Bill Maher with some new rules (via Crooks and Liars).
Maddow: The fight to keep Republicans from tainting scientific climate reports. Part I.
Maddow: The fight to keep Republicans from tainting scientific climate reports. Part II.
Spooky Times:
- Ann Telnaes: James Clapper insists spying was okay.
- Stephen: See no evil (via Crooks and Liars).
- Ann Telnaes: The NSA is watching you.
- Jon: Congress is shocked, SHOCKED, the NSA was doing bad things.
- Ann Telnaes: The scary face of surveillance.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Steve Kornacki: The history of Black Senators, Part I.
Steve Kornacki: The history of Black Senators, Part II.
Maddow: How you pay congress to do nothing!
Sharpton with Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA-7): Republicans will say anything about President Obama just to see him fail.
Cruz Mis-sell:
- Maddow: Harry Reid on a Ted Cruz nomination, “…end of the Republican party”.
- Bill Maher on Ted Cruz: GOP always been “masters” of “are you kidding me” candidates
- Thom politically corrects Ted Cruz.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Ted Cruz surrenders….
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz’s father goes all Birfer.
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz grilled by Univision host Jorge Ramos.
- Bashir: GOP 6 feet under as Ted Cruz’s dad wants to send Obama ‘back-to-Kenya’
- Sharpton: Cruz plays it loose with hate.
Sam Seder: Seattle’s socialist movement.
Jon has some words for the media: Go fuck yourself.
Thom: Why is the GOP trying to insert the Government into a woman’s uterus?
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News likes bank fraud?!?
The Audacity of Affordable Health Care for Everyone:
- Republicans admit they are living in Oz!
- Pap: Sorry GOP, ObamaCare is working.
- Stephen is heartbroken over missing Obamacare woman.
- Young Turks: But, but, but Obama said you could keep your health plan!!!
- White House: Affordable health care for $50/month.
- Mark Fiore: America’s Bestest Idea.
- Ed: Obama dispels GOP healthcare myths and lies
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The House GOP’s latest healthcare obsession in Oz.
- Young Turks: What a sexist libertarian thinks of women’s health insurance.
- Sam Seder: Dems call out Repubs on health care lies and obstruction.
- Republicans respond to
Mental Floss: 32 superstition orgins.
Jonathan Mann: Mother Nature is motherfucking scary.
Sam Seder: Rick Santorum reveals that Hollywood is run by Satan!!!
Pap: Teabaggers don’t understand the economy.
Chris Cillizza: Is blocking judges and effective tactic for Republicans?.
Serial Plagerist Rand Paul:
- Maddow: Rand Paul is a serial plagiarizer.
- Stephen blasts Maddow over criticizing Rand Paul
- Bashir: The lifted lines of Rand Paul
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen mocks GOP Senators who disapproved of their own previous debt ceiling vote.
Chris Cillizza: The very scary proposition of dead people on the voter roles:
Steve Kornacki: Fifth-year slumps, Obama versus Bush.
Thom: How climate change affects the oceans.
Stephen demands Nevada Assemblyman Jim Wheeler “punch himself in the balls” after slavery comments.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Plagiarizing the Wikipedia article on Gattica? Wonder if the movie will see a sudden surge in DVD sales, even though it was a flop.
I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that the TeaFascists are supposedly about being taxed too much, when the major financial supporters of this phony “movement” pay no taxes whatsoever, and do nothing to promote or build the real strength the United States could have if it just educated the citizens. Promoting the general welfare by rebuilding the roads, schools, scientific research programs and putting real criminals in prison where they belong. Criminals like the owners and CEOs of the banks and corporations that have systematically torn down everything this country built since it’s founding.
How is it that this Nation, that once built the atomic bomb, discovered antibiotics, and developed rocket engineering to the point where we have sent machines to the furthest reaches of the Solar System and beyond, is now cumulatively redesigning itself as another version of Russia, with an intelligence quotient below 80 becoming the norm.
