Well, not exactly… but since I, nor anyone else, know how to make the connection to the markets and Fox News watching investors, it’s only an amusing assumption.
“Given the opposing views on the speed and degree of fiscal consolidation necessary, the status quo outcome implies difficult negotiations ahead on the fiscal cliff … and the debt ceiling,” analysts at Nomura wrote in a note to clients.
Reading recent Krugman makes you wonder if that loyalty has in fact spread past the republican caucus.
Given the starkness of this difference, you might have expected to see people from both sides of the political divide urging voters to cast their ballots based on the issues. Lately, however, I’ve seen a growing number of Romney supporters making a quite different argument. Vote for Mr. Romney, they say, because if he loses, Republicans will destroy the economy.
I’d come to the conclusion some time ago that watching TV news is not a healthy activity. And as dangerous as irrational exuberance is, I’d add that the dangers of irrational pessimism are equally as bad. But if we were to have a Jonestown style fiscal suicide among conservative investors, the dirty rotten little liberal in me hopes it happens just before a robust Obama economic resurgence. And despite my health advisory, I’ll watch the squealing on Fox News.
Well, 2 things about today’s stock selloff, no, make that 3 things.
One, the nearly identical percentage declines you see in the major stock indexes — the Dow is down 2.36%, the S&P 500 is down 2.37%, and Nasdaq is down 2.48% — strongly suggests was computerized robot trading and not human minds in action. Everybody had their “automatic sell” triggers set in the same place, and the moment a trader somewhere pushed a “sell button,” those triggers were hit and the computers started selling stocks to other computers until the “automatic buy” triggers were hit. There’s no other freaking way you can get this kind of agreement between such differently constructed stock indexes.
Two, stocks have gone up so much since June 1 that today’s selloff put only a modest dent in that rally; most stocks are far more expensive tonight than they were on June 1.
Three, stocks were driven lower today by much more than the election. You had the European Commission forecasting a deeper recession in Europe for 2013, the European Central Bank chief saying there are signs the Eurozone’s weakness is infecting Germany’s economy, renewed rioting in Athens streets as the Greek parliament narrowly passed more austerity measures so their country won’t go bankrupt this month, the impact of Hurricane Sandy on the U.S. economy’s 4th quarter, and of course with the election out of the way investors are now focusing on the fiscal cliff. So you pretty much have a perfect storm external events converging on internally-wired robotic trading and BOOM! you get the Dow selling off 313 points.
Anyone who thinks the market crashed today because Obama won doesn’t know enough about investing to be trusted with a $1 bill. This wasn’t a crash. And it wasn’t caused solely, or even primarily, by Obama’s win. If you need a scapegoat for this decline, blame Europe. That had more to do with it.
You all know how much I (heart) cheap stocks! I didn’t buy stock today, because they’re not cheap at these quotes. A 2.4% drop? That’s punk, it’s nothing, not even a little correction. I want a 15% correction! If anyone here can figure out how to do that please share. Ideas?
@1 Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the CAPITAL GAINS CLIFF:
“Our portfolio’s will be cashed out while the max capital gains is still 15%.” — Ragnar Danneskold on Sound Politics
Let’s skip over the grammar error (there’s no apostrophe in the plural form of the noun “portfolio”) and cut to the chase: If obstinate Republicans in congress don’t come to a reasonable agreement on taxes and spending before Jan. 1 their capital gains taxes will go up. Way up if they’re in top income brackets. Of course, I don’t have that problem, because half of my stocks are in IRAs and the other half, well, let’s just say I’m in a Ninety-Nine-Percenter tax bracket, not a One-Percenter bracket.
Which brings me to this point: When stocks become too profitable for One Percenters to own, they’ll dump them in favor of assets they can write off (e.g., Romney Intrade futures), and stocks will be transferred to Ninety-Nine-Percenters who don’t have tax problems from making too much money — e.g., people and rabbits like you and me.
That should help restore balance to the distribution of our nation’s wealth. After all, they didn’t create that wealth; workers made it — every bit of it.
