It’s bullshit of course, but the Seattle Times has an online poll in WA-08, and from the current lopsided results it is clear that the other side is freeping it, so why not have a crack at that ourselves? Surely there are enough readers here at HA to push the numbers the other way?
Go ahead and freep the poll.
Democrats have been doing that stuff for years.
And then are surprised when their candidate loses after doing so well in the polls.
Just like-
The race is over… Clueless democrats.
The meds. Get them adjusted. Dude you are in serious danger of a total freakout/meltdown.
Of course that SOP for you.
Great reply.
Thanks for proving my point.
Burner will loose -1.4
@2 Marvin completely lost it about five weeks ago and has had at least two major relapses since then. In other troll mental health news, both the Pudzoid and Mr. Cynical are in a fragile state these days. It seems unlikely that either one of them will make it to November. Darn! I don’t know how Pudz does it. At this point, the Pudz has more sockpuppets than he does brain cells. Amazing.
The polls are clear, the positive numbers for your “candidate” are dropping like a wise guy with cement shoes in the Hudson River, while the negative numbers are rising faster than your dick at the sight of Sarah Palin.
Enjoy the next four years. Your “brand” is dead.
And the meds, Marvin I am not kidding, get them checked asshole.
I think someone had better start writing the McCain/Palin eulogy:
(CNN) – No, hell has not frozen over, but a Buckley is backing a Democrat for president.
Christopher Buckley, the son of the late conservative icon William F. Buckley, said Friday he’s decided to back Barack Obama’s White House bid, the first time in his life he will vote Democrat. “It’s a good thing my dear old mum and pup [sic] are no longer alive. They’d cut off my allowance,” Buckley, a columnist for the conservative National Review, wrote on the Web site The Daily Beast Friday.
re 1: Gore did win. Idiot.
internet pollz are teh awesome
if dynamic dave spends as much time on economy as hairdo, merka will like a phoenix
Another great Non-sequitur cartoon yesterday:Non-Sequitur 12OCT2008
In the meantime, West Virginia (yes, WEST VIRGINIA) has been moved by analysts from “McCain” to “leaning McCain”, and moving rapidly toward “undedided”.
If McCain can’t carry the state of West Virginia without pouring resources into it, what hope does he have?????
Yet another example of the hate from the left.
Good job proving my point again.
What, no goat sex stories?
You better stick with what you know best, your unfounded assumption I lost it 5 weeks ago is proof that without goat sex you’re just another clueless bibigoober.
Of course you would say that, gore is white. And we all know how you feel about black people.
A little something from the liberal new york times-
Please try and keep up to date. By the way, the author was white so you can believe him.
The (un)SPers are freepin’ this one hard.
Step it up folks. And don’t pay attention to that worthless troll who is going to be so defeated this November.
Gee Marvin – I know you are allergic to the facts but Wikipedia summarizes it nicely. And Gore also won the popular vote that is measured by the polls:
Always happy to stick it to the Man.
You really have issues. You can not discern concern from hate.
How sad.
Check the meds, Marv.
Concern does not include the word asshole, unless the concern is from a proctologist.
You calling me an asshole is hate, not concern.
Thanks again for letting me point out hate from the left.
Popular vote??
If you don’t disenfranchise the voters in michigan and florida, Hillary won the popular vote against obama.
Your point?
@ 20
Thanks again for letting me point out hate from the left.
Well, we do tend to hate stupidity, which explains why you’ve been exposed to hatred from the left so often.
Yeah, YLB says not to listen to me.
YLB is afraid.
Don’t listen to me.
YLB is supporting positions a worthless troll can pick apart.
Like YLB says, don’t listen to me.
One viewpoint for all.
That’s what YLB wants, no opposing views.
YLB is scared.
@23 “YLB is scared.”
Of what? Polls showing we’re going to mop the floor with your nose? It sucks to be you!
Heh, that’ll learn ’em.
23 – You’re an admitted troll. Almost everything you say makes no sense.
We can go down the list but why bother?
You’re not worth the time.