Thom: Reaganism…a failure from Kansas to Greece.
White House: West Wing Week.
Mental Floss: 24 unexpected things aboard cruise ships.
Songify the news:
If fast food commercials were honest.
Farron Cousins: Republican controlled states fail on EVERY measure
Minute Physics: How do bikes stay upright.
The 2016 Clown Brigade:
- Maddow: Fascinating 2016 race hints at deeper trends
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Which candidates are the billionaires buying
- Sam Seder: Huckabee on race, “less talk about race, let God sort it out”
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Scott Walker thinks white men will save Republicans in 2016
- Jon: Ted Cruz’s Simpson’s impressions
- Ann Telnaes: Ted Cruz does his best McCarthy Impression.
- HuffPo: Trump’s announcement
- Sam Seder: Trump will cause havoc in the Republican party
- Jon: The man who has been there for Jon
- Sam Seder: Republican voters love Donald Trump
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Trump’s poll numbers should terrify the GOP
- David Pakman: Donald Trump insults Mexicans, surges in primary polls
- Thomas Roberts: Macy’s to Trump, “You’re fired.”.
- Maher: Donald Trump is the White Kanye
- Young Turks: Trump doesn’t want poor people near his holes
- Sam Seder: Donald Trump goes to war with NBC and Univision over Miss USA
- Ann Telnaes: Chris Christie launches his presidential bid.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie practically begs for a billionaire in his announcement
- David Pakman: Chris Christie launches abortive campaign
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Is Rick Santorum the most brain dead of G.O.P. candidates?
- Thom: How Scott Walker gave $124 MILLION to his friends.
- Sam Seder: This is the most dangerous Republican candidate but could he win the primary?
Thom: You too can buy a politician.
Jon: Some good news for conservatives.
What does the Waterkeeper alliance do?
Maddow: Impeachment of Governor LePage considered by Maine legislators.
Mental Floss: Why do Americans use Fahrenheit?
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Parvisciently Ugly!.
The Supremes:
- Mark Fiore: Scalia’s Poetry Slam.
- Sam Seder: The SCOTUS Good, Bad, and Ugly
- Jon: The human dissentipede
- Pap and Farron Cousins: SCOTUS ends discriminatory gerrymandering.
- PsychoSuperMom: Acceptance, Equality & Cake!
- David Pakman: Defeated again…Court upholds ObamaCare subsidies
Young Turks: Catholics are super sad gay people can get married now.
If Mexicans toasted the 4th Of July the way Americans toast Cinco De Mayo.
VSauce: Who owns the moon?
Maddow: Court forces anti-gay holdouts on marriage equality:
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Doxasticly Ugly!
David Pakman: Unemployment dips to 5.3%, debunking Right Wing ‘labor participation’ myths.
Palin Around with Irrelevant:
- Young Turks: Is Sarah Palin still relevant.
- Farron Cousins: FAUX News kicks Sarah Palin’s ass to the curb
Cold war reenactment.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about the U.S..
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I have a new found respect for NASCAR. They lead in Bravery.
They first come out against the Indiana bad for business discrimination law. Then they come out against the Confederate flag. And now against Donald Trump.
For an entity that’s base is mostly southern tea party types (big base of confederate flag flyers) they sure don’t give a shit about appeasing their fan base over their profits. Truly, they should be commended.
I just think they know what being smart is, unlike the clown party.
I read somewhere recently that “austerity” is just another rich-prick’s term for basically just tightening their fists on the economy, while everyone outside of that little club gets to start going without meals, new shoes or any means to make an honest living. Then those same rich-pricks start getting nasty about how much taxes they have to pay, (especially when they don’t really have to pay any at all), what their burdens are and how difficult and such hard work it is to run a large company. Then they whine and complain about how they’re not being allowed to take the money they claim they should be allowed to by right of birth, and it is never, ever fucking enough.
They’ve won the vagina lottery, and they think that is all they need to be thieves. Somehow, it indemnifies them from the rule of Law.
Gettin’ near time for breaking out the torches and pitchforks.
What do you propose, outside of pitchforks?
“Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Friday [of] the seemingly random killing of a young woman in San Francisco … [,] ‘This senseless and totally preventable act of violence committed by an illegal immigrant is yet another example of why we must secure our border immediately[.]'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s also another example of why the NRA’s and GOP’s position on gun control is utterly lacking in common sense.
@3 Not electing Republicans to anything, for starters. That’s not nearly enough, but it’s an essential first step.
