Liberal Viewer: FAUX News trumps up bugging charge against Mother Jones.
Stephen: Oopsie Daisy Homophobe:
Thom: GOP pats Exxon on the back for Arkansas oil spill.
Young Turks: Student v. abstinence only education.
DCCC: “He lied to us”.
Katie Compa: White liberal parents.
Ann Telnaes: The Perpetual War on Terror.
Young Turks: OK Rep, “Don’t Jew me down”.
Bill Maher: War and Peace.
Torture in OUR NAMES:
- Thom and Pap: Does torture nullify American exceptionalism?
- Sam Seder: Non-partisan report says U.S. tortured.
- Pap and Sam Seder: The MSM was complicit.
Chris Hayes: Last safety inspection of West plant was in 1985.
ONN: Week in Review.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Bill Maher with New Rules (via Crooks and Liars).
Sam Seder: Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX-1) thinks Muslim terrorists are pretending to be Hispanic.
Bombing in Boston:
- Mark Fiore: Boston Marathon
- Jon thanks Boston.
- Obama speaks on Boston:
- Sam Seder: CNN’s uberbotch
- The three minute version of CNN’s U-Turn on bombing arrests
- Maddow: Identifying suspects
- Young Turks: NY Post takes the trophy from CNN…for wrong.
- Sam Seder: The NY Post falsely accuses teens of being bombers.
- Maddow: Murdoch’s NY Post media failure.
- Chris Hayes: Internet vigilantism
- Stephen: Premature arrest report
- Jon: Exclusive…but completely fucking wrong!
- Sam Seder: Asswipe loon Alex Jones asks “false flag” question
- Young Turks: Father, “true angle”; Uncle, “losers”
- Glenn Beck: Government has until Monday to “come clean” about Benghazi-Boston bombing link.
- Young Turks: “Quiet, shy, like us”.
White House: West Wing Week.
Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Young Turks: Hunger strike at Gitmo.
Thom: How to create a right-wing terrorist.
Jon: Barrier method.
Ann Telnaes: Tax day.
Young Turks: What happened in Texas?
U.S. Senate Republicans Puts Guns in the Hands of Terrorists!
- Stephen: Ted Cruz and background checks
- Jon: “We think killing our citizens is our job.”
- Sam Seder: Gun reform fails.
- Young Turks: Conspiracy theories kill gun control legislation
- Maddow: Obama shames spineless Senate Republicans
- Thom: “Shame on you, Congress”.
- John Fugelsang: If you’re against background checks, you’re against America
- Maddow: “Killer” Republicans filibuster…
- David Shuster and David Schecter: Congress hears cries of dead children.
- Young Turks: Gun-nut host tells Newtown victim families to ‘go to hell’
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Robert Reich: Why our democracy is succeeding on social issues and failing on economic issues.
Maddow: Terrorism tools within reach of the dangerously deluded ‘patriot’ terrorists.
NASA awesome: What happens if you wring out a cloth in space?
Young Turks: Idiot Republican Rep. “Peter” Hansen calls women “vaginas”.
Slate: BSA lifts ban on Scouts, but not leaders.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
You missed Harrison Ford on Jimmy Kimmel not talking about Start Wars.
From the AP article which discussed special interrogation
A Justice Department official!!!! So much for Puddy’s
eh Darryl? So much for Lib da Schmucko’s stupidity shown in the Boston Manhunt Thread? ABSOLUTELY! Damn, it’s so easy to deliver the smackdown! A Twofer this morning!
When you live on left wrong whack job sites you miss the news! Moan and groan all you want libtards. Puddy delivers commentary from AP not Daily Kooks or the The Putrid Morons!
Regarding David Sirota… Puddy delivers his eight comments and libtards run around covering for him. Sirota basically suggested that pretty much all conservatives are racist. Weally? Has Sirota forgotten libtard comments Puddy has placed on this blog over the years? The problem with Sirota is he continues to manufacture it. We see it manufactured in Lib da Schmuckos commentary over the last two weeks. Notice how Lib da Schmucko becomes more vehement when confronted with it!
@ 2
“Regarding David Sirota… Puddy delivers his eight comments”
But, Puddy has yet to explain why Sirota’s comments ought to be considered “race-baiting”.
Oh my Puddy can’t believe Da Perfessa went there when Puddy blew this apart twice this past week. So here’s Napolitano from 2011 since now Da Perfessa is exhibiting Mindless Moonbat Memory Malady. Also here’s another all the way back to 2010:
But this was a concern all the way back from 2009
… So we now see Congressman Louie Gohmert from Texas is regurgitating Obummer’s Justice Department and Homeland Security Peeps!
The onset of Mindless Moonbat Memory Malady happens when you live on left wrong sites all the time. No news all the time!
Are you really so vain and self-centered to believe that someone like Sirota would ever read anything on this blog, much less anything you write? Reading comprehension fail.
Perhaps if you actually had spent just a little time thinking about anyone but yourself, and the constant victimization complex you demonstrate in here, you would perhaps begin to understand what the grownups are actually saying. Perhaps you would actually begin to mature beyond that second grade attitude you constantly demonstrate, and learn that there are people who actually know things you don’t, that actually conflict with your childish worldview. Simply because they have spent a fair amount of time paying attention to the world outside of their television sets and beyond their own navels.
