Sacred Catch: Preview of a series coming to KUOW.
Daily Show on on FAUX’s ‘The Five’.
Dennis Trainor, Jr.: Four reasons George W. Bush should be held accountable for war crimes.
Mental Floss: 33 fascinating songwriter stories.
Barbara Bush on Jeb Bush running and political dynasties
Ana Kasparian and friends: FAUX commentator calls for execution of religious minority.
Young Turks: Bizarre political ad.
WaPo: How the NSA can track Americans.
Ann Telnaes: Boehner thinks there are enough regulations.
ONN: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth clear Kerry after nine year investigation:
Jon on Iran sanctions.
Young Turks: Best and worst response to the chemical leak.
Thom: Seattle swears in a Socialist.
Roy Zimmerman: Norwedish Hate Anthem.
Stephen: Invade everything.
American Minute: 800,000 users per day.
Alex Wagner and Ezra Klein: What do new ACA numbers mean for the law?
- Maddow: “Mafia like” corruption in Gov. Christie’s regime.
- Liberal Viewer: Is Gov. Christie like a mob boss?
- Sharpton: Examples of Christie being a bully
- Fallon and Springsteen: Ode to Gov. Christie (R-NJ)
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Poor Chris Christie—The Boss doesn’t like him.
- As long as you do what he says.
- Ann TelnaesChristie swimming the the fishes
- Christie miscellania
- O’Donnell: How the GOP will kneecap Christie in 2016
- Jay Rockefeller finds “Zero evidence” Christie’s bridge closings were part of a traffic study
- Alex Wagner: Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ), this is your life.
- Tweety and Bill Maher: bully
- Sharpton: How Gov. Christie lied about the GWB sabotage
- The Very Last Word: Chris Hayes: Gov. investigated.
- Matt Binder: Did Christie misuse Sandy relief?
Thoughts, rants and cold coffee.
Young Turks: What was really in the Benghazi report.
Stephen: Ridiculous French sex scandal.
Thom: America’s real welfare queens.
Red State Update: Joe Biden Day.
Obama’s NSA Reforms:
- Obama’s NSA speech.
- Young Turks: Obama’s NSA speech.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Obama’s NSA reforms are light on reforms.
White House: West Wing Week.
Dennis Trainor, Jr.: We need a democracy to fix this shit.
Dave Pakman: Just 0.01% of climate scientists reject climate change.
Jon gets sexually harassed.
This Week in the Republican War on Women™:
- Sam Seder: Is this Republican the next Todd Akin?
- Thom with Lizz Winstead: “I have a politician in my pussy”.
- Sam Seder: GOP candidate is big on spousal rape
- Sam Seder: Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R) wants to force births to “create jobs”
Ed: Obama’s marriage is on El Rushbo’s scandal wish list.
Mark Fiore: The Climateers.
Young Turks: The IRS “scandal” is “officially” over.
Lee Camp: Moment of clarity.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Every day, with the latest developments, it seems New Jersey elected somebody out of the Sopranos as Governor.
The Mayor of Houston recently got married. The problem is, the marriage performed in California cannot be recognized by the State of Texas because of a 2005 amendment to the Texas Constitution. Mayor Annisse Parker is an out lesbian.
Interesting proposal for a higher speed rail line, San Antonio-Laredo-Monterey. Problem is, besides the usual cost grounds there is another hurdle. You can’t have the system for customs checks used for Amtrak Cascades at Pacific Central Station in Vancouver for the potential border stop at Laredo on this line, especially with the big arguments on the immigration issue.
Whelp, the Freedom Industries Bankruptcy is taking another interesting turn, with new financing by an unregistered “LLC” owned by the same dude, J. Clifford Forrest, who is the owner of Freedom Industries.
We oughta just start stringing these assholes up. This bullshit has gone on for far too long.
So, the GOP’s new plan is to use the IRS to interrogate rape victims and prosecute them at the Federal level if the rape victims can’t prove they were actually raped.