Also, don’t believe the propaganda fed to you by the corporate-controlled “liberal-biased” (sic) media. The poor didn’t cause the housing crash. Greek pensioners didn’t cause that country’s crisis. The working class isn’t behind America’s decline. In all these cases, the banksters, Wall Street greedheads, corporate bosses, and their D.C. minions are responsible.
As Paul Krugman and other economists have been trying to point out, the Greek situation is not due to Greek financial irresponsibility (their economy is running surplus, just not enough to pay current debt service) so much as having to share a currency with Germany. Apparently, this is a feature, not a bug.
6 o.k. won’t. Now what can we do to change the trend besides elect better democrats?
@4 aren’t most of the GOP’s position on most subjects utterly lacking in common sense?
@8 In a democratic system, that’s what you have to do. But because our opponents don’t believe in democracy, try to undermine it any way they can, and sometimes openly talk about civil war, I’ve also been saying for 10 years now that …
Liberals must arm!
… themselves in case self-defense becomes necessary.
@9 Well yeah, it’s systemic, and that goes a long way toward explaining why America’s middle class is facing an existential crisis.
That Catholic video “coming out” about their opinions is precious. Nobody is preventing them from speaking their minds. But just one thing I’d like to ask them. What’s their opinion about divorce? Would they say people should not be allowed to divorce? How about contraception? Would they say people should not be allowed condoms? Or are they just run of the mill hypocrites?
And the Koch Emperors say they don’t want anymore national parks. Yes, if there’s one thing we don’t need it’s more protected beauty. And since those two don’t do anything that’s not got something in it for them, what could that be? Hmmm? What could they get for pennies on the dollar?
Happy 239th, America!
This is how you pull a tooth.
With some holdouts on marriage equality, I was wondering, were there any holdouts trying to get around Loving vs. Virginia?
Friday, I had the day off, and took a day trip to Portland on Amtrak Cascades. We had some technical problems delay departure from King Street Station, but noticed that we made some of it up, as there were some stretches of 70mph running. Coming back, heat restrictions from Vancouver to Centralia, and trackwork delayed us.
@15 I didn’t need a slingbow. I had an older brother.
(u)SP has temporarily sprung back to life with this gem from Nicholas Kerr:
“Spending hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars on cutting carbon emissions also seems crazy given we’re now in our 18th year of no global warming, a trend which, as I wrote in 2014, some scientists expect to continue for another 20 years.”
Of course, our local weather is caused by ocean currents; but the fact it’s 92 degrees in Seattle today doesn’t prove the planet isn’t getting warmer.
A guy in Wisconsin is in custody for threatening to kill the usurper in the White House.
“the usurper is here and if I get a chance I’ll take him out and I’ll take the shot”
Usurper? Sounds like the poor sap read too many of Puddy’s comments and took all that hate to heart and decided to do something about it.
Then again, I notice Puddy and his ever-deteriorating mind haven’t posted since before that story broke. Hmm, I wonder…
“a trend which, as I wrote in 2014”
We debunked his bullshit in 2014 and here he is again, cherry-picking the same damned data to push his political agenda.
19) The conductor on 508 last night explained heat of that temperature affects the weld that joins the track together. Also, noticed the F59 locomotive was wearing out, as a freight locomotive, from UP was coupled ahead of the locomotive. Couldn’t tell if it was an EMD or a GE, but could be of one built over the last decade and a half, built under regulations of the Bush Administration. Tier 4 replacement locomotives for Amtrak Cascades are on order. Cleanest ones yet.
Out of all the racists, lying cops, corrupt prosecutors and such that we’ve been seeing over the last couple of hundred years, especially in the Southern States, there is one shining light of justice.
How much of the push back against climate change is the enormanity of the problem is too big for our individuality obsessed culture? There is little an individual can do to have a tangible effect so why bother?
@20 That guy looks like he escaped from a trailer park. Jail will be an upgrade for him.
@23 One less vigilante prowling Florida’s streets.
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @4
Wrong again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! The above link tells the truth CNN didn’t cover on purpose. This scumbag was let go by a DUMMOCRETIN sanctuary city policy. Then how did this scumbag get a gun? Well he was in San Franfreako!
Of course the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit would not tell the truth!
More BULLSHITTIUM from early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @6. Puddy could have retired long ago when the retirement age was 57.
How cum no libtard wants to address those ACLU led honor block prison freedoms that led to the two escaping Dannemora prison in NYS?
