Free! Free! Well… free seltzer, that is, at least, almost.
After decades of being yoked to the international seltzer cartel, I have finally broken free, assembling the home carbonating system pictured above. Some might find the initial $240 investment (with tax and shipping) a little extravagant, but consuming about a 2 liter bottle a day, at an average cost of a buck a bottle, this little baby will pay for itself in well under a year. After that, the cost of CO2 and water will come to less than a nickel a bottle.
Such a bargain.
Plus, this setup is environmentally friendly. No need to waste fossil fuel shipping carbonated tap water around the nation (or for me to drive to the store and lug it home), and I get to reuse these two liter bottles I’ve collected dozens of times before tossing them in the recycling bin.
Man do I feel quenched.
Ummm…this seems slightly nerdy…just sayin’
Doesn’t the CO2 in the seltzer turn into a mild acid in your mouth and bother your teeth?
Wyble @1,
Well, I’ve never denied being slightly nerdy. And in a city of sandal wearing home brewers, I almost fit right in. (You know, about as much as I ever really fit in anywhere.)
Incorrect @2,
Yes, seltzer is a mild carbonic acid solution, but not strong enough to damage tooth enamel. And its a helluva lot less acidic than most sodas and fruit juices, and of course contains no sugar.
Carbonated beverages are known to reduce muscle mass (according to Schwartzneggers training book — which is updated frequently). So, consumption of carbonated beverages needs to be offset with a muscle building regimen — especially for middle aged men.
I just hit 60 a few months ago and there are no flabby man-boobs on this Viking. Really: Start training NOW. You’ll feel 20 years younger in 6 mo.
My dentist claims that consuming any kind of carbonated beverage over the long term undermines your tooth enamel, though I don’t know why this is the case.
I’ve been warned by dentists about my coffee consumption hurting my teeth. A few swings of water after having coffee is supposed to wash all the acids off.
Where can you get the tank filled?
TPV @ 5
Surely beer doesn’t reduce muscle mass, correct?
AAA Fire and Safety
3013 3rd Ave N.
Seattle, WA 98109
By the south end of the Freemont bridge right across the street from Ponti.
Be careful on how much of that carbonated water you consume. I know you are desperate to amortize the cost of your investment….but you are already quite a gasbag, and this might make you explode.
#8 Leftist,
My beer muscle is doing just fine thank you.
Precisely. I’m not noticing any reduction of any sort of mass due to beer consumption.
@7 “Where can you get the tank filled?”
A lot of welding supply companies sell CO2.
Michael @7,
The regulator, hoses and carbonater cap came from, while I picked up the 20lb CO2 tank from the folks at Compressed Gas Western in Georgetown. Rather than refilling, per se, I just exchange the empty tank for a full one for about $18. Supposedly, I’ll get about 1000 liters out of a full tank.
Remember what I taught you sheep. Goldy is a crafty one. You have to ask yourself if his post is designed to take your attention away from something else:
Seattle Times comment section blocked me! Woo Hoo!
A little nutrition for your gray matter:
Co2 is also used for improving crop yields in indoor marijuana growing operations.
I’m jus’ sayin’ not accusing.
re 8: Beer is a notable exception because of all the excellent nutrients. At least, I’ve always behaved as if this were the case.
That’s why I never became a professional athlete. The beer was a performance enhancing drug that would give me an unfair advantage. Just like Babe Ruth or Mickey Mantle.
re 15: You are really paranoid. Have a beer. Don’t worry about your muscle mass. You have plenty to spare inside your head.
@17 I understand that some places make you sign for the CO2 because of that.
Who the fuck cares. Get a job already Goldy.
Look what’s going on inside Goldy’s hero’s office. And insane woman is working for Jim McDermott!
nitrous tank obviously. wait til the phish shows in august and your place will be swarmed, g-man.
did mcdermott just vote yes for $80b for afghanistan and iraq occupations? we’re doomed.
whoops i guess it was $106b voted on by the house of war:
15 “Remember what I taught you sheep.”
You couldn’t teach a bear how to shit in the woods.
Shhessh…why not just drink water…sans gas ? Makes you burb less and (which should be important for you)…will not contribute to more CO2 in the atmosphere. You might be the straw that breakes the camels back…the oceans will rise and West Seattle will be under water…just because of your CO2.
tsk tsk
Boy, are you behind the times!
Here’s a Drinkmaker/soda machine that’s been available in the Seattle area for at least 15 years. Sits right on your counter top; you can make your own sodas, not just seltzer water; easy to take on camping trips.
notaboomer: It’s ok now to vote for it…because it’s Obama asking for it. That makes all the difference
17 & 20,
Marijuana is NOT going away. We need to have a sane policy towards its use. As far as in-home cultivation goes, I don’t feel it would be a big problem if we legalize it. After all, ever since about 1979, it has been perfectly legal to brew beer in your home, yet few people do so. Beer is readily available to adults pretty much any time they want it.
The same would probably hold for marijuana: a few folks wood grow it, but the big majority of people who choose to use it would get it from an ordinary legal, commercial source.
Good info about the CO2, BTW.
Did Goldy just make light of the sainted Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have A Dream speech???
Rae @29,
There are a couple countertop soda machines available, and while they’re more convenient to use, and cost a little less upfront, they use small co2 canisters with proprietary valves that must be exchanged through the mail after making between 60 and 110 liters. So the cost per liter ends up being much higher (about $0.25 per liter vs. $0.02 for my setup) and you have to go through the hassle of exchanging the tanks much more often.
Troll @32,
No, I made light of myself. But you’re too stupid to know the difference.
I’m not too sure if African Americans would agree with you. In fact, I’m sure that they, too, would be greatly offended by it.
How DARE you use that sacred civil rights phrase to talk about seltzer!
@6 “My dentist claims that consuming any kind of carbonated beverage over the long term undermines your tooth enamel, though I don’t know why this is the case.”
If that’s true, the oceans will soon be full of toothless sharks, at the rate we’re pumping CO2 into the seas.
