VP Biden and Pres. Obama visit troops at Fort Campbell:
Pap and Ed: Dick Cheney helped Pakistani terrorists.
White House: Cinco de Mayo!
News on Wasserman Schultz’s election as DNC Chair.
Osama bin Gotten:
- President Obama has an announcement:
- Maddow on situation room photo.
- Jon: Big Deady.
- Young Turks: Rush credits Obama???
- Barely Political: Obama uncensored on it.
- Thom with John Amato on Bin Laden’s death.
- Newsy: How will this affect the 2012 elections.
- What was Obama thinking at the White House correspondence dinner (via Crooks and Liars)?
- Thom: Where is the death certificate?
- Cenk: FAUX News latest lie, “liberals are upset about bin Laden’s death”
- Olbermann: Special comment on the death of OBL
- Young Turks: Glenn Beck’s nutty conspiracy theories.
- Thom on the death of bin Laden & its impact on US/Middle East relationships.
- Bush reacts to OBL’s death (via Crooks and Liars):
- Newsy: Was bin Laden’s burial kosher?
- Thom: Should Bin Laden have had a Muslim burial?
- Liberal Viewer: Obama getting Osama proves O’Reilly wrong?
- Mark Fiore: So long, and good riddance!
- Young Turks: Obama was right about Pakistan.
- Ed: The only credit Bush deserves is a life term…
- Sam Seder: How much did Pakistan know?
- Newsy: The team that took out bin Laden.
- Jon: To Kill a Mockingturd – Pakistani Intelligence (via OneGoodMove).
- Young Turks: How Republicans try to take credit away from Obama
- Obama lays a wreath at Ground Zero.
Newsy: The pat down heard around the world.
ONN: Predator drone cortmartialed for Afghani civilian deaths.
Pap with Brad Friedman: US Chamber — A modern day mafia.
Osama/Obama Gaffes:
- Obama out to kill Obama.
- President Obama is dead!
Maddow: G.O.P. defends big oil subsidies.
Second City: Atlas Shrugged, Pt. II
Young Turks: Michele Bachmann blames Obama for her dumbass mistake.
Photo Finish:
- Newsy: Should photos be released?
- Jon on the photograph.
- Newsy: Photos will not be released.
O’Donnell: God & same-sex marriage.
Young Turks: G.O.P. abandons Ryan’s Medicare plan.
Sam Seder: Reagan raised taxes says Reagan’s budget director.
Second City: Obama 2012–NEW AD!:
Dems picked the right person.
ONN: Obama befriends rich elderly widow in hopes she will put nation in her will.
FAUX News boots G.O.P. presidential hopefulls
Pap: The Ayn Rand disease on America.
Torture Chronicles:
- Young Turks: Torture not used to find bin Laden.
- Sam Seder: Nope…torture wasn’t involved.
- Young TurksFAUX host mocks torture.
- Amy Goodman: In fact torture slowed down USA efforts to find Osama
- Young Turks: Rummy flip-flops on torture.
Thom: We are in the cancer stages of Reaganism.
White House: West Wing Week.
Sam Seder: Bush passes on ground zero invite.
The First G.O.P. Presidential Debate:
- Sam Seder: The G.O.P. presidential debate.
- Young Turks: The ‘dumb bigot’ presidential candidate.
- Maddow: Ron Paul weird
- Sam Seder: Herman Cain at the 2012 G.O.P. presidential debate and a response to Ron Paul supporters
- FAUX News’ canned GOP debate segment.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I realize I just keep posting links to Maddow, but this was really truly amazing, on the devastating effects of easy access to guns on Pittsburgh, near the site of this year’s NRA convention:
Pt 1: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/#42939044
Pt 2: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/#42939091
Missed by Darryl, VP Biden leaks they were Navy Seals.
The loudmouth idiot chosen by the leftist in chief!
Can’t get any worse than this.
Another missed headline by Darryl…
Nothing like spiking the football, eh Darryl?
Look at all these headlines Darryl could have legitimately used to deliver ral news instead of the pablum above…
Another headline missed by Darryl… Well when you are bent on Cenk, what else is there?
Somehow this headline was missed by Darryl…
Hmmm… how come this was missed in the “extravaganza”? It’s big news because of this sadministration delivering the picture, spiking the football.
I wondered why Obama was sitting in the small chair while a brig was in the big chair.
The Daily Mail. A right wing tabloid that editorialized in favor of the accomplisments of the Nazi party.
Well done Puddy. Ignoramus.
And another headline purposely skipped by Darryl in his zeal of providing liberal pablum garbage
And the truth hurts eh checksez? Somehow I remember your party was the land of eugenicists and Nazi sympathizers. And that escapes you how?
Pap and Ed: said nothing important. No one really watches Mr Ed, the talking horse.
Butt, Lanny Davis told Ed to stop taking cheap shots. Ed doesn’t listen!
Let’s see… who do you trust, Cenk Uighur (spelled on purpose) or Leon Panetta who exposed the truth to Obama’s favrit network NBC? – Leon Panetta of course.
Let’s see… Donald Rumsfeld said no water boarding at Gitmo (every video played has his exact words) but water boarding at secret rendition sites which provided the original information to track down bin Laden. Donald Rumsfeld of course.
Let’s see… Two leftist slobbering MSM groups (WA Post and AP) wrote articles saying enhanced interrogation techniques worked vs. Amy Goodman from the leftist NY Times who exposed the monitoring of bin Laden and associates phone calls and money trails. WA Post and AP of course.
I’ve seen literally dozens of media reports about Seal Team Six being the mission crew. But thanks for finding the fake controversy.
(Gasp…Biden leaked widely known info. Harumph!)
I’ve seen literally dozens of media reports about Seal Team Six being the mission crew. But thanks for finding the fake controversy.
(Gasp…Biden leaked widely known info. Harumph!)
sorry for the double post. “Smart” phone indeed.
I’ll make a deal with you…
The first time I put up a Nazi sympathizer as a source of authority, or a quote, you can make fun of it.
But nice try. Did you really go to the “I know you are but what am I defense?”
Your party in the 1930s checksez…
But checksez, it was Cheney’s assassination squad Seal Team Six who killed bin Laden.
It seems when the truth is delivered, checksez always tries to “eliminate” it by the sins of the fathers argument.
Gee Puddy…you don’t get it at all, thicky. You cited a Nazi lovin’ newspaper as something to be admired.
