Slate: What is Bastille Day?
Mental Floss: Why do things taste bad after brushing one’s teeth?
Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Surveillance State:
- Thom: Phone surveillance ruled illegal by appeals court
- José Díaz-Balart: NSA program is judged illegal
- Chris Hayes: Illegal!
- Sam Seder: NSA bulk collection is ruled illegal
- Young Turks: Court rules (one type of) NSA spying is illegal.
Minute Physics: How to subtract by adding.
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Obama marks 70th anniversary of WWII end:
Jon on Deflate-gate.
Haters Attack a Hate Group:
- Mark Fiore: Pam Geller’s Islamification
- Young Turks: Pam Geller compares herself to Rosa Parks!?!
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Anti-Muslim activist nut wanted violence in Texas
- Jon explains when it is okay to shoot people who’ve offended you
- Matt Binder: Shooting at “Draw Muhammad” event in Texas
- Young Turks: How Texas Cartoon Contest and Charlie Hebdo are significantly different
Reid on the “unconscionable” backlog of judicial nominees.
Slate: A brief history of Godzilla.
Senate Historian: How TV changed the Senate.
Ann Telnaes: What’s a “rough ride”?.
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- Young Turks: Neurosurgeon-turned-FAUX-News-loon joins the Presidential clown parade.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Scott Walker is the Koch brother’s Manchurian Candidate
- Jon: Let’s play “get rid of Ted Cruz.”
- Young Turks: Is this job-slashing ex-CEO the anti-Hillary the GOP’s been praying for?
- David Pakman: Ex-CEO who laid off thousands and left with $21 million, is running for President
- Sam Seder: Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina…what is Canadian Ted Cruz to do?
- Maddow: GOP overwhelmed with 2016 candidates for president
- Young Turks: Huckabee is in!
- The Daily Show looks at the legend of ‘El Jebe’
- Young Turks: Jeb Bush…adios amigo
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Jeb Bush’s incredibly sleazy PAC strategy
Mental Floss: 20 facts about the Muppets.
David Pakman: School without sex ed has chlamydia outbreak.
White House: West Wing Week.
Sam Seder: Mitt Romney doesn’t know what “mass incarceration” is.
Jade Helm 15 and Other Conspiracies from the Lunatic Right:
- Sam Seder: The Pentagon addresses Jade Helm 9
- Young Turks: Chuck Norris fears United States may invade Texas
- Maddow: Fearful Texas GOP base amuses nation with conspiracy panic
- Thom: GOP crazy new conspiracy theories
- James Rustad: “Barack Obama Is Invading Texas” (Jade Helm 15 song):
- Sam Seder: Alex Jones and Michael Savage team up for insane Obama conspiracy
Stop! Or the entire state of Texas will shoot.
David Pakman: Cop accidentally shoots his mother in church…at a wedding.
Money and Politics:
- Maddow: Money in Politics is out of control
- Thom: Why Tennessee Republicans are “aggravated” by the Koch Brothers
- Sam Seder: Corruption is here to stay as FEC throws in the towel
- Jon on FAUX News hypocrisy over campaign finance
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about English.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I wonder if Gellar has been to Calgary. Surprised it’s mayor has been under the Islamaphobes radar.
Everyone loves what you guys are up too. This kind of clever work and reporting!
Keep up the superb works guys I’ve you guys to our blogroll.
George Bush; “God made me do it”
Isn’t that the same justification that Henry the 8th used?
Oh, and Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Henry Jackson, Torquemada etc.
I mean, the outright butchery of nearly 150,000 people, the destruction of a somewhat stable regional economy, schools, hospitals, roads, power generation and distribution systems and half a million American soldiers run through a meat grinder just for his vanity. All that in an attempt to ensconce his place in history because without that, he had nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
The Legislative Branch, telling the Executive Branch, that the Judicial Branch has no authority to investigate the Legislative Branch for insider trading of stocks and bonds.
The balls on these people.
State Sen. Norman H. McAllister (R)-Franklin, Vermont:
“Fuck me and my farmhands, and I’ll cut you a break on the rent.”
Goat farmer.
5)Vermont is an interesting state, but I would rather it’s state legislature be in the news for something good, though, like the fact it has three parties. The indicted lawmaker, if he does not resign, the voters can do it next year, as Vermont only elects state senators to two year terms.
