Young Turks: Obama speaks the truth about FAUX News.
Jon feeds FAUX News from its own ‘Rich buffet of bullshit’.
Mark Fiore: Obama trades transparency.
Vsauce: Counting.
Young Turks: FAUX News guest so vile and sexist that even Hannity cringes.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Very Neoteinicly Ugly.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about health food.
Chris Hayes: Seattle ‘KAYAKIVISTS’ face down shell’s ARCTIC drilling rig:
Sam Seder: The myth of the absent black father.
Chris Hayes: The new G.O.P. War on Women™.
A Get Well Soon message for George Zimmerman.
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- Bill Maher: What did they do with Rand Paul?
- Young Turks: Rand Paul staffer licks camera of tracker
- Jon on Jeb Bush’s bizarre admission: “It’s like wearing an ‘I Fuck Dogs’ t-shirt”
- Ann Telnaes: Jeb’s foreign policy brain.
- David Pakman: Jeb would have invaded….
- Jon to Jeb: “Thank you…was that so hard?”
- Maddow: Bush stumbles raise questions of campaign competence.
- Sam Seder: College kid schools Jeb Bush about his brother
- Jeb’s terrible, no good, very bad week.
- David Pakman: Jeb Bush confronted by 19yo
- Thom: Jeb Bush isn’t a moderate…he is an extremist neocon
- Young Turks: Santorum thinks baby daddies are sexual predators
WaPo: The hydrogen powered car of the future?
The minimum wage should be $15/hr.
Thom with the The Good, the Bad, and the Very Very Patripotestally Ugly.
Mental Floss: 30 strange scholarships.
Young Turks: George Stephanopoulos sorry for secretly fighting AIDS.
Thom: Reaganism caused the train crash.
Jon: UK election extravaganza.
White House: West Wing Week.
David Pakman: Study shows every Republican Obamacare fear-mongering prediction was WRONG:
Reid: NFL more concerned about Deflategate than a racist team name.
No-Sex Education:
- David Pakman: CA Judge says Abstinence-Only ed isn’t sex ed.
- Young Turks: Judge rules abstinence-only “sex ed” is illegal.
Maddow: Reproductive rights remain brightest partisan dividing line.
Everything you need to know about Seymour Hersh’s Bin Laden report.
Thom: G.O.P.’s food stamp hypocrisy.
Mental Floss: Why are calculator and phone keypads the opposite?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The football team mentioned also has a racist past, and fought integration of the league.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned here yet(my schedule does not give me much time to post), but it turns out Congress forgot to order the FCC to provide access to the frequencies that were needed for PTC. Definitely a bipartisan mess, although it was a different FCC then.;referrer=
Score another one for Team Obama!
@2 Ah yes, another Bush clusterfuck has killed a bunch of innocent people … the safest thing to do is NEVER elect Republicans to ANYTHING because they can do NOTHING right!!
The NFL Team That Shall Not Be Named is named the Washington Redskins.
See, it’s appropriate to use that word, as long as you want something from the team in return:
Multiple sources, including a senior Bowser administration official, told News4 the mayor has been advised to start using the name as a way to show good faith with owner Dan Snyder.
Outrage for money. It’s the Jackson/Sharpton way, and others can’t help but notice.
It always amazes me that the constitution-thumping Republicans can simultaneously bang the drums of American Exceptionalism® while actively professing their absolute contempt for our system of government. In the same conversation where they extol the virtue of “our troops” and the perfection of the Military, they are simultaneously accusing them of trying to conquer Texas.
Am I missing something here? Where’s the punchline?
Fuck. I need coffee.
@ 6
In the same conversation where they extol the virtue of “our troops” and the perfection of the Military, they are simultaneously accusing them of trying to conquer Texas.
Link, please. Only one I see doing this is you.
And coffee doesn’t begin to cover what you need.
I need to purchase a double-axle flatbed trailer. Brand recommendations, please?
“I question if the Pope understands scripture. He’s obviously read it, but it is just as obvious he doesn’t understand it. Nothing in the Bible obligates us to help the poor.”
– Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ)
Is go fuck yourself a brand?
@9 let them keep saying that, sure fire way to alienate the few that still believe in their bullshit.
New bill would allow New Jersey drivers to pump their own gas
In response, thousands of kayaktivists are readying flotillas surrounding every gas station in Trenton.
@12 a cheap labor conservative posts a story about low wage workers who could lose their jobs and tries to deflect blame.
P.S. the bill was introduced by a republican.
12, 13
So what’s big deal about pumping your own gas? I’ve always thought it kind of stupid to have it where you can’t pump your own gas, like down in Oregon.
@ 13
Blame for what, Better?
For NJ joining 48 of the other 49 states in permitting citizens to pump their own gas? For potentially decreasing the cost of gas by lowering the labor cost that goes into putting it into the tank? For giving people more time to spend with their families if they spend less time waiting in line for their turn to be served, because they can do it themselves?
I suppose Henry Ford should be blamed for the demise of the horse-drawn carriage industry, too.
Lyft, the San Francisco-based ride-sharing company, announced Friday it had secured $100 million in funding from investor Carl Icahn.
“We are very happy to be investing in Lyft. I believe that ride-sharing is poised to become a fundamental component of our transportation infrastructure,” Icahn said in a release.
Icahn added he believes increasing urbanization over the next five-to-ten years should continue the company’s revenue growth.
Meanwhile, local start-up Hoopty is is benefitting from a financial infusion from Nick Hanauer, through Hoopty’s parent company, HA Goldstein.