Instead, you whine and bitch and bemoan your fate, and dismiss anyone who doesn’t validate your opinion to the letter. That is the mindset of a spoiled and disturbed child.
You really are a complete fucking pussy, Spudds.
Don Joe reread last paragraph. Puddy realizes truth hurts! Too bad you can process it. What’s Sirota’s response to conservative blacks attacking Obummer? It’s racist!
Oh, this is funny. Apparently in wingnut land, if you’re coming to the US by way of Mexico, then you’re pretending to be Hispanic. I think Puddy just affirmed that both he and Rep. Gohmert suffer from an acute strain of paranoid dementia.
@ 6
“Don Joe reread last paragraph.”
I read the last paragraph. Not one word there about why we should consider Sirota’s statements to be “race-baiting”. You’re going to have to try to explain yourself without mindlessly repeating what you’ve already said.
Are you a moron Don Joe? Puddy placed every libtard racist comment found in the public sphere from libtard MSM or Fox News since 2005 on this blog. Now David Sirota has eyes and ears just like Puddy!; If Puddy can find them so can Sirota. Instead he claims every political attack against Obummer is due to racism. Then he equates racism to just about any conservative who disagrees with Obummer! Wrong!!!!!. Now that the Roofers Union is decidedly against ObummerCare and wants it repealed, is that racism David Sirota?
Don Joe, so simple minded he can’t figger it out. So who is complete fucking pussy? You Don Joe!
@ 9
First, the blockquote is from Deathfrog, not me. (I know, reading comprehension is not your strong point).
Second, repeatedly quoting statements when you clearly can’t understand what’s been said doesn’t mean Piddly-squat.
Third, I’m still waiting for you to explain why Sirota’s comments out to be considered “race-bating”. Here’s a hint: start by defining the term “race-baiting”. Then show how that definition applies to the quotes you’ve cited.
Jesus, dumb as a brick of Jello.
Don Joe and Fraggy… So easily mixed up. Who cares.
@ 12
“Don Joe and Fraggy…”
And, yet, still no explanation from Puddy as to why Sirota’s statements constitute “race-baiting”. I’m beginning to think that Puddy doesn’t even know what “race-baiting” is.
Seems Don Joe has reading comprehension… So let’s try again…
What are matricula consulars?
So stupid with no reading comprehension and he’s screaming about Puddy mixing up two like minded libtards on HA!
Oh Don Joe, Puddy explained David Sirota above. So here it is slowly. To Sirota every attack against Obummer or Obummer’s policies is held through a racial lens. That’s how Sirota incites the masses of dumb ASSes
Can’t make it any plainer to you!
Chris Hayes has a pretty good time line on the Boston bomber man hunt.
@ 13
It isn’t that he knows what it is, he doesn’t care what it is. He parrots everything his massas in the right-wing echo chamber say, thus merely becoming another echo.
You’re yelling into an empty canyon Spudds. That voice answering back? It’s just you, there is no originality in your mind. You have no independent thought whatsoever. You are an empty vessel, brimming over with other peoples bullshit.
@ 14
Ah, so all Mexican citizens are Hispanic. Right.
@ 15
“To Sirota every attack against Obummer or Obummer’s policies is held through a racial lens.”
But that’s not race-baiting. That might be someone who’s overly sensitive to racism, but if that constitutes then it’s not possible for anyone to discuss racism without “race-baiting”.
Try again, Puddy.
Just like you do from every left wrong site Fraggy?
How is that Hungarian Nazi doing? Wasn’t he supported by Gyorgy Soros?
@ 19
WTF are you on about? You are making even less sense than usual.
Race baiting… the making of verbal attacks against members of a racial group. What is Sirota doing in those comments Don Joe?
Comprehension? eh?
Fraggy… you forgot you told us about some Hungarian Nazi already? You forgot he was supported by Gyorgy Soros? You provided four links earlier in the week. You didn’t read them?
Piddl @2
I see it took you all night to formulate an answer to my simple question from yesterday,
You still have not answered that, nor the other question, whether you believe the Tsarnaev brothers are children of God (and therefore deserving of our love and compoassion).
Rather, you put together what you think is a rebuttal to the premise, that you were gleefully applauding coming torture of the younger Tsarnaev, the teenager.
Looking back at yesterdays thread posts, you quoted Lindsey Graham at 5:36 and 5:41, specifically these ‘tweets’:
Following this, at 7:04, your mindless whooping…
No Miranda
Enemy combatant
Special Interrogation
Now, you claim today that you were merely quoting an AP story about a Justice Department interrogation team. Unfortunately, that story you link to and quote came out at 10:50 (probably EDT, still making it well after you posted).
You’re lying.
You were whooping and clapping about the abrogation of normal police restraint of coercion on an American citizen, and moreover, the prospect that he would be treated as an ‘enemy combatant’ with all the associated physical and psychological coercion – torture – that that implies.
