Cillizza: Obama speech looks past policy to legacy.
Ann Telnaes: Boehner thinks the House is working hard.
Where hate and love come together: Westboro Mingle:
Sam Seder: Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) “This Christmas give the gift of me to your children.
Remembering Nelson Mandela:
- Obama: Nelson Mandela.
- O’Donnell: “I am prepared to die” to beat down racism
- Nelson Mandela dies at 95.
- Maddow: The only time Pres. Obama met Mandela in Washington
- A young girl meets Mandela.
- Young Turks: What the right wing thinks of Nelson Mandela.
- Cliff Schecter and Sam Seder: American right wing’s hatred of Nelson Mandela.
- How Obama lives Mandela’s message.
- Remembering Mandela: “It always seems impossible until it is done.”
- Young Turks: Santorum compares apartheid to Obamacare
- Sam Seder: Right wing clowns on Mandela’s passing.
- Sharpton: GOP racists distorting Nelson Mandela’s work and legacy
- Maddow: Racism under apartheid.
Moment of Clarity: Fracking, wooden tables.
An anthem for the end of Hannukah.
Ann Telnaes: Cardinal Dolan thinks gay marriage is about marketing.
Jon: Minimum wage debate.
American Moment: On climate change.
G.O.P. Autopsy, Obstruction, Lying and Denial:
- Stephen: About the do-nothing Congress.
- David Pakman: Boehner caught hyping another false ObamaCare ‘horror story’.
- Young Turks: Republicans get “sensitivity training” to learn how to talk about women.
- Republican priorities one, two and three.
- Kimmel: Why this Congress is unproductive
- Sharpton: GOP Lies (Repeal!, Death Panels!, Impeach!, Benghazi!, Bengazi!, OdumboCare!, etc!)
- Cillizza: Can the G.O.P. win over Black voters?
- David Pakman: CA G.O.P. sends people to fake health exchange web site.:
- Robert Reich: Three truths the G.O.P. denies about the Affordable Care Act.
- Matt Binder: FAUX News claims ObamaCare is worse than Iraq war and hurricane Katrina.
- Young Turks: Why the right wing is freaking out over ObamaCare.
- Chris Hayes: ObamaCare—It’s all over for the G.O.P. but the LYING and baby-slanders!
- Sam Seder: With ObamaCare numbers surging, what is left for the G.O.P.?
- David Pakman: Right wing spends $10 million to keep people uninsured
- Matt Binder: G.O.P. thanks Rosa Parks for “ending racism”
- Chris Hayes: RNC “Rosa Park tweet” points to how pathologically racist the G.O.P. still is!
- Sharpton: GOP lie–that ObamaCare is a job killer–is debunked.
Kimmel: Is George W. Bush losing it?
Random Rush: “ObamaCare is forcing people to get divorced!!!!!!
Rob Ford…The Movie.
Young Turks: Driving while Black…with a White girl.
Nia-Malika Henderson: Women left behind in the economic recovery.
Drone Nation:
- Mark Fiore: Drones come to Techopolis.
- Ann Telnaes: When drones drop in.
- Dennis Trainor, Jr.: The drone that takes out Julian Assange
- Ed and Pap: Amazon drones are an inevitable disaster.
- Anna Kasparian: The Drones are coming.
- Sam Seder: Amazon drones are a B.S. publicity stunt.
Stephen interviews Denver Post’s pot editor.
Daily Show: Why the media is ignoring Wall Street scandal.
Rep Jim McDermott (D-WA-07) explains ObamaCare and why it’s so important.
Thom: ALEC’s 2014 extreme agenda exposed.
Moment of Clarity: Why you are a slave.
Pope Commie!
- Stephen has a theory about the Pope.
- Sam Seder: Right wingers go after the Pope.
- Chris Hayes: Rush Limbaugh, “Pope Francis is making Obama have Multiple Orgasms” (Part I).
- Chris Hayes: Rush Limbaugh, “Pope Francis is making Obama have Multiple Orgasms” (Part II).
White House: West Wing Week.
Sam Seder: Bill-O the Clown defends us against the War on Christmas.
Mental Floss: 30 game changing video games.
Roy Zimmerman: Notes from the road
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
On ESPN on Demand, they have the 30for30 documentary, “The 16th Man”, about the 1995 Rugby World Cup, narrated by Morgan Freeman. I found it interesting, the team came together, and so did the country.