@8 Why don’t you just steal one? That’s what you Republicans do whenever you want something.
@7 I’m surprised you need a link for this, doc. It’s all over the news. Maybe you should get out of the office more.
Meanwhile, it increasingly appears Puddy will have to eat his words for trying to lynch the Amtrak engineer without due process, now that investigators have found what may be a bullet hole in the engine windshield. Expect Putz to cover his retreat with a cloud of squid ink.
Let’s keep putting people (who spend MONEY when they have it…genuis…) out of work, bickle.
Good goin’, asshole.
@ 18
Yuh huh. That must be it.
A bullet hole that isn’t really a hole, somehow indicating a bullet that richocheted around the engineer’s compartment and caused him to markedly increase the speed of the train, then frantically pull the emergency brake, all without leaving a trace of memory in the poor union worker’s brain.
He’ll continue to claim amnesia of the salient events. It’s the approach most likely to keep him out of prison.
Does anyone know whether a train conductor is told to increase speed to make up lost time? Not that conductor Gould have sense not to listen and do the right thing. But was there any pressure on the conductor to be going that speed?
Hey climate change deniers, how d’ya like this ICE AGE? Idiots …
@21 He isn’t black. You’re forgetting that here in America only blacks go to prison for getting knocked unconscious by a sniper’s bullet.
Sure is a funny coincidence that (1) a train run by an engineer everyone says is extremely conscientious and safety-conscious (2) is traveling normally (3) until an object, possibly a bullet or rock, slams into the windshield and then (4) the train abruptly speeds up and (5) the conductor hears the engineer saying he’s been hit with something and (6) the engineer deploys the emergency brakes (7) then goes unconscious and (8) afterward doesn’t remember anything that happened while he was unconscious and (9) wakes up in the hospital with a major head wound. Yup, it’s all a coincidence, that hole in the windshield and the knot on the engineer’s head and him losing control of the train, and all of these coincidences add up to rock-solid evidence that the engineer is a terrorist who deliberately wrecked the train. The doc has it all figgered out.*
* Medical schools sure have lowered their standards. They let anyone in nowadays.
Mark my words, Bob, you have to be black to go to prison for that in this country.
(A broadband connection will deliver superior audio and video quality).
These games require you first to download an emulator and then the game.
Most high goal polo ponies are between 4 and 12 years old,
hitting their prime at 9 years old.
Apparently the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @2 can’t read or process facts or comprehend issues…
President Bush sign the positive train control law on October 16, 2008, as Public Law 110-432 The law was written by a DUMMOCRETIN house and senate. They forgot to add the special FCC sauce! Apparently Reid and Pelosi can’t thoroughly think all of the angles! Then Obummer takes over!
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) published the final rule addressing PTC requirements on January 15, 2010
FRA published final rule amendments on September 27, 2010 and on May 14, 2012.
Initially 41 railroads submitted PTC Implementation Plans. FRA reviewed all submissions and initially denied approval of EVERY PTC Implementation Plans
The rest is history. Puddy will add this to the list of early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM!
Sux to be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit shitting every thread every day with worthless inept BULLSHITTIUM!
Meanwhile, it increasingly appears Puddy will have to eat his words for trying to lynch the Amtrak engineer without due process
More BULLSHITTIUM from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit above. The Amtrak train was reported by C BS News.
FACTS – always destroy early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM!
Sux to be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Meanwhile, it increasingly appears Puddy will have to eat his words for trying to lynch the Amtrak engineer without due process
Even more BULLSHITTIUM from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit above. The Amtrak train was reported by C BS News.
Sux to be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Even more BULLSHITTIUM from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit above.
Interesting information about the state libtard just south of us!
@30 There’s no reasoning with an imbecile like Puddy, and I won’t even try. For the rest of you, i.e. readers with a functioning brain, the train engine’s windshield was hit by a projectile, and the next thing the engineer remembers is waking up in a hospital with 14 staples in his head. YA THINK THERE MIGHT BE A CONNECTION? Let’s check out what happened to the engineer of one of the OTHER TWO TRAINS that were also hit by projectiles:
“Two other trains in the area, a SEPTA commuter train and an Amtrak Acela train, were hit by projectiles minutes before Amtrak 188 crashed; the SEPTA train was hit in the windshield. Alfred Price, a passenger aboard the SEPTA train reported that the train immediately came to a stop and the engineer emerged from the operator’s compartment ‘dazed’ by the impact. ‘He didn’t really know what was going on. He was in shock,’ Price said.”
To Puddy, if someone knocks you out cold, and your train crashes as a result, that makes you a murderer. What an idiot! That’s all I can say.
Hey early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit – just 2.75 hours ago…
So what will Obummer’s FCC do now!
To the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
What Puddy wrote two days ago was from Obummer’s NTSB! This is why arguing with someone with early onset senility gets you no where!
How can someone be as stooooooooooopid as the early onset senile imbecile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Well there are other contestants here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
So a projectile of some kind hit the train. First you screamed it may be a bullet. Now they don’t think it was a bullet hole.
Let’s see here… Philadelphia…? Since you are dwelling on it so much… Like Sidney Blumenthal… What is the percentage chance this projectile launcher is a DUMMOCRETIN senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Retract! Retract! What a schismatic idiot!
This didn’t make the Friday Night Comix…
George Stephanopoulos has failed the big time test of libtard msm…
He donated to the Clintons’ family charity and then kept it secret…
Commuter rail operators also seem to be slowly getting PTC online. One that is moving ahead, Metrolink, then again, their Chatsworth wreck in 2008 is responsible for the mandate.