Ask YLB for the archive of me praising the 1930s Dem. party that you allege were Nazi Sympatizers.
Let’s see that Hallmark special again:
To be aired before the next season premiere of ’24’!
So CHENEY gave the order? Cheney was commander in chief when?
Is there no end to the stupid you can spew?
BTW, before you go tossing out claims…you might want to look into Prescott (“Grandpappy”) Bush. Republican Senator, assets seized under the “Trading with the Enemies” act.
If the Atlas Shrugged storyline were to be updated ‘Reardon Metal’ would be a type of paint that generates electricity from the sun and would make all kinds of for profit energy companies obsolete.
The politically connected steel companies of the Ayn Rand novel would be big gas, coal , and oil energy behemoths stymieing production of solar products.
Unfortunately, it would no longer be a work of fiction.
So ButtPutty is a Nazi lover. It figures.
LMAO! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk! Cenk!
Puddybud’s got something strange against Turks.
Or at least a Turk who points out the idiocy of right wingers like Cenk does.
Well Puddybud is off to his holier than thou posturing rituals..
But he’ll be thinking a bit too much about what a torture loving clown he’s made of himself here.
Oh well, it’s his life.
As much as I am loathe to try to reason with Spuddypud, one thing is clear. He really has nothing positive to add to a conversation, he comes in here to shit on a thread and make shit up and whine about being belittled for that. He and his kind thrive on negative attention. It is all they need to justify themselves. They would rather be disliked than listened to. They would rather be seen as the imbeciles they are than look at how they might be wrong about something. Their minds are closed, and determined. They refuse to learn. They refuse to even attempt to think outside of their own predeterminations.
Spudds, the SEAL teams were reorganized under Clinton, SEAL team six as folks are referring to really is the old name for the NSWDG, Naval Surface Warfare Development Group. After the debacle at Panama City airport during operation Just Cause, the US Navy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff commissioned several studies on how such a highly trained and conditioned small team combat group could have been so badly misled and misapplied in a situation they were not trained for. They were a small team commando force, working with minimum equipment, lightly armed and trained to work in groups of six to fourteen, plus command. Their purpose was to get in, complete the mission and get out before anyone knew what was happening.
During Just Cause, they were grouped into teams of several dozen, and the command structure they Navy had developed for the small team model did not apply. As a result, communication between team members and their respective commanders broke down and as they were dropped into Panama City, they were carrying huge amounts of equipment that they really never had to deal with before. In essence, they were treated like Airborne Rangers instead of small strike teams. The difference is, Rangers are designed, as a force, to be surrounded and fight their way out or to hold ground until they can be relieved or reinforced. SEAL teams were designed as sneak in, sneak out strike teams. They were horribly misapplied in Panama, and lost nearly 70 team members as a result after they were pinned down by a large force of Panamanian military police.
George Bush was like a little kid with a new gun, he did NOT understand how SEAL teams worked, he had no concept of how small unit combat teams were supposed to function, and had no desire to learn. He openly derided the people who tried to explain to him how such teams worked, and fired several people for contradicting him on his notions. He thought they were elite because they were so highly trained as individuals, not how they were trained as teams. So he had no clue as to what their designed purpose was, and got a lot of those men killed because he was too stubborn, too stupid and unable to grasp the concept they SEALs were designed around. After Panama City,a lot of the old school SEAL team members refused to re-enlist entirely based on their total lack of confidence in the Bush administrations ability to make decisions. There were a lot of early retirements, and when Clinton became president, the teams had to be completely rebuilt from the ground up.
I know a couple of such people. Incompetence, thy name is Bush. It will always be so. The Bush family defines willful stupidity and ignorance. Every decision they’ve ever made as politicians has been wrong, and based on their personal concepts and desires, rather than what national situations call for.
Couldn’t an Arabic-speaking lip reader decipher what Osama bin Laden is saying in the recently released soundless videos that the US Department of Defense just released?
@ 27
Good question. I don’t know a thing about how Arabic (or whatever language Osama was speaking) is pronounced. I wonder how lip-reading would work, given the nature of how vowels and consonants are formed by the lips. It might not even be possible. As an example, Chinese I know is impossible to lip-read, as much of the pronunciation is tonal rather than lingual. The same might be applicable to Farsi or Arabic.
Take it from a real military interrogator:
So of course the torture lovers like Puddybud will knee-jerk that it came from water-boarding…
We’ll hear that until Barack Obama is re-elected and every time it comes up after that.
The torture lovers will go to their freaking graves screaming that torture works.
You wondered that because you have a small “mind”..
@30: That this is a debate is again unfortunate. That guy was involved with 1300 interrogations in Iraq, and yet it’s as though there is a debate, and his opinion has no more weight than that of draft dodgers like Karl Rove, Bush, and Dick Cheney.
Conviction and affinity are taken as authority.
@3 Here’s what I think, pussybutt. First of all, my condolences to Ms. Burlingame and Mr. Beamer for the loss of her husband and his son, and for all the other 9/11 victims and their families. But this New York event was supposed to be a low-key commemoration and Ms. Burlingame and Mr. Beamer are out of line by trying to turn it into a townhall debate so they can ride the president’s coattails to publicly grandstand their political views. Way out of line. Secondly, I would ask Ms. Burlingame to please spare us her faux outrage at POTUS for “turning his back on her.” He didn’t turn his back on her. He engaged her in conversation for a several minutes, which is far more face time with the president of the United States than most of America’s 350,000,000 citizens ever get in a lifetime. When she started going off on a tangent he decided to end the conversation and give some of his time and attention to the other people present, which was entirely appropriate. Does she think she has a right to monopolize his time? Thirdly, if this is what he walked away from
“she confronted him over the prosecution of the CIA agents who interrogated 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed”
then I say “good for him” because the lady’s a flake — what CIA agents have been prosecuted? What prosecutions is she talking about? Maybe they should be, but so far as I know, nobody’s been prosecuted for anything. In fact, one of my beefs with this administration has been its refusal to prosecute people from the prior administration who broke U.S. and international laws by torturing people. They committed war crimes, puddytat. Horrible example for our goverment to set. And you defend that. Shame on you. You’re an animal right along with them.
