You guys. You guys. The Needling is so great right now. Satire is very difficult. They are nailing the hell out of it.
Like, I know some of you still like The Onion, but man has it declined. And it has many more possible targets than The Needling. I don’t know what I’m saying here other than I appreciate them.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Ahhh the GOP with their finger on the pulse of everything Voters care about.
So if you’ve missed it, the Army is researching battery technology (say, remember all that stuff we got for civilian use out of the Space race) with the aim of having some electric vehicles in service by 2050. If you’re wondering, in 2050 Joe Biden will be 127 years old and Donald will be 124.
This is the line of attack against the new ‘woke’ military. That they are looking for ways to power at least some of their vehicles in the distant future that is independent of oil and all of oil’s geopolitical issues.
It’s possible that the Pentagon, and lots of military research dollars funneled into private industry for R&D (say remember the space age) will prove to be unworkable. It’s just as possible that a combination of long range batteries, solar technology and rapid charging from small portable solar cells can create a vehicle with close to unlimited range since there is no need to refuel. It may even be able to recharge while moving.
No one knows for sure but 2050 is longer than most people currently in very powerful parts of the Pentagon and Politics are going to still be living.
The GOP is eating each other alive.
First Marge Green had to look up ‘Feckless’ take a picture of a dictionary and post it in order to blast the 23 GOP Reps who decided a censure resolution for Rep Talib was a giant waste of time.
The she truthsocialed about “Colonel Sander” (sic) Chip Roy for kicking her out of the Freedumb Caucus AND not censuring Talib.
Laura Loomer, the pinnacle of sanity in the GOP, cracked back at Greene and referenced Greene and Rep Hoebert (sic) being more interested in attention than helping Israel.
Yertle threatened all the senators that voting to no longer be bought and paid for if they vote for Brave Sir Hawley Ran Away’s repeal of Citizens United and the campaign money that will go to primary challengers if they decide to give up that sweet sweet corporate cash. (Mitch….you’re not supposed to say out loud that Chevron owns you. But at least you were lucid and didn’t glitch out this week.)
But also Mitch is not in favor of the house bill to pay for Israeli aid, and ONLY Israeli aid, by gutting the IRS. Says the wars in Israel AND Ukraine are essential for U.S. Security and should be tied together. So you gotta figure it will be a bipartisan NO on the house bill since Mitch gave his minions permission to vote.
That position brought Rick Scott out of the massage parlor of Medicaid Fraud long enough to blast McConnel.
It was quite a day for the GOP
The smarter one of the Trump original sons perjured himself on the stand and then was forced to admit that he actually DID have a role in overseeing the creation of the financial records he signed that were about as accurate as a blind man shooting free throws.
And then the really dumb one took the stand. These financial geniuses were trying to turn Mar-A-Lago into a private residence so Donald can take a homestead deduction. They are so financially savvy they did not take into account that losing ALL the business deductions on such an overvalued property would far, far outweigh the max $50K homestead deduction. It was the financial equivalent of floating a manned mission to the sun land at night.
But what emails between Eric and various accountants does prove is that despite their claims that it was ‘just the accountants’ and we had no input, Coke head and Stupid were very much involved in looking for tax advantages they could exploit in those now shown to be fraudulent valuations of the various properties.
Included in the documents Eric had to pretend not to understand today is the property they were tying to turn over for a tax break valued as a 71 unit developed piece of land that in actuality was a vacant lot. Say, you would think Coke Head who testified yesterday that he wasn’t involved in the financial records but was the ultimate decision maker on development plans and their construction and completion would have known that there weren’t 71 developed units on the parcel. I mean….it was his job after all. As he stated under oath. Pretty much opening himself up to his very own financial fraud felony charges.
In the RCP Favorability Ratings Biden still leads the orange bozo and Momala leads both DeSantis and Nikki.
Dumbfuck will have a sad!
I can’t testify on a weekday because the hardship of being a working mom and getting my kids to school is so unbearable if I have to be in court so can I pretty please get a delay?
