– Cal Anderson Park knows what’s up.
– May 10 for 2 new stations on the 2 line.
– Trump’s anti trans executive order is terrible.
– Yesterday was the best day to write your legislators or member of Congress. Today is the second best day.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Cal Anderson Park knows what’s up.
– May 10 for 2 new stations on the 2 line.
– Trump’s anti trans executive order is terrible.
– Yesterday was the best day to write your legislators or member of Congress. Today is the second best day.
Hey hey
Ho Ho
FAA had got to go
Hey Hey
Ho Ho
Rfk really knows
Hey Hey
Ho Ho
Vaccine science really blows
what do we want?
A 25 % Tariff on on Canadian oil imports because the market price is unfair to America and a corresponding rise in price at the punp
When Do we want it
ICE agents who attempted to board a public school bus to seize children without a warrant were turned away by a bus driver who told them to “Gargle my balls.”
Heroes among us.
Because they don’t want to focus on how Dear Leader lost his Presidency in only a week Fox News went with the ‘Kids in Chicago Beating a Policeman Shaped Piñata BACK THE BLUE’ story.
Point A: Capitol police vis-a-vis the incredibly unpopular blanket pardons. You know, beating ACTUAL cops with blunt instruments is patriotic.
Point B: that footage is from 2019 and you got played by a meme. (All the kids are wearing sandals or barefoot and shorts, which should have given y’all pause to verify, ‘Is this Chicago in January?”)
One small reason might be the several times FOX has testified under oath under penalty of perjury that they intentionally fabricate fake stories to stir up their audience in support of extremist, racist, nationalist, ultra conservative politics and political candidates because those reflect the preferences of the billionaire Murdoch family who control the network and its reporting.
I know more about helicopters than anybody and a White Hawk would not fly into the path of a plane. I know rivers. More than even the river studying brainiacs and having the battery in the river electrocuted some of the survivors so they died and better off with the shark.
News from the internet media world…
Vox Media, 2 rounds of layoffs 2024. CEO compensation 2025, $20M.
Unregulated GOP Style Capitalism is by design intended to make a handful of people wealthy in a way their grandparents would recognize as obscene while financially crushing all others.
The three key Trump administration leaders tasked with investigating the worst airline disaster in the US in over two decades are an alcoholic rapist at DOD, a reality television celebrity at DOT, and absolutely nobody at FAA.
This is Republican government.
Sure, passenger airliners will fall out of the sky, your poor granny with Alzheimer’s will get put on the street, and eggs will sell for $5 each.
But you can now tell as many n!663r jokes at work as you like. And Nazi shit will become cool again.
All because Scotland built a windmill I could see. And I am the biggest baby walking the Earth.
Welp! its official and stuff….we have all been fired by The Stranger!
Who’s gonna hire us now?
Need a ride? We have Uber Black Hawk rides
CNN headline: “FBI agents who worked on Jan. 6 and Trump investigations expected to be fired today.”
Assuming they have some sort of civil service status, and aren’t at-will employees, they will of course be reinstated four years from now with back pay and benefits, and are getting a very long paid vacation at great expense to taxpayers. And it’s waste, fraud, and abuse.
@3 I assume they would’ve seized all the children, because none of the kids have driver’s licenses or other IDs the prove their innocence of immigrantcy. (You know how LE works: Guilty until proven innocent.)
The last time a whole school bus full of kids was hijacked was Cowchilla. Those kidnappers got life in prison.
If ICE is going to hijack school buses, it’s probably a good thing if the agents are racists, because at least they might let the white kids go.
If you’re the parent of a 6-year-old girl, who is a U.S. citizen and hasn’t committed any crime, riding on a school bus seized by a group of strange men and they won’t release her after you offer to show them her birth certificate, are you allowed to use lethal force to free her from their custody?
I’m just wondering what might happen legally if ICE seized a busload of children and a large group of armed parents confronted the agents. If they freed the children, could state authorities prosecute them for attempted kidnapping?
It doesn’t take much imagination to visualize what could happen if they didn’t free the children. It would be quite a mess, physically and legally. I don’t think LE immunity would help ICE agents very much in the middle of a vigilante mob.
If stopping school buses becomes an ICE practice, it might not be very long before armed groups of parents are escorting the buses, especially in places like Texas.
Elon Musk, “who has not been hired, appointed, or confirmed to any government position,” apparently had his own engineers lock federal HR employees out of federal computer systems.
I strongly suspect he just committed a crime.
