Michelle Obama works out.
Thom: G.O.P. calls out Faux News as propaganda.
Texas-style Crazy:
- Hey Texas…Are you okay?
- Dickipedia: Ted Nugent is a DICK:
- Young Turks: Stunning numbers believe Texas will be invaded by its own country
- Is there no cure for Texas?
- David Pakman: Texas BANS Tesla from selling directly to consumers
The many accomplishments of Vladimir Putin.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about Disney.
White House: West Wing Week.
MinutePhysics: Why rain drops are mathematically impossible.
Thom: Debt slavery is the new norm for college students.
The 2016 Klown Kar:
- Maddow: Home state animus burdens governors with eyes on 2016
- Chris Hayes: Who will be cut from the Debates?
- Young Turks: Rick Santorum gets frothy over FAUX News decision…and he is kind-a right.
- David Pakman: Jeb Bush insanely claims George W. Bush was MISLED into war
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Jeb Bush can’t stop flop-flopping on Iraq
- David Pakman: Jeb Bush goes full bigot on same sex marriage
- Mark Fiore: Jeb Bush and brotherly love.
- David Pakman: Jeb Bush says it is arrogant to acknowledge climate science consensus.
- Thom: Can any GOP presidential candidate handle the Iraq question?
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Jeb Bush, “Believing Science is Arrogant”!
- David Pakman: Jeb wants to replace Obamacare with Apple watch
- Young Turks: Jeb Bush backtracks on climate change science
- Matt Binder: Rick Perry to Glenn Beck, “Jade Helm proves you can’t trust government.
- Young Turks: Chris Christie wants 9/11-style fear to rule all of our lives
- Sam Seder: Lindsey Graham is running for President because the world is falling apart
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Marco Rubio’s RNC spending spree
- David Pakman: Rubio implodes over Iraq war
- Young Turks: Mike Huckabee still supports child molester Josh Duggar
Thom: The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Epicenely Ugly!
Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Sen. Franken (D-MN): End NSA bulk phone surveillance.
Pap: GOP voter base is dying off.
Unsolicited advice for Bristol Palin.
Boy Scout President calls for end to gay ban.
Fifteen Now:
- Sam Seder: Debunking the “higher minimum wage hurts the economy’ myth
- Young Turks: Minimum wage workers get a raise in LA
- Sam Seder: Big living wage win in LA
Ann Telnaes: Spinning the Iraq War.
Thom: End the Bankster’s “get out of jail free” card!
SNL: Hillary Clinton’s summer.
Slate: Inside the Hubble telescope’s strangest image.
President Twitterer:
- @POTUS: The first Tweet.
- The pros and cons of tweeting President Obama
- Jonathan Capehart: Obama joins Twitter….Here come the racists.
- David Pakman: Racist asshole conservatives welcome Obama to Twitter.
Mental Floss: 23 weird celebrity businesses.
Sam Seder: Did Bill O’Reilly beat his wife?
Congressional hits and misses of the week:
Maddow: Outrageous news.
America’s nicest men’s rights activist (MRA) explains the cause.
Pap: The public HATES the Supreme Court.
Iraq Intelligence:
- Maddow: Republicans ignore Iraq war lies
- Thom: Former CIA Deputy Director admits the Dick Cheney pushed him on Iraq.
- Michael Brooks: CIA Official, “George Bush misled on Iraq and I knew”.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: On Iraq, they knew then what they knew now.
- Young Turks: Government lies and the reality of Iraq
Young Turks: Ireland may vote to legalize same sex marriage.
Sam Seder: Nutjob Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), I trust the Ayatollah more than Obama.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I guess Texas is only pro-business when it is in lock step with a trade group, in this case, the auto dealership industry. Tesla’ s new sales model is an industry disruptor.
Some of the coverage from RTE on the Irish Marriage Equality Referendum. Interesting results, so far.
@1 that’s because this country has a bunch of fucking nazis disguised as freedom and family people.
IRELAND SAYS AYE! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....26874.html
A group of Nazis that will sit there and praise the Dugar kid because to not do so would point out they have made a mistake. No mistakes from the GOP, they are inflalable as a group, it is the common people of some of their party and all the liberals that make mistakes. But their own kind are polished.
I guess there is a country where liberty and freedom ring louder than America.
Not sure what the point would be to serve your country today, I always thought the reason was to protect freedom, but as we see today, it doesn’t exist in this country any longer. I’d take hucksters words and wait a while before serving this country, I’d wait till we are a free country again,
Looks like the American GOP couldn’t get to the people of Ireland like they did with dumb Ugandans.