An update on the lawsuit against BNSF Railway over benefits for same-sex spouses. BNSF said it was a collective bargaining issue and hands were tied. With the cumbersome negotiating process of the Railway Labor Act, I thought it was an excuse for the Railway to do nothing. Turns out, BNSF could not change it on their own, but the National Railway Labor Conference, which represents BNSF, CSX, and Union Pacific management, could make the change, and will.
@2 That’s kind of what I thought. The article in Fairview Fannie contained a quote from a spokesman for the railroad in which he stated pretty clearly that the company expects to provide benefits to “domestic partners” across the board.
This so much speaks for itself it doesn’t require any comment:
“Boeing says factories for its planned 777X will require total investment of up to $10 billion, but states competing for the work are asked to shrink that tab by providing the site and facilities at ‘no cost, or very low cost.'”
Mandela was a fan of Arafat, Castro and Gaddafi among others…the company you keep…
Republicans tell us higher taxes on the rich hurts investment. (Never mind that what the economy really needs is higher wages to revive consumer demand.) Fact is, marginal tax rates don’t mean much, especially at the top end where nobody actually pays them. Many wealthy Americans little or nothing to the IRS, so it’s hard to see how “taxes on the rich” are holding back economic growth.
Finally, the Obama administration is doing something about rich tax scofflaws who stash income in foreign tax havens and Swiss banks to avoid paying taxes. Forbes magazine, which caters to upper-crust readers, has some advice for wealthy tax dodgers:
1. Don’t tell a foreign bank you’re complying with the IRS if you’re not.
2. Do sign up for an IRS amnesty program and pay what you owe.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You would never see this under a Republican administration. It took the election and re-election of a Democrat to bring America’s rich tax dodgers to heel. President Romney would have let ’em keep right on truckin’.
Big U.S. banks drum up foreign business by hiring children of ruling elites and paying bribes? Who wudda thunk?
When the CEOs who make up the Business Roundtable propose cutting Social Security, why the hell should anyone listen to them? There’s millions of us and only 200 of them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s make them pay higher taxes so the rest of us can get higher benefits. Socialism? Not really. “Don’t get mad, get even,” that’s all.
“Mandela was a fan of Arafat, Castro and Gaddafi among others…the company you keep…”
Au contraire rabid troll..
“Nelson Mandela will live in history as an inspiration for defenders of liberty around the globe. He stood firm for decades on the principle that until all South Africans enjoyed equal liberties he would not leave prison himself, declaring in his autobiography, ‘Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me.’ Because of his epic fight against injustice, an entire nation is now free. ”
So sayeth “Citizen” Cruz..
I suppose he could still run as an independent:
‘Former Secretary of State Colin Powell told a Seattle audience universal healthcare would show the world the United States takes care of “all of our citizens.”‘
Not a chance as a Republican.
Above there were all these slanted links about the “new perspective” of Obummercare…
Reality hits again from Puddy… – Politico… leftist DUMMOCRETIN erag!
It’s sad people have go through this process who didn’t have a direct hand in passing this loser. John Boehner speaks to this…
There is nothing new under the sun.
I used to work with this welder dude who bought his house with the money he made not-welding for WPPSS down in Satsop or some shit back in 80s.
By that I mean, his job as a class one welder, nuclear certified and highly experienced was specifically to come to work, punch in, and go home. Since he was contracted for 65 hours a week, thats what Bechtel paid him. All at the taxpayers expense, of course.
But with that he was able to buy a rather large house in Wallingford and fix it up really nice, build a log home on 20 acres out in the county somewhere, and a Steerman biplane that he tricked out to scare his mother with.
When people complain about government corruption, why is it that those same complainers are completely opposed to providing for government oversight and law enforcement regarding these sort of contracts? They utterly freak out whenever someone proposes to do exactly that, and rant on about how “We CANNOT regulate business! The government has no right whatsoever to oppose or restrict anything any business does to create wealth.”
Then when someone does finally start enforcing the laws after many years or even decades of such abuse by these contractors, they label them a Communist and smear them in the corporate press.
Then these same assholes go on the TV and spittle and spray on about Government waste.
Fuck you, TeaBaggers. You’re so fulla shit yer ears are brown.
@5 Jealous? Mandela was a great leader and peacemaker. You are an inconsequential pipsqueak.
@12 My sentiments exactly. Speaking of socialism, I saw a comment under a Seattle Times article (with link) that Boeing actually gives seminars on how to milk the government cow.
Why 4,487 American Soldiers Died In Iraq
“The only reason we went into Iraq is we were looking for somebody’s ass to kick. Afghanistan was too easy.”
Those are the words of a senior Bush administration official, quoted by Peter Baker, chief White House correspondent for the New York Times.
