Late night comedians feast on Palin and take a bite out of Weiner.
Sam Seder: Taxpayer-funded helicopter takes Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) to son’s little league game.
SCTV: The Maria Shriver make-up makeover.
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA-07): Republicans want to destroy Medicare to save it?!?:
Young Turks: KKK protests Westboro Baptist Church (Darryl: Anyone wanna pitch in to contribute a case of hand grenades to each side?).
Stephen on G.P.P. pandering debt ceiling game (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Ann Telnaes: Unofficial photos from Obama’s trip.
Seattle attorney arrested for keying cars.
Sam Seder: Republicans would fund a reality show before food safety.
Sen. Paul Goes All Nazi On Us:
- Newsy: Rand Paul calls for prison for LISTENING to radical speech?!?
- Young Turks: Rand Paul’s fascist side.
- Thom: Senator Rand Paul & his new McCarthy-esque witch hunt
Mitt 2.0 (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Congressional candidate Roger Goodman wants to legalize medical marijuana dispensaries.
Obama: A resurgent auto industry.
Mark Fiore: Snuggly new friend Autopen signs the Patriot Act.
Pap: Teabaggers try to rewrite history.
Thom: Republican budget cuts lead to a man drowning as first responders stand by helplessly.
Stephen on Cell phone radiation (via TalkingPointsMemo).
White House: West Wing Week.
Wisconsin G.O.P. caught on tape planning to run ‘Spoiler Candidates’ in June recall elections.
Weiner’s Wiener’s Woes:
- Newsy: Weiner “Can’t say with certitude….”
- Young Turks: Weinergate is B.S.
- Jon does Weiner’s wiener (via Political Wire):
- FAUX News and friends phallus fun (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Young Turks: Weinergate? No…Breitbart is a fraud.
- NYC Reporter has “altercation” in Weiner’s office (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Newsy: Weiner calls Twitter hack a distraction.
- Maddow does Rep. Weiner
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Takes Bill-O to task over sex scandal.
- Young Turks: Evidence Rep. Weiner was hacked.
Thom: Fighting back in the Republican War on Workers™.
Ed and Pap: Dimwit Republicans follow dimwit leaders.
Newsy: Rudy!
Obama speaks at Memorial Day Service.
Young Turks: Republican’s skewed ideas about taxes.
Florida’s Teabaggy Gov. Rick Scott Stimulus Flippity Floppy:
Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA-01) offers wounded warrior amendment.
Thom: Who is killing net neutrality?
Young Turks: Donald Trump might be back in!!!
Romney: Same candidate, different positions?!?
Thom: Break up California!
ONN: Nation’s problems caused by being built on ancient Indian burial ground.
Maddow: Thaddeus McCotter resurrects REO Speedwagen.
Young Turks: Hollywood’s liberal bias.
The Caucus: The week in politics.
Cenk: Republicans double down on Ryan’s disastrous Medicare “transformation” program (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Gov. Chris Christie’s very busy week.
DNC Chair: Romney’s failed jobs record.
Palin Around with Crazy:
- Young Turks: Sarah Palin steals Mitt Romney’s thunder.
- Jon: Driving Miss Crazy (via OneGoodMove).
- Sarah Palin makes another deposit in her Stoopid Statement Bank About Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride (via Political Wire):
- Tweety: Sarah Palin’s version of the midnight ride.
- Young Turks: Who funds Sarah’s tour bus?
- Maddow: Sarah Palin channels Vladimir Putin.
- What just happened to The Mittster in NH?
- Cenk: Palin takes Mitt’s lunch money.
- Ann Telnaes: smellin’ The Emissions.
- Young Turks: A pair of quitters share some Pizza
- Palintology: Sarah Palins debt ceiling theory is stupid and uninformed
- Cenk: The Mommy Grizzlys versus the Plastic Man.
Cenk: Of Course Senator bought by Goldman Sachs.
Thom: “Buy our Republican plan or we’ll shoot Grandma!”.
Maddow: Wingnuts out extreming each other on abortion.
SCTV: Can you WHO me now?
Young Turks: Teabaggers try to kill Medicare.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
18 Cenk/Young Turks! Must be a record!
Go Cenk! Puddybud’s favorite!