So there’s no misunderstanding here, I’ve said all along — and I’ve consistently said this for several years now — that if you rightwingers want to torture the bastards responsible for 9/11 I’ll look the other way. But if you imprison, torture, or kill even one innocent person — you hang. And there’s been way more than a few innocent people who have been savaged by the GOP-sponsored kidnappers, tortures, and killers. So, yes, there should be trials. I’m very disappointed with Obama and Holder for kicking the can down the road on this.
But as far as giving Ms. Burlingame a microphone to spew her anti-Obama venom on national TV … no, Obama has no obligation to do that. When she tried to turn a commemorative event into a political event, he was right to walk away from her. She was way the hell out of line.
@28: Apparently it is possible to lip read Arabic:
@4. Let’s see. She told Faux news, so right there, nothing the president does will be right.
So, it’s a made up controversy. He did his job and she’s irritated by that.
One of the comments observed
Why are you conservatives not telling those families to shut up? Oh yeah, cause he’s black and democrat and, unlike bush, he bothered to get Bin Ladin.
This comment was fun too
Another poster mused about timelines. How the republicans are always saying that the reign of bush is over, and the economic situation is all Obama. Yet when Obama initiates and gets Bin Ladin, NOW the republicans want credit for the nothing that bush did for the last 7 years.
So basically, anything negative = the incompetent governance of Obama. Anything positive = legacy of the good governance of bush.
And you wonder why I dismiss all of you conservative hacks.
Pudpuller is seriously, mentally sick. I’m speculating OCD and schizoid ideation.
Speaking for myself, fucking with mentally ill people is tacky at best.
At some point (reached far in the past in this case, imo), it says more about some of us than about Pudpuller when we even acknowledge him — except to point out his illness and urge him to seek help / take his meds.
He’s been allowed to post over 30,000 comments here – second only to Roger Rabbit.
That might not be “fucking” but it is enabling.
If he truly is mentally ill then perhaps the moderators shouldn’t be enabling him.
Just sayin’
Julian Assange = Emmanuel Goldstein
Interesting interview:
Charles Ferguson’s next film will be about Assange. That is if Assange doesn’t meet an “untimely accident” by then.
@ 37
I’ve been saying it for years. Spudds is representative of the mindset of a lot of people. It isn’t about the Nation, its about themselves. They have a wide open resource now to make their opinions known, and it is obvious why, in the age before the internet, they were never really taken seriously. They’re the crazy people, the ones who were walking around with sandwich boards back at the turn of the 20th century with “THE END IS NIGH, REPENT” painted on them. The people who cannot, for the life of them understand nuance or the difference between conjecture, outright falsehoods and basic factual information. The people who think that everything is purely a matter of personal opinion, that there are no solid facts in anything. Nihilists.
I wonder what Walter Cronkite or Chester Huntley would have thought about the teabagger/birther/Randroid types now dominating the national discourse?
@ 35
Of course, we only have that mans word to go on. anything coming out of the Bush administration, or any one of the individuals working for it I automatically take with a grain of salt. They lied about absolutely everything. That administration was to utterly incompetent, so totally corrupt that I would question their veracity if they tried to tell me that dogshit was brown.
DF @ 26
NSWDG = Naval Special Warfare Development Group
I believe that your too biased. The President gave the “go, no go” for that particular mission, however it would have been SOCCOM that would have designated units and tactics for said mission. The missions the SEALs carried out in “just Cause” were planned by SEALs. Wasn’t it the Navy that wanted “in” on the action that turned the airfield mission over to the SEALs?
For example, President Obama didn’t sit around and pick the units that conducted the raid into OBL’s compound. He picked the mission profile presented to him. To say that President Obama “picked” DEVGRU for the mission, over say, CAG is not logical.
Again, given the fact that President Bush had been DCIA and VP for over a decade, he was in a far better position to understand capabilities and missions of military units than the man he followed, or followed him…
“new Gun”? hardly.
While I don’t doubt that some left after Just Cause because there were hard feelings about Team 4 losing men, good friends, and in hindsight that the mission may have been better handled by another unit. I think it’s more a reflection of NSW as a whole than President Bush. Could be wrong. Just my opinion. Wasnt’t the reorg and NSW2K iniiative more to do with training and expanding the TEAMS than an exodus of personel?
40 – The internet has been the most interesting social catalyst perhaps in human history.
Everyone (with internet access) is now a publisher. Everyone (again with internet access) can have an audience – even if it’s a limited one.
The crazies had no outlet before outside of their local crazy religious congregation or the occasional right wing talk show – itself being enabled by the dropping of the fairness doctrine by Raygun.
So the new media has greatly enabled their madness but still they’re at a disadvantage on the internet.
Because their social organization is inherently hierarchical – pyramid shaped. They prefer things that way. Since their brains are tuned to processing fear – they need to believe the guy at the top of the pyramid is looking out for them.
The internet is designed to route around failure, blockages, noise. Advantage to those who network, who seek the bigger picture and want to connect with those who have a clue.
It’s interesting that the right wing was the first to make a splash on the internet – see the Little Green Footballs, the Instapundits and the like but when it came to social networking the Daily Kos’ and other liberal websites stole the show. Red State? Don’t make laugh.
Where do you go to see who has posted how many comments? Can you post a list of the top 10 commenters, and how many comments each have made?
Thank you
Sounds like you when Bush was President.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
44 – LMAO!! Are you blind Troll?
Just ask Puddybud – he’s only commented on that topic hundreds of times ad nauseam, ad vomitus, ad retardo.
He’ll fill you in.
But I’m feeling generous. I’ll throw you a bone. By my reckoning, through the end of March there’s been 476,910 comments placed at this blog and that includes spam.
Not guaranteed to be accurate. Just my best shot.
Liberals never say they are sorry, they just turn their backs on you and walk away when caught by their actions. Witness what Obama did to Debra Burlingame at Ground Zero this Thursday. Joe Biden rats out Seal Team 6 and the Vice Admiral.
Liberals are stupid. No Liberals are very stupid.
yelling loser boy screen scrapes everyone’s comments then vomits them back in a chronological failure. His Mike Webb grave dancing commentary was
speciousp r i c e l e s s!Speaking about yourself in the third person yelling loser boy, who spends ALL DAY on this blog?
BTW 1/3 of my comments are repeats because you leftists have 24 hour moronic mindless memory malady. So that would be 20K new comments.
BYT douchebag did you see the NBC link for Brian Williams and Leon Panetta?
P R I C E L E S S!
LMAO @ 48..
And it was accurate..