The FRA has, in the name of safety, actually made it harder on commuter rail, when it comes to rolling stock. Companies have had a hard time adapting to rules that had treated multiple unit trains as locomotives, and applied strict crash tolerance standards. One Swiss manufacturer decided to work with the FRA on new standards, adapting their lightweight Diesel Multiple Unit to comply with a new set of alternate standards. The company, Stadler Rail, run by a now-former parliament member from the Right Wing Swiss People’s Party, by the way, just one another contract, again in Texas.
A little background on the CEO and owner of Stadler Rail.
How is this not considered racketeering? Jesus, just because the mafiosi aren’t smuggling rum in from Cuba and Canada anymore doesn’t mean the system of hiding money in multi-layered businesses and shell companies and using that secret cashola to pay off politicians and cops has changed. It’s the same goddamn people for chrissake.
Oh, but they’re “legit” now.
@40 Is there anyone left who doesn’t believe American politics is utterly and pervasively corrupt? But I think Republicans are worse, because they worship money more.
Meanwhile, Louisiana gave more money to one filmmaker to make one film in Louisiana than the state provided for one of its major public universities. But what can you expect from a state run by Bobby Jindal?
“Louisiana first rolled out its tax credit red carpet back in 2002, offering to cover up to 35 percent of a film’s local costs. That means when Warner Brothers spent more than $100 million shooting ‘Green Lantern’ here, the studio got back almost $37 million, courtesy of Louisiana taxpayers. That’s more than the state allocated to the University of New Orleans last year.”
Business embraced socialism long ago. There’s hardly a business of any size left that isn’t gaming taxpayers for handouts. Corporate extortion works like this: “Give me money, or kiss these jobs goodbye.” They’re adept at playing states against each other. Cabelas, the outdoor superstore chain, even gets local communities to pay for their stores (at $50 to $60 million each) by promising a couple hundred minimum-wage jobs. The Republican Party’s business wing is populated by more socialists than all the third-world countries put together.
@36 Can we assume you’re in favor of campaign-finance reforms that require transparency in political donations? Nahhh … your crowd wants to keep who spends how much money to buy which Republican politicians secret, to they don’t have to answer to anyone for selling out the public interest.
@35 Squid ink, just as I predicted. Two days ago you wanted to hang the engineer.
Meanwhile, WSDOT’s bridge tolling authority has turned into our state’s iteration of the Ferguson Municipal Court.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: With a system like this, you don’t even need tolls, you can pay off the bridge with the fines alone.
Seems George Stephanopoulos has failed to mention a whole bunch of other things about his Clinton Global Initiative interactions! Seems Peter Schweizer has found out more about George that George tried to hide.
Clinton Global Initiative – 2006 George was the featured attendee and he panel moderator at the same time
Clinton Global Initiative – 2007 George was the featured attendee along with Frank Giustra – Mr Uranium – “All of my chips, almost, are on Bill Clinton. He’s a brand, a worldwide brand, and he can do things and ask for things that no one else can.” – New Yorkier Magazine 2006 and Lucas Lundin – Swedish Mining Magnate,
and Frank Holmes – chief executive and chief investment officer at U.S. Global Investors, which specializes in natural resources and emerging markets investing
and Carlos Slim – Invited Wee Willy Cigar to speak in April 2012 while his wife Hillary Clinton was still in charge of the Obummer’s Administration’s diplomacy, Clinton gave the keynote speech at Mexico’s National Association of Bankers’ annual convention in Acapulco. His fee: $340,000. – Forbes!
Clinton Global Initiative – 2008 George was a panelist at the annual meeting… panelist for what? Insider for ABC News?
Clinton Global Initiative – 2009 George was the panel moderator at the annual meeting.
How do you know a DUMMOCRETIN is lying… Their lips are moving on national teevee!
@35 Squid ink, just as I predicted. Two days ago you wanted to hang the engineer.
More BULLSHITTIUM from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!! Produce the evidence senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
The Defense Rests!
@ 43, 44
SchizoPud is a prime example of the individual in a lynch mob. In the good old days, a teenage girl would get knocked up, and when she was found out she’d accuse some black dude of raping her, and all the neighbors would band together and grab the poor bastard off the street and hang him from the biggest tree in the neighborhood.
Then of course, that girl would be sent off to “live with her aunt” for a while and give birth to a perfectly white baby that would be sent to an orphanage, never to be mentioned again in polite company. Hell, the States used to keep a rather extensive system of “juvenile reformatories” for girls just so they could have their babies out of sight and out of mind of the neighborhood. A lot of those girls would be institutionalized for the rest of their entire lives for that crime of getting pregnant at 15 years old without being properly married.
SpittlePuddles is the first guy to run off to grab a rope at the hint of any chance to see someone kicking their feet. The most amusing part of that is, that he cannot recognize the fact that there were probably several of his own ancestors who ended up that way, and none of them were in the crowd that made it happen. There were no black faces in those lynch mobs.
Hell, even Jackie Coogan hanged a man like that. I have visited the very tree where it happened.
@ 40
But I think Republicans are worse, because they worship money more.
RR, there’s no one, GOP or Dem, who worships money more than you do.
Could PTC be bad if there could be the ability to hack into the system, and have a hacker speed the train up instead of slow it down?
@ 50
Thats the very discussion I had with my Pop last night. For years, the trend has been to consolidate control systems under one blanket. His pisser comes from the fact that, if a hard drive goes out on his computer, the “Cloud” won’t allow him to access his own files. That system is being put in place for everything. Traffic control systems, fire control, aircraft controls etc. If the speed control system had been in place and was either inoperative or left unguarded on the Web, what could a hacker do to play with that?
