Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: GOP Invades Netroots Nation.
Behind the Scenes with The President & The First Lady at Gorée Island:
Same old party: Part 1.
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Justice Scalia’s hypocrisy.
DOMA Dies:
- John Oliver: DOMA, Prop-8, and Filibuster (via Slog).
- Stephen mourns DOMA’s death
- Chris Hayes: Massive DOMA reverberations
- Same old party: GOP on DOMA.
- Young Turks: Bert and Ernie…together at last!
- Justice Scalia’s DOMA dissent.
- Chris Hayes: GOP gay marriage foes going through stages of grief
- John Fugelsang: Gay love exists in over 1,500 species — gay hate exists in one:
- Stephen: Big Gay Round-up
- John Oliver: Republican’s reaction to DOMA
Ann Telnaes: Shooting the messenger.
White House: West Wing Week.
Darrell “Grand Theft Auto” Issa’s “Scandals”:
- Thom: Darrell Issa, “Fool me once!”.
- Bashir: ‘Car-thief’ Darrell Issa’s millions can’t buy the IRS scandal he wants
- Sam Seder: Issa’s IRS scandal turns out to be totally fake.
Adam Burke: The death of political comedy.
John Fugelsang and friends: Rick Perry & Chris Christie.
Ann Telnaes: Aiding and abetting journalism.
Where is Jon Stewart?
- John Oliver: Where is Jon Stewart?
- John Oliver gets Skyped by Jon Stewart.
Thom: The Reagan Revolution is an utter failure.
Mark Fiore: Wiretapping Saves!
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Killing the Voting Rights Act
- John Oliver blasts SCOTUS Voting Rights Act decision.
- Bashir: An outrageous display of judicial arrogance
- Sam Seder and Ari Berman: How the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act.
- Stephen on Supreme Court’s Voting Rights Act Decision
- Zina Sauners: Thomas Voting Rights
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Fetal masturbation .
WA’s “pot czar”: Federal govt. should sign a treaty with state.
- Young Turks: Does Rick Perry hate women?
- Sam Seder: #StandWithWendy is just the beginning
- Maddow: Texas’ ‘BLUE’ future seen in GOP abortion bill backlash
- Young Turks: Gov. Rick Perry’s diss of Wendy Davis.
- Pink Sneakers: Texas Sen. Dem. single handedly blocks GOP abortion bill
- Sam Seder: The power public figures have when they stand up….
- John Fugelsang: Dear Texas legislature, Jesus wasn’t anti-abortion, but he was anti-death penalty:
- O’Donnell: Unbelievable! GOP State Rep. explains the magic of “rape kits”
- Young Turks: Politician called ‘terrorist’ for heroic defense of women’s rights.
- Sam Seder: Rick Perry attacks female politician for being a teen mom
- Young Turks: Is Texas becoming a blue state?
Pres. Obama: sweeping climate change plan
Mental Floss: Drinks.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
It’s interesting on Prop 8,Scalia and Roberts sent it back to the 9th, which lufted their stay on the lower court ruling. Marriage Equality resumed last night. I remember hearing when this case was in the Federal District Court, the measure’s proponents were having problems with the judge, because he might have been gay. I wonder if they had any problems with the Chief Justice as well. Days before the Oral Arguments, it was announced that Chief Justice Roberts’s First cousin, who is a lesbian would be attending.
A few weeks ago, I was watching a video podcast from the Australian equivalent of the BBC, and their was a story that some Labor Members of the House of Representatives were packing up their Canberra offices because polls were showing, even with the Preferential Voting system, a landslide victory for the Liberal/National coalition of the Center-right. This week, key cabinet members pushed for a leadership vote, and Prime Minister Julia Gillard lost, former PM Kevin Rudd, who helped Labor return to power in 2007, is back in. He immediately won the confidence motion, and the September election could be delayed. It has to be held no later than November 30. Polls are beginning to swing toward Labor.
