Oops. Rick Perry is Indicted on two Felony Counts:
- CNN: Gov. Rick Perry indicted by Texas Grand Jury.
- AP: Texas’ Rick Perry indicted for abuse of power
- Steve Kornacki with James Moore: Rick Perry’s indictment and Perry’s response.
- Young Turks: Texas Governor Rick Perry (R-Oops) is indicted by Grand Jury on two felony counts.
- Rick Perry charged with abuse of power.
- Maddow: Texas Gov. Rick Perry indicted on 2 felony counts
- James Rustad: “The Rick Perry Song”
Mental Floss: 30 Weird Sports Injuries.
Puppet Nation: Obama calls Shrub:
The Wingnut Border Meme:
- Matt Binder: James “Pimp” O’Keefe pretends to be Osama bin Laden.
- Young Turks: FAUX entertainer claims personal knowledge that ISIS has crossed U.S. border
John Oliver (with Sarah Silverman) on payday loans.
Farron Cousins: Ted Nugent, the draft dodging dixieland dumbass, says something.
The Flaccid Neocons Twitch A Bit:
- Young Turks: War Mongering Wingnuts attack Obama for showing constraint.
- Mark Fiore: John McCain’s “Bomb It”!
- José Díaz-Balart: G.O.P. Nutjobbers fearmonger over Obama’s Iraq actions
- Sharpton w/ Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-7): John “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran” wants more bombing.
Pap and David Pakman: Which state has the worst voter suppression?.
White House: West Wing Week.
RJ Eskow with Nancy Altman: WTF?!? Social Security Trustees report a growing surplus.
David Pakman: Congressman against minimum wage hike complains he hasn’t received a raise.
G.I. Cop:
- Ferguson SWAT shoot tear gas at Al Jazeera news crew
- WaPo’s Wesley Lowery’s pre-arrest video
- Chris Hayes: The militarization of local police
- David Pakman: Unarmed black teen gunned down by police.
- Michael Eric Dyson: 18 Yr Old Michael Brown murdered by St. Louis, MO Police.
- CNN: Ferguson police harass journalists.
- David Pakman: New eyewitness to unarmed teen Michael Brown killing emerges
- Chris Hayes: Reporter describes setting up for broadcast then being shot at by Ferguson police
- Young Turks: Rage is the right response to police killings
- Maddow reminds Ferguson protesters what it took in Bunkerville to make cops “back off”
- Young Turks: Smear campaign follows release of name of unarmed-black-kid-shooting cop.
- Jonathan Mann: The Ferguson Army Song:
- Matt Binder: Police kill unarmed teen in Missouri
- James Rustad: “A song for Michael Brown”
- Young Turks: Unarmed black teen killed by police in St. Louis
- David Pakman: Anonymous takes down Ferguson’s police web site
- Young Turks: LAPD kills unarmed mentally disabled man and racially insults him
- Thom: Another unarmed black teen killed by the police
- David Pakman: Police kill a black man in walmart for carrying BB gun sold in store
- Matt Binder: Police shoot and kill black man in Walmart.
- Sharpton: The summer of police killing unarmed blacks
- Young Turks: In 2009, Ferguson police beat an innocent man and then charged him for bleeding on them.
Jimmy Dore speaks with Ron Paul about his son.
ACLU sues Fife over pot ban.
Imps for Impeachment:
- Sharpton: Despite denials, G.O.P. candidates run on impeachment.
- Jimmy Dore gets a call from John Boehner about impeachment.
- Ed: Mike Huckabee talks impeachment
Alex Wagner: Paul bearers—has the Libertarian movement finally arrived?
Puppet Nation: Ebola media coverage formula.
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) “There are certain shows on Fox I can’t watch, because they’re totally not fair and totally not balanced.”.
Young Turks: Reality check—why almost no scientists are Republicans:
FAUX & FIENDS are totally befuddled by Obama’s vacation plans.
Corporations are Peoples, Too:
- Young Turks: How people become superPACS to buy politicians.
- Pap: The corporate death grip on America.
- David Pakman: Comcast spends $110K on dinner to honor sitting FCC Commissioner?!?
- Young Turks: If corporations are people, why not become a corporation for the corporate privileges?
- Farron Cousins: Charles Koch’s plan to destroy the economy.
Young Turks: GOP Governor hilariously battles satanists.
Alex Wagner: Romney’s favorite “Jimmy Johns” sub shop accused of wage theft.
David Pakman: White students are no longer the majority in public schools.
The Quitter Babbles:
- Farron Cousins: Sarah Palin is is just as stupid as you would think.