So stocks went down because of the European’s embracing a viewpoint more inline with reality? That kinda makes sense seeing that most of those stock brokers were backing Romney and Romney was the anti-reality candidate.
A sell off on Wall Street obtained strength Wednesday, with the Dow ending below 13,000 for the first time in three months, as traders targeted on how President Obama plans to avoid the fiscal cliff after he won re-election Tuesday night.
intraday mcx tips
Puddy? You are spamming for India? Relocating?
Makes more sense than anything else you’ve inflicted here.
My response to the drop in the DJIA, and reports attributing it to Obama’s re-election, was a big yawn. We’ve heard all that before – the dire predictions of the wingnut trolls here (parroting Beck,Limbaugh, and Fox News generally) that the stock market was going to crash the minute Obama took office in 2000, and all our retirement funds would be gone!
It will swing back. Detroit will make a lot of money building new cars to replace the ones flooded by Hurricane Sandy. Boeing is issuing new order announcements several times a week, and is building the aircraft as fast as it can to meet the demand. Every other indication I’ve seen is that economic activity is slowly recovering.
Fox News can wring it’s hands all it wants, but I’m betting on America.
In contrast, here are the comments and twitter posts from the “celbrety pundits” about America’s future after Obama’s re-election:
“In a nation of children, Santa Claus wins.”
— Rush Limbaugh
“It’s over. There is no hope.”
— Ann Coulter
“I can’t stop crying. America died.”
— Victoria Jackson
Well the stock market will tank even more when the defense sequestration cuts happen now that Obummer won the election. Boeing just fired the first salvo. Watch stocks drop.
As this gets out and more businesses drop employees due to ObummerCare stocks will drop.
Right now… Noon eastern
NYSE and NASDAQ are down. Nice thoughts for Obummer economy outlook!
Now that ObummerCare is official a bidness has the following five choices… Bad for stock market
1) Shut their doors forever
2) Make them part time (under 40 hours)
3) Keep their total employee count less than 50
4) Layoff employees to cover ObummerCare costs
5) Tread water and hope for a miracle
Butt wait… they didn’t build that!
Here is another one from twitter… Layoffs are coming due to ObummerCare… Stock Market gonna tank even more.
200 employees… but he didn’t build that either.
This election will have dire consequences to many a worker this and next year.
More part time workers?
This election will have dire consequences to the stock market and to many a worker this and next year.
It wasn’t just a knee-jerk resulting from some calamitous prediction from Fox. Dick Gephardt, not exactly a conservative, gave people more than a little push:
Yeah, there will be shakeout. I probably will take some capital gains this year instead of next year and I suspect that there might be some special dividends issued before year-end by companies looking to avoid nailing their shareholders with higher cap gains and Obamacare taxes on a distribution.
Aww, Puddy’s back, and he’s saying things as cute as ever! I’ve always thought we could do a lot better as far as trolls go, but it was getting awfully quiet without Puddy’s thoroughly predictable rants.
Oh, and Serial’s back as well! Hope both you and Puddy recovered from the crying-in-your-beer hangover! (And I mean that sincerely).
By the way, WalMart is doing it’s bit for the economy, it’s market share, and to completely ruin the Thanksgiving of it’s underpaid employees by by beginning Black Friday sales – on Thursday, thanksgiving day. I will open it’s doors at 8:00 p.m., but that means it’s floor staff will have to be unpacking boxes of merchandise and setting up the special displays for hours in advance – probably meaning that many will only have a chance for breakfast with the immediate family before leaving for work.
Did I mention that if you combine the net worth of the WalMart heirs, the family would be the richest person in the U.S. by a considerable margin.
@ 17
I’m pretty philosophical about it. Personally, my family’s OK, the family member I know who voted Democrat will be the one likely footing the bill in the future, and if my taxes are significantly raised from current level it pushes me to retirement sooner. If it turns out that we as a nation have voted to hit the iceberg, I wasn’t in the majority.
I’m glad that young people turned out. I hope it continues.