Something new TriMet is doing on the Portland-Milwaukee(Oregon) Light Rail line. Eco-Trak on one segment, which consists of grassed track, common in Europe, rare in North America, but I believe New Orleans has always had grassy track on the At. Charles line.
The Utah Transit Authority opened another rail line this weekend. Looks like the public is giving the S-line streetcar, also called the Sugar House streetcar.
the puddibigot gives us a Moonie Times link whining about John Boehner’s travails signing up for the ACA/Obamacare.
Boehner’s claims about how long it took to sign up have been debunked already – he put the person he was supposed to talk to on hold for 35 minutes…
As for his the plan he was able to buy, CNN does an excellent job debugging the Moonie Times hysterics….
Not only will he be paying about the same as before, and be on evil Medicare in a year, but he’s benefiting from the ACA’s prohibition against discrimination based on ‘preexisting conditions’:
See, the only reason Boehner has to do this in the first place is a stunt pulled by that dickhead Grassley…
the puddibigot trades in paranoid and fantastical misinformation that ricochets around the wingnut dome, posting a mishmash of half-truths and innuendo and outright lies on these threads, all the while braying about ‘facts’ – as if a moron who thinks the earth is 6000 years out would be able to identify a ‘fact’ if it bit him on the ass.
At least we get to hear what the grifters are feeding the rubes in real time. There’s that.
When you install religious fundamentalist fanatics in charge of a military organization, you get: corruption, malfeasance, misprision of Felony and sanctimonious gladhanding.
A good friend of mine, Jewish “but not terribly good at it” (his own words) went to the Air Force Academy in 1982. He was a math genius and spoke several languages. He was pretty much run out by his third year, because he wouldn’t convert to the hard-core Pentacostal “Prosperity gospel” fundamentalist “religion” that has totally dominated the Academy since the mid 1950s.
If you aren’t a “christian”, especially the correct type, you do NOT get promotions, plum assignments or are even allowed to graduate without kissing the right asses in the right way.
The German Luftwaffe degenerated into this in the mid 1930s. By the early 1940s, they were operating concentration camps that exterminated humans like they were cockroaches. It is far past time to clean house and rid the Military of religious fanatics and fundamentalists, and the Academies are the place to start. The multiple recent scandals with nuclear weapons storage and handling procedures bear this out. The attempted theft of four such weapons by Halliburton during the Bush administration demonstrated the clearest reason why this needs to happen.
Above there were all these slanted links about the “new perspective” of Obummercare…
Reality hits again from Puddy… – Boston Globe … leftist DUMMOCRETIN fishrag and erag!
Even a DUMMOCRETIN State Senator is tacking upwind…
Downright amazing… Instead of being honest brokers before the 2012 erections, DUMMOCRETINS and now coming out like the cockroaches they are!
Wow, Puddy delivers two links. Notice the only one schmucko-lunatic ATTACKS? While schmucko-lunatic dismisses the link which correctly discusses the four hour time it took for John Boehner to signup for Obummercare and the high prices John experienced, schmucko-lunatic runs to one of his left wrong sites for low information readers and delivers this cow pie…
Direct from The Potty Mouths, one of schmucko-lunatic’s favrit sites, truth for a change. Then they revert to DUMMOCRETIN speak…
You don’t think when the Obummercare peeps watching the enrollment process saw John Boehner trying to get on and immediately reacted? Puddy suggests Boehner’s representatives put the Obummercare moron on hold because the AVERAGE American would not be receiving that service. Butt, schmucko-lunatic being a DUMMOCRETIN, which puts schmucko-lunatic into the low information reader category only reacts to what is being proffered. Did the link refute the four hour time? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So what was DEBUNKED you moron? ABSOLUTELY NUTHIN! This is more than the standard schmucko-lunatic EPIC FAYLE… This is an ABYSMAL EPIC FAYLE!
This reminds Puddy the Daily Kooks link ekimgoatsucka earlier displayed last week discussing that Republican website in CA that was conceived in July 2013, not last week as Daily Kooks tried to deliver to their low information readers. Well ekimgoatsucka is a prime example of a DUMMOCRETIN low information reader. In fact ekimgoatsucka USED THE EXACT Daily Kooks headline butt didn’t deliver the link. Must be ekimgoatsucka was trying to hide the source. Puddy delivers the links, while schmucko-lunatic demonstrates his problems with real facts!