@14 Hmmm, that’s about 1.8 cents per liter at retail prices for the CO2, and the water is almost free. Grocery stores sell this stuff for $1.25 per liter or thereabouts. Someone is making a hell of a profit off this.
Troll@23, thanks for the information on the Fremont Troll oops… Jim McDimWitt.
Man that was strange.
@16 What took them so long?
@28 This is a CO2 sequestration demonstration project, idiot! If we don’t pump the CO2 into Goldy it will end up in the oceans! The only question is, how much CO2 can we store in Goldy’s body?
@34 I have a dream, too! My dream is that someday your dick will be long enough to reach your ass. I want to see that!
17, 24 — Just tell ’em it’s a fire extinguisher in case you forget to turn off the stove.
I’ll bet you could get as big a burp and a better high if you used helium instead of CO2.
Troll@33, you have to understand, this is the same person who thinks the gay marriage issue is equivalent to the civil rights struggle. Huh?
Interesting dream you have.
Does mrs rabbit know about it?
Growing weed is much much easier than making your own beer.
And when you consider the cost why wouldn’t everyone grow it. Look how popular it is to grow veggies that dirty stinkin’ rabbits steal.
Why not man up and have a gin and tonic.
re 43: Yeah! What a nut! Comparing one group of people whose rights are made light of with another who suffered the same problem.
I understand Goldy is ONLy using CO2 captured from coal burning power plant6s in China.
Of course there is the problem of farting the stuff but, some activated charcoal in the BVDs will solve that!
Now if we could get Troll and Puddy to join in and get the carbon tax passed, HA may make a money on micro offsets of ingested CO2!
Viking Poop@47, how are they equivalent?
Create a comparison list and enumerate! This should be really good.
Did you see “the messiah” complain Fox News “is entirely devoted to attacking my administration”.
Well mr. preznit, didya fergit CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS and others in the libtard print and radio media who were entirely devoted to attacking the previous administration?
Didya fergit Keith The ESPN Reject Olbermann?
How about Randi Rhodes?
What about Al Franken?
How about Rachel Maddow?
What, you forgot about Peter Jennings?
No recollection of Dan Rather?
No Bill Moyers?
SeattleJew, Puddy would rather plant trees or use the Al Gorebasm method for carbon offsets. A tax is a tax. Puddy recommends the HA libtards step up to the plate and open their wallets.
You knew it was going to happen sooner or later.
You don’t get to speak badly about the obama and get away with it.
The obama had his minions at the today show (which has NEVER been considered conservative) start attacking gays.
Of course, they had to make them sound extreme so they labeled them “far left” over and over on the screen.
I guess the democrat big tent is getting a little smaller these days.
Come off of it. While all media have some bias, Fox makes no pretense of balance.
The only difference between Faux and el Granma is that Castro’s press is better written.
Marvin Stamm @45,
Actually I used to brew my own beer at a place in Silverdale. It was certainly easier than brewing at home, though I could brew at home if I chose to do so.
I seriously doubt everyone would start growing pot in their back yards if MJ was made legal. Sure, some folks would, just as we have some at-home brewers. Most people wouldn’t bother with growing their own if it were sanely, rationally, and responsibly controlled and distributed. After all, who wants the hassle of growing their own vegetables or brewing their own beer when both are readily available?
You argument doesn’t hold water.
Goldy, the only thing I would mention is that you really need to keep that CO2 tank in a rack or tie it down. You really don’t want to know what can happen if a tank of compressed gas falls over and the stem breaks. (Hint: it becomes a missile.)
Really, this is a serious safety issue you need to take care of.
Today’s funniest line so far comes from SeattleJew. Puddy is counting on NutsTooTight to have a break through.
SeattleJew, we were told by your old crusty dumb bunny Pelletizer, it’s the right-wing media.
Can you tell Puddy who on MSNBC balances
Keith Olberman?
Rachel Maddow?
Contessa Brewer?
Ed Schultz?
Andrea Mitchell?
David Gregory?
David Shuster?
Chris Tingling Matthews?
Can you tell Puddy who on CNN balances
Roland Martin?
Jack Cafferty?
John King?
Howie Kurtz?
Anderson Cooper?
Rick Sanchez?
Can you tell Puddy who on NBC balances
Matt Lauer?
Brian Williams and his Obama Luv Affair?
Stone Phillips?
Jane Gary Trudeau Pauley?
Tom Brokaw?
Oops gotta go. Appointment. Mo to cum lata!
Puddy you are a LOT marter than that post!
On channels OTHER than FAUX, there is a distinction between newstalk and news.
Beyond just that, MSNBC is mainly newstalk .. it competes with Hannity, OReilly, and the blond lady … not with the news stream.
That said:
John King, Anderson Cooper, David Gregory, Tom Brokaw, .. rarely express personal opinions. The news readers on the non Faux channels are usually objective, Faux never is.
As for the newstalkers … Hannity, Oreilly, Greta are more news stalkers than news talkers. They are not only biased, they border on a bizarre, flat earth mentality.
You tell me, what even the most “left” of the non FAUXies have to compare with:
1. the depuiction of BHO asnot an American.
2. the hate mongering over Rev. Wright.
3. the hate mongering over Michelle.
4. the effort to portray Chavez as a dictator
5. global warming denial
6. hate mongering in re abortion
7. failure to report on failues in Iraq.
8. denial of Bush’s AWOL status
9. denial of the guilt in re torture
10. misreporting of the chinese interness in Gitmo as terrorists
11. fear mongering abuit putting Gitmo internees in US Max prisons.
12. fear mongering about health care in canada and Europe
13. racist remarks about the fench and arabs
This goes on an on.
Oh come on SeattleJew:
For a learned man of many degrees Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED by that statement above. Puddy asked who do they put on to balance them out. O’Reilly has the eloquent but sometimes very wrong black PhD Dr. Marc Lamont Hill. Hannity has a liberal on his panel every night and treats them with more respect than Bill Mahar does on UnReal Slimes with Bill Mahar. Greta always has on differing viewpoints. Still waiting for the great Dr to tell Puddy where are the balancing voices on Keith Olbermann. SeattleJew, you’ve had conversations with Mrs Puddy, she yelled last night for the channel to be changed while Puddy watched the MSNBC leftist moron from Cornell.
