Hate-mongering anti-choice activist Randall Terry holds his own vigil of sorts for Dr. George Tilly, essentially blaming the doctor for his own brutal assassination.
“Pro-life leaders and the pro-life movement are not responsible for George Tiller’s death. George Tiller was a mass-murderer and, horrifically, he reaped what he sowed.”
Huh. Well, as long as Terry is promoting this eye for an eye school of biblical justice, perhaps the proper response to this sort of vicious terrorist attack is to take out one of the terrorist leaders in return? Maybe Terry should reap the same sort of hate and violence that he sows?
And if you think that sentiment is a little harsh, I’d be happy to discuss it further with you over a beer. I like Guinness, and prefer my wings really hot and a little crispy.
The name of the recruiting center terrorist: Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad.
Oh, and fuck you Goldy for not making about post about this execution and terrorism.
4 thread about the killing of an abortion doctor and zero threads about recruiters being killed by a muslim terrorist.
Does goldy approve of muslim terrorists killing our military in the streets of america?
The silence speaks volumes.
Mr. Terry is apparently unaware of the biblical admonition regarding judging others–do not judge others so that you not be judges. Apparently, he gets to decide the fate of others.
Tiller killed over 60,000 fetuses during his career…making millions of dollars per year.
In 2003 alone, he performed 250 illegal late-term abortions in Kansas.
His pal Kathleen Sebelius helped him out.
Let’s get the facts out on precisely what this guy did.
PS–Tiller is currently on trial in front of the Judge that really matters.
Goldy’s silence over this recruiting center terrorism speaks volumes about his character. Goldy’s mother did not raise him right. Then again, maybe Goldy’s mother is a piece of slime, too. In fact, I’m sure she is.
A high testosterone level should disqualify any person from speaking or acting either pro or anti on the abortion issue. If Mr.Terry wants continue, his Crusade , I suggest someone neuter him so he can continue his quest. I had it done to my cat, and he is now much more docile.
Neuter Mr.Terry maybe he’ll shut up….
A high testosterone level should disqualify any person from speaking or acting either pro or con on the abortion issue. If Mr.Terry wants continue, his Crusade ,I suggest someone neuter him so he can continue his quest. I had it done to my cat and he has become much more docile.
Neuter Mr.Terry and he’ll turn into another big Pussy…..
Troll, maybe you are trying to change the subject. Muslim extremism is known and being effectively dealt with. The terrorist activities of the cynically named ‘pro-lifers’ is the the issue at hand.
I am pro-life jail-terms when it comes to people who incite others to murder and then deny responsibility.
Substitute the word ‘banker’ for abortionist in their literature and you can easily see what I mean.
Sometimes I wish you would be silent enough to speak volumes. Interestingly enough, your garrulousness says very little of consequence.
My comment wasn’t about Muslim extremism. It was about Goldy.
Hey, I like the Mafia Rule, because it keeps the peace:
If you whack one of ours, we’ll whack one of yours, and don’t take it personally because it’s only business.
Why are y’all avoiding this subject?
It’s clear that men violently oppose women taking their own power over their own lives.
It’s disgusting that piggies like Mr. Terry approve of and instigate violent acts against certified doctors who are legally serving the needs of their patients.
@4 You’re full of shit. The number of illegal abortions performed by Dr. Tiller in Kansas in 2003 was zero. This issue was litigated in a court of law and the doctor was acquitted on all counts. You have no authority to overrule the jury, so fuck you.
Troll, what’s your source? I have yet to see any news report identifying the shooter in the recruiting center case.
Obviously you don’t know how to use the google.
One Army recruiter died and another was injured when a Muslim convert who said he was opposed to the U.S. military shot the soldiers in Little Rock, Ark., police say.
LOL. Wow, brilliance and class act all the way both.
He should troll for HA.org.
I guess this murderer is right wing too. I told you there are just mean people that like to kill and mame others. My prayers will be with the families of these young men.
@16 We don’t know what his political leanings are. The CNN article only says “investigators believe there were ‘political and religious motives’ in the shooting.” It is, however, being treated as a terrorism case; the alleged shooter has been charged with 15 counts of “terrorism” for shooting at an occupied building.