- Michael Brooks: This IDIOT was John McCain’s CHOICE for a running mate.
- David Pakman: Sarah Palin attempts to use words. Fails.
- Young Turks: The embarassing Sarah.
- Sarah Palin explains fast food wages from another viewpoint
- Epic Rap Battles: Sarah Palin VS Lady Gaga
- Hitler finds out about The Sarah Palin Channel
- Puppet Nation: Botched prison executions…THANKS OBAMA!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
With Rick Perry, could it be too late? Although Texas has had something similar, 100 years ago. That governor threatened to veto funding for the University of Texas, over faculty he did not like.
Meanwhile in real news,
Look at the lack of diversity in these various lefttard leaning companies… http://www.slate.com/blogs/mon.....usive.html
It can’t be because the white man is superior in intellectual prowess?
It can’t be because as OWS Racist Fraggy called rujax ruprick? Aren’t they on the same side?
It can’t be because African Americans watch the same news at night that ordinary Americans do?
It can’t be because George Bush doesn’t care about black people?
It can’t be because the inner city school system, run by DUMMOCRETINS is on par with white suburban school systems?
It can’t be because the inner city values the gun and thug culture versus getting a college education in technical fields?
It can’t be because all the Indians who emigrate to America are running 7-11 or Dunkin doughnut stores?
It can’t be because there are 57 states could it?
It can’t be because the senate didn’t pass the house jobs bills every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs so blacks can’t get hired?
It can be because too many of them are light-skinned and doesn’t have a Negro dialect unless they want to?
So Puddy wonders why?
The Perry indictment goes much deeper than is being talked about on the news. Apparently, this was about a serious attempt by the Governor to take control of the Public Integrity Unit, the task force that had responsibility for investigating crimes committed by officials misusing their official powers to run scams or hide crimes. This was the Unit that indicted Tom Delay.
The investigation that the PIU was working at the time the DA was arrested was about Rick Perry installing his own cadre of grifters into the Oversight Committee of the Cancer Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT).
They had been caught, pretty much red-handed, skimming tens of millions of dollars off the $3 Billion budget and sneaking the money off into the Texas State GOP through lobbying firms, and into bank accounts offshore. Perry needed to get rid of the DA in question to halt the investigation, as his name had already been mentioned as a focus of the investigation into the embezzlement and resultant money laundering operation.
As she was an elected District Attorney, and was not required to resign her position even after a conviction for DWI, Perry saw an opportunity to either get her out of office so he could appoint another crony that would drop the investigation, or to eliminate the PIC budget altogether. As he took an active and direct role in the coercion and manipulation of the State budget, making the demand that the DA either resign or have their budget eliminated, he has been indicted on two counts at the Federal level. Extortion by a Public official is a Federal crime.
The Texas Attorney General is directly involved in the PIC.
Dr. Alfred Gilman, the former head of the CPRIT, was forced out after he publicly expressed his objections to the politicization of the CPRIT budget process and how the money was being distributed to organizations that were either not qualified to handle the research or had political and financial ties to the Texas State GOP. Basically, the Oversight Committee was pushing contracts to private research firms run by Republicans. $20 million goes to the organization, but somehow $11 million of that gets turned into walking-around money for the lobbying firms.
This indictment is somewhat comparable to the Federal Government indicting Al Capone for tax evasion instead of prosecuting him for all the murders and smuggling he did.
If Wisconsin is so bad lefttards why is this happening with angel investors? http://www.slate.com/blogs/mon.....money.html
@ Schizo
I called YOU Ruprect.
@3 Texans pay taxes to the GOP? Doesn’t surprise me. This reminds me of Perry’s interference with the Texas Forensics Commission when it was investigating whether he executed an innocent man. Perry plays dumb, but has an evil streak like Scott Walker’s.
A little background on Texas Governor James Ferguson, that I mentioned in the first post.
He later became the first, First Gentleman of Texas.
No you didn’t OWS Racist Fraggy…
You would have said, Puddy is a ruprick! You didn’t say that at all. Now caught with your silly RACIST ASS you try to clean it up. You had 24 hours to clean it up!
Now you change it to reprect? And you call Puddy the imbecile? MORON!
Sux to be you fool!
Remember Tom Delay… He was indicted by Travis County libtards… Indictment REJECTED! http://abc13.com/archive/9254151/
Travis County Politically Motivated HorsesASS Manure!