What what your highness (ASS) do if Mike Webb’s grave was before you?
Like a good right wing idiot, you’d dance on it.
And troll would ask you to waltz I’m sure.
Correct yelling loser boy.. your mind is a terrible thing!
Nope you Dope. My comments about Mike Webb were 7 months before his death. So how can anyone dance on a person’s grave while they are ALIVE?
In yelling loserville boyland? Yes your honor, this moron is a loser!
Nice try dummy. And it’s even halfway true. You repeat your stupid drivel like the mental illness addled fool you are.
But it doesn’t erase the fact that you hit the “submit comment” button more than anyone else save for the rabbit.
And by extension you are MOST OBSESSED right wing idiot here.
YOU ARE #2 – the product of the ass end of the right wing LIE MACHINE!
And the blog post my remarks appeared in?
Mike Webb was DEAD then was he not? In fact the blog post was about the conviction of his killer was it not?
Thank you for PWNing yourself as the reading comprehension mental case you are!
Feckless, lying, insane..
Well Roger Dumb Rabbit, he’s my rebuttal…
GW Bush and William Clinton didn’t want to go to Ground Zero. Mrs Clinton had scheduling conflicts. Why? Cuz Obama was spiking the football making it political. Watch in the coming months when he refers to going to Ground Zero. He NEVER went there before last Thursday. EVER!
What does the wreath do? Provide closure? What does bending over in a prayer pose do? Thank God Osama is dead? Does that provide healing to the country? The preznits people sent a mass emailing to the people “hand-picked” for this event. There wasn’t anything personal about the invitation. Why were they “hand-picked”? Politics, pure politics!
And Burlingame has a right to question Obama about Holder still prosecuting the very people who authorized enhanced interrogation techniques which we NOW KNOW allowed Obama to kill Osama. Obama has no balls and wouldn’t upset his freakazoid fanatics who still can’t swallow the truth about the gathering of the intel!
See ya Roger Dumb Rabbit.
Here we go again… I have to repeat this for the THIRD time now because yelling loser boy is a chronological idiot! Now you know Troll why Puddy has many comments here. It’s for the fools like yelling loser boy who conflate the truth and make idiotic “pronouncements”!
So much for your databaze forensics yelling loserville boyfool.
Wow almost 15 months and more of a chronological failure now yelling loser boy brings it up! PWNED big time!
I agree about you exactly!
56 – Yaaawwwnnnn. You’re only owning yourself more.
I’m sure you’ll comfort yourself by dancing on a lefty’s grave somewhere. Mr Klynical Klown or Troll will be willing dance partners.
Oh yeah, without Bush’s interrogation methods Osama would be alive today. Yeah, the culprit was living in Pakistan since 2005 and was well hidden.
This moron makes no sense, and that’s more than yelling loser boy makes all year!
The mental case can’t deal with his beloved Pretender-in-chief not getting bin Laden.
It took someone with brains to get him. Just like Clinton (that moderate Republican) got Yousef inside of three years.
Now watch!
Now that you were PWNED on Mike Webb you change your tune again.
Another case of yelling loser boy soiled diapers.
“yeah, without Bush’s interrogation methods Osama would be alive today.”
Really? Please elucidate with facts, ilnks, etc. My understanding is KSM though waterboardtortured, denied knowing the name of the courier. So you’re saying that it was the “strength” of his denial (“ohmygod! he denied even though we’re torturing him!!!! the courier must be important! Because he DIDNT’ SPEAK AND TELL US HIS NAME!”) that shows the torture was effective?
Isn’t this totally shamelessly backasswards?
please tell me the piece of info we got from torture that we otherwise wouldn’t have gotten. BTW I thought the justification wasn’t “we need torture to find OBL” it was “we need torture to prevent a ticking time bomb” so if the torture lead to finding OBL over five years or so …..it really dind’t prevent any attack, right?
given that likely hundreds of people knew where he was, isn’t it more likely that our use of torture gave many pakistanis a moral reason to …you know….like hate us as the devil? motivating them to NOT tell us?
try to work through each logical chain and respond.
then answer me this.
wasn’t the existential threat to america worse when we faced the entire fucking british empire, in 1776?
And agai in 1812? wsn’t there a bigger attack when they like put a foriegn army onto our land, and put foreign warships in our waters, and invaded our land and burned washington dc?
if we didn’t resort to torture back then, why would we now? it’s only because of peole like you who are moral cowards and ignoramuses.
There isn’t one ticking time bomb that was revealed through our torture. And anyway, if you like torture, I don’t see you out there advocating we denounce the torture treaty that we signed which says in black and white that it bans torture even in emergency situations, that is, the ticking time bomb scenario. This treaty that reagan and bush promoted and that was passed with a 2/3 senate vote and that people like you ignore, ignorign the rule of law totally.
He lived in pakistan. we tortured all over and still didn’t find him. that tells you a fuck of a lot — it tells you torture doesn’t work dude. That’s why we banned it. Same thing in your local police station dude, let them torture to find kidnapping victims and murderes and pretty soon the whole police force is magically “solving” crimes right and left. Adults know it doesn’t work. Do you?
Leon Panetta CIA Director. PWNED! Backed up and delivered front and center.
Butt there is more… the liberal news service AP wrote it was enhanced interrogation techniques delivered the information that Obama used to kill Osama.
Butt there is more… the liberal newspaper WA Post wrote it was enhanced interrogation techniques delivered the information that Obama used to kill Osama.
BTW if you carefully search I gave the links to all of these on this blog.
You see yelling loser boy, I have to repeat the information because liberals have no mental capacity to remember anything!
We learned this week Osama was hiding in Pakistan since 2002 probably under the direct protection of Lieutenant-General Ahmad Shuja Pasha, the current Director-General of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Directorate.
The rest of your rant is worthless pixels on the screen. It seems facts and liberals just don’t mix well.
yelling loser boy in action.
@38 “He’s been allowed to post over 30,000 comments here – second only to Roger Rabbit.”
Gee, do I hold some kind of record on HA? I haven’t been keeping score … I have no idea how many comments I’ve posted, how can you determine this? Anyway, this being Kentucky Derby Day, it seems quite appropriate for you to point out that I beat pudpuller by a length or two. You wouldn’t expect a rabbit to finish behind a slug, would you? By the way, the Derby winner was a horse named ANIMAL KINGDOM.