Why yes Ivanka we all know how hard it is to have one of the housemaids make breakfast for the fam and get the kids dressed and ready so you can walk them downstairs where the doorman will make sure you don’t have to touch a grimy door handle and the driver gets the kids to school so you can go home to your oh so very busy day of watching your Chinese patents make you passive income.
I get it though. It’s hard work pretending Jared has a personality and you didn’t just make a union between two noble families heading off a feud that could last until the Hapsburg Empire collapses.
Oh, Eric, Eric, Eric.
You testified that $43.5 million per acre was a reasonable valuation for that undeveloped piece of land in Upstate New York. That would be a pretty reasonable price for a developed parcel somewhere in Manhattan but it was a dirt lot you were trying to unload for an environmental tax credit to keep it undeveloped. Like once you clearcut it and build, it’s not environmentally advantageous to leave it in it’s natural state. You guys are ‘real estate developers’ and you don’t know that untouched land turned over the community is “environmental protection” and concrete sidewalks and homes and sewers and gas stations and supermarkets is not.
AND you testified that at the time you signed off on that valuation you had already been made aware of Lettitia James’ investigation into the fraudulent valuation of various properties and you signed it anyway.
Jesus, you are dumb as the moss growing on a deceased tree stump.
Yet another political prisoner who did his patriotic duty and assaulted a capitol police officer and screamed “You Can’t Stop Us” as he stormed through barricades is being jailed for thought crime.
This is Joe Biden’s America where you can’t punch a cop without going to jail. This is the kind of banana republic they have in wherever Banana Laffy Taffy comes from.
6 years for being a loyal American soldier for Trump. It’s politically correctness run amoke. I’m afraid to even go out of my office because the gazpacho could take me to a FEMA camp.
Republicans want their constituents to breathe polluted air and drink poisoned water.
@1 If Republicans are against batteries, does that mean our troops can’t use radios, night-vision goggles, and laser sights on their rifles anymore?
@1 – @6: None of this will count for beans when it matters, and Republicans are having a good day, because half the voters are still dumber than moss.
Lightweight drones are out I guess.
Well, as anyone who pays attention to Ukraine has learned, they’re useless anyway. /s
The situation in Gaza is disgusting.. The bodies pile ever higher. Kids endure horrific injuries when they’re not killed or die from those injuries. There is no “safe” place anywhere.. 79 UN workers have died. You’d think international services for refugees would be off limits.
Biden’s weak calls for “pauses” go unheeded.
What’s left to say? Bibi and its madmen will do whatever they want, damn the consequences. The 1400 Israelis that were murdered – that shouldn’t have happened. Where was the vaunted Mossad, IDF, Shin Bet? The Hamas attack should have been rebuffed, but there’s no time to reflect on that. It’s killing time.
After the body pile goes past 40k, we can tell dumbfuck “told ya so”.. what comfort is that?
US taxpayers give almost 4 billion a year to that.. sucks bigly.
Tesla’s having an OK day (+0.62%). Generac’s having a better day (+7.74%). Over the last 5 trading days (i.e. this week), TSLA is up 6% and GNRC is up 30%. Just thought I’d mention it.
@12 No, I don’t expect Israel’s leaders and the IDF to give up military advantage to spare Palestinian civilians. A pause or temporary ceasefire will make this a longer, harder, bloodier war.
Civilian losses are always regrettable, and always inevitable, especially in urban battlefields. The Vietnam war probably killed around 2-3 million people; Bush’s recreational war in Iraq probably ~200,000 people. In terms of body count, Gaza is still a small war.
Let’s not forget that Hamas started this war; let’s also not forget that Netanyahu’s government provoked it. Both sides need better leaderships, but have what they voted for.
After thoughtful deliberations about FA rights, Judge Engoron has expanded his gag order to include Trump’s lawyers.
Let’s not forget that Hamas started this war
Let’s not forget that Israeli security forces slept on the job and deliberately in my view..
Oh and supporting pogroms perpetrated by jewish settler fanatics on the West Bank was yet another welcome “distraction” from protecting their own citizens living a life of thumbing their noses at the open air prison in their midst.
@16 Without a doubt IDF devoted inordinate time to watching Israeli settler thugs beat up West Bank Palestinians (and sometimes joined in) instead of guarding their eastern flank. But that in no way validates the Hamas terror attack, or changes the fact that Hamas started this war.
