A Very Special Saturday:
- Rapture to begin
- Rapture advice (via OneGoodMove).
- Thom: Is the end nigh?
Thom: Indiana guts the 4th Amendment.
Newt Self-Nukes:
- Newsy: Campaign over before it began?
- Young Turks: Newt lies to Rush.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The disaster called “Gingrich”
- The new litmus test:
- Young Turks: Conservative media attacks Newt.
- Maddow: The death of a Newt.
- Cenk: Newt’s bad week.
- Sam Seder: Newt, “I demand you don’t quote me!”
- Young Turks: The Gingrich apology tour.
Liberal Viewer: Killing Bin Laden UnChristian, Illegal?
Thom: No, Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL), we DID NOT cut our way out of our last deficit!
Pap: Debunking Republican “common sense”.
The Huckster Defers:
- Sam Seder: God told Huckabee to go for the dough.
- Ann Telnaes: Huckabee will not run.
Thom: The latest on the Republican war on Democracy.
Young Turks: Conservative talk radio is dead.
Ann Telnaes: Speaker Boehner’s no tax increase for the rich.
“I’m Fired!”
- Ed and Pap: Weasel with a hair piece drops out.
- The Trump Candidacy in 2 minutes (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Newsy: Trump to Trump, “You’re fired!”
Mark Fiore: Oil companies make America more American.
Thom v. Joe Hicks: Do liberals hate America?
The Sperminator:
- Young Turks: Love child.
- Newsy: Arnold fesses up.
- AC: Allegations of sexual misconduct.
- Young Turks: FOX News guest blames Maria for Arnold’s love child.
- Sam Seder: Arnold vetoed gay marriage cuz it’s between a man & a woman & a maid.
- Newsy: Meet the housekeeper.
Greenman: The “Temperature leads carbon” crock updated.
Obama thanks the intelligence community.
Obama on the Middle East:
- Young Turks: Republican nutcases slam Obama over Mideast speach.
- Obama’s Middle East speech:
Thom: The latest on the Republican war on Democracy.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Nutcase Bachmann’s presidential prospects.
Sam Seder: Supremes okay warrant-less searches.
Ann Telnaes: Romney’s market-driven health care system.
Koch Kontracts Konsidered:
Newsy: Rep. Giffords makes more progress.
Maddow: Santorum suggests McCain doesn’t understand torture!?!
Crazytown: Sarah Palin endorses Ryan budget.
Thom: C-Street gang ensnared in Ensign scandal.
George Takei takes on Tennessee’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill:
Young Turks: Sarah Palin for 2010?
Maddow: “Kill Medicare” not working for G.O.P..
Pap: The BP oil spill, one year later.
Common Defense:
- Bill-O does Jon on Common (Part I)
- Bill-O does Jon on Common (Part II)
- Young Turks: Common at the White House.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Common debate
- Young Turks: Stewart v. Bill-O
- Young Turks: Jon pulverizes Bill-O.
Maddow: Cheney’s book cover.
White House: West Wing Week.
Maddow: It’s okay to be Takei in Tennessee.
Thom: The Republican War on Art.
Young Turks: Santorum is the dumbest presidential candidate EVAR!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
You missed this priceless gem:
Lithgow does Gingrich
who is going to be the first to whine about the pope blessing the astronauts?
Did Puddy Nutz go to heaven?
Did hershey highway Gman go to hell yet?
Only one Cenk this week. Shoot that’s disappointing.
Not as disappointing as Puddybud not being beamed up but still disappointing.
Young Turks: Conservative talk radio is dead. Spoken from a “man” who has what for ratings?
Yeah he was wrong there. Idiots are too resourceful – they’ll always find a way to run off at the mouth.
Nice thought though. Darryl! More Cenk Uygur!
Puddybud’s favorite!
Obama on the Middle East: Looks like Alan Dershowitz disagrees.
Hmmm… Seems he speaks with forked tongue again…
Obummer will go down as the worst president ever with that original Middle East speech. As it says in the Bible: OBUMMER WILL BE THE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION!
Now it’s truth. There wasn’t enough Cenk stupidity this week for Darryl to push. Other sites trashed Cenk so it’s hard to put his crap on the HA site when other leftists take him to task.
We still got till 6 pm right?
Puddybud’s silly ass COULD YET BE BEAMED UP!
@ 10
No, he’s already been left behind. he just doesn’t realize it yet.
I doubt any blackshirt type would be admitted. Especially Spuddy or MOT.
YLB @ 7,
“Darryl! More Cenk Uygur!”
There’s lots and lots of Cenk this week–most of the Young Turk clips are Cenk. I only label it Cenk when he is a guest pundit or a fill-in host on another program.
