Thom with the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Chris Hayes: FAUX News’ despicable manufacture of ‘white-victimhood’.
Millennials — The laziest generation?
This Week in The G.O.P. War on Voters™:
- O’Donnell: Colin Powell criticizes voter suppression tactics by G.O.P.
- Pap: Stand up for your right to vote…now.
- Al Sharpton: Powell spanks the G.O.P. over voting suppression.
- Maddow: North Carolina GOP’s massive voter suppression effort:
- Chris Hayes: DOJ sues Texas over voting suppression.
Michael Brooks: Scott Brown considers awesome Presidential run.
O’Donnell: Lewis Black hits back at Gov. Perry.
Maddow: Gov. McDonnell’s scandal deepens with stock revelations.
War Criminals:
- Sam Seder: Obama administration requests immunity from war crimes for George W. Bush and company.
- Young Turks: DOJ wants blanket immunity for war criminals.
ONN: The Presidential Democrakiosk Debate.
Thom takes a long, hard look at Carlos Danger.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Week in Review.
The Oily Topic of Texan Canadian Cruz:
- Sam Seder: How Canadian is Sen. Cruz?
- Ted Cruz, “I am not a Canadian!”
- Ann Telnaes: Senator Ted Cruz will renounce his Canadian citizenship.
- Young Turks: FAUX News birfer hypocrisy.
- Maddow: The Ted Cruz lovefest in Texas.
- Maddow: North Carolina GOP-led board closes voting precinct, targets campus voting
- Sam Seder: Curz to renounce his Canadianness.
- Alex Wagner: Ted Cruz squirms over his birth certificate.
- Rep. Cruz takes it on the chin
- Al Sharpton: No Canada!.
Biden and Obama speak on college affordability.
Farron Cousins: The Republican circular firing squad.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
The newest Obama:
NSA Bugs Some People:
- Ann Telnaes: NSA breaks privacy laws.
- Mark Fiore: Glenn Greenwald killed the Internet.
- Michael Brooks: UK Detains Glenn Greewald’s S.O.
- Ann Telnaes: The White House gets a new dog.
Obama mocks Congress with Schoolhouse Rock quip (via Crooks and Liars).
Red State Update: This Ain’t My First Racist Rodeo (Podcast episode 40).
Thom politically corrects FAUX News nutburger Steve Doocy.
Who had the worst week in Washington (D.C.).
White House: West Wing Week.
Rev. King’s March on Washington
- Sam Seder: 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington.
- 50 years after MLK.
- Hoodies up for the 50th anniversary march on Washington (via Crooks and Liars).
Mental Floss: Foods named after people.
Alex Wagner: Secretly, GOP hypocrites are taking advantage of “Obamacare”.
Young Turks: God smites Creation Museum worker.
Thom: ALEC is messing with Texas.
Obama’s Fault?!?
- Sam Seder: LA Republicans blame Katrina response on Obama!?!
- Sharpton: G.O.P. blames Obama for Katrina!
- Young Turks: Obama blamed for Katrina response?!?
Maddow: Virginia Republican Bob Goodlatte road-blocks path to immigration reform.
Texas Lt. Gov. to cop: Do you know who I am?.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Daily Caller actually injected race into a story about Presidential dogs. A dog is a dog. I wonder, do Portuguese Water Dogs come in more than one color? I know Basenjis do(my family has a few, both red and whites, had a Tricolor in the past, there are also black and whites, and tiger-striped).
Puddy got back from vacation and what does Puddy see? A left wrong birfer issue…
Ted Cruz must really worry lamestream libtards the way they are attacking Ted. Butt then again Rich Lowry Nails It in Politico nundaless!
Yep, the left wrong web sites aren’t getting much traction attacking Ted Cruz so enter da leftist birfers!
As always use those Alinsky tactics whenever possible.
Rich Lowry.. Heh. Mr. blinded by “little starbursts”..
And advocates “destroying the country” in order to “save” it, i.e. letting the country default on its debt rather than fund PPACA.
And whips up his “base” who now believe Canada is “native soil”..
Hahahahahahahaha!! a moronic ideologue who is crazy enough to “shoot the hostage”…
Somehow this Dana Milbank comment was missed by all the left wrong thinkers on HA
That’s because Obummer is always in campaign mode not governing. Witness Obummer’s bus parade in Upstate New York these past few days. More platitudes of nothingness. Obummer even said we don’t have a deficit crisis at Binghamton University on Friday. What? The Treasury Department is doing the money sleight of hand.