You just don’t have the balls to own your beliefs in public. You dance around celebrating a horrible part of this horrible story – both for us and for this kid. We take away his rights and we diminish our own. We let fear and bloodlust drive us to trample our principles and pretty soon we don’t have an America to be proud of or that’s worth defending.
You’ve ostentatiously cited your God coming ‘in clouds of glory’ and the retribution He’s going to deal out to atheists like me. You’ve also assured us that don’t believe in a very literal interpretation of your Bible of our complete folly. I’m simply proceeding from the premises of Christianity that I understand and remember, and I find inescapable these questions for you, Christian puddy, which still stand unanswered…
@ 21
“What is Sirota doing in those comments Don Joe?”
He’s talking about their racism, not their race.
“Comprehension? eh?”
Are all Americans English Speaking? Right! One of the two Boston Bombers was “American”. Was he English Speaking Don Joe.
Silly comment! Al Qaeda is paying Mexican gangs to have their people get matricula consulars to masquerade as Mexicans. Too bad Facts explode the Sam Seder argument!
Carry on Don Joe… Puddy has some cooking to finish. Nice potato casserole just came out of the oven. Now to work on some spicy chili!
He’s MAKING UP their supposed racism. Sirota is placing race into comments where no race is being offered!
That’s race baiting!
Goddamn, Spudds is off his meds again.
@ 25
Again, you’ve equated “Mexican” with “Hispanic”. Citizenship vs race. Ironic given the other thread going on. Speaking of which:
@ 26
“Sirota is placing race into comments where no race is being offered!”
But that doesn’t even fit your own definition of race-baiting, which is:
“the making of verbal attacks against members of a racial group”
And, that’s not even a good definition of “race-baiting”. Race baiting involves making verbal attacks about the race of members of a racial group. It can’t be race-baiting unless the race of the people being attacked is the subject of the attack.
@4 and @14
cluelessPiddl is quoting, repeatedly, something called “Family Security Matters”, an article from 2009, and the specific citation about al Qaeda payments is referenced to, among others, a Washington Times story from 2004.
The author of the story that cluelesspiddl cites repeatedly is presented thus:
Yes, highly reliable.
cluelessPiddl, @21…
See, in piddl-land, as with cheapshotBob, to point out that the society is racist in an essential and pervasive way, and that the white male demographic is particularly privileged, is to engage in racist attacks against white people.
And that’s something for which cluelessPiddl will not stand.
The original story was on ABC News
Special Interrogation.
Regarding Lindsey Graham… You are making up bullshit…
What did Puddy say…
So why did you NOT include this… BECAUSE YOU NEED TO SPIN SHIT FROM TRUTH!
Wrong… To point out libtard society is racist is correct!
The “intelligent design” community. Go figure. The antichristians.
There Lib da Schmucko goes again… Attacking the source when the footnotes are provided at the bottom of the article.
Of course to Lib da Schmucko, Daily Kooks is profoundly accurate. Remember Trigg Palin was Bristol Palin’s child. It was toted on this blog. Direct from Daily Kooks. Wrong!
Lib da schmucko @29, Why did you not site Janet Napolitano? She’s worried about it too! You are so stupid it’s laughable!
piddl @31
Wow. You’re getting desperate. I quoted you quoting Graham. I ‘ctrl-c’d it right from the thread yesterday. Here’s a citation (from a right-wing source, no less!) to all of little Lindsey’s tweets, two of which you quoted.
Now, you did say that Tsarnaev the younger needed to be Mirandized – at 5:36, along with a Graham quote – but you abandoned that assessment, gleefully, when you whooped…
at 7:04.
And now you’re contending that you weren’t quoteing an AP story that came later, as you to strongly asserted in @2 above, but rather derived your phrase ‘Special Interrogation’ from an un-time-stamped ABC story that you quote using the term ‘high value detainee interrogation group’.
Like I said, you don’t have the balls to defend your gristly sentiments and beliefs when they’re held up to the light of scrutiny.
Go deal with your casserole.
Of course I’ll expose the source as a complete crackpot.
And I mentioned the footnotes – that included, first, a citation of a Washington Times (Moonie Times) story.
That’s all you got – crackpot ravings from the paranoid racist right.
Because it’s not my job or privilege to decide where to locate Ms. Napolitano.
Wow…no piddl for nearly an hour…just like a cockroach, turn on the light of scrutiny and he skitters away.
This moron continues to provide comedy… Butt being a thread idiot…
Just finished making the spicy chili Schmucko. Mrs Puddy told me not to add any hotter chilies because some peeps can’t stand it super hot. Boy oh boy it tastes great.
BTW Yeah I found the Lindsey Graham posts there. Who cares. Puddy answered with PuddyCommentary, and you chose to NOT provide the full context. Spinning your horseSHIT from truth!
Carry on fool!
My chocolate frosted cake yummy!
Next dish to cook.
Too bad chronology is not your strong point.
Yeah cite Janet Napolitano. Ya got me there! So you skipped her commentary on purpose.
Great job with that “argument“!
…wherein cluelessPiddl confirms his cowardice, refusing to own his cackling bloodlust, salivating over the abrogation of Tsarnaev’s rights and his hoped-for torture.
