Liberal Viewer: FAUX News IDIOT claims that no non-Muslims in Birmingham.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Steve Scalise’s “unbelievable” slavery explanations.
Mental Floss: 30 stories from behind the scenes of blockbusters.
The Republican War on Social Security:
- Jimmy Dore: Social Security reform means YOU don’t get to retire.
- Sam Seder: How Republicans aim to destroy social security.
- Pap: Why is the GOP going after the disabled?
- Farron Cousins: Can we save Social Security?
James Rustad: I’m not your steppin’ stool.
Thom: FAUX News is wrong! America IS progressive.
Alex Wagner: SCOTUS primed for same sex marriage decision.
Maddow: Texas Republican Congressman apologizes for Obama/Hitler remark.
White House: Big Block of Cheese Day.
Steve Kornacki: Republicans eager to erode Wall Street Reform.
Jon explains Florida.
David Pakman: Anti-Science nutjobber Sen. Ted Cruz will oversee NASA.
Je Suis Charlie:
- Young Turks: Charlie Hebdo’s defiant post-shooting cover
- David Pakman: Charlie Hebdo’s first post-shooting cover
- Jon: On Obama’s no-show
- Eric Schwartz: Another Mother Flood (Je Suis Charlie):
- Jimmy Dore: Tribalism and religion
- Jon: Je Suis confused.
- Jimmy Dore: Charlie Hebdo critics are missing the fucking point
- Young Turks: French TV show exposes FAUX News lies.
Mark Fiore: Whip Steve Scalise.
Ed: U.S. and England are united over Iran sanctions.
Mental Floss: Is blood ever blue?
Alex Wagner: Why deniers deny…2014 was the hottest year on Record.
Pap: Right wing extremism kills people.
Young Turks: Recreational vs medicinal marijuana…the Washington regulation debate.
Roll Call: SOTU Promo.
Sam Seder: FAUX News’ sad Petraeus conspiracy.
Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA-9) “co-sponsors” a bill he strongly opposes. How to fix America.
2016 Presidential Wannabes:
- Sam Seder: The 2016 election has begun!
- Young Turks: Mike Huckabee hates on Beyonce songs but has his own history with explicit lyrics
- David Pakman: The bowels of the 2016 G.O.P. primary show movement
- Sam Seder: Hilarious flashback…the moment Mitt thought he “had” Obama on Benghazi.
- Steve Kornacki: Nutjob Presidential wannabe Mike Huckabee questions Obama’s parenting.
- Chris Hayes: Rand Paul slams Romney and the 2016 GOP traveling circus
- Michael Brooks: Huckabee kicks off his 2016 campaign
- Gov. Christie: A record we can celebrate
- Young Turks: Mitt 3.0—The Reboot.
- Maddow: Romney surprises with reversal on running for president again.
- James Rustad: Mitt me baby, one more time
- Sam Seder: Should we be worried about Jeb Bush?
- Chris Hayes: GOP wackos line-up for 2016 and why Romney can’t run.
- Michael Brooks and Cliff Schecter: Asshole Rand Paul mocks veterans and the disabled
- Maddow: GOP moves up convention to lessen primary woes
People’s climate march: wrap up.
Young Turks: 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded.
David Pakman: Unemployment falls to 5.6% under Obama.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about getting sick.
Pap: Republicans are too dysfunctional to lead.
David Pakman: “Freedom fries, boycott France” Republican hypocrites are “angry” Obama didn’t go to France:
Obama announces plan to expand broadband internet.
Maddow: Friday night news dump…weird bucket of stuff edition.
The Republican War on America’s Borders:
- GOP’s love of homeland security is less than their hatred of young immigrants.
- Young Turks: Republicans threaten border anarchy if they don’t get their way.
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Anonymous v. ISIS.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting about the clip featuring Rep. Smith(D-WA9), was that I did not know another Congressmember could sign another up as a co-sponsor, even though they are opposed. Do they allow them to proxy vote, but that entails handing over their card?
Marijuana is legal in Washington now, but that doesn’t stop CPS from taking your kids away for using it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Meanwhile, there aren’t nearly enough foster homes (or money to pay for them) for children of parents who regularly abuse alcohol (and their kids).
Sad to say, but (u)SP has slipped back into a coma.
@3 What’s sad about that? It’s been moribund for a couple years now; nothing there but reposts from other blogs. And it’s been brain-dead from the beginning.