Erskine Bowles sees opportunity:
Make a deficit deal now
I dunno. Isn’t it in the president’s interest to let things slide until we’re closer to the 2013 calendar year? If it’s his wish to achieve higher revenue, it will happen by default in another 7 weeks. I’m not sure what the Democrats have to lose by putting forth a bill that extends the Bush cuts only for those making $250,000 or less per year. GOP can agree, or not. It doesn’t shut down the government either way.
Elections have consequences. And Obama just won his final one.
So now the trolls have switched from “Romney has it in the bag, Obama is toast, the next Jimmy Carter” to “the sky is falling now that the ‘community organizer’ beat the one who “understands” [vulture] capitalism”.
The next two years will be tumultuous and not pretty..
The trolls will blame Obama of course..
People with more on the ball will wonder how we can run all those teabaggers out of the Congress.
Bob @ 19,
What do I prefer?
A bit more in taxes, which I can pay.
Or massive job losses that almost tanked the entire country?
What a hard choice to make.
I wonder if the thugs controlling the House will:
Pass jobs and budget bills…
Or pass more Vagina bills…
With their focus on rape and their hatred of women I’m betting on the latter.
@ 22
A bit more in taxes, which I can pay.
So can most people with incomes down to $75K or even lower.
Raise taxes across the board and you accomplish two things:
1. Shared sacrifice. We’re all in this together and with everyone paying more there’s downward pressure on spending. People want their taxes to be wisely applied and this helps with that.
2. It’s the only thing that truly makes a dent in the deficit. Higher taxes only on the wealthy is chump change, relatively speaking.
I’m not opposed to higher taxation. I am opposed to selective higher taxation that is effectively punitive and does very little to change the situation we’re in.
Hey Bob. How’d all that calling Obama “the one” work out for you?
How’d that Benghazi attack FUD work out?
How’d that gas price FUD work out?
How’d that Faux News crap about the Chevy Volt work out? OHIO spoke!
How’d that “Obama cut Medicare (and Ryan agreed)” and “Romney will restore the cuts” work out for you?
How’d all those outlier polls work out? Keep hope alive baby! (But don’t bet against Nate Silver and Prof Darryl Holman.)
How’d all that misogyny against left-leaning women work out?
And the economy? You had a point there Bob. No President since FDR has survived as dreary an economy as this one. But Obama the former “community organizer” found a way. The moneyed right wing elite fighting the last war with over-priced ad buys didn’t have a freaking clue what hit them.
You’re a joke Bob. Don’t come here trying the same old crap expecting different results.
See a shrink instead and please go Galt..
expat “chad”: nice to see you here again. How is the view from Southeast Asia?
Heh.. Bob and “the one”:
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/bob.tct ” streq ‘the one’ | cut -f1,4,5
the one count 116
@ 25
Get it all out of your system, YLB. Don’t forget the link to some HA commenter that said something with a racial slant, because clearly what that person said must mean that every other person who leans right thinks similarly.
Chevy Volt and Benghazi? They’re still around. So’s the deficit and the dreary economy. They’ll be here next year as well.
Roger will get his wish. -350 points yesterday, -80 today, nowhere to go but down.
Vegas is starting to lay off because of Obamacare
Oh like this?
“Do I want a jigaboo for president?” Nahhh.
Oh that race thing. Like we on the left should turn a blind eye to that especially when the right wing can’t come up with a coherent argument on replacing a seasoned african american incumbent president, facing adversity every step of the way during his term, with a bullshitting, maniacally tax dodging vulture capitalist.
And you never answered the question:
How’d did it all work out for you?
Epic posting day by ylbleeder….
I wonder how much free stuff he’s gonna get..lol
30 – You thumb the dumbphone quite a bit during your workday twirp.. Is it all HA??
Any texts to the streetwalkers for a quickie date before returning to the mcmansion to pretend you’re a decent husband and role model for your kids?
In light of the asshat troll’s fondness for texting 7 to 3…
Im too busy in the day to be wasting my time listening to Rush or anybody else on the radio.