Wow another Friday of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tier libtards, while the Comix Purveyor skips thisObummer travels to Africa and makes an ASS out of himself again
Apparently Obummer’s front men didn’t check to see what Africans think about gay marriage.
S M A C K D O W N, At the start of the $100,000,000 trip!
Or more real news instead of the swill from above…
Obummer is trying to destroy the Religious Freedoms afforded in the Constitution and the courts are starting to object.
Looks like South Africans have a real “beef” with Obummer too! Again, another S M A C K D O W N during this $100,000,000 trip!
Now this is real comedy… not that crap above from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tier libtards.
Puddy wonders if HA’s SENILE and DUMB Wabbit will purchase any for the guns he brags about owning.
Here is why lawyers suck… and their support of DUMMOCRAPTS suck too.
The company sued won but is now out of business. Typical of DUMMOCRAPT lawyers… putting people out of jobs through their lawyers.
More real news always missed by the Comix Purveyor. What will Julian Assange do now?
I am SOOOOOO glad puddybigot crawled out from under his rock to regale us with further proof of his idiocy.
Haven’t seen him much since he was whuppped around these threads discussing ‘Intelligent Design’.
The bruises must have healed.
Idiot @ 5
One of those protest signs in South Africa was anti-zionist!
Jokes on you, the FOOL who slavishly shills for klownservative fanatics from “the country that can do no wrong”.
Our pet klowservative jerk is so addled by Obama Derangement Syndrome that he now applauds the ACLU and is on the same page as fierce Bush critic Glenn Greenwald..
Here’s Glenn speaking at a (gasp!) Socialism conference (introduced by the great Jeremy Scahill)..
So practically since he was inaugurated Greenwald has criticized Obama.. Why is that?
Easy! Obama continued some of the Bush policies!
So why doesn’t our pet klownservative fool applaud Obama for that?
Cuz’ he suffers from ODS. klownservatism is a brain-damaging disorder!
He’s been installing “counter-measures” so Obama’s NSA won’t snoop on his (bowel) movements…
LOL!!! Our pet klownservative tool is quiet about this:
That IG George is a klownservative obviously. And our pet klownservative jerk of these threads has once again been shown to be:
lied to
by the klownservative grifter complex..
A little background to my post@2, about the Labor MPs in Canberra packing up their offices.
Although former PM Gillard, when she set the election date for the end of September earlier this year, was hoping to have an end run against the perpetual confidence votes being pushed by the Liberal Opposition leader, made one mistake. Australian elections are held on Saturdays, and voting is compulsory(so in polling, all registered voters are likely voters), but the date coincided with Yom Kippur. That date is off. The recent parliament sitting was supposed to be the last one before the election, but their could be more before the election.
10)Plus, I wonder if he was generalizing, thinking all African nations are on the same page when it comes to the LGBT issues. South Africa has legalized gay marriage, and by the way, some of the American conservative attacks on the issue might be right. It has led to Polygamy, although I think that came first, and the same-sex marriage equality came later.
On the polygamy issue in South Africa, it’s a complicated issue. While not legal under civil law, it is under customary law, taking into account religious and tribal customs. Their current President is a self-proclaimed polygamist.
To confirm Darryl’s surmise (communicated to me privately) — yes, that’s me crossing behind Susie Sampson in the last few seconds of her report from NN13.
We got the Senate to agree on something. Ray LaHood’s replacement as Transportation Secretary was confirmed 100-0. Anthony Foxx, the now former mayor of Charlotte, is a supporter of alternative energy vehicles, and for expanding the use of streetcars and light rail in his city.
@4 The only religious freedom wingnuts want to preserve is their freedom to force-fed their religion to other people’s children in public schools. I’ll bet you can’t show me a single wingnut who believes in freedom of religion, or even freedom from harassment, for America’s Muslims.
@6 “for the guns he brags about owning”
I suspect @19 is the shortest comment I’ve ever posted on HA.
@7 Lawyers only do what clients ask them to, so you should blame their clients.