Friday, the Supreme Court of Canada declared a law forbidding just one police force from collective bargaining unconstitutional, and it was the only force at this time that was not unionized. They said it violated their Freedom of Association. The police force affected? The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Interesting about Chief Justice Beverly McLaughlin, she was appointed to the Supreme Court by a Conservative, and elevated to Chief Justice by a Liberal. Due to retire in 4 years, as the Canadian Constitution says a justice could only serve until age 75.
It’s a great thing Sen. Ted Cruz will oversee NASA!
Butt wait there is more globull warming crapola
For the idiots (like Puddy, quoting right wing fools) who do not understand statistics: 2014 has the highest mean temperature ever recorded. Now – there are some error bars – so that means that either 2005 or 2010 (the next most warm years) might actually have been warmer. Big deal.
14 of the warmest 15 years in recorded history have occurred since 2000. Even the statistically impaired right wing dolts can figure out that the earth is warming from that set of data.
I wonder if the Seahawks and the Mariners can carpool to Arizona this year. The Seahawks just beat the Green Bay Packers to head to Super Bowl 49. Way to go Hawks.
@7 You might want one of these anyway, just in case.;vxp=mtr
Nevercorrectandnotoobright… It was NASA’s own words you tool! They brought it up!
Sux to have such poor reading comprehension!
Another person whom thinks like HA DUMMOCRETINS!
They hate Israel as much as the average HA DUMMOCRETIN! Looks like you average HA DUMMOCRETIN too!
The Purveyor of of Friday Night Comedy didn’t discuss rich white Hollyweird DUMMOCRETINS whom decided that Oprah Whinfrey’s Selma movie, full of black actors, wasn’t worthy of any critical Oscar Nominations. Puddy guesses it doesn’t matter!
That’s what it takes for Hollyweird to react!
Seems Da Perfessa doesn’t even try to cover hard news. Ohhhh wait a minute… this was covered by some 1st tier DUMMOCRETINS and this weekly thread only contains the 3rd and 4th tier internet toilet left wrong DUMMOCRETIN dwellers!
Yet, these life fakers of Hollyweird are Obummer’s great friends, using their organ grinder shelf sitter in da whitey house for their personal abuse!
Rich South Western CA Libtard DUMMOCRETINS are a racist bunch!
Meanwhile Puddy wondered why this left wrong comedy act missed the Friday Night Comix? He’s a hell bent DUMMOCRETIN libtard just like most here!
So let’s understand the FACTS!
The original before it was scrubbed…
1) Only after Boehner’s office complained did the Boston Globe apologize.
2) Only after the outrage from many circles did the Boston Globe fire that insipid DUMMOCRETIN! Alvarez!
3) Did the Boston Globe discuss the woman sandwich between Chris Dodd and the Lion of the Senate Ted Kennedy from years gone past?
4) Would the Boston Globe publish this type of garbage if it was about Pelosi or Reid?
5) Since this was a classless attack, where was the Boston Globe editorial staph here?
6) Since this is the average media mindset of this blog against conservatives, Puddy is very surprised not to read it in all those worthless links above!
7) When the Boston Globe apologized, it really didn’t apologize. It seems DUMMOCRETINS have really mastered the non-apology apology!
yaawwwwn @ 13
And what won Best Picture last year?? Best supporting actress? Best writing, adapted screenplay?
Enough of the piece of crap troll..
Go Hawks!
The prime GOP demographic in action.
American patriot culture at it’s finest. I’d be willing to be these guys have 30 guns in every room of their trailer.
Don’t Look Now, But Government Employment Is High And Rising
I read a stupid article this morning that goes like this: Even though the number of government employees has declined, government employment is rising, because employees working for private employers who are government contractors should be counted as government employees.
Putting it another way, conservatives have demanded contracting out government jobs to the private sector. They’ve gotten their wish, so now they’re going to call those contracted-out jobs “government employees” so they can say government is too big and demand more cuts.
@16 That’s 60 guns per trailer if you count the shitter as a “room.”
By next year the 1% will own over half of the world’s wealth, and the top 20% will own nearly all the rest. In 2014 the 1% owned 48% of the wealth and the bottom 80% owned 5.5% of it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What will happen when a few people own all the wealth and human labor becomes superfluous? Will a handful of people live in hilltop fortresses while the bulk of humanity reverts to a hunting, gathering, and foraging lifestyle? Is a human population crash in our not-very-distant future?