I think that is wrong too. They were just doing their jobs, that they felt passionate about, like Tiller.
Do you know, off hand, if there was a newsletter that mentioned the recruiters over 80 times, published in Ark?
I would consider any person who murdered Randall Terry in front of his own children to be a hero and a great America – ditto – any man who murdered those who agree with the terrorists on the right.
Meeting with a group of lawyers tomorrow to talk about pressuring US Attorneys to bring RICO indictments against all the right wing terrorist groups who support the killing of Dr. Tiller.
Did you miss my message at #14.
He’s a muslim terrorist.
That makes him an enemy of republicans.
Any enemy of a republican is a friend of the democrats.
Your prayers aren’t worth shit. Hating and praying don’t go together, my friend.
Tiller was put on trial and judged innocent in less than an hour by a jury.
You still seem to think that your religion has something to do with our government. It doesn’t.
Of the 250 abortions that he performed in 2003, how many of the fetus’s were already dead or not viable?
The #1 reason for late term dilation and extraction abortions is because the fetus has died in utero and the family wanted an intact child to bury. When the right got DX banned what they did was prevent family’s from having an intact child to grieve over and bury.
Banning DX prevented 0 abortions from taking place and harmed grieving families.
Republican Pleads Guilty To Election Fraud
Although terrorist shootings are dominating the headlines, not to be overlooked is the news that a Republican election official in Kentucky has pleaded guilty to participating in a multi-year election-rigging conspiracy that involved, among other things, bribing voters to vote for a Republican candidate for state legislature and manipulating touch-screen electronic voting machines.
While Al Qaeda and the right to life movement don’t share a religion, they do share in the fact that they are both fundamentalists.
It would seem that we have a problem with religious fundamentalist shooting people and blowing shit up.
We don’t know what he is yet, but he’s sure looking like a fundy to me.
Why do fundy’s have to go around screaming at people, shooting guns and blowing shit up?
@21 Any enemy of a republican is a friend of the democrats.
Spoken like a fundamentalist conservative. This is why less and less people will follow your ideology. It’s not working and doesn’t make sense, in the real world.
You need to change and grow up. Life is not black and white.
Times are tough at Tim Eyman Inc., too. He’s selling autographed bobbleheads on Ebay. But wait! There’s more! If you order right now, you’ll get Tim Eyman himself!
“The highest bidder not only receives this autographed collectible “Super Eyman” bobblehead (it’s 6 1/2″ tall), but also dinner out with the infamous Tim Eyman himself. He, along with several other initiative supporters, will join you for a dinner party. The top 10 bidders will also be invited to dinner and receive photos and other memorabilia to honor your support for our initiative efforts.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Eyman is a whore, and it was only a matter of time before he sold himself.
@21 Why do you assume I read your tripe?
You call him a hate monger? This guy was a PROFESSIONAL baby killer. You are a father…which is worse, to espouse the truth or kill babies?
@26 Another indication that the Little Rock shooter is a righty is the fact he used an assault rifle, the right’s weapon of choice, whereas liberals are more likely to ban assault rifles than own them. He looks more like a rightwing terrorist with every passing minute. I wonder if he’s one of puddy’s relatives?
@30 Anytime a wingnut starts flinging around the word “truth” — watch out!!!
Like it or lump it, in America shooting people is against the law. If you don’t like that maybe you should move to northern Pakistan.
I read the tripe at #14, which apparently marvin didn’t. From the article:
One nut case (regardless of political leanings) acting totally alone is not an act of terrorism, it is simply murder.
Dr. Tiller’s killer, on the other hand, is clearly part of a larger movement, incited to act by the likes of Randall Terry and Falafel Boy.
Again I suggest that the righties be consistent in their calls for torture and demand that Dr. Tiller’s killer be remanded to the authorities at Gitmo for enhanced interrogation to find out how much he can tell us about the right wing terrorists in our midst – the bomb may be ticking right now!!!
@34 I think Obama should tap their telephones to find out what new plots they’re hatching.
