Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is in trouble. His problems have moved well beyond the scandal surrounding the firing of U.S. attorneys.
Last week former acting Attorney General James Comey gave testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee that can only be described as devastating to Gonzales:
Among other things, Comey’s testimony strongly suggests that Gonzales lied to the Senate during his February 2006 testimony. And some senators have noticed the discrepancy:
Gonzales said in 2006 that there was no “serious disagreement about the program,” a claim that flies in the face of the extraordinary testimony delivered by former Justice official James Comey yesterday. In the letter, the senators ask Gonzales if he stands by his claim
Comey’s testimony portrayed a Gonzales with genuine contempt for the Justice department while he was still White House Counsel. The testimony comes on the heels of a series of other scandals within the Justice department that have taken place under Gonzales’ leadership. As a result, the Senate is preparing for a vote of no-confidence in Gonzales that may be acted upon this week.
Today, President Bush still stands by his man:
“He has done nothing wrong,” Bush said during a news conference at his ranch.
[…]“I frankly view what’s taking place in Washington today as pure political theater,” Bush said, sounding exasperated with the furor swirling around his longtime friend. “I stand by Al Gonzales and I would hope that people would be more sober in how they address these important issues.”
Reading Bush’s words, I have to wonder…is Bush even capable of recognizing when someone has “done something wrong?” It’s hard to imagine he can when I watch a video of him openly lying to the American people on the very same topic—getting court orders for wiretaps (White House transcript, 20 Apr 2004 ):
Bush didn’t have to lie here…he made a deliberate choice to lie.
Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) predicted yesterday that Gonzales would resign before the no confidence vote. Even so, Gonzales and Bush can hold out indefinitely.
I’ve seen two lines of speculation swirling about the internets as to why Bush will stubbornly resist to the bitter end. The first is that there are secrets within the Justice Department that are so devastating to the Bush administration that he cannot risk losing a friendly Attorney General. If so, the potential damage must be large because Bush prefers a dysfunctional Justice Department to possible disclosure of “issues.”
The second (and less conspiratorial) reason is that Bush is waiting until the Senate is in recess to make a recess appointment of a administration-friendly AG. Or…maybe not.
Ultimately, there is only one way to force Gonzales out of office, and Robert Greenwald has launched a video and petition to help make that happen:
The impeachment petition can be found here.
The vengeful side of me is enjoying the impotence, and, yes…even the damage, caused to a rogue Bush administration as they cling to Gonzales while he drags them all over the cliff. In that sense, the longer he stays, the better. But as a patriotic American, I feel strongly that a well-functioning, effective, and lawful Justice Department is critical for our democracy. I sure hope Fredo falls on his sword soon.
Thank you Goldy. You sum up my sentiments exactly. The USA deserves so much better than this. The levels to which the Rovian mindset has stooped to politicize every facet of the Federal Government to fit their model of how to run the world, destroys the very fabric, the entire tapestry of all that an American soul holds dear. Schadenfreude cannot give back all that has been taken away, especially the lives of so many of our citizens both in the US (NOLA) and in the Middle East; stolen on lies and deceipt meant to perpetuate the greatest theft of tax revenue in the history of the world.
I think of all the liberal Democrats who opposed John Ashcroft as Attorney General. It wasn’t exactly a unanimous vote on his confirmation in 2001. But Ashcroft stood for principles and the rule of law — unlike Alberto Gonzales.
I also think of the fact that U.S. Attorneys can only be removed by the PRESIDENT. John McKay and at least seven others were asked to resign by midlings in the Justice Department — because they said the PRESIDENT wanted them to leave. But Alberto Gonzales testified that no one in the White House had anything to do with the firings of these U.S. Attorneys. Some folks need to be prosecuted for wire fraud and other official misconduct, and some folks need to be disbarred for this totally dishonest representation.
I wonder if there were other U.S. Attorneys slated for “firing” who called “BULLSHIT”, and told the Justice Department midlings that they would leave office only when they saw the actual GWB signature on the orders, and not before then? If so, I wonder if their names will continue to be whited-out on the various documents that are released? i.e. — if such courageous folks exist, they are STILL in office, and loyal Gonzies are afraid to reveal this.
Gonzales-gate is probably going to have as much impact on running the Publican party out of the White House as anything else. It was so easy to see through that even Publicans were calling bullshit.