All it would take is one lucky and enterprising individual to gain access with nefarious purpose.
vomit producer is a prime example of the individual in a lynch mob.
Merry Fitzmas
Karl Rove Frog March
George Soros is the first guy to run off to grab a rope at the hint of any chance to see someone kicking their feet. Soros already admitted his actions at 14 years old in Hungary!
FACTS always suck to a DUMMOCRETIN!
The most amusing part of that is, that he cannot recognize the fact that there were probably several of his own ancestors who ended up that way, and none of them were in the crowd that made it happen.
None of Puddy’s ancestors were ever hung you stoooooooooooooopid vomit producing moron! Great great granddad lived to 84 on the plantation. Great granddad lived to 82 after the plantation. Granddad died of a heart attack at 59 and dad died of kidney failure at 79.
FACTS are the anathema to an idiot DUMMOCRETIN like the vomit producer!
“There’s three things I tell people that the Russians were afraid of: AIDS, Jewish people and Ronald Reagan.”
Question: “In that order?”
Reply: “I think Ronald Reagan took the top spot. They thought he would push the button.”
One more reason to love Reagan.
And now we know Obummer and Clinton gave Putin the Easy Reset Button!
@ 53
So, you’re saying that your grandfolks were safe because they never left the Plantation? They were properly obedient and submissive? Yah suh, bozz…
They probably never looked a white man in the eye, or accidentally brushed against a white woman in the street either. Because in a lot of cases, that’s all it took.
@51 well we always hear about how vulnerable our electrical infrastructure system and supplying power is to a cyber attack. And we know our computers are very vulnerable to be hacked, I don’t think there is one entity of power whose computers haven’t been hacked. So shouldn’t it be easy if to hack into PTC? Especially if there are frequencies involved.
In addition those cars that will be driven by computers, same thing, should that be easy to be able to hack into and cause accidents
Keep screaming vomit producer… Every post is another train wreck!
I guess what Republicans like to do is wait until such a thing as a hacker hacking into the electrical grid or nuclear plant, or trains or cars and causes a problem……and then be ready to pounce to place blame instead of being proactive with a solution prior to,
Republicans talk about Big Government, in a negative way. Libertarians talk about Government getting in the way of ones rights, in a negative way. Republican like to talk about how we are always nosing our business where it doesn’t belong.
But hey, if you are a US Conservative and you have to make sure another country doesn’t pass marriage equality, then you pull out all the stops, you put your nose right in there, and make sure government gets in the way and regulates something like marriage. Because you are a bigot and hypocrite.
Ugandans anti-gay legislation was pushed by US Republican
Well, Well, Well, here you go. What a coincidence, right after thinking about it, here is a related article.
@47 Everyone reading this blog knows what you posted two days ago, so why should I cater to your silly demands to “post evidence?” Go screw yourself. Nobody else will.
@54 – yeah, this woman was no Ronald Reagan. I could understand why a dim wit wouldn’t know who Harriet Tubman was? I can’t recall this country even having slaves, did that really happen?
@48 “SpittlePuddles is the first guy to run off to grab a rope at the hint of any chance to see someone kicking their feet. The most amusing part of that is, that he cannot recognize the fact that there were probably several of his own ancestors who ended up that way, and none of them were in the crowd that made it happen. There were no black faces in those lynch mobs.”
You’ve hit the nail on the head, Willy. What we have here is a wannabe who wishes he’d been born white, in the South, and a few generations earlier so he could have worn a costume made from a bedsheet and participated in the KKK’s idea of fun.
The only thing Christian about these people are that they are Sinners.
Fucking asshole hypocrites.
I guess what Republicans like to do is wait until such a thing as a hacker hacking into the electrical grid or nuclear plant, or trains or cars and causes a problem……and then be ready to pounce to place blame instead of being proactive with a solution prior to,
You know teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, if you took some time that’s what the DUMMOCRETINS were hoping during the Bush Administration. Google it!
Wow, this guy is a real winner, the GOP has got a great thinker on their hands – don’t let this one get away.
Has Puffy math skills.
So you can’t prove it early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! When you scream Puddy Prove It, Puddy proves it in spades.
Suck it up old man and grow some BALLS!
Wait for it… some other HA DUMMOCRETIN will really feel sorry for the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
They know the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is an EPIC FAYLE otherwise!
Step up and PROVE IT early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@65 you google it and provide link. And at the same time, provide a link were current republicans are attacking an issue other than Abortion, Marriage Equality and LGBT discrimination, or Voter Fraud Legislation.
Apparently the Palin Family may have some polygamy in the family. Oh no, get the crucifix and start the conversion therapy!
What we have here is a wannabe who wishes he’d been born white, in the South, and a few generations earlier so he could have worn a costume made from a bedsheet and participated in the KKK’s idea of fun.
It’s a Psych 101 Projection Alert… Seems that post made you think back to that yesteryear larnin in Missouri when that pointy white hat and large white percale sheet fit perfectly right senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Those clandestine visits to those woods where your buds were burning those wooden crosses and chanting those favorite saying you slip up and deposit on HA DUMMOCRETINS once and a while!
@49 “RR, there’s no one, GOP or Dem, who worships money more than you do.”
You’re an even bigger idiot than we thought.
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla.
It’s in the HA archives. You know whom to ask. Just grow some marbuls!
Apparently this good conservative man didn’t have his Bible with him, Satan took over that nigh. God have mercy, Lord hear my prayer. Amen, Amen, Amen. Praise the Lord JeHeSus.