The man speaks truth, you reap what you sew, age old fact, if you choose the party lifestyle several venereal diseases await you, if you choose the gay party lifestyle more diseases await you…if you choose to kill other humans…guess what? I kind of wonder though, he was at church…possibly a holy man of his faith…how in the name of hell is he going to explain his profession
Obama just unvieled the next car ti have the GM badge! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....&NR=1
Interesting… There was an eight year lull in violence directed against abortion providers, which coincided with the “Presidency” of The Shrub. Now that the right wing fears it is irrelevant it is again engaging in terrorism, just as it did during the Clinton administration.
Incidentally, right wing terrorism, which I predict will explode in the coming months, is the real threat to America, not al Qaeda. The most an external movement like al Qaeda can do is create havoc, which tends to have the effect of strengthening the resolve of the attacked, whereas an internal threat, such as those posed by the militia movement, anti-abortion extremists, et al., can foment civil war in the worst case scenario, or so fracture a country as to make political differences irreconcilable, leading to the eventual downfall of a nation without civil war.
Which is the goal of the modern day right wing. Beck, Falafel boy, Savage, Malkin et al. say so every god damn day.
proud leftist–
Here is some food for thought about abortion written by James Melton:
Abortion Is An Act of Murder
[Copied material deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
I need to change and grow up?
Thanks for your advice.
I’ll be more like you and tell people that I disagree with that THEY have to change and grow up.
And then I’ll tell them THEY need to be more tolerant of other opinions.
I’m guessing you are ignorant about the crips and the bloods. Democrats with assault rifles.
@39: (1.) Why should any non-believer take your cheap resort to biblical rantings seriously? (2.) If abortion = murder, what should the punishment be, and who should receive it?
Your mission, should you choose to undertake it, is not to give us more recklessly stupid or ignorant financial advice, but to overcome the inchoherence of your position on the abortion issue.
#41. Sorry, I was letting my inner conservative speak.
I still think that your conservative “our way or die” mentality doesn’t work. Long term, it’s not a sustainable philosophy. It lasts for up to a generation or so, and then burns out the society around it. Society either turn away and embraces thinking and nuance till the crisis has past, or descends into anarchy and civil war.
Progressives are fighting very hard to avoid the anarchy, you and your kind are willfully fanning the flames.
Hell, sounds like they’re staunch advocates of the 2nd ammendment. That’s Republican territory.
KKKynical@40 has climed up on his pulpit again. Love the fetus and all that.
Last time he was on his pulpit he was talking about how gun shops were running low on bricks of ammo and how people on the left should watch out.
Of course this is classic love the fetus and kill the child thinking KKKlinical likes so much.
Really, KKlinical, you should go back to molesting your goat herd.
40 – If you don’t like abortions – DON”T HAVE ‘EM!
Why do wingnuts hate reproductive freedom for women?
Don’t you love it when child molesters like CYNCYN pretend to be a Christian? Fuck you CYNCYN and your God and your Bible and your church. And let’s hope you all meet the same fate Dr. Tiller did.
“Why do wingnuts hate reproductive freedom for women?” Because innocent children die when they are aborted?
Just answering your question… Like I said in one of the multiple posts on this topic, I don’t have a dog in this fight.
I do find it interesting, and somewhat telling, that Goldy et al choose to hammer on this topic and ignore the shooting of American troops by an Islamic radical. Things that don’t fit into the lefty narrative get ignored or whitewashed.
47 – I’ll answer my own question:
Quite a few rapists in this list. Once a right wing fiend has his way with a woman, he demands the product of the non-consensual union be brought to term.
It’s the only way he can justify his miserable existence.
Pure evil.
Children also die from poor health care, war, famine, disease, neglect from poor parenting – you name it.
Once they’re out of the womb it’s open season for you sick fiends. The right wing professes a phony “right to life”.
Like Cynical said – abortion in many opponents’ eyes encourages sin and it’s fear and paranoia of more freedoms for women that drives the right wing to distraction.
Before legal abortion women were driven to terminate their pregnancies by illicit means – which resulted in a lot of death and motherless children. Way to advocate returning to those days right wing fools!
I do find it interesting, and somewhat telling, that Goldy et al choose to hammer on this topic and ignore the shooting of American troops by an Islamic radical. Things that don’t fit into the lefty narrative get ignored or whitewashed.