I also don’t doubt that without the U.S. and other countries holding Netanyahu’s and IDF military commanders’ feet to the fire, we’d be seeing Serbian-style atrocities against Palestinians, and maybe even ethnic cleansing, on a large scale.
Israel’s rightwingers have no more use for Palestinians in their midst than ours have for people of color, and arguably are more murderous. Hamas eliminationists are even worse. There are no good guys in this contest, and children of both sides are caught in the middle.
that in no way validates the Hamas terror attack, or changes the fact that Hamas started this war.
That Hamas is devoted to the destruction of Israel is a given. Israel has known that since they actually supported Hamas as a counter to Arafat’s Fatah party. Yes, Hamas is in no small part, Israel’s Frankenstein’s monster.
Jew hatred.. Mossad, Shin Bet, etc.. with their surveillance, yeah they should know that Hamas militants hate Jews with a white hot passion..
There is NO EXCUSE.. At best you can claim Israel was complacent about their prison walls, the extent of the tunnel network.. but that doesn’t hold water..
All besieged from the air populations use tunnels.. they were used in North Vietnam, North Korea (yes, we bombed every f’ing dam in N. Korea.)…
GOP rep introduces bill to ethnically cleanse America:
“Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) introduced a bill Thursday that could ban Palestinians from entering the U.S. and possibly expel those who are already here.”
Of course, this isn’t going anywhere, and is just racist grandstanding by a guy who’s been a piece of shit throughout his sordid political career.
Republicans who write books probably shouldn’t sign publishing contracts saying “all statements contained in the Work are true and based on reasonable research for accuracy.”
A blockade is an act of war that is regulated by international law—namely, by the 1856 Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law and by Articles 1–22 of the 1909 London Declaration Concerning the Laws of Naval War.
Israel enacted a blockade of Gaza in 2005. “Hamas Started this War” only if you ignore the previous 17 years. And the 32 Palestinian children murdered by IDF just in 2022 alone in the West Bank and Gaza.
The terms of the cease fire of ‘Operation Cast Lead’ AKA “Gaza Massacre” in 2009 stated that Israel would open border crossings. 14 years later that end of the deal has yet to be enacted.
Saying Hamas started this war is to accept it has only been a war as long as Gaza has capitulated to abuse and acts of war going well over 15 years.
Civilian deaths are not acceptable but as of now one side is saying Civilian deaths are just the next inevitable outcome of the extermination of SOME Gazans.
“Butler University will become the third US college to join a network that offers a two-year, debt-free associate degree program for students with a demonstrated financial need, university president James Danko announced Friday.”
These colleges are returning to first principles, which is that education is valuable in and of itself, and they aren’t vocational schools but rather exist to give students a general knowledge of the world and critical thinking skills, so they don’t impose themselves on society as ignorant dumbfucks like the doctor and Trump voters.
Why Israel exists, and won’t let itself be pushed around.
You can’t get away from this history. It’s embedded in Israel’s national psyche. But Palestinians didn’t do this, and they need to live somewhere. Netanyahu is the wrong leader for modern-day Israel.
@ 1
That they are looking for ways to power at least some of their vehicles in the distant future that is independent of oil and all of oil’s geopolitical issues.
So let them go nuclear.
• It works for aircraft carriers and submarines
• It’s no more stupid than batteries in tanks
Unconstitutional is unconstitutional.
Appeals court freezes gag order against Trump in federal election subversion case, will hear oral arguments this month – CNN
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has no idea what this means.
No ruling has been issued. The order is not unconstitutional.
Freedom of expression is not unlimited. And not even candidates for office get to threaten witnesses in criminal trials.
The phenomenally ignorant troll overlooks the quite obvious fact that aircraft carriers and submarines are standoff platforms.
…with no living Palestinians within it.
If the Palestinians put down their guns tomorrow there would be a Palestinian state…
yeah, right.. tell that to the settler fanatics visiting pogroms on Palestinian shepherds on the West Bank.. while the IDF watches over them with guns at the ready…
After having at first lied to the media about the voter purges, last week Virginia Governor Glen Youngking shamefully admitted that his office had obliterated thousands of lawful voters from his state’s voter registration roles, for no particular reason except “because”.
