Just got back from doing an interview with FOX News on I-1098. Yeah, I know, that makes me a media whore. But I heard they were interviewing 710-KIRO sports talker Dori Monson too, and I just wanted to bring him down to my level.
Anyway, I don’t have cable, and wouldn’t watch FOX News if I did, so on the odd chance any of my readers are watching Monday when the segment airs, I’d appreciate hearing back as to which clip they used.
No income tax for Washington. Don’t vote for I-1098. If Bill Gates Sr. is having a conscience fare-up, he should mail a check to the Washington State Department of Revenue to ease his self-induced pain.
Folks, please don’t vote for I-1098 – we’ll all regret it and very soon after its hypothetical enactment.
If Bill Gates Sr. is feeling guilty about being wealthy, he and his like-minded friends should mail large checks to the Washington State Department of Revenue to ease their self-induced pain.
Sorry about the doble posting. My bad!
Every one of your postings is “your bad!”.
RE: 4,
Why don’t you east shit and die, motherfucker? Fuck you, you arrogant cocksucker!
You have been duped.
The tax IS NOT about taxing Rich People like Gates. Gates Jr. made a salary of $660,000 last year and with being married pays very little. Gates Jr. also owns nearly $200 MILLION of real estate.
So you are pimping a tax that the richest man in the world will pay less???
What a pinhead! I’ll bet the Gates family and others who know all about long-term capital gains instead of salaries are laughing at how gullible you are.
Gates Sr. spent his career helping rich folks avoid taxes. He’s still doing it Goldy…with your help.
This tax on earned income is NOT about taxing the rich..it’s about taxing folks who WANT to be rich you numbskull.
Your arrogance & ego does not allow you to see the reality of this ruse Goldy.
@6 Kind of an idiot aren’t you? You want stuff, but don’t want to pay for it. The public doesn’t want to use property taxes (want them lowered actually). We don’t want to pay more in sales taxes. We don’t want an income tax. (insert crying baby sound)
Typical child’s take on reality. Just reach for the candy bar in the checkout lane, with no concept that mommy has to pay for it. We want the libraries, schools, police, parks, etc…you just don’t want to pay for them.
Grow up. Or shut up and step aside and let the grownups deal with this. The Republican ideal is to spend like crazy (re: Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2) and just put it ALL on credit so they can lower taxes TOO (driving up the debt).
EVERYONE should vote for I-1098. Or lets just shut down the parks. Parks are socialist anyway. If you want a place for your kids to play or to walk the dog or relax you and your neighbors can get together and buy some real estate and market rates, build a park and manage it yourself. Stop asking “the government” to do things FOR you. ROTFLMAO
re 1: If you say that Gates senior’s actions are because of a conscience flare up, you are indirectly affirming the truth of the fact that the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes.
Why else the conscience flare up?
re 5: Oh, my!!! Hope you don’t experience a conscience flare up.
I doubt that you will, though.
Typical Republican thin-skinned Whiny Ass Tittie Baby.
Like Alki said: “Grow the fuck up.”
Jeez, so much solipsistic vitriol and bile spewed up in this thread already. Please don’t bring your shit East, PI.
All i wanted to know was which FoxNews (of all of the available FoxNews) you are going to be on Goldy.
Was just perusing the No on 1098 contributors and found some interesting hypocrisy. I believe Scott Oki is a UW regent- and we know what kind of shape our higher education system is in. I’m wondering if he is fulfilling his fiduciary responsibility to the UW and citizens of Washington by contributing $5000 to the No campaign. So much for the insincere rhetoric about the need for good public education.
And remember the goodies the City of Seattle granted to the Russell Company for moving to Seattle? Yep, they too contributed $50,000 to the No campaign.
And note the many $10,000 contributions from Microsoft execs. I guess their tax savings will pay for their kids’ Lakeside tuition.
You know, I wish I paid a million dollars a year in taxes, because if I did I’d be one rich bastard. Time for those other rich bastards to pay their fair share. Washington currently ranks 46th in the country in spending on education per $1,000 of income. Why do you think that is? Can our state maintain its prosperity if we don’t properly fund education? Hint: the answer is no. If you want to live in Mississippi, move there. Here, we’re raising taxes for education.
Washington’s wealthy have benefited by our ridiculous patchwork of regressive taxes, by which lower-income people pay a much larger percentage of their income in taxes than do those with higher incomes. It is time for change and time for the rich to pay their fair share. There are only six other states with no income tax. Do you REALLY think this little marginal tax, coupled with breaks on property and business taxes, will lead someone to leave the state ranked number two in business climate by Forbes magazine move to one of those other states that aren’t number one? Yeah, right.