Not much of a life in any case.
And how’d that “Obama is another Hoover” shit work out for you?
Hoover only served one term genius.
Clap LOUDER assholes…
Tried to embed the vid….
…still hilarious!
(like the fucking republicans)
Sunday morning is gonna be a bloodbath.
Personally, I could use a bit of a slide in the market, like Roger, because I need to pick up some stocks for my IRA account and it’s just been too expensive all summer to justify buying them.
If it really is the Fox News crowd selling off their shares, then we may be seeing a rather larger re-distribution of revenue from Republicans to Democrats. The stock market is only one example. The other is the estimated 1.3 Billion invested by “independent” PACS to support mostly by Republican candidates.
It hasn’t been a good investment for them. Karl Rove’s PACS (both of them) seem to have achieved about a 1% success rate. Most other Republican packs did no better than 5%. And the NRA got shut out entirely – every candidate it invested in lost.
Karl Rove’s PAC Spending Debacle
And as usual, a great cartoon by Horsey:
Crying in their beer
Here’s another maxee asshat classic:
hahahahah, I worked all day – no time for posting or screwing off.
no posting for me during the day –
“Works hard” thumbin’ his dumbphone at HA.
I gotta work up a report on his 7-3 m-f posting.
That’s gonna be a blog post.
“because clearly what that person said must mean that every other person who leans right thinks similarly”
No, not every commenter who leans right. I have no recollection of Max, Piper, Pudge or Marvin going racial. Probably a few others as well. But right off the bat there’s a few racist types who come to mind. There’s several guys named Mark, like Mark the Redneck, there’s the Klown, some guy named JCH or something like that, lostinaseaofblue and, of course, yourself. Some let loose with racial slurs while others hide behind a veneer of snide and smarm. Like you.
Such gloom and doom today, Bob. You seemed bummed out about something.
Lmfao..obsessive stalker much?
Speaking of Max! I hope all is well. You nailed it on contruction site danger the other day. The lib’s comment was clueless.
Anyways, if anyone hasn’t seen it yet, this 9 year-old girl kicks some football ass. Amazing.
Your memory is quite accurate concerning these trolls
except for one.
41 – Nope. Just someone who gets a kick out of exposing right wing liars and hypocrites.
@9 “Well the stock market will tank even more when the defense sequestration cuts happen now that Obummer won the election.”
I certainly hope so. Aerospace/defense stocks have gotten way overvalued and I can’t buy them at these prices. They need to come down about 30%. I’m waiting for sequestration to kick in so that’ll happen. We spend too much on hyperexpensive weaponry anyway.
@8 et seq.: Man is it ever fun to watch the wingies writhe in agony!!! Remember how you used to burn ants with a magnifying glass and the sun when you were a kid? It’s that much fun!
@24 Why not raise tax hikes in the same proportion as Bush cut taxes? For example, if your taxes went down $50 under Bush you pay $50 more, and if your taxes went down $500,000 under Bush you pay $500,000 more. That’s fair, isn’t it?
ylbuttspigot, the hearing are next week useless tool. America will finally hear that which the news media hid for seven weeks so Obummer could get elected.
Useless tool! The truth will come out.
Yeah, that crossed Puddy’s mind too! ylbuttspigot’s cheer leading is very telling he’s glad his gravy train will continue.
@29 Buffett figures this out long before I do. He likes a falling market, which makes perfect sense, because he’s a buy-side investor who never sells. So why would he want stocks to be expensive?
In my case, I flip, so I want stocks to get expensive … after I buy them. I needn’t worry; they will. I learned long ago there’ll always be fools who pay too much for things — whether it’s stocks, houses, engagement rings, or what have you. With prices there’s a law of gravity that causes everything to fall up instead of down. So the sell-side takes care of itself. Like Buffett, I make my money when stocks get cheap enough to buy. Then, all I have to do is wait, like a cat at a mouse hole. It works every time. Have you ever seen a starving cat?
