Note: I was travelling today. Time and bandwidth limitations kept this week’s collection of media clips a little thinner. Enjoy, and feel free to link to your favorite video (or audio) of the week in the comment thread.
Young Turks: FAUX News says “no” to reason and science.
Sam Seder: How to own your Congresscritter.
Ann Telnaes: The morning after the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.
Maddow Show: The lies about Hurricane Katrina in the Bush Library.
Liberal Viewer: Right wing “austerity economics” based on spreadsheet error?.
Young Turks: Why May Day should outrage the bottom 90%.
Memphis Soul at the White House:
Kimmel: Unnecessary censorship.
Thom: “Mission Accomplished”, ten years later.
Pap: Why deficits don’t matter.
Sharpton: From prisoner to President.
Stephen: Bomber roommates.
SlateTV: Happy Birthday Open Web.
Ann Telnaes: More than one way to support a free press.
White House: West Wing Week.
Mark Fiore: Sequesterless Airlines.
Young Turks: Woman prosecuted for filming slaughter house from public street.
Stephen with some background check truthiness.
Pap: The G.O.P.’s New America.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Elizabeth Colbert Busch headed to Congress.
Sam Seder: PA Gov, “There’s no jobs because you’re all on drugs”.
Maddow show: Truth decay and the NRA.
John Fugelsang asks God to explain John Boehner.
- Jon: Gitmo failure.
- Adam Serwer: Transferring prisoners out of Guantanamo.
- Ann Telnaes: “We have to close Gitmo”.
- Thom: Gitmo by the numbers.
The caterpillar that becomes the pussy moth looks like Donald Trump.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: gay and Bush.
Matt Binder: No guns left behind in AZ.
Young Turks: Stephen Colbert’s sister puts a beatdown on Mark Sanford:
Jon on freedom magic.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
In a case reminiscent of Enron’s manipulation of California’s electric power market, J. P. Morgan Chase Bank is potentially facing federal charges of … you guessed it … manipulating California’s electric power market — prompting a spokesperson for AFSCME to call Chase “the Lindsey Lohan of banks.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If I were Lindsey Lohan, I’d sue AFSCME for damage to reputation.
In a rare victory for shareholders, Occidental Petroleum fired board chairman Ray Irani today. This means Irani, who collected more than $850 million of compensation over the last decade, including $450 million in 2008 alone, is finally gone. The California Teachers Retirement Fund is one of the institutional investors who spearheaded the shareholder revolt against Irani and his “ossified” (captive) board.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit has made 9.5% on Occidental shares he bought 3 weeks ago. Let’s see, which troll said you can’t make 8% a year in the stock market? As I recall, that may hve been our friend Ten Years After.)
Run you fucking cowards!
Heh.. They take a pause and then attempt to rebuild… They’ll try but maybe the people have learned and their moment has passed for good.
Kasich was pretty full of himself for a while there.. Asshole.
This is interesting, a couple Pierce County cities are fed up with Pierce Transit, and considering going it alone. In California this can be the more common. In Los Angeles County, The LAMTA provides intracounty, intercity bus and Light/heavy rail routes in addition to local express, and rapid bus service within Los Angeles itself, but Long Beach, Santa Monica, and Culver City to name a few, have their own municipal systems. Also in Portland, their have been a few opt-outs from TriMet.
3) I don’t know if Ohio has the same appropriations bill clause the Michigan GOP abused to avoid a referendum. If Ohio lacked that clause, and depending on the rules, it could have been on the ballot next November. In Ohio in 2011, SB5 was voted down overwhelmingly, the weight of the signature petitions alone required a structural engineer to inspect the Secretary of State’s office.
Why did this WONDERFUL Dick Durbin video miss the Friday Night Comics?
Only in America… DUMMOCRAPT Dick Durbin attends a rally full of HA Leftists – Communists and Socialists and Anarchists (Anarchists – OWS Fraggy Friends)
How do you know they are Communists and Socialist here? The videographer is capturing the event live. You can see the Communists over here, Socialists over there, Anarchists (Friends of OWS Fraggy) behind you in the picture frame… Well that’s ancient history. Ummm no… it May 1, 2013…
Durbin believes in the Constitution. He can be there due to the constitution. Sure the Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists have a right to assemble per the consitution. Now it’s very apparent Durbin has no fear to admit he’s with the Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists! Where is communism, socialism and anarchism in the Constitution Turban Durbin?
Freedom of speech in America allows you to video tape this without being arrested. That’s why you can record this and not be arrested. Trying to instill fear in the videographer! WONDERFUL! So the videographer can be arrested capturing Durbin and his commentary at the event? Well no no.
Then you see Durbin speaking from the dais! Why didn’t Durbin say the same sentences from the dais that Communism is ancient history? Why didn’t Durbin say from the stage that Socialism is ancient history? He insulted the reporter but Durbin didn’t say those things on the stage. Puddy wonders why?
Stand together, Pray together? Communists and Socialists are anti-religion Dick Turban Durbin… Very apparent here in HA libtard land.