Then there is this cut and paste schmucko-lunatic delivers from CNN…
What did CNN write schmucko-lunatic that DEBUNKED Boehner’s experience? That is an 85% leap. So again Boehner is TELLING THE TRUTH. 85% leap. Now why did CNN post that? What about younger congresscritters schmucko-lunatic? Does schmucko-lunatic acknowledge this? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! And we all know why. schmucko-lunatic is a low information reader!!!
Now onto the Yahoo link… Yes Grassley proposed Congress live like regular Americans… And Congress and their staffers will still receive a monthly stipend from the US Taxpayers to cover most of their health care costs. Will you HA DUMMOCRETINS get that benefit? Butt, it gets better and again, where s schmucko=lunatic’s crybay voice as Harry Reid doesn’t want Obummercare for some of his peeps…
Again Puddy uses CNN. In fact this is the same link Puddy used last week. Nary a peep from schmucko-lunatic! Butt it gets better…
So who is really acting juveline schmucko-lunatic? Charles Grassley who wanted Congress and their staffs to be under the same laws passed by Congressional DUMMOCRETINS or DUMMOCRETIN fools like Harry Reid who are really doing 2014 Congressional DUMMOCRETINS a disservice by slapping them in da face?
So here’s the rewrite of schmucko-lunatic’s rant above… “when will DUMMOCRETINS finally take notice of schmucko-lunatic tirades in paranoid and fantastical misinformation that ricochets around in that very leetle neanderthal cranial orifice, posting a mishmash of half-truths and innuendo and outright lies on these threads, all the while ignoring links where he can’t fabricate another of schmucko-lunatic’s final fantasies.
It really sux to be schmucko-lunatic. Low information reader extraordinaire.
I see @20 that the puddibigot as abandoned the Boehner/Obamacare sob-story, and moved on, never acknowledging the bullshit he spewed previously.
It’s all spin-spin-spin stream of consciousness bullshit spewing with this one.
How would more “flexibility” look puddibigot? What would governors and state legislatures do with “flexibility”?
How can “flexibility” aid states that are actively rejecting billions of dollars in Medicaid funding? That are actively rejecting setting up state insurance exchanges?
Tell us, puddibigot, which alternative “plan” from the right would you favor?
Do you prefer the Broun plan over the Ryan plan? What about Price? Why and how would any of these be better than the ACA?
What would a perfect plan, in your estimation, look like? Why would it be better? How would it better serve the US, and the citizens presently without access to medical care?
Remember, show your work….
Meanwhile a member of another group schmucko-lunatic likes to coddle has been acting naughty!
Another EPIC FAYLE for schmucko-lunatic… Puddy stands behind the Boehner story… Your links prove ABSOLUTELY NUTHIN… What’s next… Penguins? Good try at the train wreck your mind is, deflect the conversation once you’ve realized your shit really stinks… that’s the schmucko-lunatic’s way! Low information reader!
Puddy didn’t abandon nuthin. Puddy is abandoning the moronic rantings of schmucko-lunatic.
Obama attacked Chris Matthews and DUMMOCRETIN libtards missed it!
Right now schmucko-lunatic is on The Potty Mouths, Daily Kooks or Media Morons looking for left wrong comments about Harry Reid to dispute the CNN article.
Deland, Florida, eh?
Well, it seems that Deland, Florida has a cross on the city seal. Here’s a link from one of puddibigot’s favorite whack-o sites,, where you can see the seal yourself.
Note also the subject links below the headline – “Tea Party” and “America is a Christian Nation” – I like that last one!
So, Deland, Florida is a Christian town, with a cross on the city seal, symbolism defended by members of the town council and, that Teahaddist rag.
In puddithink, that means that all the bad stuff that happens in Deland, Florida is attributable to Christians!!
(Speaking of good Christians, puddibigot, you seem to have abandoned your cries for the summary state murder of Joseph Duncan – why is that? Were you shamed when I pointed out to you how un-Christian you were being?)
Remember the hullabaloo over the gay waitress and her “receipt” and the “support” HA DUMMOCRETINS gave her here? Well she no longer works at that restaurant. Puddy wonders why? Hmmm…?
Where is gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman on this lie?
What the crap does that have to do with one of your “protected class” peeps raping a deaf-mute person?
Abandoned Joseph Duncan? Puddy pointed out his actions. Puddy wants nothing to do with that gay child molesting Duncan creep. Puddy supports the death penalty. Yet, you like those types schmucko-lunatic. The more puerile the more vehement you get in defending them! Puddy suffers dealing with your foolishness schmucko-lunatic.
Man you are a sad laugh every nanosecond!
Seems you now abandoned your John Boehner attack. Another link maybe? How about that Penguin attack? It’s your fall back!
