Maddow: John Ensign OUT, Tom Coburn NEXT.
Stephen goes all flaggy on Donald Trump (via Slog).
Sam Seder: Teabaggers willing to trade debt limit for closeting gays.
Young Turks: Gov. Mitch Daniels de-funds Planned Parenthood.
Thom: Wisconsin Wingnuts rush to pass agenda.
Maddow: Republican social issues.
Pap w/Andy Kroll: Who is pushing the G.O.P. anti-labor agenda?
Obama Bin Gotten:
- George W. Bush really didn’t care about Osama bin Laden (via Slog).
- Red State Update: bin Laden is dead & we’re mad as hell.
- Roy Zimmerman: Obama bin Gotten:
- Thom: Should we have held a trial for Osama?
- Ed with Pap (and E.J.): The Republican colicky babies whine again
Thom interviews Gov. Jesse Ventura on various conspiracies.
Cenk debunks Rep. Boehner’s bullshit.
- Newsy: Conservatives upset over Common invite
- Jon on Rappergate (via Mediaite).
- Cenk: FAUX News reporting on “controversial” rapper debunked by their own reporting (via Crooks and Liars).
- Jon: Bushies come out of their spider holes to take credit for killing bin Laden (via Crooks and Liars).
- Young Turks: Hannity’s hypocrisy.
- Maddow wonders why Bushies dominate talk shows the week of Bin Laden’s death (via Crooks and Liars).
Sam Seder: Conservatives vote their conscience ignorance.
Mike Huckabee “fixes” American History (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Torture Chronicles:
- Mark Fiore: “You’re welcome!”.
- Ed: Bush cabalists flood TV to congratulate selves for torture, war crimes
- Sen. McCain denounces torture (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Ed with Prof. Turley: Torture isn’t a war crime because it is never effective…it’s a war crime because it is immoral (via Crooks and Liars).
- Ann Telnaes: Rummy going down.
- Liberal Viewer: Dick Cheney and friends lie about torture working.
Thom on Florida’s latest War on Democracy.
SCTV: Skype gets Binged.
Newt the Kook:
- Cenk: Newt enters…
- Newsy: Will Gingrich’s past haunt him?
- Maddow: Newt.
- Stephen: The Newt and The Donald announce further announcements (via Crooks and Liars).
- Young Turks: Why Newt will never be President.
- Tweety: The outrageous statements of Newt the Kook
- Young Turks: Not just Mitt…Newt Gingrich has health care problems, too.
Sam Seder: Congressional Wingdings back way off on destroying Medicare.
Ed and Pap: Boehner’s debt fight shows GOP’s greed.
Lawrence O’Donnell: The tragedy of Alaska’s Sarah Palin; The ‘Drilla From Wasilla’ is a hopeless ‘disasta’.
Delaware Gov signs civil unions bill into law.
- Thom: The French don’t frack!
- Music video: What is Fracking? (Via ProPublica):
Sam Seder: FCC Comish Baker hired by Comcast/NBCU after voting for Comcast/NBCU merger.
ONN Live: Congress debates new sex-based American dream.
Thom: Pima County Dems move to secede from Arizona.
Immigrants for sale (via OneGoodMove).
White House: West Wing Week.
Maddow: “Big Brother’s” War on Women in South Dakota.
Romney Runs…From His Own Record:
- Mitt Romney runs from his record.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Governor Deval Patrick on The Mittster.
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz on the Romney pretzel.
- Young Turks: How do you know Mitt is toast? The Wall Street Journal rips him a new asshole.
- Newsy: Romney defends “RomneyCare”
Maddow: Unemployment and how Florida GOP Gov. Rick Scott takes ‘Big Government’ to new heights.
Cenk: C-Street, The Family & Coburn’s Ensign cover-up.
If Atlas Shrugged trailer was honest (h/t Carl Ballard).
The Paul Family Circus:
- Rand Paul’s incredibly twisted logic about slavery (via Crooks and Liars).
- Young Turks: Rand Paul’s bizarre Health Care==Slavery claim.
- The different philosophies of Sens. Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders on health care (via Crooks and Liars).
- Newsy: Rep. Ron Paul makes it official.
- Ron Paul points out that he would not have voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Maddow: Ron Paul thinks businesses should be allowed to put up a ‘NO BLACKS’ sign!
Young Turks: Megan McCain’s PSA makes Glenn Beck vomit.
