En route to the Democratic convention Goldy and I ran into former Washington state Democratic Party Chair Paul Berendt and The Stranger Eli Sanders in the airport waiting area. I asked Paul for a quick take on Sen. Obama’s selection of Sen. Biden for VP. Unfortunately I screwed up the recording, so my brief summary will have to do: Berendt is a Clinton supporter and he would have liked to see Clinton as the VP. But, given that she isn’t, he was happy with the choice of Biden.
Somewhere over Utah, at around 40,000 feet, I found Mr. Sanders and asked him the same question. He offered the following insights:
[audio:http://podcastingliberally.com/podcasts/denver1_23_aug_2008.mp3][Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
Why listen to Berendt? He was the idiot who thought his buddy Dave Ross would be a better candidate than Alex Alben.
It’s really simple.
Who wants 4 more years of McSame?
And we care what that fat-slob has-been disgrace thinks why?
You don’t get it, do you? The people who will be voting for McCain don’t want to vote for him. They don’t want four more years of Bush. But they’re shared shitless of Obama. That’s why they’re holding their nose and voting for McCain.
Maybe we need to remind everyone what eight years of a republican regime in the White House has brought us – dirty tricks like the one featuring soon to be federal prisoner Teddie Stevens collaborating with WHATA A DICK Cheney are what we have to look forward to if we don’t get Democrats in power.
Who cares what Whiney Paul’s take on the election is
But they’re shared shitless of Obama.
Why? Are they buying Karl Rove’s bullshit? They can’t vote for a black man from the big city?
Are you scared shitless? Based on your posting record here, it would seem so.
Todd Stuart McGuire of Port Townsend is facing felony vote fraud charges following the completion of a 17-month investigation. The charges allege that McGuire, a prominent county Democrat, forged his wife’s signature on an absentee ballot in the February 6, 2007 special election. An audit by the Jefferson County Prosecutor’s Office determined that the signature on the outside of Rebekah McGuire’s absentee ballot did not match the signature kept in the county’s voter registration records. Ms. McGuire confirmed with county authorities that she had not voted in the 2007 special election. The Port Townsend Police Department investigated and found that McGuire cast two separate ballots in the election, one for himself and one for his wife. The probable cause statement from the police says that the Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory examined the signature in question and found that the signature on Rebekah’s ballot was in fact the handwriting of her husband. A hearing is scheduled for July 18 in Jefferson County Superior Court to determine what charges McGuire will face.
In the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election, Dino Rossi was certified the winner by 261 votes. After two recounts, the results were overturned, and Democrat candidate Christine Gregoire was declared the winner by 129 votes. In a contest that was not resolved until June of 2005, the court concluded that 1,678 illegal votes were cast and counted in the election. The court’s findings and conclusions were as follows:
* 1,392 felon voters;
* 19 deceased voters;
* 6 double voters;
* 96 provisional ballots in King County;
* 79 provisional ballots in Pierce County; and
* At least 77 additional votes in Pierce County for which there could not be found a registered voter through crediting.
The court held that “no matter the number of illegal votes . . . this election may not be set aside merely because the number of illegal or invalid votes exceed the margin of victory.”
During the lawsuit the republics filed, Rossi LOST 2 votes because the spouses of people that died before the ballots went out admitted they voted illegally for Rossi.
Yes, there were problems with the votes you listed, but can you prove who those people voted for? No, and neither could the republics lawyers, which is why the court ruled as it did. There was no organized effort to influence the outcome of the vote. Just human error.
Can’t say that about electronic voting in other states.
The Associated Press reports King County has removed 1,762 from the voter rolls because of fraudulent registrations. Pierce and King County have been investigating suspicious and fraudulent registrations submitted by ACORN during the past election cycle. ( “King County removes 1,762 voter names it says were fraudulent,” Associated Press, 7/26/07)
@1 Why not listen to Berendt? He was the genius who kept Dino Rossi from stealing the 2004 governor’s election.