Is it a fungal infection or maybe some poison that people are ingesting? It’s gotta be something that eats people’s brains. Congenital syphilis or toxoplasmosis or something or a combination of such. Combine that with acute, and chronic lead poisoning and a lifetime of feeding on plastic food and you get a whole new class of mental illness and willful stupidity.
There is no word in the english language, or likely any language, that can adequately describe the self-inflicted deterioration of human cogitation we have seen developing in this country over the last 50 years. We have a few examples of that right in this forum.
“Republicans” claim to want to foster local control of things. At the Federal level, the GOP says that it isn’t the Federal government’s responsibility to fund education or scientific research or infrastructure maintenance and development. So they refuse to tax the highest income earners in the country, pass the buck to the States and wash their hands of the problems.
Then, at the State level, they claim to promote the idea that local control means just that, that it isn’t the State Government’s responsibility to fund schools or build roads, fire stations, or even Police departments. So the State legislators refuse to raise statewide revenue streams to the general public and pass the buck to the Counties and wash their hands of the problems.
All this while criticizing the local governments for wasting the taxpayers money. At the same time, while they campaign every election cycle on fixing the problems that they have themselves deliberately created to promote their image of saving taxpayers money, insist that such things should not be the responsibility of the State Governments to pay for.
At the County level, the GOP promotes their ideas of “local control”, and claim that only the individual school districts and municipalities have responsibility to support themselves, and build their own infrastructure. Then they fight any locally oriented taxation that would support that.
The GOP is the schizo-effective narcissist greedy asshole party, but the fucking Democrats really cannot and will not do anything to oppose them, because the people who pull the strings of both parties don’t want to pay taxes at all.
It is perfectly acceptable to be a thief, if one is a banker billionaire with a few congresspeople and judges and prosecutors in one’s pocket. The plebes lap it up off the dirt, and beg for more.
Stockholm syndrome at every level. The taxpayers are forced to pay for football stadiums and utilities to housing developments and shopping centers, but once the citizens start talking about putting updated schoolbooks in student’s hands or building a new building to educate people in, the GOP freaks out and propagates all sorts of misleading and outright false information against those things, claiming that it isn’t the Governments responsibility to support schooling for the next generation of leaders and engineers and doctors and such.
When people cannot read, or understand how the governing process was designed to function, they end up with the Government we have now. Full of Louie Gohmerts, Michelle Bachmanns, Paul Ryans and George Bushes.
Interview with Matt Bevin on why the very institution of government itself is communism.
Apparently Senator Roy Blunt thinks all the highway reconstruction I drove though around Kansas City a few days go magically pays for its self.
Try hearing someone from a state that gets back more in federal spending than it pays in federal taxes talking about how the federal government is stealing their money. I don’t even try to talk to these people. I’m just hanging around to enjoy the fall colors and ride my bike on the Katy Trail.
Republicans tend to hate regulations, except if the regulations are onerous on something that they oppose. The FRA is set to do away with regulations that prevent passenger train operators from using off the shelf foreign rolling stock, by 2015.
A Florida state senator and former ally of Governor Scott has come out saying that Governor Scott rejected high speed rail money to make President Obama look bad.
Except when they involve uteri, or brown/black/poor people voting.
@4 “Communism” is whatever they want to call it. As such, it’s one of those labels that has been so profligately used, and so spuriously misused, that today it merely means “you’re not from my political tribe.”
Hate speech, The Atlantic tells us, can be useful. For example, the rapid advance of gay rights owes much to the the likes of Jerry Falwell and other homophobes whose hate-filled rhetoric repulses reasonable people and increases their sympathy for LBGT people. Unfortunately, I can’t link to the article, because their website seems to be down right now.
Here’s an interesting article that explains how Wall Street manipulates credit default swaps to steal from unsuspecting investors.