Eat your heart out Uganda, you savage bitches!
Another white cop walks free after gunning down unarmed black people, and Cleveland is erupting in protests this morning.
Meanwhile, a white Virginia cop who tasered and pepper sprayed a black motorist whose car had crashed after he suffered a medical emergency behind the wheel has resigned.
Jeb Bush has called for military intervention to save Christians around the world! Holy fucking shit, this guy is a fucking lunatic! American service people risking their lives for a religious group? It’s bad enough service people risk their lives to save Americans. These Bushes will do anything to get into wars and throw away money. That the media hasn’t lambasted this bastard speaks volumes about what dumb asses Americans can be.
@10 it is the religious American nuts, they are no different from ISIS, same Nazi like agenda, regardless of who or who isn’t as brutal in nature.
The extreme right wing. Crazy mother fuckers. What say you Puffy? Boob? Are you supporters of the radical right wing?
Why do these people think that the best way to resolve something or make a unfavorable situation more favorable is to go to battle with it by inflaming others? Why can’t they try to make peace with love? The fucking right wing, are as radical as ISIS.
The Freedom and Family people can’t even live by the words that they try to teach…..pastor who committed adultery gives an award for family….what fucking hypocrites.
ah yes, you have to destroy the records…..but you know, at least this Dugar wasn’t a gay train engineer that killed people.
Home Schooling by Sex Offenders – boy now that is what I call respect for the sex offender.
Jim Bob and Mike Huckabee’s political mentor has apparently been operating a huge pedophile ring all over the country right under people’s noses. Aside from the Duggar clan, names now being connected with it include Rick Perry, Stephen Goldsmith, Stephen Wise and John Ellis Bush.
Hobby Lobby Corporation and Corrections Company of America are deeply entrenched in this, both being huge contributors to, and major beneficiaries of The IBLP Corporation’s Legislative lobbying and legal support efforts to change how juvenile offenders are treated and where they are incarcerated.
The Institute of Basic Life Principles, Gothard’s religion company, has been hugely influential in every state in the Union through the ALEC in support of privatizing the prison and public school systems, and defunding public libraries. His company is apparently the “go-to” company for training would-be Ministers and other Christian officials for work as Chaplains and councilors in prisons operated by CCA and other private prison companies.
There seems to be a rather strong emphasis towards doing this in juvenile facilities operated by these companies, which, surprise surprise, are the primary target for privatization.
Gee, I’m shocked. Really.
The whole goddamn thing is specifically engineered to foster a near total helplessness amongst female children, while replacing legal recourse for them when they have been molested and raped with a private, religious-based system of internal counseling that convinces those girls that they are the sinners, because they tempted their fathers or ministers or older brothers with their sinful, filthy little bodies. If they are molested by someone close to them, it is they who should confess their sins, and apologize to God.
This system has apparently been very successful in sheltering child rapists, because the teaching materials offered by this Religion Company for home-schoolers openly states that the Ministers and other church officials should be consulted first, and things “negotiated” though them and them alone, and that Police or other Government officials should specifically not be informed.
This is why people who do home-school their kids using these materials are taught that those kids should never be permitted to associate with people who are not part of their home-schoolers association or their local church. The grownups are taught that letting their children enter public school or being allowed to go anywhere without being chaperoned by a parent or church official puts those children at the risk of being brought into contact with the mandatory reporters of child abuse and that their children cannot be trusted to keep secrets.
The children are taught that sexual behavior and impurity is a grievous sin, that it is them who would be shamed in the eyes of the Lord if they report a parent or church official for being sexually abused.
Mandatory Reporters are people who are specifically required under the Law to report possible instances of child abuse. That is, Teachers, Police Officers, Ministers, Physicians, school councilors etc.
This is why these assholes isolate their own fucking kids from public schools and such. They are being actively taught that such institutions are dangerous to them and their families and that the Family comes first in all things, and the Father has absolute authority over the Family. So when daddy or your Pastor or brother fucks you, it’s just because he loves Jesus so much that he can’t help himself and you should be doing more to protect yourself from your sin of temptation.
It’s all good of course. They’re Republicans, dominionist Christians and hard-line evilangelicals for Christ. Being protected from legal scrutiny for fucking little kids is just a perk. Hell, they’ll even provide legal assistance to organizations to lobby the State Legislatures to change how sentences are meted out and who gets custodial responsibility, so one can use the legal system to get little kids for one to fuck.
“We don’t need to put them in jails, let us handle these disobedient children. The LORD knows how to teach them where their sins lie.”
The whole goddamn thing is a fucking child sex slavery operation.
