Zina Saunders: Hell rejects Margaret Thatcher.
John Fugelsang presents: ‘The Deeply Embarrasing Senator of the Week Award’.
Michele Quits:
- Stephen on Michele Bachmann’s greatest hits.
- Katrina vanden Heuvel: Good bye and good riddance
- Dave Rubin: Michele says goodbye.
Sam Seder: Mitt Romney thinks Hurricane Sandy was to blame.
Bill Maher with some new rules.
The Rob Ford crack-smoking video leaked.
Thom: Why California will be the new face of Obamacare.
Lawrence O’Donnell: The ‘rape’ men of the GOP.
Sam Seder: GW Bush uses Vets to relieve himself of guilt.
John Fugelsang: People who supported NSA Condoleezza Rice can’t criticize NSA Susan Rice:
Ann Telnaes: The military version of zero tolerance.
Surveillance Nation:
- Stephen on NSA surveillance.
- Liberal Viewer: FAUX News espionage act hypocrisy.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Scandal! State of America.
Young Turks: When God saved Boehner.
Jonathan Mann: Ode to the NY Times legal force.
Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Sam Seder: GOP Senator blames hormones for military sexual assaults.
Maddow: GOP’s & FAUX News’ History of Fake ‘Obama Smoking Guns’
Stephen on Superman.
Thom: Why are “We the People” subsidizing the Tea Party:
Sharpton: GOP tells ‘car thief’ Darrell Issa to ‘cool it’.
Mental Floss: 31 Strange Medical Conditions.
The week in Chris Christie:
- Jon on Gov. Chris Christie.
- Sam Seder: Christie spends $12 Million to protect his reelection
- Young Turks: Christies big fat election.
Bill Maher: Pot is the new gay marriage.
O’Donnell: Incompetent Rudy Giuliani was an ‘unwitting accomplice’ of Al-Qaeda.
White House: West Wing Week.
ONN: Week in Review.
Jon says goodbye.
Young Turks: Is Roger Ailes insane?
Maddow: Not much for GOP to build on in outreach to women voters.
Ann Telnaes: More sexist nonsense from Republicans.
John Fugelsang and Dan Savage: Interrupting Michelle Obama.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Something about Rep. Sensenbrenner claiming he feared that the Patriot Act could be abused. He didn’t show that the first time it was up for renewal. Almost reminds me of a scene out of Casablanca.
The Toronto Mayor case is overshadowing the scandal affecting the mayor of nearby Mississauga. It’s only a conflict of interest scandal.
Yeah, the FISA Court has an opinion Holder is trying to hide. This David Corn story isn’t getting trumpeted by the left wrong libtard msm
Sure is amazing how David Corn is NOT front and center on HA when he reports on DUMMOCRAPTS!
Oh my the same 2nd and 3rd tier left wrong characters again. Comix galore, especially when left wrong types pick on Chris Christie’s weight. Typical left wrong hatred cheered on HA from low life leftists.
Looks like that rogue Cincinnati IRS office story has fallen apart. Max Baucus was right… there is more to this IRS story! Nothing on the Friday Night Comix.
Like that never happens from the direction of morons of the interminably wrong wing…
Oh my serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb appears. And your link to whomever pontificates on the national stage?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa
Sux to be you!
“oh my” a interminably wrong moronic klownservative pontificates klownservatively in these threads about “the national stage”..
How klownservatively hilarious!
Speaking of weight…
One picture’s worth a thousand words..
Admire “the view” klownservatives!
Uh this guy is going nowhere near the white house unless he takes care of his “problem”..
Hey all…be away for awhile…just now starting descent into SFO…wine tasting in Sonoma…just wanted to say I’m renting a Yaris…cheapest/smallest available…saving $$$ to have more to spend on small batch Pinot….hope when I get back puddybigot will have provided that link showing how “science” “proved” Intelligent Design…can’t wait to read it!!!
And the world said…… “AMEN”!
@8, Now there’s “originality” even SCHMUCKO would reject! Notice it never brings it when attacking Puddy! HATE 24x7x365.25!
Fox News represents the Republicans; MSNBC represents Democrats.
Wouldn’t it be great if they all just did the news and kept their opinions and philosophies to themselves?
It’s good to see Da Perfessa getting his “weekly news” for Friday Night Comix from Al Jazeera!
@13 Reconcile your media bias claim please with the fact that MSNBC, the “liberal” channel hosts Morning Joe.
Hint: both sides do it! is always the refuge of sloppy thinking.