He has no fear of political reprisal and doesn’t care about the future associations. So again Puddy is spot on with Puddy’s DUMMOCRAPT ANALysis. Amazing things you DUMMOCRAPTS do these days. No wonder we who think right KNOW these Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists who visited Seattle Wednesday are just different peas in the same DUMMOCRAPT pod.
Another video that missed the Friday Night Comics.
Are you with NBC? Yes!
Are you going to cover the hammer and sickle flags, the people over there?
I haven’t seen any of those flags. What does the hammer and sickle flag represent? She haven’t seen those flags. She’s a blind moron. No wonder she works for NBC News!
Then she goes ballistic. What group do you represent? You must be a conservative to ask me these questions.
Dayum… This tweet missed the Friday Night Comics…
Sounds like HA libtard leftists to Puddy!
Yes Puddy captured this paragraph because DUMB and DUMBER would immediately use it. Wait and watch dumb and dumber arrive shortly…
Gotta love those South Carolina DUMMOCRAPT Racists… Friends of HA Leftists… The two peas in the same pod who want to kill all those great paying jobs in North Charleston South Carolina!
Jesus, someone needs to quit using bath salts before breakfast.
Puddy so dayum glad Al Gore to the initiative to create the Internet.
Except the people in ARPA would disagree with you! Without “Al Gore” you wouldn’t be enjoying this post right now!
Spoken by the HA anarchist himself! He really knows what bath salts do to you, as he ingests them every morning in his java! No comments on the facts presented today!
Good morning OWS Fraggy. Was that you breaking that big window with a brick on Wednesday evening or just a very close friend?
What he said was
When conservatives lie like this, it just makes everything else they say suspect. If they did the truth about something, who would believe them?
Thanks puddybigot for that morning dose of unbridled right-wing, pants-wetting fear.
I guess this is all part of the revival and reanimation of McCarthy, in the form of Ted Cruz.
Puddybigot, would your Jesus object to the maxim, “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”?
Will the Purveryor of Friday Night Comics cover the Benghazi hearings next week? Seems the cover up is falling apart… Why was this wonderful comment from Jay Carney not posted when he said
If it’s so long ago, then why do American libtards continue to bring up WMD in Iraq? Or arms sales to the Contras? Or Reagan raising taxes? Chronological morons!
Well we learned this Accountability Review Board never interviewed ex-SoS Hillary Clinton before whitewashing the event.
You know puddybigot is spinning WAY too fast when he starts tossing out the Al-Gore-said-he-invented-the-internet trope.
I still can’t tell – is it an act, or is there really a person who actually ‘thinks’ like this?
Oh, excellent……BENGHAZZZZZZZZZZZIIIII!!!!!11!!!1!!!
All friends of SCHMUCKO! Lets see… How many hundreds of millions are dead due to your friends SCHMUCKO? In China alone there are 10s of million more men than women. How does Puddy know? Well you won’t find that on Daily Kooks!
Keep cheerleading for them SCHMUCKO! It has absolutely nothing to do with “McCarthy” or your idiotic claim of “McCarthyism” But deflect from the facts all you want!
Where did Puddy say that SCHMUCKO?
Um, well, let’s see…..
– 4000+ American young people dead
– 100000+ Iraqis dead, mostly women and children
– 1000000+ Iraqis displaced
– $2-4 TRILLION Dollars flushed down toilet
All so kommander codpiece could have his little war, and KKKarl Rove could have more domestic power, to steal even more wealth from ordinary Americans.
That’s why, bozo.
During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. – Al Gore 1999
Sucks to be an idiot libtard!
@ 15
Oh, I doubt there is any real processing of information involved. It’s just regurgitation of shit read on the internet. The only button he uses is the left mouse.
@18. You said it at 10.
Happens EVERY time, turn on the light, and the cockroaches scurry.
Puddybigot trying to disavow his insanity just moments after he writes it.
Um, @10, you insane freak…
A march on Washington with loaded rifles
A gun activist is planning a massive march on D.C., with participants’ rifles illegally slung over their shoulders
Again SCHMUCKO misses the point… Does he ever get the point…?
Carney says Benghazi is so long ago. It’s almost eight MONTHS. WMD in Iraq was YEARS ago.
SCHMUCKO, can’t follow anything and is a chronlogical idiot!
dang. I forgot how pointless it is, to try to engage with puddy.
Let me guess…you were allowed by your employer to fly there on an airplane, and stay in a hotel, and you read some local newspapers. Were you allowed to rent a ‘full sized’ car on that errand run?
I’m sure you’ll be bragging about this and will no doubt expect hushed and awed responses from all who read your travelogue.
Looks at those loony posts in #21, 22, & 23. Visit the post #20.
What a bunch of losers!
I used to be appalled, now I’m just bemused.
It’s pointless to post the person’s REAL words in #20 because Fascist Pigsty doesn’t want to see FACTS!