Some things are just meant to be by the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit.
Meanwhile, another commemoration is in the news. Fifty years ago, on May 4, 1961, seven black people and six white people boarded a bus in Jackson, Mississippi. Within a short time, hundreds of people — black and white — were being arrested, beaten by angry white mobs, and jailed by redneck sheriffs. They were called the Freedom Riders and they helped set puddy’s people free.
I think it’s great that we live in a counry where a black guy is sitting in the Oval Office and another black guy is sitting at a computer typing idiocy without being dragged off to a mental sanatorium. One of these guys obviously is more mentally stable than the other one, but they’re both free men. What I don’t understand is why the mentally unstable one votes for a party that wants to repeal the 14th Amendment.
@55 Two questions, pussybutt.
Question #1: How does killing Osama bin laden not provide closure to 9/11 victims? If someone did that to my loved one, I’d sleep better at night knowing the bastard is fish food, know what I mean?
Question #2: Who is being prosecuted? I’m not aware of any prosecutions. In fact, I don’t think anybody’s been fired, beyond the normal turnover in political appointments when a different party takes office.
@57 Yeah, we haven’t seen Cynical for a while. Is he dead?
@58 “Oh yeah, without Bush’s interrogation methods Osama would be alive today.”
Wingnut BULLSHITTIUM alert!!! Category 5!!!
Maybe puddy can explain why, if Bush’s interrogation methods extracted the information that led the SEALS to OBL’s hideout, why didn’t Bush act on it while he was still in office? Hmmmmm?
Let’s review:
The U.S. was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001 while Preznit Bush was reading “My Pet Goat” to a bunch of schoolkids.
The mastermind of the attack was identified within, as I recall, two or three days.
Bush had 7 1/2 years and the unlimited resources of the U.S. government to find and kill this guy, but couldn’t do it.
President Obama got the job done.
And puddy wants to give Bush the credit??!
You couldn’t even GIVE AWAY tickets to pussybutt’s standup comedy routine.
@63 “We learned this week Osama was hiding in Pakistan since 2002 probably under the direct protection of Lieutenant-General Ahmad Shuja Pasha, the current Director-General of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Directorate.”
Yeah, well, gee, who wudda thunk ISI was protecting Osama? I guessed that years ago. Anyone who knows anything about Pakistan knows that ISI is run by Islamic fundie fanatics who sympathize with the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
As I recall, the Russkies had some trouble with those Islamic fundie fanatics, too.
Now that Osama is dead, it’s really, really time to leave Afgahnistan. Why are we still involved in that mess?
I’ve scraped the comment threads. I’ve got nearly 477,000 comments in a database on my laptop (backed up of course). No I didn’t type them in or anything like that. I wrote some code to do that extraction process – it’s not that hard to do.
You have nearly 64,000 comments, probably a few more than that. I’ve haven’t nailed down all of your aliases before Roger Rabbit.
So you’re #1 – you’ve beat Puddybud by a country mile. He’s at something over 30,000.
Puddybud is #2. That fits him well doesn’t it?
I’m #3.
Question #1: How does killing Osama bin laden not provide closure to 9/11 victims? If someone did that to my loved one, I’d sleep better at night knowing the bastard is fish food, know what I mean?
well, one way it doesn’t provide closure is that if president obamas friend and appointee van jones, is correct, then the moassad was responsible for 9/11, and they got away scott free. so, either we got the wrong guy, or, obama has friends who are crazy and the white house doesnt vet their hires. which one do you go for?
Because Pakistan is NOT our friend. The fact that bin Ladin was living for more than five fucking years less than half a mile away from the Pakistani equivalent of West Point, indicates that he had good friends in high places in the Pakistani military. Pakistan, is an unstable country, the military operates completely independent of the civilian government and the civilian government has no control over their military at all. Pakistan has nuclear weapons, and if things go to shit there, we might just have to go in and get those out.
Point two:
Dick Cheney has long been an advocate for Pakistan, lobbying Congress to provide them with “foreign aid” ($22 million average per year over the last 10 years) that the Pakistani government then uses to purchase weapons from American weapons manufacturers. That money is then used to pay for the campaigns of many members of Congress with the weapons manufacturers in their respective States. Those Congressmen then vote for more foreign aid to countries like Pakistan so that country can buy more weapons from the companies that own the congresspeople.
The great theater of the absurd runs this country when the fascists are in charge.
Dick Cheney has been a foreign agent for the Pakistanis for decades. He’s made a shitload of money from that, and has doled out several tens of millions of dollars to Congressmen over the decades to pay for their campaigns. Theres no way he didn’t know exactly where bin Ladin was. The GOP needed him kept alive to continue to terrorize American citizens into voting for them. It’s all about the cash flow.
Dick Cheney has long been an advocate for Pakistan, lobbying Congress to provide them with “foreign aid” ($22 million average per year over the last 10 years) that the Pakistani government then uses to purchase weapons from American weapons manufacturers.
oh please! dont make me puke my supper. 22 million a year? israel gets 5 BILLION a year. with a population of about 6 million. vomit
I have yet to get more than sound bites and blog entries confirming that torture was the sole reason we got bin Laden. That we could have gotten the information from traditional sources.
And regardless, America is better than that,
We Don’t Torture, if we do, we are no better than savages.
Oh Pudddddyyyyyy….
You’ve repeated the idea that Biden leaked that it was a SEAL team. Your link says it was @ a dinner on May 3rd.
How do you square that fantasy with this article reprinted in Navy Times?
Hmmmmmm…Navy Times reports it on the second. But it was a secret on the third? You got called out on that bullshit and then you repeated it. Ignoramus!
It wasn’t. There’s been a bunch of terror types hanging out in the town where OBL was found, so the town was already on the map and when the CIA took a look at satellite images of the town and saw his compound they were all WTF???
A lot of those American Weapon manufactures (Smith and Wesson own factories in places like Turkey, so it’s not like their even giving some guy in Ohio a job by doing this.
Oops, hit submit too soon and I’d rather go to bed than fix that one.
Good night.
I’m trying to think of a good analogy. This makes about as much sense:
Saying torture from 7 years ago was the reason we got Bin Ladin now, is like two college kids having sloppy drunken sex at a collage party then not seeing each other again, yet the boy is claiming he’s the dad when the woman got pregnant 7 years later and is suing for child support.