Progressive political correctness running amok again..
@51 That day may already be here.
@72 want marbuls? Fuck You!
@52 Squid with endless supply of ink.
@75, yes, I see. See @60.
Time to remind HA DUMMOCRETINS again on Obummer’s sadministration in action!
@53 “None of Puddy’s ancestors were ever hung you stoooooooooooooopid vomit producing moron! Great great granddad lived to 84 on the plantation.”
I see. You’re descended from a line of good little plantation slaves who did as they were told and kept their mouths shut about “freedom.” Figures.
And the HA DUMMOCRETINS cheered Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s assertion because they hate Israel too!
@54 Yeah, what America needs is a another nutjob like Reagan who throws his weight around in the world by making everyone think he’s a crazy motherfucker who might push the button and annihilate us all if he’s provoked. Kinda like North Korea’s Kim Jung Un pretends to be.
@73 and he serves no prison term…….why what a privileged mother fucker. Kind of sounds like BOOB.
Somehow this missed the early May Friday Night Comix…
According to data that Immigration and Customs Enforcement delivered to the House Judiciary Committee last month, ICE released 30,558 illegal-alien criminals from federal custody into the general population in fiscal year 2014. To use more-sensitive language, these undocumented crime workers collectively were responsible for 79,059 convictions. These included 13,636 convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol, 1,346 for domestic violence, 1,194 for battery, 373 for sexual assault, 186 for kidnapping, and 86 for homicide.
Amazing… It was released to congress butt no libtard leaning site covered it! Hmmm…? Now why is that?
@66 I like the idea of cyclists helping pay for the streets they use, especially now that we’re installing expensive curbing and bike lanes for cyclists, but I wouldn’t put this numbskull in charge of an environmental department.
Some more laughable facts about Hillary… Now Puddy knows why HA DUMMOCRETINS adore Hillary. This UpChuck Todd video discusses the staffers in Hillary Clinton’s campaign really worrying about her approachability to the common American, considering she’s made millions off of speeches and has lived in a bubble for years.
HA DUMMOCRETINS live in bubbles!
@67 I didn’t say I couldn’t prove it. I said go screw yourself. They’re not the same thing.
And Clinton claims to relate to the common woman? Yet many wimens will vote for her because Hillary has a vagina! – Their words!
Early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @80,
So? Your BULLSHITTIUM and $5.00 will get you a Starbucks latte! Most blacks in America came from slave stock. Your peeps owned my peeps! And since your hidden life in Missouri is coming out now like sunlight on a cockroach nest, how many slaves did your great granddaddy own again?
@70 Sorry, squid, but unlike you I don’t hang out with lynch mobs and never have. Nice try, though.
I didn’t say I couldn’t prove it
Because you can’t! More BULLSHITTIUM! Did you take your Fukitol this morning? Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
but unlike you I don’t hang out with lynch mobs!
PROVE IT senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!!
@89 Given that my ancestor arrived in this country in 1854 and settled in the Upper Midwest, I’m quite sure that none of my forebears ever owned slaves. For your information, slavery only existed south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Every schoolchild knows that; but you don’t for some strange reason.
@89 (continued) Does Starbucks charge 5 bucks for a latte now? I wouldn’t know, because I never go in there, I only cash the dividend checks from my Starbucks stock that I bought in 1996 for $1.06 a share.
@92 “PROVE IT senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!!”
I don’t hang out with you.
@ 93 RR
Doesn’t anyone find it interesting, that about 1.6% of the population actually owned slaves, but somehow that 1.6% managed to convince nearly half a million dirt-poor working-class people to fight an extremely bloody war on their behalf to preserve an institution that degraded and suppressed the value of their own labor and skills?
“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it,” he said. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” – LBJ
@85 I’d agree with you on cyclist contributing to paying for roads in some form, personal responsibility – but you know, there isn’t a tax we don’t like!
@88 awe poor puffy doesn’t like that some women will vote with their vaginas. Well some men will vote with their penis. And some bigots will just vote for bigotry.
Is that all you got?
@89 you sure your ancestors weren’t from a zoo?
Wow, who knew? Free speech comes with consequences, and isn’t always free.
Just because this individual spoke his opinion he was fired by the freedom fighting Nazi’s
Priest Says He Was Fired For Tweeting Gay Marriage Support
Personally i don’t really care what ones ancestors or parents did, if they were slaves, owners, abolitionists, heroes or villains or what ever.
What are you doing to be a better person and a better citizen?
@100 I know i’m a broken record, but consider not giving them the satisfaction of descending to their level. It just makes you seem as bad as them. Be better than the bigoted conservatives since nothing you say will ever change them. You cannot shame them by echoing their spirit back at them.
senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit proves once again the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is an historical IDIOT!
Uhhhhh NOPE you DOPE! Read and weep oh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! If the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit could use Google past Sidney Blumenthal the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit would have learned that slavery still existed in the North until 1804.
Here is one of many links senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy knew this. Why didn’t the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit know that? Because early onset senility perhaps? Stooooooooooooooopid as evah is the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Well you know senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, Puddy will cut you a break because rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is as ignorant as you are to black historical facts!
You need to leave those left wrong sites and learn some real facts and history senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy takes what the buttpounder delivers with a grain of salt. Puddy enjoys being called an APE because bananas are excellent for your body! The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla can’t help whom he is because of what the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is!
See ya!
Puddy guesses Al NotSoSharpton’s daughter to the rescue for his $4.5 million tax bill…
Doesn’t anyone find it interesting, that about 1.6% of the population actually owned slaves, but somehow that 1.6% demands..
