ONN: The Week in Review.
The Affordable Care Act is front page news
Why do we have a debt ceiling?
Sam Seder: Former Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer can’t count.
Terrorists Attack America!
- Thom: The GOP has now declared Ayn Rand Akbar on America!
- Mark Fiore: Republican Doomsday Cult.
- The G.O.P.’s debt ceiling ransom:
- Bashir: GOP terrorists in mad panic over ObamaCare
- Thom: The GOP officially does not give a rat’s ass about us
- Maddow: The dastard history of government shutdowns.
- Coverage of the G.O.P. hostage crisis
- Young Turks: Government shutdown over G.O.P. wish list.
- Maddow: The House Republicans’ recklessness with U.S. credit
Jon: On Republicans trying to scare Americans over health care (via Crooks and Liars).
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: Wendy Davis to run for Texas Senate.
Jon: One of God’s messengers seems to have it wrong.
Virginia Race:
- Maddow: Cuccinelli(R) losing big to McAuliffe(D) in latest VA polls.
- Ann Telnaes: Cuccinelli claims he’s done the most to protect women’s interests.
Stephen wants in on conservative children’s book racket (via Crooks and Liars).
What’s “normal” when you live in the White House?
Sam Seder: Climate change is at crisis level say scientists.
Mental Floss: 27 drinks made of coffee.
The Ted Cruz Comedy Hour Day:
- Ann Telnaes: Ted Cruz reads Dr. Seuss.
- O’Donnell: Sen. Ted Cruz’s fake, fraudulent Senate filibuster
- Jon on Mr. Cruz
- Young Turks: Carnival Cruz.
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz misses on his Darth Vader analogy.
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz misses on Green Eggs and Ham analogy.
- Young Turks: Cruz v. Republicans.
- Ed: Is Ted Cruz the new Sarah Palin?
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Ted Cruz for President 2016.
- Ann Telnaes: Ted Cruz stands his ground on Obamacare.
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz votes for Bill he ‘filibustered’ against for 21 hours.
- Young Turks: “People think Ted Cruz Is crazy”, says Peter King.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Teabagger ‘stuntman’ Sen. Ted Cruz has surrendered!
Stephen on the return of Crossfire.
Ed: Ken Blackwell’s bizarre theology.
Invalid Arguments: Climate change.
Iran Courtship:
- Obama: About Iran.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Is peace with Iran possible?
- The Point: Are the U.S. and Iran ready to negotiate ?
- Sam Seder and Matt Duss: Is the Neocon Dream of War With Iran Over?
Sharpton: Obama cuts down GOP lies on healthcare with remarkable sarcasm.
White House White Board: What ObamaCare means for you:
Sam Seder: Obamacare premiums report show low prices.
Lower premiums: Busting the GOP’s Obamacare ‘Death Panels’ myths.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Oh, please oh please oh please oh please.
I am surprised even he voted for the motion to proceed after his filibuster ended.
Another mandate kicking in next year or two is the EPA Tier 4 Diesel mandate. The railroads and manufacturers are racing to meet it, and getting close.
Isn’t Ken Blackwell the same man that ordered absentee and provisional ballots destroyed in Ohio rather than allow them to be recounted in the 2004 election?
Oh, yeah.
so, how is it that he can ever be considered a credible authority on anything? He’s already been caught breaking several dozen Federal Laws. Seems to me he should have been indicted for malfeasance and conspiracy.
I really miss CheapshotBob right now…the IPCC just out, and no cheapshot to explain to us all how it’s full of holes and errors and poor science.
He had such a way with explanations.
Why do Republicans hate working class Americans? What did we do to them?
@ 6
Require them to actually pay out money in exchange for labor performed. Conservatives hate the idea of giving money to people, especially where there is work that needs to be done. Bear in mind, these folks are still reeling from the effects of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. The whole idea that labor is worth recompense to the laborer is anathema to the whole idea of Capitalism.
I’m not ready for the 8 months of rain, but it seems mother nature does not care; it’s on its way.
Meanwhile, in Kansas.
Heaven forbid that a Doctor or a Soil Scientist actually know anything about actual Science. It’s all in the Bahbull, I knowz dis, cause dah BahBull is written bah Gawd.
I was just out checking my downspouts and storm drain, everything’s running like a champ. But yeah, this could have held off until mid October.
Isn’t Cuccinelli the guy that wanted to outlaw oral sex?
@11 yeah but just for the gays.
In Germany, Chancellor Merkel is going to be negotiating with the opposition party, because her liberal Free Democrats allies were wiped out of the Bundestag, and she’s 4 seats shy of a majority. The Social Democrats are up first, but the Greens are changing their minds, and are open to coalition talks with Merkel.
Liberal Scientist @ 5,
Michael @ 11,
Yes. And not just for gays.
6)The way they act, probably everything.
That’s, so, not the way to win an election.
Jimmy Fallon’s the best.
“Anthony Weiner Song” with Sheryl Crow
Ahem…included that two weeks ago.
9/11! Socialism! Kenyan! Clinton Mafia! 9/11! Socialism! Kenyan! Clinton Mafia! 9/11! Socialism! Kenyan! Clinton Mafia! 9/11! Socialism! Kenyan! Clinton Mafia! 9/11! Socialism! Kenyan! Clinton Mafia! 9/11! Socialism! Kenyan! Clinton Mafia!…
What I find amazing is the headline over at Huffington post. The republicans think the dems will blink.
With the republicans controlling the only media their voters listen to, this is going to be a long shut down.
Lets see, a delay of the Affordable Care act for one year, for 2 months of funding.
Are they insane?
If the dems concedes even one inch on this, where will it stop? Every bill will be stuffed with Republican wish lists.
Check it out, maps of where most of the job growth in America is going on and most of them places are liberal places.
This is also a hoot!
Do you think the Republican Party is most interested in helping the poor, helping the rich or helping the middle class?
The poor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7%
The middle class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28%
The rich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51%
Not sure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14%
This will be spun by conservative media as a plot by liberals to deny jobs to red states. It’s a liberal plot that high paying jobs require education.