Liberal Viewer: Amend the second amendment?
John Oliver stops by to visit Jon.
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
Sam Seder: Charter Schools are NOT performing better than traditional public schools in Chicago.
Thom: The Red State Medicade doughnut hole is KILLING people.
Stephen with Jon on leaving the Colbert Report.
David Pakman: Issa’s conspiracy theory debunked…IRS targeted progressive groups more than Tea Baggers.
Mental Floss: 18 famous people missing body parts.
Sharpton: 49 Million Americans lack access to healthy food & GOP wants to make it worse!.
All Bundy:
- Sam Seder: Cliven Bundy is a liar
- Chris Hayes: Whoa Bundy!
- David Pakman: Absurd double standard on Bundy cattle ranch
- Jon rips Hannity a new asshole over the welfare rancher.
- Mark Fiore: Cliven Bundy’s Home on the Range.
- Young Turks: Bundy’s lunatic racist rant
- Stephen Sings The Ballad Of Cliven Bundy:
- Ed and friends: Sean Hannity is desperate and delusional
- Sam Seder: Were Negros better off as slaves?” ponders Republican hero Cliven Bundy
- Young Turks with the “Which Bundy Said That?” game
- Ed: Sean Hannity + Cliven Bundy + FAUX News = KU + KLUX + KLAN, Part I
- Ed: Sean Hannity + Cliven Bundy + FAUX News = KU + KLUX + KLAN, Part II
- Maddow: Exploring the racist context of the Cliven Bundy / FAUX News Tag Team, Part I
- Maddow: Exploring the racist context of the Cliven Bundy / FAUX News Tag Team, Part II
- Jon rips Professor of Negro studies, Mr. Bundy.
- Sam Seder: Cliven Bundy gives us an amazing look into the Right Wing “mind”.
- Fanboy Hannity is POed: Bundy is now embarrassing conservatives.
- Bundy tries splainin’…blames MLK.
- Sharpton: Bundy compares himself to MLK
- Jon: The shit gets weird with Hannity
- Ed and Pap: Ranchers, racists, and Hannity
- Sam Seder: Why the right wing needs Mr. Bundy.
- Young Turks: Cliven Bundy blames his racism on MLK
White House: West Wing Week.
Ari Melber: Bob Dole, NUT-case Ted Cruz not ready to be President.
Paul and Paul.
Ann Telnaes: Georgia—the Nut state.
Ed: The GOP’s love affair with ‘voter-intimidation’ and fake voter-fraud.
Dr Phil does some therapy with Barack and Vlad.
Thom: The flat earth society has risen again.
David Pakman: Seattle Boy Scout troop gets cut off…
Late-night laughs: 2016 contenders edition.
The Cowboy and Indian Alliance:
- Reject and Protect: Opening ceremony.
- Thom: Cowboys and Indians ride into D.C.
Pap: SCOTUS is rotten at the top.
Sam Seder: America forgets Herman Cain.
David Pakman: GA passes “guns everywhere” bill.
Young Turks: Is running against Obamacare a bad idea?
Stephen with another episode of Better Know a District.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So the IRS targeted progressive groups more, yet Issa wants to keep up his witchunt? Then again, it’s an election year.
In 1963, the Chicago, North Shore, and Milwaukee interurban railway quit running. In 1964, an experiment was started, with the Villiage of Skokie, Chicago Transit Authority, and the Federal Government to restore it as far as Skokie, with a CTA El Train. It may have been the first modern, Federally funded rail transit line. Today, the Yellow Line, more commonly known as the Skokie Swift, turns 50.
One of the things that bugged me about the whole Bundy Ranch fiasco was the likelihood that you could probably be out wandering around in the desert out there, on horseback or even a motorcycle, and run into Cliven Bundy and he’d probably invite you in for a cup of coffee and a chitchat session. He is a personable character, even if he’s a somewhat ignorant and bigoted individual. I’ve been working in Machine Shops my whole adult life, and I’ve known many outright bigots, and an awful lot of them are pretty decent folks when you can get around the bullshit.
Being a completely obtuse asshole doesn’t preclude being a likable guy. He didn’t come off being a complete asshole to me at all. Of course, once the KKK and Christian Identity folks got involved, it changed the whole situation.
I would have called in the US Marshals on the motherfucker. Hell, putting the whole 100th infantry in to protect the land would have been perfectly legal. He has no legal recourse, and no legal standing at all. His little Wal-Mart insurrection would have folded without a shot being fired. Most of the so-called “militia” people were dudes who are guilty of nothing more than watching too much television.