Maddow: “Family values” ex-Senator Rick Santorum covered for John Ensign.
Thom: Should the Koch brothers be making hiring decision for university professors?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I thought Keith Olbermann was among the people who condemned Michael Moore’s Academy Awards speech re: the Iraq War, but maybe this is then by way of apology:
By the way, miss daily Keith Olbermann in these dark days.
See Chris Hedges for a blunter view on the assassination policy:
Laura Flanders is also leaving the interwaves, to return in the fall as a weekly show.
All the Republicans need to turn this thing around is $240 worth of pudding.
Bravo John McSame!
Make that delusional snake-oil selling dumbshit CRY!
Gingrich Is A Tax Scofflaw
Newt Gingrich not only thinks marriage is a revolving door but doesn’t believe in paying state taxes, either. He’s had tax liens filed against his businesses in four different states. Don’t tell me that’s an accident or oversight! Even Rip Van Winkle didn’t have that many Revenue Departments after him.
Meanwhile health insurers are raking in bigger profits than ever before.
But hey! We gotta repeal Obamacare so they can make even more money! Gotta keep that CEO compensation flowing!
@3: Agreed, and one person you don’t want to have pissed at you (in a personal way) is John McCain.
@0: BTW, I love the Thom Hartmann clip, “Should we have held a trial for Osama?” I’ve never heard a clip that captures so many common cognitive distortions in one place, and so well/calmly refuted.
Despite being confronted again and again with the facts that torture generates more counter-productive and false information than interrogation through rapport, the rightwinger guy retreats again and again into “But we’re at war,” emotionalism, and that vile machismo.
Shows clearly how the establishment has exploited terrorism to push us further into anti-democratic Bizarro World.
Cotton and corn prices are up about 80%, soybeans are up about 40%, and this years harvest of winter wheat is projected to come in sucking left hind tit. Welcome to the new world order everyone.
If we had more doctors, they’d have to charge less. If doctors charged less, why would we need health insurance companies?
Just wait until the oil is gone. Forget your gas tank – there won’t be any petrochemicals to make the land produce enough to feed us all. And the prices won’t be very nice either!!
Hey, let’s write our congressmen about this, I’m sure they’ll get right on it!
Four Cenk Uygur links this week.
Good. Keep it coming – for Puddybud’s sake.
There’s no way to make a hip replacement or treatment for stage 3 ovarian cancer something that can be affordable without insurance.
You also have to consider lost wages from being out of work, which can be covered by things like short term disability insurance. My employer provides me with 75% wage replacement for up to 3 months. My cost on it is, I think, 5 bucks a month.
However, we could set up a system where little things like an eye or sinus infection (current cost, I think, around $120) could be easily paid for w/o insurance. I’m a fan of HSA accounts.
Huckabee’s out!
@13 Maybe Timmeh Eyman convinced him that his 30% federal sales tax will be a tough sell.
The Huck’s making money. He kept the possibility of running alive as long as he could to keep the money flowing his way. Palin’s doing the same. I can’t really blame them for that, but that’s hardly the Christian thing to do.
@15 The Clintons made tens of millions of dollars from books, speaking fees, and God knows what else after leaving the White House — and that grabs me as being somehow out of whack. It isn’t just the Clintons, they all do it, and it seems the snarkier they are, the more they’re worth in the publishing and media marketplace.
It doesn’t sit right that politicians can cash in on public service. When public service becomes a cash cow, it isn’t public service anymore, and they aren’t serving us anymore. With that kind of money on the line they’re going to conduct themselves in office with an eye on the marketability of their memoirs or consulting services or whatever. You might get a president deciding to, say, take us to the brink of nuclear war thinking that a lot more people will pay money to read his memoirs than if he ran a dull, boring administration in which nothing bad happened.
@15 (continued) It’s weird that Bristol Palin is a millionaire at her age. For what? Having a famous mom and getting knocked up. She’s already richer than 99% of America’s working families will ever be, without lifting a finger or contributing anything of any value to our society. What does that tell you about how far down the tubes work values have gone in our country?
I guess if you’re a big enough ass to have entertainment value, you won’t ever have to work. It doesn’t require talent, just notoriety.
Betcha when the “barefoot bandit” of San Juan Islands infamy gets out of jail he’ll have a seven-figure reality-show gig waiting for him.