Richard @ 2
“I think of all the liberal Democrats who opposed John Ashcroft as Attorney General. “
Much of the opposition from liberals arose because Ashcroft was a staunch conservative (in comparison, Gonzales seemed moderate).
Gonzales’ problems aren’t his political ideology, per se. His problems are lying, apparent incompetence, contempt for all but the executive branch of government, and personal loyalty to the President over his loyalty to the Constitution.
But for those little problems…he’s terrific!
The easy way for the Senatate to avoid Bush making a recess appointment is to announce they won’t be taking a recess in a time of war. Uh-ohhhhh, Bush would be FUCKED, then.
Of course, it is well within the power of the Congress to control the purse. Harry Reid could shut down the entire government, except that of the most essential security requirements and force the president to confront the “Light of Truth.”
Mr. Pope,
Your implied comparison of Ashcroft and Gonzales is damning with faint praise, isn’t it? You could also say that GWB is better than Adolph Hitler, but what does that mean?
My first impression of Gonzales was that he had a most enviable resume, and that he must have something going for himself intellectually. After all, he graduated from Harvard Law. I figured that while misguided politically, he must at least be a pretty good lawyer. After seeing him exposed in the flesh because of the US Attorneys scandal, I am rather stunned to see how utterly unimpressive he actually is. The guy would barely beat a brick in an IQ contest. Now, I understand how his loyalty to Bush is so unyielding–he is incapable of independent thought.
[T]here are secrets within the Justice Department that are so devastating to the Bush administration that he cannot risk losing a friendly Attorney General.
Yes, and . . . .
Abu Gonzales has been right there with Little bush all along, and undoubtedly knows the answers to many bush Family secrets. As LBJ said of J. Edgar Hoover, “I’d rather have him inside the tent pissing put than outside the tent pissing in.” Little bush simply cannot allow Abu to reveal what he knows about the past.
Well, in just a few short months we’ll be done with GWB forever.
What then?
Fredo’s revenge:
LOL, screw Wolfowitz too.
Lib @ 10
“Well, in just a few short months we’ll be done with GWB forever.
What then?”
Any of the announced Democratic candidates would be a massive improvement over Bush, and a few of the Republican candidates would be a significant improvement. After the next election, perhaps we’ll see a return to respect for the rule of law, fiscal sanity, and a withdrawal from Iraq. We also might see blind ideology playing a diminished role in governmental policy. Ah, I think I’ll chill the champagne just thinking about what’s ahead.
Get the butter ready………
Bush’s Alternative Reality
“CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) — President Bush insisted on Monday that embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales still has his support and denounced Democratic plans for a no-confidence vote as ‘pure political theater.’
“‘He has done nothing wrong,’ Bush said in an impassioned defense of his longtime friend and adviser during a news conference at his Texas ranch.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bush is right in a literal sense: In Bush’s world, there’s nothing wrong with lying to Congress. After all, Bush does it himself all the time. If that’s your value system — and it’s clearly Bush’s — then you can honestly say lying to Congress is not “wrong.” It all depends on your frame of reference. For example, Hitler thought he was doing the world a favor by ridding it of Jews, gypsies, and disabled people.
Chavez for Vice President!
Mrs. Rabbit brought home a copy of Greg Palast’s “Armed Madhouse” the other day and I’ve started reading it. I expected another dreary political tome, but much to my surprise, this book is an entertaining read. And it’s chock full of fun facts.
For example. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has figured out a way to deal with U.S.-sponsored assassination efforts. Every time our government tries to kill him, he raises taxes on American companies doing business in Venezuela (outfits like Exxon, Conoco-Phillips, etc.). He figures when they get tired of paying taxes, they’ll put pressure on our government to stop trying to kill him, and he’s right. Venezuela’s taxes on U.S. corporations have risen from under 1% to over 16%, and the number of assassination attempts against the country’s president are way down.
Chavez is my kind of guy in other ways, too. For example, Venezuela has millions of poor people, and also has millions of acres of land owned by rich expatriates owners sitting there doing nothing. So, if they don’t put their plantations into production, he confiscates the land and gives it to the poor farmers who WILL grow something on it.
I think we ought to put him on our ticket. We could use a little of what he has done for Venezuelans in our own country.