Yup, but it’s fun to wind him up and watch him spin and sputter and display all his variations of hypocrisy and pants-wetting fear and nasty bigotry and insane bloodthirsty and mind-numbing dominionism.
good times!
When Al Gore’s own words in video are front and center in #20.
Way to go libtardo!
Puddybigot again demands we dispel his bizarre rantings.
Common right wing trope regards ridicule of Al Gore claiming to invent internet, which puddybigot rolls out @10, above.
Reality is more complicated, and hard for puddybigot to grasp, though Gore does have a significant contribution to the internet. From Wikipedia, regarding Gore/Internet interface:
So, puddybigot, go back to ranting on MOOOSLUMs!!, you’re better at that.
I don’t think puddybigot actually knows anything, he just regurgitates what he hears from his preacherman and what he reads on Breitbart and WorldNetDaily.
We should start a pool and place bets on how many of them get shot by their fellow morons. Or how many shoot themselves.
Million Moron March
@ 36
Which would only go to demonstrate their mathematics abilities.
I wonder, if there’s any of them “colored” folks in the group, are they only counted as 3/5s of a person?
Yes SCHMUCKO, indeed you need a Internet history lesson. All this happened before your hero’s bill SCHMUCKO… This is where Puddy makes his money every day SCHMUCKO!
So much for that rant in #33!
See ya!
Insight into puddybigot ‘thought process’! There is a hierarchy of importance to national issues, and it is rigidly determined by the inverse of the time between its occurrence and the present. No other variables need be analyzed.
Another amazing comment from OWS Fraggy… Keep it up!
Yeah, like allowing “students” with expired visas back into the country!
Oopsie… those students with expired visas disposed of Younger Brother Tsarnaev’s computer and fireworks casings!
Oh, puddybigot, that’s just pathetic. You make a link to a gigantic Wikipedia article “History of the Internet” and declare victory.
Once again you make links to things that do not support your assertions.
Like the critique @12 by NTfF, you dig yourself deeper and deeper by the way you behave.
No one believes a word you write – we just have fun pointing out what a mean-spirited, misguided, fear-motivated, bigoted, anti-science Bibul-thumping wretch you are.
Yeah like Katherine Russell Tsarnaev calling her husband when she notices his face on national TV but not calling the authorities. Yeah like how could she not know there’s bombs being made when Younger Brother Tsarnaev told investigators the bombs were made in the apartment where Older Brother Tamerlan and Katherine lived.
Yeah like that issue SCHMUCKO! Keep proving left wrong lunacy dude. You are a special spokesman here!
Yeah, man, and….VINCE FOSTER!!!!
And what about PEOLOSI, yeah!, PELOSI and we’ll know what’s in it when we pass it!!! Yeah, what about that one!!!!
spin…spin…spin…puddybigot’s getting dizzy….
And you didn’t perform that “special task” in #33?
Cry Puddy a river SCHMUCKO! Keep proving left wrong lunacy dude. You are a special spokesman here!
Keep proving left wrong lunacy dude. You are a special spokesman here!
Dayum… Puddy guesses the LA Times is left wing…
Another Saturday morning, another “Hey, I’m important, this is what’s important to me!” from Piddles.
On Today’s episode, someone got a picture taken with someone.
Still dreaming of satanic rituals by teens who own candles?
Nope. I provided quotes that directly supported my assertions, and a link that sourced the quotes.
It how one does ‘argument’.
Yeah when a federal judge basically says it’s kool for sixth graders to get the morning after drug. Hmmm… wasn’t sex with sixth graders considered pedophilia?
Spin spin spin. And so did Puddy when Puddy brought up ARPA.
You are very good at that. Keep proving left wrong lunacy dude. You are a special spokesman here!
This is interesting…
Here’s what right-winger Ferguson has to say about Keynes…
Conservative ‘thought’
I’m sure the fact that Ferguson is on faculty at Harvard will provide puddybigot ammunition to assert that he is, in fact, a liberal.
44 – Nice list of the right wing tropes that have have amused us over the years from our trolls, especially the most insane one in this thread.
to the list.
Heh.. Will Dr. Krazy Butt be back after the dinner hour to pump himself up for Sat Night labor in the salt mines?
Oh, puddybigot, you really don’t get this whole ‘argument’ thingy, do you?
Making a single link to a large article on a wide-ranging topic (eg, ‘The Internet’), and then declaring victory does not an argument make.
You need to provide a specific assertion and then support it explicitly with quotes and facts and references.
It’s really not that hard, at least for people conversant with consensual reality.
@53 DANG! forgot that one – thanks!
ZOOM…VEER…SWERVE….onto a new hysterical rant…it’s like a carnival ride with puddybigot.
(I think I’ll go get statistics about early teen pregnancy rates in Republican jurisdictions…)
Speaking of Fast and Furious…
Thanks for the reminder unemployed salt licking moron ylb.
Hey unemployed salt licking moron ylb the job market is picking up… so to speak… Find a job yet?