BTW that’s a mighty great list of character assassinations you’ve compiled there but you didn’t really answer me question. And when you claim
But when they do 99.999999999% of the time those opinions are anti-conservative. Puddy supposes you missed the Matt Lauer interview with Gov Palin over David Letterman and how Matt took David’s side and Gov Palin handed him his soiled underwear in his mouth. That was Too Damn Funny!
Now for the other part of the list.
1. the depuiction of BHO asnot an American. – Been refuted on O’Reilly by O’Reilly
2. the hate mongering over Rev. Wright. – The man is a hate mongerer. He said the Jews are keeping him from seeing “the messiah” now
3. the hate mongering over Michelle. – She wrote her Princeton Thesis on how she hated white liberal progressive professors. Hey SeattleJew don’t you qualify there?
4. the effort to portray Chavez as a dictator – The evidence is in. He’s nationalizing everything in site and in sight.
5. global warming denial – Golly how many new scientists have added their names to the rejection list this year
6. hate mongering in re abortion – Yeah late term abortion facts as determined by the State of Kansas against Dr Tiller De Baby Killer. Just think all those babies meeting up to Donkoinfanticide. We continue to disagree when a baby is a baby. You even rejected my wife’s attitude and attack on that one.
7. failure to report on failues in Iraq. – Yes, there have been failures
8. denial of Bush’s AWOL status – Huh? You bringing Bill Burkett of CBS News again?
9. denial of the guilt in re torture – Yes, they look at keeping America safe first.
10. misreporting of the chinese interness in Gitmo as terrorists – Uighurs?
11. fear mongering abuit putting Gitmo internees in US Max prisons. – Americans are against that 3:1 Gallup poll dude.
12. fear mongering about health care in canada and Europe – You mean peeps waiting on long lists having operation curable diseases but they wait forever and the disease is no longer operative but chronic for the rest of their lives? Puddy has delivered so much data on this above Fox.
13. racist remarks about the fench and arabs – Puddy missed this. When dis happen dude?
Hunh? Reilly dissed Faux for reunninbgf and rerunning this? BS
More BS,. Wright is what he is .. certainly no more a hate monger than Hannity and a lot less than Limbaugh. Why does Faux always need to discuss this AS IF IT WERE NEWS?
BTW, what Wright said is true. BHO’s top advisers are jewish. I am proud of that.
Qualify for what? I am not white and Michelle does not hate me. Her thesis is the expression of a 2q1 yo telling her experiences as one of the first token Blacks at a previously notoriously racist school.
“nationalizing” dfoes not equal “dictator” …
None. The so called list is fraudulent.
WADR. the LTAs you talk about are ONLY done when the choice is dire. You may be able to choose the baby what to do if R. is in late term and such a choice of her life vs the babies needs to be made, BUT it is wrong to tell others how to make such decisions and worse to incite hatred over such a personally difficult choice.
We agree.
No. The facts have been known for awhile. Bush was absent without leave. The attacks in rather do not change the facts.
I thought yo ubelived in the LAW? If Cahney really did this, he needs to be tried and, then if he merits compassion it should be given.
Yes. These were all found to be NOT GUILTY by OUR government. CHINA refused to take them back because they oppose the curtrent government there! hell, they deserve refugee status HERE!
Dudes aside, the opinion has been riled up by FAUX. If mobs lynch blacks in the south, does that make tghem right?
BS. I know this data well and it is simply not true. There are real issues but Canadians, japanese, Germans, Swedes get as good or better care than we do at much lower cost.
You MUST be hard ogf hearing. How many French jokes have Hannity and Billo told? Maybe you are nto French arfe not sensitive?
As for Arabs, if I hear one of these pissants talk about theis as a Christian country once more I am going to issue my own fatwa. or do you think they meant well by calliong BHO “Hussssainnnn?”
Troll @ 32: Obviously, you didn’t read the speech, or listen to it closely, or you would know that Dr. Marting Luther King Jr. specifically credited “that old Negro spiritual” before quoting the passage beginning with the words “Free at last….”.
Various sources give slightly different lyrics, which is typical of music transferred by oral tradition, but here’s the most common one:
“Free at last, free at last
I thank God I’m free at last
Free at last, free at last
I thank God I’m free at last
Way down yonder in the graveyard walk
I thank God I’m free at last
Me and my Jesus going to meet and talk
I thank God I’m free at last
On my knees when the light pass’d by
I thank God I’m free at last
Tho’t my soul would rise and fly
I thank God I’m free at last
Some of these mornings, bright and fair
I thank God I’m free at last
Goin’ meet King Jesus in the air
I thank God I’m free at last”
Source: “American Negro Songs ” by J. W. Work.
Note the rythm of the song, it’s designed so that the soloist performs one line, which is then backed up by the choir with the refrain “I thank God I’m free at last”.
Puddybud @ 58:
What you forget, or intentionally leave out, is that just because news reporting is “anti-conservative” doesn’t make it a lie.
The observation about conservatives is more time than not “fair and balanced.”
Take for instance this flap about Sen. Ensign (R) of Nevada. He had an extramarital affair.
Does that make him any worse of person than Bill Clinton? No.
But, the hypocrisy is that this is the man who stood in the well of the Senate and went on ad nauseam about the “sanctity of marriage” in support of creating an amendment to the Constitution to limit the freedoms of a certain class of Americans – The ban on Gay Marriage.
This is why he’s a hypocrite, not because he broke his wedding vows he made to his wife, his family, his Friends and God.
Get it now?
GBS glad you brought up Ensign. Yes he cheated on his wife. Notice he resigned his leadership position. His attack on Clinton happened before the affair. Hypocrite? What does the ban on gay marriage have to do with Ensign testing a different well? How cum you lefties love to tie in gay marriage with everything else.
Shit man, Puddy asked Goldy how cum he thinks gay marriage is tied into the black civil rights movement? He’s a chicken because even Jesse Jackson attacked the gays as being wrong. Remember you can’t talk about Jesse, or he’ll cut your nuts off. Puddy asked the same thing of Viking Poop. Still waiting for the list. There is no comparison WHATSOEVER.