Moreover, he is running away from simple questions derived from the religiosity he so ostentatiously proclaims when it suits him.
No balls, hiding behind a chocolate cake.
(What’s with cowardly right-tards hiding behind baked goods?)
Sources in Madison familiar with the discovery tell RightWisconsin that the total of non earmarked funds in the massive UW Slush Fund is at least $450 million.
Kinda makes one want to look around our own UW, doesn’t it?
@ 43
And Governor Walker is quick to take advantage:
Gov. Scott Walker and Rep. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, chairman of the Assembly’s committee on higher education, also criticized the System over the reported surplus.
“At a minimum, on behalf of students and their families, I am asking legislative leaders to freeze tuition increases for two years for the entire UW System during their deliberations on the budget,” Walker said in a statement.
Read more:
@43, 44
Of course he does, he’s a dishonest opportunist just like yourself.
Your link @43 goes to a ‘right wisconsin’ propaganda site that is full of lurid accusations and repeated use of the pejorative ‘slush fund’, without a single bit of reporting to confirm or deny the nefarious intent that you suggest.
So typical with you, cheapshot, posting half- and non-truths, incomplete stories, innuendo….all just set ups for your…cheapshots.
(BTW, you slinked away from our climate discussion from the other day, and I wanted to afford you the opportunity to admit you were deceptive and wrong regarding the Antarctic ice studies. Anything?)
@ 45
BTW, you slinked away from our climate discussion from the other day, and I wanted to afford you the opportunity to admit you were deceptive and wrong regarding the Antarctic ice studies. Anything?
Can we do it tomorrow? You might even get an acknowledgement from me. I spent last Sunday building a rock wall and it took me three days to recover. I need to regroup and look at the thread(s) again.
Admit it: You know more about Antarctic ice and southern hemisphere climate now than you did a week ago.
Piddl hides behind cake, and you behind a rock wall.
You don’t seem too tired to post WSJ drivel about guns on the other thread, this morning, and you weren’t too exhausted to post deceptions about climate change earlier. You slithered away when you were refuted, and shown to be a charlatan.
Whatever. You have to live with the willful lies you tell.
What a moron… Obummer has specifically said Obummer’s gang doesn’t do torture. Yet you are torturing all of us with your silly suppositions. Puddy specifically cited the ABC News story. You got upset because it discusses a special interrogation team.
How are those knuckles dragging right now.
Still no comment from Schmucko on Janet Napolitano and her concerns over Al Qaeda coming through Mexico. We all know why Schmucko. Another lost argument by Schmucko.
@ 45
‘unrestricted (cash) reserves’ = slush fund.
“We welcome a conversation about the appropriate levels of fund balances, how those funds should be used to benefit students and the state, and what level of unrestricted reserves should be maintained as we manage a complex higher education enterprise in uncertain times,” Reilly said in the statement.
The cash reserves identified by the state review would make up 25.7% of the $2.47 billion the UW System had in its unrestricted budget in 2011-’12.
The reserve fund was discovered after the Assembly’s “CPA caucus” – a group of accountants who serve in the Assembly – raised questions about numbers they found in a state audit. The fiscal bureau and the Legislative Audit Bureau then went to the UW System to get answers.
You want lipstick on the pig, Lib Sci?
We’ll refer to it as an unreported excessively large pool of unrestricted cash reserves.
Happy now?
You obviously embrace the conceit that you are clever and provocative.
The fact remains, you are either very gullible and believe the bullshit you spew – from ID/YEC-driven climate change denial to WSJ-derived NRA propaganda – or you are knowingly broadcasting non-truths.
Same old, same old….Stupid or Lying.
Which is it?
After the fact, after your first explanation was shot-down as a lie – that is why you’re not beating the AP story you first yawped about @2, right?
Come on, piddl – just own your bloodlust – it’s OK – even necessary – to torture him.
OK. Napolitano’s quote you cite via your link does noting to endorse your Louie Gohmert’s insanity. I know you read somewhere that is did, but it doesn’t. You’re building another house of cards and it grows tiresome knocking them down so easily.
And there we have it…the Bait and Switch!
cheapshot’s specialty.
Start with a piece of unsubstantiated right-wing drivel, and when called on it, bring out a more reputable source and claim it says the same thing.
It doesn’t.
Included in the J-S piece are these bits…
Seems there’s a couple hundred million in reserves in a system with a $2 billion budget. Wow. 10%, maybe, in reserve in a massive system that fluctuates year-to-year.
Seems more prudent than nefarious. But Republicans never saw a surplus that couldn’t be turned into a deficit. No wonder you’re salivating like this, cheapshot.
I grow tired of smacking our resident trolls around this fine morning….I’ll check back in later.
@ 52
Leave it to Lib Sci to dismiss the importance of a quarter of a billion dollars in uncommitted reserves in an educational system of another state.
Oh, unless he’s agitating for the additional expenditure of roughly the same amount for education over the next biennium in this state.
Rep. Michelle Bachman is demanding a House Investigation over reports that liberal Boston harbors boats that are in league with Islamist terrorists.
(Too soon?)