Doesn’t anyone find it interesting, that about 1.6% of the population actually is gay, butt somehow that 1.6% demands… All of America change it’s marriage laws…
@107. I’m bored so I’ll respond, not that puddy will listen. The civil war and gay rights are both a case where a minority of Americans was denied the rights afforded the majority of Americans. In both cases, American society did have to change to deal with the changes.
IMHO, If you are going to argue that American society shouldn’t have to change to extend constitutional rights to gay Americans, you are a hypocrite if you don’t also argue that American society should not have changed to extend constitutional rights to black Americans.
“No democracy can long survive which does not accept as fundamental to its very existence the recognition of the rights of its minorities.” – FDR
If conservative christians want to follow their bible;
“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to Me” – Matthew 25:40
@108 And marriage equality doesn’t need a war, although I’m sure Republicans would like to have a war over it. But one would be a war fought to free individuals and the other would be a war to fight to keep people from having freedom. Why did we bother to fight WWII when we ultimately are taken over by Nazis?
Oh worser, you are so dense…
It’s the gays who claim they are equal to the civil right movement. Except many blacks in the civil rights movement don’t agree with you!
There you go. Trapped and Slapped at the same time. See how the post worked?
Dense DUMMOCRETINS live here!
And marriage equality doesn’t need a war? Really teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
So what gays did to Brendan Eich wasn’t a financial war? If you donate money to a traditional marriage cause we’re going to hurt you.
So what gays did to Chick-fil-A wasn’t a financial war? If you donate money to a traditional marriage cause we’re going to hurt you.
So what gays did to the Indiana pizza place wasn’t a financial war?
So what gays did to the Portland cake maker wasn’t a financial war?
So what gays did to the Seattle grandmother flower shop owner wasn’t a financial war?
By your terms, was what northerners did to the plantation owners a financial war also?
I agree with you, the fight for equality was less violent for gays than it twas for blacks. Why does that make it invalid? The fight for the vote for women was also less violent than it was for blacks, does that make it invalid in your mind?
@15 et al. – So here’s a guy who’s never proved anything in his life going around shouting at others ‘PROVE IT!”
From the Sunday thread for the answer…
Proving all your BULLSHITTIUM is BULLSHITTIUM all the time!
1) Haiti
2) Meaning of IF
3) Cuyahoga County Ohio
4) Stafford County Virginia
5) Plagiarizing others on “This is How it Works”
6) Cheap Labor Lovers – Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, Bill Gates, Steven Ballmer, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Steven Jobs all have cheap labor overseas and from previous links and posts Puddy demonstrated they are DUMMOCRAPT jockstraps
7) Jock strapping John Edwards – Yeah he was the progressives dream guy. Another NIGHTMARE!
8) Supporting totalitarian editorial boards dictating business decisions to private companies – No problems when the NY Times does it.
9) Screaming about someone subletting space on his editorial page to foreign governments to raise money for his ailing newspaper – No problems when the NY Times does it.
10) Polluting threads with useless, off topic dots
11) Well, hypocrite that I am – Correct for a change.
12) Investing in oil company stocks – It’s a zero sum game.
God originally created men and women equal. Men decided to take their lordship over women. Christianity is the few religions that treat men and women equally. God also created marriage as between a man and a woman!
See ya! AD is on!
Hey rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, your hero is pizzed!
@115. I accept that you are a homophobic bigot and this won’t change your mind. It would not matter to you how logical my arguments were, you will go to your grave wanting to deny rights to gay people unless one of your kids comes out to you or something.
It’s just fun to poke holes in your logic.
America was founded with a separation of church and State. It’s in the Constitution. By the rules set forth in the constitution, gay people are being treated unequally by denying them marriage. That is why, even republican judges who follow the law, are overturning gay marriage bans.
I understand that if this was a theocracy, that you likely have success in your religious case against gay marriage given a couple of bible passages. However if this was a theocracy, the bible also justified slavery and likely black people would not have been freed in the first place.
Ephesians 6:5:Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.
Ephesians 6:9:And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.
Colossians 3:22:Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
Titus 2:9:Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them,
1 Peter 2:18:Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.
Personally, I’m very glad this is not a theocracy since I both want marriage equality AND abolition of slavery.
worser @ above,
Puddy believes in God and His laws and commandments. Hence God create marriage as between a man and woman. Man can try to change God and God’s law but as Jesus said “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”
So as those 3742 Black Pastors stand firm on the Word of God so does Puddy!
Bigotry is your attempt at silencing people who believe in God. That’s what FASCISTS do.
-legalize homosexuality
-promote gay pride parades
-demand non-discrimination laws
-insist on homosexuals’ adoption of children
-push the homosexual agenda in schools
-force “gay marriage” on society
-demand public funding to deal with increased homosexual related social problems
-promote the transgender agenda
-impose a large-scale loss of free speech
-ban counseling for kids confused by homosexual issues
-attack churches
This is what Kirsten Powers book is all about and why left tards are attacking her with the same vitriol you have for conservatives! She outed your kind and y’all don’t like it!
Slavery was the norm back then so Paul was writing the slave owners and slaves to live in harmony under God’s laws. You pollute those thoughts like anything else religious. You can’t comprehend that which you don’t believe or allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to all righteousness!
Sad typical and eventually deadly! The soul that sinneth shall sure die!
Sigh I must congratulate Roger Rabbit on his correct prediction of the jury in the Boston Bombing case in going for the death penalty. Still only on 13 of the 30 charges he was found guilty on.