The income tax applies to the wealthiest 1.2 percent of Washington residents, but it will bring in $1.6 billion in net revenue in the first year, the second year it will bring in $2.2 billion, and by 2018 it would bring in $3 billion annually. I think the other 98.8% of us would like that very much indeed.
Of course, and of the vitriol-thorwers are carefully avoiding any mention that Initiative 1098 will reduce state property taxes by 20 percent for all home and business owners and increase the small business tax credit from $420 to $4,800 annually. That increase in teh tax credit will eliminate the state business and occupation tax for more than 80 percent of businesses and reduce it for another 10 percent.
Small businesses in WA pay twice as much in state and local taxes proportionally than big corporations, and under Initiative 1098, 95 percent of taxpayers would see a reduction in their taxes.
Those are the numbers, folks. Deal with it.
All blather aside, Goldy – I’m looking at the TV listings for both Fox and Fox News and i can’t find anything called News (sounds like a joke, but I’m serious) – do you know what time it’s going to air?
I’d assume that Goldy’s talking about the local Faux affiliate. That’s channel 13, isn’t it? It would be in one of their newscasts.
On second thought, if it’s channel 13, why would one need cable to view it?
BTW, if Initiative 1098 passes, Washington’s tax system will still be unfair toward the lowest earners, just not as much so. The chart will still look like hell.
If the initiative passes, the top 20 percent of earners will be paying 5 percent of their annual income and the middle class will be paying 10 percent, Burbank said.
ALso, a lot of the anti-1098 trolls LOVE to claim that in the future, the state government will expand the income tax to lower income levels. You should know that according to the initiative, any changes to the income levels affected by the tax would have to come from a popular vote.
And to be VERY honest, the Washington State Legislature is too gutless to touch an income tax, which is why Initiative 1098 is coming before voters in the first place!
@5: Now, now – time to get your blood pressure checked PI.
Just because you are called out for being incredibly ignorant and failing to defend your pathetically simplistic point of view, is no reason to resort to childish insults.
14. Daddy Love spews:
It is PROJECTED to bring in that amount dumbass. PROJECTED by the proponents.
It assumes these Rich Folks do absolutely nothing to try to AVOID the tax…..which is really naive dumbass.
You KLOWNS are fools.
Gates Jr. pays less…and you pretend this is a tax to soak the rich??
Gimme a break.
You KLOWNS have been duped by the world’s richest man.
IF this passes, watch for Big Bonuses just before it goes into affect…and then watch this thing ultimately get overturned 2 years from now by the Republican Legislature.
You KLOWNS are mighty gullible…and stupid too!
20 Cyn
So these people have NOT been hiding every bit of income they can from the Feds but will suddenly become both much more intelligent and criminal, and will hide much parger chunks because of a 5% state tax on marginal income over $250K?
You strain credulity. You insult our intelligence. I will in turn insult yours. You are a fool to believe this.
Shouldn’t we ask Dino Rossi if he agrees with Randy Paul that people who have paid into Medicare all of their workinhg lives should now “bear more of the burden?” Because I’ll bet he DOES agree.
“and then watch this thing ultimately get overturned 2 years from now by the Republican Legislature.”
Heee, heeee, delusional, hee, heee…So that tea party uprising is going to bring the state level Rs back from the dead by 2010? HoooooooT! Without redistricting before 2010 you think you’ll pick up 8 Senate seats and 16 house seats. Wow! Awesome!
Of course, if it DID happen, I would expect you and the Times to be all up in arms about “The Will of the People” when they tinker with I-1098. Maybe third time’s the charm Rossi will bring in a special session for that purpose.
You’re cute when you’re optimistic Cyn…
Goldy: whores get paid. You’re just a slut.
Mr Cynical.
State income tax is the norm. Nationwide.
You live in Montana, right? Montana has an income tax. Ditto Idaho.
What’s so terrible about the finances of Montana and Idaho?
Why should Washington be different?
As a favor to me, and the rest of humanity, please pimp your faux libertarian nonsense to your neighbors and let Washingtonians do what’s best for Washingtonians.
Mr Cynical.
Now I know what you’re thinking.
If Washington State took your advice and simply implemented a poll tax, we wouldn’t need an state income tax.
How much revenue do you libertarians think you could collect by having “pay to play” courts?
incorrect @ 5
That was AWESOME!
Voting yes on I-1098 just got a bit sweeter.
Going forward…
Please post your Incorrect Voting Guide before every election. That’d really help me.
Any idea what time it will be on?
I have to say, the argument that taxing rich, criminal bastards will cause them to become even more criminal and bastardly is intriguing.
Not very convincing or logical, but intriguing.