I know Family is important, but when you can’t take care of your own family, and have no values, you really shouldn’t talking about how other people need to be more family like.
Fuck you, this is a free world, my life, my family…..you stick to your own fucking family.
These fucking family people are getting more intrusive than government.
Ah yes, this one Puffy must like, apologizing to Putin and Islamists for America being gay.
Nutty fucking people. They will not be happy till the world is destroyed.
Do they ever have anything good to say, and why is sex always on their mind, filthy minded fucking people.
Puffy relax on your kids, don’t pressure them to be anything of too much success, they could be sex offenders and still win praise, and you and you woman could still get mother of the year.
Ok, there is enough above for Puffy to digest and answer to, but something tells me he’ll be missing in action for a little while, or just start right out with the Benghazi and Hillary.
Ted Nugent has to be the ugliest person alive. Fag with a pony tail.
@18 What you have there is a rightwing appeasement monkey. Personally, I think gays need their own homeland and nuclear capability, not only to protect themselves from the Russians but also from Indiana and Louisiana.
@22 “Ted Nugent has to be the ugliest person alive. Fag draft dodger with a pony tail.”
I watched “the celluloid closest ” yesterday, i had forgotten that fag was not just a school boy insult but a word of real hate. I will be glad when that work is never used again
@25 actually, according to the dictionary or urban dictionary, the word has many meanings, some not as offensive as others. But the word faggot, is more offensive.
Mike Fuckabe and his Klan has to be the biggest hypocrites and vial people. He says the “bloodthirst” of the media for the Dugan boy seem to be bigger offenders than what the boy did.
But he doesn’t see how his and his Klans bloodthirst for the gays is worse than the sin of being gay itself.
He is the biggest fucking Dick out there, he and his stupid fucking Klan…..the more they speak the more stupid they get. Everything they say can be turned right against them. They out to shut up and disappear from this world.
Better yet, they should move to Russia or Uganda.
Yeah, in the UK the word can be used as a term for a cigarette.
@ 26
A new word is being suggested as a new addition to the American lexicon.
That being defined as: Sneaking into a child’s room at night to fondle their private parts while they sleep. Also applicable to when the subject child is awake or otherwise conscious of the act.
This has been submitted to the Urban Dictionary by multiple individuals.
What Ben, and the rest of his mother fuckers, don’t understand is that it is he who is causing people to drive God out of their lives. If he would stop telling people how everyone is a sinner and not up to par with his beliefs in god, and instead maybe preached the God’s love for people, instead of hate, then maybe people wouldn’t drive God out of their lives.
These people are actual fucking nutty. Walk into a bar and tell everyone how the suck, let’s see if you leave the bar alive. Tell them that they are all great, and maybe you might win them over. These people are fucking useless individuals.
Boob, one time question how proud my father is of me being gay, I guess he is prouder of me being gay, than if I were the Dugar kid. But maybe Boob would be more proud of having the Dugar kid as his son. How about you Puffy?
What will homophobes revert to once they realize they are losing the battle? Will they become violent, like ISIS?
@29 “Duggary” should also refer to the Rights 180 support for such a heinous act, but not condeming it because JeHeSus will be forgiving and have mercy.
Now I don’t not believe that Jesus is loving, forgiving, and merciful. But he doesn’t discriminate those actions to only his right wing followers, like they believe.
Nuthin useful posted above but this is useful… Coming soon to America if DUMMOCRETINS have their way http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2197555
In Ireland, since they don’t have the time zone problem, their polls don’t close until 10pm, and they don’t start counting until the next day. A parliamentary election could take days to call.
Ahhh yes, if teachers aren’t screwing their students then they are cheating them.
www. wnd. com/2014/08/39783/
www. reuters. com/article/2015/04/14/us-usa-georgia-teachers-idUSKBN0N516D20150414
Seems this is skipped right over because the NEA and AFT give big time to DUMMOCRETINS!
Apparentlysome WND links are not acceptable to HA DUMMOCRETINS
Apparently some Lindenhurst peeps don’t like my kind…
What will Al or Jesse say? Nuthin of course http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news.....05621.html
Remember stop and frisk is now illegal in NYC! DUMMOCRETINS didn’t like it!
@ 37
Takes a look at the Lindenhurst city website, finds this.
Ah, a bunch of old, conservative white people, living in a small, wealthy white enclave full of retired military, lawyers, insurance agents, doctors and real estate agents.
Gee Whiz. Imagine that. It’s totally mind boggling.
Hey, y’all:
Remember back in January when Jesse Hagopian was walking through an intersection the police were trying to clear, obvious to what was going on because he was on the phone, and he was caught at the end of a broad swath of pepper spray courtesy of SPD?