So these guys on your side are not hypocrites?
Did Charles Rangel do that when he was caught? Nope
Did Willam Frozen Money Jefferson do that when he was caight? Nope
Did Gerry Studds do that when he was caught? Nope
You see there is a difference GBS.
Yes he did and so did Michael Medved on his radio show everytime some on calls in on it.
What? That ain’t black church preaching. My old black pastor never said anything like that from the pulpit. It was news and when he said the Jews are keeping him from “the messiah” that was hateful too. So what Rahmbo is the chief of staph. Wright attacked Rahmbo and the libtard press gave him a pass. If any conservative said that Chris Matthews would be jerking off all over MSNBC. Keith Olbermann would be frothing at the mouth and you know it.
Wow Mrs Puddy and Puddy thought you were white. Golly Puddy didn’t know. Puddy will tell Mrs Puddy this as Puddy is sure Mrs Puddy will be shocked SHOCKED. Michelle hasn’t refuted it. In fact they held the thesis until after the election. If she has changed her views why not publish in 2008 and said I was a radical then. Nope, they hid it until after the election. Show it NOW?
Huh? The buffoon tried to change the constitution. He’s silencing his opposition mouths and the press. He shutdown the opposition TV and radio. And he’s not a dick-tator?
When did the list become fradulent? When Al Gorebasm said the “debate is over”? When the European professor wanted to debate Al Gorebasm and he ran like a dog with his tail between his legs?
And Clinton didn’t exhale. Bush is out of office SeattleJew, your buddy “the messiah” is now the preznit.
So you and your gang can piss off half of America and some independents. Have you forgotten the polling on this? It’s the whack job progressives who want this done such as Patrick Leak Top Secret Info Leahy.
Then why isn’t “the messiah” giving them asylum? You blaming this on Fox. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That’s the new funniest comment today Seattle Jew.
What? That’s the strangest thing Puddy has seen you write in a long time. Did you get into Lee’s stash? Puddy could see that coming based on a Rasmussen poll. Gallup did the poll and USA Today printed the results. How does whitey lynching a black compare to allowing the peeps who if allowed to go free will kill you in a heartbeat to be sent to US MAX prisons? Since it’s 3:1 that means many Dummocrapts don’t want it either. You’re on the wrong side of this one too.
Yeah sure right. Mrs Puddy has siblings and cuzins in Canada. They tell us something else to our faces at family reunions SeattleJew. My sister and family lived in England for 5 years. Puddy would visit when working over de pond. She told me don’t get sick and need medical care here. The queue is long and you take a number.
And those jokes stopped as soon as Nikolas Sarkozy became French President didn’t they SeattleJew? Did you miss the memo from PMSNBC? It’s now okay to say Barack Hussein Obama. He found his muslim roots three weeks ago. You forgot this eh?
– ABC News Jake Tapper.
So finally SeattleJew… did Fox News do this too? Hugo Chavez said that he and Cuban ally Fidel Castro risk being more conservative than U.S. President Barack Obama as Obama prepares to take control of General Motors Corp. Hmmm…………?
Kinda like the hypocrisy about geitner and taxes?
Oops, democrats are held to a lower standard.
Puddybud @ 62:
Nice try but, “Swiiing-and-a-miss.”
Did you notice Sen. Ensign didn’t resign his Senate seat, like you righties wanted Clinton to resign the office of the presidency?
Again, the word hypocrite can accurately be used here to describe Sen. Ensign, and conservatives in general.
Red herring statement. The man says one thing, then knowingly commits the hypocrisy. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
Or more accurately put “admit?”
When you use the “sanctity of marriage” argument to deny equal rights to American citizens you conjure up deep cultural and religious beliefs in people for the purpose of fear mongering. “We are good, they are bad.” “The War on Christianity” line of attack comes next from the Bill O crowd.
Definition of “sanctity.”
(1) sacredness: the condition of being considered sacred or holy, and therefore entitled to respect and reverence
(2) holy thing: something considered holy or sacred ( formal )
The use of the carefully chosen word “sanctity” intentionally defines anything else as “wrong” and “against societal norms.” To so willfully violate the sanctity of his own Holy vows and use the same verbiage to deny others their God given liberty is principally wrong and hugely hypocritical.
Principles, Puddy, principles.
What makes you so high and mighty that you think you’re above any other American citizen? Where do you get off thinking that just because you finally got our equal rights you can deny the same rights you enjoy to other Americans? Denying rights to one group of Americans is just a reprehensible as denying them to another group of Americans.
See my answer above Mr. “I want my rights, but to Hell with Gay Americans having the same rights I enjoy.”
The principle of denying an American their equal rights compares ABSOLUTE and WITHOUT QUALIFIER.
The difference between you and me is that I see and understand the difference. You don’t. And, that is precisely the problem.
Puddybud, barfed @ 63:
Mmmm, hmmmm.
I’ll bet the 47 MILLION Americans without any health insurance would much rather take a number and wait in the queue then be told “tough shit.”
It’s so damned funny to watch Republicans rebuff the public option because it would destroy the private sector insurance industry.
Shit man, if it was as bad as you professed it to be why would those people go for the public option?
Either you’re ilk are protecting their donation base from big insurance company or you think Americans are complete idiots for choosing the public option instead of keeping their insurance.
Even though you told them how bad it’s going to be.
Talk about a total logic loop argument!
GBS liquid farted,
There you go again with that 47 Million. We know that number is inflated with interesting facts.
47,000,000 – so called uninsured per GBS and his leftist pinhead buds.
There are between 12 (Pew Research) and 20 million illegal (other groups) aliens in that number GBS. Let’s split it and call it 16,000,000
So 47,000,000 – 16,000,000 equals 31,000,000
Now working with 31,000,000
from 2006 Census values – 8.5 million uninsured people who make between $50,000 and $74,999 per year
from 2006 Census values – 9.3 million uninsured people who make
more than $75,000 a year.
