As you probably know from my now rote sign off, I think you should be vaccinated and boosted. It’s one major thing you can do to protect yourself from the symptoms, and probably some of the contagion of COVID-19. So I am glad to see Governor Inslee pushing booster mandates (item two) for state employees. COVID-19 is still deadly and still spreading through the community. So reasonable measures that slow it down and make it manageable are important.
Anyway, don’t wait for the rules to kick in, get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible today.
Bears repeating..
Orange-tinted con-man, serial sex predator, twice impeached, ONE TERM, dear death kult leader and insurrectionist mob boss is running..
deathsatanist and its twitter troll rasputin have little choice to but to knife orange julius.. et tu klown??
Now will the pos misogynist lord kreepshit of widbee lay down its kneepads for the dishonest power-mad harvard/yale fat midget today? We need to keep the entertainment rolling around here.
With the 20:1 split of Google shares beginning to trade come Monday, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can finally afford to buy a single share.
Hell, maybe even two!
Well, he couldn’t very well use gang symbols as a greeting, could he? Not with the cameras an’ all.
First Vegetable Joe Biden grovels for oil at the feet of a murderer.
Here’s yet another vomit inducing pos w/ stink tank pretensions:
At first, Rufo hurled this accusation at Disney, which criticized DeSantis’s law. A combination of motives seems to have inspired him to turn the subject from Disney grooming to public-school grooming. Rufo had already built his career around discrediting public education. (“To get universal school choice,” he instructed a friendly audience, “you really need to operate from a premise of universal public school distrust.”)…
In any case, the notion, like many of his ideas, seems to have stuck Rufo in the middle of a Twitter spat. One of his critics, Katie Herzog, pointed out that the Catholic Church contains many more sex offenders than Disney, causing Rufo to cast around for an institution that would make the Church appear innocent, and he settled on schools:
Tactics reminiscent of jimmy o’keefe the turd..
In the Seattle metro area, CPI increase in the last year was 10.1%.
Hey, YLB, did your kids get 10% raises in the past year?
Seattle is SO expensive that Goldy can no longer afford heating oil, and is looking to sell for scrap metal the oil tank buried next to his house:
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit tried to make some spare change the same way. His “burrow” is a result of a cave-in when he dug out his oil tank. The underground trench Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit lives in right now might as well be a fracking site.
Well, he couldn’t very well use gang symbols as a greeting, could he? Not with the cameras an’ all.
Nope guess not… heh..
@5 Yep, more than that even..
Oldest, changed jobs.. sizable increase in pay concurrent with job responsibilities..
Youngest, went from full time student to full time job with signing bonus..
0 to over 50k /year..
we’re doing just fine and we all live that much closer to pdx..
glad you asked.
The GOP controls the Senate.
There are, like, a dozen Democrats in Congress who believe in prudence. Ten of them are too scared to show their faces.
@ 4
…causing Rufo to cast around for an institution that would make the Church appear innocent, and he settled on schools:
Rufo: Disney is full of pedos.
YLB: Yeah? Well, the Catholic Church has more pedos than Disney.
Rufo: Yeah? Well, public schools have far more pedos than the Catholic Church.
YLB: I’m frightened and made to feel unsafe by your tactics. Who said you could use facts in a discussion?
Goldy can no longer afford heating oil, and is looking to sell for scrap metal the oil tank buried next to his house:
heh.. we’re going from a converted oil to gas burner to heat pump..
One of the reasons we did the refi..
Insulate, new windows, heat pump.. kiss those pita winter heating bills bye bye..
we’re all just rolling with the punches and laughing at the trolls.
Rufo: Yeah? Well, public schools have far more pedos than the Catholic Church.
yawwwn.. Rufo is a pos who wrote six paragraphs in desperation babbling about public schools which he has hated forever and has cited scholarship that the original author has denounced the pos for misusing..
and this was after it was more or less advised to cool it on Disney, Disney being a big source of tax dollars for deathsatanist’s failing state.
Again not a “good look” for the rufo fanboi of HA..
Looks like the Indiana doctor is going to sue for defamation. I’d say your fellow physician has at least as good a case as MAGA Teen, wouldn’t you agree, doc?