This is for you, piddl …
“The fertilizer plant that exploded on Wednesday … had last year been storing 1,350 times the amount of ammonium nitrate that would … trigger safety oversight by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
“Yet a person familiar with DHS operations said the company that owns the plant … did not tell the agency about the potentially explosive fertilizer as it is required to do, leaving one of the principal regulators of ammonium nitrate … unaware of any danger there.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sounds to me like there should/will be criminal charges filed against someone. What it boils down to is somebody didn’t comply with federal regulators, and as a result, a town was leveled and a bunch of people lost their lives. This is why we have regulatory laws and agencies.
@ 55
Better by you than by SNL, cz.
@3 Personally, I think puddl warbles like a loon in hopes of getting endangered species status.
@11 Yeah, I have to deal with that, too.
@27 Yeah, I experience that, too.
If piddl ever did anything, reading his Miranda rights to him would be a useless gesture, and so would special interrogation, because all they’d get out of him is loon-like warbling.
@48 “Obummer has specifically said Obummer’s gang doesn’t do torture.”
I’m sure that annoys you and your ilk to no end.
I’m a bit surprised our troll friends aren’t demanding Sharia law for Tsarnaev. You know — an eye for an eye, a leg for a leg, an arm for an arm …
I would observe of our Muslim allies, you don’t see people committing these kinds of crimes in Saudi Arabia. They don’t fuck around with bombers and such. They chop off their heads within 3 weeks.
I’m not going to read anymore of Puffy’s posts – If I continue to read his posts I’m Offraid I will be twalking likem him hey.
@49 “an unreported excessively large pool of unrestricted cash reserves”
It’s hard to think of a corporation this doesn’t apply to, but for some strange reason, it’s only a worry with respect to public universities and other public entities, excluding “black ops” agencies of course. (One must suspect the CIA has quite a bit more “slush cash” than the University of Wisconsin does.)
@54 If I remember correctly, U.Wisc.’s reserve fund is considerably smaller than the rainy day fund being insisted on by our own Republican state senators.
Yawn. Slow news day. All we have this morning is a Texas fertilizer company storing 1,350 times as much highly explosive ammonium nitrate as they’re suppose to have on the premises, and blowing up a whole town with it. Only in Texas. (Or Arizona, or some similar Republican haven from government oversight.) I suppose lack of safety regulation is part of the reason (along with rock-bottom minimum wages and anti-union laws) that motivates greedy business owners to flock to such states. If you visit Texas for any reason, take a gas mask with you. You might need it.
@ 66
Makes you wonder how much An was going through their system, being sold for cash. I’d be willing to bet tons.
@64, 65
Indeed. A 10% reserve in a $2+ billion dollar budget seem prudent, not nefarious.
This is all political – all the huffing and puffing in the J-S article were Republicans.
Like I said, a Republican never saw a surplus that he couldn’t turn into a deficit.
Indeed. They’ll never go along with a healthy financial status for an organization that serves the public broadly, if they can destroy it.
Obvious where this is going – ruin the financial status of the UWisc, then demand cutbacks in programs and services.
They are dedicated to the premise that ordinary people can’t have nice things.
If you read @54 closely, it actually makes no syntactic or logical sense.
Oh, this is excellent. One example…
@70 What of Cereal Bob’s does?
Another example, this one not actually a ‘trained’ law enforcement officer…
Read the comments to the article, in the Salina Journal. It’s nearly all ‘this is so tragic’, ‘how awful for the family’; the few people who point out the stupidity of a 7 year old wielding a 9mm cannon get shouted down.
Lots of ‘our prayers are with the family’ and woefully little actual thought or introspection – kind of like, this is normal, if regrettable.
@71 How about this one:
“DURANGO, CO, 4/08/13: Security officers working for the Transportation Security Administration at the Durango-La Plata County Airport found a loaded gun while screening a passenger Monday. The officers discovered a .380-caliber Taurus, loaded with four rounds, at the security checkpoint. Sheriff Duke Schirard said the passenger, whom he identified as Gary Cleaver, although he was unsure of the spelling, has a concealed-weapon permit. ‘He just forgot he had a small pistol in his pocket,’ Schirard said. ‘We secured the pistol and gave him a warning. He’s been investigated thoroughly to get that permit, and he seems to be an upright citizen who made a mistake.'”
Presumably it was Sheriff Schirard’s department who thoroughly investigated this upright citizen before issuing him that permit.
That .380-cal Taurus looks like just the thing you’d want for hunting, or target practice, or defending your castle.
And let’s not overlook all the potentialities of the NRA’s plan to guard our schools with armed vigilantes:
“STILLWATER, MN, 4/11/13: A gun safety instructor may face charges of discharging a firearm within Stillwater city limits after he accidentally fired a 1911 Colt 45 handgun inside Salem Lutheran School just prior to teaching a class. While the teacher was explaining the different types of safeties on the gun, the handgun discharged, causing a bullet to go through the wall of the cafeteria.”
@77 The pink ones are cute!