Everyone’s taxes are going up next year ylbuttspigot. The only one’s who won’t will be the newly unemployed due to Obummercare kicking in.
Have you noticed rhpee6033 hasn’t refuted any of the layoff stories or their potential effect on the stock market when they hit?
Nice job moron!
@37 “The stock market is only one example. The other is the estimated 1.3 Billion invested by ‘independent’ PACS to support mostly by Republican candidates.”
I loaded up on Gannett shares before they started spending it. Gannett has newspapers (“USA Today”), TV stations, and radio. My investments are doing fine. Theirs not so much. God I love taking money from Republicans! I’ll put it to much better use than they every do.
48 – LMAO!
Tooo sceeeered to admit it didn’t work for shit to elect a tax dodging bullshit artist who wears funny underwear..
You mean this gravy train? Oh we proved there that not only can you NOT read, you flunked arithmetic too. “epic.. fail..”
I’m cheering for how well all your right wing bullshit has worked out for you.
How’d that Liz Warren lawyering FUD work out for you? Couldn’t reelect that hustling nude model could it?
You see rhp6033 the chickens are coming home to roost.
Remember his attack on these corporations? John Deere, Verizon, Caterpillar and AT&T for following GAAP principles and reporting their by law write downs as required by SEC rules for Obummercare?
The Obummercare chickens are coming home to roost!
Yeah.. That’s Obama making a deal with Tea Baggin’ asshole right wingers in Congress.
Could he have made a better deal? Not likely.
And by the way. Republicans in Congress voted for it, stupid.
The Boston Globe buried the truth. Typical leftist slobbering libtard media.
Y’all are getting what you voted for.
Man ylbuttspigot is an idiot. Obummercare is a tax you moron. Supreme Court said. so. Puddy’s corporate health premiums are going up next year. Already received the prospectus.
Being unemployed you have no clue since you live of mrs. buttspigot’s salary!
57 – Didn’t vote for the status quo moron and that’s what we got..
Take heart stupid that your kind will do their best over the next two years to double down and more on the stupid they’ve shown the last two years..
I’ll cross my fingers that Obama’s team will figure something out just like they brought it home last Tuesday..
Here are the mass layoff notices from BLS ylbuttspigot… Only gonna get worse! Add this link to those Puddy been providing you over the years and then hijack later.
Yes it will be Obummer’s fault. His economy!
# 52: I don’t usually respond to Puddy’s message, but I’ll do it this one time.
He mentioned, among a kitchen sink of other things, that Boeing Defense is contracting in anticipation of sequestration.
Now, sequestration would put a major impact on military spending. But an engineering firm in Seattle who does a lot of work for the military spent the summer submitting bids and getting contracts for work. The military has some pretty smart people in it’s ranks, especially in the Corps of Enginners, and they know when they better spend their budget because it might be at risk later.
As for Boeing Defense, if you read today’s papers you will see that it’s part of a consolidation it began a year ago. They had something like 9 workers for every executive and manager, now they are cutting at the top to remove executives and bring that ration to something more like 12 workers for each manager. The favored executives were already transferred to Boeing Commercial over the past year. Those remaining will get cut, re-assigned to Boeing Commercial, or have to do the work previously done by two other executives. Next year’s cuts will be even deeper into the manager ranks, but Boeing says a lot of them will be transferred to the Puget Sound area to oversee the ramp-up of production of the Orian (built on a 737 airframe) and the 767 Tanker programs – both of which would be unaffected by any sequestration.
And, of course, Boeing Commercial is running hot these days. It’s trying to get 737NG’s out the door as fast as possible to make room for production of the 737MAX. The 787 now takes up one production line, a “surge line”, and a lot of work is being done at the EMC (Everett Maintenance Center) at Paine Field, on the flight line, and even in Texas. This is completely seperate from the Charleston plan, which has rolled out a handful of 787’s but has yet to deliver a Charleston-produced 787 to a customer.