Yes, you would know about ignoring things that don’t fit your narrative; again, from the article linked above:
@40 So, if a fetus is dead inside a woman’s body, and the woman will die if it isn’t aborted, you’d sacrifice her life for your ideology?
Happens every day in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wonderful legacy of the gang who couldn’t interrogate straight or read an August PDB.
Wow you really got us there right wing fool! Pat yourself on the back!
These right wing extremists won’t stop until a woman is EXECUTED for trying to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
They want to CONTROL a woman’s body straight to the lethal injection table or better yet THE GALLOWS..
There’s no limit to the depravity of these fiends.
send randall terry to fuckin gitmo.
You are all absolutely right to be piling on Terry and people who are talking like him. I’m pretty hacked off that so many of you knee-jerked and lumped me in with him just because I happen to be pro-life. (No one even asked me what my opinions were on abortion before assuming that I was an absolutist. Yeah, I know, “this isn’t a debate, we just like to kick wingnut ass,” but the problem is that even Effinsound has gone on record as saying I’m not a wingnut when responding to my pieces.
I wrote today’s piece about the Tiller murder and the Little Rock shooting. We’re all going to have to deal with each other, so the time should be now to grow up and start communicating.
I expect Randal Terry will be on Glen Beck’s show in short order. I can see it now, a big tear fest and a call to arms to take our country back from ‘them’. The right wing nuts are simply amazing aren’t they?
Yeah, just as bad as the left wing nuts. We in the middle are constantly watch the outliers battle back and forth in a never-ending war of bad ideas.
Blessed be.
The alleged shooter of the abortionist is a victim of mental illness, and needs treatment, not prison time.
I don’t recall Goldy being this incensed when he was making up silly poems like “Falwell that ends well” at his fellow hate site Huffpo following my death.
…and I didn’t even assist in the Infanticide of thousands of children like Dr. Tiller did. The title to this thread post is most apropos in this case.
Bryan @ 57
I fin this attempt by folks on the right, like you, to equate both the Dr. Tiller and Little Rock incidents most disturbing. From the post you linked:
Elements who might claim solidarity? Sorry, but we know who claims solidarity with the Dr. Tiller shooter. You named one of them. We’ve seen their rhetoric, and the connection between that rhetoric and Dr. Tiller’s death is not at all tenuous.
How you can equate that with unnamed, American Muslims who just “might” claim solidarity with the Little Rock shooter is beyond the comprehension of any sane human being. You are being as presumptuous about the views of American Muslims as have been the comments here about your own views on abortion.
If that kind of presumptuous painting with very broad strokes of the rhetorical brush is wrong when you’re the one being painted, then why is it not equally wrong when you’re the one doing the painting?
Better yet, why not simply denounce religiously motivated extremism wherever we might find it, and whatever form it takes? Politics from the pulpit is the problem here.
I definitely think that Randall Terry should reap exactly what he has sowed.
2 ms
They weren’t “recruiters,” dumbass. They were recruits.
4 Cyn
“What this guy did” was provide legal, Constitionally protected medical services to women in dire need. Wommen who were for some strange reason unwilling to bring to term fetuses with condition such as anencephaly, Trisomy 13, 18, and 21, polycystic kidney disease, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, Potter’s syndrome, lethal dwarfism, holoprosencephaly, anterior and posterior encephalocele, or non-immune hydrops.
“This guy” was murdered by one of the shock troops of a movement that seeks to obtain at the point of a gun what they never could through our courts under our Cantituion, and to force women to give birth to dead, terminally malformed, or hopelessly compromised infants.
I’m sure the movement thanks you for your support.
The difference between the recruiting center shooting and Tiller’s, if it REALLY fucking needs to be pointed out, is the two grunts who were shot were not personally the target of a two-decades-long campaign of terror, bombings, Internet incitement, and previous shootings, which in turn linked to a nationwide network of organizations that similarly incited and encouraged OTHER shootings, bombings, murders, and maimings, as well as funding the perps after the fact of their crimes (Eric Rudolph a case in point).