That’s nice SCHMUCKO… Puddy went to the CDC long ago and posted those results in DUMMOCRAPT areas. Ask the unemployed salt licking moron ylb to replay those links from the crazed databaze of unemployed salt licking moron ylb!
Niall Ferguson was a darling during the Bush years.. He wrote many bloated, ponderous tomes that at first hardly anyone bothered to read all that critically..
And he turned out to be such a pompous right wing ass…
After the debacle that was Rinehardt/Rogoff one more right wing psuedo-academic that’s circling the drain.
From post #10
So SCHMUCKO… you really don’t get this whole ‘argument’ thingy, do you? That link is the Internet history starting with ARPA.
Sux to be you!
Add to the list of right wing tropes….GM Obamunist takeover will cost the taxpayer billions. (Don’t look now but GM shares closed under a dollar off their re-organized opening yesterday. If you had the good sense to buy 1000 shares of GM while dumb-shits were listening to the righties your $19,000 is $32,000 a year later.)
Jobs, jobs, jobs!
Too many projects on the plate at the moment..
I’ll look in after the din-din hour to laugh at our pet troll’s psych up for “back to the salt mines”..
Puddybigot, I always think of this, when I think of you.
From 2,
I never said anything about “you can’t make 8% ” in the stock market, Roger. A person’s upside in theoretically unlimited, while the downside is limited to only a 100% loss.
BTW, I’m not a conservative or a liberal.
I’m not a my creature from Scandinavian mythology either.
Yes, I was specifically remembering and referencing that long exchange, in which, again, you were shown to be full of shit.
Over and over and over I posted links and data showing that Republican-ruled areas, particularly in the South, lead the nation in all sorts of social ills like teen-pregnancies and domestic violence and academic under-achievement and divorce…..
It was an excellent schooling of you, as I recall.
You really want to do that again?
Well, gang, it’s shaping up to be too nice a day to stick around to play Whack-a-Mole with a hate-filled, imbecilic Christianist…later!
Which had the DUMMOCRAPTIC led cities in one lump sum. Then Puddy produced the high value DUMMOCRAPTIC led cities… SCHMUCKO went mute!
Oh BTW… California doesn’t participate in the CDC values… it’s all DUMMOCRAPT!
Does that mean you’ll be scouring the ‘Nets for a job before the din-din hour unemployed salt licking moron ylb?
Naaaaaaaaaaah, didn’t think so!
Yeeoww, Puddly’s off his anti-psychotics again.
Poor Puddles.
SCHMUCKO zeroes in like a “laser” on Gore, while skipping all the
covered by Puddy this morning!
Wait for it… Something really stupid will be penned by SCHMUCKO!
Mark Thompson, former Marine and deputy coordinator for operations at the State Department’s Counterterrorism Bureau; Gregory Hicks, deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Libya at the time of the September assault; and Eric Nordstrom, the former top security officer in Libya will be testifying about Libya next week. So public pressure forced the State Department to allow them to speak to Congress next week.
Should be interesting!
Oh HELL no. It’s too nice outside. I’m riding my bike to a Flock Party!
What is it with libtards and drugs?
I’ve had a few dealings with Chase, all of them bad.
These days, I’m 100% credit unions.
Hmmmm…Chevy Volt sales are down for March from Jan. Feb figures up a little over 3% from last year in the first quarter. So how does the fake press play it?
“Chevy Volt Sales Plunge”
“Chevy Volt sales fiasco”
Nowhere do they bother to note that Corvette sales are off 30% from Feb. to April to the Volts 10% and the Corvette is down 8% for the year? So which vehicle should Chevy take out of production?
“Why of course we need to kill the Volt. The positive sales numbers for the year don’t lie…er…wait, they’ve sold more in q1 this year than last? Wait, I’m…confused. But I made a comparison of how many volts per dealership are sold. Wait, the Corvette is about half as many per dealership? Uh, electric is pussy! Gas forever, Yargh!” -Any right wing troll.
(BTW, did someone mail Cereal some numbing cream for his butt hurt? The failure of the Volt is one of his favorites.)
@17 “How many hundreds of millions are dead due to your friends SCHMUCKO?”
That’s quite a leap of imagination, spuds. WTF are you on?
@18 “Where did Puddy say that SCHMUCKO?”
Ah, and now the in-denial phase …
@33 “So, puddybigot, go back to ranting on MOOOSLUMs!!, you’re better at that.”
Not really.
@64, @65: That’s what they all say.
@76. That’s because Corvettes are COOL while Volts are not. Were they driving a chevy volt in “Boogie Nights” or “Hot Rods to Hell”? I think not!
Don’t forget it’s Free Comic Book day.
It’s also World Naked Gardening Day!
Wonder if anarchists were on the loose in Portland this week,as well? Somebody dropped a couple boulders on the tracks for the MAX Blue Line. One train ran over them, with some damage. Since it was at 5AM, the service was just getting started for the day.