Hmmm…? And that’s how Timmy Tax Cheat Geithner has done it!
Ahhh HA’s unemployed moron arrives just in time to pull another Pavlov told you so! Going all the way back to 2008. History will not be kind to HA’s unemployed moron.
BTW flying back after a busy vacation with da family over da Pacific Ocean all in bidness class seats was very relaxing unemployed moron. You should try it in your “next lifetime”!
Wait for it SCHMUCKO will comment! Puddy ready!
These hypocrital jerks use that a lot..
While Ha’s unemployed moron deals with 2008 commentary Puddy deals with August 2013 commentary… MSNBC Continues Ratings Slide as CNN Surges Over Summer
Yet the Friday Night Comix has the same PMSNBC losers week after week.
Damn, where did that Sam Seder podcast go? Oh yeah… Puddy never subscribed! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
LOL!!! Moronic klownservative memory malady!
Oh Ha’s unemployed moron… Looks like a big time lefty doesn’t like HuffPo! Butt keep using 2008 comments okay. Being a loser is all you know.
“a genuinely damaging force” … reminds Puddy of the damage you do with your insipid comments HA’s unemployed moron!
Translation: from depends-wearing to death valley days in one year!
The trend will continue!
Can’t even think of something new. Re-run… another Puddy name for HA’s unemployed moron!
Of course the real August 2013 news is skipped on the Friday Night Comix…
It only took 6 weeks for a sleazy war on wimens DUMMOCRAPT to resign. Filner believed the DUMMOCRAPT way. Wimens are to be lured at and fondled as necessary. They are not equals.
tctmgr search -pv ~/.ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘epic fail’ | cut -f1,4-5
epic fail count 165
LOL!! The Huff Po is a website after the tool’s own heart.. It was founded in part by Breitbart after all…
Sorkin HATES the internet.. Always has..
Dan Burton was allowed to retire..
She comes home at 13 and says: “My clueless father, I lost my virginity today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut? Oh… that’s right she’s the offspring of a librul, she can do anything she wants!
Brain-damaged “commentary” from an insane jerk.. What a “positive force” that has been..
Oh you mean like the screams you leftist morons made on Rush Limbaugh?
Puddy don’t need no crazed databaze.
You leftists trust the horse manure from Media Morons and Politico as gospel truth. When it blows up we who think right laugh all day at you leftist morons! The contract truth…
An CluelessASS: I guess you get a pass in Post#1 cuz you be a librul. You see I too am against teenagers getting fucking intimate. That’s for later in life. Yet, in your nanometerscopic mind, I guess when a child gets a hardon you say he’s ready for fucking. You see there is a big difference between fucking and love making. How can a teenager portent he or she is in love when they haven’t experienced anything yet except the abuse from a librul parent? Wake up and see life.
If I remember, you said you were around 30 with two children. I have no idea if you have a girl but let’s assume so. She comes home at 13 and says: “My clueless father, I lost my virginity today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut? Oh… that’s right she’s the offspring of a librul, she can do anything she wants! Well in my case I told both sons, no premarital sex is off limits. You have no idea what love is and grow into your body and mind. Check out what God’s creation has in store for you. When you find the right one God will let you know!
That’s the big difference between you and me cluelessASS. I parent my children. Libruls let them run wild. Just go to a restaurant and watch the wild children. Ask the parents are you a librul and listen carefully. You’ll probably see them exit to their car with Kerry/Edwards stickers on the bumpers.
GBS, how would you react if your daughters did what I suggested above? I bet you’d knock some sense into them. Oops… there would be a call to DSHS for child abuse from one of cluelessASS’ buddies.Good try again HA’s unemployed moron. Puddy owns you!
Worth repeating… That’s the big difference between you and me cluelessASS. I parent my children. Libruls let them run wild. Witness those three who killed the Australian college baseball player. Clueless libtards just like you HA’s unemployed moron!
The best from HA’s unemployed moron
Hence you ran to it to attack Rich Lowry.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. HA’s unemployed moron finally realized he’s a leftist tool!
Puddy bets this is another Christian hating Obummer loving libtard atheist in action!
16 – LOL!!!
So Limpbone is the Alex Rodriguez for the depends-wearer set..
Lucky guy.. To have such a devoted and steadily “shrinking” audience..
Can’t deal with facts.. Lowry fantasized receiving “little starbursts” through his tv set.. And published this fantasy..