You see teabagger, it’s coming against religious institutions…
Just remove the carriage returns!
There is something definitely wrong with the weather or climate. It is July and the temperature in the northeast is in the low 60’s in some spots, and probably even cooler in northern New England.
Ever since them gays been getting married it hasn’t been normal.
Seems the Ohio budget under John Kasich is doing just fine. So ther egoes that puny argument above!
@30. Read the article again, maybe you’ll learn something the second time you read it, if not read it a third time. And if still you haven’t learned anything, then bury your head in a pillow and try to suffocate yourself.
Thom: How Scott Walker gave $124 MILLION to his friends.
Not as bad as Obummer gave $BILLIONS to his union thug friends…
Well now you know the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla can’t read
Butt, teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla keep telling Puddy about reading…
Greek financial irresponsibility (their economy is running surplus…
So austerity does produce surpluses after all. What did some clueless gooberfool monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch recently write about austerity budgets? Google it!
Ahhh yes George Takei the racist strikes again…
Bias in news reporting? NOOOOOOOOoooooo… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2567583
This is DAYUM funny for your candidate…
It must be very hard for Puffy to keep up with his clowns. He has to sit there in think to himself “do I hate this guy because he said that guy is wrong when I said he his right?” Or “do I hate that guy because he doesn’t agree with me and that other guy that it is wrong to like the Confederate Flag?”
How do you know a DUMMOCRETIN is stretching the truth? Their mouth is moving… Clinton said at the end of her husband’s two terms, the economy had generated 22 million jobs, a balanced budget and “a surplus that would have paid off our national debt if it had not been rudely interrupted by the next administration.”
The Atlantic, left wrong publication, proved over half of those 22 Million jobs were minimum wage $7.25/hr jobs. Don’t believe Puddy? Ask the clueless monomaniacal gooberfool yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch with the crazed databaze! It has at least two entries!
While I was in Portland, I visited the Oregon Rail Heritage Center, see how the work on the Daylight is coming. They hope to have the Boiler Inspection/Rebuild done in time for the holiday season. It’s a dedicated group, Friends of SP 4449 keeping it going. When 4449 was on it’s prime, it was maintenance intensive. Be great to visit it when it’s up and running again, because the streamlined skirting had to be removed while being worked on. It was a tougher effort getting there this time, as the Broadway Bridge repainting shut down the Central Loop line. I hope to get down there in November, when it will be a full loop as Tillamook Crossing will be open, along with the MAX Orange Line.
And so it continues… Being a Christian doesn’t matter.
Ahhh the slippery slope has been found…
Trainwreck @41,
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla has to change the argument and move that train from the original track because #36 just kicked his ASS!
@26 You live in a DUMMOCRETIN city, too, so you’re one of ’em.
@27 Oh, I see, you just love to work.
@28 This guy went crawling to the ACLU, too, but I do believe he’s one of yours.
@32 It’s not a big problem for us rabbits. We’re nomadic anyway, and we’ll simply hop to wherever the grass grows greenest. Unless you stupid humans burn up the entire planet we’ll do okay.
@33 Well that’ll get him run out of the GOP.
@36 I’m still waiting for someone to explain how the First Amendment creates a right to discriminate.
@37 Greece can’t pay its debts because the rich dodge taxes, not because the poor haven’t been starved enough yet.
It appears that Nicholas Kerr over at Zombie (u)SP can’t stand the heat so he left the kitchen, closing his thread after only six fucking comments. That’s what happens when bullshit bloggers at (u)SP can’t back up their fucking bullshit posts. They run away and hide.
@42 “half of those 22 Million jobs were minimum wage $7.25/hr jobs”
Whose fault is that? If it weren’t for Republican obstructionism, they’d all be $10.10/hr jobs by now.
@42 By the way, the minimum wage was $5.15 when Clinton left office, so I assume you’re saying Clinton created 22 million jobs paying at least 40% above minimum wage.
I see that the whack-job loon who wants to murder every gay person in the country, as well as anyone who supports them, is here whining about being persecuted again.
“Tempe pastor calls for killing gays”
Another persecuted Christian pastor calls for the death of gays.