@3 “First Vegetable Joe Biden grovels for oil at the feet of a murderer.”
Sez the troll who bleats that Biden isn’t doing enough to bring down pump prices.
Nobody on this planet has spare capacity except Saudi Arabia and Russia. Who do you expect him to grovel to, Putin? Or how about aliens from Alpha Centauri?
Sometimes presidents have to make tough decisions. This one seems like a no-brainer.
@5 Why are you worried about the price of milk? Just trade the horse for a cow.
@13 based on everything I’ve seen and read so far, OPEC doesn’t have spare capacity.. Russia shouldn’t be allowed to rejoin the community of nations until it stands down on Ukraine, withdraws from all Ukraine territory, recognizes Ukraine and pays for the rebuilding of Ukraine.
But then it would have to abandon the security policy it has had since Catherine the Great and endure a humiliation like that of Germany after WWI
It would rather reclaim dominance over territory through which it has been invaded over 50 times in its history and do deals w/ China – another country doomed to demographic collapse.
@8 “The GOP controls the Senate.”
Sure does; and your grandchildren, if they survive, will hate you for it.
@15 “Russia shouldn’t be allowed to rejoin the community of nations until it stands down on Ukraine, withdraws from all Ukraine territory, recognizes Ukraine and pays for the rebuilding of Ukraine.”
Even then, Russia should be banished. The Russians are, always have been, and always will be, murderous thugs.
All of the above won’t bring back the British aid worker they captured and then killed by denying him insulin and medical care.
And there’s the torture chambers.
As atrocities keep piling up, the world should say to Russia, “Fuck you. You’re animals. We want nothing to do with you ever again.”
Atlanta D.A. formally advises Georgia GOP chair he’ll be indicted for helping to organize the fake elector scheme in that state.
@17 hard to argue w/ that. But I got to try.. Russia is a gargantuan landmass w/ a wealth of natural resources. It is like the second largest oil exporter and believe it or not the largest exporter of wheat.. Its exports of everything from aluminum to potash to nickel to neon (crucial ingredient in semiconductor manufacture) has helped keep worldwide inflation low for over two decades.
The world needs Russia, a better Russia.
We can hope at least that Vlad fades away somehow together w the paranoid cadre of FSB, GRU types that dominates the Russian elite.. That they just fucking eat each other until they don’t matter and saner people take over.
How’d I do?
@ 15
…based on everything I’ve seen and read so far, OPEC doesn’t have spare capacity.
Our otherwise dumb twat girlfriend is correct, at least as far as Saudi Arabia and UAE are concerned. Macron tried to make that point to my imbecilic, senile president last month.
But for First Vegetable Joe Biden it’s either begging a murderer to increase oil output or he’ll have to, you know, produce oil domestically, which will anger too many of the 29% of the voters that still think Hunter’s daddy is still worth supporting.
Better to fuck over 100% of the American elecorate than lose support from 29% of it, in Biden’s estimation. When the mind goes, it goes.
Now explain how raising taxes on the super rich billionaire class is inflationary, Joe. You lying, violent Republican piece of shit.
@19 Russia is a dictatorship under Putin and his gang of KGB cronies and oligarchs, true, but 80% of the Russian people support this shit, and Putin is merely the latest in a long line of Russian thugs and murderers. What I’m saying is getting rid of him — whether God or the Russian people do it makes no difference — won’t solve the problem. He doesn’t have to order this shit. Russians will do it without being asked, and those who don’t participate will look away, because that’s the kind of uncivilized scum they are. They never evolved beyond Mongols and Cossacks.
Everyone wants to serve the future First! Woman! President!, amirite?
After staff exodus, Vice President Harris to lose longest-serving aide
Momala will be the first president to have earned the job on her knees. Hey, nobody ever accused #CrookedHillary of giving memorable blow jobs.
@20 Biden is being roundly criticized, perhaps justly, for catering to the Saudis to appease whiners like you.
My parents endured years of gas rationing to confront and defeat warmongering despots. You’re made of much weaker stuff.
When the mind goes, it goes.
Look in the mirror..
and remember…
you fellated the one…
@ 21
A weak McHillbilly lashes out.
Weak like our McPudgy friend Steve, but toward a different target.