This week we learned that of mail in ballots cast, those ballots from Black voters are being pulled from counting and round-filed at twice the rate of
Klan memberswhite voters under Youngkin’s incompetent, racist leadership, and that most Black voters whose ballots have been flagged and removed from counting are not being contacted by their local election offices to notify them of and so-called “problems” with their ballots.Wherever Republicans gain any governmental authority this is what you can expect from now on. Because they all know that what that stand for is hot garbage and very unpopular with the majority of voters. So they have to cheat and screw over the voters in order to win anything.
I feel just terrible about the very precisely racist election boo boos that have occured in my state this cycle.
And I’m pretty sure that once my party takes over and bans abortion, passes a “Don’t Say Gay” law, outlaws teacher unions, and legalizes machine guns we’ll find time to look into the problems and get right to the bottom of it all.
@24 “It’s no more stupid than batteries in tanks”
Or electric motors pulling trains …
Every train in America is pulled by electric motors, dumbfuck. True, in most locomotives the electricity comes from diesel generators (for now). But electric motors don’t really care where electricity comes from; it’s the same electricity whether generated by a nuclear power plant, a dam turbine, a gasoline or diesel generator, or drawn from a storage battery. If electric motors can pull trains, they certainly can propel tanks. So if a battery can store as much or more energy as a tank’s fuel tank, then why not an electric tank?
Why Israel exists, and won’t let itself be pushed around.
That video centers on a WWII mass murderer of Jews..
But Zionism started in the 1890’s as a purely secular movement to create a safe haven for Jews.. Until then, religious Jews awaited the prophesied “Messiah” described in the Hebrew Bible as a powerful political figure who would vanquish the enemies of the Jews. i.e. Jews only need to have faith in what God promised and then it would be safe to return to the Holy Land.. And this would all happen at “the end of times”…
At the time these apocalyptic teachings began, about 200 years before the birth of Jesus, the Jews hadn’t had a kingdom in the Holy Land for 300 years. When Jesus preached in Galilee there were more Jews living outside the Holy Land than living inside it. Yes, Jews were spread everywhere back then, in the Arabian Peninsula, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Rome and elsewhere.
Palestine was an obvious choice for the Zionists. But Zionism to my understanding was always a small movement. Nazism w/o extermination meant 6 millions Jews living in Europe. That would have remained the case if not for Hitler. Unfortunately the genocide forced the issue of a permanent safe haven in a ugly way.
Only there was a problem, there were people already living in Palestine. Everything I’m reading says “transferring” Palestinians to make room for Jews was always on the table. The notion that the Palestinians just got up and left is a lie or that their Jew hating leaders led them by the nose is a lie as well. And it’s well documented that Zionist militias were forcing Palestinians to flee their villages well in advance of any invasion in ’48 by neighboring Arab countries.
This catastrophe inflamed Arab nationalism and led to Jews of the diaspora being forced out of many Arab countries. The newly formed “jewish state” (minus 700k Palestinians) was ready made to accommodate them.
Drown the motherfuckers.
Egypt flooded Hamas tunnels in 2015. It’s not like it’s without precedent.
Beat up?
A systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinian towns and cities that have been there for more than a hundred years is not the same as Fight Night Pay-Per-View on HBO.
That was a ridiculously gross thing to have posted.
You are capable of better.
@26 “If the Palestinians put down their guns tomorrow there would be a Palestinian state”
Only a Pollyanna would believe that, and even Pollyanna won’t believe it after watching how Israeli settlers treat peaceful West Bank Palestinians.
By the way, if you know history, states are created by armies.
getting a big laugh watching the progressive left throw its support for hamas.
full on Knight of the Long Knives version 2023 soon to be brought to you thanks to the loony left…..
How fucked are we?
We got the left-nuts supporting Hamas, and the Trump-nut right supporting Putin.
This is what you get when you stray from the center
No surpise that YLB is suckin hamas dick…..coulda called that one early on…
@38.. Monson is dead. give up the “centrist” pretense dumbass…
Every kids that is killed and maimed in Gaza is just f’ing awesome to you..
