The Philadelphia Eagles beat the hated New York Giants today in the NFC divisional playoffs, 23-11, and will head off to Arizona for their fifth NFC championship game in eight years. I like their chances of getting to the Super Bowl, but for an Eagles fan, just facing the Giants in the playoffs is kinda like a Super Bowl in itself.
I’m listening to the post-game sports talk on Philadelphia’s WIP, streaming over my iPhone, and I’m not hearing any local ads. Nada.
Obviously, CBS Radio is running only national ads on its radio streams, which makes a ton of sense, since local ads aren’t of much interest to a national audience. And while the size of the streaming audience for each individual radio station may only be a fraction of the broadcast audience, combined across CBS’ many stations, it starts to add up. Strikes me as a great way to use the Internet to monetize existing content.
but, but ..Rush Limbaugh said McNabb was overrated and people gave him a free pass because he is black….
The great thing about racists is how they say such stupid things….
McNabb is over-rated;the Eagles defense
is the Giant and giant killer.
Yes correctnotright McNabb played a great game.
But you are incorrectneverright with the Limbaugh quote. Others claimed McNabb was overrated: “I think what we’ve had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well,” Limbaugh said on the show. “There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn’t deserve. The defense carried this team.”
You libtards love to call us for little nits so here is one back at you.
The Eagles defense ruled today!!!!!
The Eagles win puts the NFC Championship in Arizona, instead of New York, good to see the Cardinals get a second home playoff game in their stadium, despite blowing it once they got their division win, they lost several games following that. So what if the Seahawks were nowhere near them in the record, Home Field Advantage still counts. The stadium the Cardinals played their last home playoff game before this year, no longer exists, and I do not mean Sun Devil Stadium or Bush Stadium, they were playing in Chicago at the time. I was hoping for a New York-Indianapolis Super Bowl, and not because of the Mannings, but because of the significance, 50 years following the Greatest Game Ever Played, the 1958 NFL Championship.
Recently, the University of Buffalo got into the International Bowl, and it was their first Bowl Game since 1958. They declined the invitation in 1958. They were told by Tangerine Bowl officials that Florida Law prohibited Integrated teams at sporting events. Rather than go to a Bowl Game without the players that helped put them there, the players voted unanimously to decline the invite. That is what some call, the Greatest Game Never Played.
Go Iggles!!!!
And while I’m at it, Go Stillers too!
It just might turn out to be an all-Pennsylvania Super Bowl.
That is my second I am pulling for if it could not be a repeat of the Greatest Game Ever Played(in honor of it’s 50th anniversary), have an all Pennsylvania Super Bowl. There is an irony here. There was a time when the Steelers and Eagles were the same team. During WWII, both teams had been depleted by members joining the services or being drafted, that they merged to play for a season. They were the Steagles. The next year, the Steelers did the same, but merged with the Chicago Cardinals.
As to #4 and #5- As a total west coast boy, I am pulling like heck for an all Pennsylvania Super. Philly vs. Steelers. McNabb vs. Big Ben. Great defenses showing us how the game is really played.
It does really suck that Philly goes to Arizona when AZ would have finished 4th in the Eagle’s division. And Boultin and Fitzgerald should scare anyone. But it won’t matter. Iggles blitz kills Warner.
Iggles as world champs? Donovan deserves it, and he will get it. Although the Steelers are a bit scary. Ravens? Great, D, but, naahhh.
What do the racists like mr. C have to say about mcNabb? Not that we care…
Just what we need. Another way to listen to the post-game drivel. I enjoyed watching the game, but pregame, halftime and postgame yakking leaves me cold. But then I guess that’s the great thing about this free country of ours. I don’t have to listen to it.