesn’t add up. Her death has provoked protests, is garnering national media attention, and the FBI has joined the investigation.
@18 Yeah, it’ll be hard for the loon to blow this cop off as a DUMMOCRETIN, because Colorado Springs is a Republican town.
@20 More threats from the Scorched Earth Party. Democrats should do the same to them.
I think what we may probably count our blessings that the GOP wasn’t actively working behind the scenes with the Iranian opposition to sabotage the talks, they way they did in Vietnam in 1967 Egypt in 1977, and Iran in 1979 with the Embassy Hostage crisis.
Apparently the vomit producer forgot Pelosi’s trip to Bashir Assad in Syria trying to be Secretary of State in 2007.
Apparently the vomit producer forgot DUMMOCRETIN Senator twins Chris Dodd and Bill Nelson trip to leader Bashir Assad in Nicaragua trying to be Secretary of State Twins in 2006.
Apparently the vomit producer forgot Worthless Jim Wright trip to leader Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua trying to be Secretary of State in 1987.
Apparently the vomit producer forgot DUMMOCRETIN Senator twins John Effin Kerry and Thomas Harkin trip to leader Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua trying to be Secretary of State Twins in 1985.
Sad thing about the vomit producer… You’ll never see the whole truth from that vomit stain!
3)The tough part will be the Democrats in swing seats and states, but might not be enough, thanks to the GOP gains in the last couple of midterms.
Up in Canada, interesting poll averages heading into the election this fall. The New Democratic Party is in the lead, with the Conservatives rebounding, and Liberals in third. Support for the NDP strong in BC, Ontario and Quebec. Will be interesting if the numbers hold up, PM Harper definitely will not call an early election, looks like it will be the first Federal Election conducted under the fixed election date law.
@3 The only thing DUMMOCRETINS will ever agree to is killing unborn babies at high rates… Then selling the body parts and then later calling it tissues!
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority’s Blue Line just celebrated it’s 25th Birthday. Today the LACMTA’ s six rail lines carry nearly 350,000 riders, and more on the way. Expo line phase two to Santa Monica, followed by the Crenshaw line and the Regional Connector.
…and we missed the fuckwad.
How the hell did that happen?
“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said. Sarcastically, Trump quipped, “He’s a war hero because he was captured.” Then, he added, “I like people that weren’t captured.”
“For his part, Trump avoided military service during the war, receiving multiple deferments.”
Almost as disgusting as the batshit crazy loon.
The RNC released a statement condemning the Donald:
“Senator McCain is an American hero because he served his country and sacrificed more than most can imagine. Period. There is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably.”
John Kerry.
Please pass the popcorn.
“Mitt Romney Piles On Trump For Savaging McCain, Trump Fires Back”
Mitt, “The difference between @SenJohnMcCain and @realDonaldTrump: Trump shot himself down. McCain and American veterans are true heroes.”
Trump, “Why would anybody listen to @MittRomney? He lost an election that should have easily been won against Obama. By the way,so did John McCain!”
Shorter schizopudd:
Aaacckk, thpphphpphphp, aaaacck, thphphph
Responsible Gun Owners (TM)
Responsible Gun Owner (TM) #1: Modesto, California, cops are looking for a 30-year-old suspect after 2 adults and 3 children were found dead in a house.
Responsible Gun Owner (TM) #2: An Atlanta man’s mistress abducted, then shot, his wife and herself. Guess he’ll be sleeping alone tonight.
But don’t worry, the NRA assures us guns make us safer, especially in our homes!
@33 Sounds like an anti-aircraft gun.
The newest Republican conspiracy theory is that Donald Trump was planted in the GOP race by the Clintons.
More Responsible Gun Owners (TM)
Responsible Gun Owner (TM) #3: A Portland, Oregon, man accidentally shot his girlfriend when “recklessly handling” a shotgun.
Responsible Gun Owner (TM) #4: Two young Hispanic males were shot to death on I-5 in Mount Vernon by a gunman in a passing vehicle in what police are calling a “drive-by” shooting.
But don’t worry, gang-bangers only shoot each other, plus the occasional innocent bystander.
@32 i can see why trump appeals to the republican base, he says what they think.