@23 Predicting a Harris election victory in 2024, are you? Sounds like you don’t have much confidence in your party’s potential nominees. Don’t bother to explain why; no explanation is needed.
The modern Catholic church is a global, multi-billion dollar institution that has for decades systematically empowered, protected, enabled, and supported pedophilia.
An astronomically wealthy, authoritarian, hetero-fascist sovereign nation that for much of its modern history has devoted it’s wealth and power to protecting, defending, and expanding its access to child sex abuse victims and empowering the abusers.
Making Herschel Walker look good by comparison. Different contests, but same state.
State alleges $3 million in unreported spending by Abrams-founded group
The stench of this fat cow is what forced candidate Biden to pick the incompetent, unlikable one.
Shoulda gone with Demings, ol’ Joe shoulda.
@ 28
The modern Catholic church is a global, multi-billion dollar institution that has for decades systematically empowered, protected, enabled, and supported pedophilia.
Which differentiates it from The Walt Disney Co.
… how, exactly?
HuffPost wrote an expose of Mastriono’s deep connections to rabid anti-Semites like Gab founder Andrew Torba and uncovered Torba’s (probably illegal) financial and in-kind support for Mastriano’s campaign for governor of PA.
Torba responded:
The Violent Republican Dream of “Free Speech” and Religious Gulags for Jeebus.
When they tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
@30 Disney’s body count is far lower.
a partisan commission with 80% membership of violent Republican Qanon anti-vaxers who have been using “investigations” to suppress new voter registration drives since Obama won re-election.
Disney never fought to cover up the Holocaust either.
And Disney only ever incinerated bad guys in CGI.
The pervert who raped the 10-year-old is a Guatemalan illegal who was living with the mom, who only speaks Spanish, and possibly is the same. And she’s defending him.
I suspect he was shacking with the mom and banging the kid on the side with her knowledge. Probably was supporting her, too. So I’m guessing she doesn’t want a 30-year jail term interrupting that arrangement merely because he made her kid pregnant.
It seems obvious the Ohio child welfare authorities should remove the girl from that home. But I hesitate to suggest this because if she’s illegal too, and she probably is, knowing Republicans they’d probably deport her alone to Guatemala and the violence they fled from.
“Yo, MBS, how do I do this to Manchin without getting caught like you did?”
Biden says he raised Khashoggi murder with crown prince
But compared with the shit on Hunter Biden’s laptop, instead of hugging Hunter Biden should be French-kissing MBS.
Hunter Biden has drained any moral authority my senile, imbecilic president might otherwise possess.
it’s either begging a murderer to increase oil output or he’ll have to, you know, produce oil domestically, which will anger too many of the 29% of the voters
Funny, I understand that Europe is planning to halt all imports of Russian crude on Jan 1.. Part of sending a serious message to a reckless aggressor while giving it time to think about its overreaching.
Serious people talk to players in advance of strategic inflection points whether it’s to suggest collaboration w/ strategic plans or to advise on what other players are doing in service of those plans.
Silly babblers babble about the “extreme left”, antifa, what have you.
For just barely a century Disney has made cartoons and operated carnival rides.
The Catholic church operated the Inquisition for over three hundred years persecuting and imprisoning millions of Muslims and Jews and torturing and slaughtering tens of thousands.
@ 36
It seems obvious that Ohio child welfare authorities should remove the girl from that home.
“Get an abortion, get foster parents.”
I think PP should run with that. Bumper stickers galore. This is better than “I had an abortion.” T-shirts.
@ 39
…for over three hundred years persecuting and imprisoning millions of Muslims and Jews…
What does it take to make a liberal express concern for the welfare of Jews? It takes bringing up the subject of pedophilia in public school teachers with him.
Hunter Biden has drained any moral authority
HBDS – hunter biden derangement syndrome, derangement about a lost soul no one voted for, just puts those afflicted w/ HBDS in the “eats shit and barking at the moon” category.
@ 38
Funny, I understand that Europe is planning to halt all imports of Russian crude on Jan 1. Part of sending a serious message to a reckless aggressor while giving it time to think about its overreaching.
Is the halting of exports of natural gas by Russia to eastern Europe funny to you as well, YLB? ’cause it’s “part of sending a serious message”, too.