DL @ 67
There is one other significant difference. There is a strong political connection between the pro-life movement and the Republican Party. There is no similar connection between Islam and the Democratic Party.
Demo Kid at effin’ unsound nails it:
To which I will again add my call to righties to be intellectually consistent, (I know, I know) and demand that Mr. Roeder be sent to a black ops site for immediate “enhanced interrogation” to find out what he knows.
@ 69~ only one problem with Demo childs analysis.
There was no “conservative [that] incite domestic terrorists [to] actually kill people”.
That’s just ignorance being spewed.
Of course, if you’d like to present some evidence rather than reposting an emotional argument, feel free to do so. Otherwise, yours and demokid’s emotional arguments fail on merit. The actions of one mentally unstable person in a state with other known mentally unstable people (Fred Phelps group- which hate conservatives), to blame anyone but Dr. Tiller through his actions and his killer through his motivations and actions, there is no other contributing factor in this murder case. Turn the page, kids.
@67 : DL, it is amazing how often you actually make the point you’re trying to dismiss when you lay out your well-organized argument.
You’re right. There has been a campaign waged by radical anti-abortion wackos. Did you ever hear me deny that?
But to conclude that a shooting by a radical Muslim, who received indoctrination in jihadism in the terrorist hotbed of Yemen, and was being watched by teh FBI, is not a part of a three-decades-long campaign of terror, bombings, Internet incitement, and previous shootings, hijacking, mass shootings, flying planes into buildings, assassinations, et al.
The difference between you and I, is that I’m not willing to the as yet irrational leap to claim that a connection exists between Roeder and the national anti-abortion movement. Neither will I claim that Muhammad is working with international groups. Additional details may become available, at which time I will adjust my statements.
I suspect that the reason you and Goldy and the others here won’t denounce the Little Rock shooting is that you sympathize with the act and possibly find some comfort in it having taken place. I can’t conclude anything else, because instead of denouncing it in the way I routinely denounced the Tiller murder, you are attacking me, again. It’s a nice diversion, but if you don’t stand for murdering soldiers, you need to stand up and say so, FIRST. None of you have done that.
Your ideology is blinding you.
@69 If you step outside of this black hole and read the comments of conservative on other websites, there are many who do call for Roeder to be aggressively interrogated to determine if he is working with a larger organization. Get your facts straight before you go incorrectly characterizing entire groups of people. Keep it up and soon you’ll be roaming the streets screaming obscenities at Nixon’s ghost.
Is there really a big difference between Al Qaeda urging Muslims to atack the US and organizations made up of so-called “Christian” Americans within the US waging a campaign to, while maintaining what Nixon’s people called “plausible deniability,” incite the freaks among us to kill and destroy medical practitioners in the legal course of their work and terrorize millions of women who want nothing more sinister than medical care.
IMHO, we should put as many resources as we do against Al Qaeda to investigate, infiltrate, try, and convict those who are working to subvert our Constitution and the rule of law within our own country.
THIS is why I love wingnuts sooooo much:
These beautifully insane leaps of logic…they are so…so…perfect in their illogic…
…kind of like when you’re walking down the street and you hear somebody ranting to themselves and their invisible audience. Yeah…kind of like that.
Now BM would ahve us believe that it is “irrational” to suspect that there is a link between the fact of groups screaming in public, on television (O’Reilly amng others), in direct mail, on flyers, and on the Internet about the “blood on the hands” of this gentle physician whom they call a “mass murderer” and a person who has been in contact with such groups who eventually commits a “propaganda of the deed” killing on behalf of their ends.
So now 2 + 2 = irrational
You see, maybe there IS a link between the actions of the Army shooter and stateless international radical Muslim terrosists and their propaganda. But we don’t let those guys go on TV here. How many interviews with Randall Terry were conducted in which he reminded us all YET AGAIN that in his opinion Tiller was a murderer (he wasn’t) and that he had “blood on his hands” (he didn’t.