Puddy provides links and those FACTS scare you DUMMOCRETINS…
Digest this new one about Obummer…
Puddy provides links and those FACTS scare you DUMMOCRETINS…
Digest this new one about Hillary…
Puddy provides links and those FACTS scare you DUMMOCRETINS…
Digest this new one about Ariana Granda, lover of DUMMOCRETINS, hater of America just like many HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Puddy provides links and those FACTS scare you DUMMOCRETINS…
Digest this new one about Seattle Police shoot and kill white guy… No complaints from the HA DUMMOCRETIN screaming ninnies…
Puddy provides links and those FACTS scare you DUMMOCRETINS…
Digest this new one about the rujaxmeoff-Bill Cosby connection…
Remember when rujaxmeoff was screaming in 2013 about those who didn’t support Obummer were racists? Well well well we see someone else in 2013 was screaming the same thing… – Bill Cosby says those who oppose Obama are racist
Google Bill Cosby Memes… some are funny!
@39, 40, 41, 42…
Jesus Fucking Christ on a corndog…
…the fuckwad is on a roll this morning!!
Go Fuckwad!!!
Yeah…remember when fuckwad was shrieking about Cosby as a moral beacon for the black community?
Good times.
If you don’t make DUI a high penalty crime people will still do it…
Interesting video from NutRoots
Yeah rujaxmeoff, Bill Cosby told black men to pull their pants up. Little did anyone know he was PSYCH 101 Projecting… You still wear yours around your thighs don’t you?
Still your racist screams were precious! Just like Cosby’s!
Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley went to NutRoots and Hillary Clinton DID NOT! Apparently to Hillary…
#BlackLivesMatter only when she decides they matter!
So typical!
@ 49
Funny, because you certainly don’t think they do.
Of course missing from the Friday Night COMIX were great ANALyses like this one on the Iran nuclear deal. It sucks butt that’s A-OK to HA DUMMOCRETINS! Just about anything Obummer does is precious!
Wait for the messenger attack because HA DUMMOCRETINS hate FACTS!
Written by the one who lifts paragraphs direct from StormFront and then rewrites them.
FACTUAL proven weeks ago! Just ax the crazed databaze deala to replay that PuddyProof!
Very true!
Putting the armed back into the armed forces! Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS will hate this!
This is rich.
The fuckwad…the ultimate affirmative action baby..the self-hating assclown….is chippying about racism.
Go ‘head on, brother fuckwad. Testify!!
@46 Murder is a high penalty crime and people still do it.
@51 ” It sucks butt”
Wingnuts certainly think so, because the package doesn’t include airstrikes. Wingnuts are happy only when they’re bombing someone.
The fuckwad was the ‘Cos’ biggest fan.
Now why didn’t this make the Friday Night COMIX? – Rips prosecutors’ “paramilitary-style home invasions conducted in the pre-dawn hours” against Scott Walker supporters
Remember when libtards were cheering this? Need to review the HA DUMMOCRETIN commentary when Scott Walker was fighting the UNION Thugs? Remember as Puddy does… Democratic District Attorney John Chisholm’s wife Colleen is a teacher’s union shop steward at St. Francis high school in Milwaukee!
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS will claim they were elected by conservative Republicans… Well here you go DUMMOCRETINS…
Add @58…
That’s what fuckwad gets for worshiping false gods.
Got proof rujaxmeoff?
Get out the popcorn Martha… Remember anyone who disagreed with Obummer was a racist. Look at the time posts of rujaxmeoff AFTER Bill Cosby said that!
I wonder why our resident anti-racist hasn’t posted anything about Sandra Bland yet? You know, black girl + white racist small town Texas cops = dead black girl … sure looks suspicious to me …
It sucks butt that’s A-OK to HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Get it right early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@62, dead black girl? She was 28 early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit… Puddy waits until someone on your side POSTS sumtin stooooooooooopid. Then Puddy reacts. So far nuthin weally stoooooooooooooopid from the fingers of a DUMMOCRETIN. Remember the Chattanooga shooting last week and the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit and Stupid Solution Steve made asinine commentary about the shooting? Well now we know more about the military hating moron (just like HA DUMMOCRETINS everyday here).
The fuckwad…the ultimate affirmative action baby..the self-hating assclown….is chippying about racism.
And you know this how rujaxmeoff?
@64 That’s it? That’s your outrage? Yeah, that figures …
Got proof rujaxmeoff?
Go fuck yourself fuckwad, you phony-baloney dickhead.
You’re so fucking smart, you find it. It’s there.
Later asshole.