On Tuesday, I flipped by the tune in feed for CBC Radio One in Edmonton, to see how quickly they would call it for the Progressive Conservative party, as it usually is over pretty quickly. As the media has reported on both sides of the 49th Parallel, it turned out differently. Here is the full audio of it.
It was a very short election season unlike ours, that are long, and drawn out.
Surveillance State: – Brought to you by that “two term president Obummer”. Done way more to surveil Real Americans that GW Bush eve did or contemplated!
Yes Obummer surely did transform America – into a police state. There is one thing to stop “some” police brutality. It’s something else to federalize police departments across America!
Oh vomit producer @4,
How you demonstrate with other here 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady…
Or the two times Clinton tried to use executive privilege
– Monica Lewinsky blow job… Only Clinton thought it was his privilege to get a hummer in the oral orifice
– Hillary’s dealings with whitey house staff and those “firings”
Speaking of the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit hero Sidney Blumental Puddy found this again: “Clinton invoked both executive privilege and attorney-client privilege to prevent Starr from asking deputy counsel Bruce R. Lindsey, communications adviser Sidney Blumenthal and other top officials about conversations regarding the Lewinsky case. According to the lawyers, Johnson also dismissed the attorney-client privilege claim on the grounds that Clinton could not use government-paid White House lawyers to aid his defense in a criminal probe.”
Yet Obummer will sic Obummer attack FBI dogs on innocent reporters doing their job…
You see vomit producer, you will never approach Puddy depth of reading materials! You live exclusively on left wrong libtard sites. Puddy visits everything!
It sux when you can only deliver three links!
Money and Politics: – Clinton wants to raise $2.5 Billion of unaccountable money from her wall street friends and son in law. Then change the laws to remove unaccountable money from campaign financing…
DUMMOCRETINS are pizzed that people can give as much as their union thug buddies give to DUMMOCRETINS leveling out the playing field. So Goldy, are you convincing your benefactor to give to meet Hillary this month? Since she won’t give press interviews maybe you can determine where those emails really went!
Somehow these FACTS never make it anywhere on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
These two guys are more normal and have more class than many hetero’s. Get your act together.
Gay Couple Opens Up About Groundbreaking Dodgers Kiss Cam Moment
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Scott Walker is the Koch brother’s Manchurian Candidate – Really?
Didn’t rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears deliver links where rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears claimed the Koch Brothers basically rejected Scott Walker?
So which of you are lying here? Da Perfessa or rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Maddow: GOP overwhelmed with 2016 candidates for president
Rachel MadCow wouldn’t know facts if they slapped her side her face. The Republican Party has many facets and ideas. The DUMMOCRETIN Party is monolithic, lacking new ideas, reads Saul Alinsky’s playbook each day, and is the party of the rich!
Need Puddy say more?
It’s amazing how the libtard led NYPD – Thabo Sefolosha incident has disappeared from the libtard news radar. Nuthin new since April 17, 2015. Puddy would have thought since rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears was so quick to deliver it to all HA DUMMOCRETINS and failed to make his puny thought on libtard led NYC police brutality; rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears would be following this story closely! Apparently the facts of libtard police attacks scared rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears away!
Jade Helm 9 or Jade Helm 15?
Jade Helm 15 and Other Conspiracies
Sam Seder: The Pentagon addresses Jade Helm 9
James Rustad: “Barack Obama Is Invading Texas” (Jade Helm 15 song):
Which is it libtards? These two fourth tier toilet dwellers can’t even occupy the same page being six apart! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
FACTS are an anathema to libtards!
Young Turks: Pam Geller compares herself to Rosa Parks!?!
Gays compare their “struggle” to the real black struggle every day!
Have gays been:
Fire hosed by police?
Had dogs set upon them by police?
Shot at by police and the DUMMOCRETIN friends?
@13 that is the funniest thing in the world. The Ape is now a comedian.
“Carson started out saying if you “change the definition of marriage for one group, what do you say to the next group?”
“What is the next group?” Harwood interjected.
“Do you say, ‘well we changed it for this group but that’s it, we’re not changing it for anybody else?” Carson asked. “Does that seem fair?”
“Well, but what other groups are there?” Harwood asked.
“There are more groups, I guarantee,” Carson said. “I think you know there are more groups. Everybody knows there are more groups.”
“Honest to God, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Harwood said.