He’s an idiot like you!
17 – What a moron! So this is “context”… Thanks for posting this moronic twaddle.
STILL a bunch of silly, dirty-minded, idiotic babbling and for what?
So this is “Post #1”????
Or is it this?
What no comment from the idiot tool about Colin Powell’s voter suppression views?
The tool called Powell a “man of integrity”..
Or is he “misguided” by “kissing Obummer’s ass”??
Always the context HA’s unemployed moron. You knew this from the beginning. Now exposed you are covering your ASS. Except you are all arschloch so the Dutchboy will need lots of paint!
You are the tool… FOOL!
Keep EPICALLY FAYLING with the crazed databaze!
Y’all run to Colin Powell when it’s politically expedient and run away from Colin when it’s not.
Sux to be you HA’s unemployed moron! Has Puddy broke 40,000 yet?
Rich “Nuking Mecca is an idea that has merit” Lowry
Piddles favorite bat-shit crazy pundit.
LOL! “Libruls” like Sarah and Todd…
Were they “misguided” by MTV tool?
LOL! And you also knew from the beginning what your insane babbling was in response to..
Wow who knew that vaccinating a girl against HPV in the klownservative “mind” turns her into a “nympho slut”..
So if a boy gets HPV vaccinated so he doesn’t pass the shit along, what does that turn him into?
What a freaking insane klown you are!
Let me know when they’re 20 how that worked out? Do they keep that “pledge” or do they decide the old man’s a crank?
29 – Earlier I posted about how parents in Denmark are permissive about their teenage kids sleeping over..
And Denmark is considered one of the “happiest” countries in the world.. Who knew?
All I know is that the moron tool’s kids are now college graduates and AFAIK are unmarried..
How it sucks to be them if they slavishly follow their daddy’s dictates.
LOL! Don’t look now tool but Aaron Sorkin’s gonna condemn your mean-spirited ass!
They did pretty good with the pledge. Now that they are adults they can do what they want checkmate! Butt reading your crap they would know who the crank is… you checkmate!
Poor HA’s unemployed moron. Conservative thought begets productivity! One son just accepted a job offer as a litigation attorney at a prestigious law firm in NYC. Starting salary…? Well you don’t wanna know; it’s big! The other son has an overseas job. We visited him on our vacation in his environment. It was P R I C E L E S S!
What will you provide as an environment for useful and productive children HA’s unemployed moron? Just think, they will NOT want to grow up as you. Wait a minute… they be libtards cultivated in the Seattle libtard garden. Who knows? Maybe they’ll leach off of Mrs unemployed moron the way their father does.
Really? Like your take on the downfall of conservative talk radio HA’s unemployed moron?
Sux to be you!
Wow.. The tool says those 3 African American kids from OK with guns have “librul” parents..
Didn’t the tool recommend that his kids pack heat when carousing in the U District? Excuse me they were of age! They had already been “parented” by Mr. Moral “nympho slut” Authority!
Where was JC Watts as a role model for those 3 gun toting kids? Forget JC, he’s a has been. How about Clay Bennet or Aubrey McClendon? Ain’t OK a klownservative state?
Grasping for hay to lay another smelly turd from your all arschloch eh HA’s unemployed moron?
Awwww.. Poor tool.. Wasn’t talking about klownservative babble radio..
The 5 percent was about Faux Snooze Channel..
Depends days must be coming soon for you..
Puddy claimed they are all black you unemployed moron? Ummm… nope you dope. Two are black and one is white, the getaway driver
Is he married? Hasn’t had sex yet? Ooooh but he’s a nice catch.. Once he ties the knot what will he neglect first – the wife or the job?
What’s more important to him? Money or domestic bliss?
NYC??? Heh.. A pressure cooker.. Bunch a libruls in that burgh..
Time again to ask those pertinent questions… Won’t answer the simple questions posed earlier. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up continually unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why are you not working and providing like most men for their families?
3) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
4) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
5) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Will the continually unemployed idiot “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does he hide behind left wrong links all day on HA? Why does he lounge at home on HA all day while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
Notice how HA’s unemployed moron picks on Puddy’s superior sons? Cuz he knows his “role model” as a father is an EPIC FAYLE!
Sux to be HA’s unemployed moron!
JC Watts is conservative. Those three punks are from the libtard class, just like you HA’s unemployed moron! Libtard values produces killas like those three!