As always… It really sux to be you!
Well, according to the Georgia State Insurance Commissioner, having a pre-existing medical condition is the same as insurance fraud. Before the ACA was implemented insurance companies were allowed to drop insurance coverage that had been already paid for, or deny it completely to people who had diabetes or heart troubles or asthma.
The real fraudsters in the industry, is the industry itself. After my car-totaling wreck with an uninsured, unlicensed Canadian back in 1999, my insurance company dropped my policy (after nearly 10 years as a customer) and refused to pay for the damage, citing their inability to confirm the other driver’s identity. They pretty much told me to go fuck myself, and I had to scramble to buy another car.
Thats how the Republican/TeaFascist party wants to run the whole country, especially were health care insurance coverage is concerned.
I think this is a symptom of right-wing “thought” – the puddibigot can’t comprehend someone criticizing a talking head who is nominally considered on the left.
See, in puddiworld, there are grifters and there are marks (Oh, he doesn’t realize that that’s what they/he are, but that’s the deal). Rush, O’Reilly, Perkins, Dobson, Palin, etc – they’re the grifters, or “thought leaders” – they appear in media and make pronouncements – and puddibigot dutifully regurgitates those here. These people are NEVER to be criticized. Never. He is congenitally unable to be self-reflective or to admit any error from his betters. puddibigot is a mark – he’s a dutiful foot-soldier, a house slave, a slavering pawn who does what he’s told to do.
Now, of course, he projects similar relationships on the people he hates – he knows no other way to be – and so the notion of Obama – a middle-of-the-road ConservaDem – pushing back against Tweety, um, Chris Matthews – a paid shill and relatively vapid media talking head – for stupidly jumping on the ridiculous “IRS harassed the Teahaddists” story – is ABSOLUTELY unfathomable for the puddibigot.
This is what happens when you spend your days in puddibigot’s Christian bunker and troll right-wing sites all day. It’s like Hoam Skuul graduate school.
No, I proved you full of shit – again – and moved on.
You really want to talk about Emperor Penguins? On Noah’s Ark? Godly teleporting between Antarctica and Mesopotamia?
Every time we do, all are reminded that you’re a ‘Young Earth Creationist” (YEC) and as such are a deluded believer in fairy tales. I’ll go there any time you like, fool.
Yes, we know. You also like to brag about whom you hate.
What every happened to “Thou shalt not kill” and “Love your neighbor as yourself”?
They are thieves, sociopaths without ethics, morals or empathy – certainly no commitment to responsible action or deals they’ve made – it’s all how much you can steal, how fast can you steal, how do you subvert the rules to your greatest advantage? I think it’s called cleptocracy.
@ Liberal Scientist
You are trying to debate a pathological liar. There is no actual reasoning or logical thought in his words, he is a mere reactionary and he will tell whatever lie it takes that enables him to go around with that smug expression on his face.
Debating a liar is impossible, as they cannot fathom the idea that they cannot counter factual evidence with their own twisted narrative and will repeat the lie, and then increase the volume of the lie until they cannot counter evidence any longer. So they drop the subject or move the goalposts, as SpittlePuddles has done so many times in this forum.
He is a liar, plain and simple. There is no point in trying to be rational with such an individual.
schmucko-lunatic still is braying over the The Potty Mouth link… Keep at it… TPM proved Boehner had a lousy four hour experience. schmucko-lunatic moved on because schmucko-lunatic had nuthin… So who is “full of shit”? You are schmucko-lunatic.
Thanks for playing…
As always… It really sux to be you
John Boehner, as a twenty-five year employee of the Federal government, has always had taxpayer funded healthcare.
Note that when morons complain that the Cadillac benefit plans of government workers are bankrupting the treasury and must be slashed and those freeloaders forced to pay more of their share because…FREEDOM AND AMERICA, they only mean teachers and firefighters and anyone with union representation.
The screams of a latent RACIST.
Keep at it OWS RACIST Fraggy. You and headless lucy… two of a kind!
Not according to Jonathan Turley OWS RACIST Fraggy…
Butt you keep thinking that!
I know, I know….I just enjoy making him spin-spin-spin and spew ridiculous shit that underscores what a deranged, paranoid, hate-filled, terrified bunker dweller he is.
And your post has to do with what checkmate? Unlike Harry Reid who exempts some of his staff, Boehner went on the exchange as he said he would. Did you read the stooooooooooooooopid link of schmucko-lunatic or did you laugh like Puddy did over their tacit agreement on the four hour time it took to enroll and the higher prices experienced after enrollment?