The radiologist who runs Johns Hopkins’ black lung program hasn’t approved a single coal miner for black lung benefits since the 1980s. Meanwhile, Johns Hopkins received millions of dollars from the coal companies whose miners were denied black lung benefits.
“From thousands of classified documents, the NSA emerges as an electronic omnivore of staggering capabilities, eavesdropping and hacking its way around the world to strip governments and other targets of their secrets, all while enforcing the utmost secrecy about its own operations.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is what an out-of-control rogue agency looks like. How can this possibly be compatible with a democracy supposedly answerable to its citizens?
@12 is just another example of how corrupt corporations, politicians, and institutions have totally stacked the deck against working people.
How do we know the NSA isn’t spying on the private lives of workers on behalf of their corporate employers?
It isn’t. It can’t. Why don’t you love America?
8)I forgot about those, as well. Republicans probably don’t like the Federal Railroad Administrator, he’s the former head of the United Transportation Union, and likes to refer to himself as an old freight conductor.
Second Amendment Report (TM)
“One person was hospitalized Saturday after a shooting at North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, according to the school’s website.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Do you get a feeling pro-gunners have gone too far, and their gun culture is out of control? I do.
The problem with being caught once is that people start paying attention to other “works”.
Drip…drip…drip…Rand Paul is a fraud.
They have a word for people who profit from ‘writing’ books without properly citing sources.
Rand Paul may not have had an original thought in his life.
Founf another article with a little more info to my post@6:
Yes ObummerCare is working…
Sho nuff…
Yes, ObummerCare is working just fine…
All those private insurance plans go bye bye…
Remember schmucko-moron already posted the LA Slimes article backing up the percentages mentioned here!
So sex workers should be ineligible for health care?
I think you’ve never read your bible.
Puddly is afraid that now that mental health care must be included, someone will insist that he use it.
When I read this article about the Louisiana county that sports America’s greatest income disparity, the thought that leaped in my mind was this: Republicans want to cut billions of dollars from food aid to hungry poor people, but keep giving billions of dollars of federal subsidies to rich farmers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How do such people live with themselves? They must not have a conscience.
@24 Some people aren’t amenable to mental health treatment. All you can do is lock them in a rubber room with no internet access so they can’t harm themselves or others. We’d miss him, though. How would we pass the time without puddly to kick around? It would get awfully boring around here.
Something wrong with the rat. Where did Puddy ever think that?
Projection is strong in this DUMMOCRETIN!
Just what checkmate needs… a sex worker!
Who knew?
Interesting story on Politico…
Looks like another missed ObummerCare link from Da Perfessa with his DUMMOCRETIN horse manure above.
So those 4000+ HA DUMMOCRETINS who rushed to place their info on should wonder.
I see the village idiot is baaaaaaack!
What a wretched, reprehensible creature you are.
Indeed, as czechsaaz points out @23, your ridicule of a sex worker thankful she can get health care without stigma is particularly poignant given alleged Jesus’ alleged relationships with whores.
Jesus aside – sex workers are a particularly vulnerable segment of society. Women of Color Against Violence discuss the plight of sex workers here. Here are some glaring statistics regarding the vulnerability of sex workers, women and men. Here are some more stats, including this…
But hey, if you’re puddibigot, and you’re sure the Sky Daddy loves you more than He loves anybody else, especially some icky slut or some queer boy who deserved it, then yuck it up and make it an attack when you read about a sex worker finding a glimmer of hope and a lack of stigma when she finally has a chance to see a doctor.
Pathetic waste of oxygen.
(BTW, puddibigot, why don’t you give us an exposition on the difference between ‘vault’ and ‘vaunt’, you illiterate, hateful pustule.)
I’d be laughing at you if I weren’t gagging.
schmucko-moron… Puddy doesn’t EVER answer to you. Somehow you never commented on Monroe, LA or your attempt in Oklahoma, headed by DUMMOCRETINS.
