UPDATE (Goldy):
Let me just say that it is more than a little grating to see the 1% property tax limit touted in Gov. Gregoire’s ad. It’s terrible policy. But if it helps her get reelected I suppose I’ll keep my mouth shut now that the damage is done. Hell, it’s not like Rossi is any better on this issue.
I’m digging it!
This is a great ad!
Do we really have to give credit to a Tim Eyman initiative????????????
Yeah, I kinda cringed a bit at that too. I still think they did a good job one this one, especially when you consider some of the complete crap that the Dem’s have put out as web ads.
Goldy, how come I can post on this story but am blocked on the prior story?????????????????????????????????????????
She’s got my vote!!!
Damn those commie-fascist Russians!
I love it that the republicans say Washington is so bad off have to deal with the fact that FORBES no less says we’re one of the top five states to do business in. Tremendous. Now the real problem for them is how can they lie and spin that one!
Nothing like standing up for your principles.
But hey, it’s all about getting the party into power, so please, keep your mouth shut and obediently go along with the program.
1% property tax limit — when Rossi was head of the Budget Committee in the G.O.P. Party controlled state Senate, they never passed any such tax limit. I wonder whether Rossi even signed on to sponsor this sort of a bill?
But with Gregoire’s leadership as Governor, she got the 1% property tax limit to sail through the legislature, with almost no opposition.
I think everyone, including Republicans, should do whatever it takes to ensure that Dino Rossi is NOT even close to winning the election. He needs to lose by a landslide. Rossi as Governor would be a disaster for this state.
Gov. Gregoire has done a fantastic job in dealing with the current issues, and looking forward on how we are going to deal with future issues.
There are many, many reasons why Rossi would be a bad pick for governor, but the easiest to sum up is that he still has a man-crush on GWB. Honestly, anyone who still thinks GWB has been a good President needs their head examined.
As a very proud member of one of washingtons largest tribes, I am doing all I can to reelect the governor. Rossi would be a disaster to all Native Americans. Gregoire has given us advantages over non-indians that we should have always had. But we are not satisfied. Only one tribe is allowed to sell gas without collecting the 30 cents a gallon gas tax. THAT WILL CHANGE! We will drive out of business all of the white owned gas stations by undercutting them by up to 30 cents a gallon. Gregoire and her state are losing over $250,000 a month in tax revenue just from the first station outside of Anacortes. Wait until all 30 tribes open 3-5 stations each.
Only 2 tribes have been allowed to open casinos in locations not on Indian land. THAT WILL CHANGE! We will open casinos whereever we Damn well want.
As sovereign nations will will DEMAND the right to do what we want, without permission from Whitey.
Monopolizing the gasoline and casinos industries are only the beginning of our control of this state.
Bend Over and take in the Ass!
As sovereign nations will will DEMAND the right to do what we want, without permission from Whitey.