@ 37
Do not address me in public, liar. I don’t dislike you (or anyone else) because of the color of your skin, I dislike you because every rambling, incoherent utterance you make in this place is complete and utter bullshit. You freely parrot the lies being spewed upon the public by the openly devout White Supremacists such as Rand Paul and Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck, and then pronounce their words as supporting your claims. Those are the people who call the black folks such things as “obsolete farm machinery” and the “criminal class”.
You are the worst sort of dupe, that is, one that lies to himself by repeating the lies that are constantly told by the same people that would happily see you dangling from a tree with your balls stuffed in your mouth.
You are far from the first such individual I have come across in my 49 years.
So fuck off, Spittles. You’re merely a liar, and hardly worth my time.
Ahhhh hah hah hah from the whitey who dares to use NIGGER in a public forum?
Yeah you are shit RACIST plain and simple just like headless lucy.
And Puddy will take down your shit every day of the week.
BTW lunatic… the knockout game has grown.
So to coin your phrase… “So fuck off, OWS RACIST Fraggy”. Sheet metal worker friends of Puddy can’t believe what you are!
Thanks for playing! You prove why DUMMOCRETINS are latent racists!
Piddles…do try to read more than a sentence, I know it hurts. Your question was answered.
So now we know OWS RACIST Fraggy visits regularly. Who knew?
Well it’s the favrit place of DUMMOCRETIN RACISTS like OWS RACIST Fraggy…
Carry on OWS RACIST Fraggy!
checkmate.. you wrote this feckless comment
Now you didn’t answer checkmate… Try comprehending a thought… Harry Reid exempts part of his staff so who is complaining about their “Cadillac benefit plans of government workers are bankrupting the treasury” as you wrote? Congressional DUMMOCRETINS. Who hates
Harry Reid!
Sux to be you! Thanks for playing…
checkmated again!
Do the puddibigot’s accusations of RACISM!! make him a *GASP* RACE HUSTLER?
Et tu, Malkin?
Sowell, at the Moonie Times, too?!
Not you too, Tucker?!
Bretibart…well, saw that one coming.
Don’t Tread on MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
@28 – I’m probably on the same side of the issue as you are. Now admit Integrity has nothing to do with Sexual Orientation. Should I post a few stories of mis behaving heterosexuals….no, of course it wouldn’t be acceptable to do so here.
What is your point are you denouncing homosexuality because of what she did. That could be similarly to heterosexuals.
Puffy you got shit for brains.
Racism ended with Rosa Parks. Puffy get over it.
You did it many times before gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman… Here’s one for example… 01/02/2012 at 10:20 am! Now you are trying to change your insipid history? Wanna review more of your putrid evidence from previous weeks? Puddy don’t need no crazed databaze! Google works perfectly.
Amazing how schmucko-lunatic has run away from his TPM posting… Apparently it did take four hours after all.
Race hustler?
Puddy lives in schmucko-lunatic’s leetle mind 24×7!
I never tried to deny that I’ve posted things on heterosexuals before. See that’s where you have shit for brains, you try to concoct something that really isn’t, saying that I’m trying to change my insipid history. I am not trying to change my insipid history. That is something you do, trying to change your insipid history.
You asked where I stood on the issue of the gay waitress, implying that I would some how defend what she did or not find it disgusting. But again shit for brains has that wrong.
You posted the story as if it had some significance or some sort of characterization of gay people. And there you go again, shit for brains, it does not.
You should look in the mirror and reflect on your own character as something of a farce.
Have fun with Google!
@52 – if you were referring to me….sorry, shit for brains, I take very little time thinking of you.
66. Gman spews:
Any Heterosexual Murders today?
09/26/2010 at 7:04 pm
and Puddy can’t believe what good deals his sheet metal friends give him on tin hats!
Really gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman?
Yes Puddy did to prove your kind is legend too!
Puddy doesn’t need to spend more that a few seconds on your kind… Puddy displays your putrid commentary and now you run away. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
P R E C I O U S!
Wow this is the best an HA DUMMOCRETIN can post!
Puddy is sure many Snhomish County sheet metal workers will applaud your stooooooooooopidity zerHOG!
That’s exactly the context in which he brought up serial killer and child molester Joseph Duncan, here.
It’s what he does – just like calling Duncan’s mother/monster a “feminazi libtard” – he’s trying to tar his hated political opponents with a moral condemnation.
He then goes on and brags about whom he hates, whom he wants executed. It’s all very Christianist.