Oh, and YLB? A serious message would have been halting those oil imports in early March. This past March.
Anybody still wonder why YLB is HA’s Unserious Twat?
@38, 20 Doctor Dumbfuck is merely proving that, for someone who claims to be an investor, he’s shockingly ignorant of the domestic oil production situation.
Biden has offered to issue more drilling permits, to the consternation of his supporters, on top of the nearly 10,000 idle permits the industry is already sitting on.
Why can’t domestic production be increased? Because years of low oil prices (and dirt-cheap gas) stripped the industry of capital to invest in E&P. And now, on top of that, even with improved profits they can’t get enough equipment and workers.
But production isn’t the chief bottleneck anyway. Refineries are. The U.S. lost 20 refineries over the past decade because of low returns on capital. Even if oil companies were inclined to invest huge sums in more refining capacity, which they’re not because it’ll be sunk cost if demand falls with a switchover to EVs, it would take years to build it.
The solution is to drive less. The dumbfucks flying “Fuck Biden” flags from their pickups past elementary schools need to park their gas guzzlers and use public transit or drive a Prius. The only good thing to say about Doctor Dumbfuck’s two F-350s is he can only drive one of them at a time.
What does it take to make a liberal express concern for the welfare of Jews?
“Fine people” like these among other a host of other things.. Just call it plain decency..
I’m sure the horse would love for that to happen. Probably prays at night for that.
Question is, is it easier to ride an udder?
A serious message would have been halting those oil imports in early March. This past March.
Economies run on energy not messages.. Economies threatened by aggressors need to buy time. Try shit that has half a chance of working.
Wow how “serious” is our pos misogynist kreepshit from widbee?
A head has rolled after Momala used the term “work together” five times in 30 seconds during a recent speech.
There’s a lesson to be learned here, and it’s to never let the teleprompter stop scrolling when Momala is giving a speech.
@ 44
The solution is to drive less.
In six months Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will declare that the Bidencession we are now in was intended, to force Americans to “drive less”.
Bidencession we are now in was intended, to force Americans to “drive less”
Funny I don’t believe politicians of any faction ever intend for recession on their watch..
Bush never “intended” the Bush depression which forced it into bailing out Wall Street and Detroit. His war and devil may care laissez faire policies did that for him.
drumpf certainly didn’t intend the economy freezing in place. The pandemic did the trick there.
But recessions do mean, in all cases that I can see, that people drive less and the oil markets are already pricing that in.
And the new “conservative hostess” on The View will be…
Don’t cry, libbies. Y’all can mount a primary challenge to him in only two years.
Or mebbe vote for his GOP opponent.
There are, like, a dozen Democrats in Congress who believe in prudence. Ten of them are too scared to show their faces.
That’s a lie, but this isn’t.
There are, like, a dozen Republicans in Congress who believe in democracy. Ten of them are too scared to show their faces
God bless Liz and Adam.
Hunter Biden has drained any moral authority my senile, imbecilic president might otherwise possess.
Then I reckon you’re responsible your mother’s disreputable reputation as a cheap whore. Not that it matters to you, seeing as how you left her to live out her life living alone and miserable in a Modesto trailer park.
Just a couple weeks ago the low IQ Nazi traitor shared his revised view of what happened on 1/6.
Two dozen chubby guys following a nearly nude dude wearing a faux fur hat were not, ever, going to topple the government.
To be fair, his view has changed considerably since he shared this.
a dozen cosplaying grandmothers
Death to low IQ Nazi traitors. Kill them. Kill them all!
La Perla
lord kreepshit of widbee in translation:
klown deathsatanist blah blah…: watch lord kreepshit lay down the kneepads and “kiss it”
hunter biden blah blah: now watch lord kreepshit eat shit and bark at the moon…
There’s a few others but that’ll suffice.. I’m taking a break.. bb l8r…
And the new “conservative hostess” on The View will be…
What the low IQ Nazi traitor is really saying is that Rep. Liz Cheney will lose to a fascist traitor because she believes in Democracy.
I love how truth makes a low IQ Nazi traitor cry like a baby.
What does it take to make a liberal express concern for the welfare of Jews?
What does it take for low IQ Nazi traitor to admit that he hates Jews?