LOL! Your edict was “premarital sex is off limits”..
Are they married yet tool?
It doesn’t seem so.. Apparently they’re making money – no value is higher to the klownservative mentality. Must be kind of miserable those two.
Btw, who’d want to marry someone who is a clone of your miserable ass?
LOL! But OK is a klownservative state… NOT ONE COUNTY in OK voted for Obama!
Where were all the klownservative role models for those kids?
They were packing heat though.. Shit.. Klownservatives love that..
The Texas Republican Party platform. Seig fuckin Heil.
LOL! I ignore your dictates fool! Take it up with the skygod.. Maybe he’ll help you..
It is obvious that someone forgot to take their medications with them when they went on vacation.
Did the tool really manage to stay away from HA on vacay?
Listen to the audio track of the “Groundswell” organization conspiring to manufacture the Benghazi scandal into something they could use against the President. Ginni Thomas was one of the speakers. The wife of a Supreme Court Justice who has received tens of millions of dollars for “consulting fees” and such from so-called “conservative” organizations, including many who have had issues in the Supreme Court. Several at the time their cases were being adjudicated.
Who are the real enemies of the Republic again?
So it is revealed that this jet setting career of Pjddles’ that generate frequent flier miles,business class upgrades and rental car free days is directly tied to NOT having day-to-day parental responsibilities at home.
So, the Hydra Plan to eliminate whole blocks of voters from the rolls is being touted as a means to insure GOP successes in elections. They are openly stating that there are certain citizens who do not have the right to vote, and their purpose is to increase the number of people who can be excluded from the right to vote at all.
That would include Mr. SpittlePuddles here.
My favorite comment on the OKC shooting was from the former Australian Deputy Prime Minister, Tim Fischer. He said that the US Gun Culture was corrupting the world. I got curious, he was the deputy PM under Gun-hating Liberal John Howard. Unfortunately trolls, except for the gun issues, the Liberal Party of Australia is a center right party focusing on urban and suburban conservative voters. Fischer was not a Liberal though, he was the Leader of the Liberals Junior partner, the National Party of Australia, which represents rural issues. While he was for Gun control, he was not totally against them.
Other things mentioned on his Wikipedia page, is that Mr. Fischer is a Vietnam Vet, and a train buff. Even got to ride both the first freight and passenger trains from Alice Springs into Darwin in 2004, and was later the Australian Ambassador to the Holy See.
48)Must have, I thought I posted two posts about Filner in the 8-22 Open Thread, yesterday.
Evergreen Rail Fan you strike me as both a train buff and possibly an infrastructure buff like I am..
Recently I’ve been fascinated with the Brightwater project. It’s been fun trying to trace the tunneling from the complex to the outfall through the new Google maps.. Checking out the access portals in Kenmore and Shoreline..
I bet you like the “conveyance system”..
Now that’s a fun train ride!
Pretty interesting to see while googling that Toby Nixon was such an outspoken critic of Brightwater.. Sure it was expensive but in my view money well spent.. It will accomplish many goals beyond state of the art waste treatment.
Toby has attended one or two DL’s and was on Goldy’s radio show.. Maybe he wrote a guest post here at HA? Can’t remember now.
The tunnel boring machines are amazing engineering!
We should feel lucky that this technology is being brought to bear on projects in own our back yard.
Check it out and marvel!
I haven’t been able to access HA from my home computer since Wednesday. (I’m at a library right now.) Is anyone else having this trouble? Has the site been down?
56 – No.. HA has been pretty much up and accessible.
Although in my case, HA imposes some access delay because of some javascript issue due to the privacy plugins I’ve installed on my web browsers.. This has been going on for me for a lot longer than since last Wednesday..
Accessing HA with chromium on Linux OS is impossible for me. With firefox it’s much better but still a bit of a pain.
I never use Windows.. Windows sucks.. Haven’t used it unless I’ve really had to for years. But at least these hangups and delays don’t seem to be an issue with Windows Vista and 7.
I have seen something interesting with other elections in other countries, is the ballot. In Australia, the House and Senate races are on separate ballots, partly because of the Senate’s preferential proportional system, and multiple parties. Also the National and Local elections tend not to be on the same day in other countries. In Germany for example, there are two state elections next month in addition to the Federal one. The Bundestag Election is on September 22nd, the same day as the Landtag in the state of Hesse, while Bavaria has a state election on September 15.
