Chris Cillizza: The country’s most vulnerable governor.
Sam Seder with Aasif Mandvi Behind the Daily Show “Racist Republican” segment:
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
White House: West Wing Week.
- Sam Seder: The real reason Libertarian hero Rand Paul is a serial plagiarist
- Maddow: Rand Paul’s meltdown (via Slog).
- Sam Seder: Breitbart hires plagiarist
- Red State Update: Episode 51, “Rand Paul’s panties”
- Jon: Rand Theft Caught-o
- Sam Seder: Ron Paul adds to Rand’s horrible week
Pap: Chris Christie is the face of the Republican train wreck.
Stephen has some words for employers who are less than LGBT friendly.
On to 2014!
Please don’t not have sex (via Slog).
Read the tweets you politician deleted.
The Tragedy of Affordable (but Somewhat Inconveniently Acquired) Health Care Insurance for Everyone:
- Obama speaks on the Affordable Care Act
- Country music stars make funnies about ObamaCare (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Are insurance companies lying to their customers?
- Young Turks: Obama apologizes for insurance policy changes/terminations.
- Jon has some words for ObamaCare opponents
- Thom politically corrects FAUX News idiot over the difference between cancelled insurance versus losing coverage.
- Ann Telnaes: To keep or not to keep your health-care plan.
- Interactive map: The GOPs 5 Million person Medicaid gap (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Virginians made their ObamaCare choice!
- Young Turks: Five million people will be uninsured under ObamaCare because of obstinate GOP Governors.
The biggest prison profiteer of them all.
Absurdity Today: JP Morgan and other abominations.
Mental Floss: 26 bizarre college courses.
Sam Seder and Adele Stan: How the Koch brothers are funding the Republican War on Women™.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
The Spy Who Listened to Me:
- Ann Telnaes: Paying for surveillance.
- Mark Fiore: Lil’ NSA Spy Kit.
- CIA pays AT&T $10 Million per year for records access.
Ed with Lizz Winstead on why Ken Cuccinelli lost…”Women like sex but he doesn’t”.
Bill Maher with some New Rules (via Crooks and Liars).
Melissa Harris-Perry: Sunday shows fail to cover devastating cuts to SNAP program.
Sam Seder: Shrub does a keynote for Jews for Jesus.
Politician runs for Congress in FOUR DIFFERENT STATES simultaneously!
Chris Christie’s victory speech in campaign buttons.
Jon: 2016? TOO SOON!!!!
Yes…We Really Are Stooping To Local Politics…Canadian Local Politcs!:
- Young Turks: New Rob Ford video.
- Sam Seder: Rob Ford smokes crack.
- Kimmel: How to tell if you mayor is smoking crack.
- Stephen pulls a Ford.
- Kimmel interviews Mayor Rob Ford.
The Obamas surprise some White House visitors:
Thom: You might be a Republican if….
Young Turks: CBS apologizes for Benghazi report.
Absurdity Today: Stuff in the news.
Laura Flanders with Melissa Harris Perry: The Pregnant Woman Who Ended up in Jail.
Maddow: Shrub’s new friends.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Mayor Ford, in some ways, is a little like Chri Christie, with his combative style. Ford’s popularity actually helped the Conservatives take a few seats in Toronto in the 2011 Federal Election.
Meant Chris Christie.
The Hawaiian State House has approved the marriage equality bill, 30-19, it heads back to the Senate for approval of the amended bill, then to Governor Abercrombie.
Pennsylvania is betting on making money on private prisons, and deliberately destroying it’s own school system to do so.
Thats what the TeaBagger/NeoFascist “party” is all about. They would rather see your kid go to prison rather than graduate high school.
They’re literally bringing back slavery with a guaranteed 90% occupation rate for private prisons.
Now, tell me that the fucking TeaPottie isn’t the fucking United States version of the old German National-Socialist Party. Perhaps SpittlePuddles should move there. At least his kids will be guaranteed three hots and a fucking cot, plus full-time employment for the rest of their lives.
Kirby Wilbur thinks women are “witches and hags.”
@4 Already been there, already done that.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The solution to states behaving badly is — leave. Move away. Don’t work there, don’t live there, don’t raise your children there. When voters elect officials who persecute workers, women, and children, don’t have anything to do with that state or the people in it. Just vote with your feet, and let them wallow in the cesspool they’ve created for themselves. It’s not your problem, and don’t let it become your problem. Simply have nothing to do with such people.
Where is the story on DUMMOCRETINS going nutzo over marijuana?
Where is this story of a Obummercare champeen now affected by Obummer/Sebelius regulations?
The help will be another bicycle with 2 flat tires! Like all other Obummer will look into it comments, nothing will happen and she’ll be paying through her nose for insurance.
Rand Paul is a bigger fraud than we suspected.
Seems rand, in clear violation of Kentucky licensing rules has been advertising himself as a board certified ophthalmologist.
It’s true, if by certified you mean I Rand Paul and this group of friends NOT the state board say I’m certified.