@39 No more Dori dick for you to suck.. sux to be you..
The Palestinians elected Hamas as their government.
Fuck around, find out…..
…..before YLB and the progressive left ask for Jews to get tattoos…
Who should they have voted for? Enlighten us.. What would Dori say?
ask for Jews to get tattoos…
Damn YLB, you sure are going down deeeeeppppp on that hamas cock.
Keep carrying that hamas water!
Have you identified all your jewish neighbors yet? so you can “keep an eye” on them.
we know your type.
That’s gonna hurt market share.
More Perfect Union on Xitter
Turns out, the port union won’t touch, load or unload any teslas from ships in a sympathetic protest.
The strike expansion will basically stop all Tesla operations in Sweden for the foreseeable future. The unions are willing to keep it up for a minimum of several months.
Musk is clearly strongly and vocally anti union though, and so far no Tesla employee has a union collective agreement and this will become the first in the world, so it will set an interesting precedent, and the other European countries will demand the same.
Either Tesla folds or Tesla leaves.
@35 “Drown the motherfuckers.”
Of course if you do that, you’ll drown the hostages too.
Hey you big meanie! Leave YLB alone! She is my secret girl-crush.
Besides, us jew haters need to stick together
@ 39
No surpise that YLB is suckin hamas dick…
Well, since Goldy left Twitter, Hamas is all that’s left for Queen YLB to drop to her knees in order to serve.
It’s really not her fault. Those Obama kneepads would otherwise just be going to waste.
Keep carrying that hamas water!
Little maxie is jerking off now that Israel’s “open border” policy with Gaza led to 1400 dead and 200 hostages..
yawwwn.. tailor made for hateful idiots like little maxwipe..
@ 48
@35 “Drown the motherfuckers.”
Of course if you do that, you’ll drown the hostages too.
Yes. 240 Israeli lives sacrificed to eliminate Hamas. Pretty sure Bibi’s already done the math and put the poll into the field on that one, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
we know your type.
porn for little maxwipe and the voices in its pin head.. heh..
Why are conservatives so obsesses with gay sex? Are they ALL in the closet?
240 Israeli lives
Americans among them.. What a winner of a policy..
And what did it say about Hamas fighters blending in and even moving south..
Oh it put “civilians” in quotes… there’s goes that body count climbing again!
Hamas is all that’s left
To make kreepshit’s morning wood… maimed and killed gazan kids too…
yawwwn.. next?
@36 “That was a ridiculously gross thing to have posted. You are capable of better.”
I couldn’t disagree more. Sometimes we get immersed in the big picture and lose sight of the individual stories. I was specifically focused on a segment in last night’s “NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt” when I posted that. It’s at roughly 7:20 to 8:10 of the video below.
It isn’t solely about ethnic cleansing; sometimes what Israeli settlers do to Palestinians on the latter’s own land is just bully behavior. And, as the NBC News report says, Israeli soldiers and police play no protective role, they encourage it.
Well, since Goldy left Twitter, Hamas is all that’s left
Goldy is one of yours.. She’s still on twitter it seems. Elmo has to be a fan..
yawwwn.. so nice to see teh widbee shitstain has found a “serious” debate partner in the shit for brains that is little maxwipe..
heh.. time to pop some popcorn..
@ 48
In all the world there are exactly 240 Jews that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit cares about.
They are the ones behind whom Hamas is currently bhiding and without whom Hamas will have no human shields except their own kind.
During his service in ‘Nam Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit learned to love the shitholes and those who occupy them.
@42 “The Palestinians elected Hamas as their government.”
In 2008, which was the last time they got to choose a government. Some of us worry the same thing could happen here.
The difference between Hamas and the GOP is that Hamas didn’t go to the trouble of gerrymandering or suppressing votes, they simply bypassed it and went straight to Taliban-style rule.
The American Taliban are envirous.
Football isn’t the only game in which you can lose yardage.
Having watched the ball roll back down the hill to a point behind the tee, Fat Ass probably would’ve kicked or thrown it onto the green if people hadn’t been watching and recording.