So you have no proof eh rujaxmeoff? Typical! Why not call on your cousin, the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Got marbuls?
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @66. Always rushing to judgment. That’s why you fell flat on Chattanooga early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@70 Squid ink … to be expected …
Standard excuse @71 from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Keep digging, you narcissistic prick.
What GOP Critics Of Iran Deal Have Forgotten
Perfect is the enemy of good.
Yep, that’s the GOP’s tactic — to pick apart the agreement with little criticisms that “this” and “that” could have been better. What they really want is war, but they can’t say that, so instead they say “this is a bad agreement because (fill in blank).” Of course it’s imperfect; what negotiated agreement isn’t? Who, in negotiations, gets everything they want — and without conceding anything to the other side? The only time that happens is after you’ve bombed the other side into unconditional surrender (e.g., Japan in 1945). Which is exactly what the GOPers want to do with Iran. But, immorality aside, this overlooks that wars often get out of control — and you can lose (e.g., Vietnam in 1975). And Republicans aren’t exactly known for either military competence or accepting responsibility for their military debacles. If we really did have to fight a war with Iran, I’d much rather have Obama in charge than some GOP fuckwit.
@73 He still hasn’t expressed a single word of concern about what happened to Sandra Bland. Even the racist sheriff has expressed more sympathy for Bland’s family than Squidink has.
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
At the very best, viewing the situation as favorably to the police as possible, and even taking their story at face value, it still doesn’t look good to have a prisoner commit suicide in your jail. The sheriff’s response was, “These things happen.” No, they’re not supposed to happen. And his jail failed a state inspection. The state inspectors cited him for inadequate training of staff and inadequate observation of prisoners. Regardless of whether Bland was killed or committed suicide, that sounds mighty material to her untimely demise. It’s highly unlikely anyone will be prosecuted or disciplined for her death, because in this country we give white cops a free pass to kill black people, but maybe if a federal jury dings the county taxpayers for several million dollars it’ll motivate them to get a new sheriff in the next election.
@77 Any asylums missing an inmate?
Maybe your burrow!
@80 Geez, putz has a funny bone, who would’ve guessed? You had to think about it a while, though.
Republicans are for local control, except when they aren’t.
Progress on LINK Light Rail Construction has been made last week. Both on tunneling for the Northgate segment, and completion of the guideway to Angle Lake Station.
Hey globull warming deniers! It hit 107 in D.C. and 103 in Philly today. Where’s the ICE AGE you morons predicted?
I see the batshit crazy loon is still batshit insane.
@62, dead black girl? She was 28 early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Back when a 24 year-old gave a president a blow job, you batshit crazy freaks screamed “she’s just a girl!” When a black 28 year-old is killed, you batshit crazy freaks scream, “she’s no girl, she’s a woman!”
Go fuck yourself, freak. Go back to writing your list of the thousands of liberals you’re going to kill. And if you ever grow a pair, try starting with me, you miserable piece of shit.
Texas Jade Helm Leader: ‘Liberals Are Useless – Can’t Wait To Kill Thousands Of These Fucks”
“The only thing DUMMOCRETINS will ever agree to is killing unborn babies”
We don’t kill babies, asshole. Doctors perform procedures. You, on the other hand, want to murder thousands of children and adult liberals all by yourself. You can go fuck yourself, you goddamned fucking freak.
@85 Some things never change.
Back when a 24 year-old gave a president a blow job, you batshit crazy freaks screamed “she’s just a girl!”
Really? Was HA DUMMOCRETINS around then?
Stupid Solution Steve’s head explodes….
Sux to be you headless wonder!
If they ain’t babies what are they Stupid Solution Steve?
baby ___?
etc. etc. etc.
Since you believe in evolution it has to be gorillas. Yes Stupid Solution Steve evolved from the gorilla. No wonder you are the way you are!
Nuthin on NutRoots this year! Hillary skips it altogether and nuthin from the no nuthin crowd!
Here we go again with Washington State Ferries, breakdowns with the Puyallup and Elwha have them scraping the bottom of the barrel, as the fleet already had a few boats down for repairs and refits. Stretched so thin, the retired Evergreen State and should be retired Hiyu, are being readied for service. The Evergreen State and one of it’s sisters will provide a temporary three boat service out of Edmonds, alongside the Spokane, as the Walla Walla has been shifted south to the Bainbridge run. The Hiyu will be providing a small surge capacity for the Vashon Triangle, backing up the Issaquah and Cathlamet. They got two of the new Olympic Class boats now, but they needed a third one this weekend, but it is under construction.