Remember when he first posted that the cop ran up into his face and sprayed him until video emerged that he was sprayed from behind and the cop was standing behind her bike, her legs motionless at the time?
He filed a tort claim for $500k with the City in late January.
It’s been nearly four months since then.
Where’s the lawsuit? Not a word on his website about it since February 6th.
Where’s the lawsuit? Or with passage of time and clarity of mind, is it possible he realized that
• He wasn’t targeted
• He was the last of several people who caught the spray
• He was cluelessly walking in an area of active conflict and wasn’t paying attention to what was happending around him?
Buckle up, Einsteins.
Famed ‘A Beautiful Mind’ mathematician John Nash, wife, killed in N.J. Turnpike crash
Governor Christie not implicated… yet.
@41 Is there some reason why you couldn’t just post the fact of their deaths without the disrespectful snark?
@ 42
Next time you post about some gunshot injury and hit ‘post comment’, ask yourself the same question, hypocrite.
Should we send U.S. ground troops to fight ISIS because Iraqis won’t fight them? John McCain seems to think so.
Of course the vomit producer forgot the first link on Lindenhurst. Obummer won in Lindenhurst, twice, so those old white people liked their DUMMOCRETIN black guy. Steve Israel (DUMMOCRETIN) won in Lindenhurst too in Congress. Then it was moved to Peter King after the election with redistricting.
Sux when FACTS prove your looooonacy! vomit producer been sucking for a very long time!
@41 Is there some reason why you couldn’t just post the fact of their deaths without the disrespectful snark?
We learned snark from you early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It started with those Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) posts!
@34 ISIS is like your brethren. How about Uganda, they aren’t treating gays that well either – just ask USA Senator Jim Einhof. You not afraid of Ugandans? Oh, I see Ugandans aren’t killing Christians. You don’t speak about Ugandans being animals. I guess you support animals, why not the support for ISIS? You hypocrite fool.
@43 So you see an equivalency in my criticisms of the no-gun-control-ever crowd, despite the fact your fellow citizens are being blown away right and left by guns, to your smartaleck remark about the Nashes’ deaths in a car accident? Yep, that’s to be expected from you, Bob.
@46 “It started with those Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) posts!”
I’m glad you brought that up, Pud. This country should never forget what Republican negligence and stupidity inflicted on us:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I realize I’ve posted this excerpt before, but it can’t be posted too often, because people need to understand how badly Republicans suck.
And here it the FACTUAL reBUTTal before 2001. http://www.washingtontimes.com.....e-ignored/
Puddy don’t break the post rules of two paragraphs like DUMMOCRETINS routinely do!
@34 ISIS is like your brethren.
Wrong again teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. They hate practicing Christians!
@ 51
Since when are you anything resembling a “christian”? You’re one of the most unchristian (really, antichristian) individuals I’ve ever seen.
You’re just a gibbering lunatic who calls himself that. Labeling oneself as something doesn’t mean a damn thing. It’s like Rand Paul calling himself a “physician”.
@50 Washington Times? Fitton?
@51 In that case, you should be perfectly safe.
@50 “Puddy don’t break the post rules of two paragraphs like DUMMOCRETINS routinely do!”
Right, you just break up a single rant into 50 or 100 posts.
A revolting account of the war on the poor in KansASS:
Klownservatics and baggers are UGLY and DISGUSTING. Pure SCUM!
The republican party is a theocratic cult. The very same thing they accuse muslim extremists of being.
Great comment, but you forgot something…
The puddyfuckwad is a 24 carat jackass.
@51 you are as christian as the Duggar boy. Move to Uganda too. Plenty of Christians there.
This fucking Nazi should move to Uganda – take the whole fucking family of pigs with you.
@57 Boob better get in line and bend over for them.
@52 or calling himself a Libertarian….the only thing Rand is a racist bigot.
Better than that scum Blumenthal senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Meanwhile the DUMMOCRETINS are reaping what they recently sowed… http://abcnews.go.com/US/orlea.....d=31276815
Wow, what do you think Puffy? This guy spot on? What neighborhood do you think they would let you be in?
62% Baby!
@58 I wouldn’t give 1 carrot for him, much less 24 carrots.
…good one, Rog!!!
Oopsie, Hobby Lobby caught with it’s panties down over the Very Reverend Bill Gothard and his little kiddypimp company.
Why are these companies , that is, Hobby Lobby, the ILBP, etc involved in mutual investment funds that have large holdings in CCA, the GEO group and the private school companies?