So, puddibigot, you still haven’t reconciled your Jesus’s admonition to “Love your neighbor as yourself”, and the OT’s admonition “Thou shalt not kill”, with your bloodthirsty demand for the state-murder of Edward Duncan.
You brought up Duncan, in an effort to smear gay people, because Duncan’s early victims of sexual molestation were boys. (Mature, normal gay people are OBVIOUSLY NOTHING like child molesters who target little boys – like Duncan and far too many Catholic priests – despite your puerile innuendo.)
You then gave us a litany of whom you hated, topped off with a call for the execution of this deeply disturbed human.
Nowhere did you bring to bear any sort of compassion or empathy that might be considered the Christian ideal. Nowhere.
To the contrary, you wrote this…
So, I take that to mean that you believe your relationship with Jesus – being ‘saved’ or some such bullshit – absolves you of the command to love.
Are you in fact telling us that you don’t have to love Duncan, despite Jesus’s admonition? You have some special dispensation, that when a ‘sinner’ is too heinous, then you don’t have to love? That certainly makes it MUCH easier to indulge your torture and murder lust, doesn’t it? Like wanting to do away with Tsarnaev’s due process rights and protection from torture – the things you lustfully, greedily cackled for.
You are a pathetic cartoon of a human – so quick to throw away the humanity of another when it is easiest to do so – when it is most important not to, for all of our sakes.
and Herzog is sure you’ll run down and show them right away, as you order your next tin hat!
@55- Are you asking me? Or are you just showing me one of the links where I did say that. You don’t think there were any heterosexual murders today? That would be silly. I could probably post plenty. Try in Manchester, Connecticut for the first one.
Have fun with Google.
Thank you Obummercare…
Did anyone make sense of schmucko-lunatic’s insipid rantings in #59 & #60.
Please continue to coddle Joseph Duncan III and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Please continue to coddle illegal alien rapists like Juan Corona-Martinez!
A repeated child rapist and murderer
A terrorist bomber and murderer
A deaf-mute rapist
These are great people in schmucko-lunatic’s mind. And then schmucko-lunatic calls Puddy’s beliefs “bullshit”? Puddy doesn’t cheer these people as you do schmucko-lunatic!
Puddy lives free in schmucko-lunatic’s mind.
Written without the additional superfluous words schmucko-lunatic uses in every post!
Acting as stoooooooooooooopid as ever!
I can only assume you’re being deliberately stupid.
I applaud the American Judicial system, in which the accused is innocent – INNOCENT – until PROVEN guilty. I applaud the strictures against torture – both legally, and culturally and morally.
I applaud and aspire to the unconditional love that your Jesus preached – and demanded of those who would follow him….
What would your Jesus say to each of these deeply disturbed, deeply wounded humans? Why aren’t you saying something similar – isn’t that the essence of Christianity – to emulate the unconditional love that Christ made manifest for you to follow?
You have clearly abandoned those admonitions, those demands….yet you call yourself a godly person, a Christian – you revel in your fantasies of your God returning in “clouds of glory” as you put it – to show all your enemies that they are wrong.
You are a fraud, a whining, cackling, bloodthirsty frightened bunker dwelller getting his rocks off at the thought of children being tortured and deeply disturbed victims of child abuse – who became twisted, violent adults – being murdered by the state.
I pity you.
Remember when the person who pretends to be Puddy brought up Joseph Duncan?
By puddy logic, what does this say about straight people?
Very good point.
Also, the poor child who was tortured and died of exposure – the adopted girl, with the crazy/monstrous Tallibangelical hoam skuuling parents.
Not a word from the puddibigot about them.
@66 “You are a fraud, a whining, cackling, bloodthirsty frightened bunker dwelller”
Why are you being so nice to him?
Even Joseph Duncan wants Joseph Duncan dead:
“Duncan subsequently wrote the court and informed it that any appeal was taken ‘against his wishes’.” (Wikipedia)
Btw, he was sentenced to death by a federal court, so Uncle Sam and not a state will do the killing in this case.
I think the death penalty should be used sparingly, but I also think there are cases where it should be used, and Duncan is one of these.
This guy is a serial killer, mass murderer, kidnapper, child raper, child killer, child torturer — what does a person have to do to get executed in this country? He wants to be executed. Give him a bedsheet to hang himself with and save the taxpayers $2 million.
Isn’t that the Christian thing to do? We atheists find you religious folks so confusing.
Obviously, I oppose the death penalty in any case where guilt might be in doubt. On the other hand, Republicans have no qualms about executing people who might turn out to be innocent:
“Cameron Todd Willingham (January 9, 1968 – February 17, 2004) was an American man who was convicted of murdering his three young children by arson at the family home in Corsicana, Texas on December 23, 1991. He was executed in 2004.