Because I look at myself in the mirror at least once a day to shave. Puddy has no idea if OWS Racist Fraggy washes his hands after a potty break! After watching people in airports just walk out of the stall back into the public who knows about OWS Racist Fraggy!
Puddy knows racist DUMMOCRETINS from Snohomish through Pierce County. Puddy asks three questions
1) Would you want your child to marry a black person?
2) Would you want your child to marry a well to do black person?
2) Would you take in a black person to stay at your house overnight?
Just about every DUMMOCRETIN Puddy knows says no to at least two of them!
While the courts decided against Bundy and he went against the court decisions, it reminds Puddy how DUMMOCRETINS react when they receive a negative judgment from the courts. So Bundy ignores the judgment and y’all go nutz? The recent SCOTUS ruling over Michigan affirmative action has some congressional DUMMOCRETIN critters wanting the university to ignore the ruling. Yet that’s A-OK because we’re DUMMOCRETINS and we CAN selectively ignore court rulings. Or how laws are in place and Obummer and Holder say they will NOT follow UNITED STATES codified Law
Then the screaming over the court decision on individual campaign funding. Now it levels the playing field against unions. All this screaming about elections going to the highest bidder from idiots like Tricky Dick Turban Durbin forgets elections going to the highest union loving DUMMOCRETIN bidder for decades!
So much for “Being completely obtuse assholes”. Sux to be y’all!
Clive Bundy for President!
Why can’t my child marry an ordinary black person, why does it have to be a “well to do black person”? You have something against non well to do black people? Seems like you yourself are a bigot.
@4 – I thought the Bible was against mixing of the races.
So Bundy ignores the judgment and y’all go nutz? The recent SCOTUS ruling over Michigan affirmative action has some congressional DUMMOCRETIN critters wanting the university to ignore the ruling. Yet that’s A-OK because we’re DUMMOCRETINS and we CAN selectively ignore court rulings.
Christ you’re a fucking imbecile. The two are completely unrelated. Bundy broke the law, period. He has lost every court case on the matter over the last 21 years, period. He is in violation of State law, Federal law, and County law, period. He has absolutely no legal standing whatsoever. Nobody as an individual has the right to ignore the Court’s decision on anything. The Nevada Cattlemen’s association has already stated that they are NOT supporting Bundy, and that he must comply with the Courts ruling. He’s a thief, a liar and now an insurrectionist. At this point he deserves whatever the Law Enforcement system does to enforce the fucking Law. To me, that means the United States Marshals office.
Or how laws are in place and Obummer and Holder say they will NOT follow UNITED STATES codified Law.
What amuses me is that the previous administration said exactly the same thing when deciding that using torture to extract “confessions” from “terrorists” was perfectly acceptable, and using Military resources to spy on domestic political organizations and elected officials that pose opposition to their policies was within the necessary scope of the Administrations responsibilities. The Bush administration literally declared the entire world to be a battlefield, and denounced anyone who spoke in opposition to be a potential “enemy”.
The Michigan issue was NOT a “SCOTUS” ruling, but a ruling done by the Michigan Supreme Court. It only applies to Michigan, nowhere else.
Your bullshit is so laughably wrong it’s a wonder you haven’t had yourself lobotomized yet.
Wait a minute Da Perfessa… We heard for the last year that there WAS NO TARGETING by the IRS. DUMMOCRETIN after DUMMOCRETIN commentator claimed there was NO TARGETING. It was barely covered on the libtard led nightly news. Now Pakman uses some report from Think Progress who for the last year claimed the same thing above? Now there really was IRS targeting because this document proves progressive DUMMOCRETIN groups were targeted “more”?
1) So, there was a smidgen of corruption after all eh Obummer? Which is it DUMMOCRETINS?
2) Wait a minute… Puddy thought the IRS didn’t target any group per Think Progress and since no was was targeted; there is no scandal and nothing to see here. Move along!
3) Puddy is shocked to see the leftist DUMMOCRETINS finally admit there WAS TARGETING after all! How amazing is that?
4) This goes against official on the record testimony from IRS officials especially the Inspector General.
5) So per Think Progress, everyone will have to wait a longer for Think Progress to admit the IRS singled out more conservative Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny. 292 to 30 was the official testimony!