Why is it, that companies like Colt are allowed to hold shares in CCA and the GEO Group, and the GEO Group, CCA, Colt, Smith and Wesson, Ruger, and the largest defense contractors and such are the major investments held by holding companies whose primary market is Law Enforcement pension funds?
Why is it, that the list of major corporate investors in the private prison and education industries reads like a fucking whose-who of the largest banks, investment holding companies and large LLCs, who also seem to be the largest corporate contributors to “charities” (really, christian lobbying firms) such as the Family Research Council and the ACLA?
Why is it that the ALEC is using joint contracting agreements with the FRC, the ILBP, Media Research and contracts with the same goddamn lobbying firms that companies like CCA, Hobby Lobby and ClearChannel and Bain Capital and the IBLP Corporation are using?
I mean, c’mon, Josh Duggar was a fucking lobbyist for the Family Research Council. That was his job there.
Joint contracts imply direct mutual interest in a specific goal. That they have a shared purpose in the particular lobbying subject.
So what exactly is that mutual interest between a major multinational Christian organization, (that is apparently the largest training organization for “Ministers” that go to work juvenile prisons) and the largest textbook publishing firms, and the private prison companies like CCA?
Do they share that interest in privatizing the prison system? That is one of the major purposes of the ALEC when they’re wining and dining State Legislators. That, and the schools, and even law Enforcement. Hell, the big Police conventions are just packed with firearms manufacturers, NRA promoters, sales representatives for investment holding companies and investment banks.
Why is it that the ALEC, the largest business lobbying brokerage organization in the world and is permitted, as a goddamn Non-Profit Corporation, to retain shares as short-term collateral in lieu of payment of services rendered in those same companies? The same banks, the same trust funds, the same holding companies etc. Look at the sponsors of the National Association of Police Organizations fah chrissake.
How the fuck is that not a conflict of interest? How in any way, not just a goddamn mafia?
Dumb Seattle Times editorial …
“MAYOR Ed Murray’s proposed $930 million transportation levy is one for the record books — it’s nearly the combined price of Safeco and CenturyLink fields.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: OMG! Seattle, the nation’s 5th most congested city, where street potholes rival the size of lunar craters, wants to spend almost as much on transportation as it did on two sports stadiums! Can you believe it?
Conflicts of interest only bother the vomit producer when they are conservative ones…
Of course the vomit producer turns a blind eye to Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) who was paid by Media Morons while being paid by the Clinton Foundation while being paid by the liberal superpac American Bridge while be paid by American business seeking Libyan contracts after Qaddafy’s fall while being a backdoor State Department adviser.
Remember it was Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) who carefully crafted that Monica Lewinsky whisper campaign of her throwing herself at Bill for the hummer Bill received. All a big lie from Clinton’s Rasputin!
WA Post Factcheck verified only 15% of the $2 Billion + in received donations ever made it to the poor peeps. And now we see Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) being paid by the Clinton Foundation, proves this “foundation” has never been a real charity.
Or how about George Steponallofus’ conflict of interest.? Don’t you remember this vomit producer? Well you have mastered 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady! http://www.politico.com/news/s.....18011.html…
Puddy reported on this strange triangulation here on HA DUMMOCRETINS back then. Just ax the crazed databaze creator, the one and only yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! It still screen scrapes all of Travis Bickle and Puddy’s great commentary with all our links. The spigot made 254 known attacks against Puddy. Each was its own EPIC FAYLE! Just visit that vile blog and you’ll see April 2015 in all it’s glory vomit producer! Navigate back to the early 2009 entries and Puddy is sure you’ll find it vomit producer.
Then Steponallofus said: “The same standards journalists use for politicians.” when he was dissing the sloppy Brian Williams investigation at NBC News. Apparently he thinks like a Clinton. Standards don’t apply to him! Yet at ABC News Steponallofus has never stopped being a DUMMOCRETIN party spokesperson. We all witnessed that with his attack on Peter Schweizer during that interview. Then the WA Free Beacon exposed Steponallofus and his old tired DUMMOCRETIN antics. Now you know why the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t like the WA Free Beacon. Truth and FACTS about DUMMOCRETINS!
Or how about DUMMOCRETIN California Congresscritter Alan Lowenthal who is staunchly against the Keystone pipeline construction and has invested in two anti-Keystone pipeline projects. Ever heard of Kinder Morgan Energy Partners? Or the parent company Kinder Morgan Management? Why don’t you look them up and see Lowenthal has some large invested in a company trying to build their own “Keystone”.