This appears to be criminal interference with government operations, too, especially in light of this:
Something quite similar has already begun in Texas.
Neighborhood concerned citizen groups are confronting ICE agents attempting to break into homes and ordering them off at gun point. Of course citizens are going to die. That’s the point.
But what else can these people do?
They are law abiding US citizens being invaded and attacked in their own homes by lawless, armed paramilitary gangs. And their own police refuse to protect them because their skin is brown, their names end in “z”, and a Republican party member tells them to stand aside.
We should have begun hunting Republicans down when we still had the chance. It’s not too late here on the west coast. But time will soon run out.
@18 The thing to remember is that constitutional and other legal rights don’t only apply to citizens, they apply equally and the same to every person physically present in the United States.
That is why the 9/11 terrorism detainees were shipped to out-of-country black sites for interrogation, and incarcerated at Gitmo, which also is outside U.S. jurisdiction.
If they were brought into the U.S., they would be entitled to speedy trials, presumption of innocence, legal representation, right to remain silent, due process, jury trials, and the full panoply of rights all persons physically within the U.S. are entitled to.
So it is no argument that people targeted by ICE raids don’t have a legal right to defend themselves and their families unless they’re citizens. That won’t wash in courts, except maybe in Aileen Loose Cannon’s court, where laws don’t apply. ICE agents, like any other LE, needs reasonable articulable suspicion to detain, probable cause to arrest, and a search warrant to enter.
The problem I foresee is the Trump administration won’t waive sovereign immunity for civil rights abuses by ICE and CBP, thus immunizing these agents from lawsuits and opening the door to wholesale and egregious civil rights violations. Think of the Japanese-American WW2 internees who are still waiting for compensation 82 years later. Trump, or at least his advisers, are certainly aware of this history and know how easy it is to violate the civil rights of citizens and non-citizens alike without consequences. That’s scary as hell.
History shows that when there’s no recourse in the legal system, aggrieved people may be tempted to take the law into their own hands. I fear people are going to get killed on both sides.
@18 “We should have begun hunting Republicans down when we still had the chance.”
I don’t agree with this. But voting is not only a right, it’s a responsibility, and Trump voters had fair warning of what they were voting for, so we’re going to hold them responsible for this administration’s rights abuses.
“Good morning, sir. I’m from the Mafia. You have a nice house, and my boss wants to buy it. Here’s his offer. You have 24 hours to accept it, and then he’ll come with his enforcers.” — Marco Rubio (slightly paraphrased)
No judge would recognize a sale under such circumstances as a valid contract, and title would remain with the homeowner. Trump is free to make Denmark an offer for Greenland, and Denmark is free to refuse it. If Trump coerces a sale, or takes the island by force, neither U.S. nor international law would recognize the U.S. as the lawful owner of Greenland. In such an event, the best recourse would be for a future U.S. president to give Greenland back to Denmark along with just compensation for wrongful taking.
RFK Jr. says black people don’t need as many vaccinations.
What follows from this, of course, is restricting black people’s access to vaccines.
Police are taking orders from Nazi saluting Republicans party fascists instead of their own elected officials and judges. That leaves the rest of us unprotected and completely at the mercy of the Trump administration’s roaming paramilitary thug patrols. The law is no longer a remedy. And there is not one single breathing Republican who will lift a finger about any of it.
We should have begun hunting Republicans down when we still had the chance.
There’s still time to save the west coast. We need to act before it’s too late.
20)No do-overs. Our Presidential system doesn’t allow for No Confidence votes. I did read a book by an author who proposes the idea. Although his amendment would require 60% in the House and has a few other hurdles to prevent abuse. I at first only liked one of the reforms the author of Parliamentary America proposed, but I am leaning towards all three.
Trump just ordered 2 dams opened up in California in an unprecedented move that risks depleting the reservoirs ahead of the dry summer months.
And the kicker? The water from the dams doesn’t even flow to Los Angeles.
Too late. In the system we’ve been given from the black robed unelected fundamentalist clerics voters may only hold them accountable in advance.
Once enough of us are dumb enough to stay home or too lazy to ensure that our ballots got counted, then that’s the end of it.
You’ll be the guy lying toothless and bleeding on the floor of a rental truck heading to a military air strip pretending it’ll all work out as soon as you can get your phone back and make a few calls.
You aren’t getting your phone back.
And there’s nobody to answer your calls if you did.
@27 It does, however, drown farms and farmers.