Hey Roger,
Shockingly positive, I agree with your #16 sentiment.
the clintons are out of whack? wtf????
after leaving office one clinton became a senator making a salary of like $175K — a bit of a sacrifice, really. now she’s in another public office, did you not notice? so she sold a book bfd.
the other one started a huge foundation and deals with poverty sickness haiti aids help for harlem and has been about the most dedicated ex president public servant we’ve ever had. so he wrote a bio too, and takes speaking fees, who gives a shit?
I don’t even care if he’s still getting blow jobs frankly.
sometimes democrats should celebrate success instead of acting like any success or winning is suspect.
if you don’t want them keeping their eye on marketability of books, then lift the constitutional amendment saying they can’t run again. that was stupid. roosevelt had four times, what a sucess, why not let people have a vote? then they’d conduct themselves with an eye to reelection.
btw to ge fair I dislike gwb immensely but really he’s not out their “cashing in” a lot.
he’s keepign pretty silent in fact.
and puddyfudgythinker agrees with you, a sure sign you’re wrong.
hey puddyfudgy, have you come up with any proof that torture led to getting bin laden?
20, 21 – From news accounts I’ve read the Clintons have made over $100 million. Before the White House he was a small-state governor and she was a small-town lawyer. How, exactly, are they worth $100 million to the economy? How is Bristol Palin worth $256,000 a year to preach abstinence (snicker) to teens (double snicker)? Snookie is paid more in one year for … um, being Snookie … than most of you will earn in a lifetime through dint of talent, skill, and hard work. What I’m saying is how our society values people is out of whack; and the commercialization of high public office, like the commercialization of Christmas (in case you haven’t noticed the Christmass Shopping Season now begins in earnest shortly after Labor Day), is not necessarily a good thing.
And it should be clear to everyone that when it takes tens of millions of dollars to get elected to an office paying $175,000 a year, it isn’t the salary that attracts them. In fact, nearly everyone in Congress is a millionaire; you can’t afford the job if you aren’t. The salary is a loss leader.
Leon Panetta did, you scumbag.
Suck on that!
When millionaires spend big bucks to get elected to a job paying what to them is pin money, don’t you think they’re going to use the office to preserve the special privileges of the wealthy? It sure looks to me like our entire political system has been captured by the rich and is being used by them to maintain and enhance their economic position at the expense of the rest of us. It doesn’t matter what party label they wear; the working and middle classes no longer have a say in how the country is run. We’re just sheep to be shorn.
@23 yawn.
@23 (continued) So if Bush tortured Osama’s whereabouts out of Sheik Khalid why didn’t he act on that information?
Hey Roger,
You can see how a moronic left wing screwball@20&21 hates anyone who ventures off the reservation. When you have a lucid real world thought Roger they scumbag you.
It’s so sad the moronic left wing turd balls can’t think put of the box.
Roger Dumb Rabbit, are you really that dense…
Did you remember what your preznit said? It took them 2 years after figuring out the courier names where they were roaming and it took another 8+ months from that time to verify their location in Abbottabad.
So per your stupidity why did it take Obama 8 months to find Osama since they knew their names and their location? Why wasn’t the kill shot taken last summer.
As I said you only have a lucid thought every so ofter…. Unfortunately those every so often moments are happening less frequently!
Puddybud’s here to love torture again..
Bush couldn’t get Osama with your beloved torture moron.
He sucked like the right wing sucks – period.
Obama is no treat but the morons you worship are no alternative unless you love the rich getting and the poor and the middle class getting poorer.
And Puddybud you love that in spades.
What a stupid fool. It’s called ensuring the success of operation. We didn’t just take out a mass murderer.
We uncovered a treasure trove of intelligence on his network.
Going in with guns blazing is the style of the sucky loser you voted for twice.
Your stupidity is sad Puddybud.
Once again the yelling lost boy has nothing to say, so he flails away as he tries to join the fray.
If Obama’s tracking skillz were so great why didn’t he take the kill shot last August moron? And how did they figure out the courier’s name? EIT! Thanks for admitting it Leon Panetta.
All the same “treasure trove” would have been there last August. I realize you wanna see the Osama porn so that’s your definition of a “treasure trove”. Keepp staying stupid.
Oh yeah you can’t handle the truth. Trying to find a person who stopped carrying phones because the NY Times outed the electronic tracking methods because it was working made it harder was like finding a needle in the haystack. But in your simple picometer mind you can’t figure that out.