@10 I wonder if puddy prefers the South Africa that existed before Mandela. It seems pretty clear the rest of wingnutdom has their panties twisted in a knot by Obama’s visit to Mandela.
@11 “Obama continued some of the Bush policies!”
I have that problem with Obama, too. If he keeps it up, one of these days I may start calling him “Obummer.” That doesn’t mean I’ll vote Republican in 2016 though. It simply means I’ll vote in the 2016 primary for someone less Republican than Obama.
Spreading the weath:
From the Snowden NSA files being slowly released by the Guardian..
Fascinating reading.. Enjoy..
Piddles brags that some in Africa think being gay is criminal. He’s right of course. He read it in his 100% bona fide direct words of God that he saw in the King James Bible.
good to know in Puddyworld its A-O-K to be the Taliban, as long as its the Christian Taliban.
you gotta love Bill Maher:
The Minimum Wage Debate
The following letter appeared in this week’s Barron’s magazine:
“Professor Casey Mulligan of the University of Chicago has the safety-net unemployment problem in reverse (‘Taking Aim at Welfare,’ D.C. Current, June 17). According to him, unemployment insurance and other features of the safety net encourage individuals to remain unemployed for too long. Mulligan might be interested to know that I was paid $3.35 an hour as a research assistant in his economics department in the mid-1970s. About 1,000 hours at that wage would have covered my annual tuition.
“At my 35th reunion last week, I explored the possibility of hiring a Chicago undergraduate as a summer intern. The university expects the intern to be paid $10 an hour. At that wage, it would take 4,500 hours to cover tuition this fall.
“It’s not that the safety net pays too much; it is that working pays too little. If we want to improve our economy, we should better compensate everyone from clerks to massage therapists to teachers to dental assistants to mechanics. This will increase costs but also provide more disposable income to those people most likely to spend the money. This would improve the economy and reduce unemployment.
Rohit Millstein
Sugar Land, Texas”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I couldn’t have said it better myself, which is why I quote him instead of making my own comment. But it won’t sway any of our self-righteous righty friends who have convinced themselves that the working poor are the people who are responsible for keeping our economy in the doldrums. After all, the minimum wage debate is driven by political emotion, not by economic rationality; so you can’t expect to get anywhere by trying to debate the issue with people who have dedicated their lvies to propagating irrationality.
@11 So what? You seem to be assuming he ever had a brain to damage.
Like I’ve been tellin’ ya…
Been telling ‘ya. part II
We need to find an organized and orderly way to transition to walkable communities, to grow much of our food closer to where it is consumed, and to decommission much of our roadway infrastructure.
They Didn’t Strike Down Section 2
After SCOTUS announced its decision on Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, Texass’ GOP Secretary of State immediately reinstated a GOP voting suppression law that had been blocked by the Justice Department — and instantly was sued under Section 2 of VRA.
Litigating under Section 2 is more expensive and time-consuming than DoJ action under Section 5 was, but it gets you to the same place. If voting rights activists persevere — and there’s every reason to believe they will — the GOP’s “win” in SCOTUS will prove to be a pyrrhic victory.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you mess with minority voting rights, you’re gonna get sued, so if you’re a Republican secretary of state, get used to having process servers at your door.
I think there should be a federal law that creates a federal right of action in federal courts against any person who interferes with the voting rights of any legitimate U.S. citizen by any means, and provides for an award of $250,000 of liquidated damages plus reasonable attorney fees to any legitimate voter who was prevented from voting by a state, by election officials, by a political party and/or its operatives, or by any individual, with the jury empowered to determine the reasonableness of state voting laws that restrict the ability to vote. The $250k figure is, I think, if anything too low; how can you put a monetary price on a right as precious as the right to vote, especially considering the millions of Americans who sacrificed their lives in battle to preserve that right? Maybe it should be $10 million, or $1 billion, or whatever it takes to make voting suppression a prohibitively expensive campaign strategy.