What is up with mainstream media that their sources of information are not identified and checked out BEFORE broadcasting. The WeinerGate story is starting to smell. The Daily Kos has had more on this including a link to an interview with Dan Wolfe. It seems no one would claimed knowing who Dan Wolfe was before all of this hit the news. Meet Mike Stack aka@goatsred
I hadn’t heard Caribou Barbie’s whiny/screechy voice in awhile…
That mangling of Paul Revere was priceless.
Notice how her cadence and tone changes to a more cloyingly ‘cutsie’ quality when she clearly feels cornered? Then the word salad spews, and American political satire is the richer for it.
Now I can go another 6 months without hearing from her.
The Weiner story stank from the get-go.
Breitbart is a lying sack of shit. Whether he was directly implicated, or a bit player, ANYTHING with his stench nearby is deeply suspect and best assumed to be a malicious lie.
He’s the distilled essence of Republicanism.
@ 4
As is Sarah.
As for this, The governor of Texas is closing public libraries, cutting building inspections and consolidating schools so the State can pay for a Formula One racetrack that will only be used once a year.
Speaking of Friday night, the administration of the Kenyan-Muslim-Soshuleest president, Barrack Husein Obama, killed another one of the most dangerous and highly trained Pakistani militants, allied with Al Qaeda. Ilyas Kashmiri has been killed.
You forgot one headline
US house price fall ‘beats Great Depression slide’
I could add more, but for now since all you people seem to think this is just a little 3.7 Trillion dollar bump.
Add a few more Trillion, Qe3 and Qe4 and we’ll really see the Fall of the American Empire.
@ 7
Your schtick is getting old, man.
Empires are expensive to maintain and are maintained by force and coercion. People at the receiving end do not appreciate this.
Empires always end up being unsustainable.
700+ U.S. military bases around the world are unsustainable.
@8 Maybe our one trick pony can interpret this for us.
Sarah Palin on Paul Revere,
“He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed.”
How fucking inspiring.
So why not explain to me why Gold is near $1550 an ounce?
It’s just very pretty when you shine it right?
So why not explain to me why Gold is near $1550 an ounce?
It’s just very pretty when you shine it right?
There’s high demand for the metal. Last I looked platinum is even more expensive.
Unlike platinum gold has few uses outside jewelry, dentistry, high end electronics and being coveted by batshit insane right wingers shouting the world’s going to end for as long as I can remember.
“Seattle attorney arrested for keying cars.”
I’m lucky. No surveillance cameras when I keyed cars. Probably between 200 and 1,000. Every one was righteous.
Park in a handicapped zone, keyed. Leave an animal in a car with the windows rolled up in Las Vegas, NV, Bakersfield, CA, Houston, TX in the summer, keyed and window broken. Park in a city transit bus zone, keyed.
Number of vehicles that I keyed that had a traffic citation – zero.
@ 13
“There’s high demand for the metal.”
And there likely will be demand for precious metals so long as Congress keeps dicking around with the debt limit.
Indeed, one of the more amazing instances of non-cognitive dissonance in recent memory was Speaker Boehner standing in front of a bunch of microphones talking about “uncertainty” not but a few days after Republicans in Congress explicitly voted not to extend the debt limit.
@ 14
I’ve always liked George Carlin’s idea of giving everyone a dart gun and a monthly supply of magnetic darts that you can shoot at the car of anyone who’s behaving like an idiot. If you get too many darts on your car, the cops just pull you over and give you a ticket.
People who ride bikes are skill-less weenies as this video clearly shows.
You want to have mad-skillz and not be a weenie try driving something with a Hemi in it!
Palin thinks Paul Revere warned the British that the Minutemen were coming? Did she see England from Cape Cod?
Another skill-less weenie on a bike!
I really hope he had health insurance.
@7 Yeah, you Republicans with your no-regulation, Ayn Rand-style laissez faire, anything-goes capitalism sure fucked up the housing market (and home values) for, oh, the next twenty years. Maybe thirty years. Why would anyone with an ounce of sense elect a Republican to anything?
@9 Well, given the huge deficit and the phenomenal growth of the Pentagon budget during the Bush years (from $400 billion in 2001 to $700 billion by 2008, not counting his off-ledger wars), American Imperialism 2.0 seems ripe for deep cuts.