6) This Think Progress list doesn’t seem to break out the quantity of groups “investigated”!
7) Now will the national libtard nightly news cover this “story”. They’d have to admit the IRS did target groups!
8) Why as ACORN successors, and medical marijuana organizations included as the basis for the Think Progress “findings”? Medical Marijuana groups are 501(c)4 voting groups?
9) From Think Progress
– Yet from a PreviousPuddyPost… Inspector General George claimed otherwise. And anyone with half a brain would figger this out too… If this is today’s leftist DUMMOCRETIN (cover story/narrative/thought process/scream to the high heavens) for what happened per Think Progress, why would Think Progress think progressive groups were targeted at the same scrutiny level? Is there an anti-Tea Party DUMMOCRETIN group on the DUMMOCRETIN side that the IRS would scrutinize?
10) Isn’t this the same group (TP) that claimed on their site the Lois Lerner emails on her private account never happened? Why did Lois Lerner take the 5th and make references to joining Organizing For Obummer?
11) Maybe now we really know the reason Lois Lerner took the 5th. Lois was afraid she’d have to admit in front of Elijah Cummings she was unjustly going after progressive groups! Will Think Progress demand Lois return to the committee now?
12) It’s so funny watching Think Progress mock themselves for their “IRS Coverage” over the last year because to them it never happened! Oopsie… well maybe it did after all cuz look look look we have some “concocted evidence” progressive groups were scrutinized. 22 groups. Wait… how many conservative groups were targeted… Oh 292. well never mind!
13) So much for Think Progressive actually thinking… Didn’t they just prove the IRS targets political speech, after carrying the Obummer water barrel claiming the IRS didn’t target political speech most of 2013? Now with their trumpeting over these documents it seems they DON’T care they were targets of the IRS because the ends always justifies the means for DUMMOCRETINS.
14) If the progressive groups were target at such a higher level, why was there all this obstruction on the DUMMOCRETIN side? Why did Lois take the 5th? Why isn’t Think Progress calling for a full and thorough investigation now? Sadly that is missing in their story!
15) Wan’t this called a low-level staffer incident from the Cincinnati office? Butt wait… Think Progress found some progressive groups were targeted.Was it the “same people”?
16) Butt Think Progress… You trumpeted on your web site the words from your preznit… “All these phony scandals”!
17) Will Think Progress ask for someone to be held accountable now? Will Think Progress demand Obummer recall the old IRS commish and for him to testify about this “phony scandal”?
18) Does Think Progress think it’s okay now? Puddy doesn’t think the IRS should go after anyone except tax scofflaws! Nothing on the Think Progress web site about that!
19) What are you saying behind the scenes to Elijah Cummings Think Progress?
20) Can Think Progress name one libtard DUMMOCRETIN group that had to wait three years before their application was processed?
And there you have it. Gotta “love” Think Progress for their stooooooooooopidity!
Of course moronbutt misses the point… DUMMOCRETIN Progressives run when confronted with their own bigotry. Puddy gave them a test and most fail!
Sux to be moronbutt!
This “rancher” is an idiot especially to any law abiding rancher who pays their federal grazing fees which are the best bargain out there compared to private land.
And now we learn he’s a bigot. Is he a model Republican?
Once again OWS Racist Fraggy got it wrong!
So much for that post #8. Puddy used NPR so OWS Racist Fraggy can’t claim it was “biased”! The wise latina went bombastic in her dissent!
Sux to be OWS Racist Fraggy!
Uhhh asshole. The word “targeting” is a misnomer.
The IRS’ job is to ENFORCE THE LAW.
Non-profit social welfare outfits like the NAACP are restricted in their activities in the political sphere.
Don’t you remember this?
‘Course not. You’re a Republican. Like Bundy, whatever you freaking want to do, it’s ok when you do it.
Damn you’re STUPID!
The “test” is authored by a jerk but that’s besides the point.
What of those who “pass” this “test”?
The jerk still calls them every name in the book! Jerk is as jerk does.
Wow. Sure sucks to be this jerk. “Take the test, take the test”
Take Nate Silver’s advice. Why wasn’t this covered on Friday Night Comix?
Did the crazed clueless cretin write anything worthwhile in those two posts?
Writing about tests… the crazed clueless cretin wants everyone to forget this comment…
Take the Test!
Take the Test!
Take the Test!
Oh it’s fake never mind!
No Your Honor! Still the dumbest brick in the bunch! Has Puddy on the brain!