What a moron! That’s A-OK cuz you a leftist moron!
Hey yelling lost boy, another leftist is showing his true colors…
Amazing how the left wing always does the do as I say not how I act
Why do leftists always want blowjobs? Why do leftists spend other people’s money in $3,000 a night hotel suites?
Want something serious to think about today? Okay, let’s talk about the economy. Even if you don’t own stocks this should interest you because the stock market is like a baby thermometer stuck in the economy’s ass.
“The big money is calling a halt to the surge in stock prices. Declines in oil and metals prices are … a signal to get out of riskier areas of the equity market. And that means … sticking to the boring stuff, like utilities. … The S&P 500’s healthcare and utilities sectors were the performance leaders over the last month …. How the markets will react to the end of the Federal Reserve’s massive $600 billion stimulus at the end of June is a wild card.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: First of all, this is consistent with what I’ve been seeing in my own portfolio recently: My energy stocks have topped while my electric utility and pharmacy shares have bounded upward in the last couple weeks.
I’ve been saying for months that QE2 is feeding the stock market and inflation, and little else. I seem to have been right about that. QE2 is about to end, thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, but when it does and the stock market is no longer getting its welfare check … well, there’s just no way for stocks to outperform given weak consumer fundamentals.
Stocks have also been driven higher by record profits, but much of that profit growth came from productivity gains achieved by laying off workers during the recession and making the survivors work harder, but that cow has given all the milk it’s going to.
Last year, market pundits predicted most of this year’s growth in stock prices would happen in the first six months and the second half would be flat with possibly a mid-year correction. Right now, that looks to be the likely scenario.
Although no one, including me, can “time” the market or individual stocks, I do a very broad type of market timing in which I put all my cash in stocks when I expect the market to go up, and take profits and selling nonperforming stocks to beef up my cash position when I expect the market to run out of steam or retrench. And I usually make these moves behind the market, i.e., after the market has already started moving up or down. There’s nothing novel about this; everyone does it. It’s a safe strategy because the only thing you can lose is some foregone profits.
That’s where I am now: I started selling my energy and consumer discretionary stocks last month and I’ll probably sell additional stocks over the coming weeks — perhaps as much as half of my portfolio. Anything that looks fully valued or overvalued goes. Then, if there’s a correction, or if a favorite stocks falls back to the low end of its trading range, I’ll buy them back. Over the last 25 years, this is how I’ve made my biggest money; if all you do is buy-and-hold and just ride up with overall economic growth you won’t make much more than bank interest.
Of course this headline was missed
@34 And Trump slips from 26% to 8%, and Huckabee pulls out, and Gingrich is in — sucks to be you, puddytat.
Hey, I’m not saying Obama is all that great, he’s just another Wall Street bootlicker, but he’s what we’ve got … and you guys have nuthin’. We won’t even have to work at re-electing him in 2012. You guys are going to give it to us in a sleepwalk.
Loving torture and making lame excuses for the failure he voted for twice.
Another day in the life of Puddybud.
Roger Dumb Rabbit, where did I claim to be a Trump aficionado? Same comment holds about Huckabee! Keep pissing into the wind Roger Dumb Rabbit! Every one knows you’re into “water sports”.
BTW Roger,
It’s the ECONOMY stupid. Unemployment is at 9% or higher. If this keeps up, 2012 will be the It’s the ECONOMY Stupid theme.
More mumbling from the moron@37. Can’t refute the facts so I left him to mumbling.
P R I C E L E S S !
40 – Here’s the fact:
Obama got Osama and Bush was too busy torturing people to bother.
Yet another nail in the coffin of the right wing.
So GWBush was “torturing” people in 2011. Who knew? Everyone else claimed he was retired in Texas.
I guess yelling lost boy has some great military contacts!
You’re in the deep end of the pool little man…get some water wings.
42 – Bush was busy torturin’ when Bush was in the office he stole twice I meant.
Please excuse me.
The FACT remains.
The man you HATE got Osama. Recover from the blow with some moronic Beck why don’t you?
Rujaxoff shows his racist colors for all to see…
Shorter Rujaxoff name: be a good negro and vote Democrat…
Hey fools, the “gubmint” is broke:
It only owns 7.5 TRILLION worth of gold.
Owns 650 millions acres of land.
A federal highway system. A million buildings, the TVA. Blah, blah, blah..