Here’s another fact from Palast’s book: During the period that India’s GDP grew 44%, average wages fell from 25 cents per hour to 23 cents per hour. Consequently, 103% of the nation’s economic growth has gone to the richest 1% of its population.
No wonder capitalism has a bad reputation in the rest of the world.
8 Gonzo is very, very good at playing dumb. It’s in his and his boss’s best interest for him to be doing so at the moment. The Reagan administration managed to dodge the brunt of the Iran-Contra investigation largely through a number of people doing the same thing. This included John Poindexter, who is in fact the true evil genius behind our present headlong race to become a Surveillance State.
These people aren’t the least bit dumb. Hell, they’re Smirk’s brains!
Roger Rabbit says:
Chavez for Vice President!
Roger is off his meds today folks. forgive him his delusions.
It goes without saying that Gonzales was installed at DOJ to provide cover for the GOP’s criminal election-stealing conspiracy. It also goes without saying that if he falls, his replacement will be another trusted Rove lieutenant whose function will be to continue providing cover for the GOP’s criminal election-stealing conspiracy.
I have to admit, it’s fun watching Teh Deciderer repeatedly yell his dismissal of this scandal, but it just keeps going. Without Jack Abramoff’s corruption, and no Republican majority leadership for it to buy, Bush is in for a long, ugly slide to impeachment, starting with his Attorney General. Gonzales’ impeachment will make a good practice run!
If Gonzo resigns the next AG will be Tim Griffin.
But 2008 will be different. I wouldn’t want to be a GOP operative standing in a polling place and challenging black or Hispanic voters in 2008. Even with an armed guard.
The word is out on how Republicans plan to block millions of people from voting in 2008. There will be riots.
Ashcroft stood for principles and the rule of law
No, he really didn’t:
@19 Off my meds, huh? Think so? Chavez would make a hell of a lot better veep than Dickless Cheney. For one thing, if Chavez had run your fucked-up war in Iraq, it would have been over in six months.
@19 Anyone who votes Republican needs to be put in a straitjacket and put on meds, starting with you.
proud leftis @ 12,
Yeah, I suppose the Dems will win in 2008 (if they don’t run Hillary), and we’ll be back to the same crap inside of a couple of months. The whacky right will be name-calling and stating half-truths just as the loonly left has done over the past seven years.
Does this dog and pony show ever end? Is there any difference between the far left and the far right?
Tell me who on the “loony left” has had a lick of power in the last 25 years. Comparing those on the left who actually have any power with those on the rabid right who do leaves a very unbalanced equation–Republican presidential candidates, all of them in Congress or having held high state office, deny evolution. Jerry Falwell had the ear of all of those candidates. Nothing on the far left compares. Clinton was essentially a conservative compared to what Democrats used to be like. You are using an easy fallback position. The far left has been so marginalized for so long that they have exactly no influence on our political world. That, my friend, is too damned bad.
Chavez for VP? hell, why not for President? Yeah, yeah, I know…he ain’t a citizen. But could he be anything but an improvement over what we have now? Nope. At least he can do a helluva speech. (Any of y’all still small that sulfur?)
(For that matter, wasn’t there some babble after Schwartzenneger got elected Gov in California about amending the Constitution to allow him to run? Seemed to fade away when he turned out not to be quite “ideologically pure” enough for the neocons to stay in love with him.)
Lessee…who or what else would we be better off with as POTUS in place of George W. Bush….?
Any of the current Dems with their hats in the ring? Sure!
Jennifer Granholm? Another non-natural born citizen (she’s originally from Vancouver)…pity. It’s been said that otherwise she’d be “Hillary’s worst nightmare”.
Any of the Republican candidates or almost-candidates? OK, maybe not Giuliani, unless he pledges to hold press conferences in drag.
Fred Thompson? Why not? He can at least speak in complete sentences, whether or not they’re from a script.
Richard Pope. You’ve got more on the ball than most of those turkeys.
That gorrilla who got loose and mauled that lady. Hey, she still likes him.
My neighbor’s cat.
Gerald Ford’s exhumed corpse.
Britney Spears’ hair. Not the rest of her, though.
Billy Ray Cyrus. Betcha he’d be a better President than he was a dancer.
Ann Coulter. Yeah, Ann Coulter. She talks so Goddamned tough, it’d be fun to see her try and actually run things in the real world. I’ll bet it’d take about 25 minutes to see her reduced to a sniveling wreck.