@ 7
How is this story about marijuana at all? Seems to me that the story is about some psychotic thieves looking for money. People who were apparently wiling to torture a man for.
You know, that object of veneration that is so much more important than literally everything else in this world to nutball liars like you.
@7 – that article has as much to do with Democrats as it does with Heterosexuals, if anything maybe even less.
This is great – in the next coming days Republicans are going to argue that people deserve less and will try to defend capitalism as selling a shitty product and being happy with it as a consumer. Why are republicans so much like a dog trying to chase it’s tail?
Meanwhile, in Kansas.
Pacific Coast Canola’s seed crushing plant in Warden, Washington has received it’s first unit train of canola seeds, for a plant that is one of two of it’s kind using a new process. More carloads for the Columbia Basin Railroad. Good for the Eastern Washington economy.
WSDOT and the Columbia Basin Railroad are studying improvements to their tracks, for economic development purposes. If the SGL/BMW carbon fiber plant continues to expand, might win some of their business from trucks. Rail is more efficient mover, in some cases, and BMW sited the plant in Moses Lake to take advantage of the cheap, clean electricity that the Grant County PUD gets from their own dams, and through the BPA, Grand Coulee Dam.
Meanwhile, in Maryland.
“It twarnt me, it was them dirty homaseckshuls what made me almost kill that little girl with mah $100,000 speedboat, and now they made me crash mah car too. Goddamn queers iz ruinin’ mah country.”
You don’t expect a Republican to have any respect for the law, or other people’s lives and property, do you?
But for the grace of God this scumbag would be a child killer. Every day for the rest of his miserable life, he should get on his knees and thank the Good Lord for bailing him out of this one.
@7 & 10
There have been long psychological studies on people who assume criminals to be of a certain class or race the moment they hear of a crime committed.
And yes, it boils down to bigotry and prejudice.
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. 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If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”
@ 19
Minutes since last OCD attack
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Hm. Eleven indictments so far in the NYC biker riot that left one man dead and another in the hospital for three days. Six of the rioters were NYC Police, including two detectives, and they stood by and watched the attack and did nothing to interfere. One of those cops is now out on $150,000 bail and is suspended without pay. He could (and should) get the maximum sentence of 25 years.
Good start.
@19 – The Iraq War will pay for itself. Iraq has weapons of Mass Destruction and is tied to Al-queda. Thousands of dead Americans later – the war cost trillions and no WMD and no ties to Al-queda.
And no apology – Mission Accomplished.
Republicans chasing their tails in circles.
@19 Get your damned keyboard fixed.
Second Amendment Report (TM)
Incident #2: “Two people were killed and at least 22 were injured during a shooting late Saturday night at a house party in a suburb of Houston, Texas police said.”
Incident #2: “A 16-year-old boy has been taken into custody in connection with a shooting at the ice rink in Bryant Park late Saturday that left a 14-year-old boy and a 20-year-old man injured, law enforcement sources said. Emergency crews responded to reports of shots fired at the Midtown Manhattan park just after 11 p.m. and found the 14-year-old shot in the back and the 20-year-old shot in one of his arms. … Investigators believe … the suspect had asked the 20-year-old for his jacket and after the man refused the suspect returned … with a gun and began firing.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the kind of society the NRA and Republican gun nuts want to force us to live in. It’s time to tell them to go to hell.
@ RR
I read a little background stuff on that. The suspect was a 16 year old who had maintained a steady drunk over a period of several weeks prior to the shooting. What he had was a psychotic break, and a handgun. His FB posts read like someone putting his brain through some serious chemical shenanigans.
It doesn’t take anything but alcohol to make people go insane. I happen to think that it makes a lot of folks do that, and much of the time, nobody notices it because the behaviors exhibited apparently still fall within the normal parameters of human behavior.
@21 Has the injured biker died?
I really don’t want to see Lara Logan thrown under the same bus as Dan Rather. However, as long as she’s working for CBS I’m not going to believe a fucking word she says.
Conservatives never let up in fomenting hate against “others”.
Run Liz, run!
From link @29: ” … one shudders to consider the embarrassments that will attend the Terry McAuliffe administration in Virginia …”
Wow, the wingnuts at New Republic* just can’t contain themselves, can they? They remind me of some guy staring at a computer screen waiting for a stock he bought 10 minutes to go up.
* If you ask me, there’s nothing “new” about them, they’re the same old Republicans. By definition, these guys never change.
Roger @ 30
Bill Clinton was the best Republican President since Ike as is Obama is the best since Bill..
Terry McAuliffe is certainly preferable to the teahadist idiot Kookinelli but that’s not saying a whole lot. No one who knows anything about him likes him.
And Hillary is to the right of Obama on foreign policy.. At least at the beginning of his administration. And the article claims she will only hire Rubinites for her economic team. That’s a pretty good bet and terrible for this country. It’s all about keeping Wall Street cash flowing into Dem coffers..
People are tired of scraps from the elite Dems.. They’re going to urge Liz Warren to run and she’ll probably do it.
The New Republic had a bad right wing tinge during the Bush years but that’s mostly faded these days I think.