So sad to be the crazed clueless cretin!
So let’s post the question to the crazed clueless cretin… Would you APPROVE either of the crazed clueless cretin spawn marrying a black person? Would you take them back to Pasadena and visit mama-san and all your cuz?
You see if my sons love them Puddy loves them better! Plain and simple!
Learn to code? LMAO! Goldy authored and marketed a software package. You could buy the thing at Egghead and places like that.
He’s totally familiar with coding..
Nate dropped the 9 to 5 economics consulting job that he didn’t like to code up a system for projecting baseball performance – something he was “passionate” about?
Uhhh? How you going to “code” writing about the rightness or wrongness of political issues and public policies? Nate and Prof Darryl’s got the election prediction bases covered.
Stupid again!
LMAO! Better word is total BULLSHIT for your “test”!
“Take the test, take the test”
I passed dumbass! I’m sane!
Sorry asshole. I’ve learned my lesson. Any question from you to yours truly is IG-NORED..
Until you answer this question:
On 9/20/2005, which Union was it?
“Take the test, take the test”
Whatever goes around comes around. Too damn funny!
Local troll hangs out in airport men’s room stalls, maintains “wide stance”.
Scientists get ever closer to discovering the “spark of life”:
I trust science!
@1 And then again, Issa is a criminal who stole cars before becoming a GOP congress critter.
@4 Thanks for the airport rest room tour. I needed that, as I’ll be traveling soon.
@4 “1) Would you want your child to marry a black person?”
Now that you mention, no, I’m not into interspecies marriage and also that goes for other colors too.
Puffy Butt’s grandkids would look funny with bunny ears.
@4 “it reminds Puddy how DUMMOCRETINS react when they receive a negative judgment from the courts. So Bundy ignores the judgment and y’all go nutz?”
People ignore court orders all the time. For example, a vast number of the small judgments rendered by small claims courts have to be enforced by garnishments, property seizures, or other means. There was even a case in Florida where a bank that foreclosed on the wrong property and was sued by the owners didn’t pay the judgment until the plaintiffs and their lawyer and some deputy sheriffs arrived at the bank with a moving van to take the furniture and computers. There’s absolutely nothing unusual or unique about having to enforce a judgment. It’s really simple, putz. Enforce the judgment! The guy’s cattle have been evicted from BLM property. BLM tried to remove them, but the scofflaw and his friends threatened the cops with violence, so the cops wisely backed off. The next step is seal indictments, arrests, federal charges of assaulting peace officers, trials, and imprisonment for the leaders of Mr. Bundy’s ersatz army. It’s easy enough to collect the money Mr. Bundy owes the government; all the U.S. attorney has to do is file liens against his cattle, ranch, and farm equipment. As for Mr. Bundy, it’s a fairly simple matter to summon him back to court, ask the judge to hold him in contempt for ignoring the court orders, and then let him cool his spurs in jail for a while. The law figured out a long time ago how to deal with disrespect for the law. Remember the song,
“I fought the law, and the law won!”
Well, there’s no action around here … only Puddytut spilling his vomit … so I’m gonna go read the news.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 9,
“Wait a minute Da Perfessa… We heard for the last year that there WAS NO TARGETING by the IRS. DUMMOCRETIN after DUMMOCRETIN commentator claimed there was NO TARGETING.”
Your mistake. You misunderstand what “targeting” is. You are confusing TARGETING POLITICAL GROUPS and TARGETING GROUPS BASED ON POLITICAL IDEOLOGY.
These are two very different things. One is good, the other bad.
The former is what the IRS is required to do, since groups primarily engaged in political advocacy must be denied tax exempt status. The target list had keywords designed to help IRS personnel catch any group primarily engaged in political advocacy. As it happened, the list has more left-leaning terms on it than right-leaning. I don’t think anyone is going to quibble about the percentage.
It is only the latter that would be considered a corrupt type of targeting. If the keywords had only been left-leaning terms or only right leaning terms, it would raise the specter of improper ideological targeting.
Your first few points are irrelevant given this confusion. After that, your character slips too much into baby talk, so I quit reading.
If you would re-post your points in ordinary English instead of baby talk, I would consider reading them…and maybe responding.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 15,
“Goldy, Take Nate Silver’s advice.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? As YLB @ 18 points out, Goldy was a programmer long before he was a journalist.
“Why wasn’t this covered on Friday Night Comix?”