Regarding the sex worker you missed it like always…
Now why is that schmucko-moron? You brag all day how “smart” you are yet you continually miss that right in front of your snot dripping nose! No ridicule except in your projecting leetle mind.
See ya schmucko-moron.
Wait for it… Watch for the next installment accusing Puddy of something silly from schmucko-moron…
Please proceed, puddibigot…..
Still waiting DUMMOCRETIN schmucko-moron…
The whitey house
Holiday Treeerr… Christmas Tree is from WA State this year. Will DUMMOCRETINS demand Obummer rename it as the DC Holiday Tree?Oh no NY DUMMOCRETINS are feeling the ObummerCare hit…
So much for keeping that policy! .period. .guaranteed.
Oh no… David Broken-AxleRod is wrong?
Now we see this:
So ObummerCare is forcing peeps to have to change coverage!
So sad how Congressional DUMMOCRETINS are screwing with American lives!
From puddyidiot @36: “Oh no NY DUMMOCRETINS are feeling the ObummerCare hit…”
Yep, we sure are …
“Democrats appear poised for another big electoral victory in Virginia on Tuesday as conservative and Tea Party Republicans face real questions about whether they can win ….
“The gubernatorial race between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli has remained unchanged for weeks, with McAuliffe holding a steady and sizable lead in most polls.
“Those surveys tell a stark story: The GOP is losing not because the party failed to nominate the most conservative candidate — but because they did. …
“‘Virginia has changed and they haven’t,’ former Virginia Rep. Tom Davis, a moderate Republican who represented the D.C. suburbs for 14 years, said of his party’s controlling conservative wing. ‘They’re an anachronism. They’re losing young people, they’re losing women, they’re losing people moving in.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Running on a 19th century platform in the 21st century has never felt like a winning strategy to me.
Meanwhile back with Benghazi… Seems the 60 minutes person is being framed by someone who doesn’t like the truth being told…
DUMMOCRETINS don’t care about anyone except their political lives. They will willingly bury anyone in their way!
@39 Oh my! Now puddles wants us to accept the say-so of a guy who doesn’t want his real name revealed — because the incident report he wrote at the time contradicts what he said in his book!
There goes schmucko-moron again… Misses the information under his snot laden nose… Except he didn’t write it schmucko-moron
Once again schmucko-moron can’t read or comprehend!
And you DUMMOCRETINS eat up the shit slurry from the fingers of schmucko-moron!
Notice how schmucko-moron throws crap on the blog then runs away@33? Still waiting schmucko-moron. schmucko-moron is continually stoooooooooooopid all the time.
Yes Gallup is now showing Obummer at 40%. Must be that ObummerCare love.
Remember that Rand Paul plagiarism attack by Rachel MadCow… and badly covered by Da Perfessa above? Well looks like someone will be checking on Rachel MadCow now…
Let’s see how many lies, comments taken out of context, and deceptions she pulls off now!
Wow, even David Gregory isn’t buying the David BrokenAxelRod spin…
PuddyCommentary… Even the ASS-kissing peacock peeps realize they have to start coming clean with some truths when they can’t cover for Obummer anymore!
The person who pretends to be puddy continues to give republicans and christians a bad name.
Piddles might want to look into his Benghazi frothing. As the hare points out, not only does the timeline not match what ‘Morgan Jones’ claims but apparently his signed report to the British military he states he saw Ambassodor Steven’s body in a cell phone image from another member of the security detail.
But…but…but…he told 60 minutes he saw the body first hand and told his superiors he wasn’t even able to get to the compound until the twelfth. Curiouser and curiouser.
yet checkmate checkmates himself again….
More DUMMOCRETIN reading comprehension issues.
Nice Puddy attack Fascist Pigsty@46,
Yet you can’t refute anything posted so attack Puddy. Typical Saul Alinsky action!
In other news…
Oh no… it seems Wendy Davis, HA DUMMOCRETIN heroine, just got kicked to the curb by the 5th Circuit of Appeals!
