Having trouble figuring out who to vote for? Here are some resources.
– At Publocola they interviewed the City Council candidates.
– So did the Hacks and Wonks podcast.
– But maybe you want to know about other elections? The Stranger has you covered with their endorsements.
– Fuse has a good voter guide no matter where in the state you live.
YLB and sons in the Seattle Times, 2043 prediction:
‘Parasites’: Mother wins court case to evict two sons in their 40s
Fucked Bamboccioni.
The BBC commits accidental journalism:
Let’s see Seattle beat this, Railfan.
Democrats, 2025: Blame Fauci for the 2024 election losses.
Rachel Corrie could not be reached for comment.
Neither could Alan Rickman.
Mother wins court case to evict two sons in their 40s
Heh.. your thug grandkids are gonna earn their keep, eh kreepazoid?
After you get through payin’ for their “fund students” schooling w/ some voucher support of course…
Praise almighty kon-klown with the “serious” “black” maga boots:
Nothin’ excites teh widbee shitstain more…
Rachel Corrie & Alan Rickman are dead. Stop trying to imitate Dennis Miller.
@1. Italy? Really? That’s your gotcha? Why not just post US stories of parents kicking their children out of the house for being gay. It’s more relevant to you.
@ 6
After you get through payin’ for their “fund students” schooling w/ some voucher support of course…
Don’t forget their commutes to and from school in EVs subsidized by tax dollars paid by your fucked kids, Queen YLB.
Don’t forget their commutes to and from school in EVs subsidized by tax dollars
Heh.. My kids graduated college, your lowness.. with NO DEBT… One of them has flown the nest. The other works full time saving most of his income in prep for professional school. All the time while fossil fuels were subsidized since before yours truly was even born.
Thanks for kissing bonzo ass after voting for Carter and after the actual real-life “miracle on ice”… one of your most sloppy orgasms at the frat house was when bonzo dismantled the solar panels on the WH.. Now look where solar is now..
And Carter hangs on. Bonzo is fucking DEAD…
yawwwn.. you’re such a fucking bore… but then.. what what would we do around here without the entertainment of your.. yawwwn.. seriousness.. heh..
@2 Personally, journalism aside, I wouldn’t be within the blast radius of anyone from Hamas.
@ 10
Now look where solar is now..
Go on. Please elaborate, Queen YLB.
@ 11
Well put.
@4 Doctor Dumbfuck’s link takes you to a year-old ruling by a lower-court judge affecting 16 sanitation workers that conflicts with numerous other court decisions and is pending appeal.
In today’s news, Farmer Jim admonished Jamie Raskin that “the Oversight Committee must not be used as a means to propagate false or deceptive information” and announced he won’t hold any more impeachment hearings.
Sounds like a Republican may be following his own advice for once, which is highly unusual, so this is real news.
Go on. Please elaborate,
Not your wet nurse.. use teh google… have a nice fucking day..
But ok I’ll throw ya a bone.. here’s what one of your favorite fascists thinks:
your welcome..
One censure resolution deserves another, especially when it’s more than deserved.
@ 16
This is what happens when Queen YLB realizes she wrote something that she can’t support when she’s called on it.
@9 How about a Maserati subsidized by CNN? Heh. Nobody’s seen it. The Smirkin’ Kid rides a skateboard to classes because the entire nuisance settlement went to pay legal fees.
Newly enthroned Speaker Johnson sincerely believes the Republic can’t survive unless we maintain “the 18th century values” of its founders. Which, of course, included slavery although he doesn’t mention that.
Now granted, this is from a 2013 speech, but it’s relevant today because there’s no indication his thinking has changed or matured, and plenty of reasons to believe it hasn’t.
Every Republican who advocates “civil war” and talks about killing liberals should have their guns confiscated under red-flag laws because they’re a clear and present danger to the public.
Another racist POS is going to prison. Good.
I read that as Comer is demanding Raskin stop telling the truth because it’s making republicans look bad.
>> The Forced Birthers want hungry children. Why do they get votes?
@23 I read it as a liar denying truth by calling it a lie. When you’re dealing with Republicans, this isn’t novel or unique.