Small Government, indeed.
From 5,
Yes, Republicans really have no intention of shrinking government. Less government means less power for both parties. All Democrats and Republicans do is argue how to expand government via their individual parties’ goals. At least the Democrats, when it comes to the size of government, are consistent and aren’t pretending they want to make government smaller.
Hmmm…, Some REAL NEWS you can use!
Even the DUMMOCRETINS at Daily Kooks are scared of this result…
BTW the DUMMOCRETIN lost in a heavily DUMMOCRETIN area
@4 is it legal to declare bankruptcy and sell the business you own, to another subsidiary you own to avoid lawsuit responsibility?
Libtard DUMMOCRETINS hate movies like Lone Survivor because it tells the truth about war.
DUMMOCRETIN lovin’ Jake Tapper had his ASS handed to him by Marcus Luttrell in that CNN interview!
Sadly real news like this is always missing from the Friday Night Comix!
Then there are idiots like Guvnur Cuomo…
More news missing from the Friday Night Comix!
Ann Coulter calls Dead Schultz a PUSSY and it’s not on the Friday Night Comix?
Roland Martin upset she cancelled his show when his demo was in the toilet!
This didn’t take long.
@9 A war movie is a movie. A war is a war. One is unlike the other.
He probably goes to puddibigot’s church.
@8 Yes, that’s what GOP “bankruptcy reform” looks like. You can tear up union contracts and pension obligations. You can’t tear up student loans.
Swiss banking secrecy took a hit with a recent agreement between Bern and the US. A group tried to put it to a referendum, but only got 31,000 signatures.
In Switzerland, voters can put anything passed in Bern to a referendum. All they need is 50,000 signatures representing voters in about six cantons. One interesting case in the 1990s was over health care, a system that mirrored the US at the time. What passed out of Bern, was a system with a mandate for individual private health insurance, that could not be sold at a profit. It got the signatures, but the voters agreed with the politicians in Bern. It was the only repeal vote on the Swiss Health care law, for the most part.
Should we allow students to get out of debt by declaring bankruptcy and avoiding repayment of student loans? What unintended consequences would arise?
Interesting article that the moderator on a railfan board shared, from the San Francisco Chronicle. In SF, they are concerned that overzealous fans may go on a rampage if the 49ers win or lose tomorrow. The San Francisco Municipal Railway will be pulling Streetcars and Cable Cars from Market Street. In MUNI ‘s defense, the 100 year old streetcars do take a lot of time and resources to maintain, and the shop crews are busy maintaining the buses, trolley buses, other historic streetcars, and modern light rail vehicles that are used in daily service. Plus, earlier this month, somebody stacked up San Francisco Municipal Railway No.162, which was built in 1914.
Go Seahawks.
@17 The two things you can’t bankrupt are student loans and child support. Student loans just don’t have the same standing as child support. If companies who can afford to pay union wages and honor their pension obligations if they choose to do so are allowed to use the bankruptcy courts to tear up their contractual obligations — and they are, and they do — then people who can’t pay their student because of unemployment or other factors beyond their control should be allowed to go bankrupt according to the same criteria and on the same terms and conditions as other bankrupts get discharges from other types of debts.
But wait! The banks will say they issued these student loans in the first place because the government promised them students wouldn’t be allowed to get out of repaying them through bankruptcy. Hmmm. Considering how banks have behaved, I’m not sure we should honor any promises that GOP administrations made to them. Firing squads for bankers seem more appropriate. However, if that’s gotta be an issue, then we could start by modifying the bankruptcy laws so people can get bankruptcy discharges of student loans where the government is the creditor. No such impediment exists there. It’s simply a policy question.
And in policy terms, do we want to shackle an entire generation of young people to student debt, so they’ll never get married or have children? Or is it more important to society that we clear away unpayable debts so people can live productive lives, become taxpayers, and make important contributions to society?