If 21 bucks a week isn’t enough, here’s an idea: Get a fucking job. Problem solved.
Fucking losers…
ArtFart @ 29
You prove liberals have a sense of humor. Outstanding post.
Fredo’s days are numbered although I agree with Goldy that the longer Chimperor sticks by his Abu Gonzo the better it is for Democrats. I also agree that it would be better for the country to install someone with integrity to the AG position. Someone like John McKay, perhaps.
This is no “overblown personnel matter”; this is the abrogation of Justice to satisfy the ends of the RNC. This has Rove’s slimy paw prints all over it and Leahy etal need to get that bloody bastard under oath and answering questions. And where in the hell are all of his e-mails?
This thing ain’t over by a longshot even if Abu resigns.
28 Clark humphrey wrote an interesting paragraph today on his “” blog. His opinion appears to be that Jerry Falwell’s greatest gift was in fact for self-promotion, convincing politicians and common folk that he and his movement were a far bigger deal than they deserved to be.
” . . . Jerry Falwell’s greatest gift was in fact for self-promotion, convincing politicians and common folk that he and his movement were a far bigger deal than they deserved to be.” ArtFart
No question about that. Falwell and his ilk never deserved anything more than inattention. But, they found a way to get the media (the liberal media? Yeah, right), and fawning politicians, on board. They created fear, causing those who listened to them to figure they had better follow or eternal damnation might be the consequence. Falwell accomplished his goal. That goal was not bringing people to Christ, but bringing people to Falwell.
@27 Another lame-ass attempt to say “the left and right are the same.” No, they’re not.
We Need a National Primary
Florida moved its presidential primary from March to January today. How long will this jockeying for position by states go on? At the rate things are going the nominees will be chosen by Jan. 31. Then we’ll have to endure a 10-month general election campaign. Of course, they’ll need to run twice as many TV ads which means the parties will have to raise twice as much money. Madness. Sheer madness.
Congress should pass a law saying every state has to hold its primary or caucus on … on … oh what the hell … on June 15. No sooner, no later. Then, let the best party* — not the cheatingest party** — win.
* Democrats
** Republicans
@32 Jonathan Alter of Newsweek said the same thing last week.
Checking Sucky Politics, I see a thread on high housing costs has 2 comments, while a thread on high cable TV costs has 50 comments. Kinda tells you where their values are, doesn’t it?
Just a friendly reminder to everyone: Check the top to see who wrote each post before commenting; Darryl is the author of this fine post.
Roger Rabbit says:
@27 Another lame-ass attempt to say “the left and right are the same.” No, they’re not.
Hear, hear. The left has alway been the party of the commie,thug, fascist, terrorist hugging,drug abusing, vote stealing, lying hypocrite asshole. And dont you forget it.
Nice job Darryl! Took a while (slow dialup modem here) for me to load the YouTubes, but great digging on your part for some prime shows! (Also got a HOOT out of the “Fredo’s Revenge” YouTube, thanks @ 11, Stoller!)
One thing some spot I read pointed out – with a vote of no confidence on his back, Fredo is going to soon need to work with Senate/Congress in order to get a replacement/confirmation for McNulty. Sounds like the no confidence vote may be a healthy way to go. Bush keeps squeaking (like an angst driven pre-puberty male) that it doesn’t mean anything, but the more he squeaks the more it appears to be botherin’ Shrub. Plus any Republican up for reelection, who doesn’t chose to go along with that vote, is going to have some ‘splaining to do next election for their constituents. Interesting, to say the least!
Not so for the American Center for Voting Rights, a group that has literally just disappeared as an organization, and for which it seems no replacement group will rise up. With no notice and little comment, ACVR—the only prominent nongovernmental organization claiming that voter fraud is a major problem, a problem warranting strict rules such as voter-ID laws—simply stopped appearing at government panels and conferences. Its Web domain name has suddenly expired, its reports are all gone (except where they have been preserved by its opponents), and its general counsel, Mark “Thor” Hearne, has cleansed his résumé of affiliation with the group. Hearne won’t speak to the press about ACVR’s demise. No other group has taken up the “voter fraud” mantra.
Dan Rather @ 38
Plainly, your mother didn’t love you and your father left home before you got a chance to know him. Understandably, a person from your background lashes out irrationally. My friend, help is available. It’s called suicide. Try it. Do us all a favor.