“Other variations on traditional marriage. You don’t think there’s any others?” Carson asked.
“You mean like bigamy or something?” Harwood asked.
“That’s a possibility, that’s a possibility,” Carson said. “Why would you stop with one group being able to change it and then say to the next group ‘you can’t change it’?””
Why do I get the impression that Ben Carson got his logic patterns out of a Joseph Heller novel or a Fellini movie?
Hmmm… This was skipped by Da Perfessa…
Couldn’t fund it? You mean Stephanie Rawlings-Blake couldn’t find 200K for a working police program?
Oh yeah, if it ain’t left wrong or libtard or a third or fourth tier toilet is misses scrutiny…
@ 20
Yeah, as long as it’s only black folks being shot in the back or beaten to death, why should you care?
Just two months ago Baltimore was a model police agency – Obummer…
FACTS… Just the PuddyFacts ma’am!
Like the vomit producer actually cares about black people when the vomit producer calls them niggers, uneducated, disrespectful and unmotivated. Yes you really care for them!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance!
American Exceptional-ism. Thanks to Republicans who like nothing more for our trains to go 80mph, if that.
Yeah, from the guy who hates America. Maybe he was scoping out all the states, so that he could take them over.
According to Puffy, this is Fascism.
Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk.
“State Sen. Norman H. McAllister (R)-Franklin, Vermont…Goat farmer”
Today’s Republican. All trails lead to goats.
White police officers pull over black parole officers.
How often does this have to happen before enough white people realize it’s a real thing?
@10 “Money and Politics: – Clinton wants to raise $2.5 Billion of unaccountable money from her wall street friends and son in law.”
No such problem on the GOP side; everyone knows the names of the two brothers planning to buy themselves a government.
@16 “Young Turks: Pam Geller compares herself to Rosa Parks!?!”
That’s like GWB comparing himself to FDR.
@29 Oh, they do that to everyone nowadays; America’s cops are totally out of control. That’s how people behave when they aren’t answerable to anyone.
@29 republicans don’t believe in anything real. It’s all about fake shit to them. Good luck.
White police officers pull over black parole officers. _ Yes that’s sad.
Greater than 60% they were DUMMOCRETIN based on election results!
Studies have found that conservatives tend to be much more unable to imagine, to have empathy for others. Until it effects them, like being against gay marriage until their kid comes out, they cannot imagine a different point of view. IMHO, until the extremist cops start harassing conservative white people the same, conservatives won’t believe it happens. (Jade Helm 15 doesn’t count)
@23 “Like the vomit producer actually cares about black people …”
You don’t, so why should he? (Although he does … )
U mean Hillary comparing herself to Eleanor Roosevelt?
(Although he does … )
Prove it senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy’s commentary over the years explodes your BULLSHITTIUM!
Wait for something stooooooooooopid!
Seattle voters are LIVs.
Well this is what will happen more and more in Baltimore…
Here is another senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit funny!
Remember when the clueless early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit claimed Delaware State University Frat members were probably NRA members?
Noooooooooooooooooooo? Well Puddy has the link…
Please ask for it senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit like the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla asked for the Airbnb link!
Hmmm… seems the UK polls were so wrong that they are calling for an investigation!
So how DUMMOCRETIN biased will the polls be for 2016? Well we already saw the NY Slimes – C BS poll with oversampling of DUMMOCRETINS!
Hmmm… seems the UK polls were so wrong that they are calling for an investigation!
So how DUMMOCRETIN biased will the polls be for 2016? Well we already saw the NY Slimes – C BS poll with oversampling of DUMMOCRETINS!
So how do you know a DUMMOCRETIN is lying? Their mouth moves in a Congressional Hearing…
Soooooooooooooo, James Clapper knew the question was coming 24 hours in advance before his “testimony”, but his idiot lawyer claimed “he was hit unaware” by it? Does James Clapper have early onset Alzheimer’s like HA’s senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Or is it the change DUMMOCRETINS believe in with no hope ever for the truth?
Hey DUMMOCRETINS… Please follow this libtard’s prescription for America!
Happy Mother’s Day to the muthas who cruise HA!
This is what HA DUMMOCRETINS wanted and now it starts… The perps look like peeps rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears or Stupid Solution Steve would call their friends.
Three mothers who are crying their eyes out today and it doesn’t phase HA DUMMOCRETINS at all!