@11 For the same reason people fled from stocks when corporations were making record profits and flocked into bonds paying no interest and whose market value will plummet when interest rates go up: Because there’s a lot of stupid “investors” out there.
Want to know why gold is a lousy investment? Because one guy, Ben Bernanke, can make it drop 15% overnight.
The end of the interview in the last Maddow one cracked me up.
@14 A downtown attorney keying other downtown attorneys’ cars in the Columbia Center parking garage — ya gotta love it!!!
I rest my case…
Not one correct answer in the bunch
Deflation of the dollar due to worthless money printing.
People are fleeing to Gold, commodities, anything but the dollar, because ot is being debased by Qe1, Qe2, Qe3, Qe4, and the relentless spending spree of Obamanomics.
Hell no wonder the stock market is tanking, our credit rating is being lowered, and people are losing jobs.
You cannot go on spending twice what you are taking in.
OK, this is the weekend, and today is a pretty slow news day — except for the fact Obama just nailed Osama bin Laden’s successor, making Obama 2-for-2 in this spring’s scoreboard standings — so what is there to talk about besides Weinergate and Palin/Bachmann trying to take down Romney/Pawlenty? (Hey, don’t those sound like potential GOP tickets?!!)
Well, let’s see. A Chinese girl won the French Open. That’s something.
@26 “Deflation of the dollar due to worthless money printing.”
I posted that several months ago.
@26 Okay, so let me get this straight. You’re bitching because George W. Bush’s Fed chairman is printing money. The point that he’s printing money is conceded; I complained about that in these comments starting, oh, I don’t remember exactly when but sometime last summer. Then Obama reappointed him. Okay, I sort of understand why Obama reappointed him; after all, Bernanke earned his academic stripes as a leading Depression scholar and Obama inherited an incipient Great Depression from Bush, these are pretty scary times so it’s understandable that Obama played it safe by keeping the Depression expert on board. So, okay, you don’t like Bernanke’s monetary policy because you bought dollars instead of gold; I don’t like Bernanke’s monetary policy either, even though I’m profiting from the stock market bubble it created, because inflation is bad for most Americans. So, what should you and I do about it? Remember, Bernanke was first appointed by a REPUBLICAN president and then gave a famous speech in which he said the business cycle has been eliminated by enlightened monetary policy. So your solution is to vote another REPUBLICAN into the White House? Who? Palin? Bachmann? Romney? Naaah. I have beefs with Obama, and certainly Bernanke, but I’m not THAT irrationally desperate.
Apparently you are.
If the Republicans would so the right thing(s) and let the Bush tax cuts expire and help Obama in the Bush wars and the Bush/Republican war profiteering, we wouldn’t be spending twice what we’re taking in.
@26 Except that should be “inflation of the dollar” or “devaluation of the dollar,” not “deflation of the dollar” which is the reverse of what’s happening. Get your terminology straight, ignoramus.
@30 Well yeah, it was sort of predictable that when Republicans slashed revenues to their lowest level ever and ballooned federal spending to its highest levels ever, the result would be to turn Demcoratic surpluses into Republican deficits. And that’s exactly what has happened.
Republicans = fiscal mismanagement
Oops that should be end the Bush wars. It’s hard to type on an iPhone when you have a hangover.
Interesting that you’re cashed out of stocks at the moment. Money never sleeps. Your brokerage is putting it to work on a multitude of purposes in the money market from financing other people’s stock positions on margin to writing options to who knows what. Of course they’re paying you for that – not very much compared to what they’re making.
Ostensibly these profits should be stimulating economic activity but as I’ve just outlined a lot of idle money is put to work just financing more speculation on paper assets not something as mundane as a better mousetrap whose production would throw off a few jobs.
Due to Republicans thinking abortion and throwing grandma and grandpa off a cliff is more important than economic growth.
Due to Republicans refusing to raise the debt limit with a black Dem President in the White House unlike they did 7 times under Bush.
Due to greedy corporations off shoring jobs and greed fueled speculators adding 20 percent to the price of fuel.