I think that the outcome of the Bavarian election is not in doubt, the Christian Social Union has been in charge there for decades. The question in that one will be, will they be in coalition with the liberal Free Democrats, or will the latter even win 5% to get in. I think the reason Bavaria is holding the election for the Landtag on the 15th, is it’s getting close to Oktoberfest, and Bavaria uses a different system for the state legislature. It’s a double ballot, like the Federal, a vote for the District representative, and a vote for a party slate. In the Bundestag, it’s a closed list, one accepts the order the party chose, for the Bavarian legislature, it’s an open list, the voter has the option to pick a candidate on the list.
Having Hesse holding a state election on the same day as the Federal could be a disaster for the Social Democrats. One poll showed that the SDP could form a government with help from the Green Party and Die Lienke(The Left). The SDP has governed with the Greens before, but the Left would be a disaster. In the last state election in Hesse, the SDP tried that, it did not work out, and in the snap election that followed, the Social Democrats lost a third of their seats. Currently, the Social Democrats will only work with The Left(a party formed out of the former East German Communist Party), in the Eastern States, where the Left Party is strongest. Hesse proved outside of the East, it would not work.
Now watch..
Still looking for your tool the fool unemployed moron? Look in the mirror and you’ll observe an insipid idiotic moron!
So? Doesn’t mean pockets of morons like you didn’t exist! We see these are of the thug culture. One posted he hated whitey. The thug culture openly brayed for Obummer in 2008 and 2012.
You can always tell when OWS Racist Fraggy sees truth. He discusses drugs! Why are drugs the first choice of leftist pinheads?
Hey ERF,
Did a gun kill the Australian college baseball player or did another thug culture loving human kill the Australian college baseball player?
So, the IRS Tea Party Rejection Plan is to eliminate whole blocks of voters from the rolls is being touted as a means to insure DUMMOCRAPT successes in elections.
You forgot all the hotel points checkmate. Puddy completed his direct effect parenting responsibilities. My sons are productive individuals. What can we say about your family checkmate? We see HA’s unemployed moron is such a “role model” of fecklessness!
Well with all the time you have on your hands unemployed moron, you should be an expert (at something)! We see your goto code for the crazed databaze is useless!
What a crock. Four REAL Americans died under suspicious circumstances… gun and weapons running from Libya to Turkey to Syrian Rebels and idiots like OWS Racist Fraggy are not interested in the circumstances on how they died. Yet we all know OWS Racist Fraggy would be screaming to the high heavens if it happened under a Republican president! Even the libtard leftist Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit is now interested. But not OWS Racist Fraggy!
OWS Racist Fraggy, typically commenting without a clue!
@66 Typical republican Troll.
When you show me where you posted outrage over the other REAL Americans killed during the bush years, then I will care what you babble. Otherwise it’s just fake partisan accusations.
62)In my opinion, it was both, but what I was commenting on, was what a former politician, a Conservative by the way, from the victim’s country said. Interesting how he had to go against his own party to support Liberal Party PM John Howard’s plan. Howard would lose his seat,10 years and several election cycles later.
Name some besides members of the military! Fake partisan accusations?
Chris J. Stevens is fake?
Sean Smith is fake?
Tyrone S. Woods is fake?
Glen A. Doherty is fake?
From Wikipedia…
And now we know Hillary Clinton’s “team” did nuthin.
Yeah is a phony scandal!
Typical HA libtard!
@42 puddy is a douche, they were probably all heterosexuals. And we know how many times I post on this family values crowd, but puffy ignores that, puffy a useless piece of shit
Oh yeah for the libtards, here is what Kenan D. Adams-Kinard (Kenan Kinard), one of the killers of the 88 year old WWII veteran listened to… Chief Keef, the Thug mentality…
and y’all know they are Obummer’s pals. Like Jay Z in da whitey house…
Who knew?
More on Keef, Obummer supporter…
Y’all forgot Jay Z’s “shoutout” to Keef?
Obummer libtard thought in action!
Another reason why Puddy left da reservation and sons of Puddy don’t reside there either.
So a gun lying on the street is going to pull it’s own trigger and off someone ERF?
Somebody pulled the trigger, but making it easy to get was part of the problem. Sometimes the situation is more complex.
Here we have people that try to limit who can vote. In other countries, it’s expanding who can vote. In Germany, all the major and minor parties in the Bundestag cater to the voters who are of Turkish descent. Thanks to a ruling by the majority of a panel of judges in Karlsruhe last year, Poles of German descent will be voting in next months elections.