Speaking of liars,
“Retailers say theft is exploding …. But some retail analysts and researchers, bolstered by local crime statistics, say stores may be over-stating the extent and impact of theft. … Across the country, the ‘actual increase in rates of theft’ at stores does not ‘correspond to the increase in company commentary and actions’ on theft ….” In actuality, theft losses have “remained steady for years,” while companies use crime as an excuse to distract attention from store overbuilding, poor inventory planning, and other management failures.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News –
Freddie Mac economist praises Bidenomics; “The Biden administration has done more to reduce global warming than any prior administration. Studies show that homes consume more energy than anything else, and thanks to Bidenomics almost no homes are being built.”
“Rates have risen two full percentage points in 2023 alone and, as we head into Halloween, the impacts may scare potential homebuyers,” Freddie Mac chief economist Sam Khater said in a statement. “Purchase activity has slowed to a virtual standstill, affordability remains a significant hurdle for many and the only way to address it is lower rates and greater inventory.”
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News –
Demorat Warmonger-In-Chief finds yet another war to promote.
“Just this past week, the [People’s Republic of China] vessels acted as dangerously and unlawfully as our Philippine friends conducted a routine resupply mission within their own exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea,” said Biden.
“I want to be clear. I want to be very clear. The United States defense commitment to the Philippines is ironclad. Any attack on the Filipino aircraft, vessels, or armed forces will invoke our mutual defense treaty with the Philippines,” he said.
@27, 28 Congrats. You’re still dumber than a stump and yet you managed to raise the trolling IQ of this thread.
can’t support
Hey, you’re the one who invests in the fascist genius’ asshole mobiles..
Solar fuels its ego trip..
In the wake of another horrible mass shooting slaughter, swing voters began recoiling in disgust from newly minted Speaker MAGA Mike when they learned of his extensive comments blaming these shootings on “no fault divorce” and on “the teaching of evolution in school”.
Told ya so. (See #37 of preceding thread.)
Almost exactly 24 hours ago, I predicted they would find the Maine shooter with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. They did, in woods, near the boat landing.
@31 The more we learn about the new speaker, the worse it gets: “The wife of newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) runs a counseling business that advocates the belief that homosexuality is comparable to bestiality and incest, according to its operating documents.” And he’s complicit: “‘We have been working in ministry side by side and together for our whole marriage,’ Johnson said last year ….”
This couple is literally selling bigotry and hate. Not to mention that he was put in there to help Trump steal the 2024 election.
‘You want to know what I believe, read the Bible.’
So plucking out eyes. Check.
Slavery. Check
No working on the Sabbath. Check
Stoning blasphemers. Check
Giving away all your possessions to the poor.
No really Giving away all your possessions to the poor.
‘Well hang on I’m not sure that’s what it really says.”
Swing voters continue to recoil in horror from newly elected GOP Speaker MAGA Mike this week when they learned of his comments blaming recent inflation on a worker shortage caused by not forcing more fertile women to become pregnant and carry “able bodied future workers” to term.
And he hasn’t even gotten started yet, folks.
in what appears to be a
Large-Scale Raid for the Arrest of Hamas and PIJ Members;another mass killing and confiscating of the few homes Palestinians have been allowed to keep since the IDF bulldozed all the olive groves and the last bits of commodities Gaza could sell in a capitalist system.Clarence Thomas at least can boast that he lifted himself up by a billionaire’s bootstraps.
Speaker Mike’s health care plan is more prayer.
The best part is it’s free.
Well we were so busy worrying about how embarrassing three nominees going up in flames was we didn’t take the time to discuss how embarrassing the trickle of facts about a hardcore Christian Nationalist could be.
Man I wish we hadn’t broken into applause with each vote we gave him on the floor. I mean we endorse his radical religion we just didn’t want voters to know how much.
Hmm, I was watching a video of citizens passionately debating current affairs at a Maryland community college campus and caught a view of an old white guy wearing a t-shirt that reads,
“I was going to be a Trump voter for Halloween, but my head wouldn’t fit up my ass.”
Campuses are where you find enlightenment.
@40 I like the part at 11:00 minutes where the Trumper says, “you’re right, no one would ever want to marry me. I’m hip to that. That’s the only thing I’m hip to. I’m lame to everything else.”
What you have here is an honest Republican.
Be honest.
For at least a few hours this week you fucking tools allowed yourselves to actually consider the possibility that Matt Gaetz might be some kind of political super genius seven dimensional chess master.
Instead of a pot smoking pedophile whose parents bought him a House seat in a safe district.