Remember Kermit Gosnell HA DUMMOCRETINS? He’s the basis why Texas wrote this law! Remember Gosnell was a hero of PA and DEL DUMMOCRETINS!
I see puddybigot was driven off his attack on sex workers….perhaps he is able to be shamed. Will wonders never cease?
@31 Our resident moralizer has forgotten the only reason there are sex workers is because there are johns.
@51 Courts decide what is constitutional, not what is wise. In other words, legislators are allowed to be idiots, within boundaries. I’m sure this particular bit of legislation will go over big with female voters in Texass. That’s the Republican Party for you: Never minds to think small, they alienate voters millions at a time.
Remember this Puddy entry two weeks ago? Well itseems CNN has backed up the NY Slimes article.
PuddyCommentary… So you can’t keep your doctors or hospitals you are used to use. Travel 25 miles in a snowstorm… You can thank ObummerCare.
Will the low information DUMMOCRETINS figger this out in 2014?
Well, well, well…..seems puddybigot isn’t letting his RandpaulPlagiarist bone go…..GREAT! You go,bigot! seems even Drudge is getting on the act.
Oh boy! Seems little Randy, like a good little Republican, thinks he gets to take what he wants, property rights be damned….oh, wait, I thought Republicans liked property rights??
I find Teahaddists SO confusing!
Still waiting schmucko-moron @51! Puddy not driven anywhere except in your small leetle mind! Of course you have nothing to say regarding missing the obvious! Twice in this thread!
As always… Sux to be you schmucko-moron!
@54 Rant all you want about Obamacare, it still looks good to millions of people compared to the private insurance system we had before Obamacare; in fact, Obamacare wouldn’t exist if that system hadn’t fucked over so many people so badly.
schmucko-moron… What did Rachel Madcow orginally say about Rand Paul? This is what was proffered on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Now you train wreck with something totally different. Man you are really stoooooooooooopid! And Puddy has been saying this for years!
Drudge? Drudge Retort? Man you are really stooooooooooooopid!
Also, women wouldn’t have to sell their bodies if 30 years of conservative economics had produced the jobs it promised us.
Really? DUMMOCRETINS been after this segment for years Roger SENILE LUNATIC and DUMB Wabbit!
@58 “Drudge Retort?”
Now there’s an example of an imitator being better than the original. But then, Matt Drudge is a pretty low bar, so it’s not hard to do.
And wimens didn’t seel their bodies when DUMMOCRETINS controlled the House for 40 years Roger SENILE LUNATIC and DUMB Wabbit?
Do tell Roger SENILE LUNATIC and DUMB Wabbit!
@60 “Roger SENILE LUNATIC and DUMB Wabbit!”
What’s wrong with that? I’m getting paid for it. All I had to do was show them my DD214 and talk to their psychologist for 45 minutes. Next thing I knew, the VA began mailing monthly checks to me.
@62 Women wouldn’t sell their bodies if men didn’t buy their bodies.
In other news Obummer told these two he’s really good at killing people.
I’m creating a diversion while LS grabs some supper. It’s easy to attract puddy’s attention. Just wave something shiny.
That’s not your original argument@59 Roger SENILE LUNATIC and DUMB Wabbit!
Nice train wreck derailment!
@67 Never said it was. I wasn’t the first rabbit to say the earth isn’t flat, either.
@68 Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!
(N.B., looks like Rand Paul isn’t the only wingnut who plagiarizes the published works of others.)
Actually, I’m slightly flattered that puddy stole my HAR lines from me, even though it reflects a deficit of originality and imagination on his part.
@68 Yeah, I’m keeping you occupied until he comes back to work you over some more. Don’t go away!
Thanks RR….dinner done….boeuf Bourguignon….mmmmmmmmm
I actually don’t give a shit about the puddybigot or what he writes….just fun to get him all stirred up….and to taunt him about his stupidity, like that gem the other day….vaunt/vault…priceless.