It should be no surprise that Der Texanfuhrer’s new monument to himself turns out to be as jam-packed with bullshit as the eight years he sullied the Oval Office by his occupancy. About the only thing it’s probably missing is little private “shrines” serving as masturbatoria for folks like Puddy when the whole thing just gets ‘am too excited.
Nothing if they value a clear head.
Klownservatives are naturally fucked up in the head.
It’s in their nature.. No way of escaping it.
Besides the DART Light Rail, and the Trinity Railway Express commuter rail, and the A-Train in Denton County, Dallas is also home to the McKinney Avenue Transit Authority vintage trolley line, and a new addition from Belgium just arrived. It’s a PCC Streetcar that was bought used, and extensively rebuilt. An example of a what could have been, had the US not given up, and put more effort into highways and buses/cars.
It’s hot and sunny, I got to work in my garden, and I got to watch a cop tackle a thieving tweaker in a parking lot, I’d call that a good day.
“Sen. Pat Toomey, a Republican from Pennsylvania, co-sponsored the background check bill. Toomey has said the bill failed to pass because members of the GOP did not want to hand the White House a policy victory.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Those Republicans Toomey referred to would rather let our kids die to get a politican advantage than keep them safe. Why does anyone vote for those asswipes?
NRA To America’s concerned parents: “Let them be damned!”
Here’s another tidbit from that nbc video: The NRA’s new president calls the Civil War a “war of northern aggression.” In other words, the NRA is led by an unreconstructed Confederate.
Kent State shootings…..43 years ago today.
Kids with flowers saying ‘no war’….Konservatives ordering National Guard kids with guns to kill them.
When will the fear and violence and bloodlust end?
The death toll in that Bangladesh garment sweatshop building collapse is now up to 550, a casualty count that Al Qaeda would envy. Bangladesh is begging the EU not to impose trade sanctions against its greedy factory owners who put profits above human lives.
@91 Wait for it. The kkkonservative kkklowns will pile on with rants about “communists” and “peaceniks” and “should’ve shot more of ’em.” Just ask the NRA, guns are the solution to all of our social issues.
DUMB Wabbit, two different conversations… You took your stuid pellets again?
Wow Benghazi is really heating up…
puddybigot @94:
puddybigot @74:
‘Al Gore invented the internet’ and ‘BENGHAZZZZZZIIIIII!’ were two separate conversations as well, that you conflated above.
I guess it was you who took the stupid pellets, by your own estimation.
Only in the minds of the loons channeling deadBreitbart through their dental fillings.
The conservative media clowns with a hard-on for Social Security are ramping up their attacks again. For example, Barron’s magazine (which published two feature articles last year predicting Mitt Romney would win a landslide, complete with demographic data proving it) this week resuscitates the standard wingnut argument that “the Social Security trust fund has no money in it” because the government borrowed it all and spent it.
The answer to this argument is simple. To believe Social Security is broke and has no assets, you also have to believe the U.S. government is a total deadbeat that will never pay any of its IOUs, and all the Treasuries in the world are worthless scraps of paper.
To which I would add: If Uncle Sam reneges on his debts, as this line of reasoning alleges he will, you won’t need Social Security anyway, because China will nuke us.
@94 “stuid pellets”
You can’t type either.
I saw another standard wingnut argument (complaint?) in this week’s Barron’s — a letter writer asserted that government employees are paid more than the average pay in the private sector.
Although I haven’t fact-checked this assertion, it’s probably true. Common sense argues it’s almost certainly true, and what’s more, it should be true, and something is seriously wrong with government compensation if it isn’t true.
Why? Because government, by its nature, requires a highly educated workforce. Government doesn’t employ very many fast food workers, hotel maids, or retail clerks. It does employ numerous scientists, engineers, economists, generals and admirals, accountants and auditors, and law enforcement officers, among others.
Anyone who thinks the Army Corps of Engineers or Federal Reserve should pay the same average wage as McDonalds, Marriott, or Home Depot is a numbskull.
52: Surprisingly perhaps, Ferguson has apologized for his comments, an actual “I screwed up” apology, instead of the usual “I’m sorry if anyone was offended” crap.
From 100,
I actually worked with a guy (long ago) who thought everyone should be paid the same, regardless of what they did . Guess he was a numbskull.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, but Westneat in the Seattle Times(or has at least been called once or twice here the Fairview Fishwrap and Fairview Fanny), mentioned credit for the Mayor’s handling of the May Day protests. Actually, it is the nickname his critics have given him, that got credit, McSchwinn, the secret weapon on crowd control? The bicycle cops, using their bicycles as shields. It also made the barriers more mobile, keeping the crowds contained.
Yeah, another of those pristine “facts” from SCHMUCKO!
The compromise immigration bill per Obummer:
What an admission!
Something right up SCHMUCKO’s “alley”.
Hey, it’s Saturday night, how’s this for entertainment? Chechnya road rage! The NRA would love this place!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s amazing anyone in Chechnya lives long enough to immigrate to the U.S. at age 10. What were the Busheviks thinking when they let them come here? Didn’t anyone brief them about Chechnyan culture?
from puddybigot’s link…
From her wikipedia entry….