@4 Gee, I wonder why anyone would be scared shitless of Obama? Unless they’re GULLIBLE FOOLS who believe REPUBLICAN LIES that Obama is a MUSLIM who went to school at terrorist-run MADRASSES.
The former mayor of Roy (WA) Kim Eldridge (D) pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of providing false information on a declaration of candidacy. Although Eldridge faced a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment, she received no jail time and was ordered to pay $800 in fines and court costs. In November, she was removed from office, after a stone chip in her windshield led a Roy police officer to discover an unresolved felony theft conviction. The previous felony conviction meant Eldridge was unable to register to vote and thereby ineligible to hold office.
@4 (continued) Anyone in this country who works for wages, lives on a pension or Social Security, or has health problems should be scared shitless of John McSame and every other Republican, because the G.O.P.* Party and its candidates — to a man — believe America should be managed like a private company for the personal benefit of a few rich white people at the expense of the other 99% of us.
* Greedy Old Plutarchs
@6 Who cares what your take on anything is.
That’s right, like Gen. MacArthur wading ashore in the Phillippines, Roger Rabbit has returned from his annual summer agricultural inspection tour to the task of saving America from Republicans, and even a brief perusal of this thread makes clear there is work to do.
ACORN was busted and fined heavily for their lax supervision of their people as they should have been. However I hope they keep trying to sign up poor citizens to vote. Republicans don’t care about them.
I know of at least one case of a Republican voting his dead spouse’s mail-in ballot for Dino Rossi.
The 2004 Governors election was a statistical tie. If Gregoire was on top in the first count Rossi would have done the same thing to take the Governor’s mansion. If Dino, the coward who runs away from being a Republican, really wants the job he should get more votes but he won’t because he’s a mean-spirited extremist.
@9 “Dino Rossi was certified the winner by 261 votes.”
Dino Rossi wasn’t certified the winner of anything by anyone in 2004. There is only one certified winner of that election, and she is sitting in the Governor’s office.
When confronted with Wingnut Ignorance, it’s hard to know where to begin.
We held only 1 election in 2004. The ballots were counted — and recounted — in the manner required and prescribed by law. Dino Rossi voted for that law when he was a state senator. By law, the winner of the election is not the candidate who has the most votes after the first count, or even after the first recount, but after the final counting of ballots provided for by law. Rossi lost that count by 129 votes.
Mr. Rossi then challenged the results under a law that allows courts to set aside fraudulent elections. Mr. Rossi hired the state’s best corporate lawyers to represent him, and spent $2 million on his court challenge to ensure that no stone would be left unturned. In the ensuing 2-week trial, Mr. Rossi’s lawyers didn’t even attempt to prove the Democrats committed fraud — because they didn’t, and his lawyers had no evidence they did. Instead, they tried to get the judge to award Mr. Rossi fantasy votes they had created from piles of statistics. Their hand-picked Republican judge refused. Instead, the judge took FOUR FRAUDULENT REPUBLICAN VOTES away from Mr. Rossi and awarded the election to Governor Gregoire by a margin 133 votes.
Mr. Rossi chose not to appeal. His stated reason for not appealing is because the “liberal” state supreme court wouldn’t be fair to him. His real reason for not appealing is because he didn’t have a case and would have lost the appeal.
Last week, Washington’s voters re-elected both of the allegedly “liberal” state supreme court justices standing for election by such large margins that they won in the primary and won’t have to run in the November election.
None of this stops Wingnut Liars from bleating the same tired old fantasies about “blocked military votes” (all the military votes were counted) or “felon votes” (available information indicates upwards of 90% of the ineligible felon voters voted for Rossi) or that Dino “won twice” before “King County” stuffed the ballot box and “stole” the election. Never mind that the G.O.P./B.I.A.W. Party spent $2 million on the state’s best lawyers to prove they can’t prove any of it.