Then there are the varients of the 787. Boeing is now building the 08, and the -9 is in the final design stages (with some early assemblies already in production). It is getting ready to move on to the -10, and today announced that it will begin preliminary negotiations for a stretched version of the -10, tentatively called the 787-10X, which is designed as a “A330 killer”. The only thing holding it back from starting a re-design of the 777 is the shortage of engineering resources (kids, get your degree in aerospace engineering now!).
Of course, this is pretty much irrelevent to the issue at hand, because sequestration is largly in the hands of Congress, not the President. If House Republicans want to compromise, then the door is open. But if Republicans want to bargain like the election gave them a mandate, then we will head straight into sequestration – which won’t be an entirely bad thing, since it will mean the end of the Bush tax cuts which caused so much of this problem in the first place.
Oh so are you saying you’d rather get “free stuff”?
Boo hoo hoo.. I’m so sad for you..
But I don’t get it fool. What about your HSA? Don’t you have the inexpensive catastrophic?? Isn’t that what you right wingers tell everybody to do?
Drop the expensive shit and let the market decide.. Go Galt… Sheesh.. What a dumbass.
Gee, Puddy’s memes haven’t changed. It’s like the election never happened. “The economy is Obama’s fault!” “Elizabeth Warren wasn’t a lawyer!”
Hint to Puddy: Obama was re-elected, and Warren won her Senate seat. You are beginning to sound like a little kid stamping his feet and crying “I WONT eat my vegitables! I WONT! I WONT!.
Oh shit what does this prove asshole? This economy was free-falling when your miserable Pretender-in-Chief ruled the roost way more than those August/Sept figures..
Is it the voices in your head or your miserable right wing bullshit that served you so well till last Tuesday that’s telling you this?
First answer to ylbuttspigot,
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said “We own the economy”. The recovery started June 2009.
Nuff said sucka!
Now to rhpee6033…
The Boeing layoffs were announced after Lockheed Martin announced their layoffs. Did you forget? There are other layoffs coming too. The ball is in Obummer’s court. He chose not to follow Simpson Bowles. It’s his move first. Obummer is the preznit.
Now to rhpee6033 again…
Fauxcohantas lied to the MA Public over her Cherokee status. It’s all documented there.
Lieawatha lied about her not representing firms claiming she had a MASS Law License… It’s all documented here for your future reference.
The truth. Something not in rhpee6033’s corner.
You see rhpee6033, you can attain political office by telling the truth or through lies and coverup. We know how Scott Brown played. We also know The Boston Globe would not disclose what it learned. So there are web sites that have the truth forever.
MA wanted Lieawatha and they got her. Fauxcohantas even claimed she had more evidence but would never share it. Hmmm… very telling, standard DUMMOCRAPT lies.
See ya!
65 – zzzzzZzzzzzz… Worthless. Let’s do a search on that one..
b cs -t puddymoron -b ‘we own the economy’ -c
| count |
| 3 |
1 row in set
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘we own the economy’ | cut -f1,4,5
we own the economy count 3
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘debbie wasserman schultz’ | cut -f1,4,5
debbie wasserman schultz count 10
You haven’t beat that one to death as much as other crap.
67 – And Scott Brown hustled his ass in a women’s magazine.
The people of MA voted for someone who’d fight for the poor and the middle class in the Senate.
A hustler who’d take every cent he could from Adelson, the Koch Brothers, etc to represent their interests to the exclusion of almost all else was soundly rejected.
“Documented” is another word puddl seems to have a hard time understanding. I think it was ‘vicariously’ the other day.
You really should brush up on your language skills – were you homeschooled?
You use the term ‘documented’, with regard to your ongoing frothing about Warren, and this suggests some sort of rational or objective evidence. Rather, your links lead to whakadoodle sites like ‘legalinsurrection.com’ – the romper-room of a similarly Warren-obsessed loon to whom no one of consequence pays attention.
Nice try.
I’m still waiting for puddl to explain the intricacies of agricultural commodity markets to us, and defend his totaly zany notions of tax transfers and urban grocery prices.
Don’t hold your breath, LSiaswowah.