See here about a detailed dissection of Victoria Toensing
Yup, more dental filling ‘dispatches’ from puddybigot.
What a pathetic little douchebag.
I loved the bandanna under the hat – he was WORKIN’ IT!
Another member of the small penis gun club.
You’re getting really weird here, puddybigot….A big building that looks like a big penis makes you think of me?
I’m flattered, really, but you have no basis for knowing just how big….
I really wish puddybigot was up to the task of doing the job he aspires to do.
It’s really sad that he just doesn’t have the skillset.
Part of him clearly senses what an ‘argument’ is, and wants to formulate one…only to generate shadows and fragments of what an ‘argument’ might look like – rather pathetic.
Linking a lofty ambition with a flawed and limited capacity is just cruel…what was God thinking?
I just like shouting that.
@110 It wouldn’t take much for an incident like this to turn into a tragedy. It’s one thing to have a chip on your shoulder toward government. It’s another thing to take it out on a cop when you have an assault rifle strapped across your chest and a handgun on your belt. When a cop tells you to surrender your firearm, you’d damn well better surrender it, and save the discussion about your legal rights for later.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
A 17-year-old player in a Utah recreational soccer league who punched a referee for issuing him a foul is a murderer — the ref has died.
It’s almost orgasmic, isn’t it?
115) I wonder, could that at least be a potential manslaughter charge?
It’s not the physical SCHMUCKO… You are the biggest libtard “dick” here…
Figger it out!
Yes, Victoria Toensing… and her husband representing…
Mark Thompson, former Marine and deputy coordinator for operations at the State Department’s Counterterrorism Bureau; Gregory Hicks, deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Libya at the time of the September assault; and Eric Nordstrom, the former top security officer in Libya will be testifying about Libya next week. So public pressure forced the State Department to allow them to speak to Congress next week.
Yes, people blocked by Obummer’s gang so the truth would not come out. Well it seems people are finding out that it was Al Qaeda and not some “spontaneous demonstration”. So much fo rthe “death of Al Qaeda as Obummer has been lying about. Lies to get reerected!
Should be interesting!
Oh, poor puddybigot….Your links @95 and @119 go to exactly the same place…the National Review talking points.
Somebody really wound you up tight and sent you out yawping ‘BENGHAZZZZZZIIIII!!!!!’
It’s just precious the way you do what you’re told to do so very well, so diligently, so self effacingly, you deserve a pat on the head.
If it’s not in the Daily Kooks repertoire, then it’s not fact. Well since the National Review has the memos and they are in full display we see how Victoria Nuland covered for Amb. Susan Rice and her blatant lies to the news shows while everyone else knew it was Al Qaeda.
Keep covering for the fools of the Obummer Sadministration!
@121 “while everyone else knew it was Al Qaeda”
that’s some clairvoyance they had going there
The Wingnut Court sucks up to crooked corporations (and which corporations aren’t?) so much you’re almost tempted to suspect they’ve possibly been bought somehow.
Greg Hicks has come out. It’s on Face The Nation… Whoops… that’s not Daily Kooks so must be discounted eh SCHMUCKO?
SCHMUCKO, keep proving left wrong lunacy dude. You are a special spokesman here!
Weally dumb Wabbit. The CIA knew it was an Al Qaeda attack. They immediately wrote it in their first assessment.
Sux to be a DUMB Wabbit!
I’m reading puddybigot’s link at the National Review right now…
…but there’s THIS, check it out…
…also from the Daily Standard, link right on the right column.
Puddybigot likes to claim some sort of parity between partisan but accurate sites like DailyKos and his sources of drivel like Breitbart and WroldNetDaily and NationalReview. A ‘parody’ like the one I link to above from the National Review via Daily Standard, with it’s relentless and profoundly offensive sexism would NEVER appear on DailyKos, for example.
This is what we’re dealing with…a bunch of pasty old white men making fun of powerful women who frighten them by mocking their appearances.
Way to go, puddybigot.
If you read puddybigot’s link to Face the Nation, there’s this from Hicks:
“I think everybody…”
“…thought it was…”
Here we have puddybigot frothing and foaming about BENGHAZZZZZZZIIIIII!!!!!! like his dental fillings tell him to, being part of the spin project to create a scandal out of whole cloth.
Keep at it, puddybigot, I’m sure you’ll get a nice pat on the head when you’re done.
Sorry…not National Review – just Daily Standard.
I get my locales in the swamp confused from time to time.
So I’ve read puddybigot’s Weekly Standard article about BENGHAZZZZZZZZIIIIIII!!!!!!!
The entirety of the complaint is about how the Obama Administration talked about the events on the day of and days immediately following.
Not about the attack itself, no, or how to prevent another, or how to respond, notably.
No, the complaint is that references to specific al-qaeda elements and people, and to ‘jihad’ and to ‘TERROR’ were muted in favor of saying things like
What this boils down to, what the rightwing and their useful idiots like puddybigot are all about here, is that the Obama Administration was not shrieking “TERROR!!!!!!” and “MOOSLUMSSSS!!!!!” loudly enough.