Still the judge may overrule the jury on some or all. Wouldn’t be surprised if that happens as only three people died in the bombing and they didn’t apply it to the policeman who was killed.
So after sentencing begins the long long long appeals process will begin.
Plenty of time for Roger to begin training so he can administer the penalty. You have a rabbit hole near Terra Haute, Indiana?
A little late, but a member of the 369th Regiment, New York National Guard, will receive the honor he earned during a firefight with the Germans, in World War I.
@118. And THAT laundry list of perceived slights is why we have a separation between church and state. So extremist and destructive religious beliefs can be challenged and if found to be against the constitution, can be mitigated.
This is what oppressed minorities have done for generations to get their rights promised to all as Americans.
@118. puddy, thank you for reiterating your position that you would like to see LGBT people branded as criminals and I guess put in prison camps.
Where does Puddy suggest they be put in prison camps…? Another of your Psych 101 Positions! Yet the religion you all cheer for with their Israel hatred will do that with sha’ria law.
Perceived slights… Above Puddy comment #112 delivered the Gay FASCISM in action… Puddy is really sure the Seattle Grandma Florist will claim “yeah just a perceived slight”. You can’t even be honest here with your agenda worser! Even the solicitor general told the world what the next move would be if SCOTUS approved gay marriage – Attack Churches! At least Obummer’s solicitor general was honest. You ain’t even honest!
Everyone at Drinking Libtards years ago knows where Puddy stands. Just ask the crazed databaze deala. Puddy has many entries on this. Grow some marbuls and ax HAs yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Puddy is a bigot because Puddy believes in God’s Word. That’s why churches have to lose their tax status so FASCISM can rule the day!
Following the word of God is an extremist position per the FASCISTS. That’s why religion has to go!
Following the word of God is an destructive position per the FASCISTS. That’s why religion has to go!
FASCISM rules! The pure and true word of God must be replaced with FASCISM per worser! Those are your own words back at you worser!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Yeah, about that free exercise of religion… It only is “approved” unless of course a specific 1.6% group of people claims FASCISM and makes the life of Christians a living hell because, hey, we perceive a slight because God’s law handed down from Creation doesn’t agree with our agenda.
If you are a Christian well, sorry that free exercise of religion… Bye bye. If you are a Muslim and that free exercise of religion… No problem we won’t force you to make that gay wedding cake… Michigan video Puddy already published. Gays don’t want to force that issue… Only on Christians! Hence we must replace God’s law with man’s law because, hey, we know we are better than God!
@125 If a bigoted baker can refuse to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, then why can’t he also refuse to sell a wedding cake to a black couple? The thing is, our laws don’t prohibit bigotry; you can still be a bigot if you want to. These laws merely regulate commerce. Market capitalism functions best when everyone can participate in markets.
@123 “Puddy is a bigot because Puddy believes in God’s Word.”
Wrong! Puddy is a bigot because Puddy is a bigot. A person is either a bigot or they’re not. That’s a personal choice. Religion has nothing to do with it, other than some people (you, for instance) use religion as an excuse and cover for being a bigot. Bigotry is a character flaw, not a religious belief.
@123 You advocate making homosexuality criminal, and criminals go to prison
@124. Now who is projecting
@123 Instead of ranting about how “everyone knows where Puddy stands on this,” wouldn’t it be easier, quicker, and use fewer words to just say where you stand on this?
I need to adjust this quote to fit puddy’s situation.
“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it,” he said. “If you can convince the lowest black man he’s better than the best gay man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give puddy somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” – LBJ (modified)
I feel sorry for puddy, I really do.
“That’s what FASCISTS do.
-legalize homosexuality
-promote gay pride parades
-demand non-discrimination laws
-insist on homosexuals’ adoption of children
-push the homosexual agenda in schools
-force “gay marriage” on society
-demand public funding to deal with increased homosexual related social problems
-promote the transgender agenda
-impose a large-scale loss of free speech
-ban counseling for kids confused by homosexual issues
-attack churches”
Actually, what real fascists did was to persecute LGBT, with Italy exiling gays and Germany arresting over a 100,000, imprisoning half, and sending up to 15,000 to concentration camps where most were likely exterminated or worked to death.
Oh, there are fascists, alright. We have one who comes here to these threads draped in American flag pins and holding a cross, filled with hate from morning to night. Telling the world that he comes here in the name of Christ, each day we see him defile and pervert the teachings, the pure and true words of the Prince of Peace with his constant stream eliminationist rhetoric typed in CAPS.
“The pure and true word of God must be replaced with FASCISM per worser! ”
Puddy, his vile form of Christo-Fascism, and his inability to stop projecting his shit onto others. It’s a Psych 101 thing, of course, but it’s also truly fucking disgusting to see where his mind is really at.
@126, 127. Great posts rabbit. Bigotry is a character flaw. I have good friends who are strong Christians and I admire them. They live their values of love and tolerance, like Jesus talked about in the bible. Bigotry and hate are not values they promote.
More non sequitur BULLSHITTIUM from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@125 If a bigoted baker can refuse to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, then why can’t he also refuse to sell a wedding cake to a black couple? The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit continues to ask this question which even national DUMMOCRETINS stopped asking because the answer is self-evident. Refer to the Internet senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
5 If a bigoted baker can refuse to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, then why can’t he also refuse to sell a wedding cake to a black couple?
Why does the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit not have any issue with the Michigan Muslim baker refusing to sell a cake for a gay wedding?
Watch… there will be crickets chirping!