Only an idiot or a Republican would insist that all debts (except those owed by Republicans) must always be repaid, no matter what. That’s never been true in any society, anywhere, at any time. Debt has existed for thousands of years, and writing off bad debt has existed equally long. The idea that bad debts must be forcibly repaid is a modern idea, and a Republican idea, and like all Republican ideas it’s unrealistic and doesn’t work in the real world.
@17 “What unintended consequences would arise?”
The financiers who own that debt would buy a few less $50 million artworks like this one:
There better be something to this, or these guys are just being shrill, like rowdy kindergartners:
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said that former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who has leaked details of the NSA’s surveillance operations, “was a thief who we believe had some help.” …
Separately, Bruce Riedel, director of the Intelligence Project at the Brookings Institution in Washington and a former CIA official, said Friday that one key question now in the Snowden affair is “Is it really Edward Snowden who is doing this, or is there a larger apparatus? I know that many people in the intelligence community… now no longer regard Edward Snowden as a thief or a traitor…. They regard him as a defector” who has gone over to a foreign intelligence agency.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Snowden was working for a foreign intelligence agency, and exposing NSA spying on U.S. citizens and allies was just a cover to hide the fact he was spying for a foreign power, then yeah he’s a traitor and I can understand why Obama and various congress critters and military people and CIA types want to prosecute him. But how do we know these claims aren’t just baseless noise? Does anyone expect us to take the spooks’ word for it? Let’s see some proof.
Everyone has figured out that “Onion” video on John Kerry is satire, right? “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” disbanded in 2008 and doesn’t exist. I don’t think those guys will ever admit they smeared Kerry, even though it’s obvious to the rational world that’s what they did.
Except Roger Dipshit… the movie is about a Navy Seal in a war.
Sux to be you Roger DIPSHIT!
If Roger DIPSHIT needs to explain it then you DUMMOCRETINS really are a hoot!
The socially acceptable libtard DUMMOCRETINS in action!
DUMMOCRETINS always want to shut up the opposition. Must be their ideas suck so bad!
As I said, Switzerland voters vote on everything, it includes purchases by the Swiss Armed Forces. Their is a controversial fighter jet purchase going to the voters. The parliament and the Federal Council went with the Swedish SAAB Grippen, some on the cost grounds, some opposed to the military, think the purchase is a mistake.
The SAG-AFTRA Awards were last night, or as I like to call it, Hollywood’s Union Rally, as the winners always thank the Guild, and not the Academy or the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, but they also thank the Guild for everything that they got in their careers. I believe all dues paying members get a vote in these awards. That includes talk show hosts
The zeal of NYC DUMMOCRETIN DAs to solve a crime by any means possible. Yet, city DUMMOCRETINS continue to vote DUMMOCRETINS into power positions in cities!
I find it very, very, funny that the ostentatious Christian is saying thing like…
…when he means by “truth about war” is not the hideous deaths of innocents, the theft of resources from works of good to those of evil, wanton destruction, the entrenchment in power of sociopaths, murder, rape, the maiming of both body and mind of both perpetrator and victim and the violation of so many of his beloved Commandments.
No, he means war-porn, and the fact that the bad guys are MOOSLUMS make him feels extra good down there – sitting at home safe and sound getting off watching Mark Wahlberg – he’s probably wrapped in an American flag and using his special edition Megyn Kelly jis-rag.
Good Christian, indeed.
The link about “Actress Out Of San Francisco Production After Endorsing Tea Party Candidate” was interesting. I read that as capitalism at work.
The production was “a Spanish-language version of “The Vagina Monologues,””.
She publically agreed with and echoed teabagger positions. The theater could keep her in the play, but it would cut into profits. It’s just good business to drop her. The audience the show is meant for, won’t go see her.
Why is that conservatives seem to think they can say damn thing they want, and yet have not consequences for it.
I liked this a summary of one aspect of progressives
What kind of fairness do conservatives stand for?
Puddy writes that fairness is saying any hateful thing they want, and nobody is allowed to object.