To the HA chronologically challenged buttspigot @15,
Yes the HA buttspigot with the crazed databaze leaves crap in every thread since 2005. PMSNBC is all in arms over this year you chronologically challenged moron. Al NoSoSharpton and other left wrong DUMMOCRETINS like the NY Times story writer are discussing this year. Critical chronological thinking has been the HA buttspigot’s downfall since it arrived in 2005. Remember the dancing on Mike Webb’s grave commentary? Off by months. A EPIC FAYLE chronological masterpiece from the HA buttspigot! Or take the fake test from years gone by! Off by weeks!
In its case it’s not time will tell butt time does smell!
By next year the 1% will own over half of the world’s wealthAnd many of them are left wrong white Hollyweird types eh IDIOT Wabbit?
A NASA-funded study shows that human civilization collapse has occurred recurringly, and has two principal causes: “The stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the ecological carrying capacity, and the economic stratification of society into rich elites and poor masses. These social phenomena have played a central role in the character or process of collapse in all such cases over the last five thousand years.” [Slightly paraphrased for clarity.]
Are we heading for civilizational collapse? It seems so. Whose fault is it? Those at the top: “Currently, high levels of economic stratification are linked directly to overconsumption of resources, with Elites based largely in industrialised countries responsible for both.”
Roger Rabbit commentary: Native American cultures thrived on the west coast of North America for over 10,000 years, and when the end came, these cultures collapsed because of the arrival of stupid and greedy white men, not from internal weaknesses.
An essential feature of these societies that made a major contribution to their stability and longevity was the potlatch, which involved wealth-sharing within tribes and between tribes. Far more than a tribal custom, it was the backbone of the Northwest native economy and social organization. Among its other functions, it ensured that no one accumulated too much wealth, and no one had too little.
When you stupid humans have thrived, it has been because you banded together into organized societies. No individual could have built your cities, dams, power plants, railroads and highways, airplanes and airports, and all the other attributes of your industrial civilization. Without social organization, teamwork, and sharing you would still be living in caves and surviving by foraging for roots and berries.
So, on the surface, it appears your species was pretty smart about things. Some of you understood that your success resulted from working together and sharing what your common efforts produced. You even developed a potlatch system, which you called “taxes,” which involved transferring goods from the wealthy among you to the common good, which worked well for a while.
But then an inferior subspecies of humans calling themselves “conservatives” appeared and destabilized that system by preaching selfishness and greed, and undermining the potlatch system, and influenced by their misguided philosophy you stupid humans began unraveling your successful system of joint effort and sharing, and began a practice of each human grabbing as much for himself as he can, and to hell with society. That was the beginning of the end of your civilization, economy, and society.
@21 Yeah, civilization is being destroyed by Hollywood’s limousine liberals who get rich by spreading socialism across the globe. Tell you what let’s tax the shit out of them. Let’s slap a wealth tax on them! But to make it fair, and get them to go along with it, the same tax will apply to conservative industrialists and Wall Street financiers. Are you with me, Pud? Together, we’ll save civilization! Let’s do it!
@23 Crickets chirping …
Conservatives don’t care. They all figure they are the chosen ones and will be able to ride it out.
They have no empathy until it happens to them directly.
Besides it will be president Obama and or liberals’s fault!
Cricket chirping in your dirty ASS IDIOT Wabbit. Playing with my nephews today, a holiday! Came upstairs to see what filthy pellets were left and nuthin much was farted by the IDIOT Wabbit!
Meanwhile Michael Mooron puts foot in mouth and the Internet reacts…
Butt there is more from “doughboy” Michael Mooron… hero of left wrong HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Wall Street financiers?
Jeffrey Epstein?
Bernie Madoff?
Raj Rajaratnam?
You see IDIOT Wabbit, Puddy reads your sides putrid commentary whenever Puddy has free time…
Your side is worse than our side will ever be IDIOT Wabbit!
@27 Yeah, tax them all! Liberals and conservatives alike! Are you with me?
So, because puddy found a few corrupt people who call themselves democrats , he will now ignore wealth inequalities?
@20 A film about a free African American kidnapped and sold into slavery won Best Picture last year. Won a couple other awards as well. Facts, stupid troll, facts.
A Hollywood film.. How racist was that?
A silly fool who would dance on Mike Webb’s grave if it was put before him REMAINS A FOOL!!
Tell your old fellow partner in online thuggery Pacman he REMAINS A FOOL as well!