These two groups which are 17,800,000 can buy insurance but choose not to.
So 31,000,000 – 17,800,000 equals 13,200,000 left.
And Puddy would have supported the SCHIP bill except for the $82,500 salary level. Children need support without all the pork added by the Dummocrapts to bills.
So 13,200,000 is way below 47,000,000 number the libtards love to throw around.
BTW GBS, Puddy has done this math before but the libtards seem to forget real facts.
FartyArt: Puddy got a question for you.
On both sides of Iran are US inspired democracy experiments. While there are problems with them they are moving forward. The Iranian peeps are seeing these democracy activities and are now inspired. Yet these democracy activities were from the previous administration. Now there is a “the messiah” in the whitey house. Yet he is mute.
Senator John McCain said we need to come out with support for the Iranian people. Yet two losers, ones who said the Iraq War was lost, lost, Joe Klein and John Effin Kerry don’t seem to believe that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness should apply to the Iranian protesters. Why are progressives listening to these fools?
Yet, your progressive friends are so quick to give terraists in Hotel Club Gitmo US rights butt not tell the Iranians we support them. Makes no sense FartyArt.
GBS says for gay marriage
Where are these gay rights principles in the US Constitution or Bill of Rights GBS? So why do you think Puddy is high and mighty when there is nothing in these documents?
Regarding Ensign, he was wrong. Puddy said so. But it seems when your friends on the left do the same thing they don’t have principles.
So these guys on your side are not hypocrites without principles?
Did Charles Rangel do that when he was caught? Nope
Did Willam Frozen Money Jefferson do that when he was caight? Nope
Did Gerry Studds do that when he was caught? Nope
Principles GBS Principles
Puddy will wait.
Peta too exception to Obama killing the fly which is
BTW they are Dummocraptic jock straps.
GBS Puddy forgot to add
Eliot Spitzer the NY AG for prositutes and John Edwards the baby maker hid it so he could run for preznit.
262 pUDDY ..,
best I can say is that you avoided answering every one of those. Sad.
To focus on one, I am not surprised when some folks call me white, any more than I would be if someone called your R “black” or Colin Powell an African American (instead of a Caribean).
Oh yeh, exactly what race do Puerto Ricans acquire when they learn Spanish and do their English speaking Neorican children remian in that racial group?
BTW, I know tall, dark skinned semitic folks from Yemen and from Ethipea, can you tell me what magic weand to use to define THEIR race?
You know me pretty well and if YOU think I am “white” .. well I guess you better define the term a lot better.
SeattleJew, you wanted Puddy to answer those questions with your answers. Remember our conversation at the SAM. You have to see the picture from the other point of view.
Now Puddy went to school with three Puerto Rican gentlemen (two are doctors today) and they considered themselves to be white Latin Americans. Puddy didn’t invent the Caucasion, Negroid or Mongoloid nomenclature.
Puddy knows Puddy knows you are going to refer to the Meyers Blitz-Lexikon which divides The Europeans people types into: Mediterranean race, Nordic race, Armenoid race, Afghans (Irano-Afghan) race, Alpine race, Dinaric race, East Baltic race, Turks race, and Bedouins (Arabid race).
If you remember your history lesson – The SCOTUS in 1923 with the case of United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind decided that Asian Indians… wait for it… it’s coming… yes they were Caucasian but they were not white. Strange huh?
I am a just a Jew.
I have no idea what this is all about. Sounds oike something the Nazis concocted.
I do know something about ancestry from genetics. I know, for example, that MOST Europeans trace to founders about 8-10k years ago but those folks, the Celts?, found folks already living in Europe who may have looked a lot more like you than like them.
Me? the origins of semites is about 10k. But, there is no doubt that them ancestgerfs iof mine were themnselves of African origin and later encounteres folks with the same ancestry as the early Europeans.
BTW same is true for most “Africans.” The oldest Africans, the ‘san, have been overwhelmed by folks from Nigeria about 19k years ago. OTOH, Ethiopeans and Yemeni are pretty much Semites unldess your racial radar (ta-radar?) can somehow see Nigeria in the faces in the Injera shops here.
I am, of course aware, that folks assign “race” by appearance. In some cases this makes sense. Eg it would be astonishing to find ouit that Michelle Obama did not have African ancestors because her features are so similar to others from their origin. OTOH, BHO … looks like lots of folks, perhaps because he has Euro and African roots but also because East Africa has been a genetic melting pot for millenia. Of course I KNOW he ,looks just like me!(Another reaosn for LEARNING to read the genome instead of the Torah!).
I have no real idea what R considers herself to be in terms of race, though I know what she looks like and I have a good idea of her culture. She certainly could be pure “Aryan” … that uis Indian. Did you know that many south Indians have “genes” from Africa? R and BHO could easily be cousins.
Is it hard to understand why this is so? Does this make Ghandi “Black?” Screwing around is not something new to Senators from holier than thou Christian states . BTW, did you know that two of Sally’s Hemmings kids passed over into being “white?’ Lots of “white” southerners can lay cliam to having had their ancestors enslaved.
I object to the use of terms like “white” and “black” unless a person both looks the part and is culturally of that sort. The idea that we can figure out a person’s culture from her nose shape and skin color is absurd.
As a jew, I know that when I came to Seattle you and I would have been refused the right to lkive in Broadmore .. that sign ooutside “restricted” the damn place to white folks. So someone did nto think I was white.
Me? I know I “look” white. That is a MAJOR reason I often where a kippah. FWIW I have good reason to believe that my ancestry is at least 50% semitic and likely a lot more. I was called kike and nigger growing up so the term “white” seems innappopriate.
Maybe, my friend, I am just a Jew?
SeattleJew, To me using the word Jew or saying Hey Jew is abhorrent as headless calling me his favrit term. I can preface it with SeattleJew, okay?
I am very, very proud of my heritage.
YOUR calling me a Jew is terrific. I do not even miond being called an old Jew.
