Ed: Boehner blames Obama for GOP’s incompetence.
Guns and Stuff:
- Young Turks: Ted Nugent ready for ARMED REVOLT!
- Ed: Ted Nugent is ready for armed revolt against Obama.
- Mark Fiore: The Presidents Kids.
- Young Turks: Republican blames black people for gun violence.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Falsehoods in LaPierre’s ‘NRA Inaugural Response’
- Thom: Should citizens have the same weapons as the military?
- Young Turks: Stand your ground laws encourage people to shoot (dead men don’t tell tales…).
- Ann Telnaes: NRA Nutcase LaPierre’s numbers just don’t add up.
- Young Turks: MS lawmakers try to skirt federal law
- Sam Seder: How many people were shot on Gun Appreciation Day?
- Thom: The hidden history of the 2nd amendment.
- Young Turks: Arming school children.
Thom with some more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, D.C. episode:
Hillary’s Day:
- Young Turks: Hillary hits back.
- Sam Seder: Rand Paul on Benghazi…STUPID UNTETHERED
- Sharpton: Teabagger Sen. Rand Paul’s bizarre conspiratorial question.
- Jon on ‘No Shit Sherlock’ hearings on Benghazi (via Crooks and Liars).
- Bill Press: Praise for Hillary
- Stephan: Republicans sucked at Benghazi hearings.
Sam Seder: What the fuck went on inside Michele Bachmann’s campaign???
Maddow: Is America a liberal country?
- Ann Telnaes sketches Obama’s second inauguration.
- Bad Lip Reading: Obama’s inauguration:
- A special inaugural edition of West Wing Week.
- Maddow: Inaugural hats.
- Jon on Paul Ryan’s criticism of Barack Obama.
- Young Turks: Republicans OUTRAGED that Obama’s speech was LIBERAL!
- James Taylor sings America the Beautiful:
- Thom: A second inaugural, a second conspiracy.
- Ann Telnaes: Justice Roberts gets it right!
- Inaugural poem.
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Obama’s last inauguration.
Gov. Jay Inslee makes some announcements.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
G.O.P.’s War on Elections:
- Thom: Can we stop Republicans from rigging the vote?
- Ed: Stealing 2016.
- Maddow: GOP vote rigging plan withers in public light
- Sam Seder: Republicans celebrate MLK day by disenfranchising voters
- Thom: The G.O.P. has to rig elections to win.
- Ed and Pap: The GOP plot to steal elections.
- Young Turks: Republican bill in Virginia has been introduced before…13 times
- Thom: There is only one way to stop G.O.P. vote rigging.
Sam Seder with another episode of Random Rush.
The “No warming in 16 years” myth.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Why does anyone take people such as Glen Beck seriously? He’s a drooling, schizo-effective lunatic. The fact that Rand Paul, an open holocaust denier and rabid antisemite takes him seriously and considers himself some sort of neonazi equivalent to Ted Kennedy listens to him is proof enough that the citizens of Kentucky have really absolutely no say in who is actually sent to the US Senate on their behalf. The man probably spends his late nights stroking himself to the sound of Alex Jones’ voice.
I’d be willing to bet his alleged “election” was entirely fraudulent.
Arizona Republicans have introduced a bill in the State legislature requiring High School students to take the same oath that military recruits do upon entering the military, before they are allowed to graduate.
You WILL volunteer, citizen. Or else.
Kap’n Kornflake – – Serial Reneger with fantasies of pedophilia,
Meet the obligation of the wager you lost to me predicting Rmoney would win the election.
Write a check for $1,000 payable to Northwest Harvest and mail it to Darryl.
Stop being a freeloading taker and start living up to your obligations. WRITE and SEND the check.
It was so cold this morning, I actually saw a democrat with his hands in his own pockets.
4 – Who’s President birfer boy?
Someone remind me how the TeaBagger/Dominionist evilangelical types are any different from the Taliban?
Why should we treat them any differently? These guys would be shooting war widows in the head for working outside of a male relatives direct supervision if it wasn’t for the law. Or crushing little girls heads with rocks for speaking to an unrelated male.
Haven’t read it.
I figure that with only six comments this thread could use a kick-start.
@ 2
Read the link and you get a little humor for your troubles:
To quote Comedy Central’s Ilya Gerner: “Nothing says ‘I take this obligation freely’ quite like a state law that withholds your diploma unless you swear an oath.”
I know that libbies have been eagerly awaiting the retirement of a certain US Senator/combat pilot who flew missions in Vietnam. I suppose this isn’t exactly what y’all were hoping for:
Of course, Harkin isn’t exactly a Vietnam combat pilot, either:
Although lying about what one did while in the military seems to be par for the course
if one’s a Democrat senator.