Yawn. All of this wailing and gnashing of teeth is soooo yesterday. The best thing to say about it is that I hope like hell Dino runs on his patented “I wuz robbed” platform in The Rematch.
@11 Thank you for pointing out King County’s extraordinarily low incidence of invalid voter registrations compared to a typical Republican cow county where jackrabbits and rattlesnakes comprise 98% of the population.
With over 1 million registered voters, and only 1,762 errors, King County has achieved an accuracy rate of 99.98%! That’s some shootin’, let me tell ya!
Not bad for a system that relies to a significant extent on citizen honesty. Which leads one to ask, why are King County citizens so honest? That’s a great question and thank you for asking. To answer it, we have to compare King County with other counties where error rates are significantly higher. An obvious answer emerges: King County has a lower percentage of Republicans. Yes, that’s right, the empirical evidence points to a conclusion that King County voters are more honest because fewer of them are lying, cheating, election-stealing Republicans! Of course, our wingnut friends will argue there are alternative theories: UFOs, black helicopters, the gravitational pull of asteroids, Bigfoot, and so on. But just because some nut cooks up a nutty theory doesn’t make it fact, except in the nutty minds of nutjob Wingnuts.
By the way, are you interested in buying a used Bigfoot suit? I know where you can get one.
One House, One Spouse, Obama, ’08.
If John McSame can’t remember how many houses he owns, he probably didn’t remember to pay the property taxes either.
“We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.” — Famous quote by a rich dead Republican who left $12 million to her cat and nothing to the neighborhood food bank.
Notorious “Queen of Mean” Leona Helmsley got her start as a condominium broker. She became successful by marrying a rich white guy. The G.O.P./B.I.A.W. Party’s candidate for governor, Dino Rossi, also sold real estate. He became notorious by sucking up to a condominium broker who went to prison for robbing widows and orphans.
Only the little people pay taxes.” — Famous quote by a rich dead Republican who left $12 million to her cat and nothing to the food bank.
08/24/2008 at 12:12 pm
Or Forrest Gore who made all of $300 in charitible donations while making half a million. By the way does anyone want to donate to help starving half brothers of democrat POTUS nominees? It’s just $1 a month to adopt a half brother. Donate now before your taxes go up.
When it came to recounting errors in the 2004 Gov race, King County didn’t hold a candle to a few of it’s rural cousins. Kingco had one miscounted ballot for every 902 cast, compared to 1:363 (Grant), 1:340 (Kittitas), 1:310 (Skagit), and 1:224 (Walla Walla). But the big winner for messed up count was Adams County, which had to amend one out of every 124 ballots, or a counting error rate of almost 1%.
Considering King County’s size, I’d say they did pretty well. Two counties, by the way, had the same count each and every time, Stevens and Skamania-(as did Yakima–but all they did was push the button again to recount–there was no hard balloting). Of the large couties that used a method that left actual evidence of voter intent, Whatcom was the champion, with a 1:29,404 error rate. Followed by blue counties Thurston, and Clallam, which counted to an accuracy of less than one error for every 17,900 votes cast.
Oh, I’m sorry, are actual data a problem for the Rossi supporters? Nevermind.
The Bullshit *or Truth* as he likes to call himself is taking his talking points right off the GOP web site. Why not just cite the source asshole? You ashamed?
@24 Jane finally give you a bath, Dufus?
If she did, it was because of complaints about her felon dog stinking up the neighborhood.
@25 Despite the fact Diebold touch-screen voting machines were used in 2 of the larger (population-wise) counties, the G.O.P./B.I.A.W. failed to steal the 2004 election because there were enough honest voters in King County to make up the difference.
Strangely, Rossi got a much higher percentage of the vote on Snohomish County’s touch-screen voting machines than he did on the same county’s paper absentee ballots. Oh, and by the way, voters in nearly all of Snohomish County’s precincts complained about voting machine malfunctions. The most common complaint was the machines turned their “Gregoire” votes into “Rossi” votes.