It seems that is one decision from a court when it comes to electoral laws, that Chancellor Merkel is willing to accept. The judges in Karlsruhe last year also ruled that the current system of overhang seays, which are created when a party wins more seats at the district level than entitled to proportionally, so parties that won at least 5% of the party vote, or three district seats, get the seats they won. It usually means expanding the Bundestag for a few years.
In Ireland, there is going to be an investigation into the breach of records at the National Maternal Hospital. A patient that underwent a pregnancy termination, to save her life, had that record leaked to the Irish Times, by somebody at the hospital.
At the end of July, the Irish President signed the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Act, in response to the outrage over the death of a woman and her unborn child in a Galway Hospital. Because hands were tied by Irish Law, they lost both.
The procedures in the new law have a high hurdle, including both a second and third opinion being required.
Friday, the Railroad industry lost a giant. Railroad construction and short line railroad owner R.J. Corman. He passed away at 58, after a 13 year battle with multiple myeloma. It’s a sad loss. He started his company with nothing shortly after high school, and built up a company that builds railway, repairs track, cleans up derailment sites, runs a few short lines, and even builds locomotives. One example of his work helping the big railroad, was post Katrina, when CSX needed to repair Gentilly Yard in New Orleans, they called him.
It was interesting who was filling in for Andrea Mitchell last week. Chris Mathews, and his wife! She used to be a tv reporter, but now an executive with a major hotel chain.
Hey puddybigot, you say…
Here’s another gay-hating, Obama-hating black man who ‘left the reservation’ – I’d love to see a chat between the two of you!
Hey, he’s a Christian, too!!
Apparently SCHMUCKO doesn’t read well… SCHMUCKO’s gay-hating, Obama-hating black man hates Condoleezza Rice. And we all know she stands against Obummer.
Chat with him? Never… He hates all whites. Puddy don’t hate. Well Puddy has a strong dislike for unemployed moron and clueless arschlochs like him on HA!
Wow… Da Perfessa, rhpee6033 and now ERF admit to watching PMSNBC… Puddy thinks Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit does too because Roger posts from the MSNBC web site. Puddy hasn’t seen Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit admit he watches it, but if so that fact is in the crazed databaze of HA’s unemployed moron!
Hilarious that the tool worked up a big lather and shot his wad after the dinner hour yesterday..
But there was salt mining to do later..
Limped back at the hour of peak hate for some more stinkies.. No Pfizer-assist for the tool on Saturday night. NO SIR!
Never fails.. Tooooo funnny…
Drugs and sexual references… That’s all libtards have! Remember you are the useless feckless insipid tool who first ran to HuffPo in this thread with a worn out attack! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Thanks for playing unemployed ASSHole moron! ROTFLRHMBBAO!
Oh no stop da presses… libtard Margaret Carlson said what?
Oh pleeeeeze!!
Righton, are you inferring that the Great David Goldstein wears a b??? plug? … I came even imagine that one.
Who in their right mind would drive 60 in a 25 unless it’s some dr?? infested city kid who parents voted for Gregore?
You can’t hide from your obnoxious a-hole record tool.
Still EPICALLY FAYLING with the goto crazed databaze. Still going back into “history” when Puddy is discussing 2013?
HAHAHAHAHA! Such a useless moron!
Holy Economics Batman… Obummer’s Economy really SUX!
Holy Thug Nation Batman… Look what he wrote! Well we can see the writer hates 90% of whitey. His white getaway driver must have been the 10% “he liked”.
Hey HA Libtards…
WikiLeaks freak Bradley Manning wants to become Chelsea Manning. Will the HA leadership create a fund raiser to assist in the removal of the vital parts?
Still running away from your legacy.. Why don’t you stand up for it?
What’s with right wing dings and the sexual references?
88 – Oh fuck! Such a tool going to a survivalist website.
Yeah “teach” the economy sucks – for the 99 percent.. How have your bagger morons in the Krackpot Kongress helped on that score? Again here’s their weapon of mass job creation..
For the one percent – it’s been gang busters! And that’s all that matters to the funders of your miserable party.
Bullshit Bob said he’s set for life. No worries.. All that bothers him is his miserable ODS.. Such a bothersome affliction to people who brag they have it made.
i.e. you’re consumed by hatred for those FROM THE VERY BEGINNING (April 2005) were more than justifiably annoyed by your a-hole attitude and your incessant babbling about WRONG wing bullshit!
zzzzZZZZzzz.. And you’re the fool who can’t deal with the FACT that Rich Lowry is a tool and an idiot..