I also find it very revealing when he engages in some truly heinous/honest behavior like that above regarding sex workers. It’s amazing when Teahaddists get caught being honest. They usually say they were kidding…puddybigot usually claims (like he’s doing here) that he meant something else that we’re not getting. Same old, same old.
Ooh…gotta go…Walking Dead back on…….
Still trying to walk away from not getting what “Jolene” said eh schmucko-moron? And you run away from the other comment above! Stoooooooooooooopid and build to stay that way! How appropriate schmucko-moron is watching himself on tv
Piddles….still on about sex workers? Read any Gospel of Luke? 7:36-50 maybe?
What are those Gospel bits about publicly declaring faith but not living it? What are those bits about forgiveness? Something about praying pridefully where other see?
OK, I’ll bite….tell me what I’m missing, puddybigot, school me on my simplemindedness….what did I miss in your insightful post above?
I’ve been off writing a book review for (don’t bother looking under “Roger Rabbit,” I only use that name on political blogs, because I don’t want my burrow to get firebombed). I don’t get what Piddly Moralist’s hangup is with sex workers. If you don’t believe in the service, don’t use it, know what I mean? Obviously, someone does, not me though. I’m perfectly happy with Mrs. Rabbit. But that doesn’t prevent me from feeling some empathy and compassion for women who have to sell their bodies to strangers because our capitalist economy does a lousy job of providing moral work for everyone who needs and wants to work. (It takes damn good care of CEOs, banksters, and stock flippers, though.)
The GOP’s latest anti-Obamacare meme is that millions of people will lose their existing insurance plans. There’s an element of truth to that; know why? Because those plans don’t cover pre-existing conditions, and that’s now illegal.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So which is better, keeping your old insurance policy and being denied coverage, or having to look for a new policy under Obamacare that will cover all of your illnesses?
Under Texass’ new voter suppression law, former Speaker of the House Jim Wright, now 90 years old, can’t get a voter ID card and therefore won’t be allowed to vote.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No problem, because he’s a Democrat, and therefore exactly the kind of person that Texass Republicans don’t want voting.
Looks like a busy day, just got home from work myself.
79)Didn’t plans also used to drop people for getting sick? The Swiss did something like the Affordable Care Act, and I heard one way the companies compete for coverage, is offering fast approval of claims.
Also, the new FRA rules would mist likely benefit Swiss company Stadler Rail, as they worked with the FRA on a waiver. One conceivable scenario with the new rules, is the lightweight Diesel Multiple Units being used on brancg line services, then in the city, switching to the local light rail to serve downtown. Besides the GTW, which is used in New Jersey and Texas, Stadler has a new model on offer that also uses both Diesel and Electric motors.
I see once again, puddibigot brings the hate – this time on one of the most vulnerable segments in our puritanical society – sex workers – and he thinks that the fact that a woman in that trade can get health insurance without stigma, without declaring her type of work, is somehow a problem.
And he says it thinking that it’s a good argument, that there is no retort, that people might actually agree with him.
It’s like your stupid cousin telling a blatantly racist, or perhaps more timely, homophobic joke at the Thanksgiving table, and receiving nothing but silence in return, when he expected laughter and assent and complicity.
Note puddibigot’s backtracking above – what he accuses me of, nonsensically, always a giveaway as to what he’s up to – trying to imply there was some other intent or message to his post.
No, there’s never any depth or nuance to a puddibigot post – just hate and stupidity, cackling evil, vomiting the latest Tony Perkins or Hannity or EW Jackson or David Duke, not realizing those charlatans’ words only work on the rubes they were crafted for, like the puddibigot himself.
Blah blah blah… Man you really are a psychopath! So self absorbed… so DUMMOCRETIN righteous
what is really damn funny is how quickly Puddybud throws in the towel when confronted with the truth
Funny how schmucko-moron walks away from his Rand Paul attack on Drudge RETORT!