Or how about DUMMOCRETIN Virginia Senator Tim Kaine who too is staunchly against the Keystone pipeline construction. Why don’t you look up Kinder Morgan Energy Partners and see Kaine has some large invested in a company trying to build their own “Keystone”.
Or how about Tom Steyer, a featured DUMMOCRETIN on HA DUMMOCRETINS. You forgot that thread vomit producer? Well you are a 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady master! Who else had a big stake in Kinder Morgan Energy Partners? Tom Steyer, the $Billionaire “environmentalist” until Fox News forced some libtard news papers to report on Steyer’s “conflict of interest”. Then magically Steyer sold it through his hedge fund. Hedge fund you say? Isn’t that a bad thing for a DUMMOCRETIN to run? Oh yeah… as long as it pays the bills for certain DUMMOCRETIN hit sites like George Soros does!
Wait a minute… George Soros’ hedge fund indirectly paid Sidney Blumenthal’s (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) salary!
You see vomit producer if you laid off the left wrong libtard kook-aid and visited FACTUAL sites like the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise you’d learn a thing or two. Wait a minute… learning, that’s anathema to a DUMMOCRETIN like you vomit producer! Your claim to fame is being a LIV!
You see vomit producer you always look at life through azure colored lenses. Yes, DUMMOCRETIN conflict of interests are A-OK for the vomit producer because the ends always justifies the means!
More truth regarding that two term foreign policy disaster DUMMOCRETIN y’all voted for http://nypost.com/2015/05/23/i.....lls-apart/ … twice!
The article lays perfectly it out!
@ 71
And that has exactly fuck-all to do with anything I posted, which is about what is, for all intents and purposes, a massive interlinked group of multinational corporations that seems to be heavily invested in what amounts to a giant child-sex operation where the females are trained from birth to be totally submissive to a male’s will in all things, including forcible rape, while at the same time promoting the privatization of children’s prisons, lobbying State Legislatures for increasingly harsh sentences and lowering thresholds for definitions of arrestable offenses for young people.
But I suppose fingerfucking your preteen little sister while she’s sleeping is a perfectly acceptable way of expressing your love of God and Jesus. Hell, she was only three years old, she was asking for it by just lying there.
@ 72
So, you cite a third-rate propaganda artist writing for a tabloid fairy-tale fishwrapper that has as much credibility as the Weekly World News, as a source?
HAHAHAHAHAAAA…. You stupid fuck. How the hell do you expect anyone to take you seriously with bullshit like that.
Don’t you ever read anything but Murdoch or Moonie publications?
I think this pretty much explains why people have had enough of religious fanaticals. They’ll actually make excuses for their bad behavior. Thus you get this
Texas pastor’s wife defends Josh Duggar as ‘playing doctor’
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
@73 @74 pretty much agrees with what you say about the women bending over to the men
Better Safe Than Sorry
“A pressure cooker in a parked car on the National Mall aroused the suspicions of Capitol Police in Washington on Sunday, and they called out a bomb squad to do away with it. … Police set up a security perimeter and closed off a short stretch of a street not far from the Capitol Building as a precaution. … Video from CNN affiliate WJLA showed a specialist in a bomb protection suit searching a gray station wagon with its rear window smashed in. … The search and investigation turned up nothing harmful, USPC said. The driver was arrested and charged with driving with a revoked license.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even though this was a false alarm, you can’t be too careful, what with all the rightwing anti-government crazies running around and threatening to blow up government buildings and shoot federal law enforcement agents. (I heard Hollywood is working on a movie titled, “Cliven Bundy Goes To Washington.”)
“The Chicago Bears fired defensive end Ray McDonald on Monday after his arrest on domestic violence and child endangerment charges in Santa Clara, California.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The NFL is finally getting around to doing what other businesses have done for years: Firing employees who get in trouble with the law. It’s hard to do your job if you’re in jail.
I wonder how long this GOP senator has been banging his executive assistant? Of course, that’s none of my business, and my interest in this matter is purely prurient.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, Republican senators have their needs, you know, and it’s probably asking too much to expect him to wait until his ailing wife is in the ground.
China, which has fewer than half as many cars as the U.S. (105 million vs. 253 million), has over 200,000 traffic fatalities a year — and a road rage problem.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Personally, I think Russian road rage is more fun, as long as you don’t get caught in the crossfire.
The vomit maker rails on Mike Huckabee who everyone knows has very little chance of becoming president. Regarding the Family Life Council, they have to clean their house, plain and simple…
Your scream over largest corporate contributors to “charities” reminds Puddy of the lie Media Morons used to get their 501C3 status!
Oh and John Podhoretz, FACTS are the anathema of DUMMOCRETINS. What part of that story is a lie vomit producer?