Wrong! Puddy is NOT a bigot because Puddy believes in the Bible. Religion has everything to do with it senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It’s y’all whom HATE GOD and HIS SON JESUS are the 1.6% bigots here and their progressive acolytes. When you point a finger at Puddy three point back at your FASCIST bigotry! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Contrary to the continual BULLSHITTIUM you love to spew senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit and the worsers and are champing at every smelly BULLSHITTIUM pellet you leave, here are the FACTS on gay FASCISM!
Thanks for proving Puddy right worser!
“The legalization of same-sex marriage would represent the triumph of an egalitarian-based ethic over a faith-based one, and not just legally. The remaining question is whether champions of tolerance are prepared to tolerate proponents of a different ethical vision. I think the answer will be no.” – Marc D. Stern of the American Jewish Congress Page 57 of this book… Same Sex Marriage Religious Liberty Conflicts with Amazon ID = 1431972153 You libtards should read it! Butt there is more…
Puddy has written about Verrilli’s comments before. Grow some marbuls and ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch to replay the crazed databaze!
“Would a religious school that has married housing be required to afford such housing to same-sex couples?” – SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts
“That is going to depend on how the states work out the balance between their civil rights laws, whether they decide there’s going to be civil rights enforcement of discrimination based on sexual orientation or not, and how they decide what kinds of accommodations they are going to allow under State law.” “… different states could strike different balances.” – Solicitor General Donald Verrilli
Soooooooooooooo… from Verrilli’s comments above, the rights of any registered religious school to operate on the basis of t sponsoring churches and the congregations religious faith will survive only as an “accommodation” on a state by state basis! Get that FASCISTS! So when the federal government passes its own legislation, with whatever “accommodation” might be will have to be included in that new future law. See how this works anti religious BIGOTS!
Then it gets waaaaaaaaaaay more specific… “would the same apply to a university or a college if it opposed same-sex marriage?” – SCOTUS Associate Justice Alito.
“You know, I … I don’t think I can answer that question without knowing more specifics, but it’s certainly going to be an issue. I … I don’t deny that. I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is, it is going to be an issue.” – Solicitor General Donald Verrilli
Soooooooooooo there you have it FASCIST BIGOTS! This is why religion has to go. It’s the last bastion of conservative thought that inhibits 1.6% gays from winning the day!
“Many organizations attract members with their commitment to certain fundamental matters of faith or morals, including a rejection of same-sex marriage or homosexuality. It is rather artificial to tell such groups that they can condemn homosexuality as long as they are willing to hire homosexuals as a part of that mission. It is equally disingenuous to suggest that denial of such things as tax exemption does not constitute a content-based punishment for religious views.” Libtard CNN blowhard lawyer Jonathan Turley in 2005.
So we’ll soon view how tolerant the FASCISTS gays will be who screamed tolerance for same-sex marriage will be!
Stupid Solution Steve’s latest BULLSHITTIUM…
Libtards whom loved Hitler and Mussolini: H. G. Wells, Wallace Stevens, Charles Beard, Lincoln Steffens, Samuel McClure, Will Rogers, Ida Tarbell, NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois, Rexford Guy Tugwell, George Soule, George Bernard Shaw
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions” – Adolf Hitler May 1, 1927.
Four major platform policies espoused by those Socialists… Sounds just like Elizabeth Warren! Maybe Kshama Sawant now in Seattle!
– “We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts)”
– “We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries”
– “We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare”
– “For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in the Reich. Unlimited authority of the central parliament over the whole Reich and its organizations in general”
Each of those you can here from the mouth of Elizabeth Warren! Libtards are always for more big government just like the Nazis were.
The Nazi Party had government-controlled capitalism, just like Elizabeth Warren claimed “You didn’t build that”! This is a big time form of socialism and essentially the exact opposite of free market capitalism which conservatives espouse!
Remember how the vomit producer loves to claim he visits Stormfront and accuses Puddy of being just like them… Well first off, how does the vomit producer know this? Second off, why does the vomit producer skip over this link? They claim the Nazis were left wing. So if the White Nationalists on their most popular web site forum that the vomit producer loves to visit claim they are leftists, what more does Puddy need to claim? In fact most of these are just like the vomit producer… – Are you an atheist? Answer – Yes. I’m an Atheist and an adherent to the Darwinian-Galtonian school of evolutionary thought. Most HA DUMMOCRETINS are Darwinian Atheists and some are Galtonian!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stupid Solution Steve loves his libtard socialist buddies, The Nazi Party and their FASCIST persecution of gays!
FACTS are FACTS and Puddy is not the LIV like most HA DUMMOCRETINS are!
Stupid Solution Steve, his vile form of Nazi Socialistic Fascism, and his inability to stop projecting his BULLSHITTIUM onto others still gives the vomit producer a pass on his “niggers” because in reality they are “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Yet, Stupid Solution Steve is a moronic moral monstrosity on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddy and Adolph – two kindred spirits. Both get off on mass extermination of gays. One big difference, though. One was a fascist and damned proud of it. The other is a fascist, too, but he’s too big a fucking coward to ever admit it.
@135. I’m sure the plantation system of the Antebellum South felt threatened too.
Stupid Solution Steve… agrees with the vomit producer… blacks are just “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Stupid Solution Steve deep down is a racist too, but he’s too big a fucking coward to ever admit it.
Thanks for playing Stupid Solution Steve!
Oh boy worser @139,
That’s the best you can do with those FACTS from the Obummer sadministration?
Tsk tsk tsk!
the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…forgot Prescott Bush, the famous nazi financier.
Yeah, we ALL miss Mister “peeance and freeance.