I haven’t walked away from anything – you just present a target-rich environment for ridicule – it’s hard to keep up with all the stupidity you spew.
…doesn’t know the difference between the verbs ‘vaunt‘ and ‘vault‘.
…thinks sex workers getting access to healthcare without some cranky moral scold stigmatizing them is somehow bad. Doesn’t realize he’s exposing some pretty extreme misogyny in the process.
…doesn’t realize that even rightard sites like Drudge are lambasting Rand Paul for recurrent, remorseless plagiarism.
…keeps beating last weeks drum about Obama stealing your (worthless) insurance plan.
…thinks the messages he’s getting through his dental fillings about BENNNNNGGHHHHAAAAZZZIIII!! from arsonist and thief Darryl Issa are both true and something that sane people believe or care about.
…thinks that anyone with half a brain cares what David Gregory thinks.
And I’m sure there’s more, I just quit giving much a a shit about puddibigot’s posts – other than as convenient tools with which to beat him about the head with – a LONG time ago.
Like I said, target rich-environment.
Yes, yes it is.
I’ve said many times, he’s like a squid squirting ink – when he realizes that someone capable of critical thought has bothered to take him up on his burbling hatred and has decisively kicked his rhetorical ass – he spews some dense word salad and disappears.
Drudge RETORT is DRUDGE REPORT Really schmucko-moron? Such an idiot. Twists what he previously wrote to make himself look better.
What a moron… Puddy hasn’t thrown in any towel. Obummer has killed insurance plans and everyone knows it, except pinhead DUMMOCRETINS like you! Puddy’s corporate plan has increased my deductions and increased in out of pocket costs. The form letter said “Due to the ACA these are the new plans.”
Plain and simple idiot DUMMOCRETIN. 2014 will be a target rich year for removing Congressional DUMMOCRETINS!
Rest of the rant is useless as always…
Yup. Running away when sufficiently smacked around.
I just heard a story on NPR about a scientific study (you can tune out now, puddibigot – we all know you’re allergic to science) into the brain structure and function of adolescents.
Childhood Maltreatment Can Leave Scars In The Brain
Kids who were abused or neglected had weak links between their prefrontal cortex and the amygdala – associated with anxiety disorders and other mental illness.
We know that studies of right-wingers show the dominance of thoughts of fear and anxiety, here, and here, and here.
So….you beat your children, they develop mental illnesses and become Republicans. No wonder crazy-ass preachermen beat the snot out of their children, here and here and here. Our local insanity included.
The corollary….spare the rod, and create a more peaceful world.
” Puddy’s corporate plan has increased my deductions and increased in out of pocket costs. The form letter said “Due to the ACA these are the new plans.”
How could Puddy’s plan increase YOUR costs? Looks like an issue between you and Puddy.
OOOPS!!! Rand Paul caught plagiarizing, again. This time he was grifting, er, writing, um….well, the piece in question was an Op-Ed in the Washington Times.
I guess he was convinced that WT readers don’t, um, stray far, and wouldn’t be expected to have much knowledge of anything outside the bubble.
As Josh Marshall points out, daddy Paul, Ron, was always running away from his bona fide words, usually offensive and racist; son Rand doesn’t have any (intelligent) words of his own and has to steal others’ and pass them off as his own.
These are the moral titans in teh puddibigot’s firmament.
Yeah, well, unscrupulous corporations have always preyed on the more dimwitted amongst us. Here’s a TPM investigation of how health insurance companies are trying to fleece their customers once again. Since we all know that the puddibigot is one of the more stupid, not to mention hateful, persons on the planet, I’m sure he’s been targeted as a mark by all sorts of grifters.
I’m still waiting for the puddibigot to explain his triumphal quote of the sex worker above.
You wrote…
What point are you actually trying to make, puddibigot?
Why are you cackling about her being happy about not having to list her profession?
Please explain, puddibigot, I just can’t keep up with your transcendent prose and razor-like thinking.