@26 Plagiarism is a GOP personality trait.
And whats with all the McSame ads on this site?
Bad news for the traitors on the right…
Most recent Washington Post/ MSNBC Poll puts President Obama up by six points.
Welcome back Roger. Just in time.
@31 The McSame campaign helps support patriotic web sites like this one with their advertising dollars.
@32 Even worse news for the traitors on the right — I’m baaaaaaaaaack!!!!!
Yeah, cause everyone knows that the top 1% are only republ;icans. Democrats can’t even run private businesses for a profit. :)
Being as specific as you are able, what is obama going to do to help the poor?
Who is Neal Kinnock?
What is his connection to joe biden?
ylb was getting his ass kicked by us trolls.
Too many videos of joe biden were killing ylb. What could he say when the words were coming out of biden’s own mouth.
Hey rabbit, did you know that biden thinks that obama isn’t ready to be president. And that he would be honored to run with or against mcsame? It’s one of mcsames new ads. Priceless.
When it came to recounting errors in the 2004 Gov race, King County didn’t hold a candle to a few of it’s rural cousins. Kingco had one miscounted ballot for every 902 cast, compared to 1:363 (Grant), 1:340 (Kittitas), 1:310 (Skagit), and 1:224 (Walla Walla). But the
Yeah but how many of those counties found ballots marked “Break in case the donk is behind”? KC is the only one who pulled that one.
Once again – look at the outright hysteria on the right. A bunch of little girls screaming at the top of their lungs. The cunts are outright worried – they hoped it would be ANYONE but Joe Biden. This is going to be fun.
Is anyone still paying attention to the worthless mewlings of the silliest Republican on this comment board?
I’m not.
Apparently, you are. Or you wouldn’t have made a point of claiming disinterest.
43 – Not interested in anything you have to say either.
If your highpoint was a shouting match with BBG, then that moment has passed.
Thanks for playing but I have better things to do than respond to jibes from someone with “statist” on the brain.
You have it all wrong, YLB. That “shouting match” with BBG was most definitely not a highpoint.
Fact of the matter is, I’m very interested in progressive ideology. Not because I believe in it, but I’m very curious about why and how it’s so attactive to so many.
Welcome back Roger Rabbit! JUST in time too. With Goldy & Darryl out of town I figured this place was just going to be a troll-fest this week. We had a few good posters trying to hold their own, but nobody slays trolls as skillfully as you!
BTW, thanks again for the ‘Judges Endorsements by RR’ that you gave us just before you left. Well written and articulate, they seriously helped. Hope you had a fantastic time ‘inspecting’ all the carrot patches!
Yeah iBurn see I succeeded in dragging you down into the gutter where you belong you piece of shit. Being a cunt is what you’ll be known for now. You’re interests are irrelevant as is anything you say or do since you’re just my bitch.
Deal with it cunt. Nobody cares what you think.
Where’s that DD214? What was your MOS? Where did you do your AIT? Jump bitch!
Apparently, you are. Or you wouldn’t have made a point of claiming disinterest.
Why don’t you two just rent a room.
Good point, they “tried” to hold their own. Which means different things to different posters.
YLB tried to play dead so we would stop bombarding him with videos of barack america and the next president joe biden.
bibigoober holding his own means just that.
Even tommy chong isn’t happy about biden.
(emphasis mine)
A play for african american votes?? Why not just say he was pandering to a group of people for no other reason than to get their vote. I wonder if the african americans he was pandering to were clean.
When chong sees the writing on the wall, you know it’s bad for biden.
I hope lee appreciates biden for his war against drugs.
Marvin’s been busy raping children in California so his usual bullshit quotient here today is a little low.
It’s okay Marv. We understand. How pathetic must it be for a looooooser from another state to have nothing better to do than post on a blog in Washington!