Speaking of Nazis.
GOP Votes No On Investigating Neo-Nazis In Military
Not One Single Republican Votes for Probe of Neo-Nazis in US Military and Police
Quite understandable. They’d piss off their base, which includes all of America’s neo-Nazis.
Drive slower – Obey the speed limit.
If you don’t you waste your own money, and really don’t care about the cost of gas. The only gas there is, is the gas coming out of your ass.
Make required reading for 1Ls, and it will be 50%, easy.
11% Of Law Students Had Suicidal Thoughts In 2021. What Can Law Schools Do?
Thought about killing yerself? Hey, have ya thought about law school instead? No, really…
Hey, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, always keep in mind that thanks to me, most of’ readers are there for the laughs.
Kamala Harris’ most important role as VP is to endure that beginning in 2025, President Ron DeSantis will serve a full two terms.
She looks worse naked than Stacey Abrams, and now she’s bankrupt.
Former Rep. Katie Hill, who lost revenge porn lawsuit, files for bankruptcy
The only good Democrat politician is a bankrupt one.
@49 Saw right through me, didn’t you? Less driving = fewer squashed bunnies.
@51 I saw that poll, too. It certainly reflects very poorly on Wyoming voters, doesn’t it? The greatest stateswoman in their state’s history and this is how they treat her. I see no reason to let their oil trains into our state, so they can send their oil to China.
@52 “We’re all going to die.”
It occurs to me you’re one of the “all.”
@61 Odd that law students would think of suicide, when law school feels like you’re already dead. But if it’s that bad, why don’t they quit? It’s not like they’re there against their will or anything.
Thought about killing yerself? Hey, have ya thought about law school instead? No, really…
The low IQ Nazi traitor doesn’t think before he posts. The problem being he’s really fucking stupid.
Almost 30% of medical students and residents suffer from depression and 10% report having suicidal thoughts.
@62 How do you figure that? Half of them are there for Steve’s article,
“1981 High School Football Team Photo Leaves Little Doubt That Michelle Obama Was Born Michael Robinson.”
That one has over 1/3 million page views.
The only good Democrat politician is a bankrupt one.
The only good Republican is a dead one.
Want to make this a better country? Kill a Republican. Kill them all.
@69 Clearly, Doctor Dumbfuck wasn’t one of the suicides. Instead he sank into incurable psychosis, was put out to pasture, and condemned himself to the HA comment threads.
and condemned himself to the HA comment threads
I take it that God sent him to us to be punished for being a low IQ Nazi traitor.
I believe he was right to fear them.
Pence aide: ‘Chilling’ Secret Service chaos made VP fear for his life on Jan. 6
So sad.
Neanderthal Hetero!
the fascists are entrenched and embedded……and Bob loves it that way.
Freedom Fuckers.
Newly elected violent Republican School Board Karen at a public meeting discussing the teaching of “anti-racism” tells the audience that her biggest concern is to always make sure that both sides of an issue are being taught.
When violent Republicans tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
If the low IQ Nazi traitor is feeling down, this should lift his spirits.
8-year-old paralyzed in Highland Park shooting is in ‘very critical’ condition, family says
@73 I think he sent himself, and he’s definitely not God.
Fascist crybabies. I love it.
MAGA rioters ‘both wept’ as they were sentenced to over 3 years in prison for J6 violence: report
Speaking of fascist crybabies, the way he got his Nazi ass handed to him today, our stupid fucking radiologist has probably been out bawling in a corner of the barn for a few hours. What a loser.
Too funny.
Unsettling Statistics About Radiologist Burnout and Depression
In the United States, approximately one physician commits suicide every day, and the suicide rates are higher than any other profession.
Radiologists are some of the specialists least likely to get help for their depression or burnout — with only 26 percent reportedly seeking psychiatric help. Many doctors avoid getting help due to cultural pressures and stigmas within the medical field, and as one general surgeon said, “If it were known that I need mental health treatment, it could have serious repercussions for my career.”
Perhaps we should be nicer to our low IQ Nazi traitor.
Tucker Carlson Smears The U.S. While Defending Putin
He can’t stop himself.
Our low IQ Nazi traitor does that with each of his nearly 9,000 pro-Putin hashtags.