Not that it’s all that great of an idea to sell off any of that.
Just sayin’
so which monuments or national parks you wanna start selling off to the chinese?
47 – Thanks for making my point.
You emphasize the priceless like Yellowstone or Yosemite in a fantasy about selling assets to the Chinese.
But you hold on to the ephemeral – gold.
We see clearly what you value more.
Thanks again.
Uhhhh no not hate moron. You hate GWBush. You call him a chimp. This is your leftwing hatred fool.
Still crying over AlGorebasm’s mistake huh, even after the chad issue was put to bed.
Well you are a whiner! And an idiot.
youre the one that listed them dumbass.
Really…looked in a mirror lately?…there’s a real racist for ya.
Oh look two morons working together.
PuddyCommentary: How will Michael Moore reconcile certain things he’s said with Keith Olbermann? I guess nuance is now lost. If you can’t remember Moore’s previous commentary ask yelling lost boy, the databze crazed idiot of HA.
Shorter Rujax! is:
Why would ANYONE in their right mind vote repubican?
I don’t care for the fool no. And I certainly don’t for those who shill for him and his miserable policies like you did from the moment you showed up here.
I mock him as a chimp yes, but that’s pretty unfair to chimpanzees. A chimpanzee could have done a better job.
And look what tehchickenshit chose to sell to the Chinese in his fantasy.
NOT the gold.
The puddybitch has many more than two morons of his own…Rand Paul and his Dad…Boner(sic) and Ryan…Herm Cain and Clarence (the Klown) Thomas…Bachmann/Palin Overdrive…Rick Snot and Snot Walker…
…a partial collection of clowns and carnival barkers.
p-dippy needs a new batch of klownseervative heros.
It took Obama to get Osama!!!!
(I looove that!!!)
Maybe the Treasury should stamp 1 million ozs of Golden Eagle coins.
See what happens.
Probably will cause the ld/LD(iots) of the world to cry.
Gotta love the venom from rujaxdipshithead!
Nothing useful ever.
Straight hate 24X7X365.25
Gotta love how the slobbering left wing media, trumpeting Obama getting Osama may be putting Seal Team Six and their families at risk.
Gotta love how the slobbering left wing is trying to make Obama look good.
EPIC FAIL per Mr. Gates!
I think the p-dooky means that the MSM is working OVERTIME to salvage the reputation of the feckless Smirking Chimp George Bush and his gang of incompetent fools.
Last week there were Nine to One Bush apologists to representatives of the Administration the actually GOT the criminal Bin Laden.
Nine to One. Some liberal media.
“Epic Fail” Mister p-dooky.
it was your idea foolio……
in other words, the US govt should sell off its assets in order to keep supporting society’s losers like you…..
62 – Didn’t say that at all moron.
You did.
The lesson that would easily be acquired from reading that article is that no corporate or otherwise private entity with the asset/debt ratio of the U.S. Government would ever
be considered “broke”.
But you’d have to have more than two functioning synapses between your ears to come to that conclusion.
Shirley Sherrod returns to do the work she loves, helping minority farmers:
Right wing tools like Puddybud and his degenerate hero Breitbart are very sad.
Shirley Sherrod returns to do the work she loves, helping minority farmers:
Right wing tools like Puddybud and his degenerate hero Breitbart are very sad.
no private or corporate entity has the ability to print its own money either, numbnuts.
so whats your point?
So the govt has assets in land and monuments and gold – are we now supposed to think that everything is just fine?
you moron…we are tired of supporting people like you.
…I’m sick of fucks like you not paying their fair share.
66 – Of course it isn’t “fine” you idiot. Millions of people are out of work and struggling. If they need healthcare, they go broke. A college graduate ends up without a job and “owing a house”.
This would be intolerable in other countries with advanced economies. But it’s just ok for right wing dipshits like you.
You and Dori don’t think of anyone but yourselves.
You’re both big fans of Paul Ryan I’m sure who wants to buy off current seniors by screwing everyone who comes after them.
All to balance in budget in what? 20 years?
Or to give more tax cuts to the rich and the corporations?
shut-up you wannabe musician – I doubt you pay a dime in federal income tax as it is.
whats it like in your imaginary world – where you think you have a clue to what other people are thinking.
all I hear from you is a bunch of BS and conjecture with no back-up.
go get a job and help out uncle sam.