@26 They’re worried about where they’ll get Republican voters from if their womenfolk keep aborting all of their seed.
Roger check this out
Now watch..
Oooo… The unemployed moron ylb told Puddy!
Watching… unemployed moron ylb. First response!
RT-TV has a news streamer saying the Syrian rebels have beheaded people in several instances. All the more reason to NOT involve ourselves in the Syrian mess.
Oh my Lib Sci… Puddy was at a site again without specific Internet access last week. Puddy was glad to be one requested again. Made new stuff work.
So Lib Sci Puddy knows you know about George Gaylord Simpson.
Puddy knows you can find his statement in the book. Puddy sure it’s right there in your library.
Remember Steven Gould? He claimed it all happened during the Cambrian Explosion… Explosion… KABLAMMMO!
You got those books too right Lib Sci?
Puddy just had to perform more study.
Watching… unemployed moron ylb. Second response! Did you find a yob yet ylb?
From 38,
Do you always refer to yourself in the third person?
Typical checkmate bullshit. Where there is a toilet one can find checkmate bullshit.
Watching… unemployed moron ylb. Third response! Did you find a yob yet ylb?
To HA libtard leftist morons Puddy disrespects; it’s on purpose. To Steve, Puddy speaks in first person!
Watching… unemployed moron ylb. Fourth response! Did you find a yob yet ylb?
You see checkmate… When you are a foreigner and you make comments in their country, you should make sure the country will agree with you. This is why Obummer is a joke and has no respect overseas. Of course checkmate missed this from Puddy.
Watching… unemployed moron ylb. Fifth response! Did you find a yob yet ylb?
So HA should be empty tomorrow of libtards as y’all should be attending the Gay Pride parade. Puddy won’t be attending!
Watching… unemployed moron ylb. Sixth response! Did you find a yob yet ylb?
In Sydney, they are taking down the monorail. It’s a different type and model than what the Seattle Center Monorail is. Turns out that the Liberal Party said that they would do this a long time ago.
The replacement plan is a light rail line, which the current Metro Light Rail line is expanding. Sydney is the largest city in New South Wales and Australia as a whole, and once had a streetcar network larger than the surviving network in Melbourne.
The link to the article that I mentioned@44.
Oh, puddybigot, you’re just precious.
Your posting clearly indicates that you don’t understand the Simpson quote you throw out there, expecting it to be some sort of self-evident critique of the theory he was instrumental in building.
In an effort to find the source of your idiocy – because I do not believe you just stumbled over George Gaylord Simpson in your own self-directed study of evolution, but are rather posting the misinformed rantings of some preacherman, I googled the quote and found this amazing piece of work.
Dave Flang….Oh, boy, what a loon…
“A peek at Dave Falng’s AWESOME Worldwide ministry” wherein we see both his ‘my Christianism is better than your Christianism’ anti-Catholic bigotry, and his AWESOME basement lair!!
From the original quote you produced, one gets to this YouTube where the AWESOME Dave Flang mispronounces his way through an AWESOME blundering misapprehension of a study of cold-water adaptation via RNA editing, offering it, as you do above, as a laughable ‘argument’ and some sort of self-evident dismissal of evolution. Pure genius!!
I love it when puddybigot tries to talk all sciency and stuff….and repeats the profoundly DUMB analyses he heard on the Christisnist radio station, or at church, like the profound insight pitting Gould against Darwin….more genius!!
Keep it up, puddybigot!! Could we talk about the flood next, and the Ark??!!
But you’ll clearly be thinking about it.
Hmmm…why would you find it so important to tell the world that you will NOT be at the Pride Parade?
You’re clearly thinking about the Pride Parade….all those guys in gold lame jockstraps, hairy guys in nothing but some leather chaps, dykes on bikes, desperate conversion therapists ‘ministering’ to the sinners….just an explosion of fantastic QUEERNESS that you just can’t stop thinking about, eh puddybigot??