– ISIS is not winning?
– Iran has Obummer by the short hairs
– The centrifuges they acquired wasn’t during Obummer’s reign?
– The collapse of Libya didn’t happen during Obummer’s reign?
– The self-imposed “red line” in Syria didn’t happen during Obummer’s reign?
– Russia’s seizure Crimea and Eastern Ukraine didn’t happen during Obummer’s reign?
– Obummercare’s health care exchanges aren’t going under during Obummer’s reign?
– Professor Jonathan Gruber didn’t brag that it had been falsely marketed to the American people to take advantage of their stupidity didn’t happen during Obummer’s reign?
– 62 percent say the country is on the wrong track didn’t happen during Obummer’s reign?
– 75% of the missions flown by our pilots return with the same ordnance didn’t happen during Obummer’s reign?
Irrefutable FACTS… That’s why the vomit producer rails on Podhoretz!
Paging Doctor Duggar, Paging Dr. Duggar. We have code 10 STAT.
Police Lives matter.
More than yours. Much more. No charges were ever filed, and this man wasn’t even booked.
Poor, poor puddyfuckwad.
If only Piyush Jindal was Preznit, ev’rything would be hokee dokee.
The Doctor is also a comedian. You know – nothing like be a sexual predator and making incest jokes. I wonder if he and Tony Perkins were best buddies (wink wink)
I suspect US conservatives will be flocking and sending money to Italy very shortly.
You know, now that America is second to Ireland with regard to freedom, we can go to third place, right. Let’s ring that liberty bell in Philadelphia.
On the eve of memorial day, Ireland becomes leader of the free world.`
Is this kind of Nazi like? Is this transparency? Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
And Puffy thinks the problem is the FLC (isn’t it the American Family Association – AFA). It is more than just the AFA, we have a pastors wife saying Duggar was merely playing doctor. We have police records that were destroyed. We have a wannabee president saying it was just a mistake, but would put in prison every fucking person he didn’t like, and now we have a guy that wants to fire (i’m sure he’d like to do more than just fire) the cop who spoke about this.
Puffy there is more to clean up here.
Ok its the family research council, not much difference between the American Family Association, Faith an Freedom, etc., etc.
Family, Family, Family…..etc. etc. etc.
Should be called Hypocrites, Nazis and Hypocrtites
@71 “Conflicts of interest only bother the vomit producer when they are conservative ones…”
Why should he do your work for you? He’s not your administrative assistant. If you want him to dig up liberal conflicts of interest, then pay him.
@80 “The vomit maker rails on Mike Huckabee who everyone knows has very little chance of becoming president.”
That much? I give him zero. Which is just as well, because Huckabee believes obeying Supreme Court rulings is optional.
@81 Puddy is horny again? Already? Saturday night was only 2 days ago.
Why should he do your work for you? Who claimed the vomit producer even works senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Just another useless DONK like you senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
More than you get!
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla doesn’t understand the NAZI term…
Nazis were genocidal anti-Semites
Nazis were anti-capitalists… Here it is from the horsesASS mouth
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions” – Adolf Hitler, Hitler’s speech on May 1, 1927.
Sounds like an HA DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Thank You, Veterans, those who are still with us, and the one’s who have passed on.
@93 ohhhhh fuckface
noun: Nazi; plural noun: Nazis
a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
a member of an organization with ideology similar to Nazism.
a person who holds and acts brutally in accordance with extreme racist or authoritarian views.
favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.
Sounds to me like conservative that are trying to enforce strict obedience to me. But if course you would like to focus on the anti-Semite. Also they killed a lot of homosexuals, like your ilk would like to do, why are you ignoring that?
Long live Ireland – home of the Free and the Brave.
@93. Keep trying to avoid the fact that your views, similar to the views of Ugandans, and Russians. To name a few are no less than the views of a Nazi.
Shows how stupid you like to be and then be delusional to thinking that people will not notice.
Just think – heaven will be so great, we’ll get to meet Doctor Duggar.
Interesting comparison between American and European railroads, and safety. Although not mentioned about Network Rail in the UK, is that it is the non-profit company formed out of Railtrack, the for-profit company that John Major set up to own and maintain track and infrastructure following the privatization of British Rail. The reason for it being taken over and reorganized by Blair? Several high profile disasters.
Look at all the males that come to the rescue of the other man while the woman has to defend for herself, in Russian, land of the “we are heterosexuals”.. Well maybe more like homosexuals, all the men practically wanted to give the other male a blowjob. “Are you all right, are you a right, can we blow you?” I think one was saying.