They are alleging cover-up and conspiracy because of a process in which the words used to discuss the incident were refined to avoid both inflammatory rhetoric and opportunities for the right to jump on the situation for purely political purposes, as they are obviously doing now.
See, in puddybigot’s world, one must get their hate on some MOOSLUMs all day every day, or you’re a traitor.
How awful it must be to be trapped in puddybigot’s hateful, frightened, twisted world.
Wow. Looks what’s on puddybigot’s favorite TEEVEE station, Fox, of course…
What is it with right wingers who feel the need to attack via their opponents’ children?
cheapshotBob (RIP) was all over this kind of shit.
Seems like puddybigot and Ted Nugent are getting the same messages through their respective dental fillings.
Today is May 5, or Cinco de Mayo. Honoring the Battle of Puebla, where Mexicans beat back the French in 1862. The French eventually took the capital, but President Juarez eventually won.
As for the battle, it should also be an American holiday, at least to those in the North and West. This French were backing the Confederacy, and the Mexicans bogged the French down, so they were of not much help to the South.
What is is with you and your psychotic rantings, Puddles?
Today, 5/5, is also the anniversary of the Bay View Massacre…
Ordinary working people, asking, then demanding, that their lives be just and their labor honored and compensated, that their conditions be livable and just not too exploitative.
Simple, fair, honest.
And the powerful call out their dogs and order the impertinent serfs shot dead.
plus ça change…
Weekend’s been too darn nice..
l8r guys..
Funniest line of the day.
Wrong again SCHMUCKO… The assessment was changed from the beginning SCHMUCKO. The onion is being peeled and your kind is having to cover for this smelly mess.
Stupidest comment from SCHMUCKO. Why? Victoria Nuland emails which are in the Weekly Standard article which SCHMUCKO has to disclaim contains this damning section…
The Weekly Standard (hated by SCHMUCKO) has the full time line because Obummer’s peeps allowed Congress to see the email truth so a certain person could be approved as CIA director. The lie was exposed to Congress and now the lie is being brought forth to the American public. The usually clueless SCHMUCKO can’t accept the politics from the Obummer Sadministration played a part because they were in a campaign and Obummer’s Al Qaeda narrative had to be put forth no matter what the cost. So be it Chris Stevens died. Don’t admit AlQaeda was involved. So why are the FBI now looking for three Al Qaeda operatives today SCHMUCKO? Looks like your commentary is very inconsistent with the FACTS! When you listen to the CBS Face the Nation video provided above… Obummer’s sadministration was afraid of admitting it was an attack for their Al Qaeda narrative lie being exposed. Even Chris Steven’s last recorded words per Greg Hicks were “We’re under attack”.
Catastrophic testimony from Greg Hicks!
Even DUMMOCRAPTS are starting to disagree with SCHMUCKO now… DUMMOCRAPT Congressman Stephen Lynch said today
and there is more from Lynch…
Sux so bad to be SCHMUCKO! A reality check SCHMUCKO can’t comprehend or acknowledge.
Republicans like to limit early voting when it benefits Democrats. In British Columbia, voters in Kelowna that will be out of town, can vote at the airport on their way out. I think the Swiss have tried voting by text messaging.
Wow. Just wow.
All those words, puddybigot, all strung together like that…I’m impressed.
You haven’t said anything new…the only thing that all those words amount to is…Obama didn’t say “TERROR” and “AL-QAEDA” and “MOOOOOSLUMMMS” loud and fast enough.
You don’t seem to care how the attack happened, or why, or how a similar one could be prevented, or any other strategic or tactical analysis and response. Moreover, the motivation for your yawping and the Weekly Standard’s yaping and Fox and the rest is transparent as it is cynical….ginning up a scandal where none exists.
No, you’re just yawping the latest right-wing-tard tantrum, and being a good little servant, rushing right out and regurgitating what you’re told to regurgitate.
How servile of you.
You are a real ID10T. Puddy said otherwise and you can ask the unemployed salt licking moron ylb to replay what Puddy wrote about.
Again you are an ID10T. DUMMOCRAPT Congressman Stephen Lynch is a yawping the latest right-wing-tard?
Keeping looking at that “accurate” place Daily Kooks… NOT!
puddyBIGOT @137…
You ghoulish fuck. You and the right-tards will do anything, exploit anyone or anything for your little game, even prop up the corpse of a dead man, a good and decent public servant and diplomat, a man who dedicated his life to our understanding and getting along with people very different from ourselves.
Chris Steven’s sister is a dear friend of mine, and you can go fuck yourself.
Changes nothing, BIGOT.
Your game is a sick one. Obama Administration crafts measured and level-headed response to violent attack.
Response is worked out by different parts of Admin, with different POVs and agenda, and a final version is distributed. And, blunting cynical, nasty political exploitation by Republicans is taken into account.