Come on out of the closet, puddybigot, let the bigotry and self-hatred wash away…you’ll breathe easier.
puddybigot proving over and over that he really has no principles, just blind, inchoate anger and hatred of those he defines as out of his tribe.
What a sad, simple little man.
I LOVE Carlin…
More Carlin on ‘Pro-Life’ conservatives…
Umm No lib Sci SCHMUCKO… Puddy saw it on the news. Mrs Puddy and Puddy looked at each other and shook our heads. Then Puddy wondered how many HA libtards gonna attend. Apparently you are thinking about it guiltily so you attacked!
See ya!
Did Obummer have to comment on the DOMA vote while in Senegal? NOPE
Did Obummer’s front men verify they would have issues if Obummer commented on DOMA? Apparently not.
Could Obummer enter Air Force One and comment on DOMA to the reporters there. Sure could have but didn’t.
See ya SCHMUCKO. Thanks for playing SCHMUCKO the IDIOT again!
Who is this guy SCHMUCKO? Your Internet search gave you that?
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa. Puddy NEVER heard of this guy! Puddy didn’t open the youtube either so Puddy can riddle you this…
Since you CLAIM Puddy went to this “person’s” youtube here’s the offer: Take out $20,000 from your bank account. $20s, $50s, and $100s will work. Bring it with you, cuz you gonna pay Puddy for the following: Puddy invites you to the Puddy home if you agree but you must have the $20,000 on you and the inspection happens at the door jam! You can search Puddy’s PC for this “person” and/or his youtube. When you search Puddy will also teach you how to find things in the erased area of the PC like the feds do to nail someone. You can search Puddy’s 1TB drive and all Puddy’s installed SSD Drives. Also you can perform a Mil SPEC erasure check to validate Puddy didn’t erase anything. You can use any tool in your putrid computer arsenal to search. When you don’t find it you leave without the $20,000. You will also sign a document claiming you only came to Puddy’s home on your free will, not coerced or under pressure to only inspect Puddy’s PC for anything regarding that person you referenced above and his youtube video. Nothing else or nothing more! You ready to lose $20,000? Puddy doesn’t have to put nothing up since you accused Puddy of that youtube! So you game SCHMUCKO?
So the quote must really hit home eh SCHMUCKO! Darwin was right about Intelligent design.
Man’s whole evolutionary tree structure is man’s own conjecture. Your evolutionist bible can’t explain that Cambrian Period. Sux to be you. Apparently your library is a few books short eh SCHMUCKO? Butt keep looking for it.
Yes Bill Maher, who was taken to the cleaners for attacking Sarah Palin’s 5 year old Special Needs child in his putrid comedy routine.
Figgers you’d like Maher herzog.
I was totally thinking about going, and taking my kids.
I’m not a big fan of crowds, though, so we may miss it.
Wow, what a rant. And, it seems, a disavowal of a guy who seems to share all your thoughts about evolution, and Catholics, and the Big Bang. What a way to throw another ‘true believer’ under the bus.
Moreover, your quote about Darwin reinforces what is obviously an allegiance you have to authority figures. Darwin is not the end-all, be-all to evolution, hon. He started the ball rolling, but we’ve had 150 years of scientific refinement and expansion of his original ideas.
You seem to be suffering under the misapprehension that the only alternative to an irrational belief in a non-existent Sky Daddy is a similarly irrational worship of a smart guy who has been dead for over a century.
You really don’t understand science, puddybigot.
@38, 53
OK, puddybigot….do explain how your quotations of Simpson and Gould undermine evolutionary theory.
This should be fun.
Maybe you’ll make the news when they pan the libtard crowd!
Darwin isn’t the end all? Do tell SCHMUCKO, since just about every evolutionist refers back to Darwin! Scientific refinement and expansion? From the Cambrian era? All that conjecture of simple to complex when complex was already in the fossilized format? Do tell SCHMUCKO!
@41 “it’s on purpose”
I’m under the impression it’s something out of the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic manual.