Richard @ 2, There is a clear difference between honest political differences, like we had with Ashcroft, and dealing with people, like Bush and Gonzales, who are so corrupt, so dishonest, so empty of any moral center, that they cannot ever be allowed to assume power in a civilized society. Gonzales is a vicious worm in the heart of America.
Bush is worse.
@38 I can go with the “thug” part. What we need is some of those old-time union men with their pipes, bricks, and bats. They knew how to handle neocons.
@44 Just kidding! Wingnut humor, y’know?
@40 Ahhh … but ACVR wasn’t a “nongovernmental organizaton” … it was a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bush-Rove gang.
Does this mean ACVR isn’t renting a 3″ x 3″ mailbox in a Dallas strip mall anymore?
Well why stop at Chavez. How bout a ticket like
That would be perfect for you. ya?
Of course, you have been very vocal about how terrible our capatalistic system is…Why don’t you just hop one of those empty boats that the cuban refugees use, risking their lives to get here… get out and join your comrade in Cuba.
Well, look at this..
The Democrats really don’t want the troops to come home now.
All of the radical anti war libs who have been crowing about “blue wave” and “anti-war” mandate are getting the shaft.
Good for congress. Good for our country. Good for our troops. So of course, bad for the radical libs.
WASHINGTON – In grudging concessions to President Bush, Democrats intend to draft an Iraq war-funding bill without a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and shorn of billions of dollars in spending on domestic programs, officials said Monday
Bush Used Recess Appointment to Install Vote Suppression Operative as Head of Federal Elections Commission
Brad Friedman, of the Brad Blog, blew the whistle on this one:
U.S. Attorney firings … ACVR … FEC … they’re all interconnected. It’s becoming crystal clear what the GOP plan to steal elections is:
1. Hoodwink the public into believing vote fraud is a massive problem by using (a) captured federal agencies like the DoJ civil rights division and the FEC, (b) phony organizatons like ACVR, and (c) federal prosecutors to create a public impression of voting fraud problems that don’t exist;
2. Demand laws that keep legitimate voters from voting;
3. Use these laws to steal elections by targeting poor, elderly, and minority voters in precincts likely to lean Democratic.
And what they did is a federal felony for which they potentially could go to prison.
I am profoundly offended by the lengths Republicans went to, TO KEEP AMERICAN CITIZENS FROM VOTING IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. And I’m downright angry by their efforts to disenfranchise black soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
@49 What’s “good for our troops” about their being stuck in Iraq and dying at the rate of 5 to 10 a day?
Oh yeah, one more thing — the troop-hating Bush administration is trying to cut troop pay by 1/2%. Congress wants to give the soldiers a 3.5% pay raise, but the skinflint White House is holding out for 3.0% and says the extra 1/2% is “unnecessary.” The thing is, a federal law REQUIRES the Pentagon to match the 3.5% civilian pay rate, so the White House’s position is ILLEGAL.
It’s really not necessary to point out the Busheviks’ shabby treatment of our soldiers, as by now the whole country understands that GOP claims of “supporting the troops” is a sick joke.
@48 Isn’t it sad that, on Bush’s watch, American citizens go to Cuba to get medical care from Castro because they can’t afford to see a doctor in their own country?
49 Maybe that’s what RS wants…perhaps other people dying gives him his jollies.
Bush will never fire AGag.
AGag will never resign.
We’ll just have to impeach him.
The latest “Diabolical Rove Conspiracy” theory is that this Gonzo debacle is merely part of a larger plan to create the “Pariah Presidency”. The objective is to create the sense in the minds of voters that the disgraceful state of our nation, from the bloody civil war in Iraq to the skyrocketing deficit, is entirely and solely the responsibility of the “rogue” President. And by doing so, inoculate Republicans from any responsibility going into 2008. And that’s why Gonzo will stay.
Already, we hear putative liberals suggesting that “most” of the Publican candidates would be an improvement over Crawford’s Commander Codpiece. Which may be true, as far as that goes. But how did we manage to overlook their collective and individual responsibility for bringing us this criminal conspiracy in the first place? And enriching themselves in the bargain?
rove’s brain is the only smart guy on here……you’re getting warmer toots.
but, it’s still to late to save that sad bunch the dems are running.
and i will be laughing all the way to the voting booth…..