Tennessee Pastor Robert Gallaty Suggests Gays ‘Must Be Put To Death’
@54 Well, at least he conceded that his comment applies only to Seattle and not the whole fucking planet before he slammed the door shut to further comments. His closing position seem to be that Seattle sits in a privileged little pocket where the Pacific winds keep the climate from changing, therefore we can feel free to spew and emit all the carbon we like, whatever the restrictions that may be elsewhere. Apparently it hasn’t occurred to him that greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere don’t stay in one place, but travel with the winds, so we get other people’s carbon emissions and they get ours.
This persecuted Christian pastor has a handle on the “final solution”.
“Jeffrey S. Smith, Florida Pastor, Equates Gays With Serial Killers, Rapists And Child Molesters”
If the moronic ape thinks I’m actually going to try to have a conversation with him he’s got his head up his ass.
This persecuted Christian pastor believes our government should be tasked with killing the gays.
“Pastor Curtis Knapp of New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kan. said that God said that LGBT people should be put to death and that the government should be the one doing it”
This persecuted Christian pastor wants to put gays in electrified pens until dead.
“Charles L. Worley, North Carolina Pastor: Put Gays And Lesbians In Electrified Pen To Kill Them Off”
This persecuted Christian minister and politician unapologetically calls for the death of gays.
“The Mississippi state lawmaker who cited a Bible passage on Facebook calling for gay men to be “put to death” has taken to the social networking site again to refuse to apologize for the remark.”
@44 If you want to give businesses a license to discriminate based on the personal bigotry of the owners, what’s your rationale for not including blacks in that?
Another persecuted Christian pastor “kind of likes” the idea of killing gays.
“Maryland Pastor Dennis Leatherman: ‘My Flesh Kind Of Likes The Idea’ Of Killing Gays”
@45 Ah c’mon, you’ve been screwing the pooch for a long time, so why are you complaining?
@62 Hmm, that may be getting a little too close to pastoral activism for comfort.
Let’s be fucking clear about this. The only reason Puddy believes he is a persecuted Christian is because he isn’t allowed murder people like our friend Teabagger with impunity.
Ya know, free speech is a funny thing, it means you can’t go to jail merely for suggesting that people be killed as long as it isn’t a specific threat against a specific person. So maybe gays should take a page from Genocide Theocracy and adopt a rhetoric that anti-gay pastors — mentioning no names — should be killed and their churches burned down. You know, a vaguely worded suggestion of a generic elimination program like those practiced by the Nazis and KKK. If some nutjob takes their rhetoric seriously and acts on it, that won’t be their fault. All they did was exercise their First Amendment rights.
@69 I can see where a person with IT skills being assigned to a prison cafeteria job could feel like persecution.
I know I posted this link in another context but how is Donald Duck going to run a job when he doesn’t even know how to run a business.
Yeah conservatives don’t have a problem with free speech and someone saying to kill another person, but when someone wants to burn a flag or talk about the Duggars they get their panties all in a twist. Not that I’m advocating burning the American flag, just pointing out the hypocrisy. For gays to call for the stoning of pastors and burning churches – ohhhhh man that wouldn’t go to well with the fuck faces.
But you see gays, really wouldn’t ever suggest that (ok possible one or two might – but mainstream gays pretty much ignore the bigots out of retaliation – you know hate breads hate). We have more class then the bigots.
The claim by that NYC Priest that two gay people spit on him is probably a lie to. He had no one to corroborate the story, nor did he file a police report. I’d love for him to take a lie detector test.
“So maybe gays should take a page from Genocide Theocracy and…”
Well, that’s my style. Use harsher words. Grab a bigger hammer. Get a bigger gun! But Teabagger and LGBT Americans strike me as being near to God, people walking the talk of “brotherly love” as taught by Jesus, more so than myself and certainly more than any of those so-called Christian pastors who prey on unfounded fears as they call for the killing of millions of Americans. In the name of Jesus. How disgusting. We need to nip such talk of an American genocide in the bud, deploying our own freedom of speech.
If there is going to be any type of war of “the Discrimination Loophole know as Religious Freedom” and the Gay rights movement, it will because conservatives fire the first bullets and bombs. But it will go no where.
You have people like NASCAR that will not put up with it, and if they don’t pretty much no one else will.
I’m sure everyone would just like for the gay issue to be removed from politics and or not take the center stage of what is talked about more than the other more pressing issues this country faces, but Conservatives just won’t let it go.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave
Puffy Texas needs you – strap on a pair of boots and gun.
yeah religious people cans spew death threats, but this black guy can’t even be free to warn other black men of the KKK.
Religious Freedom – Loophole for I have special fucking rights to be a bigot and Nazi!