82 – It’s all about the wingnuts and their coping with a man they hate – Obama – accomplishing what a man they worshiped – Bush – could not (or would not).
The five stages of coping are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance..
The paeans of torture love is denial pure and simple.. They are denying that Obama accomplished the dispatching of Osama bin Laden – they are claiming that Bush did this through his torture policies.
It is just one more example of their degenerate mentality.
To be a wingnut is to be fixated – they will never EVER get to the last stage of acceptance.
Aside from what got us into Afghanistan and Iraq, the reason that we are there now and will remain there is that Iraq is next to Iran and Afghanistan is next to Pakistan.
Let’s all put on our thinking caps and see what we can come up with.
Afghanistan is also next to Iran and it borders Turkmenistan as well.
Turkmenistan sits on top of a mother lode of natural gas. How valuable is it? I understand it is more valuable than all the oil under Iraq.
This has been discussed for a long time:
There’s an even bigger gas field in Mary province.
If this gas could be exported to those countries like Japan who float our debt, then you have a definition of “national interest”.
@78 Pussyspud can be my veep if I decide to run for something. He’s a natural for a meaningless and useless position in my adminitration because he was born to be #2 at everything he does.
The GOPers, unable to coalesce around a candidate, are behind the eight-ball in getting their presidential campaign off the ground.
The conventional wisdom says Mitt Romney is the GOP frontrunner, and I agree with that, not only because he has the best name recognition but also because he’s built the only halfway moderate brand out there.
That, of course, is an illusion. Romney, a notorious flip-flopper who dissed health care reform after a Democratic black president despised by his party’s racists enacted — almost word-for-word — the health care reform that Romney peddled when he was a goernor, will pander to his party’s hard-rights and do anything else necessary to please the assortment of birthers, deficit hawks, militarists, neocons, and other social rejects now gathered under the GOP tent as if his party were some kind of halfway house. And that will blow away whatever credibility Mitt ever had with hardhat Democrats and independents.
The fact Romney is the best and most credible candidate the GOPers have spells big trouble for the Republican Party. The rest of the GOP field is a joke! Given their options, they probably should nominate him, but they won’t. He’s too, you know, rational. Someone will emerge from the pack of wannabes, not the most reasonable, but he who can raise the most money. That could be anything — a lizard for all we know.
Yep, the 2012 campaign season is upon us, and Republicans can’t even get their initial fundraising organized. This is gonna be fun, fun, fun!!!
Personally, I think they’d improve their chances by nominating this candidate.
Might Dennis Kucinich Be Your Next Congressman?
Here’s an interesting item: “The Ohio Democrat is rumored to be shopping for a new political home somewhere on the Left Coast.”
This article, btw, contains a laundry list of potential challengers against Sen. Maria Cantwell, who’s going to be re-elected next year. Hey, I’m not saying she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread or Real Networks stock, all I’m saying is she’s going to be re-elected next year. This is a Blue state. Those Reds are just spinning their wheels.
Kicking The Elderly To The Curb
2012 is shaping up to be one of the funnest campaigns ever for Democrats, because our Republican friends are planning to run on a platform of kicking poor elderly people out of nursing homes to give billionaires more tax cuts.
Fun, fun, fun! Remember how the GOPers won the House in 2010? By promising jobs. What jobs? They haven’t created any jobs, only more stock market millionaires. You don’t hear anything from them about jobs anymore. That’s because they don’t have any jobs to offer us. Nope, what they’re gonna run on is the deficit — you know, their deficit created when their party was in power by their borrow-and-spend policies. Fun, fun, fun! We’ll not only get the House back, we’ll probably get some bonus seats, too!
I’m sure glad I’m not a Republican candidate who has to run for Congress on a party-decreed platform of kicking old folks out of nursing homes while not cutting a penny from military spending that increased 80% under Bush.
Why Nuclear Power Is A Non-Starter Here
“In the fall of 2007, workers at the Byron nuclear power plant in Illinois were using a wire brush to clean a badly corroded steel pipe — one in a series that circulate cooling water to essential emergency equipment — when … the brush poked through. … The plant’s owner, the Exelon Corporation, had long known that corrosion was thinning most of these pipes. But rather than fix them, it repeatedly lowered the minimum thickness it deemed safe. By the time the pipe broke, Exelon had declared that pipe walls just three-hundredths of an inch thick — less than one-tenth the original minimum thickness — would be good enough. …
“Exelon’s risky decisions occurred under the noses of on-site inspectors from the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission. No documented inspection of the pipes was made by anyone from the N.R.C. for at least the eight years preceding the leak, and the agency also failed to notice that Exelon kept lowering the acceptable standard, according to … the commission’s inspector general. Exelon’s penalty? A reprimand for two low-level violations — a tepid response all too common at the N.R.C. …
“Critics have long painted the commission as … weak and compliant, and incapable of keeping close tabs on an industry to which it remains closely tied. The concerns have greater urgency because of the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan, which many experts say they believe was caused as much by lax government oversight as by a natural disaster.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s why we shouldn’t build nuclear plants in America — they aren’t safe, and can’t be built in a safe manner or safely run, because the profit motive will trump safety every time and we have no effective restraint on profit motive run amok. And if you think a regulatory agency run by a federal government that’s owned lock, stock, and barrel by corporations and their lobbyists can effectively regulate an industry with a deep a history of irresponsibility and lying as the nuclear industry has, you must be on LSD. The nuclear industry can’t be trusted, and neither can the industry bootlickers who supposedly regulate them. That’s a compelling reason for not building more nuclear plants — but there are other compelling reasons, too, such as Congress’s reckless decision to make surrounding communities, not the industry, bear the financial costs of a major accident.
@79 “we got the wrong guy”
Yep, I figured some troll would respond with a crazy conspiracy theory, and I was right.
Now that MOT has clarified for us that Mossad attacked us on 9/11 and Osama bin Laden was merely an innocent bystander, the next question is, when will the Republicans start bombing Israel?
I read some speculation (he spoke on Bainbridge recently) that he was interested in Jay’s district for obvious reasons.
Not gonna’ happen. Kucinich is a political twit.
That he’s shopping for a district here is the height of folly and just adds to the already huge pile of Kucinich political stupid.
He pisses me off every time he opens his mouth in public — and I agree with most of what he says.
@89 Invade Canada next?
@100 What if his wife is the candidate?
@102: Ummm, no!
Did you know she wears a tongue stud?