Where is Al Sharpton’s outrage? Jesse Jackson’s outrage? Elijah Cummings outrage?
“So I backed up. That’s when we noticed the officer was down. We just saw that one, but in the course of me being on the phone with 9-1-1, I turned and I saw another officer across the street rolling on the ground. (Roberts) ran across the street to check on him. He wasn’t all the way alert but he asked her, ‘Am I dying? I know I’m dying. Just hand me my walkie-talkie.'”
The Crazies.
@36 Puffy abandoned the Black people the minute he thought he would become rich.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas
Yes Puddy…so where are Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson on this one?
2 Black Murderers of 2 cops (one Black & one White)
I can hear these Race Baiters squealing that these “young men” weren’t racist cuz they killed one of each. So it’s ok!!! There silence is deafening.
@ 50
SpittlePuddles is a black man who supports slavery.
@38 No, you prove he doesn’t.
Actually Puddy impresses me as the type of person who supports personal responsibility and accountability. He sees thru the Leftist Smokescreen which is true slavery….slavery to being victims. Praise God for men like Puddy.
@48 A felon in possession of a gun and riding in a stolen car shoots cops during a traffic stop. What do you aim to conflate this into? Anyone who kills a cop in Mississippi is either very stupid or has a death wish, because that state executes cop killers, it’s not more complicated than that.
I’m voting for “very stupid” in this case, because it takes a world-class moron to shoot a cop and then use a police car as the getaway vehicle.
@55 Thanks. We all can use a laugh. Puddy’s mental prognosis is becoming more grim every day.
Oh lookee who’s sucking on the public teat now!
“’Of the whole McCleary debate, the biggest issue is compensation,’ said Chris Vance, who once chaired the state Republican Party and now works part-time for the state’s education department.”
According to this website, he made $26,140 in 2013, for part-time work.
Here’s an interesting angle on “legalized” marijuana: Pot growers can’t deduct business expenses and owe federal income taxes on their gross revenues.
The reality is that marijuana remains illegal in all 50 states for both medical and recreational use. The federal government has issued a “Memorandum of Understanding” that says it won’t prosecute people for growing, selling, or using marijuana in states that have legalized it, provided they comply with certain conditions. But this MOU does NOT legalize marijuana and is NOT a reliable guarantee against federal prosecution in the future, for example, if we get a new White House administration that is hostile to the current policy. Marijuana is still a banned Class 1 substance under federal law. Just thought you might like to know.
@59. It’s never wrong if a republican does it
@38 No, you prove he doesn’t. Already did senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Seems you forgot what Puddy wrote above. Not only early onset senility has occurred but 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady. From the post above here’s how they are described: “the vomit producer calls them niggers, uneducated, disrespectful and unmotivated.”
So now you prove he does senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Sux to be you! Puddy has more comments from the vomit producer! He’s a real HA DUMMOCRETIN!
stop your f***ing whining @52
They really won’t address the mess they have reaped! Why police black neighborhoods now?
Puddy uses Washington State Employee Salary Database and was castigated by rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears. The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit uses the same database and is cheered!
Typical DUMMOCRETIN thought processes!
Obummer has their backs? Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Yes, the change DUMMOCRETINS cheer because there is no hope anything gets done!
Senator Johnson, Obummer is not interested! They are the JV!
This freakazoid conveys the same thoughts of HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Must muzzle Pam Geller!
What else is new? DUMMOCRETIN news peeps always ask strange questions to Republicans while lobbing softballs to DUMMOCRETINS!
Typical and nauseating with the standard DUMMOCRETIN racial stereotypes!!!!!
Lol@ 69,
Quoting a rather outspoken white supremacist to support your own position.
Wow even libtard wimens whom hate conservative women on Meet The Depressed are now misogynists! Hillary lost the 2008 primary and Obummer never ran anything. If Fiorina was a libtard woman who was removed by a male board of directors she’d be apoplectic! Female Misogynist DUMMOCRETINS – They think conservative women should stay in the kitchen!
Wow Dana Perino caused Stenk Weegur’s head to explode!
Obummer’s new TPP trade agreement would let foreign companies challenge American laws outside of American courts. Five libtard legal minds: Joseph Stiglitz, Larry Tribe, Judith Resnik, Cruz Reynoso, and H. Lee Sarokin also disagree with Obummer!