70 – Conservatives incite acts of violence each and every day over the airwaves. Malkin, O’Reilly, Savage, Beck and others are given carte blanche to spew eliminationist rhetoric that paints a target on the back of everyone they disagree with. As to this particular case, the connections between Roeder and “mainstream” pro-life organizations is becoming clear; from Dailykos:
Sorry DL, your emotional arguments fail on merit. There are no conservative groups calling for inciting what you claim. Quit assigning blame to a group when this was done by one man motivated by whatever reason to kill an equally mentally imbalanced doctor that committed thousands of infanticides.
I won’t lose a wink of sleep over either one of them to tell you the truth.
Oh, and BM:
No, he was arrested in Yemen for trying to enter the country using a Somali passport.
Abdulhakim Muhammad is yet another example of how, by invadinig Iraq with no reason and inflaming the Middle East, GW Bush created more terrorists and made us LESS safe.
When he was arrested after Tiller’s murder, Roeder was found with the name and phone number of Operation Rescue’s Cheryl Sullenger on the dashboard of his car. Sullenger is herself a felon convicted of conspiring to bomb an abortion clinic in 1988. Right now, she is a “Senior Policy Advisor” at Operation Rescue.
But it of course it would be irrational of me to thin that there is a connection.
And so you join the inciters. If the doctor is guilty of infanticide, inform a prosecutor. They can arrest him, try him based on the evidence and the law, and convict him if it is warranted.
But you won’t, because know fucking well that the man never committed “infanticide” in his life, and your opinion to the contrary does not make it true. Your holding this opinion in opposition to the facts sounds irrational to me.
In fact, your false and intentionally deceptive propaganda just muddies the waters in an attempt to inflame opinion against ths man and his profession. You’re part of the problem, pal, and we’re coming for you too. Watch out for the FBI.
What does the “lone” in “lone nut” mean?
Excerpted under Fair Use from http://www.dailykos.com/storyo.....of-Support
read the rest.
71 – Please provide links to all the conservatives you say are calling for the rendition and torture of Scott Roeder.
Bryan @ 71
Your continued ability to see the motes in other people’s eyes while failing to see the one in your own is taking on epic proportions. Let’s see:
But, later:
Got it. We’re not supposed to read anything into the absence of a specific denial from you, you’re free to read into the absence of specific denials from the people with whom you disagree.
In the mean time, you continue to ignore valid points of distinction between these two incidents: most notably the fact that the pro-life movement, in all its forms, has specific connections to the Republican Party while Islamic Jihadism has no similar connections to any political party in the United States.
Are liberals and Democrats to be held accountable for a failure to engage in a witch hunt of American Muslims who “might” be sympathetic to jihadism just so they can denounce a connection that doesn’t exist?
When you say of other people, “Your ideology is blinding you,” how can you be so sure that you’re not seeing the mote in your own eye?
haha, nope. Just getting down to the reality of the matter.
Hmmm I wonder why they call that human in an ultrasound a fetus, baby or infant. 3rd trimester abortion is most certainly infanticide whether it comports with your politics or not.
I guess Josef Mengele just had a “profession” as well, right Daddy Love? Talk about deceptive propaganda, you’re the master of it here at HA.
For what? stating a fact on a blog? Hardly.
Liberal fascism is alive and well here at HA.
@ 83 – I’ve never so been terrified of my own country men as I am right now. How long before you people start rounding up your enemies and liquidating them? Jesus, this country is un-fucking-believeable. And you want to talk about “liberal fascism”? How many liberals walk into churches and shoot people? I’ve never been a big supporter of gun rights, but I’m starting to wonder if I was wrong. Maybe we, as liberals, really need to start being cognizant of the need to protect ourselves from psychotic domestic terrorists. Jesus.
Why? Simply because one mental patient killed another equally mentally imbalanced physician that performed highly questionable practices that generated alot of emotional sentiment on both sides?
We are talking about 1 persons actions, not an entire movement as much as the many mouth- breathers would here would have you believe.
Quit your hyperventilating and mock outrage already. As I said above, I won’t lose a wink of sleep over either of these two reprobates.
THIS is what Dr. Tiller did.
THIS is why you ignorant bastards are so despicable:
Not that it will make any difference to a bunch of closed-minded homocidal maniacs like you all.
hmmm yes, more hperventilating hyperbole please, Rujax!