That is why I took NO offense at Rev. Wright’s comments. I am PROD that BHO has two wonderful Jews as his advisers .. just as I take epride in the diver Americans he has asembled .. Steve VChu, Hillary Clinton, Holder, … waht a lesson to the rest of the NON AMERICAN world. We are better because we are all humans.
BTW, someday you and I oiught to attend a service by Robert together. We both might learn something!
I also like being called an American, a Jeffersonian, and a scholar. I even enjoy being called for dinner .
Name calling can get dumbass .. as the ineloquence of some characters here will attest. Frankly I find the terms asshole, fuck yourself, retard, dimwit, fag, idiot, kike, nigger, honkey etc .. well more silly than anything else. At least terms like kike, honkey, nigger, dyke, fag provide something to be pissed about. I could never figure out why anyone thinks FU is an insult.
OTOH, I do not like being called fat or a fat Jew. Just goes to show!
You can do something about being fat.
Since it bothers you when people point out that fact to you, why don’t you do something about it.
@77 Stamm
FWIW, like many others, solving my obesity problem is not as easy as you might tunk. Forf one thing I am diabetic and the insulin makes weight looss difficult.
No excuses, but losing weight seems pretty hard.
BTW ..
there is an obvious differ4ence between saying someone is fat or tall or whatever and name calling.
Puddy’s false numbers:
Number of uninsured AMERICANS:
Not illegal immigrants, Americans:
And the number of uninsured are skyrocketing as people lose their jobs.
Yes, Puddy is sugar-coating the problem. Most bankruptcies in the US are due to health problems – that is not the case in Canada and Europe.
The waiting time excuse is just that – an excuse. All the Canadians I know (way more than Puddy’s limited sample) say they would never trade what they have for what the US has.
Note: The US is the ONLY industrialized nation in the world with private health care. We pay far more than anywhere else, our people are less healthy and we don’t cover 1/3 of the non-elderly.
This is a classic FAILURE – as is Puddy’s brain-dead defense of this lousy, inefficient, wasteful, beaurocratic private system.
Has Puddy ever dealt with an insurance company that won’t pay and won’t say why? Try it sometime – it stinks and the system stinks.
Nice anectdotes Puddy – but you lack the facts and the data to back up what you spout (once again).
And the projections on the uninsured Americans are even worse:
Puddy @ 68:
Just out of curiosity, what do you think would have been the result if Russia had tried to influence a U.S. election, arguing that the results were questionable and that therefore it was justified in “supporting” the opposition (in those cases, the Democrats)? What if they had done this in 2000, 2004, 2008, or even during the impeachment battle if 1998?
Wouldn’t Americans have simply told them to mind their own business, but perhaps in a bit more forcefull fashion?
So if Russian tried to “elevate” it’s support by encouraging street protests, sending money and organizational support to groups to protest the outcome of the elections, wouldn’t that simply have caused a backlash against those protesting the election? Wouldn’t that have had the exact opposite result of what Russia was trying to achieve, and cause untold problems to the protest movements?
Of course, that’s the situation in Iran in spades. The government is already trying to portray the opposition as being puppets of U.S. meddling, and any official attempts to affect the outcome will only provide solid evidence they can use to support those charges.
Republicans who urge Obama to do “something” to support the Iranian opposition are doing so with the comfort of knowing that they won’t be held responsible for the results of their positions, and they will criticize Obama for whatever happens in Iran, either saying that he did too much, or too little. In truth, there is VERY LITTLE we can do to enfluence events in Iran anyway, as was discovered by Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II.
And while you and your Republican friends are advocating the U.S. to the people of Iran to revolt, remember 1956 Hungary, where the people did exactly what we asked, and suddenly found that the U.S. was not in a military position to provide assistance, and they were left twisting in the wind, fighting Soviet tanks with rocks. The U.S. bears a heavy responsibility for the loss of life there.
NutsTooTight: Ring up another for the moron of the day. by 2019 What? You are using 10 years projections NutsTooTight? This is the same Robert Wood Johnson Foundation who said in March 2009 it was 46 million?
Let’s go back to yesterday and see what Puddy means. At 4:48 PM GBS entered
So Puddy used GBS’ number. Then Puddy went to the web. Puddy got those numbers for Pew Research and other sources. Puddy was up front with his data.
There is another statistic Puddy chose not to use. Census data also says 9 Million peeps are without health insurance for approximately 4 to 9 months. Puddy didn’t remove those for the values from his millions above even though NutsTooTight did provide this
.Golly NutsTooTight, most every one of my older siblings is on Medicare and they aren’t complaining at all. Being one of the few under 55, Puddy doesn’t hear many complaints about that system. Next NutsTooTight claims his vast knowledge if from all thse people he knows. Well that may be the case because Puddy doesn’t know what goes on in that simple brain he has. but why do Canadians cum to America for health care NutsTooTight?
Frpm WikiPedia –
Ummm… isn’t that what Puddy said was my wife’s family experience?
Ummm… isn’t that what Puddy said was my wife’s family experience?
Hey NutsTooTight, did you screw them on with a torque wrench today? Did you over tighten them?
Hey lookie here a Canuck libtard MP cummin to America for her treatment. Damning evidence eh NutsTooTight?
Or this from CBS News – Bill Burkett’s favrit news organization.
Maybe NutsTooTight can talk to the mother whose teenager daughter was advised she would have to wait up to three years for surgery to repair a torn knee ligament. What happens to a knee with a torn knee ligament that isn’t repaired for three years NutsTooTight?
NutsTooTight asked this question
Yes, but they did tell us why. And Puddy coughed up the many Large $$$ for the operation and went into debt for three months because Puddy had to do what Puddy had to do. They did tell us why but for Puddy to explain the situation would put certain info on this blog and Puddy ain’t going dere. Another time they did pay and told us why they did pay too. So Puddy has one good and one bad experience.
Puddy can deliver more guvmint paid medicine info for NutsTooTight but first for his to accept the facts he needs to rework the torque wrench.
Bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaahaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaahaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaahaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaahaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaahaaaaa
Ahhhh rhp6033: As Puddy remember in 1996, didn’t China try to influence our election. Puddy remembers “no controlling authority” comment from the great carbon credit purveyor.