Another sign that the housing market has rebounded, is the lumbet industry. Sawmill business is up, and it has to be moved to the market. The Class 1s like BNSF, have multiple traffic lines, it’s a plus for them, but for Coos Bay Rail Link, and to a lesser extent Portland and Western, lumber is their bread and butter. This means some center beam cars, that carry lumber products, that had been parked on sidings on rural branch lines, are being retrieved and returned to service. CBRL, almost did not survive the downturn, it’s previous owner, a private equity firm, by the way, had sought to abandon the branch. The Port of Coos Bay bought it, and with the help of a Federal loan, rebuilt it.
Thought a few of you might dig this:
I just discovered it and so far I’m very impressed.
From 16,
I suggest your recognize YOUR media bais. Both Fox and MSNBC have hand-picked representatives from the other side, but still Fox is conservative, and MSNBC is liberal. My point was that it would be refreshing to NOT have any bias at all in news reporting. Wouldn’t it be great if they all just did the news and kept their opinions to themselves?
Sunset is at 9:05 pm tonight…
Now watch..
@19 Fox is a propaganda arm of the Republican Party. NBC isn’t conservative or liberal, it’s reputable journalism. Comparing Fox with MSNBC is like comparing a rotten orange with a fresh crisp apple.
Is that a challenge serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb? You forget serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb, you have the dog collar, while Puddy is your Massa!
How many times do you need to be reminded of this fact?
Today’s funny from the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit:
SENILE and DUMB Wabbit you have them reversed. MSNBC is the rotten orange. Their viewership numbers are in the toilet.
Okay… Obummer is the .worst. .president. .ever.! Wasn’t it the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit who applauded leaking?
YES it was!
So how did they miss the Brothers Tsarnaev?
@19 FOX is fair and balanced, it’s right there. Just ask them.
From 28,
Is MSNBC, CNN ABC, NBC, et.al., fair and balanced?
From 21,
Comparing Fox News to MSNBC is like comparing a fresh crisp apple from one apple tree to another fresh crisp apple from another tree in the same orchard.
Your bias is obvious, Roger.
From 25,
Obama isn’t the worst president ever. That title belongs to Nixon.
Of course this is something the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit would be totally against! DUMMOCRAPTS going after DUMMOCRAPTS!
Continuing my post@17)Another interesting article in the July 2013 edition of TRAINS Magazine(just bought it), was a chart comparing the best attributes of the 6 Class 1s, and one of BNSFs strengths was the electrification and LNG fuel study, and the double tracking of the LA-Chicago route. Answering the question, do the guys in charge in Fort Worth miss Wall Street since they were bought out by Warren Buffett? The answer was no. BNSF CEO Matt Rose is who some think will succeed Buffett.
Los Angeles MTA is about to award the contract for another light rail line, another North/South line, connecting two Eat West lines in phase 1, and a third in phase 2. Los Angeles once had a pretty big system, but it was dismantled by 1963. The light rail revival began when the Blue Line opened to Long Beach in 1990. Now if only they had not dismantled the old system.The air quality in Los Angeles has been improving.
Is MSNBC, CNN ABC, NBC, et.al., fair and balanced?
Bingo! The balance is determined by the consumer, not the producer. The MSM is a business, not a public service.
To the extent that this bothers you the broadcast MSM used to operate under the Fairness Doctrine which Reagan FCC appointees threw out and Republicans have opposed since.
Thanks for the link FlubSCout…
So the courts upheld the removal of the Fairness Doctrine.
Can you imagine the Fairness Doctrine being in place for PMSNBC today? Well, their ratings would improve from their toilet bowl level!
Puddy remembers when Julian Assange was a darling hero of HA. Now he’s not mentioned… This could have been the headline link on the Friday Night Comix!
@30 I’m biased against liars, idiots, crazies, bigots, racists, monopolists, torturers, warmongers, bullies, gropers and rapists — did I leave anyone out? That should cover most of the GOP.
Looks like the legislature is headed for a second special session because the senate minority GOPers, aided and abetted by two turncoats who lied to voters when they claimed to be Democrats, are holding the state budget hostage to policy bills which can’t pass in the house because our state’s voters did NOT elect the people who want that garbage.
Well said!
While the bush 2 and Obama are honorable men who only want to use the spying powers of the NSA to fight terrorists, do we really want that capacity in place when someone corrupt like a Nixon or McCarthy clone gets into power? Can you imagine how either of those two would have used the NSA to destroy their enemies, real and imagined? Can you imagine if puddy had access to that? How fair would he be based on his rambings here?
Q: How do you contact the NSA?