Ummm…why would this be covered? Were’s the video or audio associated with the article?
Are you fucking drunk? Or just an imbecile?
@30 You’re trying to untie a Gordian Knot. Back in the 1960s, when Richard Nixon decided southern racists and KKK types were an indispensable segment of the GOP coalition, he imposed on his party the impossible task of reconciling their self-proclaimed “patriotism” with the fact of making common cause with insurrectionists. Poor Puddy, ever loyal to his party above his nation, has tied his little brain into knots trying to defend the racists, scofflaws, and Confederates who live inside the GOP tent. He is now hopelessly entangled in a cat’s cradle of contradictions and hypocrisies that neither he nor anyone else knows how to unravel. Even a Bayesian statistician cannot free him from this strait jacket. All you can do is watch while he flails and flounders.
Naaaaah naaaah naaaah, those live inside the DUMMOCRETIN tent. Hmmm… Puddy didnt remember seeing John Kerry’s presidential bid with black people in just about any place in the campaign. Puddy sees the contradictions all the time with DUMMOCRETINS. Just witness what happened in MA with that poor lady trying to run for congress.
Puddy can find DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance everywhere!
Right on time crazed clueless cretin… Puddy makes his Pavlov dog back at Puddy’s beck and call!
Sux to be you!
To Da Perfessa @29,
Seems Congress disagrees with you
You forgot your take the test commentary crazed clueless cretin?
@32 This comment proves beyond any doubt how completely you are detached from reality. But then, we already knew that.
@34 When did Issa become “Congress”?
@34 (continued) This is too funny for words. Puddy claims “Congress” “disagrees” with Darryl’s characterization of the IRS review of nonprofits and then links us to a “report” drafted by the GOP’s witch-hunter-in-chief. Really! IMHO the only thing Issa speaks about with any authority is how to hotwire cars.
Puddy deserves a comic book of his own in the Marvel lineup. And his own Saturday cartoon show, too!
Is this question directed to the “real-life” a-hole or the “character”?
Does it matter? IMHO, no..
R. Crumb might be a good choice for a cartoonist to put this kraphead klown in the proper satirical perspective.
He’d put the fiend in drag and go to town!
Issa has been very important to our trolls. He’s the guy who kept the hopes of dopes alive during the 2010-2012 trolling season and keeps the dopes alive to this day!
Issa is also a little crybaby..
Awwww. Republicans chose a washed up bodybuilder and lousy actor to be their Governor over a car thief.
Meg Whitman had way more testicular fortitude. Lost like way over 100 times the money Issa lost when she couldn’t buy the title of Governor of the Golden State.
No tears. She returned to swindling shareholders with her crappy, overrated management style. She’s made back at least part of the money she lost for sure.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 34,
“Seems Congress disagrees with you”
Incorrect. That wasn’t “Congress” as a body. Rather it was a report from Issa, who obviously hasn’t let go, despite a nearly year-long wild goose chase that has uncovered nothing even resembling a higher level conspiracy.
In other news, the new gun law in Georgia has begun to assert itself in ways that the Liberal folks widely predicted they would be, but somehow, the TeaFascists could never understand and dismissed outright as being impossible.
Gee, whoda thunk it?
Puddy looked up Donald Sterling, Owner of the Clippers… Another DUMMOCRETIN racist. Gave 100% to DUMMOCRETINS!
No one watches you crazed clueless cretin!
Meanwhile in other news DUMMOCRETIN Leyland Yee cracks Puddy up!
Corrupt DUMMOCRETIN pledging to not be corrupt!
Something totally missed by HA DUMMOCRETINS… So Puddy posts it!
Now this is so sad…
Wait a minute… Didn’t the NAACP know who they were dealing with? Oh wait… that only works when DUMMOCRETINS are attacking Republicans over Cliven Bundy’s commentary!
Golly this guy reminds Puddy of some UW professor who posts the Friday Night Comix.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 47,
“Puddy looked up Donald Sterling, Owner of the Clippers… Another DUMMOCRETIN racist. Gave 100% to DUMMOCRETINS!”
Let me guess, by “looking up” you went to some Wingding web site that claims Sterling gave 100% to Democrats, but never actually provided records. Right?
If not, please provide links to the specific FEC or state PDC records.
@45 It’s never been against the law to be an asshole, but now assholes have a new tool to be even bigger assholes.