Maybe Trump should re-name the pageant from “Miss Universe” to “Miss Bigot” for any country that stays in.
Leave it to Puffy be the most Radical member of the Party – typically this is what hate will do, just refer to ISIS.
He defends trump when the guy he even voted for in the past disagrees. But I’m sure Puffy sees that as him standing for principles and Romney and Bush being traitors and acting like RINHO’s
“You have people like NASCAR that will not put up with it”
“The times they are a changin”
When a society decides to ostracize a group, say, like smokers, it gets done. When one looks at the totality of the far-right extremists in America, their call for discrimination against, even the death, of gays, the waving of Stars and Bars as they sneer at the killing of unarmed blacks, I’d say a line has been crossed.
Of course, as non-1% golfer, hearing Trump tell me that I shouldn’t be allowed to play golf anymore, now that crossed a fucking line! Try pulling that shit and I’ll be calling for a fucking revolution.
@80 You don’t need to exert yourself. Trump’s already got the revolt he called down upon himself.
Speaking of crossing a line, I’d bet money that at some point during the 2016 GOP convention there’s gonna be some serious Confederate flag waving going on. I doubt the likes of Prince Priebus can stop it from happening. It would seem that a half-century or so after adopting Nixon’s Southern Strategy, the GOP has finally become a party best represented by the Stars and Bars.
I think civilization was doomed well before the gays got marriage rights…..but we can’t concern ourselves with that, it is inconsequential to our path to religious freedom! March on Religious Freedom Fighters! Take arms! We have our battle of Bigotry to push!
@81 – Donald Duck didn’t realize that the backlash would be so severe. Yeah and the monkey Bush didn’t know that invading Iraq would destabilize the whole middle east region bringing turmoil and death for all.
Greek Vote: Austerity Is Going Down In Flames
Defying polls showing a dead heat, early referendum returns in Greece show the “No” votes leading by a stunning 61% – 39% margin. If this trend holds, austerity will go down in flames, Greece’s socialist government will stay in office, and Greece probably will leave the EU and reinstate its own (devalued) currency, which many economists have argued is the country’s best path out of depression and back to prosperity.
Local crows make the big time, and I’d say justifiably so. I’ve seen plenty of crows harassing bald eagles around these parts, but I’ve never seen one take a ride on an eagle’s back.
A crow’s idea of extreme sports?
@65 it is not about rationale. The ape is incapable of that. It’s about him being a fascist nazi
“it is not about rationale”
The bakers sell wedding cakes to the public and refused to sell to gays because, well, they were gay. That’s against the law in Oregon and those bigoted bakers are paying the price, poor saps. Right-wing pastors are now calling for death to gays, so they’re probably wondering, “Why the fuck can’t we discriminate against them before we kill them all?” Sucks to be them, I’m sure.
Poor Puddy, he’s very upset, feeling persecuted even, because Oregon does not allow right-wing extremist Christians like him to discriminate against gays, let alone kill them as right-wing extremist Christian pastors advocate. Sucks to be Puddy. Obviously.
@87 I notice the squid hasn’t answered my question @65. Maybe he’ll show up later and spray some ink on it.
Early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @65,
The only way to make your puerile case is to bring race into it. EPIC FAYLE!
Early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @67,
Got proof or are you dropping BULLSHITTIUM pellets in another thread once again?
Who’s da squid early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Where does Puddy ever run from you moronic twit?
Let’s be fucking clear about this. The only reason Puddy believes he is a persecuted Christian is because he isn’t allowed murder people like our friend Teabagger with impunity.
Seems Stupid Solution Steve has been mixing his Stupid Solution with Fukitol again!
Isn’t Colorado one of those leaning libtard states?
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla still doesn’t understand what free speech means in America. As long as the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla wants to be a FASCIST, please go ahead!
Ahhh yes, the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is projecting again… A Psych 101 Thang!
Stupid Solution Steve,
Puddy has never advocated for the death of gays like many have for the death of conservatives. Got Proof?
@90 Told ya …
Hey globull warming deniers, how ya like this PACIFIC BREEZE we’re having?!
Way to go USA!!! We just beat Japan 5-2 to win the Women’s World Cup. It was a home game in a way. I saw at least a few fans waiting to board Train 510 to Vancouver on Friday, for a crowded Train 510, by the way. The stadium is only a stop or two down the SkyTrain from Pacific Central Station.