@9 The indictment wasn’t rejected, dumbass. The indictment still stands. What happened is two Republican judges on a three-judge intermediate appellate court panel substituted their evaluation of the factual evidence for the jury’s. That’s not an accepted practice in appellate law, and the prosecutor plans to appeal to Texas’s supreme court, where even Republican justices may find that ruling too activist to stomach. So DeLay shouldn’t pop the champagne cork just yet. He may still have to serve that 3-year prison sentence (which has been on hold pending his appeals).
The Republican judges’ reasoning goes something like this. DeLay’s PAC took in $190,000 of corporate donations. Texas law prohibits corporate donations to legislative campaigns, so DeLay sent that money to the RNC, and the RNC sent it to the campaigns. The Republican judges reasoned that money laundering is illegal only if “illegal” money is being laundered, and it was legal to donate to DeLay’s PAC, therefore DeLay laundered “legal” donations, which made his money laundering legal. This conflates the crimes of illegal campaign donations and money laundering, and makes the former an element of the latter. Unless the statute makes that an element of the crime of money laundering, these judges effectively rewrote the statute, and that won’t stand on higher appeal.
Comprende? Of course not, Puddy comprehends nothing, much anything of a legal nature. I’m sure Puddy doesn’t even know what an “element” is, or what its role in a criminal prosecution is. Suffice to say, you can’t invent elements that aren’t there even if you’re a judge. I couldn’t get away with that when I was a judge, and these judges won’t get away with it, either. Even in a Republican state, where all the judges are Republicans, because even Republican judges with higher-order brain functioning understand that a precedent like that could come back to bite them in the ass someday. These two Republican judges are outliers. They were the dunces in judge school.
@8 Oooo, puddy plays the race card. Not pretty, not pretty! The problem I see with puddy crying “racism! racism!” is he could give racism a good name and nobody wants that. Racism deserves its bad reputation, so please puddy, don’t elevate it in status. Find some other way to play victim.
Also in Texas, Dallas Area Rapid Transit opened the Orange Line Extension to DFW Airport. Regular service starts Monday. DART opened it’s first light rail line in 1996,and in the past couple years, the suburban counties in the Metroplex, Harris and Travis Counties have been playing catch up.
Rick Perry Calls Indictments ‘Outrageous Abuse of Power’
(Source: CBS News)
Let’s see. Even if we assume the guy who filed the complaint is a partisan zealot on a political witch hunt, Perry’s contention assumes the judge who appointed a special prosecutor, the special prosecutor, and the grand jury are also partisan zealots on a political witch hunt.
This complaint had to go through screening by a judge, special prosecutor, and grand jury — each of whom independently reviews the evidence — before it could become an indictment. Did all those checks and balances fail? Are all those people corrupt? It strains credulity.
It looks to me like the fire department was called because the entire neighborhood saw flames and smoke pouring out of Rick Perry’s house.
The thing is Perry can’t dispute the facts, because he went public with it. He said, in so many words, “When I make threats, I’m not bluffing, I make good on them.” He obviously didn’t have very good legal advice. He must have run this by his Republican attorney general, or maybe the guy who wrote the torture memo for George W. Bush, another Republican.
By the way, here’s a tip. If you get arrested for something you could go to prison for, don’t hire a Republican lawyer to represent you. Get someone with some brains.
@11 yesterday it was the Ace of Bananas and today….the Ace of Watermelons.
Calling everyone a racist. The bigot needs to look in the mirror to see the true bigot.
And Puffy before you say that I called someone a chinc….I didn’t. I used the word, but I didn’t direct it to anyone in context. And I used the word as if it was the quotations of Michael Brown. Hard for you to understand I know.
I’ve never seen Dirty Rotten Scoundrels…thank you for that.
I’m not sure there’s a better character to compare the puddibigot to than that….Ruprecht…perfect!
(Although…a contest to find the best movie character and short YouTube piece that fits the puddibigot…that could be fun!)
Up in Vancouver, there is a fight over the Arbutus Corridor, a mothballed rail corridor on the Westside. Rumors have been that Canadian Pacific Railway, which owns it, is going to reactivate it because the Molson Brewery might have it’s hops delivered by rail again. In the years it was mothballed, community gardens had sprung up along the right of way. Now CPR, which I believe is owned by an American hedge fund, with an American CEO who once ran Illinois Central, and CPR’ s Canadian rival, CNR, has begun clearing the right of way. Of course, municipal elections are three months away.