Lowry wrote the “little starbursts” idiocy.. That’s a FACT.
And YOU can’t handle it.
I’ll throw you a bone tool.. Not even a head up his butt FOOL like you could possibly come up with something so silly as that “little starbursts” stupid. Lowry is stuck with it.
@92… Prove the 33 points wrong HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron. You have all day every day being unemployed, an ASSHole, and a moron! Run to Snopes. Run to Media Morons. Run to Daily Kooks. Three of your favrit sites. Obummer got all he wanted from the DUMMOCRAPT congress in 2009 and 2010. Now we see it’s an economic failure. Discussing the 2013 congress is another EPIC FAYLE!
Run along now Pavlov’s leetle doggie!
You HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron are the tool who ran to HuffPo for a 2008 story. It’s 2013 HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron! The facts in this thread above prove that HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron. Now when caught it’s deflection, train wreck and smoke screen! No one wants your “bone”!
Sux to be you. ROTFLRHMBBAO!
For the clueless now known as HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron started calling Puddy names. That is an incontrovertible FACT!
You’re saying Lowry never wrote the “little starbursts” twaddle?
Such a tool.. Like I said. Can’t deal with facts..
Here’s another fact:
Econony is doing just fine for what YOU call REAL americans..
Those americans also to a great deal suffer from ODS which is why they lavished millions on R-Money.. Turned out great didn’t it?
Awwww.. Poor baby… Fee fees hurt..
Butt as you are, no guts to answer.
Fool you’ve reaped what you’ve sown here. Nothing more, nothing less.
Another goto crazed databaze EPIC FAYLE attack. First another deflection
Then when caught with his 2005 hate another deflection
Puddy doesn’t bark to you HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron. You bark to Puddy. Puddy owns you, HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron! Puddy in your mind 24×7. HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron wrote the goto crazed databaze around Puddy then extended it.
Still waiting for the 33 facts answer HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron! You have all day to search!
Wait till the skygod calls your silly ass “home” fool..
It’s a propaganda website selling survivalist shit to fearful FOOLS linking to yet more propaganda!
All that matters to those you worship is corporate profits and they’ve REACHED ALL TIME HIGHS..
100 – zzzzZZZzzzzz.. Just a fool babbling…
You were an obnoxious a-hole right out of the gate..
Deal with it.
Yet another definition of “Real Americans” – those that have propaganda value to interminably WRONG wingers and their degenerate “jawb kweashun” agenda in the Krackpot Kongress..
So was this an “UNREAL” American???
WTF? Another deflection from HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron. As HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron wrote above, zzzzZZZzzzzz.. [He is] Just a fool babbling… An embassy attack that kills an AMBASSADOR vs. a car bomb. OMG, you are such a stooooooooooooopid unemployed ASSHole moron! Wow all the way back to 2006.
Regarding corporate profits… talk to Obummer HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron!
Keep searching fool!
The mirror talks to HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron again! Still has issues with himself being all arschloch!
Sux to be unemployed, an ASSHole, and a moron. We see a three in one in HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This dumbass fool doesn’t “think” a car bomb near a consulate that kills a US DIPLOMAT is an “attack”..
Obviously to the idiot this US DIPLOMAT is an “UNREAL” american.
What a dope!
Many consulates and embassies were attacked on the watch of the empty suit you voted for twice! Also a little office building in NYC..
Deal with it!
Interesting commentary about moving oil by rail. It appears to be continuing to grow,especially with the lack of East-West capacity in pipelines. One potential surprise is a rumor about a new service that Kansass City Southern is working on. Not another interchange of tank trains carrying Light Crude from North Dakota via Canadian Pacific. This is most likely Heavy Crude from Alberta potentially interchanging with KCS at either KC(via Canadian Pacific), or Jackson(via Canadian National). Potential alternative to Keystone XL. The railroad has an advantage, not much dilutant needed for the tank car than the pipeline, and the refiner has to remove the dilutant at the refinery.
Oh my goodness… this unemployed ASSHole moron is so tedious… Deflection… Puddy never wrote what unemployed ASSHole moron claims.
Sux to be him and his unemployed ASSHole moron mind!
What’s with your ass fetish? Maybe it’s time you came out of the closet.