It’s too late to ask Senator Inouye if he was embarrassed by the lies of his fellow Democrats in the Senate, Kerry and Harkin.
But it would have been a good question.
“Someone remind me how the TeaBagger/Dominionist evilangelical types are any different from the Taliban?”
The Taliban practice better hygiene?
Maybe you can’t fix stupid, but you can sill vote it out of office.
@4 This is what passes for wingnut humor these days? My response is that the Russians are the most corrupt people on earth, but Republicans are giving them a run for their (our?) money.
@7 You’ve never figured anything right in your entire life, so don’t start now.
Paul Ryan told a conclave of GOP cardinals and archbishops today they “need to stick together and pick their fights” with President Obama.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s probably good advice, as far as it goes, but they need to do more than that. They desperately need to reinvigorate the GOP’s once-vaunted, but now tattered, message discipline. The last thing their party needs is the kind of idiocy that came out of Boehner’s mouth has week, when he accused Obama of trying to “annihilate” the GOP, or the kind of stupidity that emerged in Arizona this week (see #3 above).
In Europe, the big national railroads have been broken up into operating and infrastructure companies, and one success so far, is Germany’s Deutsche Bahn, which is a big holding company, with incumbant passenger operator DB part of it. The EU has ruled that it is legal, although DB subsidiaries that control stations, and the power distrubution for electric trains, have been accused of gouging the non-DB operators.
Still, one new passenger operator is doing pretty good, and although it has only been running 6 months, the Hamburg-Koln Express is getting a good following. What I like about the HKX, is who owns it. One of the investors in it, is Rail Devolopment Corporation, an American Short Line holding company that primarily focuses on investing in overseas operations, although they do have one operation in the US, the Iowa Interstate.
A little info on the infrastructure operator DB Netze.
The Iowa Interstate is interested in resuming passenger operations on it’s former Rock Island trackage, and there is talk over the years of a Chicago to Omaha service using the Iowa Interstate, as in this case, unlike the route of the California Zephyr and Southwest CHief in Iowa, it hits Iowa’s major cities and towns. This service, assuming Iowa funds it, would be operated by Amtrak. One of the successes the HKX is having in Germany, is RDC sub-contratcted the motive power operations to another company. With the Iowa Interstate, I wonder if Amtrak should be the one operating it, since this route was never part of Amtrak(Rock Island declined to join, many stories on why they said no, part of it was they were too broke, the other part was, they thought they could make money on their two remaining trains within Illinois to keep the railroad’s cash flow going), but Amtrak already operates services on track they did not operate in it’s early days, as Maine had no US passenger trains running from 1960 to the early 2000s.(A Canadian Pacific, and later VIA Rail service to Halifax skirted across Northern Maine until a Liberal Government cut the route in 1993).
Haha… You can’t make this shit up.
@2 Bob Thorpe, Sonny Borrelli, Carl Seel, T.J. Shope, Jeff Dial, David Livingston, Chester Crandell, and Steve Smith.
Right wing kooks.. idiots.
@19, 2
That’s some serious stupid goin’ on there.
@2, 19, 20 – Nazism at its best. Scumbags!
They generally don’t wear turbans…..dodo ;)>
A Nation of Sweatshops
Whatever you do, don’t hire, so fewer workers earning lower wages will buy less stuff from you. That’s a sure path to prosperity for all!
Hey, it’s Sunday so failed presidential candidate and generally grumpy old man John Still Bitter I Lost McCain must be on the TeeVee.
And lest we forget Grandpa Walnuts was who brought us Mooselini and all her ….wisdom.
What’s Mooselini have to say in her post Fox News era?
And where did Mooselini step out of her comfort zone? Breitbart dot com! Because no place is more uncomfortable and audience broadening than zombie Breitbart.
McCain-Palin; better than Rmoney-Ryan by a whisker!
@ 24
More word salad. I doubt she even knows the definitions of any of the words she uses.
Superfluous verbosity. You can try to polish a turd, but all you’d end up with is a nice smooth piece of shit.
Reminds me of that defunct troll puddyidiot. He called that right wing bullshit he posted here “truth” all the time.
His idiot “truth” lost BIG TIME last Nov.. It FAILED to depose “the community organizer”..
Heh.. I’ll laugh about that to end of my days.
Sarah Palin:
“I encourage others to step out in faith, jump out of the comfort zone, and broaden our reach as believers in American exceptionalism,”
Sinclair Lewis:
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”