Wait a minute…
Blows apart the NutsTooTight Bush argument put forth earlier. Thanks for helping Puddy in that matter. Do you remember what your bestus bud said about things a changing with “the messiah” now in the whitey house?
The rest of your argument makes no sense. Somehow the Georgian South Ossetia issue last year and “the messiah’s” comments come to mind.
BTW, it wasn’t until “the messiah” started on his health care rant last year did the libtard MSM and others start saying it was 46-47 Million Americans. Before it was always 46-47 Million people uninsured. No one wanted to explain how that number was derived. When the US Census started looking into it they included anyone who lived here legal or illegal. The US Census back in 2005 admitted they called 11 million people who are not citizens uninsured Americans. You would have thunk if they were under the Bush/Cheney thumb they wouldn’t have said that. But they did NutsTooTight.
Why was that NutsTooTight?
That’s why Puddy don’t trust nuthin cummin from these libtard MSM peeps…
Are you serious??
I’m not going to ask you if you’ve read the Constitution, I know you have. The question is did you comprehend what you read.
The United States Constituion comprises only two things and two things only.
Name them.
This will be interesting to see how much you really understand our Constitution.
PS: You might as well answer this question because it’s going to be reposted until you do.
It is THIS simple. We reform healthcare or the US goes broke.
You choose.
If you’d like you don’t have to answer my question at 86 asking if you comprehended what you read in the Constitution.
Obviously, you do not.
Here’s the proof in your own words. With a link to document the FACT you do not know what the Hell you’re talking about.
Ill informed Puddybud at 67 farted this out of his mouth:
I bolded the part that Puddy bullshits about.
If you COMPREHENDED The US Constitution when you read it, you’d know then that the CENSUS is performed every 10 years as mandated in the Constitution.
The Census is taken every 10 years and the last Census wasn’t done in 2006!!!
The last one was taken in 2000. The next one will be done in 2010.
So that means your data regarding the “2006 Census is pure bullshit along with your right-wing, made up population numbers.
This is also the same logic challenged crowd that went ape shit when Barack Obama on the campaign trail said he’d let the Bush tax cuts expire and raise the tax on those Americans making $250,000+.
Boy, oh, boy did McShame, Sarah “I’m not a reader” Palin, Joe the Plumber, Sean Insannity, and Limpdick mockingly said “OH YOU’RE RICH IF YOU MAKE $250,000 YEAR!!!”
Now, $82,500 is a threshold TOO high for some SHCIP help???
Which is it Puddy, you’re wealthy at $82,500 or $250,000 a year??????
Liberal, intelligent minds would like to know.
Um, I understand it’s a rhetorical question, but nevertheless, I’d rather not let folks like Puddy choose because they’ll choose the “go broke” route.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Speaking of rhetorical, Puddybud, when I said at 88 you didn’t have to answer my Constitutional question if you didn’t want to. . . that was rehtorical.
Obviously, I can’t force you, but unless you want to see this over and over and over again, you should take a crack at answering my question at 86.
Honestly, I gotta say you should take a break from HA for a couple of months.
I mean this as a friend, but, uhhhh, you’ve been rather lame lately. I think you need a break and regroup.
You’re not the same dude from the 2004-2007 era.
Hey GBS@88, stop hanging out with the progressive libtards. “New Census data show that in 2006,”
The full US population census occurs every 10 years GBS.
This is where Puddy started man.
GBS come on dude. Stop being stupid!
Hell of an effort GBS. Gotta hand it to you, you don’t use a torque wrench like some other libtardo!
Regarding GBS @86, Puddy brought forth the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Butt to answer your simple question there are four things my Seal friend.
1) promotes the general welfare for all peoples and provides welfare for too many people
2) provides the common defense for all peoples so a public defender can try to get you off,
3) establishes justice for all peoples cuz Lady Justice is blind,
3) insures domestic peace (tranquility) for all peoples
Regarding SCHIP, the program was set for uninsured children from low-income families. So $82,500 is low income?
Just axking…
GBS, did someone take a sledge hammer against your head and you became more progressive since then?
So GBS, where does gay marriage cum in?
general welfare?
domestic tranquility?
Congress ain’t gonna look into Nancy Pelosi and her “statement” against the CIA but will investigate if Sammy Sosa told the truth to Congress on performance enhancing steroids.
Ted Turner said by 2030 we’ll be cannibals due to global warming. Can anyone be seen eating stillbentover?
C’mon, Puddy, how about quoting a source better than some right-wing agenda driven organization???
I give you the Federal government, you give me propoganda!
Torque wrench LOL, man you’re about the bust the that wingnut.
Swwwwiiiiing and a missssssss Sammy Sosa think-alike.
The only two things the Constituion comprises are:
1) Our rights
2) The role of government
Both of them as Law of the Land.
But I will give you some credit for effort. Obviously you Googled the Constitution and quoted from the Preamble.
You might BS some others with a “trick” like that, but uhhhhh, you ain’t foolin’ me.
Thanks for the Friday chuckle, though.
Do you think I’m referring to the Preamble.
Interesting fact about the Preamble, it has no force of law behind it, yet it has been sited at every level of Federal and State court systems in legal rulings.
Just to amuse you though, I’ll quote a passage from the Preamble to would apply to Gay marriage: “. . . secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,. . .”
I’ll throw you a little bone as nutrition for your gray matter.
You need to start with the premise that the Constitution is “inclusive” and not “exclusive” of rights.
Now, read a little deeper beyond the Preamble and see what you can understand.
Have a good weekend. And, seriously, contemplate taking a couple of months off.
What year was that when ol’ Sammy may have perjured himself to congress??
Hmmmmm . . . was that 2005 when the Republicans were running congress?
Yeah, why were they so focused on steroids in baseball when the ill-effects of the economy were forming with all their MASSIVE borrowing, ignoring banks, manufacturing, Mark Foley. . .
Yep, that’s great leadership on their part. Maybe they should’ve focused on governing and leading instead of poking their noses into baseball???
According to the Republican members of congress and Sean Insannity, it is. Especially in cities like NY, Boston, Dallas, Miami, San Fran., LA,.