I don’t think corporations are greedy. Corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE, corporations can not think, they do not have morals. We people who created the corporations and the finical markets, however, could put rules in place so that they could help make the world a little better place.
I know I come off as ant-corporation on here, but really I think that with a few changes corporations could be used to make the world a better place.
@36. There is no point in telling that to them again and again. They will willfully ignore facts to cleave to their corporate religion or to keep espousing what they are paid to say. It’s like talking to the Fox TV channel. They are not listening.
We keep hearing all this bitching and whining from Mitt and the right that Obama caused the economic mess, that Obama has devastated the economy for 4 years, ever since taking office 2 1/2 years ago.
I’m reminded of Jon Stewart:
“It’s like [Republicans] treat the country like a sleazy used car salesman: ‘Hey, I gotta tell you, this is a beautiful country. Runs like a dream. We have kept it totally tuned for eight years. It’s cherry. You’re not gonna have a problem with it at all. Oh, you’ll take it? It’s YOUR piece of sh*t now!'”
38 – I know but not countering their talking points is tantamount to conceding to them.
We’re here to fight not roll over.
@21. Roger Rabbit spews:
@7 Yeah, you Republicans with your no-regulation, Ayn Rand-style laissez faire, anything-goes capitalism sure fucked up the housing market (and home values) for, oh, the next twenty years. Maybe thirty years. Why would anyone with an ounce of sense elect a Republican to anything?
It wasn’t just weak regulation. As I recall it was the Clinton administration which pushed easy mortgage credit as a way to increase minority ownership and America-hating leftist agitators who threatened lawsuits if the junk loans weren’t made.
@29. Roger Rabbit spews:
Now that’s a powerful argument; Bush appoints an inflationist so Obama should do the same.
EXACTLY! Don’t look at us. We didn’t vote for Bush.
As to Obama re-appointing him – he’s continued many of the Bush policies – war, surveillance, he caved on gitmo. The stimulus package was at least a third tax cuts – those are supposed to work miracles.
So right wingers should be fairly pleased. As for the health insurance reforms – those too were Republican ideas from Gingrich to Romney to the Heritage Foundation.
But you right wingnuts demonize him as a socialist. You just don’t like a black guy in the oval office with a D next to his name.
Well Roger, I guess we can all pull our stock before the market crashes in the next few weeks, and put the proceeds in the bank at .01% where its real safe…………
Obama called this a bump in the road today. God I just cannot believe the ignorance of that man.
600 point drop in the dow a bump in the road….WOW
44 – You haven’t been paying attention. Roger cashed out already because the Republicans are so insane they’ll let the government default unless Obama caves to the Ryan “plan”.
Yes the same idiot Ryan who voted seven times to raise the debt ceiling when Bush asked him to.
A bump in the road? Well in my lifetime, the stock market has plunged many times. The worst recent drop was September 29, 2008 when the Dow dropped 778 points.
Guess who was President then?
Then after that the worst drop was two decades before – the 80’s crash.
Guess who was President then?
It came back each time. Gawd, I can’t believe the ignorance of some trolls.
No Roger DumbASS Rabbit, he’s Obummer’s Fed Chairman plain and simple. Obummer reupped him because Geithner loves him and the university academic EPIC FAYLE economic team backed him. It has everthing to do with the Pelosi, Reid, Rangel, Frank, Dodd’s 2007-2011 economic destruction… Obummer had to provide cover for their economic stupidity.
You are getting more and more wrong each day. Mrs. Wabbit needs to take you to immediate medical help.
Headline missed by Darryl in his Friday Night Funny Pages
Time Magazine 6-6-11 where is Herman Cain? Is Time Magazine racist dumb slut calling misogynist rujax cinder block?
Must be!
When you put an underexperienced clown who voted present in charge, don’t be surprised when a circus breaks out.
Now how did Darryl miss this WeinerTale?
Looks like Homer Simpsonrhp6033 is looking more and more like the #1 maleable Cass Sunstein medai idiot he plays on HA every day!
should be “media idiot”
@47, 48, 49, 50…
Oh Jesus Christ!
…the nitwit is back.
…or maybe he’s the “newt-wit”…LMAO!
How did Puddybud miss this?
How did Puddybud miss this?