Oh man, LibSci, you’ve hit the Mother Lode with that link! …
“AMITY, IN, 4/12/13: Yet another Patriot has liberated a neighbor’s apartment. But not letting people shoot through your walls is infringing on their freedom, so shut up, losers. Besides, the only reason she shot at all was because she was trying to twirl her gun on her finger, like in ‘The Rifleman.’ And that shouldn’t have been dangerous, because even though she knew the gun was loaded, she thought the safety was on. So what else do you really need to know, gun grabber?”
I found this one rather poignant…
From the Star Press site:
I’m sure that’s what happened.
Further down…
Unfortunately, it seems they’ve procreated, and so natural selection no longer applies. Pity.
On the other hand, maybe armed vigilantes would be safer than stationing cops in schools …
“KANSAS CITY, MO, 4/12/13: A police officer involved in an armed standoff with a robbery suspect holed up inside a beauty salon accidentally shot himself in the foot with an AR-15.”
I really love this picture.
Obviously the best place to put your precious children is near a toxic site with the potential for explosion.
Look at the dates, Rog…those events are just this week!
@ 68 and 69
I should note that the Journal-Sentinal article talks about the University of Wisconsin System. The University of Wisconsin System is more than just the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Here’s the Wikipedia article:
In a system that serves 182,000 students, a $450 MM reserve fund amounts to less than $2500 per student. Not a whole lot of money.
Along the same lines as #83:
“MEDINA, OH, 4/18/13: The Medina Police Chief who briefed the media when that town hosted one of the ‘Gun Appreciation Day’ gun shows … has accidentally shot himself. Chief Patrick J. Berarducci suffered minor injuries when he was holstering his Smith & Wesson .40 caliber Shield handgun when the trigger guard got caught and discharged a round into his upper thigh.”
A bullet wound in the thigh is a minor injury? If so, I’d hate to see a traumatic gunshot wound …
@84 “Libertarian zoning laws.” Yup, that really captures the spirit of the whole thing.
@85 “Look at the dates, Rog…those events are just this week!”
My mistake. I thought that was just today.
Where did all the trolls go? Has our fooling around with guns and exploding fertilizer plants scared them away?
Oxymoron alert.
Like cockroaches when the lights get turned on.
And certainly smaller than the reserves that the Republicans have demanded of the Post Office, in order to destroy it.
I guess it is a pity that the state of Washington is not dominated by FREEEEDOM and LIBERTY loving Republicans like Texas.
OBTW, there are 11 Emergency Responder positions now open in Texas for any WA Republican brave enough to apply for them.
With their usual perspicacity, wingnut propagandists have spotted an equivalency between guns and pressure cookers:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It leaps out at you, doesn’t it?
@94 Of course, the reason we’re talking about this on a Washington political blog is because we don’t want our local Republicans to turn Washington into another Texas. I mention it
in case that point slipped past our local trolls.
Republican (of course) NY State Sen Greg Ball, tough guy, tweets this…
That kind of bloodlust, and Jack Bauer little boy fantasy, is what we get from our right-wing faction, like cluelessPiddl.
Meanwhile, Graham, McCain, Ayotte, and Rep Peter King are calling for this American citizen to have his rights taken away.
Who know the right wing were such a bunch of frightened little flowers? Two pressure-cookers and they’re shredding the Constitution. What would happen if a really ambitious and destructive terrorist attack occurred?
Oh, yeah.
Gregory R. Ball, Republican New York State Senator, Tweets about the US Constitution, US Law, International treaty obligations and how he doesn’t give a fk. He’s a Republican ‘law maker’.
Yeah, Closet Case Graham has nothing on this guy!
@97 “Who know the right wing were such a bunch of frightened little flowers?”
That’s pretty much the essence of the situation.
Here we are at 100 comments in less than 12 hours, while this outfit looks like it’s almost out of business. I’ve seen funeral homes that showed more signs of life.
You’re banned!
@101 I wonder if they’ll ever figure out the correlation between banning visitors and site traffic?
@ 97
Meanwhile, Graham, McCain, Ayotte, and Rep Peter King are calling for this American citizen to have his rights taken away.
In the context of Puddy’s plaints about David Sirota’s supposed “race-baiting,” I asked this question in the man hunt thread:
It got no answer from our right-wing trolls. That’s because they don’t have one. White supremacist plants a bomb at a parade on MLK day, and right-wing politicians are mum. Couple of of Mulsim kids plant bombs at the Boston Marathon, and right-wing politicians want to shred the constitution.
But, we’re supposed to believe that there’s no racism or xenophobia in the Republican party. Right.
Well, they certainly have their underwear tied in a knot about abortion over at Sound Politics!! They’re very angry with me right now, particularly Ragnar.
Ragnar is a doctrinaire Catholic and very angry, very unloving, very non-compassionate woman. She is smug and at the same time has as exquisitely developed sense of victimhood. I find her to be one of the more odious regulars over in that rathole of a blog.
Yeah, I saw that.
Of course they’re going to say nothing about a white supremacist trying to kill MLK day revelers…that’s their base!
Wasn’t Harpham the guy that put coumadin in the bomb? In the hope of causing uncontrollable bleeding among his intended victims? Moron didn’t know that coumadin doesn’t act instantaneously and takes days to a week or more to exert its action. Not only evil, but stupid, too.