@ 86
Blacks are a failed Race.
@ Schitzo @ 91:
That certainly is 3/5ths of an opinion.
vomit producer @94,
You are the only one focused on this… It seems to be in your DNA. You look for these posts everywhere and you gleefully post one each day. So what does that say about you?
Still no proof from rujaxmeoff!
So much for a right wing nutzo in Chattanooga eh left wrong nutjobs?
“Since you believe in evolution”
You finally got something right, you ignorant motherfucker.
Here’s what you believe,
“Here’s hoping we are in a shooting war to save this country by the next Fourth of July!!!!!”
“We need to declare war on this illegal treasonous administration. All czars and cabinet members should be arrested tried and hung for their crimes against the citizenry of this nation.”
“People you should be making lists of all commie/marxists/islamists in your neighborhoods. All the teachers, school board members, politicians, etc who are anti US Constitution need to be identified and addresses known so that when it comes time to round them up we know exactly where to start looking. They will be arrested and tried for treason!!!”
It’s why I have been taking FOs IPB/C classes. Gotta know who the asshOles are and where they are. If your neighborhood has a FB page its also great to see where your neighbors stand while staying anonymous.”
On Pope Francis, “Fuck this asshole!! Jeez commies everywhere!! EVERY ASPECT OF AMERICA NEEDS A FUCKING PURGE!!!!”
On the Occupy Denver protesters, “Time to machine gun these scumbags.”
On blacks, “Failed race!!!”
On Geraldo Rivera, “Why can’t Geraldo Rivera, aka twatwaffle, be in a church when it gets shot up???”
On the 14 victims of shootings in Chicago on the July 4th weekend who died, “YAYYYY! And it’s only Saturday afternoon. More dead equals more dead dems.”
You want to kill thousands of “fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum”.
I dare you to come for me first, you batshit crazy loon. Come for me first, you goddamned coward. Cast your shadow on my door, motherfucker.
@ 97
So, he was a drug addict who had serious mental health problems, and couldn’t keep a job as a result.
How does that make him any different from James Holmes, James Huberty, Dylan Roof or J.T. Ready?
@ 98
I wouldn’t sweat it too much. The Schitzo is a coward. He talks like a big man, but he’s a sniveling little pussy like the rest of the Tea Party fucktards.
I’m willing to bet he was the guy everyone knew in high school who went around stirring the pot on stupid rumors and got beat up a lot.
Jeb Bush has a sad, , “Enough with the slanderous attacks. @SenJohnMcCain and all our veterans”
Typical wingnut situational outrage. It should have read “and all our Republican veterans”.
“Jeb Bush Sent Thank-You Note To Swift Boat Vets For John Kerry Smear”
“I wouldn’t sweat it too much.”
I don’t sweat it one shit bit as they’re all goddamned fucking cowards, especially the batshit crazy loon. But as I’ve said, if the motherfucker wants to get it on, if he wants to graduate from spewing eliminationist rhetoric in these threads to actually killing “fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum”, I invite the dumbfuck SOB to come for me first.
Sorry fuckwad…you fail again.
Any dumb fuck that thinks he (as a black candidate) gets into some ‘cool Navy school’ on merit is EXACTLY as stupid as we all presume him to be.
Stick to harassing white gals in shopping malls, you prick. You’ll get better treatment there than here.
The Schitzo is a coward.
Oh really vomit producer? Who has been here every day taking all you losers on? Never a dull day with morons like y’all. Been to five Drunken Libtards. Puddy doesn’t run!
The Schitzo is a coward.
Oh really vomit producer? Who has been here every day taking all you losers on? Never a dull day with morons like y’all. Been to five Drunken Libtards. Puddy doesn’t run!
Wow Stupid Solution Steve…
Seems another DUMMOCRETIN gets to copy multiple paragraphs… breaking all rules that have to be followed by US conservatives!
Once again Stupid Solution Steve is wrong again! Just like you were way wrong with the Chattanooga shooter. Continually jumping to the wrong conclusions based on anecdotal evidence!
Sux to be you!
Still no proof from rujaxmeoff!
Still sux to be it!
J.T. Ready?
Puddy had to look him up. Seems you know all about these guys vomit producer. Seems you lap up their crap and repost it here!
Fuck off, pig.