12 – Doh! On my part that is..
That’s what 14? Terrific..
Suggestion: Label it Cenk/Young Turks.
It’ll drive Puddybud to Rapture!
Great stuff, enough to get me through to the end of the world.
5 minutes to the Apocalypse…
Though by now, Camping must be either dead of shame or laughter at how gullible so many people can be.
Yes, the HA clock is so freaking off!
10.. 9… 8… 7.. 6…
Uhhh… Anybody still there???
Well, my family is still here.
And there’s a family next door having a BBQ..
@4 nope still here. I see you didn’t make it to heaven either. Take the bible out of your ass.
hershey highwayman “g”@20
The Rapture is NOT Biblical! Yet you are too stupid to figger it out!
21 – Using another commenter’s handle violates the comment policy.
Puddybud was beamed up yesterday at 6 pm in the Camping rapture. As the most holier than thou troll, holier than Jerry Falwell, holier than Pat Robertson, holier than Mike Huckabee, holier than ANYBODY – Puddybud was a shoe in.
And there is SUPPORT. The support for this is
…and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Thes 4 15-17..
Puddybud handle is retired now. There is no HA in heaven. Cease and desist or the moderators will ban you.
Mitch Daniels is OUT…
Herman Cain is IN..
Too bad Puddybud can’t see this. What need is there for internet and TV in Heaven? It’s just pure happy up there.
This fool is not only nutzo but now certifiably crazy.
We need to ban nutzo leftist pinheads who believe myths and fairy tales!
24 And you’re an impostor! That’s against the comment policy here.
You’ll be banned soon.
Puddybud would disagree with your characterization of 1 Thes 4 15-17, Matthew 24:29-31 as “myths and fairy tales”.
That is if he was here.. He was beamed up yesterday!
Good riddance!
hi – wasn’t there some troll called stoops who was really all freaked out by religion?? i just came back here to see if he was raptured…
Waaaaaahaaaa haha haha…
Yeah Deborah that miserable fool is gone.. His miserable ass WAS BEAMED UP!
There’s an impostor though who’s taken his handle. He’s gonna be banned…
lol! yeah that troll was a piece of work.. what a dope
LMAO! You got it Deborah… EXACTLY!
A girl challenges Michelle Bachmann to a debate on the Constitution. What does she get? Wingnut threats, of course.
Yeah, that’s their speed, alright. Threaten a girl. After all, she might grow up to be a Democrat someday, so it’s justified.
And with rape no less.
Yep that’s the right wing we know and despise.
How do we know these aren’t left wing toads trolling on conservative web sites? We all know what the leftists said in 2008 & 2009 about web site infiltration.
Don’t remember? Ask yelling lost boy to replace his databaze!
i almost joined in on the conservative side here a while back but when I saw all the religious nonsense from stoops I stopped coming here. i’m a big fan of heather macdonald. i don’t care for religious claptrap coming from dopes like stoops.
Toooooo daaaaammmn fuunnnnny!!!!
Hey impostor, deborah’s a conservative and she’s thinks your hero Puddybud is a dope!
Good for deborah… It’s a free country. She’ll have to account to her Maker one day on why she didn’t take a forceful stand for Him.
Everyone here knows you are a moron yelling lost boy. And… there are many more libtards than conservatives here.
35 – LMAO!!! And “everyone here” really, really, really liked Puddybud..
And now that he’s “gone”..
Where’s the eulogy? Pfffft… Here’s mine:
C’ya later DOPE! (NOT!)
wow….it sounds like YLB is in need of a moist towelette and a few minutes of personal clean-up/wipe-it-off time.
37 – Sounds like tehchickenshit needs to insert his pinhead in the toilet bowl and pull the handle.
But first he’s got to pull his head out of here first:
LOL…what is it with people who make blogs that nobody reads?
Do they some narcisistic notion of self-importance? Is it a need for attention? both?
strange that you think about me enough to blog about me…can you say S T A L K E R? or O B S E S S I O N?
Rather than fantasizing about me during your all too abundant down-time, why not focus on your wife or kids? just saying……
I mean really…..TEH LAYME!
maybe you can help write some songs for rujaxoff to help re-ignite his musical career..LMFAO….
Here’s the puddybitch’s favefavefavefave!!!
….ahhhhhhh maxiemaxiemaxie…
…the dumbass butthead sure can dish it out.
39 – LMAO!!! One time..
In that one post I said all that needs to be said about you and your miserable comment history here –
that numbers in the 1000’s of posts. Talk about an obsession.
tehchickenshit – you’ve brought nothing to the table here save for your feckless bigotry.
You can’t think your way out of a paper bag.
You pop off stupid ignorant things like the U.S. importing Iranian oil.