Hillary and Elizabeth Warren are against it! Where do HA DUMMOCRETINS stand?
Poland is holding national elections today.
Here’s an interesting tidbit:
Charles Crawford @CharlesCrawford
In a mere 780 weeks #Poland #SLD centre-left party has gone from 50% of popular vote to 2.4%!!
Beware, @UKLabour – your days numbered too?
Clearly nowhere near as bad as soliciting sex in lieu of rent, but:
A Detroit Police Department source tells Local 4 that officials are investigating a shooting at Michigan senator Virgil Smith’s home in Detroit.
The source says Smith got into an argument with his girlfriend and fired several shots with a shotgun, hitting her 2015 Mercedes Benz. It happened in the 18000 block of Wexford Avenue in Detroit.
The Domestic Violence division is handling the investigation, which began Sunday morning, the source says.
The article makes you play Name That Party, but the perp’s a Detroit politician. ’nuff said.
Maybe YLB can give him some advice on how to make other people pay your way.
BBC News (UK)Verified account
Galloway to challenge election result
@76 At least he had enough sense to shoot the car instead of her, which he probably gave her in the first place, so yeah, he’s probably a Democrat.
Meanwhile, a Republican presidential candidate went on teevee today to defend getting paid for selling quack diabetes cures.
What’s Madisonian for “Burn This Bitch Down!”?
Don’t know if this is already posted but DailyKos referenced Horses Ass.
@ 79
Meanwhile, a Republican presidential candidate went on teevee today to defend getting paid for selling quack diabetes cures.
Meanwhile, a Democrat presidential candidate is continuing to avoid teevee and all other media so as not to defend her husband getting paid for the sale of US foreign policy.
Haters Attack a Hate Group:
So are you HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards Islamophobic? Or are you Homophobic?
If you attack Pamela Geller for her anti-Islam stance then you are homophobic. Islam kills gays and bans, nooooo forbids gay marriage! You agree with radical imams who call for Geller’s death for holding a drawing in their sha’ria law! Butt they have the same penalty for gay activities in their sha’ria law.
If you attack radical jihadist Islam as Pam Geller does then are you Islamophobic?
That’s what the NY Slimes claims!
That’s what Marc Lamont Hill claims!
That’s what Rukmini Callimachi claims!
That’s what Chris Matthews claims!
That’s what Evan Kohlmann claims!
That’s what Chris Cuomo claims!
That’s what Mark Potok claims!
All these peeps are for gay marriage!
And Da Perfessa’s fourth tier toilets all claim that:
Mark Fiore
Young Turks
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter
Matt Binder
@76 how about play name that sexual orientation?
@78 Carrie underwood can sing about being violent, and right wingers love it, but then someone actual carries thru and thorny they are opposed, if it’s not one of their own
You are radical Islam, just a different name.
Remember this in Dearborn, Michigan… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....eries.html A guy pretended to be preparing for his gay wedding, recorded a Muslim baker turning down his request for a wedding cake. Pretty funny video actually… Watch it teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and worser. The left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN ABSOLUTELY refused to cover the story. Anybody surprised? Islamophobia perhaps?
Now…if you’re a Christian pizza maker in small town Indiana…well…THAT’S different. Wall to wall coverage on all the Big Networks.
Now… if you are a Christian baker couple in Portland… THAT’S different. Wall to wall coverage on all the Big Networks.
Now… if you are a Christian grandmother florist in Seattle… THAT’S different. Wall to wall coverage on all the Big Networks.
See how that works!
You are radical Islam, just a different name.
Prove it!
Klownservatics believe in lies and deception. Thanks little low life Scotty Walker for yet another confirmation of this too obvious
Puddy has another question for teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and worser…
What would y’all be saying if radical jihadist Muslims attacked a gay pride march, say PrideFest 2015 happening on Sunday, June 28 2015 at the Seattle Center?
Would the left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm claim the gays “provoked” them and that is why they were attacked?
The excuses and recriminations would be voluminous!
This is why Puddy calls the libtard mind diseased!
@80 Tips some cows at a dairy farm on the outskirts of town.