“Willingham’s case gained renewed attention in 2009 when an investigative report by David Grann in The New Yorker, drawing upon arson investigation experts and advances in fire science since the 1992 investigation, suggested that the evidence for arson was unconvincing and, had this information been available at the time of trial, would have provided grounds for Willingham’s acquittal.
“According to an August 2009 investigative report by an expert hired by the Texas Forensic Science Commission, the original claims of arson were doubtful. …
“The case has been further complicated by allegations that Texas Governor Rick Perry impeded the investigation by replacing three of the nine commission members in an attempt to change the commission’s findings; Perry denies the allegations.”
Of course Perry denies the allegations. Having refused to even look at a report containing information that exonerated Willingham a few hours before the execution, the last thing Perry will ever admit to is obstructing an investigation into the question of whether he allowed the execution of an innocent man.
Willingham is dead. There’s nothing anyone can do about that now. But we can do something about Rick Perry — we can vote against him ever becoming president. He doesn’t have enough brains or judgment to occupy the White House.
But then, what Republican does?
Republicans don’t like due process. They think it just gets in the way. They want to fast-track executions, cut off appeals, ignore new evidence, disregard the established fact that some eyewitnesses are wrong, some crime lab technicians fabricate evidence, some cops and investigators lie on the witness stand, and some judges and juries make mistakes. Above all, they want to slam the door on considering DNA evidence, because they don’t want anyone released from prison even if they’re proven innocent. What the hell is wrong with Republicans? I don’t understand them, and I sure as hell won’t vote for them. Anyone who votes Republican is a menace to society and should be locked up in a nut house for the sake of public safety.
Here’s a Seattle Times article about crazy-ass Tallibangelical child “rearing” (read:abuse)…
Truly loving parenting.
The stories all converge on a book, “To Train Up a Child” – that is mentioned as central in the article about Hoam Skuuling that Deathfrogg linked to the other day. It has “biblical” references supporting the beating of children with rigid plastic tubing. It’s a mainstay of the right-wing Christianist homeschool movement.
These people are crazy savages, beating defenseless children to death – leaving them to freeze to death naked and alone in the mud – all in the name of obedience and deference to authority. One child was beaten to death for mispronouncing a word in a book she was reading.
Insane, and evil.
I see where the ‘good Christian’ puddibigot gets his thoughts on love and acceptance and mercy.
It’s like Karla Faye Tucker….and George W. Bush pantomiming and mocking her pleas for forgiveness and clemency.
Pantomiming her crying and pleading, begging for her life.
These people are monsters.
Another article on the S-line opening in SLC. In the photo, the vehicle looks longer than the Inekon vehicles used on the South Lake Union line, because it is. The Inekon/Skoda/United Streetcar is 66ft long, the S70 Streetcar from Siemens, is 79ft long. It has a bigger cousin, a90-95ft lrv in Portland with TriMet.
@67 or maybe the recent suicide murder that happened yesterday in Manchester Connecticut (you can google it, I don’t have the link) is an example of character of every black man.
Nope you dope… Roger SENILE LUNATIC and DUMBASS Wabbit did.
Thanks for playing!
Notice how schmucko-lunatic writes paragraphs of absolutely nothing?
schmucko-lunatic decoder ring…
Puddy Quiz
Name the people coddled by schmucko-lunatic:
[]A repeated child rapist and murderer
[]A terrorist bomber and murderer
[]A deaf-mute rapist
[]All of the above
Thanks for playing!!!
@79 Ha ha, I got you in trouble, neener neener!!
It’s what the puddibigot always does when he wants to run away from his hypocrisy.
He calls for the torture of children, and the abrogation of their due process rights; he calls for the state murder of a violent, but deeply disturbed abuse victim. He points out a crime and implies it’s their immigration status that is the key variable – just like he did with the child molester’s victims being little boys – trying through innuendo to smear gay people.
Come on, puddibigot, I’ve taken to heart your admonitions about your God coming back “in clouds of glory”, and so I want to get right with such a powerful dude, so I’m trying to understand you Christians, so answer me this…
C’mon, puddibigot, teach me about your faith.
Since Mr Puddy doesn’t seem to know, I’ll answer for him. Jesus would say “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?” [James 4:12 KJV
“Get Christ back into Christmas?
How about getting Christ back into Christians?”
It’s really sad how many hypocritical so called Christians there are, who worship greed and hate more than charity and love.