You’re a Dori Monson fan – another angry, small-minded bigot which says a lot about your mentality – more than any thinking person would want to know actually.
But keep it up – you make our point about the disaster of the right wing every day you come here.
We both know its been more than one time, now dont we.
I would guess you have far more posts than I do…but hey, this is what you do, after all.
sorry man, that post is so lame, it doesnt even register on the lame scale.
now, play me a sad song, Tonton.
maxiemaxiemaxie…11 millimeters of swinging moron…lololol
44 – lol! Yeah, on my blog there’s only one post about you and it’s more or less in passing. That’s all you deserve. There’s waaaaay more interesting subjects.
Face it idiot. You’re as addicted to this place as any troll has been save for Puddybud and you bring the same bullshit here every time..
It’s this:
Sure sucks to be a miserable piece of work like you.
40 – HAH! That’s hilarious. Cain has sunk himself right out of the gate.
nice try at assigning a fake quote to me.
you fayle.
its been real fun(and rather easy)making you and the failed wannabe musician rujaxoff look like the strange little man-fools you are.
but credit where credit is due, you make yourselves look like strange fools all by yourself anyway.
oh, and if you are gonna try and make up fake quotes for me, at least get the wording correct: its not globull warming, its globull worming – and his new PC cousin, climutt chaynge$.
damn fool…
48 – When did I say it was a quote?? Of course it isn’t – it’s a sketch of your dumbass mentality.
You’re a hater. Some people have legitimate gripes but yours are all freaking hallucinated.
It’s sad that so many people are like that but that’s like – you take the good with the bad.
you framed it like a quote..nice try foolio.
The only hater here is you…you hate anybody who is doing better than you.
your just another angry mid-lifer who is pissed because you never quite amounted to what you thought you would be.
Just take it in stride and try to improve yourself. Taking my hard earned money isnt going to make you any happier….but perhaps a sad song by Tonton(Rujax) will.
50 – zzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzz… Let’s take Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, George Soros – all of them have their problems but you ever see me griping about them?
No… Because they’re doing some positive things with their money.. Things I halfway agree with.
And they have more money that you can dream of having in your lifetime and I bet you don’t like that do you?
If somehow I got ahold of some cash from you I’d wipe my ass with it. That’s what I think of any money from the likes of you.
So I couldn’t give a flip if you hang on to every miserable cent you suck up to some well-heeled prick for – do whatever you like with it.
When the curtain goes down on your miserable existence you won’t be able to take it with you.
LOL! Hey Rujax. I gave the idiot the benefit of the doubt. I told him 11 inches was the size of his driver.
I bet he really cuts a swath on the fairway with something that small.
A puny driver for a half-pint mind.
Nope, I can’t take it with me, but I can sure as hell have some fun while I’m here….you on the otherhand…well……you keep doing that basement thing and that blogging thing and that jealousy thing let us know how that works out…lol.
Oh, and when are going to “pay your fair share”?
If your really interested in the size of my johnson, why don’t you just ask your wife? She can tell you……
53 – Life’s just great for me. I don’t waste 2 minutes of my life listening to the Dori Monson show. Life’s too short.
And I pay plenty of taxes. I don’t mind paying more as long as it’s spent wisely – more education, health care, functioning infrastructure less military hardware that sits and rusts when it’s not giving half-pints like you woodies.
54 – I feel bad for the poor woman and kids who put up with your bigoted ass.
yelling lost boy does that a lot. He loves to put words on this blog and assign them to you.
He pays taxes… LMBBAO his “wife” pays the taxes. He sits at home on his ASS. Whataloser!
Maybe he started one of dem Internet bidnesses!
Did that moron who took Puddybud’s place say anything interesting?
I identified your fecklessness and I’m LMBBAO
Apparently not.
58 – By the way, thanks for admitting you’re subbing for the idiot Puddybud who was beamed up by his skygod last Saturday 6 pm PDT.
We have a new idiot in town folks.
Same as the old idiot it appears.
Like Pavlov’s idiot dog, yelling lost boy keeps coming back.
You are like a volcanic eruption. A whole bunch of smoke, ash and clouds. But when the dust settles, all that is left is empty hot air.
Pavlov predicts another stupid comment like #60!
61 – Hey you admitted it!
I asked 57:
You replied in 58:
Not only did you ADMIT that you’re the moron who took Puddybud’s place after he was beamed up – you admitted that YOU ARE A MORON!
Thank you. That was a gift.
Right on time people, right on time!
You are like a volcanic eruption. A whole bunch of smoke, ash and clouds. But when the dust settles, all that is left is empty hot air.
How does it feel to see everything you post unravel against you?
64 – Totally went my way.
You admitted that you’re a moron!