The group where I got that blog post came from, Rail for the Valley, has it’s own idea for the Arbutus Corridor. They are pushing light rail, and have been critical of Translink, City Hall, and both the ConservaLiberals(the BC Liberals are a Center-right party, not affiliated with the Federal Liberals led by Justin Trudeau) and the New Democratic Party in Victoria. Rail for the Valley thinks that the more modern light rail vehicles developed in recent years,can carry more people than the automated, elevated SkyTrain, at a fraction of the cost. By the way, one of the vehicles that they company in their chart, the Flexity Freedom, built by the same company that makes the SkyTrain.
In Ottawa, vandals broke in to the home of Federal Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau, while his wife and three kids were home. He was away on party business, and they have now joined him at a district event in Montreal. Prime Minister Harper is outraged, and there is no evidence it was politically motivated.
@17 Never mind the Moonie Times, let’s cut to the quick: Is David Axelrod an expert on the Texas Penal Code? Don’t think so, he isn’t even a lawyer. These indictments began life as a citizen complaint that was independently screened three times: By a judge, a special prosecutor, and a grand jury. The facts aren’t in dispute because Perry did what he did openly, publicly, and notoriously; so it’s only a matter of applying the law to the facts. The judge, special prosecutor, and grand jury all determined independently that a crime had been committed as Texas law is written. There appears to be a strong likelihood of conviction.
Will Perry go to prison? Of course not. Texas judges are elected in partisan elections. They appear on the ballot with an “R” or “D” by their names, and they get elected (or not) according to the voters’ party preferences. And that’s how they vote when making legal decisions, too. For example, Tom DeLay’s money laundering conviction was set aside by a 2-1 vote of a three-judge panel consisting of two Republican judges and one Democratic judge.
The reasoning of the Republican judges was that money laundering isn’t illegal unless the money was obtained illegally. This means that even though the Texas Penal Code makes corporate donations to state legislative campaigns a criminal offense you can’t be convicted under that law for laundering corporate donations to state legislative campaigns through a PAC because the donations to the PAC were “legal.” The money had to come from robbing a convenience store or you’re not guilty.
The same thing will happen after Perry is convicted by a jury of abusing his authority as governor to coerce an elected Democratic official into resigning from her office so he could appoint a Republican crony to replace her. Perry’s crime is especially egregious because this official supervises the state’s Public Integrity Unit which is investigating other Perry cronies for laundering taxpayer funds through a state cancer research agency to turn them into illegal donations to the Texas Republican Party. But Perry ultimately has nothing to fear, because he can count on partisan Texas judges to figure out a way that these actions aren’t crimes, either.
You see, in Texas, it all comes down to who controls the judges. And that, in turn, comes down to which party controls state government. If a corrupt governor’s henchmen steal taxpayer funds and give them to their party, and the party gives those stolen tax monies to its judicial candidates, it’s unlikely the governor’s conviction will be upheld by Texas courts. That’s simply how things work in Texas.
That’s why we call it TEXASS.
It doesn’t matter whether Rick Perry goes to prison. That’s beside the point, which is, he’s going to spend the next two years defending himself against felony charges instead of running for president. Not that he ever had any chance of becoming president anyway. It just means we’ll be denied the pleasure of watching him stick his shoe in his mouth on the debating platform.
The Republican war drums are thumping again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You should understand how war drums work. When you hear their thumps, poor kids and those of color flock to recruiting offices. Pine boxes come home with names like Gonzalez and Hernandez and Rodriguez stenciled on them. You never find the white sons of Republicans in those boxes. When you’re a Republican, wars are for starting, and other people (especially of color) are for fighting. Republicans don’t fight their own wars, because they don’t want their sons to get hurt. If you’re willing to play this game, they won’t send you back to your own country, and they might even let you have the citizenship papers the recruiter promised you. But don’t expect a medal for heroism.
@23…You are an idiot.
@24 No, I’m a rabbit, which isn’t the same thing. Generally speaking, rabbits are smarter than humans (this is easy to prove; which species has screwed up this planet the most?), and idiots are Republicans. So, if you’re a human, I’m smarter than you; and if you’re a Republican, I’m way smarter than you. So how about if you call me “rabbit” and I call you “idiot,” will that make everyone happy? Btw, which sock puppet troll are you? Or are you new here?
Probably A Suicide
“An unarmed black teenager killed by a white police officer in Missouri was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy has found, according to The New York Times.” (Source: CBS News)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anytime someone dies in police custody from at least two bullets to the head, suicide has to be suspected. We all know cops don’t execute people in cold blood. They wouldn’t do that; their job is to serve and protect us. He probably did it with the cop’s gun, as all of the spent casings came from the cop’s gun. He didn’t have a gun, he was unarmed, so the only way you can commit suicide with a gun while in police custody is to borrow one from a cop.