She’s Irish and evidently into troll-like (OK, elf-like) men though, which would leave me out.
She also reportedly fucks like a rabbit.
So that means you may have a shot!
puddy dude — @ 62 — um, dude. are you dumb? I aske dyou to back it up and you repeat three claims that someone somewhere else said it and you don’t epxlain WHO WHAT WHERE or WHEN torture worked to get us OBL.
So I ask you again. what piece of info did we get from torture that led to osama bin laden?
and there’s more.
if torture worked….how come we didn’t find bin laden for….oh gee it took TEN YEARS.
wow. very effective method, that torturing people. so this time buddypuddy, answer the damn question. you tell me, what piece of info was gotten vai torture from what detainee/torture victim that led to us getting bin laden, that we could not have gotten otherwise?
and more: why the fuck did it take ten fucking years?
and this. you like torture, right? why aren’t you screaming we should have tortured bin laden?
what about his wife. she’s been harboring a cirminal, she’s guilty, let’s torture her, too. maybe the pakistanis are doing that. i bet that makes you real happy.
here’s another thought. the pakistanis obviously have ben sheltering bin laden. HEY WHY NOT KIDNAP THE HEAD OF PAKISTANI ISI AND TORTURE HIM TOO!!!!!
wow this torture rocks, let’s use it all over, that will be great for our security.
and this time don’t run away like a little chicken. answer the damn question. what piece of info did we get from torture that led to bin laden, and if torture is so fucking great, why’d it take us ten fucking years? ifhe’s there in abbotabad whatever, and we’re torturing all over the place, it didn’t work, DID IT.
here’s another thought for you right wingers. Bush lied to us some more. when he said bin laden is clearly out of it, not really leading the group anymore….sort of downplaying his own failure to get him…that was a big old freaking lie. just like the wmd lies, the torture lies, and the lies that you spew every day including the lie that you have backedit up when you couldn’t even mention onesingle piece of info we got thru torutre that led to getting obl.
no wonder you talk baby talk all the time.
If only that were true. Exelon (and the nuclear industry generally)is a friend of O.
Any R would be worse, of course.
I’ve repeatedly noted here that the profit motive and captured regulators disqualify any private entity from nuclear power.
I come from the Naval Reactors side of the nuc business and we had nothing but contempt for the NRC.
The private nucs are literally an accident waiting to happen.
91 – I meant #2 as in going to the bathroom #2.
97 – Utterly appalling. No we can’t have safe nuclear power until the NRC is a true regulator and the industry conforms to a true safety standard.
Yes the NRC was kind of pitiful before Reagan but things have only gotten worse after him with all regulatory agencies.
104 – Puddybud has only one answer – Leon Panetta. To my reading Panetta’s halting, rambling reply to Brian William’s questions neither confirmed nor denied the role of torture in leading to bin Laden’s death.
So why didn’t Bush get him? Puddybud says how could Bush get someone who was “hiding”??? Yeah, like bin Laden wasn’t hiding when Obama got him..
Too silly for words.. Like I said before, these right wing idiots will go their graves screaming that torture works.
@106 re @91: So did I.
@107 Personally, I think MOT, not pussybutt, should win this month’s Golden Goat Award — for claiming Mossad was behind 9/11 (is MOT confusing Mossad with Saddam?) and OBL was an innocent bystander.
Bending over backwards not to offend Muslims ….
After a mob of Muslims march on a church, killing 12, then setting fire to another church in Cairo, CNN’s headline for the massacre is:
12 killed as Christians, Muslims clash.
@110 And you’re lapping it up, right? Right! Republicans love violence, period. Remember how Saint Raygun fed guns to Central American death squads who murdered journalists and nuns in cold blood? Remember how they criticized Clinton for putting an end to Milosevicz’s Serbian genocide? Republicans never met killers they didn’t embrace. Maybe that explains why Osama bin Laden had a free ride while they were in office.
If CNN were around back then, I’m sure the headline for Kristallnacht would have been Nazis, Jews clash. Scores killed.
This about equals the puddybitch’s level of nuance and undertanding of issues. puudybitch loooooves him the party’s fave-rave tea-grow.
I’m with rabbit here.
Besides-we want to be fair to ALL haters here. The coveted “Golden Goat” is an equal opportunity affirmative action award!
Happy mother’s day to all the moms out there.
Yeah like a lot of those hang out here!
Too bad Goldy wimped out on Bible Study today but he’s probably talking to his mom.
@114: The gelted goat is certainly warranted — along with Shitty Human Being of the year award.
Pudpuller the Pitiful gets a pass, and Troll — not even a good troll these days…
Jonesing for Bible Study worthy mock? (I know I am!)
Countdown to the Rapture…May 21st
Can’t wait for the 22nd.
117 – Indeed. Can hardly stand the wait myself.
The Future of HA trolls til Nov 2012:
Coming to the threads to hate Obama and love torture.
109, 114, 116
We do need to honor our trolls with a Golden Goat, don’t we? It’s been awhile. They’ve been working hard, fervently spewing nauseating nonsense in the hope of recognition, any sort of recognition, yet nothing comes their way, lately. Pud’s a two-time winner; he’s in the Goat Hall of Fame. But, he’s still out there scrambling, refusing to retire, long after his skills have left him. We do have some other competitors, though, don’t we?
120 – Puddybud in recent comments has composed soaring paeans of love to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and their policy of torture.
Just when you think Puddybud has reached bedrock bottom he finds a way to sink lower.
It has been one week since Barack H. Obama dispatched Osama bin Gotten.
The collapse of the post 9/11 right wing degenerate movement that started to unravel in November 2004 continues ever more sharply.
Want to make a Billion or two..Do as Democrat Soro’s does.
Elect an Idiot
Invest in Oil, Silver, and Gold
Bet against the Dollar
Sell your Oil, Silver, and Gold (causing a fall)
Buy it right back and
Oil, Gold, Silver are all rising today!
Master manipulation
Someone smart made a lot of money here:
Someone smart made a lot of money here:
125 – Almost left out…
Just elect an ld/LD(iot)…
Yay, we’ve got a crack pot in the race.
Let the nonsense begin!
Comparison of urban, exurban and rural incomes.
But, go ahead and keep believing that the folks in the hinterlands are paying the bills of those in the cities.