@104 Is that supposed to be some sort of credential?
@105 Well, how can a blog be a rathole without odious regulars? It’s posters like JCH, Mark the Dickhead, et al., who make HA the delightful sewer it is.
@106 Terrorist is an occupation where incompetence is a desirable trait.
From 107,
Texas fertilizer blast…
I cannot fathom why Americans should be concerned about Texans blowing themselves up…
Shut up… The fewer of them the better.
Jew me down… A fine and VERY ACCURATE phrase…
Does Torture Nullify American Exceptionalism?
Yes… Don’t try to jew me down on this…
Obama threatens Texas… We could hope so…
My name is Lee and I’m not a revolutionary… What a cunt!
White Liberal Parents – Katie Compa
She sounds like a jew…
Porter, you sound like a strange agent, dude. What’s with all the “Jew” stuff?
I really like the idea of the gun owner shooting up that sign “90% of americans support background checks…”
It’s a right. you are a bunch of traitors.
@ 118
Just another street crazy wandering in out of the mist. It’s probably Dino or one of his friends. The American conservative really hasn’t changed it’s stripes since the early 1930s. He’s just here to remind us of that.
Go back to torturing your kid’s puppy Porter. I’m sure they’ll take some sort of lesson from it.
@120 He’s right about Texicans though. They aren’t even part of the United States. Which makes them furiners, and real Americans don’t give a rap about furiners.
Wow! All quite on the salt mining front..
I was going to post something about our favorite loon but I’ll let the noise over the Chechen bombers settle out for another week..
Hm, same guy?
Just another lunatic among millions. Next thing he’ll be telling us is that a missile hit that fertilizer plant.
Actually, this is a pretty good vid of a BLEVE, a fuel-air explosion.
Of course, that’ll never convince the rubes. They’re so hell-bent on believing the conspiracy stories about how the government is out to kill everyone. Makes you wonder who is behind all that bullshit in the first place. Hitler was able to plant the seeds of distrust in the Soviet Army by planting rumors of treachery on the part of the Generals. It was one of the reasons why Russia had such trouble at the beginning of that war. They had executed all their general officers on the basis of that rumor, much to the delight of the SS and SA. It was the brainchild of one Reinhard Heydrich, the founder of the SS who was assassinated by Heinrich Himmler in 1939.
Seems to me, that the same sort of activity might be going on here. We have the Conservatives hell bent on convincing people that they are being attacked. The only people that stand to benefit from that propaganda and the dissemination of the lie are the conservatives, just as they were in Germany in the late 1920’s. It was the Conservatives that brought National-Socialism to Germany, and it was the old industrialist families that attempted to bring it to the U.S. during the same period.
Once is anomaly.
Twice is coincidence.
Three times is enemy action.
– Lao Tzu
The people with the family history of supporting the Third Reich here in the United States are the Bushs, the Kochs, the Duponts, the Fords and the Hearsts. The Silver Brigades built their refuge/Bunker in whats now Griffith Park in Los Angeles, on land donated for the purpose by W.R. Hearst.
Tea Party…..
Pot Party!
Hey, look you guys were finally right about gun violence at one of these gatherings:
This deserves commentary on SO many levels. If only RR were around.
But he’s not, so here goes:
Anybody remember gunfire at a Tea Party rally? I don’t. They’re typically on weekends because attendees actually have jobs, people listen attentively, and they clean up after themselves. In other words, to YLB it would be like visiting a foreign country.
As it becomes increasingly difficult for the left to credibly continue to claim that this mass murder event or that is due to right wing extremism these days, perhaps, with the OWS violence (murder in Oakland, myriad suicides, ODs) they just have the politics backwards and it’s the liberal left unable to control themselves.
Note that two potheads and a dog were shot in Denver. Potheads are expendable, but shooting a dog? What kind of leftist asshole would do that? Which reminds me – Good morning, Deathfrogg.
Finally, with this type of violence at a gathering of 80,000, shouldn’t Seattle have a bit more concern about what might happen when 250,000 descend on our fair city?
This really has not been a good week for the left, has it?
ICE union head Chris Crane ejected from Gang of 8 press event
Chris Crane, head of the immigration officers union, was pulled out of a Senate press conference today when he tried to question Sen. Chuck Schumer during the televised roll-out of the 844-page immigration rewrite.
While reporters asked questions, Schumer ignored three requests from Crane, who sought to question him about aspects of the far-reaching law, which promises to tighten enforcement of immigration laws at borders, airports and seaports.
“Will you take a question from law enforcement?” Crane asked, repeating the question twice before being removed.
Read more:
At least someone is trying to speak on behalf of people like Brian Terry.
Somehow I don’t think this will go so well. Boston didn’t help a whole lot and my guess is that this ICE union head will find his way to a TV camera or two.
It turned out, however, that life on welfare was not so hard.
Jig’s up, YLB.
@ 124
Second day of the pot rally in Denver has been cancelled.
That’s a lot of unrequited munchies.