The Greeks have no business getting involved with the sophisticated economies of Northern and Western Europe. Now they’ll be experiencing hyper-inflation and have to solve their own problems – without professional help.
Hey, where’s Goldy’s weekly Bible study?
@97 “like many have for the death of conservatives”
Got proof?
Bernie Sanders on Taxes
“And yes, those folks (The 1%) and large corporations will have to pay under a Sanders administration more in taxes so that we can use that revenue to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, create the jobs we need, make sure that every kid who has the ability is able to get a college education in America because public colleges and public universities will be tuition-free,” he said.
Scott Walker on Taxes
But [Walker’s] singular focus on slashing taxes has taken the state from a billion dollar surplus to a nearly $2 billion deficit.
The tax cuts are a major cornerstone of Governor Walker’s tenure — one he brings up in nearly every speech he’s made as he “explores” a bid for the White House.
With the deadline to pass a budget drawing closer, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his allies had been counting on increased tax revenue from a rebounding economy to help them avoid painful cuts to the state’s public primary schools and universities. But the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau dashed those hopes this week, telling lawmakers that can expect no new revenue at all.
One of the biggest contributors to the crisis are Governor Walker’s 2011 tax cuts, which disproportionately benefit wealthy property owners and corporations, and have cost more than twice as much as originally predicted. New data shows the credits will cost the state at least $275 million in additional lost tax revenue over the next two years.
Puddy asked first!
“Scott Walker”
I’m sure Puddy’s outrage over Gov. Scott “Plummeting-in-the-Polls” Walker and his Wisconsin Republican legislature’s attempt to sneak in a gutting of Wisconsin public disclosure law will be posted any second now. No, really. Any second now.
You mean like how we’ve been waiting for you to express outrage that Christian pastors would call for the extermination of all gays?
Just kidding. You’d never say anything, nothing at all, not even with the encouragement of having a fully-charged electric cattle prod with a 32″ wand* up your ass.
*It would serve you right for forcing women to have ultrasounds. Payback, you bitch.
Stupid @106,
Try reading #97 again! Or as most HA DUMMOCRETINS know about you… reading is not fundamental!
@104 I’ll interpret that as “no.”
Meanwhile Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) released some emails Hillary’s team deleted or deleted paragraphs from…
It’ll be interesting to see what Europe’s conservative politicians and banksters do now that Greece’s starving masses have told them to shove their austerity up their collective arses. From now on, July 5 is Greece’s Independence Day.
Greece is what happens when banksters try to steal the little people’s wages and pensions. Oh, and all that money they lent to Greece’s tax-dodging upper classes? They’re not gonna get it back. I love watching rich guys steal from each other!
@109 You’re every bit as stupid as this moron who thinks the FBI and DOJ won’t investigate or prosecute the Clintons even if they committed actual real-life crimes because, you know, they’re omnipotent. They even have people follow you down the street and into your workplace if you ask questions about them! You’ve both been reading too many John LeCarre paperbacks.
I guarantee that if Hillary runs a red light in New York City she’ll get a ticket. They won’t shoot her, though — she’s white. In this country, only blacks are summarily executed by the police for traffic and jaywalking infractions.
We’re talking here about a subset of people who believe President Obama tried to nuke Charleston Harbor.
I have just two things to say to all the Obama-haters out there.
Btw, I hope Donald Trump is your 2016 nominee.
“Try reading #97 again!”
Why? It’s not like you condemned the outrageously disgusting and dangerous statements being made by extremist right-wing Christian pastors or anything. Let’s take a look at how you weaseled out of it.
“Puddy has never advocated”
No, you haven’t advocated for the killing of gays. You just use a lot of not-so-subtle eliminationist rhetoric in these threads and now you refuse to condemn the extremist right-wing Christian pastors who are outright calling for the deaths of all gays. Geez, what’s that add up to, I wonder?
“to all the Obama-haters out there”
Somewhere between the SCOTUS ACA and gay marriage decisions and Obama leading the nation in singing “Amazing Grace”, every wingnut head in America exploded, although I’m puzzled as to how a wingnut head can explode when it’s been proven as scientific fact that there’s nothing at all in a wingnut head. Nothing but empty space. Don’t believe me? Just look at Puddy.
Walmart is a lying liar.
@116 Science’s search for a perfect vacuum is over.
Notice that, once again, the vacuous, babbling, jackass troll REALLY NEEDED this website on Saturday evening.
Stupid moron buttspigot!