The Wallingford Neighbors for Peace and Justice hold discussions on political topics every Friday night at the Keystone Church at 5019 Keystone Place N in Wallingford. This week, they’re looking at the drug war with the film “American Drug War: The Last White Hope”. Here’s who will be there:
Larry Gossett – King County Councilmember
Nora Callahan – Founder and Executive Director of The November Coalition
Chuck Armsbury – Senior Editor of The Razor Wire
Matt McCally – Former Probation Officer
Douglas Hiatt – Criminal Defense Attorney
Sunil Aggarwal – Immediate Past President of Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
Matt McCally is a member of LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition). Having thousands of current and former law enforcement officials advocating for ending the drug war is one of the major reasons why public perceptions on this issue have been changing so rapidly.
The King County Bar Association for years has urged the decriminalization of possession for personal use, advocating a treatment approach instead. Of course, publicly-funded treatment has been starved of resources while we squander billions on incarcerating users. A third of all U.S. inmates are in for drug offenses. That makes no sense.
Let’s have unrestricted drug use, but in government controlled settings only. Like surplus military posts. Drugees can have barracks life, food and privacy.
Then…when they have all killed themselves off, the human gene pool will be much improved.
Well it makes sense if you comprehend that most of those people are African Americans and their drug convictions forever render them unable to vote……the result is a benefit to the right wing ….as they seem to understand, every 1% shift and every 1% disenfranchisement helps.
And this continues yoru long hisitory of cutting down the votes of the African Americans.
Note that the top of society like President Bush and most elected officials probably did use drugs themselves but somehow never got arrested, or convicted.
That’s why they never come out and tell us their drug history. Somehow the media never asks, consdiering this too “personal”.
Marcel the European overlooks France’s dreadful history of suppressing Algerians, Russian “ethnic cleansing” of the Kulaks, Germany’s “Final Solution” and other Euro-sins against humanity.
Take your “long history” view and shove it up your ass.
#3 Marcel the European says:
At least we in agreement that people convicted of crimes vote democrat. I wonder what it is about the democrat party that attract felons. Do you know if there is a “right” to vote in federal elections?
A google search for bush cocaine turns up almost a million and a half hits. Bush’s alleged drug use has been talked about.
Drug seizure rules equal revenue for law enforcement agencies.
Don’t look to see the “war” on drugs go away any time soon.
Follow the money.
The “War On Drugs”, like our other wars, is perpetuated because it’s “good for business”.
Wow…what an impressive line-up of experts without an agenda.
Unfortunately, this conflicts with a “Happy Days” re-run Marathon which is much, much more fulfilling & inspiring…..back then, they didn’t have things like crystal meth.
Things have deteriorated since the inception of the bastardized version of “Progressivism” you goofballs seem to worship.
I gotta say, being back in Seattle…
the weed here is some GOOD SHIT
Rock on B.C. Bud!
Dear YIKES –
I am glad to hear that you enjoy Happy Days on TV; to each their own when it comes to mind-altering drugs. One correction: there was something like meth back in the ’50s – it was called speed and it was available with a doctor’s prescription (legal and regulated… what a concept!). Now, of course, the money that usres spend on crytal meth goes to fund narco-terrorists gangs as they turn the streets of several Mexican cities into shooting galleries. Oh, sorry, there I go, trying to get you to think about one outcome of the War on Drugs. You just go on back to watching Fonzie and Richie, OK?
Dear YIKES –
I am glad to hear that you enjoy Happy Days on TV; to each their own when it comes to mind-altering drugs. One correction: there was something like meth back in the ’50s – it was called ‘speed’ and it was available with a doctor’s prescription (legal, taxed and regulated drugs… what a concept!). Now, of course, the money that US users spend on crystal meth goes to fund the narco-terrorist gangs who are turning the streets of Mexican cities into shooting galleries. Oh, sorry, there I go again, trying to get you to think about the unintended outcomes of the War on Drugs. You just go back to watching Fonzie and leave the political reforms to the grown-ups, OK?