@83 Geller can say whatever she wants about Islam. This is, after all, America; we have free speech here. If Islamic crazies shoot her, that’s a law enforcement matter. One thing needs to be made clear, though: The ISIS crowd and their ilk aren’t leftists; they’re the Muslim world’s version of rightwing fundies, roughly equivalent to the fundie Christianists who go around calling for stoning gays. Islamic fundies are for stoning gays, too. In fact, those two mobs have more in common than they realize. Different religions; same intolerant, bigoted, ultraconservative, and murderous mindset. We should drop them all on a deserted island and let them go at it with each other.
@52 whiner why don’t you ask puffy to explain to you why blacks can’t be rascists?
Juan Williams: Because she engaged in gratuitous offensive behavior that led to the deaths of two people. – The strange mind of libtards!
Yeah police just shot the two up for no reason! Two dark skin peeps packing big time heat gunned down!
@87 why you asking me. Maybe because one was a scam and the others are real? How the fuck should I know.
Funny how you want to justify evil by proclaiming you and your ill are the lesser of two evils.
Maybe you should care more about the deteriorating traditional family without blaming the gays for it. Like a alcoholic, denial will get you no where.
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @93,
U really R a moron!
MSNBC pundit and professor Michael Eric Dyson, has continually argued that it is impossible for black people to be racist.
@90 don’t know, can’t speak for everyone, I’m sure it wouldn’t go over to well. And not sure why you would even care, not like you would actually care.
@95 and you’ve used that in irony to your advantage, by saying you aren’t one because liberals say you can’t be one.
So for the record, say that yes you as a black person can be a racist. Go on, tell the whiner. I’will not be waiting. I already know you are a racist and bigot.
How is what Puddy suggests in# 87 is evil except in your puny mind?
That’s your dilemma!
There you go again @97!
That’s your dilemma! The libtard mind is very confused!
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla wants to say that yes you as a black person can be a racist.
Then Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are racists! Then the libtard blacks held up as heroes are all racists per teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
That’s your dilemma! The libtard mind is very confused!
No dilemma. It’s your ignorance and bigotry. The word nigger is your dilemma.
So they are all niggers eh teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Wow! You, headless lucy and the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit’s great buddy the vomit producer express what libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS think of libtard blacks.
Waytogo libtardo! So those three charged with killing those two Hattiesburg MS cops Saturday are niggers.
Thanks for playing! The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! The real teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla has finally come forth on this blog! Well it’s the fifth time you’ve called blacks “niggers” on this blog teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla.
Puddy is sure Al Sharpton would appreciate being called a nigger by a DUMMOCRETIN!
Puddy is sure Jesse Jackson would appreciate being called a nigger by a DUMMOCRETIN!
Puddy is sure Michael Eric Dyson would appreciate being called a nigger by a DUMMOCRETIN!
You are .Disgusting. Your thoughts are .Typical. DUMMOCRETINS should be .Sad. Butt, they never are when one of their own displays what Puddy always claims; they are really racists inside!
those are your words not mine, you are calling Sharpton and etc. the n word. I’ve called no one the n word, except for saying the word itself as a word.
I’ve learned well enough not to point that word at people as the many republican friends that I have, have done.
As far as what the cop killers are, ask the whiner.
Freedom of speech, remember!
Puddy is curious why HA’s defender of blackness, rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, is silent on vomit producer and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and their racism? Must be he personally condones their thoughts and writing activities!
Oh no teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! When you wrote this “So for the record, say that yes you as a black person can be a racist.” – it perfectly explains what you think deep down inside… Blacks can be racist. Since Puddy plays with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson’s expressed feelings, along with Michael Eric Dyson’s treatise on racism, you wrote that sentence, not Puddy.
Sux to be the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! You can’t run from what you previously wrote. Be proud you call these black men racists! That’s what you really think! No Freudian slip here!
Freedom of speech, remember!
So if Puddy decides to call you derogatory “gay” names… Freedom of speech, right teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Let’s see… Oh yeah there are many of them…
@110 You’re allowed to spam the comment threads of this blog with unlimited “free speech,”* so what are you complaining about?
* In your case, a fancy euphemism for incoherent babbling
@109 I’m running form anything….trying to have a conversation with you is like having one with a mental patient.
Not sure what your point is in saying what I said. Those were my word…..but whats your point? Nothing racist about what I said.
I am asking you to explain yourself about you being a racist, but you have trouble, like an alcholic, admiting to it.
Comparing a teetotaler to an alcoholic… HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Nope… Puddy points out the confusion of the libtard mind. Since you are a libtard and libtards claim blacks can’t be racists, all have have is to throw out the nigger epithet.