He’s moved on to new wacky, irrelevant, off-the-wall falsehoods to drool over.
Did Scott Brown lie about it ylbuttspigot?
Documented… the words are hers ya moron. Documented… the cases are in the courts.
Document… you are an idiot!
In short, Puddy want’s another re-try of Tuesday’s election, but he thinks if he keeps repeating his memes louder and more often, they will make a difference.
The issues were before the voters, and they decided. Deal with it.
By the way, talking about fast exits: Romney campaign workers leaving the headquarters and rally late Tuesday night found that their credit cards had already been canceled, they had to pay for their taxi fares by cash or personal credit cards. One commented that that’s what happens when you work for a “fiscal conservative”.
Or a cheapskate.
73 – Reality says that in January a Koch/Adelson/Goldman Sachs, etc. tool is out and a champion of the poor and the middle class is in.
Sure does suck for psycho-phants like you.
@ 70
You use the term ‘documented’, with regard to your ongoing frothing about Warren, and this suggests some sort of rational or objective evidence.
Oy, is Puddles still prattling on about Elizabeth Warren representing clients in cases before Federal courts even though she had no license to practice law before Massachusetts courts? It’s nice to have folks like Puddles around just so we don’t forget what an idiotic prat looks like.
Thank you! Had a stroke upon arrival, been recovering for 2.5 years, beginning now to love it.
Small, poor province, will begin medical assistance to indigent shortly, now that I can walk again. Glad I came.
79 – Sorry to hear that. Be well.. Don’t spend much more time here than you can stomach. This place won’t be good for your health.
Where are you? Need more hands to help?
Southern Leyte, Republic of ThePhilippines.
Of course! I keep you posted?
Been looking for opportunity to do medicine in needy place, particularly SE asia. Bonus if safe to bring kids. Have been looking at VietNam, but haven’t found workable opportunity yet. Be interested to hear what you’re doing.
Safe for kids…I brought my old Basset. She is in heaven, especially with three attendants who fawn over her.
Have been assured by all that there is vast opportunity here, since there is NO guaranteed care here for indigents. You’ll have to provide drugs, etc, from your own funds, but they are incredibly cheap.
We need to communicate. I will create an email box here in RP that I will post in HA.
I need to find out more myself about a formal site here to use, a public place like a drugstore or the ubiquitous RC Church.
I ended up in Doctor’s Hospital in Cebu (sunburn, no less!) when on a visit 3 years ago planning my retirement, and was seized by the house doc for 3 days and invited to practice in Leyte. I am not an MD, am an ancient PA, but welcomed furiously anyway.
LS w/wo Hoodie
Hope you sew well….when a copra worker falls from an 80ft coconut palm, holding a machete, the results are frequently unsalubrious. That sort of thing. I brought 200 years’ worth of sutures.
Let’s just a keep raisen that debt level yup. Stock market, interest rates all plungin. How you gonna get any taxin paid, if everything is at zero.
@86 This is an example of why I voted against charter schools.
@78 When did puddles become an expert on lawyer licensing? I missed that.
@ 88
When did puddles become an expert on lawyer licensing?
In his own mind, the instant he read something that looked like it could be damaging to Democrats. In the real world, never. That’s what makes him so amusing.
We have giant flying roaches over here that are
amusing, but THEY have some use. Somewhere. To something.
I remember those from some time spent in eastern Ecuador.
Big bugs. BIG BUGS. Outrageous bioluminescent bugs. Crazy shit. Grasshoppers the size of your hand, tarantulas in your boots, beetles Volkswagen would recognize. Good times.
Free stuff!!!
YES. We can give you FREE bugs! You can have puddy!
I have no doubt that he is bioluminescent. He is certainly outrageous. Crazy shit?
From 47Roger said:
For example, if your taxes went down $50 under Bush you pay $50 more, and if your taxes went down $500,000 under Bush you pay $500,000 more. That’s fair, isn’t it?
Really Roger, you should get some psychological help.
Maybe he thinks it’s Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Or he just has a very restricted vocabulary…