Why do you think they said that? And, why do you think your candidate for President acted like earing $250,000 a year wasn’t wealthy?
I notice you don’t asnwer the the question.
Wrong again. According to New York Times reporter Matt Bai, CBPP is one of three left wing think tanks funded by the Democracy Alliance.
Now who is the Democracy Alliance? The most prominent members are George Soros, Peter B. Lewis, Susie Tompkins Buell, trial lawyer Guy Saperstein, trial lawyer Fred Baron, movie director Rob Reiner, Norman Lear, Drummond Pike, Rob McKay, Rutt Bridges, Patricia Stryker, Rob Glaser, Rob Johnson, Anne Bartley, Jonathan Heller, Charles Rodgers, Gail Furman, Davidi Gilo, Rachel Pritzker Hunter and the Service Employees International Union.
Looks like Donkey to Puddy.
Good try GBS
Good try.
GBS, Puddy’s definition of rich has no bearing o this argument for SCHIP since it’s supposed to be on need. The program was set for uninsured children from low-income families. So you think $82,500 is low income?
But so you know Puddy paid lots of taxes last year. When we meet for lunch bring your 1040 and Puddy will bring his. Puddy bets he paid the guvmint more!
It’s called reading, especially the truth. You ought to try it some time. I find it very liberating.
Look at the word “liberating.” What do you notice?
Latin, liber free.
Conservative, Definition:
1. reluctant to accept change: in favor of preserving the status quo and traditional values and customs, and against abrupt change.
Even the way we define ourselves speaks to who is about freedom, liberty, rights and happiness.
Conserve, or conservative does not speak to those words.
Puddy @ 105.
No doubt you paid more in federal income taxes than me. You forget my line of business allows me to take advantage of the tax loopholes.
Last year, GBS paid nearly $0 in federal taxes. After my deductions, which are many, I don’t have enough in “taxable” income to pay taxes.
It’s nice. I almost had a 5-figure income tax return check.
GBS don’t mind paying his fair share in taxes. The operative word being “fair share.”
And as long as Republicans squandered and borrowed in excess of $11 Trillion dollars, I’m keeping mine. Because all the transfer of wealth to the Paris Hiltons of the world means I get mine.
GBS, you may be right but if you remember Henry Waxman (CA-Donkey) was vehement in trying to rein in baseball.
The point being, Puddy, that there was no US Census taken in 2006. So you’re quoting data based on what??
Some leftwing think tank that’s not left wing?
Regardless if the number is 47 million or 5 million without health insurance you still have FAILED to answer the principle point of my question.
If you’re without insurance would you rather take a number and wait in the queue or be told “tough shit.”
Nice dodge, but like a boomarang, BAM, I come back to hit ya again.
So, queue or tuff shit?? Which is it.
GBS, on taxes you suck! Puddy paid more than his fair share!
“Vehement?” Really?? As if that mattered since the gavel didn’t reside in his hand. Did it?
Henery Waxman couldn’t do squadosh, my friend. That was your guys wasting taxpayer dollars and time. Yes? Yes!
I “may be” right?????
I am 100% right.
Not much of a reader are you?
Try catching up on the tax laws or hire an accountant. The “laws” are there for you to take advantage of, but only if you learn how to operate within the bounds of the law.
Please. The rich do not pay their fair share. I’m for a flat rate tax system as long as:
A) there are progressive income tiers, and
B) there are no loopholes.
Other than that, I’ll be glad to continue paying my “fair” share.
I’m going now. I’ll check in over the weekend to see if you figured out the Constituion thingy.
Have a good one.
GBS good try with #109.
What? The left-wing think tank was the place for Puddy to start because NutTorquedTooTight would have a cow if Puddy used anything else GBS.
Did Puddy say a Census was taken in 2006?
So this Census Report in 2005 is worthless? Highlight and notice the link above.
So this Census Report in 2006 is worthless? Highlight and notice the link above.
So with the Census Report in 2007 is worthless? Highlight and notice the link above.
Hmmm GBS, you are losing your Porsche main bearings.
GBS regarding the US Constitution and
Good try man. Where is heterosexual marriage discussed “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”?Grasping for straws again.
At least you are going down the black civil rights movement argument as other whack jobs here.
Regarding the US Constitution,
Personal Rights
You seem to forget justice. Justice comes for impartial people who are not part of the government but are appointed by the government.
The Judiciary falls under the role of the government.
I see you still don’t understand the Constitution yet.
C’mon puh-lease.
Do you not know the MEANING the word LIBERTY????
To “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”
It means, Puddybud, whether or NOT a specific set of IDEALS has been addressed in the US Constitution doesn’t mean the right to enjoy them doesn’t exist.
What you Original Intent revisionists fail to understand is that our Founding Fathers didn’t create a document to tell us “WHAT TO THINK!”
They created a framework to tell us “HOW TO THINK.”
Don’t you think the personal information you have on your computer is protected under the 4th Amendment?
I mean, nothing in the Constitution refers to a computer does it?
But, the PRINCIPLE of being “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated. . .” applies to electronic documents.
When you really understand the Preamble it clearly points out two things:
1) The United States of America gets its power from no higher power than The People. It is “ordained” to be so right in the Preamble. Not God, Jesus, the Pope or anything mystical. Period.
2) It also says that we The People get to decide how to chart our future that creates a “more perfect Union.”
Notice it doesn’t say a “perfect Union.” It says’ a “more perfect Union.”
That is a significant passage to the whole marriage equality argument. The more people enjoy equality the more perfect of a Union we become.
Look, I know you get this stuff. I really like debating you. But if you’re unwilling or unable to comprehend issues relating to our governing document and the principle of equality among Americans, I’d prefer not to have these discussions with you any more.
I used to get, and need to get from you, substantive debate not — “Where is heterosexual marriage discussed “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”?
Because that kind of intellectually deprived debate tactic is “grasping at straws.”
Which is it going to be, Puddy?
I sincerely hope you’ll choose the path of intellectual debate. (At least sometimes on serious issues.)