What SCHMUCKO…? No visitation so you’ll lose $20,000. You made the accusation.
Regarding those to evolutionists… Puddy doesn’t need to explain something Puddy doesn’t adhere to. Another of your stooooooooooooopid requests!
Wait for it… SCHMUCKO will claim Puddy running away when it’s SCHMUCKO who can’t explain their comments since both are 20th Century evolutionists!
See ya. Going to enjoy the sunshine SCHMUCKO! Take some good pics of the pride parade so they can be posted on HA!
Where did HA unemployed idiot ylb run off to? Did ylb get a yob yet?
When you read the details of the state budget deal, it came down to taking tax breaks from consumers and giving them to businesses.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, I don’t have to tell you which party insisted on that.
Um, no. That’s the point that you seem completely unable to grasp. Science grows, is refined, always challenged – that’s how it works – a theory is put forth and attempts are made to falsify it. As better instruments, more ideas, new observations are made, theories are refined. So no, what Darwin wrote in the mid-1800s is not the final word.
You see, rational people don’t need an authoritative tome written by infallible ancients sometime in the past to feel comfortable with the world, or to make our way forward.
Um. like I said, his observations and thoughts and original formulation of the theory were seminal, hence the reference to him – that doesn’t mean he knew everything, a priori.
Again, you seem incapable of grasping that not everything is known, not everything springs fully formed – life is messy, and in flux, and quite magnificent in its mutability and capacity for growth – why do you keep insisting that God’s creation is so much less than it manifestly is?
Did you have a point about the Cambrian? Or do you just like to write science-y words ‘cuz you think that makes you sound smart?
The only real conjecture about ‘simple’ is in regard to the quality of your ‘thinking’.
Moreover, you, as someone who believes that fossils which ARE in fact millions of years old are rather only 6000 years old and placed there by some ‘god’ just to fuck with humans, you really aren’t allowed to invoke the fossil ‘format’ as any sort of argument about what was happening more than 6600 years ago.
Sorry, thanks for playing.
As you always, ALWAYS, do.
It’s in your DNA – you’re both a moron and a coward – and of course a bigot, too.
Even the Republican Times thinks the Voting Rights Act decision is wrong-headed, pointing to Texass as a prime example of a state that can’t be trusted to run elections without an adult supervisor watching over them.
@66 Pud doesn’t have DNA. He was concocted from a Toys-R-Us chemistry set.
Already made it SCHMUCKO using a libtard evolutionist. Somehow you miss points all the time. Oooooh
Wow SCHMUCKO… trying to discuss theoretical deduction now? It’s still man’s conjecture, plain and simple. Rocks water CO2 and energy… still no life yet SCHMUCKO. Why in that “vast scientific mind” you claim to possess haven’t you successfully created life yet? Hmmm…?
BTW your continual screaming is meaningless. Puddy hasn’t run away. You are still running away from the challenge. Won’t even address it. Put up or shut up SCHMUCKO. Seems it’s only your frame of reference that counts. EPIC FAYLE fool. Puddy doesn’t have to describe anything from libtard evolutionists. Puddy uses them to blow apart your world! Those were their comments about evolution. Puddy found them.
See ya SCHMUCKO. Keep dope alive!
Tanks for nutting!
So furriners shouldn’t criticize their host countries laws or call out human rights abuses?
“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
You’re so cute when you go into moron overdrive.
The manifest point being, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Your posts belie a fundamental inability to apprehend the simplest concepts, and you’re assertion that you “blow apart” these ideas, these facts, that run contrary to your theology is absurd on its face.
Notice the klownservative jerk @ 36 shows up again at the hour of peak hate for his little blue pills..
Called it perfectly @ 35.. Clockwork..
Yesterday, a group filed an emergency motion to stop the resumption of same-sex marriages in California, it was Justice Kennedy who was on call. The motion was rejected. NOM was calling the action Friday night in San Francisco “lawlessness”, because there was supposed to be a window to appeal. The 9th circuit had hours earlier, in response to the Supreme Court decision on Prop8, had lifted their injunction against the district court ruling, which if that injunction had not been in place, same sex weddings would have resumed years ago.