A: Pick up any phone and just start talking, they are listening.
How do you know a libtard is lying? His/Her lips are moving…
P R I C E L E S S !
SCARED, eh Fascist Pigsty?
Obummer thought otherwise Aug, 2007 Fascist Pigsty…
Sorry silly dude you can’t equate the horse manure coming from this sadministration to anything close George W. Bush did! Don’t you remember your clueless HA friends attacked Bush with very vile names” Or, is it 24 hour mindless moonbat moronic memory malady? You can easily Google any name with site:horsesass.org. The one what wins hands down is chimp. Chimp… that was the favorite of HAs serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb, the chump with the crazed databaze and seconded by the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
@44 And idiots like puddy and his ilk still believe that a government secretly deploying pervasive surveillance against its own citizens won’t come for them and their guns someday …
@45 This particular horse manure seems to have been the brainchild of the previous regime, as nearly as we can determine.
It’s pretty fucking hilarious to see puddy decrying domestic spying instituted by Republicans, if you ask me.
Once again the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit! The 2nd amendment heroes are scared to death about libtards coming for their guns. John Effin Kerry claimed he will sign the UN Gun Charter Treaty over Congressional objections!
And this Obummer regime has taken it to new heights never imagined after decrying about the previous regime, SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
First, no one asked you ol’ SENILE and DUMB Wabbit.
Second, who cares what you think ol’ SENILE and DUMB Wabbit.
Third, there is no comparison to the level domestic spying instituted by Republicans to the new heights and levels of domestic spying instituted by DUMMOCRAPTS ol’ SENILE and DUMB Wabbit.
See ya!
Once again Puddy lives rent free in serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb’s mind. You’d think serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb would want to kick Puddy out of his leetle mind! Guess not!
You’d love to know what Mr and Mrs Puddy were doing out and about until 1:23 AM
Sux to be you serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb! Did you find a job yet?
53 – Yawwwn.. Keep “entertaining” us with your bat guano insane klownservative wingnuttery..
We’ll keep laughing and getting bored with your lame “cum” backs..
@51 “First, no one asked you ol’ SENILE and DUMB Wabbit.”
This is a public forum. I don’t need your permission.
“cum” back: when PFool crawls back to HA after 1:00 am Sunday morning in “afterglow”..
Heh.. What a miserable fool.. Uses HA to get it up and uses HA to fight off the residual dissipation..
Does one laugh or one cry at such bat guano insane behavior?
Wrong again fool!
You are a damn fool too serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb! We were out last night and got in late. Puddy went to HA to mess with your mind. It worked like a charm. Pavlov strikes again.
Bark leetle doggie bark. Whatafool serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb is again!
You seem to forget serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb, blacks don’t help there. Maybe serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb does!
Gotta go. Baseball game!
Yeah remember that SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
@50 We’re simply improving on what you guys started.
A right wing bullshit session no doubt… Residual dissipation indeed..
Wrong again… So wrong so often!
Sux to be HAs serial plagiarizing umemployed idiot salt licking moron ylb!
Wow, it seems Obummer has lied again…
@62 Our little fascist is way better than any of your big fascists.
Term Limits? What Term Limits? Dep’t
Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) on Friday became the longest-serving member of Congress in U.S. history. He’s been a congressman for over 57 years.
64)His father served in the House before him.
@62 I assume you’re a Julian Assange fan, too. Oh wait, you’re only against government secrecy when it advances your partisan agenda!!
The bold is you SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. You already admitted to this! Puddy already covered Assange about 20 hours earlier… Somehow in that continual mental stupor you missed it again! Looks like that senility has really set in. Butt since you asked almost nicely, unlike you who loves leaks when they affect Republicans, Puddy doesn’t support leakers like you do!
Yes DUMMOCRAPTS can’t leave congress! It’s the only thing they know!
Obummer and transparency…
Rush Limbaugh is right. Obummer is a dictator! Puddy glad the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit has finally acknowledge this about Obummer
Thanks for playing!
Another DUMMOCRAPT Crook, the kind HAs SENILE and DUMB Wabbit likes
@67 “Puddy already covered Assange about 20 hours earlier… Somehow in that continual mental stupor you missed it again!”
Why do you also look for the complicated explanation of things, putz? The answer is much simpler: I “missed it” because I don’t read your vapid, vacuous, and pointless crap.
RR @71,
I skip the GOATBOY’s posts because he offers absolutely nothing of value except maybe his “I’m an important sysadmin” posts which do offer a minor bit of comic relief.