Watch As Waitress Decks The Jerk Who Groped Her http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....39204.html
Even when presented with the statement from the supreme leader the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla can accept FACTS! Here it is again…
Nazis were genocidal anti-Semites
Nazis were anti-capitalists… Here it is from the horsesASS mouth
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions” – Adolf Hitler, Hitler’s speech on May 1, 1927.
Sounds like an HA DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Maybe that’s why all those 1920s and 1930s progressive DUMMOCRETINS loved them some Adolf Hitler! Puddy already provided their names many times teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Grow some marbuls and ask a certain cretin for the crazed databaze replay!
Sadly reading is NOT fundamental to you!
@100 “Nazis were anti-capitalists… ”
Ah, yes, heeere’s Puddy leaping aboard the latest conservative bandwagon: trying to rewrite the history of Nazism. The fact is, no matter how hard they try to slice it otherwise, the Nazis were NOT liberals. They were rightwing extremists, with all the characteristics of America’s current rightwing extremists: They were ultra-nationalistic, militaristic, xenophobic, homophobic, and racist; they didn’t believe in democratic government, rigged elections, spied on citizens, suppressed dissent, controlled the media, broadcast lying propaganda, and, of course, hated Marxism in all its manifestations; they were warmongers, killers, torturers, and domestic terrorists who bombed and torched buildings — what part of this doesn’t describe today’s Republican Party?
@100 (continued) Also not to be overlooked is the credulous Pud’s propensity to take everything Hitler said at face value, as if that guy never spoke a lie in his entire life.
@94 You’re welcome. And know that I’m still here, and willing to serve again, if rightwing nutjobs start the civil war they say they want.
@91 We’re not useless, we just don’t work for you for free, which isn’t the same thing.
@92 Don’t laugh too hard, because you’re going to be old and feeble someday, too.
@101 thanks roger, I give up sometimes with speaking with the ape. I can only put up with so much of his bullshit. And I truly have to do some work at my job. Hardly have time for lunch none the less his bullshit.
He totally ignores the definitions that I provided that are also true of a Nazi, with regard to obedience. You know because it doesn’t suit him, and he’d rather not look at himself in a mirror, if I were he, I’d get rid of every mirror that was. The next republican conservative bill – get rid of all mirrors.
Ah, yes, heeere’s Puddy leaping aboard the latest conservative bandwagon: trying to rewrite the history of Nazism.
Where, you two IDIOTS?
To the two loooooonatics senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit & teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla; those were Adolf Hitler’s words… Too bad reading is NOT fundamental. Hitler’s own words which you all want to discount and prefer the progressive definition because YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH…
From WikiPedia on Nazism…
You all can try and say something different butt the left leaning WikiPedia sez the same thing! FACTS always explode libtard lies and self fulfilling propaganda! Keep trying to deflect what Hitler and others believed regarding socialism and being anti-capitalistic… for the workers! Just like HA DUMMOCRETIN thought!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ROTFLRHMBBAO using leftist sites to explode you two morons!
RE: @106…
Uhhhhh…DUMB fuck puddyfuckwad @106 please re-read @101 and summarize for the class then compare and contrast to @101.
You will find that @106 refers to nothing in @101.
This is sub-standard work. Please rewrite and re-submit.
Did rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears look at the WikiPedia article which refutes #101?
Of course not. rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears likes staying as a LIV because rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears believes everything from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Just because the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit wrote it doesn’t make it “right”!!!!!
Puddy used a left wing site WikiPedia to demonstrate continual looonacy of the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! WikiPedia been used many times by leftists rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!!!!
Sux doesn’t it rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
You keep screaming though! Seems “DUMB fuck” LIV fits rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears perfectly! Seems you continually submit substandard ad hominem attacks! Puddy won’t laugh too hard… Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance!
Demonstrating a continuously aggressive and combative attitude toward correction and guidance in this matter will eventually cause this student’s grade and advancement recomendation to suffer.
The student was asked to reread and summarize comment post @101. The student was also asked to answer the points with an opposing view (if that is what the student intended) that has some relevance to the points made in comment post @101.
Not only was neither request satisfied by the student, but the student stridently and offensively asserts some sort of essential grasp of the subject matter. It is clear that this individual has (at least in this instance) neither reading comprehension skills or the ability to form a counter argument based on another comment. Further, the absolute insistence by this student on the correctness and reasoning of their comment bodes ill for the student’s future in their field of choice.
Once more, please refer to the grading matrix. Reread comment @101 and rewrite a submission with content relevant to the points made in comment @101.
There will be no further extension given.