127 – One of those perennial candidates…
hey puddy buddy. still waiting. we got bin laden, this is your golden opportunity to prove that torture works still waiting for you to tell us
what was the piece of info
obtained form torture
of whom
that led to us getting bin laden?
that we couldn’t have obtained without torture.
and please explain if tortureis so fucking wonderful
1. why did it take ten fucking years to get bin laden? tick, tock, tick, tock, time is urgent, must torture, that’s whatyou said, all over and over again, it works for emergencies but this took ten fucking years so that means torture DID NOT WORK TO GET US BIN LADEN right?
because it’s been ten years. No answer, right? all i can say is: coward.
2. if torture is so great, why aren’t you out there recommending we torutre bin laden his wives? big mistake right, we shoulda taken him in and tortured the hell out of him. i mean not just waterboarding but the whole shebang. he’s the mastermind, he knows every imminent plot, right? he knows all the contacts, the personnel, the accounts! so you should be advocating for first pulling out hisnails, then gouging out his eyeballs, then cutting the you know what, then disembowling him, right? because you say torture is justified. so why are you so weal you back off now?
see, if you really believed in it, that’swhere it would take you. but you don’t. you just claim to believe in it, and it all boils down to the one little word:
you don’t have the answers, you don’t have the courage of your own fake convictions, and the baby talk is the only part of you that’s not fake.
we did KSM 183 times. But bin laden not even once? admit it, you’re scared of torture because you know it’s evil, wrong, produces more attacks and recrtuis for them, and you know at the bottom of your heart that it does not work.
your espousal of it ismere pandering, to yourself, and others, and is cowardly.
This is wrong. Puddybud embraces torture and doesn’t even think it’s torture. Torture is something that those to the left of Bush and Cheney do. He calls it enhanced interrogation in the manner of the unhinged idiot tool Sean Hannity. Puddybud adores the Bush/Cheney torture policies.
re 90: Interesting. I had not heard of that (about the gas fields and the Japanese debt).
I had been thinking of the potential nuclear threat from Iran of Pakistan and the U.S. maintaining a military presence close to each country.
I’ve put in an order for a larger personal thinking cap
132 – That too, no doubt.
Any country w/ nuclear weapons or the threat of acquiring them – we are there. It would be pretty stupid if we weren’t.
Isolationism is stupidity. If we’re not involved in the world then the world comes to our doorstep – the most obvious example of that was 9/11.
But of course HOW we are involved makes all the difference.
Bristol Palin gets her own reality TV show. Talent, hard work and perseverance again pays off – the American dream come true. Oh, wait, heh-, my bad.
The trolls on this thread are taking teh stupid to a level I’ve never seen them do before. What’s up with that? I’m not sure what’s getting to them more – Obama taking out Bin Laden or Obama taking out Trump.
South Carolina conservatives held their circle-jerk this weekend and issued the usual rightwing dire warnings about SOCIALISM:
“At this weekend’s South Carolina GOP convention, Republican lawmakers warned that a second term for President Obama would kill America’s independent spirit and guarantee a permanent big government welfare state. …
“Sen. Jim DeMint, the Palmetto State’s conservative firebrand, has for months said the upcoming presidential election ‘is our last chance to get it right.’
“‘There’s no question that we are moving, step by step, closer to socialism. So that puts democracy at risk to some extent,’ Rep. Tim Scott, a Republican who represents South Carolina’s 1st district, said in an interview. ‘How much, how soon, I’m not sure. But if you’re financially bankrupt, I think everything’s at risk.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Uh, yeah, I understand why a lot of Republicans feel bankrupt these days … because they are. Now that their financial house of cards has collapsed on them.
Federal taxes, as a percentage of GDP, are at an all-time low. The major federal welfare program has virtually ceased to exist and the rest of the social safety net is being shredded. And these guys think we’re on the verge of a socialist takeover?
And while we’re worrying about bankruptcy, let’s not forget this is the crowd that turned budget surpluses into gargantuan deficits — by, among other things, nearly doubling military spending in the span of one administration. (Theirs.)
Can anything be more ridiculous than the posturing of these yahoos?
That lunacy is brought to you by the people who want to return us to the socioeconomic conditions of 1850.
Their problem is they were born 200 years too late.
The age of Jackson. It’s funny that a lot of right wing idiots celebrate Harding and Coolidge but they forget Jackson who balanced the government books and ELIMINATED the U.S. Debt – he was that fanatical about it.
The government was debt free for ONE year and a massive financial panic and depression ensued.
Awwwwwwww. The poor Koch-addled, Obama-hating, knee jerk ld/LD(iot)s of the world must be crying right now:
You’re off by a few hundred years, those folks are neo-feudalists.
Looks like the Newt (Gingrich) has made it official, he’s running for President in 2012.
Let the games begin.
@ 135
Those folks would embrace socialism if their “dear leaders” called it “national” socialism. They certainly did last time.
If we were really to run the government like a business, taxes would be at an all time high as it is the prime directive for the CEO (president) to maximize revenue at every opportunity.
If we were really to run the government like a business, taxes would be at an all time high as it is the prime directive for the CEO (president) to maximize revenue at every opportunity.
The Wisconsin Republicans are trying to cram three years worth of legislation into the next two months, apparantly being quite afraid of the potential results of the recall efforts.
Included in that legislation being “fast tracked” through are new laws legalizing the carrying of concealed handguns, privatising telephone service throughout the state, and another attept at destroying the public worker unions (apparantly they are concerned that their initial gambit isn’t going to hold up too well in ocurt).
The big question, now that ‘the Donald’ has been put back in his cage by Obama, is what new idiot wind will blow through the Republican party next?
Maybe a fatass bully from Jersey will be their next floater. He’s already got his smug and patronizing dunderheaded persona down to a T.
Looks like quite the mutual masterbation / circle jerk at ha nowdays…you all have fun rubbin’ on each other…
147 – Naaaah.. Nothing like what goes on at Dori’s place between his pinhead followers.
re 147: If you said that at unSound Politics you’d be banned — especially by the ever hysterical Pudge.
Talk about a ‘circle jerk’.
The chickenshits of our fair state come in from the cold.
Heh. Old news I know but it gave me a chuckle.
Oh poor babies they were doing so bad, they paid their taxes because they could. Must be the good deal on labor they’re getting at the local Home Depot.
Where are all the pugnacious country and western songs praising Obama?
I guess they only get written for deserters appointed to the presidency by the corrupt right wing faction of the supreme court.