@126 The Danes are over generous, therefore America, who offers nothing near what the they do, should use that example to gut our safety nets more, make it even more miserable and provide even less?
I don’t follow your logic.
@125 The Daily Caller is not a credible source after they put out a fake story five days before the election that a Democratic politician was visiting prostitutes during a vacation to the Dominican Republic. When you cite it, you sound like cheap lying shill
“The only thing that can stop a good guy with a joint is a bad guy with a gun.”
@ 128
Maybe consider it a cautionary piece. And yes, what we currently provide is unsustainable. Even Harry Reid acknowledges that Social Security won’t remain solvent under current assumptions. The longer we wait to do something, the more painful it will be when we finally do. Don’t forget part of the reason the sequester is so abrupt is that its effects were compressed into 7 months rather than the original 9 remaining in the current fiscal year.
Our labor participation rate is falling, our population is aging and our elderly healthier, and our disabled population is growing as people are shifted there from the unemployment rolls as their benefits expire.
Things that cannot go on forever, don’t.
@ 129
It’s still being investigated by the FBI. Claims about Weiner were alleged false, too. Don’t even get me started about Clinton. And it was the National Enquirer that brought down Golden Boy John Edwards, after the MSM took a pass on the rumors.
If you can’t tell, this #FreeJahar hashtag is really upsetting me. This is the Land of the Free because we teach guys like him a lesson.
about 10 hours ago via Twitter for iPhoneReplyRetweetFavorite
Alex McClure
#FreeJahar because MSNBC is hiring
about 10 hours ago via webReplyRetweetFavorite
Terry Tuttle
And your Tweet du jour:
#FreeJahar and tell him Flo from Progressive called… His auto insurance doesn’t cover running over his own brother
about 10 hours ago via webReplyRetweetFavorite
Deadlock Victim ✡
@131 Given that we are unwilling to tax the richest, or close the loopholes on the richest, yes we do have trouble staining even the minimal bad safety net we have now.
If we didn’t have the republicans blocking everything, we could address that.
@ 133
Given that we are unwilling to tax the richest…
My tax rate went up on January 1, and I don’t mean my FICA.
We’re unwilling to increase taxes on the only swath of the American population broad enough to produce revenues high enough to materially reduce our annual deficit.
Perhaps that’s what you meant.
Regarding the shootings of three people at the Denver potfest thingie yesterday @ 124, I just had a thought:
If you were intent on causing violent harm to another human being in a gathering, and you wanted to live to tell the tale, about the last place you would be successful in doing that is a Tea Party rally.
Stick that in your bong pipe and smoke it, HA libbies.
Radical Islamism can be hazardous to your health.
What do with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?
Is it about revenge? Then why not torture him in many horrible ways as we can think of for as long as medically possible and broad cast it.
Is it about redemption? Could we rehabilitate him so he feels remorse about what he did? He’s 19 and one’s brain is still changeable at 19, it could be done. But it wouldn’t be easy.
There is a case for a middle ground, a dispassionate choice, of simply getting as much information from him as possible and permanently removing him from society. Neither redemption or revenge, but removing a cancerous element from the greater whole.
I have not found out a reason for the Denver shooting. A person could argue that if there had been realistic gun regulations in place, the Denver shooting wouldn’t have happened.
@ 138
A person could argue that if there had been realistic gun regulations in place, the Denver shooting wouldn’t have happened.
Similarly, one might argue that enthusiastic participation by attendees in an open-carry society might have had the same effect. Your point?
@135 Are you endorsing shooting pot smokers?
@139 One could also argue that if this shooting had happened at a Tea Party gathering there would be 1 dead shooter and 200 dead bystanders.
Similarly, one might argue that enthusiastic participation by attendees in an open-carry society might have had the same effect.
Well, no. You could argue that the carnage would possibly have been less, but that is not the “same effect”.
You have missed the point and argued badly.
And yes, what we currently provide is unsustainable.
That is pure unmitigated bullshit.
I’d rather take my chances with a bunch of fat old people that are all bark and no bite, than a gathering of pot smokers where there’s probably more than a few PTSD’d out vets in the crowd.
Just wanted to pass this on, about the start of campaign season up north. Noticed that the two top parties, both the center-left opposition and center-right government, are proposing to raise taxes on upper incomes and corporations. The center-right Liberals are going back on their early term record and platforms of tax cuts. Also, the NDP is talking about campaign contribution limits, not just from corporations, but their own constituencies, labor unions. Still, it is looking up to be a different campaign to watch than what we have here, although some fireworks have already flown in the Eastern parts of the province.
Notice the actual Conservative Party is way behind, with a surging Green Party ahead of them. A quirk in the Canadian(and ours too) election system, could make the Greens the Liberals best friends, just like the Conservatives, taking advantage of dissatisfaction on the right, could end up being the NDP’s best friend. This could have been different, had the electoral reform referendums of 2005 and 2009 passed. The Single Transferable Vote Proportional Representation system was sound, it’s just that it was take it or leave it. New Zealand gave the voters 4 choices of an alternative system, and the winner of that poll faced off in a second referendum against the existing system. Both times, in NZ, Winner Take All lost, in B.C, both times it survived.