@52 “240 Israeli lives”
When did the American and European hostages become “Israelis”?
Followup question: How much does Bibi care about American hostage lives?
@59 “In all the world there are exactly 240 Jews that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit cares about.”
Either you haven’t been reading my posts, or you’ve lost touch with reality (I suspect the latter). I’m probably the most pro-Israel, anti-Hamas liberal poster here.
“During his service in ‘Nam Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit learned to love the shitholes and those who occupy them.”
Vietnam was a shithole and I love the veterans who occupied the foxholes. Your “patriotism” consists of voting for a guy who calls those veterans “suckers” and “losers.”
I’m neutral in the conflict in the Middle East.
Hey Andy, get a load of this.
Also Andy, what’s your opinion on the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus? You Hetero Neanderthals kill you wives and children when your not grooming them to do your laundry or raping them.
One more thing Andy……what was your opinion of the Tea Baggers?
It all started with the Teabaggers, upset and angry that the spooky guy got elected president. It might have even happened a bit sooner with Newt and his cohort (one of the other old farts).
None of this would be happening if there were more gay people.
Heterosexual Neanderthals really are fucking up this World,
Breeding will not save them or you. Moderates in a heterosexual world can’t exist.
You failed. You should be aborting more of yous.
Hey doc, why haven’t you denounced this antisemitic POS Mark Levin? Are you protecting him for some reason?
Now here’s an honest Republican: “I refuse to put people over politics.”
You may disagree with MAGA Mike, but giving credit where it’s due, he calls it as he sees it!
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that his government opposed any temporary ceasefire in Gaza unless Hamas freed all the hostages it holds. He also said that it would continue to block fuel from entering Gaza.” — CNN
Bibi Commentary: Hey, I’ll see your 240 hostages and raise you 2 million hostages!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I get rejecting a ceasefire for military operational reasons, but this suggests another motive: Taking civilians (including wounded children) hostage to make a hostage trade. It’s Bibi playing poker using innocent civilians as chips. That’s not a legitimate reason to blockade humanitarian aid; it’s a war crime.
A Virginia judge has ruled a first grade teacher shot by a 6-year-old student is entitled to more than workers compensation; she can sue the school district for ignoring warnings the boy had a gun.
However, that ruling has a steep hill to climb on appeal. Why? Because “Virginia’s uncommonly strict workers’ compensation law … covers workplace assaults and allegations of negligence against employers. Lawsuits that might move forward in other states often falter in the Commonwealth.”
(By way of explanation, workers comp replaces negligence lawsuits for workplace injuries, but most states still allow workers to sue employers for gross negligence.)
This means
that in Virginia, if school officials let kids take guns into classrooms and the teacher gets shot, her recompense is limited to medical expenses and lost wages.don’t take a teaching job in Virginia under any circumstances.
I’m seeing more news stories about kids with guns. For example,
“One person has died, and five others were injured Friday evening after a shooting involving juveniles in Cincinnati, Ohio, police said.”
Keeping guns away from kids should be a no-brainer, but in our society shootings by children and juveniles are commonplace. Conservative ideology isn’t helping; in fact, it’s deadly. Does a 6-year-old have a constitutional right to a gun? How about a 12-year-old, or a 16-year-old? No matter what conservative judges might rule, that’s bullshit, and if we can’t do any better than that, then maybe the only solution is to get rid of the Second Amendment altogether.
That doesn’t mean responsible adults couldn’t have guns for hunting, target shooting, protection, etc. It doesn’t mean confiscating guns. It merely means that having a gun would be a privilege like a driver’s license or a license to cut hair that states could regulate for public health and safety.
And that makes way more sense than court rulings saying criminals, domestic abusers, mentally ill people, Trumpers threatening “cival war,” and children have a “right” to flaunt guns in public. As presently interpreted by extremist rightwing judges, the Second Amendment makes no damn sense at all.
YLB is busy making a list containing the names of her Jewish neighbors and entering them into “the datibayze”
YLB is doing her part in the new Final Solution that the progressive left is dreaming about.
@73 Thanks for helping prove all wingers are morons and a person has to be a moron to be a winger.