Where was the blue pill freak @36’s man-love for the idiocies of Issa today?
I bet something from “mediaite” is bound to keep this dope alive!
Unemployed moron@74, & 76… Did you find a ylb yet ylb?
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Loser… unemployed just like clockwork… Time marches on and unemployed moron ylb no yob yet!
Thanks for playing… ROTFLRHMBBAO!
Real boring July 4th eh no yob yet ylb? The Puddys are gonna enjoy it really well. Gonna spend it with military peeps!
Oh my more libtards running amok with your personal data!!!
Yah right, the retarded kid of a republican, that’s not special needs, thats a pubtard.
LOL @ the little blue pill freak @ 77…
None of your busywhacks what I do on July 4 and I couldn’t care less what you do…
All I know..
is where you will most probably be…
Next Saturday night…
Here in the threads… Hating.. Very difficult for you to go without hate when there’s salt mining to do later on.
So sad.. What a “date night” that has been for your sorry klownservative ass these last eight years.
Sadly, a Cirque du Soleil performer was killed last night during a show at the Las Vegas MGM Grand in full view of the audience when she slipped out of her safety wire. It was the troupe’s first fatal accident in its 33 years of existence.
The victim was a 31-year-old French-born mother of two, who had been with Cirque since 2006 and had about 20 years of experience as an acrobat. She fell 50 feet into a pit and was pronounced dead at a hospital. Cirque du Soleil canceled further performances of this show after the accident.
Right now, I am following the situation in San Francisco, with BART. It appears that the most recent offer, that was double BART’s original proposal had conditions hard to meet, and the Unions walked out of the room. The deadline is midnight. While he says he will not call for a temporary cooling off period, Governor Brown is asking both sides to get back to the table. The daily ridership is 400,000 riders.
Governor Brown is siding with BART management on the cooling off period, although the reason that they don’t want the 60 day delay? In September, schools will be back, and ridership higher. They want it settled. The last strike was in 1996, and lasted six days.
NBC reports tonight that 19 firefighters were killed fighting a lightning-caused Arizona wildfire. It is the largest single loss of firefighters on American soil since the 9/11/01 attacks.
I just saw on KGO, BART is on strike, barring Oakland resident and Governor of California, Jerry Brown intervening. Also, contract deadlines loomed at AC Transit, which served most of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, and those talks have been progressing. Unions there had been saying that AC Transit can’t safely pick up the slack.
84)That is sad news. Wildfire fighting is very dangerous, and it takes brave people to do it. Also, they tend to go from one fire line to another.
A few years ago, I was attending EWU wjen a fire broke out southeast of Cheney, and the High School was the base camp. I was watching from the hill above Woodward Field(Eastern’s football stadium, since renamed Roos Field), and saw the air tankers going in, and were using Pierce and Dressler Halls(biggest buildings on campus) as navigational aids.
Hey continuously unemployed loserville ylb…
Remember, Puddy has a life. Puddy sees the world while you whine and cry from your couch! See ya moronic loser.
Puddy and Mrs Puddy spending the 4th with military heroes in the SW. It’s a celebration. You didn’t get the memo cuz libtards aren’t invited.
So you can attack Puddy all you want yobless ylb. Did you get a yob yet ylb? No? habitually and continuously unemployed moronic loser ylb enjoys living off Mrs SEIU hard work. Just remember Google has all your hate cataloged from the first time you started calling we whom think right names ya idiot.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. This habitually and continuously unemployed moronic loser ylb can not be rehabilitated.
BTW habitually and continuously unemployed moronic loser ylb Puddy’s children read this blog. Does your son know how big an ASShole his father really is… or do you hide it from him. Mostly my children agree with Puddy; you are a worthless habitually and continuously unemployed moronic loser!