That’s all you have left. And you claim Puddy is the mental patient here. Wrong again libtard!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@110 – for the record you big Ape. No not acceptable…that is exactly the point I am trying to make, sorry you don’t get my style of writing, like being the devils advocate, you know because I’m the devil (get it sarcasm).
My point to you is that – you like to generalize all people of Islam are radicals, and killers and you defend people who incite violence by demeaning all Islamist. You do the same with gay people. You try to convince everyon that your feelings toward gays are acceptable because you views aren’t as sinister as the even more radical than you. All in the name of Religious Freedom and Freedom of Speech.
But for some reason you don’t think if someone believes in the use of the N word, or comes to the conclusion that blacks are more violent or less responsible, or whatever, then they are racists and not expressing their free speech.
So I am merely pointing out, you as a hypocrite, and many others who want to defend someone who incites violence towards a group of individuals, such as muslime, and claim that it is acceptable as freedom of speech. It might be freedom of speech, but it sure isn’t acceptable.
So if you do find it acceptable, then why can’t someone utter the N word as freedom of speech…..again, you see, it’s not that I’d advocate for it, but I am making a point. Which you are a hypocrite and fake fucking christian (or whatever faith you think you are). Go fuck yourself asshole.
@113 there you go agian – like the saying of ronald the fuck dumbfuck.
Twist what I say, no I’m not comparing tolerance with alcholism.
I amd merely stating that like an alcholic, you have to admit it first as the first step…..get fuckface!
You are a waste of time.
@113 your claim that liberals claim black people can’t be racist is just based on horeshit…but you keep going with it.
Ask Whiner and Boob if the they think that is true.
Again, you are a waste of time, and a waste of a human being.
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla farted…
– My point to you is that – you like to generalize all people of Islam are radicals, and killers and you defend people who incite violence by demeaning all Islamist.
Got Proof?
– You do the same with gay people. You try to convince everyon[e] that your feelings toward gays are acceptable because you views aren’t as sinister as the even more radical than you. All in the name of Religious Freedom and Freedom of Speech.
Got Proof?
Puddy is on record, REPEAT, on record at two different Drunken Libtards where Puddy said loud and clear that Puddy doesn’t care what gays do in their own home, in the office bathroom, etc. as long as it isn’t in public display where children are affected. Puddy said loud and clear that those Gay Pride parades need to be controlled because young children didn’t need to see adult genitals on display. Wanna see those pictures again? Or grow some marbuls and ask the crazed databaze deala! The yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch has come thru before for libtards. Go on and grow some marbuls.
Puddy believes in heterosexual marriage, an institution since Adam and Eve. And since you claim Puddy is an Islamophobe, then you must agree with Islam and their tenets of NO gay marriage and NO gay sex! Glad to know you are a sha’ria law adherent!
– But for some reason you don’t think if someone believes in the use of the N word, or comes to the conclusion that <blacks are more violent or less responsible, or whatever, then they are racists and not expressing their free speech.
Well well well… the crux of the argument. The reason you come to this conclusion is what again? Those who burn who loot, who main, who rape, and who destroy in riots are blacks? Well are they black who do this at May Day "celebrations"?
See how stoooooooooooopid your commentary is? NOPE, you really are to stoooooooooooopid to see that!
– So I am merely pointing out, you as a hypocrite, and many others who want to defend someone who incites violence towards a group of individuals, such as muslime, and claim that it is acceptable as freedom of speech. It might be freedom of speech, but it sure isn’t acceptable.
No hypocrite here. Where did Pam Geller incite violence? It wasn't an event that wasn't publicly touted, in a closed environment and you had to be invited. Unlike Charlie Hebdo, this was a private event. Did Pam go on all the libtard shows and invite the media in?
Acceptable to whom? You, teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? HAHAHAHAHAHA! These same black libtards get real upset when you use the word nigger. You can't understand the difference!
Arguing with the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is like screaming at a brick wall. All you hear are you own generated echos!
You own words back at you… Go fuck yourself asshole. Such FASCISM at work!
@113 your claim that liberals claim black people can’t be racist is just based on horeshit…but you keep going with it.
Wow you really are a moron. Dr Michael Eric Dyson has been used on this blog for some time by multiple peeps. Glad to know at least one libtard considers him to be full of horseshit!