@49 Keep telling yourself Republicans aren’t racists right up to the day they crap all over you, dumbass. Trust me, your turn will come.
I wonder if Puddy ever attended any Rob McKenna rallies. I would guess not. If he did, they probably told him to use the servants’ entrance.
@50 “when DUMMOCRETINS are attacking Republicans over Cliven Bundy’s commentary”
My impression is Republicans were attacking Bundy’s commentary. See, e.g.,
But, you do have Republicans like Sean Hannity who are mainly upset not about what Bundy said but the fact his saying it “gives the Democrats ammunition to attack Republicans as racists.”
Well, really, Democrats don’t need ammunition to attack Republicans as racists. The fact many Republicans are racists is obvious to all even if Democrats say nothing about it.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 51,
“Golly this guy reminds Puddy of some UW professor who posts the Friday Night Comix.”
Let’s see…a bearded white male anthropology professor sticking up for students whose ethnicity and sexuality were being criticized.
Yes…I see the resemblance.
Stupefyingly lame
@4. Part 1 and 2, I want my son to marry someone that will him happy, that is good for him.
Part 3. My husband, who happens to be black, has slept next to me for 20 years and going.
Rush went through 3 wives during that time, yet we were not allowed to get married. Why is the mouthpiece of the republicans given a pass for that?
Again with the links to the site that tried to frame a democratic congressman. Not a valid source. Not going bother to read.
Typical republican hack, trying to muddy the waters with old news, trying get a false equivalency and draw attention away from the republican icon welfare rancher is a raving racist that thinks like people like puddy would be better off as a slave.
Rachel Maddow already slammed Yee last month and called out the California democrats.
59-61 Puddy is a spammer who is trying to sink this site by filling it with sewage.
Must have been a busy day here, I had to work last night.
A rumor circulating around the railway news sites I surf, is that General Electric is in negotiations to buy French train and power plant maker Alstom.
This does not necessarily reflect Sterling’s donations
but if the NAACP is planning to hand the guy a lifetime achievement award I doubt he gives most of his political cash to the GOP. Just a hunch.
Pot, meet kettle.
Travis Bickle,
“but if the NAACP is planning to hand the guy a lifetime achievement award I doubt he gives most of his political cash to the GOP. Just a hunch.”
Sloppy logic.
Sterling doesn’t appear to give political cash at all. Apparently, he contributes to things like youth programs in LA that merit achievement awards.
Travis Bickle @ 66,
“Pot, meet kettle.”
@ 67
Sloppy, perhaps.
Using available information, Sterling became rich through his work as a personal injury lawyer, the trial lawyers are closely aligned with Democrat Party interests, and MSNBC was a little late to the game covering this although race-baiting Al Sharpton was front and center denouncing it on the talk shows this morning so it’s getting coverage now.
Perhaps a little less sloppy if one looks at the very public record of the guy’s racist behavior
and yet the NAACP is still willing to give him an award, or at least was until the past week or so.
There are quite a few wealthy conservatives who donate heavily to worthy causes – one might even mention the evil Koch brothers in this regard. Is the NAACP falling all over itself to hand out awards to them?
Sloppy? Perhaps. But incorrect?
Yawn… Yep as predicted..
In other news…
Damn!! The jew killer had no idea our local village idiot troll cared so much!
The truth comes out about our “well traveled” village idiot troll! “Services” in global demand indeed!
Were the dirty deeds committed in the back of the “full sized cars” of which the troll is so fond?
The Koch brothers could fund a cure to cancer and it still wouldn’t erase the stink of them funding the vast suppression of the African American vote.
Kind of goes against the mission of “advancement”.
Pretty funny that it comes out that the Koch brothers support HIGHER TAXES!
What??? Say that again? The Koch bros support:
On things they don’t like – like green energy production:
Arrogant Employer Bastards Dep’t
@46 While the media is focused on Sterling’s allegedly racist remarks, I think the real story is this purported remark:
“I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them? Do I know that I have — Who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This attitude is typical of employers in general. They think they’re “giving” workers something when they hire them. They feel they’re doing the workers a favor by paying them for their work. They believe they “make the game.”
And from this attitude flows the notion that the employer can pay whatever he wants, can make the working conditions anything he wants, can treat workers however he wants; and the workers’ only role is to gratefully accept whatever he “gives” them.
Of course, this bullshit is totally backwards. It is workers who create all of a capitalist’s wealth. It is workers who make a business successful. It is the employer who should be grateful for dedicated, reliable, and skilled workers who show up, work hard, and add value to the employer’s enterprise.