You right-tard, bloodlust-driven, hatred of MOOOOSLUMSS!! motivated dominionists can’t wrap your pointy heads around the insufficiently hate-filled (in your view) and insufficiently inflammatory (in your view) initial public response, and are determined shake the crazies out of the trees over this – witness your being here.
BTW, Steven Lynch, failed conservadem that you suddenly treat as giver of gospel, said this today…
Your not even decent enough to cynically claim that security wasn’t tight enough….
…your WHOLE complaint is that Obama didn’t screech “MOOOOOSLUM TERRORRRRRR!!!!” fast and loudly enough.
Fits right into both the mindless regurgitation you provide daily, and the nasty, hate-filled anti-Muslim bigotry you’ve demonstrated quite openly on these threads.
Fuck off, puggyBIGOT.
Seems even twit Lynch can see through your side’s contemptible bullshit. Dancing on the graves of dedicated American public servants for your naked grab at power.
142)Good point about Rep.Lynch, he lost the primary, and it looks like they are taking it seriously this time, unlike 2010. I noticed that when Lynch brought up the vote to cut embassy security money, they tried to change the subject.
“why did the CIA wait to confirm a SECOND secret outpost in Benghazi? Why didn’t Susan Rice reveal all our assets in region on Sunday? It’s perfectly reasonable to blow agents cover during an ongoing event.”
-shorter Piddles
Given the right’s perverse desire to force women to birth a rapists child and their sadistic desire to kill every bit of public funding for infants and children, it seems only responsible to put your child on BC at first menstration. What other choice does a parent have for prevention in the unfortunate chance their fifteen year old is raped?
More BS from SCHMUCKO… Obummer called the Libyan President a liar. And you wonder why it took the FBI three weeks to enter Libya?
Al Qaeda knew the CIA was there you ID10T. That’s why they attacked the location! U R weally weally stooooooooopid!
Dayum this was covered long ago. Proves SCHMUCKO goes to the latest Daily Kooks location and rattles off their latest spew. Of course SCHMUCKO can’t find this comment in his Kooks search
Silence from Obummer’s sadministration! And this… From Foreign Policy… previously posted by Puddy…
and this great video from Charlene Lamb…
But the coup de grace for SCHMUCKO is the congressional vote… So SCHMUCKO, while wallowing in your own diarrhea, here are a gross of toilet rolls courtesy of Puddy because this is a big diarrhea puddle you left. More DUMMOCRAPTS voted for the reduction (149) than Republicans (147).
FACTS, not the friend of SCHMUCKO! Oh and SCHMUCKO, here ’s Jake Tapper’s tweet…
My condolences to Chris Stevens sister. As we are now learning more and more about Hillary’s gang decided not to give our consulate additional protection resources.
Now it seems CBS News is disagreeing with SCHMUCKO more and more.
Sux to be SCHMUCKO… Puddy produces FACTS from many sources. SCHMUCKO runs to Daily Kooks.
@146 “More DUMMOCRAPTS voted for the reduction (149) than Republicans (147).”
And that somehow makes 147 Republican “no” votes inconsequential?
“Puddy produces FACTS from many sources. ”
I dunno if “facts” and “sources” are the right words for the context. There might be a couple of inaccuracies in this sentence.
Too funny.. Are right wing jacks offs still dreaming some impeachment fantasy over this over this !!Benghazi!! tragedy..
They’ll exploit anything for political gain.
Once again the DUMB Wabbit “strikes”. Since Puddy knows you don’t follow a thread, here is SCHMUCKO’s post above…
All or 147? No DUMMOCRAPTS? Oh yeah 149. So what does SCHMUCKO post? Crap direct from Daily Kooks!
@149 “Since Puddy knows you don’t follow a thread …”
Why would I waste my time reading your crap? I have better things to do.
Okay, so if we can set aside pudlicker’s trivial crap for a moment, we have a huge breaking story from Cleveland tonight that three girls who were kidnapped in 2000, 2002, and 2003 — and assumed dead — were found together, alive, in a house where the apparent kidnapper was holding them captive. The whole city of Cleveland is going wild over the rescue of these girls, and of course, the story is getting headline play in all the national media. This is much more important, not to mention heartwarming, than piddle’s drool.
And full frothing Piddles is on display. In order to get to this you either have to be ignoring FACTS about Benghazi or you’re ignorant. Take your pick.
The response team that ended the attack came NOT from the attacked asset (that Al Queda knew about) but from a second ‘safe house’ a short distance away that never came under attack. So in the immediate days after, was it prudent to try to keep a lid on as much of that second location as possible and clear out staff there to a new safe location?
Nah, BENGAHZI!!!! Cover-up. We should have let those at the second location twist and maybe get killed. THAT’s crisis response according to Piddles and the shrieking, listened to daily by 10% of Americans, right wing media. Good to see you be their lap puppy, Piddles. (Puppy, Piddles…see what I did there?)
@152 Didn’t the Benghazi consulate have exactly the same security arrangements under Obama that it did under Bush?