Their work is not an entitlement or gift, it is a thing of value, and workers have a right to bargain over its value. The houses they live in, the cars they drive, etc., are all things they earned by working hard and well, and the employer has no right to think of them as gifts from the employer to his employees.
But that is exactly the mindset of many employers today, and this mindset goes a long way to explain why we have so many shitty companies and such a shitty economy. It’s not the workers’ fault that America is in such sad shape; it’s the capitalists’ fault.
They can’t see what is plain to everyone else because they have their heads so far up their asses they’re stuck in perpetual darkness. Donald Sterling is a blind man, not so much because of his alleged racist mouthings, but because of his asinine Boss Complex.
If the Clippers players walk off the court, he doesn’t have a team or a business, and his franchise which purportedly is worth $550 million won’t be worth $5.50. He doesn’t make the game; the players and fans make the game. He’s just along for the ride. He’s merely the leech capitalist we tolerate so there is a game. He’d better be careful, because the public’s tolerance of leech capitalists is wearing thin.
And never more so when people whose workers make them rich proclaim that their workers aren’t worth $15 an hour because they’re lazy, don’t work, and have no skills.
Whatever happened to that stupid klownservative fantasy of a “land grab”?
Heh. Oh the insanity of Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Matt Scrooge – that KlownKar…
On May 18th, Swiss Voters go to the polls to vote on whether to use the defense budget to procure Swedish fighter jets for the Swiss Air Force. If they say no, it effectively blocks the purchase. It appears that the opponents may win this won.
Tavis Bickle @ 69,
“Using available information, Sterling became rich through his work as a personal injury lawyer”
Yeah…in the 1960s! Were personal injury lawyers in the 1960s Democrats or Republicans?????
But your statement is largely wrong. Whatever wealth he acquired by lawyering is nothing compared to what he made in real estate.
Either way, suggesting a political affiliation based on a person being a 1960s trial lawyer or a real estate investor is idiotic. There are lots of Democrats and Republicans that do each.
“and MSNBC was a little late to the game covering this although race-baiting Al Sharpton was front and center denouncing it on the talk shows this morning so it’s getting coverage now.”
This seems to be a self-contradictory statement. Sloppy and lazy….
“Perhaps a little less sloppy if one looks at the very public record of the guy’s racist behavior”
Nothing in the article suggests that Sterling is either a Democrat or a Republican.
“and yet the NAACP is still willing to give him an award, or at least was until the past week or so.”
Correction…the NAACPLA (a local chapter) was going to give him a second lifetime achievement award. You attribute that, somehow, to politics. You are wrong.
A local NAACP group offers such awards to a local high profile personality for actual achievements within that local community. Reasons for the previous award to Sterling can be found on the web.
“There are quite a few wealthy conservatives who donate heavily to worthy causes – one might even mention the evil Koch brothers in this regard. Is the NAACP falling all over itself to hand out awards to them?”
“Sloppy? Perhaps. But incorrect?”
Apparently so.
Once again, you engage in sloppy, incoherent, circular reasoning:
“Sterling must be a Democrat because the NAACP gave him an award”
“The NAACP only gives Democrats awards because they gave Sterling an award, and not wealthy Republicans like the brothers Koch.”
1. Sterling is a Republican.
2. The NAACPLA gave a wealthy Republican a lifetime achievement award and was set to give him a second award.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 46,
“Puddy looked up Donald Sterling, Owner of the Clippers… Another DUMMOCRETIN racist. Gave 100% to DUMMOCRETINS!”
Is it really necessary for your character to lie?
Maybe you all are looking at it wrong. Some people are saying that NAACPLA is so starved for support that they will take the crumbs provided by a racist republican, and honor him for that, because that’s how the game had to be paid.
You left out a relevant bit near the beginning:
The simplest explanation, and one that is consistent with the public record is that
1) Sterling really did contribute generously to LA area youth programs that greatly benefited many Black youth in the region.
2) The NAACPLA really did find this philanthropy to merit an award. That is, until the alleged conversation with his girlfriend.
@ 76
I stand corrected. Appreciate the followup.
@77 Puddy can’t possibly be a liar, because to be a liar you must be able to tell the difference between truth and fantasy, which he clearly can’t do.
@80 That’s nice, but it would be much better to keep your facts straight in the first instance.